Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Alischanz (>1400)


Chansons de Geste

Alischanz (>1400)
Roth, K. (ed.): Die Schlacht von Alischanz. Paderborn 1874.

Ali-1:   Battle between heathens and Christians; Renoart leading troop of Christian warriors encourages them to fight heathens more ferociously. His war-cry is “Monjoie”.
Motif References:

V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 350 Conflicts between religions
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 557 Military customs
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Ali-15:   Renoart kills many heathens with only a few rod-blows.
Motif References:

F 610 Remarkably strong man
F 628.2.1 Strong man kills many men at once
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]

Ali-20:   Renoart stops some warriors of his troop who are fleeing cowardly at a bridge and forces them back into battle.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice
P 551.4 Hero drives retreating warriors back into battle

Ali-59:   The battle continues; streams of blood cover the battlefield. Renoart swears revenge for Vivians, thus causing the heathens to flee.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

Ali-68:   A messenger describes the terrible Renoart to King Desrame: his weapon is an iron-clad rod, two horses could not carry him, and he killed 2000 heathens.
Motif References:

Z 201 (Bm) Famous possessions of hero
F 610.7 Strong man is so heavy that no horse can carry him all day [that can’t even be carried by two horses]
F 835 Extraordinary club [pole]

Ali-80:   Renoart chases the fleeing heathens to their ships; using his rod as support, he jumps from shore on board the ship.
Motif References:

F 1071 Prodigious jump

Ali-87:   Some Christian knights are held captive on board the ship. Renoart frees them, breaking their chains with his hands, and removes their blindfolds. Then he turns to free the pages who were heavily whipped by their captors.
Motif References:

R 49 Other places of captivity
R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 110 Rescue of captive
R 169 Other rescuers
S 186 Torturing by beating
F 625 Strong man: breaker of iron

Ali-121:   The heathens surround Renoart and the liberated Christians; he kills at first a horse and its rider with one blow of his rod, then, striking more carefully, only the rider, so to provide the Christians with horses.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
F 628.2.10 Strong man cleaves horse and rider in two [kills horse and rider at one pole-blow]

Ali-224:   Desrame has horns, trumpets, trombones blown; the earth and the river Archant quake.
Motif References:

F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake

Ali-238:   Margot of Bosindant, the heathen king of Stors and Orcasse, rules over a strange country: Lucifer goes in and out above the abyss, where the winds blow; wild beasts, serpents and “luitouns” are the only inhabitants; no grain grows there; animals live on spices and smell of pimento; a special tree splits twice a year for renewal.
Motif References:

F 90 Access to lower world
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom
F 708 Countries with one conspicuous lack
F 708.2 Country without grain
B 750 Fanciful habits of animals
F 811 Extraordinary tree
F 979 Extraordinary behavior of trees and plants – miscellaneous
F 989.22 Animals eat extraordinary food

Ali-250:   Margot himself is black, he rides a black mare. He has a large gold club as a weapon and wears the unpierceable skin of a dragon that protects against all attacks. He attacks Guillam, but is instantly killed by Renoart. He was related to Renoart. Renoart picks up the club of his killed enemy, and, finding it too light, whirls it into a mass of heathen fighters, killing two of them at once.
Motif References:

B 11.12 Other traits of dragon
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
D 1025 Magic skin of animal
D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack

Ali-301:   Tired of all the fighting, Renoart falls asleep. The heathens shoot at him; he is wounded in different places, but, thanks to the armor Gyburg has given him, is not severely wounded. Waking up, he kills Hurepe of Alexandre.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero

Ali-345:   The heathens flee as they fear that Renoart is a magician.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights

Ali-351:   Renoart falls asleep again.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero

Ali-402:   Furious single combat between Guillam and Desrame; Desrame cuts off Guillam’s helmet crest, a circle. Desrame is almost killed but rescued by his army.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

Ali-431:   The heathens’ horn-blowing makes earth and river Archant quake.
Motif References:

F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake

Ali-437:   King Borel of Babylon is a strong and mighty fighter; he uses a hammer as a weapon. His armor is made of a merwunder’s (luitoun’s) skin that protects against attack. His 14 sons are with him; copper-clubs are their weapons; they are black like devils. They are either killed or driven away by Renoart.
Motif References:

F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
D 1025 Magic skin of animal
D 1101 Magic [part of] armor
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack

Ali-465:   The black warriors of king Acrapars flee from Renoart and return to their king.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]

Ali-470:   The king of another black people, Acrapars, is extraordinarily ugly: his eyes are red like coal, he has a hooked nose, teeth sharp like a dragon’s, hard and unpierceable skin, very hairy and shaggy arms and fingernails long and sharp like a lion’s claws.
Motif References:

F 512 Person unusual as to his eyes
F 513.1 Person unusual as to his teeth
F 514 Person unusual as to his nose
F 515.2.2 Person with very long [and sharp] fingernails
F 521 Person with unusual covering
F 541.6.2 Person has red eye[s]
F 543.1.3 Remarkably long, hooked nose
F 544.3 Remarkable teeth
F 552.1.3 Extraordinary fingernails
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
D 1841.5.1 Man proof against weapons

Ali-542:   Renoart again kills some heathens at once by throwing a killed man’s club at them. He jumps on a horse so heavily that it stumbles beneath his weight. He loses his club and falls from his horse into the mud.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero

Ali-562:   Renoart’s club is taken by king Walegrape. He is black, has curly hair and is very tall (15 feet). The cloak he wears is proof against weapons.
Motif References:

F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 533 Remarkably tall man
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
D 1053 Magic mantle (cloak)
D 1381.3 Magic garment protects against attack

Ali-575:   Single combat between Renoart and Walegrape; both deliver provocative speeches. Walegrape taps his tooth as sign of word of honor when offering to give surety to Renoart in case he leaves. By tracing their ancestry, they discover that they are brothers; Renoart refuses to make peace and to converse to heathendom. The fighting is taken up again when Walegrape accuses his brother of being a concubine’s son. Renoart finally kills his brother, gaining strength after praying.
Motif References:

H 11.1.4 Recognition by tracing ancestry
V 50 Prayer
S 73.1 Fratricide
Z 150 Other symbols
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
V 350 Conflicts between religions
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 550 Military affairs
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other

Ali-684:   Baudin wants to kill Renoart, but only a rod as large as his can possibly bring him down. So Baudin (a very tall man: 15 feet) has a tree cut down by fifty Turks and makes a rod of it. He looks for Renoart, killing many Christians, wading in streams of blood. He finds him leaning on his club.
Motif References:

F 533 Remarkably tall man
F 835.2 Remarkably large club [pole]