Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Biterolf und Dietleib (ca. 1250)


Heroic Epic

Biterolf und Dietleib (ca. 1250)
Jänicke, O.: Deutsches Heldenbuch I, Berlin 1866. Reprint 1963.

BitD-1:   Biterolf is a praiseworthy hero. His wife Dietlind is full of virtues. In his capital Toledo the duke has 8000 knights in his service. In the nearby mountains, the art of necromancy was invented. This is a well-practiced art in our time. Biterolf owns extraordinary armor. He has one of the three marvelous swords the blacksmith Mime made. Hetrich from Wasconje made Witege’s sword and a helmet called Limme and the hauberk. Mime and Hetrich manufactured twelve swords, the thirteenth they called Mimming, which no one could wear except the duke.
Motif References:

F 663 Skillful smith
F 833 Extraordinary sword
D 1720 Acquisition of magic powers

BitD-182:   Biterolf and Dietlind have a son with the name of Dietleib. One day an old man appears at court walking on crutches. He has had a very sorrowful life and is nearly hundred years of age. Biterolf welcomes him and offers him food and drink. The old man tells Biterolf that he has seen the bravest knights and now is doing penance for his adventures. He has seen many countries and kings but one is the most praiseworthy, King Etzel.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 320 Hospitality
Q 520 Penances
F 571 Extremely old person

BitD-285:   The old man tells the story of Nibelot, who made the skies golden and yearned to be like god. He was so strong that he could kill a thousand men and was invincible. No one was able to defeat him or conquer his country. However, compared to Etzel they all were without power. He has two champions: Antfuls of Gabelin and Baligan of Libya. 8000 Persian heathens fight for Etzel. The king dines with thirteen kings and many brave heroes.
Motif References:

P 13 Customs connected with kings
F 610 Remarkably strong man

BitD-333:   Etzel’s wife Helche is a dutiful Christian who entertains a thousand and more guests. Heathens and Christians live together peacefully at Etzel’s court. The duchess asks if there are more Christians than heathens, but the old knight does not know. Duke Biterolf is eager to see Etzel’s court. Clandestinely he installs governors who shall take care of his people. He advises his wife that she should select reliable people. He chooses twelve men as retinue. They depart after Christmas.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
P 320 Hospitality

BitD-490:   First, the queen thinks that Biterolf has to hold court somewhere, but after seven days she learns that he has left. The duke rides with grooms and three mules that carry gold and his good sword Welsung. He reaches Paris where Walter from Spain lives. The king is informed that a stranger with twelve knights has come. Walter challenges Biterolf to battle. In mid-combat Biterolf recognizes Walter as his nephew. Walter is glad because nothing can defeat the sword Welsung.
Motif References:

P 15 Adventures of kings
P 556 Challenge to battle
D 1081 Magic sword
K 1791 Sham duel in order to bring about recognition

BitD-665:   Walther welcomes his uncle and they sit down on the meadow. Biterolf inquires about Etzel’s court and Walther invites him for thirty days to tell him all. Walther informs him that Etzel has rewarded him grandly and Helche had offered him a crown and land. But he refused. Etzel gave him a beautiful sword a thousand marcs worth. Biterolf decides to go to Etzel’s court and sets Walther as governor over his country.
Motif References:

Q 114.3 Sword as reward
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
P 320 Hospitality
F 833 Extraordinary sword

BitD-798:   Biterolf travels to Etzel’s court. Soon he reaches the Danube. In Bavaria they demand toll for crossing the border with goods. But Biterolf refuses, denying that he has any goods. The hero Gelfrat challenges Biterolf to single combat. Biterolf lifts his opponent from the horse, dismounts and cuts through Gelfrat’s shield. They slay seven men. Gelfrat’s men want to take revenge but are denied. Biterolf is allowed to pass.
Motif References:

P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556 Challenge to battle

BitD-937:   When in Bechelaren, they ask if Ruedeger is at home. Servants tell Gotelind that guests have arrived. She welcomes them. She and her ladies ask him about the aim of his journey. As he has not informed his people and left clandestinely, he cannot tell the truth. The next morning they depart and she advises them to avoid Ruedeger’s men. They reach Austria. When they reach Mûter, Wolfrat and Astolt challenge them. Biterolf wounds them. Astolt injures one of Biterolf’s knights and kills another. Angrily Biterolf injures them both and they retreat and guide them to the border.
Motif References:

P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 320 Hospitality
P 556 Challenge to battle

BitD-1096:   Then they reach Hungary and Etzel’s castle. They dress richly and arrive at the King’s hall bow and they are seated and offered wine. Then the king asks them about the purpose of their visit. Biterolf reveals that they have come to see Etzel’s marvelous court. The king thanks them and Ramung of Walchenland is their chamberlain. All the other heroes welcome them (Ruedeger, Gotel, Gibech, Hornboge of Poland, Schrûtân duke of Meran, Irnfrit of Thüringen, Otte, Îring, Hâwart). Biterolf thanks Ruedeger for his wife’s hospitality in Bechelaren.
Motif References:

P 110 Royal ministers
P 320 Hospitality

BitD-1260:   Biterolf visits the queen. She offers him to share her wealth. Biterolf enjoys the life at Etzel’s court and soon three years have gone by. One day, they fight in a town in Prussia named Gamalî. There Ruedeger, Biterolf and 80 men are taken prisoner. Etzel personally wants to rescue them but without success. They are imprisoned for four years. Biterolf digs a tunnel from one tower to the other. When he comes out the underground passage, he finds the king and a beautiful Windisch lady. He binds the king and Ruedeger and seventy men escape through the gate. The janitor is beheaded.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 211 Escape from prison
R 211.3 Escape through underground passage

BitD-1503:   The king is taken prisoner, bound on a shaft and thrown out of the battlement. The queen pleads for mercy. She has to plead with Etzel who already has reached the town. He blows his battle horn. A furious battle arises between the seven gates. The enemies hurl rocks at them. Their king puts an end to the battle by telling his remaining men that he and the queen are Etzel’s prisoners and hostages. They have to surrender to King Etzel.
Motif References:

P 533.1 Hostages
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

BitD-1669:   Biterolf and Ruedeger plead to stop the fight in town and take the queen and her men as hostage. Four hundred knights are kept as hostages. As tribute they demand treasures and rich clothes, and with rich booty all return to Hunnenland. Ruedeger asks for leave to visit Bechelaren. Etzel and his men reach the Danube after forty days. Etzel greets Ruedeger’s wife Helche, who welcomes him in a friendly way. Etzel informs her that he brought her more servants, the hostages. He tells her that king and queen of Prussia are among them, together with 112 maids and 44 knights. Helche receives the queen. For 43 weeks, they remain as hostages in Etzel’s country. They are allowed to move freely in the castle but have to swear an oath not to elope.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

BitD-1875:   They send for Biterolf to reward him for seizing the Prussian town. The queen asks for his name, because he has not yet admitted it. He tells her that he is called Fruote of Denmark. The king of Prussia is also called Fruote. He refuses the reward, because he has to earn the crown and the lands first.
Motif References:

L 225 Hero refuses reward

BitD-2130:   Dietleib is trained by a shield master from Ireland who teaches the young king the martial arts. One day he discovers his father’s weapons. He takes a sword and hides it. He puts on the armor, but wears the breastplate on the back. He takes the shield, binds the helmet, takes the spear made of ivory, the shaft manufactured of three parts, then puts everything back. Then he begs his mother to go out hunting with his father’s knights. He has three boys come to him next morning and instructs them to put the weapons in a certain place. Then he tells his mother that he rides out with the falcon master.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
K 1760 Other bluffs

BitD-2270:   Dietleib and the other boys cover the weapons with multi-colored silk to hide the ivory. The helmet is also covered. When the knights find out that Dietleib is not out hunting, the mother sends them to search for him. When the quest proves futile, they open up the armory and discover that the hauberk is gone. Meanwhile the young men reach Burgundy without being challenged because of having covered their weapons. They learn of a castle of forty knights which is called Tronje and Hagen’s own. When they ask where they come from, they refuse to tell them. Now Dietleib is challenged. The pages arm him.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father
K 2350 Military strategy

BitD-2313:   The pages want to help him in combat. One of the opponents rides against the boy and Dietleib strikes him so hard that he lifts him out of the saddle; he does the same to the second and third challenger. They ask him why he has not put the iron spear on the spear shaft and he answers that he is not an enemy. Then they allow him to pass. The companions arrive at the castle Metz where Ortnit’s widow lives. She has a hundred knights. When he reaches Metz, twelve knights await them on the way, ready to fight. Dietleib asks his companions if he should fight. The smartest among them answers that if he slays them, they can avoid the big town, but he should take care not to wound his opponents.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
K 2350 Military strategy

BitD-2573:   A knight in service is sent to the boys to find out where they travel to, but they answer that they do not know it themselves. At once, he rides against the young hero who dismounts him. Dietleib defeats four and they are allowed to proceed. He tells them that he is not knighted yet. They apologize and take him to Metz. He learns that he will be knighted in Worms. He asks if they have news from his father and they tell him about Etzel’s court. The hero and his retinue decide to go to Etzel’s court. They ride through Lothringen and Wasgenwood. In the forest, he arms himself.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
J 620 Forethought in prevention of others’ plans

BitD-2755:   The young hero sends a scout in the forest. When they meet people on the way, they ask if the king is present in Worms and learn that he is at war with Saxony. They cross the Rhine at Oppenheim. They fear a fight with King Gunther, who has Gernot and Hagen with him. Gunther notices the young hero and thinks that he is one of his men, but is curious what Dietleib is up to. He sends Hagen to find out. The boys observe Hagen and warn Dietleib. He demands to have his spear put on the shaft. Hagen notices Dietleib’s precious armor and presumes that Dietleib is a knight. He asks him where he is going and praises Dietleib’s multi-colored helmet. Hagen wants to know who he is, but Dietleib does not know himself. Angrily, Hagen charges him and Dietleib breaks Hagen’s spear shaft. Now they continue fighting with the sword and Dietleib wounds Hagen with his very sharp sword.
Motif References:

P 556 Challenge to battle

BitD-2875:   Gernot and Gunther watch and notice that Hagen is wounded. Gernot takes the spear and shield. The spears break and they continue with sword fight, until Gernot is almost in mortal danger. Then Gunther prepares to fight. Dietleib inquires if he is the king, because he wants to complain, as he was challenged on dubious grounds. Dietleib breaks Gunther’s spear and wounds him. Gunther asks him whether he is a count, duke or king, and he answers that he has neither power over land nor is he knight. His weapons are for self-defense only. Gunther has never seen such a brave young man and apologizes for fighting him. He invites him to come to Worms.
Motif References:

F 611.3.2 Hero’s precocious strength

BitD-3145:   Dietleib refuses and they say farewell. Gunther, Gernot and Hagen are angry about having been defeated. Hagen assumes that Dietleib is Biterolf’s son. Gernot blames Hagen for having started the fight. The king forbids fighting Dietleib on his way. The boys advise Dietleib to take off the armor to prevent another fight. They reach the Main, acquire some food and wine, stay overnight and feed the horses. Their host tells them that they have peace but warns them of the neighborhood country’s (Bavaria) robbers.
Motif References:

P 231 Mother and son
P 320 Hospitality
J 670 Forethought in defences against others
H 1381.2.2.1 Son seeks unknown father

BitD-3245:   They ask their host for advice and he suggests taking two branches of bay leaves in the hand and shows them the way. They take the twigs and ride undisturbed until they eventually reach Hungary. According to an old law, the bay leaves grant peace. When approaching Etzel’s castle, they are asked by Christians and heathens what they are up to and brought to the king’s marshal who welcomes them. They take a bath and receive new clothes. Dietleib, who wears his hair long like a girl, attends Mass and is invited to the king’s palace. The king grants the extraordinarily handsome youth a friendly welcome.
Motif References:

Z 157 Olive [palm] branch symbol of peace [victory]
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
D 1351.2 Magic branch of peace

BitD-3305:   Dietleib asks permission to stay at the court and is granted his wish. His father Biterolf does not recognize him. The queen welcomes the young man and he has to share a room with the son of the count who has to enfeoff him. He turns out to be the best in knightly sports. After one year, Etzel rides to warfare against the king of Poland. Ruedeger is the army commander. 8000 knights gather, 2000 come from Lothringen under King Îring. The King of Prussia, the neighbor of the Polish king, has to support Etzel being bound by the oath of allegiance.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son

BitD-3446:   Dietleib is eager to ride with the army, but the king rejects him because he has so many grown knights. Therefore, Dietleib clandestinely follows the army after two days. A furious battle against the Polish army causes many casualties. Brave Biterolf cuts a path through the army. From the opposite side young hero Dietleib cuts a path. Father and son meet each other and start to fight. Biterolf mistakes Dietleib for a Greek, whereas Dietleib is convinced that Biterolf is a Polish knight. During the furious combat, the young hero deals his father a terrible blow. Ruedeger separates them because he recognizes the young man. At last, father and son have met.
Motif References:

N 731.2 Father-son combat
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

BitD-3691:   Ruedeger tells the young hero and the others to look out for the flag during the battle. He defeats the Polish duke. Ruedeger summons all knights and advises them to count the dead on the battlefield. They have to bury 3000 so that the wild animals will not feed on them. The mail and the weapons of the dead are loaded on a cart. Messengers are sent to Etzel to inform him of the victory. He wants to know about the boyish hero who eloped and his other guests. The messengers praise the boy and his father. Helche praises the warfare. The Polish duke is brought before her. Etzel tells him angrily that he has to pay for the dead. The duke answers that he will pay with his life as hostage.
Motif References:

V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
P 533.1 Hostages
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

BitD-3900:   Etzel welcomes the homecoming knights and the young hero who explains his elopement. Ruedeger reports that Biterolf and Dietleib have fought and he had separated them. The young hero has captured the Polish king. The king thanks them and rewards them with gold and garments. The queen successfully pleads for the Polish king who he is set free, allowed to return to his country but has to swear the oath of allegiance to Etzel.
Motif References:

Q 72.1 Reward for loyalty to king
M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
Q 111 Riches as reward

BitD-4010:   King Etzel enjoys the company of Biterolf and Dietleib who brought him Pommern. Father and son still do not recognize each other but feel attached to each other. Biterolf would have recognized Dietleib but the latter has veiled his spear and has his weapon garments smeared with blood. Ruedeger watches them and one day reveals to Biterolf, who calls himself Diete, that he knows his true name. He asks him about his country and his wife. Biterolf denies it at first but then has Ruedeger swear an oath not to reveal his identity.
Motif References:

H 150 Circumstances of recognition
M 220 Other bargains
K 1812 King in disguise

BitD-4185:   Biterolf asks Ruedeger about his alleged relative at the court. Ruedeger asks him if he has a child. He admits that he has a son and a daughter. When he left, his son was three and half. Ruedeger leads Dietleib to his father. Before they approach, Ruedeger asks Dietleib about his family. When he gives his name, Ruedeger hurries to unite father and son, who are both overjoyed.
Motif References:

N 730 Accidental reunion of families

BitD-4370:   Biterolf and Dietleib enjoy each other’s company. The father is eager to hear about his wife. Dietleib informs him how he eloped to find his father and tells him the manifold adventures of his journey, which lasted for one year. Father and son thank Ruedeger who tells the queen that he has good news but is not allowed to disclose it. But he reveals the secret to his wife Herrât, who conceals the news to the queen, when offered gold.
Motif References:

Q 111 Riches as reward
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises

BitD-4386:   The Queen muses if she ever will be able to reward the heroic father and son fitting to their bravery. She begs the king to come to her chamber. She sobs and tells the news. The king has the two brought before him inquiring why they came incognito. Biterolf grieves about the exposure of their secret. Ruedeger is aghast about his wife’s talkativeness. The generous king wants to share everything he owns with the heroes, offering them land. Biterolf answers that he has three countries and his son will have four. Then the queen proposes to reward Dietleib with the knighthood.
Motif References:

Q 112 Half of kingdom as reward
Q 113 Knighthood as reward
L 225 Hero refuses reward

BitD-4508:   Dietleib thanks them, reports the encounter with Gunther and demands revenge before he obtains his knighthood. The King promises his help. 40,000 men are summoned and if that is not enough for three attacks, 80,000 will gather. Biterolf sends a message to Dietrich and king Ermenrich, to Frîtel and Imbreck in Harling country and to Milano. The Queen grants them 10,000 of her own men. Ruedeger promises 500 of his men and joins in the warfare.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 551 Army

BitD-4645:   Ruedeger sends the message to the Rhine. They decide to start their campaign when the entire army is summoned. After three days, twelve messengers are sent, who are equipped with rich clothes and horses. The message: 30,000 men have gathered because of the boy hero, an additional 10,000 men, Bloedelîn’s 3300 arrive separately. War is declared for the next solstice. A messenger is sent to Worms to Gunther and his relatives. Another rides to Dietrich in Ravenna, to Ermenrich, the heroes of Milan, to Berchtung, to the Halings Frîtel and Imbreck Wahsmuot, Regent Eckhart and Rimstein. In sixteen days, the messengers arrive at Worms. They wear court’s clothes. King Gunther’s marshal gives the messengers accommodation. Hagen assumes that the messengers have come to summon him to Etzel’s court.
Motif References:

P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

BitD-4842:   Hagen soon learns that Etzel wants him to visit his court. He tells the messengers that he refuses to be an “Etzel hero”. Next morning on the way to church, the messengers give Gunther the message: if Gunther pays the demanded tribute, peace is granted. If Gunther refuses, war will be declared. The king sends 40,000 men, the queen 10,000, the king’s brother Bloedelîn sends 3300. All the other allies (Râmung and Hornboge Gibech Schrûtan duke of Meran, Sigehêr from Turkey, Gotele Ruedeger Hawârt from Denmark Irnfrît from Thüringen) send military aid.
Motif References:

P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

BitD-4965:   King Gunther treats the messengers well. He even offers them gold, but they refuse. The king summons his council. They decide to send messages with invitations to a feast at equinox. He sends to Palermo to invite Stuotfuohs and Lindegêr, Liudegast, the Austrian heroes, to Serbia, Bohemia and Bavaria, to Witzlan, Poytân, Gelphrât of Bavaria, Nantwîn from Regensburg, Fridleib from Swabia, Herleib from Westfalen, Bertholt form Elsâz, Walther of Spain and Sîgfrîd.
Motif References:

P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

BitD-5110:   The date of the feast is settled for Whitsuntide, all kings and their wives are invited. Meanwhile the king has his castle fortified. The messengers ride back to Etzel to let their allies know that the enemies await the army. Etzel inquiring about Hagen learns that it has been he who gave Gunther the advice to defend them. Dietrich comes with 8000 men, Ermenrich, Berchtung, Witege, Heime and Liutwere with 10,000 men. When the army has gathered, king Etzel sends for his men for the warfare, 30,000 have to swear in. Ruedeger is installed as commander over the whole army. 500 of his knights serve Dietleib. Biterolf takes care of many a brave knight.
Motif References:

K 2350 Military strategy

BitD-5262:   Ruedeger sends to Bechelaren to have everything settled. First concentration of troops at Bloedelin’s place. The king rides with his men to the river Leitha, where they meet Bloedelîn. They split the armies and camp for the night. Ruedeger bids farewell to the king and rides to Bechelaren together with his men.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs

BitD-5466:   When they arrive at Vienna, Sigehêr takes care of them. On the third night they reach Treisen. In Mûter, Wolfrât and Astolt make friends with Biterolf and propose to join the warfare. Biterolf gladly agrees. They reach Bloedelin’s army camp. Astolt apologizes for having fought against Biterolf, who forgives him and offers them his friendship. When Biterolf leaves, Wolfrât offers him silver and gold and promises to come with sixty brave men.
Motif References:

P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend

BitD-5555:   Ruedeger asks Biterolf and Dietleib to pay a visit to Lady Gotelind. She welcomes them warmly and after a short visit, Biterolf and Dietleib ride back to the army. Then all the other armies arrive. Ruedeger guides them from Swabia through Bavaria, providing good accommodation. They reach the Lechfeld. Dietrich and his men arrive, 800 men are under Hildebrand’s command. The next day, the two kings Frîtel and Imbreck arrive with their commander Wahsmuot and 3000 men, then Berchtung the commander of Ermenrich’s army of 10,000 men joins them. Witege and Heime come with 400.
Motif References:

P 551 Army

BitD-5689:   Biterolf and Dietleib ride in front. They all meet. Ruedeger as chief commander of Etzel’s army intends to bring the troops to the Rhine. Within twelve days they arrive. Etzel’s men ride to Hagenau and camp at Rhinegau. Rich tents with silk laces are pitched. A spy informs Gunther about the army who summons a council of war. The question arises whether Gunther is to ride to the battlefield or wait in his castle. Hagen advises to wait in the castle. Gunther gladly agrees sending messengers.
Motif References:

P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]

BitD-5865:   Gunther has only 20,000 guests, among them seven kings and their wives, from whom he conceals the true motive for the invitation. Ruedeger as messenger to Gunther rides with 500 of his men. When they arrive at the town, they lower the bridge because Ruedeger shows his peaceful intentions and dismounts in front of the palace. Hagen recognizes Ruedeger and welcomes him warmly, attempting to reward him for his friendship in Etzel’s country. King Gunther approaches them, invites them in. They are offered the best wine. But all intentions to enlist Ruedeger prove futile because he refuses to leave Etzel. Before he announces the message, he asks for their good will which is granted. The message: Biterolf and Dietleib claim revenge for the attack on Dietleib. Etzel emphasizes that he treats the incident as if it had happened to him. 50,000 men will gather at the Rhine if Gunther does not pay reparation. Thus war is declared.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 320 Hospitality
M 500 (Bm) Threats
P 614 (Bm) Bribes

BitD-6186:   Gunther refuses to give hostages for peace, but wants war. He calls out for his brothers and Siegfried, Stuotfuhs , Walther, Herbôrt, Liudegar and the other heroes. Ruedeger realizes that Gunther invited all of them to the wedding to have fourteen kings and their men who dutifully have to fight for their host. Walther of Spain soon regrets to have followed the invitation. The King requests that Ruedeger has to state his message in front of all the invited kings and nobility. Thus the declaration of war is announced.
Motif References:

P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war

BitD-6396:   Gunther inquires about his guests’ loyalty. Siegfried assures him that he will defend Gunther and is looking forward to fight Dietrich. Walther of Spain, although regretting his visit, has to promise military aid together with 9000 men. Herbort from Tenland recounts a story of his fight with a giant couple he has slain, Goltwert and Sêwart. When he with his wife and a couple of men crossed the country, Dietrich and Hildebrand fought with him attempting to snatch Hildeburg away. But he managed to cross the country without being taken prisoner.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
F 531.5 Giants and men

BitD-6508:   All of the guests promise help. At last, Ruedeger tells King Gunther that he himself and 500 of his men wage war. Gunther angrily replies that he is taking him prisoner and hostage. Ruedeger answers that from now on there will be no safety for a messenger if he is kept prisoner. Hagen replies that Ruedeger must not be taken hostage. Gunther gives in, rewards the messenger with gold, garments for hundred knights, a royal horse, hundred others, and mails. Ruedeger refuses the reward, telling Gunther he would rather give it to his army, Gernot grants him the sight of beautiful ladies and Siegfried grants him a kiss of Kriemhild which all declare as an honor.
Motif References:

Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward
L 225 Hero refuses reward
P 557 Military customs

BitD-6778:   Ruedeger gladly accepts to see the ladies. Giselher summons the ladies who dress up nicely. Brunhild the queen welcomes Ruedeger, embraces and kisses him, then Kriemhild and Hildegunt follow suit. Brunhilt takes Ruedeger by the hand and leads him to a chair. All sit down, engaging in courteous conversation with the ladies. Hildegunt asks him about Queen Helche and Brunhild is curious whether Helche’s splendid reputation is justified. Ruedeger praises her. The queen asks him why he had refused Gunther’s present thus having him lose his face – Ruedeger answers that he is wealthy enough. Then the queen begs him to take at least her present. She has a beautiful hawk and good hound brought. Although Ruedeger shows his gratefulness, he leaves the hawk with Gernot’s men, claiming that it is impossible to hunt in swampy Hun country. The sparrow hawk’s leg chain is adorned with jewels. The hound has a collar from Machsamî ornate with 83 jewels. His leash is an extraordinary refined work of art from Arabia worth a thousand marks.
Motif References:

Q 114 Gifts as reward
Q 114.2 Gifts as reward for gifts

BitD-7066:   Ruedeger thanks her and says that he will catch quails with the spaniel dog. He is offered a lasur-colored shaft made of horn, which ends in a golden tassel. A flag is fastened on the spear and the queen pleads that he will take the flag because of her and her ladies. Ruedeger first refuses, then agrees to carry it as far as the castle door. All ladies wish him well and Hagen even escorts him for one mile. Many are in dismay, fearing the destruction of Worms, so Gunther decides to fight outside. Ruedeger reaches the troops and is asked about Worms. A council of war with 34 kings present is held. Ruedeger informs them about Gunther’s allies. Dietrich mentions two options: Devastate the country or boycott the food support.
Motif References:

Q 114.3 Sword as reward
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

BitD-7325:   Ruedeger advises they should not wait any longer and organize the troop formations. Ruedeger recounts his experiences at Worms. Three queens have kissed him and he received hawks and one hound as present He shows them his spear shaft made of four pieces of gold, four of horn, one of ivory, one green piece is in front. The flag is made of silk of Ninive, with beautiful animals woven in, living colors ornate with gold and jewels, pearls sapphire, emerald, hyacinth, white ruby. Wolfhart admires it so much that Ruedeger allows him to carry it. Several knights volunteer to carry it.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms

BitD-7572:   Hildebrand plans the battle order. In the morning, all are prepared wearing battle clothes. Wîcnant blows the battle horn and they ride to Worms. Siegfried has to fight Dietrich. Biterolf will fight against Gernot, Ruedeger against Walther which he first refuses and finally accepts.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs

BitD-7802:   Dietrich tells stories of his many adventures, but doubts to be able to defeat Siegfried. Hildebrand tries to persuade Dietrich to fight by threatening to spear him. Dietrich replies that he himself is armed whereas Hildebrand has only his shield and silk clothes. They fight. Hildebrand dismounts Dietrich with his spear. Dietrich angrily fights with his sword, cuts Hildebrand’s sword into pieces. Hildebrand begs for peace and Dietrich grants it.
Motif References:

P 551.4 Hero drives retreating warriors back into battle
J 1682 (Taunts of charioteer) to arouse anger in master who is losing battle so that he may fight more vigorously

BitD-8165:   Wolfhart impatiently asks them what keeps them so long. Dietleib tries to placate him by asking what will please him. The hero admits that he yearns to fight at Gunther’s tournament. Ruedeger again poses as messenger with a retinue of twelve knights. Before he sets off he asks what conditions would suit the heroes. Dietrich proposes an amicable contest and all approve. Ruedeger rides with his sparrow hawk to assure his willingness. Witzlân beholds him, notifies his arrival and Gunther greets him. Ruedeger explains the heroes’ request to hold a tournament. Gunther consults with his guests and they all accept the proposal. Siegfried promises to he send 100 men, Gunther as well, Walther from Spain another 100.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger

BitD-8647:   Four thousand men prepare for the tournament. They ride with ten banners and hundred men to Worms. Brunhild and her ladies and seven queens come to watch the tournament. A furious battle starts. Fire sparks from the helmets. Both sides take hostages. Even Wolfhart is taken prisoner and Hildebrand and Dietrich confer about paying ransom. They agree to transform the tournament to an antagonistic contest. Ruedeger poses again as messenger. Dietrich plans to free Wolfhart without paying ransom. He fights with Stuotfuhs and defeats him by cutting off his head. After the battle, the citizens of Worms appear with five hundred lamps to look for the dead and bury them.
Motif References:

V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
P 561 Tournaments
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

BitD-9649:   Siegfried threatens to take revenge for Stuotfuhs, king of Pülle. Both sides encourage their men, and the next morning twenty flags are set at Worms. The men of Pülle appoint Gêre as their captain. Wolfrât and Astolt swear to fight bravely for Lady Helche. Biterolf asks for a guard when he has to fight to the finish with Siegfried.
Motif References:

K 2350 Military strategy

BitD-9900:   Dietleib notices Walter, who is Biterolf’s nephew. They decide to send a messenger that they refuse to fight him and his men. The messenger, holding bay leaves, informs Walter who agrees to a non-offensive alliance. Both sides exchange threats and boasts, and a furious battle begins.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 205 Refusal to fight relatives

BitD-10686:   The best knights crowd Gunther. Siegfried and two others try to help him. Now Biterolf remembers his oath to fight Siegfried and approaches him. A furious combat begins. They fight so fiercely that their shields glow. Siegfried strikes a heavy blow and Biterolf has to retreat. Heime tries to help Biterolf but Siegfried rebukes him by saying that he is only allowed to strike three blows and no more. Otherwise, he will lose his honor. Heime falls back and Wolfrât mocks him.
Motif References:

P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

BitD-11067:   Again Heime tries to fight Siegfried who beats his sword Nagelring out of his hand. Gunther’s men take their shield. Fourteen kings altogether have entered a furious battle, all others have to step back while two heroes fight in a circle. Wolfhart already regrets that they made war on Gunther. Siegfried tries in vain to collect Heime’s sword Nagelring. Heime informs Dietleib where his sword has fallen down but now Siegfried forces him away. Heime calls the heroes from Amelung country for help and succeeds in getting his sword back. Heime praises Dietleib and gives his sword to Wolfhart.
Motif References:

P 557.4.7 (Li) Rules for single combat
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

BitD-11315:   The battle lasts until nightfall. Then they look after the dead and wounded at the battlefield. In Brunhild’s hall, a thousand men are treated. Gunther is eager to have peace. However, Ruedeger refuses because he has promised to carry Brunhild’s flag. Ruedeger wants all the knights and kings to follow the flag. 86 knights are brought before Brunhild, all are landowners. Ruedeger sends a messenger to Gunther.
Motif References:

V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle

BitD-11701:   Gunther sends for the other kings. Ruedeger asks them who should carry the flag. Dietleib answers his friend Helferich and when he tires, Berchtung is to take over. Witege asks if Heime’s sword was returned to him. But Hildebrand refuses and postpones it to after the war. Helferich takes the flag: When the ladies learn that the heroes will arrive soon, they all dress up for the event. The heroes approach Gunther and his allies and every hero chooses an opponent: Witege against Hagen, Siegfried against Dietrich. Gunther fights Dietleib, Walther Ruedeger. Now the flag masters approach each other and bow. The combats start. Helferich is wounded and Berchtung takes over, then Ruedeger, and when he tires, Îring takes over. He intends to carry the flag toward the door but Gunther stops him.
Motif References:

P 557 Military customs

BitD-12319:   The ladies demand a truce. Dietrich and Dietleib agree if Gunther and Gernot appreciate it. Then they make peace. Gunther grants Dietleib reparation and invites them inside the castle for a hot bath and wine. Many of them are wounded. All 86 bathe and the ladies provide them with towels. After the bath, they celebrate a festival in the hall. Gunther promises the reparation. Kriemhild begs Dietrich to forgive Siegfried and generous Dietrich promises never to fight Siegfried as an enemy.
Motif References:

P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

BitD-12571:   Ruedeger is worried about his wounds because he is convinced that it takes half a year to heal. Brunhild is pleased to have seen all those brave heroes fighting but she expresses her fears that Gunther will take it out on her for the wounds he has received. Ruedeger agrees by saying that this would be fair enough for her curiosity. Witege asks why Gunther had so many brave knights as guests. He learns that according to Hagen’s advice they all had been invited to celebrate. Dietleib and all others take leave of absence. The heroes kiss each other as sign of peace. The Huns ride back to their country. Dietrich departs for Bern and all the other kings leave for their home country. Heime demands his sword but Hildebrand wants to fight for it although Wolfhart advises him to return it. But Hildebrand is eager to test Heime’s bravery. Dietrich forbids the fight. But again, the stubborn Hildebrand refuses to give it back, he will deliver it only when forced to.
Motif References:

J 689 Forethought in alliances – miscellaneous

BitD-12923:   Dietrich pronounces that whoever beats the first wound earns the sword. He strongly regards it as unfair to fight with Nagelring against an inferior sword. So they have to choose two swords. When Heime wounds Hildebrand, the old champion does not stop but fights back. Dietrich hurries to separate them and Heime eventually obtains his good sword.
Motif References:

P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat

BitD-12960:   All say farewell and return to Etzel’s court. Etzel is eager to learn all details about the tournament. Ruedeger gives Brunhild’s best regards and has the sparrow hawk as present for Helche brought in. Then he shows the precious flag. All receive their reward. Biterolf is offered a country. Father and son politely express their gratitude, but refuse, then Biterolf accepts Styria as hunting ground. They agree upon a visit once a year. Since that time, Biterolf is Biterolf of Styria.
Motif References:

Q 10 Deeds rewarded
Q 20.1 Reward for service of god, hero or ascetic for a period
Q 111.8 Large quantity of land as reward