// I18N constants // LANG: "en", ENCODING: UTF-8 | ISO-8859-1 // Author: Mihai Bazon, http://dynarch.com/mishoo // FOR TRANSLATORS: // // 1. PLEASE PUT YOUR CONTACT INFO IN THE ABOVE LINE // (at least a valid email address) // // 2. PLEASE TRY TO USE UTF-8 FOR ENCODING; // (if this is not possible, please include a comment // that states what encoding is necessary.) //allow the browser to cache this page 5 days, the url is added a language identifier //so that there is no problem with different languages. HTMLArea._lc_catalog = [ ]; HTMLArea._lc_catalog["Xinha"] = { "Bold": "Bold", "Italic": "Italic", "Underline": "Underline", "Strikethrough": "Strikethrough", "Subscript": "Subscript", "Superscript": "Superscript", "Justify Left": "Justify Left", "Justify Center": "Justify Center", "Justify Right": "Justify Right", "Justify Full": "Justify Full", "Ordered List": "Ordered List", "Bulleted List": "Bulleted List", "Decrease Indent": "Decrease Indent", "Increase Indent": "Increase Indent", "Font Color": "Font Color", "Background Color": "Background Color", "Horizontal Rule": "Horizontal Rule", "Insert Web Link": "Insert/Edit Web Link", "Insert/Modify Image": "Insert/Modify Image", "Insert Table": "Insert Table", "Table Properties": "Table Properties", "Toggle HTML Source": "Toggle HTML Source", "Enlarge Editor": "Enlarge Editor", "About this editor": "About This Editor", "Help using editor": "Help Using the Editor", "Current style": "Current Style", "Undoes your last action": "Undo Last Action", "Redoes your last action": "Redo Last Action", "Cut selection": "Cut Selection", "Copy selection": "Copy Selection", "Paste from clipboard": "Paste from Clipboard", "Direction left to right": "Direction Left to Right", "Direction right to left": "Direction Right to Left", "Select all": "Select all", "Print document": "Print document", "Clear MSOffice tags": "Clear MSOffice tags", "Clear Inline Font Specifications": "Clear Inline Font Specifications", "Split Block": "Split Block", "Toggle Borders": "Toggle Editing Borders", "Save as": "Save as", "Insert/Overwrite": "Insert/Overwrite", "— format —": "— format —", "Heading 1": "Heading 1", "Heading 2": "Heading 2", "Heading 3": "Heading 3", "Heading 4": "Heading 4", "Heading 5": "Heading 5", "Heading 6": "Heading 6", "Normal": "Normal", "Address": "Address", "Formatted": "Formatted", "Remove formatting": "Remove formatting", "— size —":"— size —", "— font —":"— font —", "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "Path": "Path", "You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.": "You are in text mode. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.", "IE-sucks-full-screen" : // translate here "The full screen mode is known to cause problems with Internet Explorer, " + "due to browser bugs that we weren't able to workaround. You might experience garbage " + "display, lack of editor functions and/or random browser crashes. If your system is Windows 9x " + "it's very likely that you'll get a 'General Protection Fault' and need to reboot.\n\n" + "You have been warned. Please press OK if you still want to try the full screen editor.", "Cancel" : "Cancel", "Insert/Modify Link" : "Insert/Modify Link", "New window (_blank)" : "New window (_blank)", "None (use implicit)" : "None (use implicit)", "OK" : "OK", "Other" : "Other", "Same frame (_self)" : "Same frame (_self)", "Target:" : "Target:", "Title (tooltip):" : "Title (tooltip):", "Top frame (_top)" : "Top frame (_top)", "URL:" : "URL:", "You must enter the URL where this link points to" : "You must enter the URL for this link" }; HTMLArea._lc_catalog["TableOperations"] = { "Align": "Align", "All four sides": "All Four Sides", "Background": "Background", "Baseline": "Baseline", "Border": "Border", "Borders": "Borders", "Bottom": "Bottom", "CSS Style": "Style [CSS]", "Caption": "Caption", "Cell Properties": "Cell Properties", "Center": "Center", "Char": "Char", "Collapsed borders": "Collapsed Borders", "Color": "Color", "Description": "Description", "FG Color": "FG Color", "Float": "Float", "Frames": "Frames", "Height": "Height", "How many columns would you like to merge?": "How many columns would you like to merge?", "How many rows would you like to merge?": "How many rows would you like to merge?", "Image URL": "Image URL", "Justify": "Justify", "Layout": "Layout", "Left": "Left", "Margin": "Margin", "Middle": "Middle", "No rules": "No Rules", "No sides": "No Sides", "None": "None", "Padding": "Padding", "Please click into some cell": "Please click in any cell", "Right": "Right", "Row properties": "Row Properties", "Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "Rules will appear between all rows and columns", "Rules will appear between columns only": "Rules will appear between columns only", "Rules will appear between rows only": "Rules will appear between rows only", "Rules": "Rules", "Spacing and padding": "Spacing and padding", "Spacing": "Spacing", "Summary": "Summary", "Delete cell": "Delete Cell", "Insert cell after": "Insert Cell After", "Insert cell before": "Insert Cell Before", "Merge cells": "Merge Cells", "Cell properties": "Cell Properties", "Split cell": "Split Cell", "Delete column": "Delete Column", "Insert column after": "Insert Column After", "Insert column before": "Insert Column Before", "Split column": "Split Column", "Delete row": "Delete Row", "Insert row before": "Insert Row Before", "Insert row after": "Insert Row After", "Row properties": "Row Properties", "Split row": "Split Row", "TO-table-prop": "Table Properties", "Table properties": "Table Properties", "Text align": "Text Align", "The bottom side only": "The bottom side only", "The left-hand side only": "The left-hand side only", "The right and left sides only": "The right and left sides only", "The right-hand side only": "The right-hand side only", "The top and bottom sides only": "The top and bottom sides only", "The top side only": "The top side only", "Top": "Top", "Unset color": "Undo Color", "Vertical align": "Vertical Align", "Width": "Width", "HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row.":"The last cell in the row cannot be deleted.", "HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table.":"The last column in the table cannot be deleted.", "HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table.":"The last row in the table cannot be deleted.", "percent": "Percent", "pixels": "Pixels" }; HTMLArea._lc_catalog["DynamicCSS"] = { "Default" : "Default", "Undefined" : "Undefined", "Choose stylesheet" : "Choose Stylesheet" }; HTMLArea._lc_catalog["ContextMenu"] = { // Items that appear in menu. Please note that an underscore (_) // character in the translation (right column) will cause the following // letter to become underlined and be shortcut for that menu option. "Cut" : "Cut Selection", "Copy" : "Copy Selection", "Paste" : "Paste from Clipboard", "Image Properties" : "Image Properties...", "Modify Link" : "Modify Link...", "Check Link" : "Check Link...", "Remove Link" : "Remove Link...", "Cell Properties" : "Cell Properties...", "Row properties" : "Row Properties...", "Insert row before" : "Insert Row Before", "Insert row after" : "Insert Row After", "Delete row" : "Delete Row", "Table properties" : "Table Properties...", "Insert Column Before" : "Insert Column Before", "Insert Column After" : "Insert Column After", "Delete Column" : "Delete Column", "Justify Left" : "Justify Left", "Justify Center" : "Justify Center", "Justify Right" : "Justify Right", "Justify Full" : "Justify Full", "Make link" : "Make link...", "Remove the" : "Remove the", "Element" : "Element...", "Remove the $elem Element" : "Remove the $elem Element", "Edit Field" : "Edit Field", // Other labels (tooltips and alert/confirm box messages) "Please confirm that you want to remove this element:" : "Please confirm that you want to remove this element:", "Remove this node from the document" : "Remove this node from the document", "How did you get here? (Please report!)" : "How did you get here? (Please report!)", "Show the image properties dialog" : "Show the Image Properties dialog", "Modify URL" : "Modify URL", "Current URL is" : "Current URL is", "Opens this link in a new window" : "Opens this link in a new window", "Please confirm that you want to unlink this element." : "Please confirm that you want to unlink this element.", "Link points to:" : "Link points to", "Unlink the current element" : "Unlink the current element", "Show the Table Cell Properties dialog" : "Show the Table Cell Properties dialog", "Show the Table Row Properties dialog" : "Show the Table Row Properties dialog", "Insert a new row before the current one" : "Insert a new row before the current one", "Insert a new row after the current one" : "Insert a new row after the current one", "Delete the current row" : "Delete the current row", "Show the Table Properties dialog" : "Show the Table Properties dialog", "Insert a new column before the current one" : "Insert a new column before the current one", "Insert a new column after the current one" : "Insert a new column after the current one", "Delete the current column" : "Delete the current column", "Create a link" : "Create a link", "Insert paragraph before" : "Insert paragraph before", "Insert paragraph after" : "Insert paragraph after" }; HTMLArea._lc_catalog["SuperClean"] = { "Clean up HTML" : "Clean up HTML" };