Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der mitteldeutsche Karl und Elegast (1354)


Chansons de Geste

Der mitteldeutsche Karl und Elegast (1354)
Quint, J. (ed.): Der mitteldeutsche Karl und Elegast nach der Zeitzer Handschrift. (=Rheinische Beiträge und Hülfsbücher zur germ. Philologie und Volkskunde 14) Bonn 1927.

KEmd-1:   Karl is praised: he rules over Christian countries; the pope, Leo, is his brother.
Motif References:

KEmd-33:   Karl’s court is at Ingelheim.
Motif References:

P 19 Other motifs connected with kings

KEmd-61:   500 knights are dubbed. They get swords, garments and horses during the ceremony.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom

KEmd-85:   In his sleep, Karl hears God’s voice three times, ordering him to steal; if he objects, he will die before sunrise. But Karl has pangs of conscience: how can he steal, as he is the supreme judicial authority?
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
V 201 God
V 550 (Bm) Voice from heaven
H 927 Tasks set by deity [God, heavenly voice, Mother Mary]
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
H 1151 Theft as a task

KEmd-132:   Karl gets up, gets armed (parts of armor: gambeson, trousers, leg-harness, breast-plate) and saddles his horse with an ivory saddle and bridles it with a golden bridle.
Motif References:

F 868 Extraordinary saddle

KEmd-156:   Karl mounts his horse without using the stirrups and leaves Ingelheim.
Motif References:

P 15 Adventures of kings
W 32 Bravery

KEmd-227:   Karl prays to God for the help of the master thief Elegast, who killed Ludewig 33 years before with a game-board, and therefore was banished from court. Karl then gave Elegast’s dukedom to Eckerich and married his sister Blaßflore to him. During his banishment, Elegast has become a master thief.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
V 50 Prayer
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders
Q 211 Murder punished
K 301 Master thief
Q 431.9 Banishment for murder
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
Q 494 Loss of social position as punishment
F 839 Other extraordinary weapons

KEmd-277:   At that moment, Elegast approaches; he does not recognize Karl, but is recognized by him; his helmet crest shows a very lively-looking eagle. His horse’s gait looks as if it was drawn by a ship. Elegast trained it for stealing.
Motif References:

V 59 Prayers answered – miscellaneous
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
B 579 Animals serve men otherwise

KEmd-301:   Single combat between Karl and Elegast (they destroy their lances, then fight on with swords); combat ends as the opponents want to learn about each other’s identity.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

KEmd-321:   Elegast introduces himself as the master thief Elegast and explains the circumstances of his becoming a thief: he killed Ludewig, Karl’s nephew (sister’s son), then was banished and expropriated. His fief was passed on to Eckerich. Now, he lives on stealing, together with 77 of his kinsmen and followers.
Motif References:

Z 71.15 Formulistic number: seventy-seven
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders
Q 211 Murder punished
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son
Q 431.9 Banishment for murder
Q 494 Loss of social position as punishment

KEmd-365:   Karl introduces himself as the master thief Olbrecht of Kerten; he proposes to work together with Elegast.
Motif References:

K 1812 King in disguise
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name

KEmd-387:   Karl and Elegast take oaths on their swords to stay together and to die for each other.
Motif References:

M 113.1 Oath taken on sword
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 311 Sworn brethren

KEmd-397:   When Karl/Olbrecht suggests stealing from Karl’s gold that is walled into a tower, Elegast refuses, as he does not want to steal from the emperor again: he defends Karl against “Olbrecht’s” invectives. They decide to steal from Eckerich.
Motif References:

W 34 Loyalty
H 1556 Tests of fidelity [loyalty]

KEmd-478:   Elegast entices the watchdogs of Eckerich’s castle away by blowing a horn; he ties them up and hangs them on a rock face.
Motif References:

K 318 Watchdog enticed away

KEmd-486:   Karl steals a plowshare and makes a crowbar out of it. He leaves behind twelve gulden for the farmer. Karl and Elegast leave their horses at a lime-tree.
Motif References:

W 35 Justice
J 830 Adaptability (to overpowering force)
F 887 Extraordinary implements

KEmd-534:   As day dawns, Karl prays for recurrence of the night. His prayer is answered: the stars shine again.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
V 201 God
N 817.0.1 God as helper
F 961.2 Extraordinary behavior of stars

KEmd-563:   Karl and Elegast break a hole in the walls of Urlous, Eckerich’s castle. Elegast explains how Karl can now enter the palace (built by his family): three words will open three locks of the door. Then he shall pass through six rooms; the treasury near Eckerich’s and Blaßflore’s sleeping-room holds Eckerich’s precious saddlery.
Motif References:

Z 71.4 Formulistic number: six
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
K 310 Means of entering house or treasury
F 868 Extraordinary saddle
D 1273.1.1 Three as magic number
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1557 Magic charm causes door to open
D 2088 Locks opened by magic

KEmd-621:   As Karl refuses to enter Eckerich’s castle and only wants to be the guardian, Elegast enters the castle through the hole in the wall; he utters three words to open the door; crosses six rooms where 300 knights sleep guarding Eckerich. Elegast moves on to the treasury.
Motif References:

Z 71.4 Formulistic number: six
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
K 310 Means of entering house or treasury
D 1273.1.1 Three as magic number
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1557 Magic charm causes door to open
D 2088 Locks opened by magic

KEmd-645:   When he touches the saddlery, Blaßflore awakes and wakes Eckerich, telling him that Elegast is there; Elegast hides behind a curtain and is not found by the 300 knights looking for him. When the knights retire, he hides under the bed.
Motif References:

K 419 Thief escapes detection – miscellaneous

KEmd-698:   Elegast overhears the conversation between Eckerich and Blaßflore. Eckerich tells her about his and eleven other counts’ conspiracy against Karl: they will come to law court at Ingelheim with knives hidden in their sleeves, each supported by 100 men; Eckerich plans to kill the emperor during a secret conversation. After his death, he will give Blaßflore to a kitchen-boy and marry Karl’s wife, then devastate all countries.
Motif References:

Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
N 455 Overheard (human) conversation
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KEmd-765:   When Blaßflore objects and utters the intention to warn her brother, Eckerich slaps her; she wipes away the blood with a silk veil which she throws on the floor; it is taken by Elegast hiding under the bed.
Motif References:

W 34 Loyalty
S 62 Cruel husband
P 253 Sister and brother

KEmd-777:   While Eckerich and Blaßflore are asleep, Elegast manages to enter the treasury and steals the saddlery. He wraps its bells into a cloth, thus preventing any noise. He leaves the castle and passes by the guardians who think he is one of them. He steals a horse and joins Karl. They return to the lime-tree where they have left their horses.
Motif References:

K 331 Goods stolen while owner sleeps
F 676 Skillful thief

KEmd-869:   At dawn, Karl prays again for recurrence of night. His prayer is again answered: it is night again.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
V 201 God
N 817.0.1 God as helper
F 961.2 Extraordinary behavior of stars

KEmd-888:   Incognito, Karl is led to Elegast’s den, where they are received by his 77 men who turn out to be loyal towards Karl.
Motif References:

Z 71.15 Formulistic number: seventy-seven
R 312 Forest as refuge
P 320 Hospitality
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
K 1812.2.1 Incognito king joins robbers [thieves, outlaws]

KEmd-957:   Karl refuses half of the booty Elegast offers. Elegast leads Karl out of the forest to the lime-tree where they first met.
Motif References:

L 225 Hero refuses reward

KEmd-1058:   Karl prays a third time for recurrence of night, and again his prayer is answered.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
V 201 God
N 817.0.1 God as helper
F 961.2 Extraordinary behavior of stars

KEmd-1064:   Elegast laments the danger Karl is in and begs Karl/Olbrecht to act as messenger to warn Karl of Eckerich’s conspiracy.
Motif References:

KEmd-1094:   Elegast tells Karl about the events in Eckerich’s castle: he opened the door by uttering three magic words, passed by 300 knights in six rooms; Blaßflore woke up, because he made a noise while attempting to steal Eckerich’s precious saddlery.
Motif References:

Z 71.4 Formulistic number: six
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
K 310 Means of entering house or treasury
F 868 Extraordinary saddle
D 1273.1.1 Three as magic number
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1557 Magic charm causes door to open
D 2088 Locks opened by magic

KEmd-1147:   Hiding behind the curtain, then under the bed, Elegast overheard the conversation between Blaßflore and Eckerich concerning the conspiracy against Karl and Eckerich’s plans with his wife. Eckerich slapped Blaßflore when she objected. Elegast took her bloody veil as proof when she dropped it.
Motif References:

S 62 Cruel husband
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
J 225 Choice: apparent injustice over greater wrong
N 440 Valuable secrets learned
N 455 Overheard (human) conversation
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit

KEmd-1154:   A law court is arranged to take place on a heathland.
Motif References:

KEmd-1223:   Karl and Elegast separate; Elegast returns into the woods, Karl to Ingelheim. He takes care of his horse and goes to bed to his wife.
Motif References:

KEmd-1338:   Karl gives orders to his marshal, king Rulant, to initiate the military mobilization.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs

KEmd-1375:   Karl himself carries the imperial standard showing cross, eagle and crown of thorns.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
P 550 Military affairs

KEmd-1383:   Karl has an ambush laid in the woods for Eckerich and his men.
Motif References:

K 810.1 Ambush
J 620 Forethought in prevention of others’ plans
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous

KEmd-1425:   Karl travels on with 100 men until they meet Eckerich and a large army; Eckerich pretends to lead a campaign against the Duke of Averne. At this, a part of Karl’s army breaks out of the ambush, then a part of Eckerich’s reinforcement troops arrives; Karl pretends to support Eckerich against the Duke of Averne. At this, another part of his troops emerges.
Motif References:

K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KEmd-1509:   Karl waves the imperial banner to summon his warriors.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs

KEmd-1524:   Karl calls for twelve of his nobles to judge Eckerich and the eleven counts. They are unmasked: each of Karl’s twelve followers removes a knife from his opponent’s sleeve: Eckerich still denies the conspiracy.
Motif References:

Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve

KEmd-1587:   Elegast joins them at Karl’s sign (waves with the imperial banner); Eckerich is startled when perceiving his saddlery.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs

KEmd-1635:   On Karl’s request, Elegast gives an account of the events at Eckerich’s castle: his theft of saddlery led to the detection of the conspiracy by overhearing a conversation between Eckerich and his wife. Eckerich denies the theft of his saddlery: it is still in his treasury.
Motif References:

N 455 Overheard (human) conversation
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit

KEmd-1686:   Elegast unfolds Blaßflore’s bloody silk veil. Eckerich still denies: the veil is fake, the blood was taken from cattle.
Motif References:

H 115 Identification by veil

KEmd-1703:   Eckerich offers single combat to find the truth.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

KEmd-1711:   Single combat takes place in a circle. At first, Elegast spares Eckerich, as he is the emperor’s brother-in-law. Karl encourages him – he promises to return his expropriated goods and to wed him to his sister, Eckerich’s wife. Elegast finally kills Eckerich by cutting off his head.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat

KEmd-1773:   The eleven counts are hanged, as well as Eckerich’s corpse.
Motif References:

Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor
Q 261 Treachery punished
Q 413.8 Hanging as punishment for treachery
Q 491 Indignity to corpse as punishment

KEmd-1782:   An oath of allegiance is sworn to Elegast. Karl and his nobles return to Ingelheim, where a bath is prepared. Elegast is bathed and shaved; everyone gets new clothes.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance

KEmd-1811:   Marriage between Elegast and Blaßflore. Elegast gets his fiefs back.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]