Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Morant und Galie (Karlmeinet, Teil 2 – 1320/40)


Chansons de Geste

Morant und Galie (Karlmeinet, Teil 2 – 1320/40)
von Keller, A. (ed.): Karl Meinet. (=StLV 45) Stuttgart 1858. Reprint 1971.

KM2-1:   Prologue on the transitoriness of human virtues. A true story of conspiracy against Karl will be told with God’s help.
Motif References:

KM2-97:   Karl has many good and wise counselors. One of those, his champion, is Ruohart, who once stabbed his wife and child on an Easter day. This crime is unknown to Karl.
Motif References:

S 11.3 Father kills child
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
S 62 Cruel husband
S 115 Murder by stabbing
S 302 Children murdered

KM2-125:   After this deed, Ruohart travels from Normandy to Paris to meet Hertwich der kale (mit graven bart) and Fukart of Berrie, two of his accomplices.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three

KM2-148:   Ruohart plans to slander Karl’s champion, Morant of Riviere, and Karl’s wife, Galie, by accusing them of a love affair: He wants to gain a favorite position for himself and his friends Hertwich and Fukart.
Motif References:

K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KM2-185:   Hertwich and Fukart swear loyalty and support to Ruohart.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths

KM2-211:   Morant of Riviere (Karl’s standard-bearer) is a very honest and loyal man. He is not identical with Morant in “Karl und Galie”, who was killed in the fights with the heathens. He takes leave from Karl to look after his country Riviere. Karl reluctantly gives in to this request: Morant has to give his word to return to court at Pentecost, when many knights shall receive their fiefs and twenty kings their crowns. He shall be honored by putting the crown on Karl’s head and be enfeoffed with twelve towns and ten castles.
Motif References:

P 13 Customs connected with kings

KM2-328:   Karl honors Morant by accompanying him to St Dionise, as well as Galie, who rides a white palfrey. She is very fond of Morant and hugs him in an amicable way, which is for Ruohart, Hertwich and Fukart a proof of her faithlessness; they want her to be burned and Morant to be hanged. Galie and Florette, her lady-in-waiting, beg Morant to come to court, where Galie wants to give him precious presents with her own hands.
Motif References:

KM2-419:   In the church of St Dionise, Morant prays for Karl, Galie and himself, lying in the position of a cross. Mass takes place.
Motif References:

V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs
V 50 Prayer

KM2-447:   Morant gets a white mule and gold as presents from Galie; Karl gives him his horse Blanzet. The three traitors plan to slander Morant and Galie as adulterers and to take over the reign. Morant leaves singing. The three wait for him behind a bush, take his horse’s reins and beg him not to leave without rewarding them for their loyalty. Morant is very generous and gives them gold, silver, 300 marks and horses. He sends his regards to Karl and Galie.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 13 Customs connected with kings
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-559:   Morant travels to Riviere; his vassals come to meet him and inform him about what happened during his absence: his country was destroyed by Hanfrat and Huoderich, as they refused to give over reign to them. Hanfrat and Huoderich are hanged.
Motif References:

W 34 Loyalty
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals]
Q 270 Misdeeds concerning property punished
Q 413 Punishment: hanging
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous

KM2-613:   The three traitors go to St. Dionise to Karl and slander Galie and Morant as adulterers, pretending to be Morant’s confidents. Karl is filled with grief and avoids his wife for eight days. He and his court return to Paris.
Motif References:

K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2121.2 King’s faithful servant [champion] falsely accused of familiarity [adultery] with queen
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-730:   At court, Karl summons his princes and the three, who repeat their accusations against Morant and Galie in public, again pretending to be Morant’s confidents.
Motif References:

K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2121.2 King’s faithful servant [champion] falsely accused of familiarity [adultery] with queen
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-780:   Karl grieves and prays.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

KM2-823:   In his lament, Karl remembers how he returned to Tollet in a pilgrim’s disguise in order to elope with Galie, the heathen king’s daughter, and to dissuade her from heathendom: She converted to Christianity because of love for him.
Motif References:

R 225 Elopement
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love
K 1812 King in disguise
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)

KM2-876:   Karl orders the three to keep their secret to themselves to prevent the spreading of rumors; he gives them hush-money from his treasure.
Motif References:

P 19 Other motifs connected with kings
P 614 (Bm) Bribes

KM2-895:   The three develop a ruseful plan: Karl shall send messengers with letters and seal to summon Morant to law court (which shall take place on four benches arranged in a circle) against Hugon and Huoderich and to bring his nephews Fuquinet and Elinans with him; those shall be murdered to prevent them from avenging their uncle.
Motif References:

K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KM2-949:   Karl is averse to this plan. He wants to have council with Morant’s relatives Walrave of Bullion, Droons of Mandrion, Diederich of Ardane. He sends Bertram, Ramon, Elie, Milon of Normandy, Garin of Dentifule and Fukart as messengers to Morant.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger

KM2-1006:   Morant’s impregnable castle (nine doors) is a center of commerce (fabrics, furs, horses, arms, spices). Mounted games take place. The castle was built by a giant.
Motif References:

F 531.6.6 Giants as builders of great structures
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)

KM2-1054:   Messengers are received in a friendly way and treated with food and drink.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

KM2-1103:   Fukart delivers Karl’s message to Morant: he and his nephews Fuquinet and Elinans – who shall be enfeoffed – are summoned to court, where Karl wants to have council with him, his relatives and princes.
Motif References:

KM2-1159:   At night, Morant has a symbolic dream: he is in the great hall (pallas) in Paris, other princes are there as well. Karl is furious at him, tears out his arm. The great hall (pallas) in Paris is afire, Karl drags Galie by her hair.
Motif References:

Z 100 Symbolism
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
V 515.2 Allegorical visions – political
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical

KM2-1204:   Morant has a mass sung and prays for God’s help and protection.
Motif References:

V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs
V 50 Prayer

KM2-1222:   Morant summons his followers and tells them about his dream; Bertram sees it as a bad omen and warns against undertaking the journey, whereas treacherous Fukart gives a reassuring interpretation: Morant’s nephews will soon be enfeoffed with Poitou and Bretagne, which were reverted to Karl because of the death of a vassal, Morant himself will get castles and lands.
Motif References:

D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party

KM2-1308:   On their way to Paris, they perceive an extremely white eagle hanging head first from an oak-tree; its head is covered with blood; it eats its own flesh and makes noise together with 4000 other birds.
Motif References:

Z 142 Symbolic color: white
B Eagle as bird of ill-omen
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
F 1035 Disintegration: man [animal] eats himself up or dismembers himself
D 1812.5.1.7 Meeting certain persons (animals) as bad omen

KM2-1338:   Continuing on their way, the third bad omen occurs: Morant’s mule Blanzet, Galie’s present to him, dies during the ride. Morant falls down; he mourns for the animal. His companions advise him to return, but Fukart is against it; they continue on their way.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
F 981 Extraordinary death of animal
D 1812.5.1.12 Animal behavior as bad omen

KM2-1397:   In St Dionise they again meet the eagle disintegrating itself.
Motif References:

B Eagle as bird of ill-omen
F 1035 Disintegration: man [animal] eats himself up or dismembers himself
D 1812.5.1.7 Meeting certain persons (animals) as bad omen

KM2-1407:   In the meantime, 4000 princes arrive at court in Paris.
Motif References:

P 19 Other motifs connected with kings

KM2-1444:   Morant arrives in Paris. Galie’s friendly and cordial greeting is for the three traitors a proof of their adultery. They slander them again.
Motif References:

K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2121.2 King’s faithful servant [champion] falsely accused of familiarity [adultery] with queen
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-1503:   During their joyful conversation, Morant and Galie remember Galie’s heathen origin, her elopement from Tollet with Karl and her conversion to Christianity and baptism.
Motif References:

T Sultan’s [heathen king’s] daughter [wife] in love with captured [exiled] knight
R 225 Elopement
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love
V 332 Baptism of heathen

KM2-1552:   Karl accuses Morant and Galie in public of adultery when Galie innocently caresses Morant. He menaces her with punishment: burning. Morant shall be hanged.
Motif References:

P 510 Law courts

KM2-1582:   Galie offers an oath of innocence, which is refused by Karl.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths

KM2-1607:   Galie’s lament: she depends on Karl’s mercy, as he is her husband and she is from a foreign country.
Motif References:

KM2-1637:   Galie swoons from grief and sorrow. She thinks that Karl intends to marry another woman. In this case, she would have to retire into a nunnery.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

KM2-1681:   Karl covers his head with his cloak with grief.
Motif References:

KM2-1697:   Morant stands up and gives a speech of defense. He protests his innocence and reminds Karl of what he has done for him: saved him from murderous impostors Hanfrat and Huoderich, accompanied him into exile to the heathen king Galaffers of Spain, where Karl lived under the name of Meinet. Karl was knighted there and killed Bremunt of Affriche. Morant also supported the relationship between Karl and Galie, who left her home because of love for him.
Motif References:

P 15.15 (Bm) King in exile
P 15.3 King loses his kingdom to impostor
P 36.1 (Bm) Young prince flees usurper
R 220 Flights
R 225 Elopement
R 331 [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court
K 1930 Treacherous impostors

KM2-1781:   Morant begs for an ordeal – single combat with accuser – to prove his innocence; wants to summon his kinsmen as bailsmen, who will each bring 700 men with them.
Motif References:

KM2-1845:   Karl requires legal security; Morant proposes Galie, who is refused by the king. Karl promises an inheritable fief to the legal security in case of Morant’s innocence.
Motif References:

KM2-1873:   Morant’s nephews Elinans and Fuquinet are chosen as legal security, as there is no one else willing. They are taken as hostages and are fettered and confined in chains by Karl’s executioners Lumers of Quintagnen and Grimans of Foranie. They are laid in a stone.
Motif References:

R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
P 297 Nephew
P 524 Legal security

KM2-1922:   Fuquinet prays for Morant and for help.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

KM2-1958:   On Karl’s request, Fukart slanders Morant and Galie again in public, adding that they promised hush-money to the three.
Motif References:

K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2121.2 King’s faithful servant [champion] falsely accused of familiarity [adultery] with queen
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-1987:   Galie demands combat as an ordeal, which is refused by Fukart, who argues that Morant killed many people. When he slanders Morant and Galie again, Morant knocks him down. Karl tells Hugo of Berri, burgrave Johann, Garnier of Anzhivine to arrest and fetter Morant and Galie.
Motif References:

KM2-2071:   The traitor Ruohart interprets Garnier’s of Anzhivine refusal to put Morant and Galie under arrest as his being their bribed ally.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty

KM2-2113:   Karl has Morant and Galie confined in chains and laid in a stone.
Motif References:

R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
S 62 Cruel husband

KM2-2137:   In the meantime, Morant’s three uncles arrive with their entourage. With them is page Berand of Ardane, son of Diederich of Ardane. They hear about the events.
Motif References:

P 50.3 (Ha) Page

KM2-2208:   Berand says that he would avenge Morant and Galie if he were already knighted. He takes a staff and knocks Ruohart down, who intends to warn Karl of the arrival of Morant’s kinsmen. Karl wants to hang Berand together with Morant. Diederich of Ardane, Berand’s father, wants to intermediate, offers atonement and to give surety for his son.
Motif References:

KM2-2303:   Karl asks the princes what amount to take as penalty. Berand laughs at his immoderate requests, protests and threatens Karl, accusing him of injustice. He reminds him of Isakar, who was beheaded at Karl’s court without payment of penalty. Diederich of Ardane pays penalty. Gallerant of Bullion begs Karl to give Morant the chance to defend himself.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]

KM2-2473:   Morant and Galie are sore from the chains. They are brought to Karl. Diederich recommends trial by single combat. Galie agrees.
Motif References:

R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains

KM2-2531:   Morant demands an ordeal by single combat. Ruohart’s offer: the Three against Morant.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

KM2-2565:   Karl, furious at Ruohart’s unfair proposition, tears Ruohart’s beard; he does not allow unequal combat to take place.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 672 Pulling a man’s beard as an insult

KM2-2595:   Karl summons the council of the ten princes, but Diederich of Ardane, Morant’s uncle, who is also appointed, requires an unbiased negotiation: the three and he himself should be excluded; Karl gives in.
Motif References:

KM2-2675:   44 princes are divided into two parties: one in Morant’s, the other in the traitors’ favor (won by bribes by Ruohart). Disputes arise between one representative of each party: Hugo of Daubespine (Morant’s party) – Duke Mile (traitors’ party); Americh (Morant’s party) – Raimunt (traitors’ party). Durenstein (Morant’s party) is furious because of Raimunt’s unfair accusations; he tries to attack Raimunt. A brawl between the two parties breaks out.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 510 Law courts
P 614 (Bm) Bribes

KM2-2857:   An old man is chosen as mediator between the two parties; he wins the confidence of both parties and leads them to agreement: Morant shall get the possibility to defend himself in single combat.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
J 1190 Cleverness in the law court – miscellaneous

KM2-2938:   Karl prays for Morant and Galie; Durenstein announces princes’ decision in the circle: Morant shall prove his guilt or innocence in judicial single combat with one of the three; in case of Morant’s victory, the three shall be hanged. Karl rewards Durenstein and the others richly. Morant and Galie are liberated from their chains.
Motif References:

Q 43 Reward for giving counsel
V 50 Prayer
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
Q 111 Riches as reward
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]

KM2-3031:   Ruohart’s new ruse: He accommodates a pilgrim with a long and black beard, makes him drunk, stabs him and cuts off his beard with the skin; he salts and smokes it to get a mask. Ruohart’s, Fukart’s and Hertwich’s plan: Ruohart intends to disguise as a pilgrim in order to avoid single combat with Morant.
Motif References:

S 115 Murder by stabbing
S 166.1 Mutilation: beard torn off with the skin (and cheeks)
P 190 Other social orders – miscellaneous
K 871 Fatal intoxication
K 2294 Treacherous host
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KM2-3119:   Ruohart disguises himself as a pilgrim: he puts on the slain pilgrim’s beard, cloak, trousers and hat. He takes his bag and pilgrim’s staff, as well as a palm branch; he changes his voice and disfigures his feet with a knife and hot wax. Disguised like that, he goes to court.
Motif References:

K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)
K 1821.4 Youth [warriors] wear false beards (of grass, wool) [False beard]
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance
K 1832 Disguise by changing voice
K 1941 Disguised flayer

KM2-3169:   The false pilgrim Ruohart gives Karl palm branch and pilgrim’s staff which he pretends to have brought from Jericho, where they grow in Abraham’s garden. He tells Karl that he has heard about Morant and Galie.
Motif References:

Z 150 Other symbols

KM2-3201:   The false pilgrim Ruohart lies to slander Morant: two years before, Morant drove four bad men out of his country with orders to go on a pilgrimage. Morant left to go to Jerusalem as well. Ruohart himself was on a pilgrimage for seven years. On his way back, he suffered a shipwreck and was taken prisoner by heathens but liberated, as he was of noble origin. In Tollet, ruled by king Galaffers, he learned that Morant was a heathen, betrothed to Galie, and Galaffers’s only heir. Morant wants to establish heathendom in France.
Motif References:

K 2129 Slanders – miscellaneous

KM2-3325:   Karl, believing the false pilgrim, laments that his disgrace is known even in countries far away. He swears to have Morant and Galie killed without judgment or ordeal.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
M 150 Other vows and oaths

KM2-3357:   The prisoners (Morant, Galie and three of her maids: Florette, Marmorine, Blancandine) are led to an open field to be hanged. People lament Karl’s decision: they scream, pull out their hair, and clap their hands. Monks and priests pray for them. Florette prays to the Virgin Mary.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]

KM2-3468:   Karl prevents his nephews (sister’s sons) Baldewin and Ruolant from killing Ruohart. Baldewin and Ruolant succeed in changing Karl’s mind: he gives in to single combat as ordeal. He wants Fukart to fight with Morant. The false pilgrim, Ruohart, offers to fight with Morant; he slanders Morant and Galie again.
Motif References:

P 251.5 Two brothers
P 253.0.1 Sister’s son
P 293 Uncle

KM2-3627:   Karl realizes Ruohart’s absence. Fukart swears that Ruohart is absent because he tried to prevent Morant from fleeing. The three fear the outcome of the combat; Fukart wants to flee, but Ruohart decides to fight in pilgrim’s disguise.
Motif References:

K 1760 Other bluffs

KM2-3691:   They depart to the open field. Galie is bareheaded, barefoot and dressed in a penitential robe. Her maids, also barefoot and bareheaded, follow her. People lament them and pray for them.
Motif References:

P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]

KM2-3738:   Fukart regrets their treachery.
Motif References:

KM2-3763:   Ruohart gets armed (parts of armor: spurs, leg harness, mail armor, surcoat); he takes shield, sword, helmet, lance.
Motif References:

KM2-3825:   Morant’s kinsmen pray for him. He gets armed (parts of armor: leg harness, spurs, armor, surcoat), gets the sword Durendarde (which Karl once won from Bremunt in fight) and his horse Blanzette which he once got from Galaffers.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

KM2-3892:   Morant prays before single combat.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

KM2-3917:   Karl orders Morant to swear his innocence on sacred relics while taking Galie by the seam of her dress. Morant does so. Ruohart commits perjury and swears on sacred relics that Morant’s oaths are false. They prepare for single combat.
Motif References:

M 114.4 Swearing on sacred relics
M 119 Taking of vows and oaths – miscellaneous
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]

KM2-4083:   Single combat between Morant and the false pilgrim Ruohart: first, they fight with lances, then with swords. Ruohart is the first to draw his sword, which is dishonorable. Morant is knocked unconscious for a moment.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KM2-4133:   His relatives mourn for Morant, 100 ladies faint with grief. Galie prays to the Virgin Mary. God gives Morant strength, so that he attacks Ruohart again. Combat continues.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

KM2-4211:   Florette, Marmorine and Blancandine pray for Morant. Ruohart falls down to earth when Morant cuts off one of his ears.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

KM2-4263:   Ruohart invokes the devil to help him. Everyone is shocked. The fight becomes more ferocious. Ruohart is triumphant over Morant, who loses his sword. Karl intervenes when Berand wants to hand it to him. He swears to punish those who break his peace by hanging.
Motif References:

V 1.2.2 Worship of devil
M 150 Other vows and oaths
G 303.25 Miscellaneous devil motifs

KM2-4424:   Having lost his sword, Morant loosens a stirrup from his saddlery and uses it as a weapon.
Motif References:

J 830 Adaptability (to overpowering force)
F 839 Other extraordinary weapons

KM2-4481:   Fukart, hearing the lament of Morant’s nephews, gives order to have them killed pretending that this is Karl’s order. Galie curses the traitors.
Motif References:

K 1760 Other bluffs

KM2-4608:   Morant finally overcomes Ruohart after having broken his stirrup with a furious blow and finding Durendarde again. He tears off his opponent’s false beard. Ruohart is recognized.
Motif References:

H 181 Recognition by unmasking
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

KM2-4639:   Ruohart’s confession: he slandered Morant and Galie, murdered many persons, stole from the rich and the poor, from monks and nuns, robbed churches and sold the booty to Jews; he belongs to the devil.
Motif References:

M 219 Other devil contract motifs
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]

KM2-4677:   Karl learns about Ruohart’s unmasking. He apologizes to Morant and Galie.
Motif References:

KM2-4757:   Galie forgives Karl (he can do anything he wants to her, his wife). They reconcile. She demands that the traitors be hanged.
Motif References:

T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple

KM2-4861:   Berant asks for release of the legal security, Fuquinet and Elinans. Karl begs them for forgiveness.
Motif References:

R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity

KM2-4910:   Karl invites his princes to law court which takes place in a circle. He begs the princes to pronounce their judgment over Ruohart, Hertwich and Fukart. Durenstein pronounces a death sentence. The other princes consent.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
P 510 Law courts
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]

KM2-4949:   Karl orders Hertwich, Fukart and Ruohart to be dragged to death by horses; Fukart and Hertwich flee to Mont Leheris, to Count Genelon. Karl has them pursued; Genelon turns them over to Karl when learning about their misdeeds.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights
R 310 Refuges
R 350 Recapture of fugitive

KM2-5010:   Fukart and Hertwich are tied to horses, blinded, fettered, put to the yoke and beaten and kicked by women when chased through Paris towards the place of execution. Ruohart is dragged there by a horse. The three traitors are hanged.
Motif References:

S 165 Mutilation: putting out eyes [blinding]
Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor
Q 261 Treachery punished
Q 413.8 Hanging as punishment for treachery
Q 434 Punishment: fettering
Q 451.7 Blinding as punishment
Q 473 Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets
Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)

KM2-5128:   A feast takes place. Guests and itinerant entertainers (storytellers and poets, heralds, musicians playing fiddle, horn, flute – made of wood or bone –, bagpipe, psalterion, zither – which they learned in Paris; fools; magicians; wrestlers; jugglers with hoops and sticks, with sticks and plates, those who jump, those who ride on apes, fire-eaters, those who dance with dogs, those who chew stones, imitators of animals’ voices) arrive, as well as priests, burghers and knights.
Motif References:

P 428 Musician
P 483 Juggler (conjurer)
P 634 Feasts

KM2-5201:   Karl has a beautiful and precious tent erected; inside there are benches arranged in a certain order: three rows, the third one is elevated (according to rank). He announces marriage plans for Florette, Elinans and Fuquinet.
Motif References:

F 775 Extraordinary tent

KM2-5274:   During mass which is sung by the abbot in St Dionise, Karl officially asks for Galie’s forgiveness.
Motif References:

V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs

KM2-5342:   Morant’s nephews Fuquinet and Elinans as well as Berand are knighted; Fuquinet, Elinans and Morant are married to Marmorine, Blancandine and Florette. Fuquinet and Elinans are enfeoffed with Bretagne and Poitou (reverted fiefs: no seigneur, no lady, and no other heir). Morant is made marshal; Florette is enfeoffed, as well as Berant. Diederich gets back the goods he had given for his son as penalty. Karl begs Morant’s kin for forgiveness. They laugh as sign of joy.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
T 135.8 Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale

KM2-5426:   After mass, a feast takes place. The seating plan is set up according to social rank. Karl sings and gives presents, as well as Galie and the princes.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 11.2 Munificent monarch

KM2-5526:   The sons of burghers arrange a tournament. Dancing takes place. Karl and Galie wear wreath and crown. People play chess.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments

KM2-5556:   Brides and bridegrooms are conducted to their beds and their wedding-nights. On the fifteenth day of feast, they travel home.
Motif References:

T 137.2 Bride and bridegroom conducted to bridal bed