Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Rabenschlacht (ca. 1275)


Heroic Epic

Rabenschlacht (ca. 1275)
In: Alpharts Tod. Ed. by E. Martin. In: Deutsches Heldenbuch II. Reprint Zürich/Dublin 1967.

DietR-1:   Recapitulation of the major events that lead to Dietrich’s sojourn at Etzel’s court: Dietrich’s uncle Ermrîch has taken possession of his nephew’s land (Bâdouwe, Garte and Bern) in order to be the only ruler of the Roman empire. He has expelled Dietrich, but finally Dietrich has taken revenge.
Motif References:

P 15.12 (Bm) King is attacked and exiled by treacherous brother-in-law [uncle]
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

DietR-6:   Dietrich dwells at Etzel’s court for one year. He still bemoans his men who have been killed in battle against Ermrîch and nobody can cheer him up.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 15.15 (Bm) King in exile
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

DietR-11:   Helche notices his suffering and begs Rüedeger to ask Dietrich about the reason. Dietrich tells him that he mourns the death of his knights and is sad because he is not able not take revenge on Ermrîch.
Motif References:

DietR-25:   Rüedeger comforts him by saying that Helche and Etzel have promised to help and admonishes him to bear his pain bravely. He and Dietrich go to Etzel and are welcomed. They have meal together.
Motif References:

J 1060 Miscellaneous aspects of wisdom

DietR-35:   Etzel wants Dietrich to celebrate wedding with Herrât the same evening. Dietrich obeys his wish. Etzel promises to avenge Dietrich and to give him 100,000 men for his fight against Ermrîch.
Motif References:

P 18 Marriage of kings
T 122 Marriage by royal order
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
N 836 King as helper

DietR-40:   Military aid offered to Dietrich by Rüedeger, Nuodunc, Bitrolf of Stîre, Dietleip, Margrave Gotel, Blödelîn, Hornboge of Bôlân, Walther of Lengers, Îsolt of Ungern, Helphrîch of Lunders, Dietrich of Kriechen, Îrinc, Norpreht of Bruoveninge, Erwîn of Elsentroye, Baltram, Sintram, Astolt of Mûtæren, Dietmâr of Wienen, Herman of Ôstervranken, Diepolt of Beiern, Wolfgêr of Gran, Tîbalt of Sibenbürgen, Rîcholt of Ormenîe, Berhtram of Salnicke, Wîckêr of Kunstenôbel and Margrave Berhtunc.
Motif References:

DietR-81:   Wedding feast of Dietrich and Herrât. Helche advises Etzel to invite the guests into the Great Hall as sign of friendship for Dietrich. Helche bestows new shields, clothes, textiles, silver and gold on the knights. Mounted games are held and last until nightfall.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
T 136.1 Wedding feast
P 634 Feasts

DietR-96:   Laudatio temporis acti. Virtue and generosity have vanished.
Motif References:

DietR-101:   Meal is served in the evening. Also the court’s noble women take part in the banquet. Praise of Herrât’s beauty: she is the most beautiful of all Hunnish women. Etzel invites Dietrich to take a seat next to Herrât.
Motif References:

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

DietR-113:   Dietrich and Herrât are conducted to the bridal bed separately: Herrât accompanied by noble maidens, Dietrich by his retainers who kneel down before him as they leave the bridal chamber. Only Helche stays with the couple some time longer and blesses them. Then she takes her leave as well.
Motif References:

T 130 Marriage customs
T 137.2 Bride and bridegroom conducted to bridal bed

DietR-123:   At daybreak Helche has a dream: a dragon abducts her two sons and kills them. She sends for Rüedeger.
Motif References:

Z 150 Other symbols
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
M 341 Death prophesied
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical
D 1812.3.3.11 Death of another revealed in dream

DietR-137:   Mounted games are held until noon. The feast lasts six weeks. Helche gives precious presents to the guests.
Motif References:

DietR-147:   While Dietrich is preparing his departure, a big army gathers on St George’s day at Ezelburc and covers a large field the length of a two-days’ journey.
Motif References:

P 551 Army
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]

DietR-154:   Scharphe and Ort beseech their mother Helche to intervene with Etzel and take out the permission for them to join Dietrich’s army. They long to see Bern and suggest that their older relatives should take care of them. Helche fears that Ermrîch could find and kill her sons since during the battle their relatives would not be able to guard the boys.
Motif References:

P 231.3 Mother-love

DietR-165:   On Etzel’s request, Helche imparts her sons’ wish to him. Ort promises that they would not go any further than Bern. Dietrich assures Etzel that he would take care of his sons. Finally, even Helche asks for Etzel’s consent and he gives in. The queen entrusts her sons to Dietrich’s care who promises to bring them back uninjured. Dietrich takes his leave of Helche and Herrât.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
P 362 Faithful servant entrusted with care (and education) of crown prince

DietR-190:   Helche sends 12,000 knights with her sons and 30,000 as support for Dietrich. 500 pack-horses are loaded with her gold. Scharphe and Ort take their leave of Helche.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
N 837 Queen as helper

DietR-201:   Etzel accompanies the army until they reach Saders. Dietrich leads his forces through Isterrîch to Roman land. He is welcomed by his faithful vassals: by inhabitants of Lamparten, Reinher of Meilân and Berhtram of Bôle. Reinher informs Dietrich that Ermrîch’s army is stationed near Raben. Dietrich’s army moves towards Bâdouwe and pitches camp near the town.
Motif References:

DietR-216:   Dietrich and Helphrîch approach the city in order to find out who is in charge of the town and ask a knight who stands at the battlement. The knight called Rienolt informs them that Rûmolt of Burgonje rules the town and that he sides with Ermrîch.
Motif References:

DietR-225:   Helphrîch and Rûmolt have been comrades some time ago. Rienolt suggests holding mounted games before the town if Dietrich agrees to a truce. Dietrich consents.
Motif References:

P 558 (Bm) Truce

DietR-230:   Jousts are ridden by Rüedeger, Nuodunc, Helphrîch of Lunders and Îsolt on one side and on the other by Rûmolt with more than 30 men.
Motif References:

DietR-238:   Single combat between Rüedeger and Rûmolt. They unhorse each other and both have to be carried away. Blood bursts out of Rûmolt’s eyes.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

DietR-247:   Single combat between Helphrîch and Sigebant of Ireland. Ermrîch’s men are finally defeated.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

DietR-257:   Dietrich’s army moves toward Bern the next morning and pitches camp before the town. Dietrich distributes goods among his men.
Motif References:

DietR-261:   A messenger who is sent by Friderîch informs Dietrich about the quantity of Ermrîch’s army: he has seen 900 banners in one place and more than 1,100,000 men altogether.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]

DietR-271:   Rüedeger advises Dietrich not to be afraid of Ermrîch’s army but to take care for a fortified town in the back of the army so that if soldiers are forced to flee from the battlefield they will find refuge.
Motif References:

W 32.2 (Bm) Refusal to flee from danger
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

DietR-275:   At night Dietrich holds council of war. Dietleip advises to leave Etzel’s sons in Bern so that they might not be exposed to danger. Rüedeger recommends Elsân as their guardian.
Motif References:

DietR-284:   Dietrich entrusts Elsân with the care of the young princes, urging him to vow that he would keep them from leaving Bern. If the boys were harmed in any way, Dietrich would kill Elsân with his own hands. Dietrich also entrusts his young brother Diether to Elsân and leaves him in charge of town. Dietrich also commits the boys to his brother’s protection.
Motif References:

P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 193.8 (Bm) Incompetent Guardian
M 500 (Bm) Threats

DietR-306:   Dietrich admonishes Elsân not to surrender the city, even in case the city is besieged or he hears about Dietrich’s death. He should wait for Etzel’s relief troops and then give Bern to him.
Motif References:

DietR-313:   Dietrich prays to Christ that he may help him avenge the iniquities sustained. Scharphe and Ort are afraid not to see their friends again and are comforted by Rüedeger.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

DietR-322:   Rüedeger, Dietleip, Blödelîn, Baltran, Dietrich and others say farewell to Scharphe and Ort. Baltran reminds them of what they have promised to Helche: not to leave Bern.
Motif References:

DietR-334:   The army moves towards Raben, pillaging and scorching enemy land. Hildebrand leads the troops through the foggy country.
Motif References:

P 551 Army

DietR-339:   Meanwhile, the young kings implore Elsân to be allowed to leave town in order to look at the city’s buildings. Elsân first declines because he fears Dietrich; as the boys promise not to tell and not to get involved in a fight, Elsân gives in.
Motif References:

M 108 Violators of oaths

DietR-351:   Diether, Scharphe and Ort leave Bern, get lost and take a wrong road that leads to Raben. Elsân seeks the boys in the surrounding of Bern but is not able to find them because of the foggy weather. He is in despair and beats his breast. The three boys are compelled to sleep at night on an open field.
Motif References:

N 310 Accidental separations
N 399 Additional unlucky accidents

DietR-376:   As the weather clears up the next morning, the boys take notice of a rider who is approaching them. Diether recognizes Witege and is eager to take revenge for all injuries he has done him.
Motif References:

N 760 Other accidental encounters

DietR-386:   Witege and Diether provoke each other. Ort, Scharphe and Diether mount their horses and ride towards Witege, who prepares himself for combat and then spurs his horse Schemminc.
Motif References:

Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse
P 550 Military affairs

DietR-395:   Scharphe is the first one to fight with Witege. He inflicts two wounds on his opponent who hits him with his spear. Finally Witege kills Scharphe with a mighty sword-blow splitting his head with his sword Mimmunc.
Motif References:

Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

DietR-410:   Ort attacks Witege, seeking revenge for his brother’s death. After a while Witege reckons his chances to survive the combats and eventually proposes peace: Ort should flee but he declines and the fight starts anew. Ort inflicts three wounds on Witege and rejects a renewed peace-offer.
Motif References:

P 251.3.1 Brothers strive to avenge each other
J 494 Choice: death and revenge preferred to life

DietR-428:   Meanwhile Diether has mounted and attacks Witege. The fight lasts until evening. Ort and Diether are not experienced enough to overcome Witege.
Motif References:

F 1084.0.3 Continuous fighting

DietR-434:   Witege splits Ort’s head with a mighty sword-blow. Ort falls from his horse, but rises again from the ground and strikes Witege with his sword before he dies.
Motif References:

W 33.1 Badly wounded warrior continues fighting
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]

DietR-441:   In the ensuing single combat, Diether is able to inflict four wounds on Witege who then throws his shield to the ground, takes the sword in both hands and kills Diether with a sword-blow that splits his liver and heart. Before he dies Diether prays and devotes his soul to God.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]
F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief

DietR-460:   Witege starts crying, he kisses Diether’s wounds and beats his eyes.
Motif References:

W 46.1 (Bm) Man weeps on slaying heroic enemy
P 681 Mourning customs

DietR-465:   In the meantime, Dietrich and his army have reached Raben. Tents are pitched before the town near Ermrîch’s camp. The enemies have agreed to a truce.
Motif References:

P 558 (Bm) Truce

DietR-474:   Dietrich asks Hildebrand to tell him which banners he is able to identify. Hildebrand recognizes the banners of Fruot of Tenelant, Herman of Normandîe, Walkêr of Messîe, Gunther, Erwîn of Westvâlen, Sturmgêr of Hessen, Siegfried of Niderlant, Môrunc of Engellant, Strîtgêr of Grüenlant and many others. The banners are stuck into the ground.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counselors of court [King’s council]
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
P 550 Military affairs
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

DietR-502:   Dietrich orders his men to prepare themselves for battle. Dietrich and Rüedeger pray for God’s help and encourage the soldiers.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
P 550 Military affairs

DietR-512:   A bishop and 400 chaplains hear the soldiers’ confessions. After the confession, the knights get ready for battle.
Motif References:

V 29 Confession – miscellaneous motifs

DietR-518:   Wolfhart and others are eager for combat. They are not afraid of Ermrîch’s army which is much bigger than their own.
Motif References:

W 32 Bravery
W 212 Eagerness for combat

DietR-537:   Dietrich’s allies are specified: Dietleip of Stîre, Dietrich of Kriechen, Helphrîch of Lunders, Îrinc and his brother Erewîn, Margrave Gotel, Îmîân of Antîoch, Norpreht of Bruovinge, Îsolt of Ungern, Rüedeger, Walther (who leads Helche’s troop of 15,000 men). The knights mount their horses and leave the camp. Dietrich himself fights in the first line and bears the banner.
Motif References:

P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

DietR-566:   Helphrîch suggests sending 20,000 men who should circle the enemy army bearing Ermrîch’s banner. In the morning, when they have reached the enemy’s rear, they should pretend to be a unit of Ermrîch’s army. Knights are chosen for this task.
Motif References:

P 552 Battle formations
K 2357.7.1 (Bm) Disguise as enemy to approach (and slay) enemy king

DietR-583:   Hildebrand leads the troop because he knows the way and reaches the backside of Ermrîch’s army the next morning, hiding in a valley where they can not be seen.
Motif References:

P 551 Army

DietR-587:   Ermrîch’s army starts when the signal is blown. Battle between Dietrich’s and Ermrîch’s armies has already started, when Helphrîch’s troop attacks with war-cry “ahtschavelier Bern!”.
Motif References:

P 557 Military customs

DietR-596:   Furious battle. Dietrich’s men kill many enemies.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

DietR-614:   Dietrich and his retainers withdraw from the battlefield around midday. God provides wind in order to cool the exhausted warriors. After some time Rüedeger advises the men to get ready for battle again.
Motif References:

V 201 God
N 817.0.1 God as helper
F 960.3 Extraordinary nature phenomena during furious battle
F 963 Extraordinary behavior of wind

DietR-623:   A rider approaches who is covered with blood all over. Wolfhart attacks but is unhorsed by the knight who is named Starcher. Dietrich avenges Wolfhart and kills Starcher with a sword-blow. He takes possession of Starcher’s horse Valke.
Motif References:

Z 201.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous horse
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]

DietR-635:   Siegfried of Niderland attacks with more than 30,000 men. Dietrich leads a troop of 40,000 against him.
Motif References:

DietR-647:   Single combat between Siegfried and Dietrich. Siegfried’s spear penetrates Dietrich’s armor.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

DietR-651:   Beneath his armor, Dietrich wears a silken shirt into which four relics are sewn. The spear cannot penetrate the textile but breaks. Dietrich hits Siegfried with his spear.
Motif References:

V 140 Sacred relics
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
D 1296 Sacred relic[s] as [part of] magic object
D 1381.20 Sacred relics protect against attack
D 1841.5.1 Man proof against weapons

DietR-655:   Furious battle between Dietrich’s and Siegfried’s men. Many knights are terribly wounded or killed. The battlefield is covered with corpses and blood. The battle continues during the night.
Motif References:

F 1084.0.3 Continuous fighting

DietR-672:   The single combat between Siegfried and Dietrich has been going on during the battle. Finally, Dietrich defeats his opponent. Siegfried begs Dietrich to spare his life and gives him his sword Palmunc in return. Dietrich commits his prisoner to six knights before he returns to the battlefield.
Motif References:

R 5 Capture on field of battle
Z 201.2 (Bm) Hero’s famous sword
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

DietR-684:   Battle between Fruot’s of Tenelant and Nuodunc’s armies. Fruot and Nuodunc engage in single combat. Many of their men are killed or badly wounded.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

DietR-704:   Several combats between different troops and army leaders take place. The names of army leaders and their opponents are cited. The fighters wade in blood up to their spurs. Wolfhart fights bravely despite his many wounds.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

DietR-772:   Dietrich slays 2000 enemies. Through this battle he will rescue his country from Ermrîch. The battle continues until the eleventh day.
Motif References:

R 191 King (prince) returns home (from exile) and rescues his native country
F 628.2 Strong man kills men

DietR-782:   Four warriors attack Dietrich, who unhorses and kills them.
Motif References:

L 325.1 (Bm) Victory over superior force: one against many

DietR-786:   Fruot kills many enemies and eventually attacks Dietrich. Both lay down their shields and fight with the sword in both hands. Dietrich strikes Fruot’s helmet with his sword so that blood bursts out of his eyes.
Motif References:

W 32 Bravery
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

DietR-793:   Fruot falls down and begs for mercy. Dietrich spares his life, takes him prisoner and commits him to Hildebrand’s care. Dietrich returns to the battlefield.
Motif References:

R 5 Capture on field of battle
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

DietR-800:   He notices Helphrîch fighting against Môrunc and already badly wounded. Dietrich comes to Helphrîch’s rescue. With a mighty sword-blow he splits Môrunc’s head.
Motif References:

R 169 Other rescuers
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]

DietR-806:   Môrholt of Îrlant attacks Dietrich with a sharp spear, seeking revenge for his comrade’s death. Dietrich hits him with his sword and inflicts a lethal wound on him.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

DietR-811:   Gunther and his army engage in the battle. In the following furious fighting many warriors are wounded or killed and blood flows on the battlefield.
Motif References:

F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

DietR-827:   On the twelfth day Ermrîch asks Heime how many of Dietrich’s knights are still alive: 40,000. Heime and Witegîsen lead the army against Rüedeger’s troop, Heime bearing Ermrîch’s banner. Both armies fight on foot.
Motif References:

DietR-841:   Single combat between Heime and Rüedeger. Heime is defeated and only 12 of his 18,000 knights survive and escape. On the other side, only 60 of Rüedeger’s 16,000 men survive. Heime flees and reports the defeat to Ermrîch. Battle between Wernher’s and Wolfhart’s armies.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

DietR-854:   Wolfhart encourages the warriors. Most of Wernher’s men are killed, the rest flees together with Ermrîch and Sibeche into town.
Motif References:

W 32 Bravery
R 220 Flights
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

DietR-863:   Sibeche is caught by Eckehart, who punishes him by taking away his clothes and leading him bound to a horse’s back through the army. 900 of Ermrîch’s men are killed in the attempt to flee.
Motif References:

R 5 Capture on field of battle
Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)
Q 495 Punishment: unseemly exposure of body

DietR-867:   Dietrich orders to search for wounded and dead knights and carry them from the battlefield. Elsân arrives and Dietrich inquires about Etzel’s sons. Elsân tells him that he has lost the three boys. Dietrich starts to cry and orders his men to seek for them. Helphrîch arrives, falls down from his horse, wrings his hands and weeps. He tells Dietrich that Etzel’s sons and his brother have been killed.
Motif References:

DietR-882:   Dietrich pulls out his hair from grief, mounts his horse and rides where he finds the corpses. He bows over them, kisses their wounds, cries, hits his eyes and bewails Etzel’s sons and his brother.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

DietR-892:   Dietrich prays to God that he might die straight away or be punished with everlasting sorrow. He beats his breast, scratches hands and feet, bites into his arm and hands.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief

DietR-901:   Dietrich examines the wounds and recognizes that they were inflicted by sword Mimmunc. He wishes to live as long as to be able to take revenge on Witege. Dietrich cries tears of blood and bemoans his brother.
Motif References:

H 56 Recognition by wound
F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief
F 1099 Additional marvels

DietR-913:   Dietrich catches sight of Witege who is riding in the distance, mounts Valke and follows him.
Motif References:

R 260 Pursuits

DietR-922:   Riding closely behind Witege, Dietrich challenges him to single combat. Witege does not dare to fight with Dietrich and flees.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice
R 220 Flights
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

DietR-931:   Witege fears for his companion Rienolt and advises him to flee. Dietrich asks Witege why he has killed Etzel’s sons and describes the future honor of Witege if he defeated Dietrich in combat: Witege and Rienolt would overcome him for sure, Bern, Meilân and the Roman empire be subject to them. Rienolt wants to stop and fight in order to obtain possession of Dietrich’s lands, but Witege fears Dietrich and leaves Rienolt behind.
Motif References:

DietR-950:   Rienolt prepares himself for single combat and waits for Dietrich, who has neither spear nor helmet or shield. Rienolt hits Dietrich with his spear. In the ensuing single combat Dietrich kills his opponent with a sword-blow.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]

DietR-955:   Dietrich pursues Witege until they reach the seashore.
Motif References:

DietR-964:   A mermaid sees Witege and rescues him, taking him and his horse with her to the bottom of the sea. Dietrich dismounts at the shore and waits for Witege’s return. The mermaid who is called Wâchilt asks Witege why he flees Dietrich and learns that he has killed Dietrich’s brother. She tells him that he could have killed Dietrich as long as his armor was red-hot and penetrable. Now as the armor has hardened again Witege will not be able to overcome Dietrich.
Motif References:

B 81.13 Miscellaneous actions of mermaid
R 169 Other rescuers
J 179 Other means of acquiring wisdom (knowledge) – miscellaneous
N 819 Supernatural helpers – miscellaneous
F 945 Person (gradually) submerged by sea

DietR-975:   Dietrich rides back and bemoans the dead boys together with Rüedeger, Dietleip and Helphrîch. He vows not to be happy until he has taken revenge. Helphrîch advises Dietrich to refrain from weeping. Etzel’s sons and Diether are buried and loudly lamented. Helphrîch urges departure. Dietrich has to be carried to his horse.
Motif References:

M 151.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until conquest is achieved [revenge is taken]

DietR-988:   Dietrich and his men ride towards Raben where Ermrîch dwells. Rüedeger advises to besiege the town. Ermrîch leaves Raben with 8000 warriors to fight with the besiegers.
Motif References:

P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

DietR-995:   Furious battle between Dietrich’s and Ermrîch’s men. Ermrîch defeated and all warriors killed.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

DietR-1004:   Ermrîch flees into the town, pursued by 4000 of Dietrich’s men. They fight inside the town and storm against Ermrîch’s Great Hall. Ermrîch gives 200 steeds and 200 pack horses to Môrunc of Tuscan so that he may help him escape out of Raben. Around midnight, Ermrîch leaves the town.
Motif References:

R 219 Escapes – miscellaneous
R 220 Flights

DietR-1010:   Dietrich’s men take the Great Hall and the towers and set it on fire. Many people are killed. In the evening the inhabitants of Raben surrender the town to Dietrich.
Motif References:

R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive

DietR-1016:   Dietrich asks Rüedeger to go to Etzel and tell him that his sons have been killed. Dietrich could not bear seeing Etzel’s and Helche’s grief. He begs Rüedeger to intercede for him. If Etzel would not be willing to forgive Dietrich, Rüedeger should send a messenger to inform him.
Motif References:

P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous

DietR-1027:   Rüedeger and others leave. Dietrich offers steeds, gold and silver as reward for military aid, but Etzel’s men refuse to take gifts from Dietrich. They pass through Isterrîch and finally reach Gran where Helche dwells. Sintram recommends Helphrîch and Rüedeger to impart the tidings of her sons’ death to her.
Motif References:

DietR-1038:   Helphrîch and Rüedeger ride to Helche’s court, taking her sons’ horses with them. The saddles are covered with blood. Helche first catches sight of the horses and wonders whether they belong to her sons. Rüedeger and Helphrîch approach. As Helche addresses Rüedeger he starts crying out of pain. Finally he has to tell her that her sons have been killed.
Motif References:

J 1675.2 Clever ways of breaking bad news to a king [queen] (who will kill bearer of bad tidings)

DietR-1054:   Helche sinks to the ground and bewails her children. Helphrîch tries in vain to comfort her. She curses Dietrich for being responsible for her sons’ death. Rüedeger pleads for Dietrich, affirming his innocence and telling her that Dietrich also has lost his brother.
Motif References:

DietR-1081:   Rüedeger advises Helche to forgive Dietrich because he has always been faithful and tells her how much Dietrich has suffered out of grief. Helche regrets that she has cursed Dietrich.
Motif References:

DietR-1092:   She wishes that God would take her life. Rüedeger urges Helche to forgive Dietrich and offers his service as messenger. She dispatches him with the message that she will forgive Dietrich and intercede for him with Etzel.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 21.1 Queen as intercessor with king

DietR-1102:   Etzel welcomes Rüedeger and learns of his sons’ demise. He laments his sons, tearing his hair and beard and chides Helche for having entrusted them to Dietrich’s care. Rüedeger pleads Dietrich’s innocence and relates the events that led to the catastrophe: Dietrich committed the boys to Elsân, who was already punished for his negligence (Dietrich has beheaded him). Etzel eventually forgives Dietrich.
Motif References:

Q 380 Deeds punished – miscellaneous
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

DietR-1133:   Rüedeger conveys the tidings of Etzel’s and Helche’s forgiveness to Dietrich and leads him to the king’s court where he is welcomed. Reconciliation between Dietrich and Ermrîch.
Motif References:

M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)