Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Laurin (>1250)


Heroic Epic

Laurin (>1250)
von Keller, A. (ed.): Das deutsche Heldenbuch I (=StLV 87). Stuttgart 1867, Reprint 1966.

Laurin-1:   Hildebrand claims that Dietrich has never seen real adventure and tells a story about a brave dwarf by the name of Laurin. Three spans tall, Laurin is a king among the dwarves in Tyrol and is the lord over a beautiful rose garden. A silk thread guards it like a wall. Whoever breaks the thread is punished by having his right foot and the left hand cut off. Dietrich wants to fight him and Witege rides with him.
Motif References:

F 451.7 Possessions of dwarfs
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
F 451.8 Names for dwarfs
F 818 Extraordinary garden
C 901.1 Tabu imposed by a certain person

Laurin-94:   They arrive at the rose garden. The thread is embroidered with gold and jewels. Dismounting the horses, Witege violates the beautiful garden by cutting down the roses and trampling them to the ground. Laurin appears on a little horse and carries a golden spear. On the spear is a silk banner with greyhounds that look like living creatures. His horse is the size of a deer, with gold covering and inlaid jewels. The bridle is made of red gold; the saddle, ivory. The saddlebow is inlaid with rubies. His unpiercable mail is hardened in dragon’s blood. He wears a magic belt that gives him the strength of twelve men.
Motif References:

B 11.2.13 Blood of dragon
F 451.6.2 Dwarf rides
F 451.3.1 Power of dwarf in his belt
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
D 1335.4 Magic belt gives strength
D 1381.10.1 Magic impenetrable breast-plate

Laurin-200:   Laurin’s one span broad sword cuts iron and stone and has a golden pommel inlaid with a precious jewel more costly than an entire country. He wears silk mail garments, ornate with jewels. His helmet is made of red gold, inlaid with rubies and carbuncle shining like daylight. On the helmet is a golden crown. On the crown golden birds are singing as if they were alive. He carries a golden shield emblazoned with a golden leopard jumping at game as if it were a living animal.
Motif References:

F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
F 833 Extraordinary sword
F 833.5.1 Sword cuts cloth etc, as well as steel and stone
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal

Laurin-230:   When Laurin approaches them, Witege thinks he is the angel St. Michael, coming from paradise. Dietrich advises him to tie his helmet, because he could be hostile. Laurin greets them angrily and demands to know who invited them to his place and trample down his rose garden. They owe him a pledge of a hand and one foot. Dietrich rebukes him that this is no correct punishment for nobles. He will give him a pledge of gold and silver.
Motif References:

Q 451.0.4 Hands and feet cut off as punishment for robbery
M 500 (Bm) Threats
C 900 Punishment for breaking tabu
C 905.1 Dwarf punishes for the breach of a tabu

Laurin-280:   Laurin proudly assures them that he owns more gold than Dietrich does, and if they are kings, they have not behaved in a kingly fashion. He challenges them to battle. Witege is embarrassed and wants to beat Laurin against the wall. Dietrich warns him not to underestimate the little one. He should not take the insults so seriously. Witege accuses him of cowardice. He could slay 3000 of that kind or more. Again Laurin challenges them to battle. Witege mounts his horse.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

Laurin-350:   Laurin unhorses Witege and wants to punish him by cutting off his hand and foot. However, Dietrich interferes, saying that he is responsible for Witege. Now Laurin challenges Dietrich. Hildebrand advises him that he should fight Laurin on the ground. Laurin takes his shield and beats Dietrich’s shield to the ground. Angrily, Dietrich hits him on the head. Laurin takes his magic cap that renders him invisible. Dietrich, unable to see him, is injured.
Motif References:

F 451.5.2.11 Dwarfs attack soldier (hero)
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe

Laurin-484:   Dietrich shields himself with his sword. Hildebrand suggests that they wrestle. Laurin throws away his sword and charges Dietrich. Both fall to the ground. Hildebrand advises Dietrich to break Laurin’s magic belt. Whenever Dietrich gets angry, he breathes fire. He takes Laurin by his belt and throws him to the ground until the belt breaks. Hildebrand fetches the belt, and Laurin begs for mercy and promises to surrender.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
F 451.3.1 Power of dwarf in his belt
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 617 Mighty wrestler
F 1041.16.1 Man spits fire when enraged
D 1335.4 Magic belt gives strength

Laurin-568:   Laurin begs Dietleib to help him, telling him that he has his sister, Künhild. Dietleib agrees, but Dietrich refuses. Dietleib pleads again. Again, Dietrich refuses. Then Dietleib jumps on his horse and challenges Dietrich because of Laurin. Dietrich calls for Hildebrand to bring his horse. Witege and Wolfhart follow. Dietleib hides Laurin in the forest. Again, Dietleib pleads for mercy. However, Dietrich refuses and they fight. Dietrich has to retreat. Hildebrand has the other knights separate them.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Laurin-685:   Dietleib rides to Laurin’s hiding place and brings him back to Dietrich, where they learn the story of Künhild’s abduction: Laurin had found her in Styria under a linden tree. Although her maids watched over her, he took her by means of his magical cap, which renders invisible. He took her by her hand and put her on his horse. Together they rode to his mountain, where he made her queen of all his dwarves. She has everything she desires and he did not disgrace her, she is still a virgin.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 23 Abduction with aid of magical mask [cap] which renders invisible
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals
D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe

Laurin-777:   Dietleib demands to visit his sister to learn if Laurin has spoken the truth. He agrees. Hildebrand advises that Dietrich and Dietleib make friends again and they all swear an oath of comradeship. Witege distrusts Laurin.
Motif References:

P 311 Sworn brethren

Laurin-830:   Laurin invites them all to visit the mountain. They ask Hildebrand for advice who says that refusing would look like cowardice. Laurin promises faithfulness and they all follow him to the mountain. They reach the mountain the other morning. On a beautiful meadow under a linden tree birds are singing and many tame animals are to bee seen. Dietrich thinks it is paradise. Laurin tells them that the beautiful meadow is nothing compared to the marvels of the hollow mountain. So they leave the horses outside and enter through a door where twelve young ladies stand. They greet the heroes and shut the door. Witege warns them, fears that they are trapped.
Motif References:

F 211 Fairyland [dwarfs] under hollow knoll
P 320 Hospitality
F 451.4.3.1 Dwarf cave [hollow mountain] closed by iron doors
F 721.2 Habitable hill
F 756 Extraordinary valleys and plains
D 1812.4 Future revealed by presentiment: “knowledge within”

Laurin-986:   Laurin treats them well. They recline on golden benches, are served food and drink, and enjoy music and several contests like jumping, a contest of strength, and shooting and throwing. Then three richly dressed fiddlers appear with precious violins of red gold ornate with jewels, playing beautiful music. After two singers have performed, two reciters appear. Then Queen Künhild with her dwarves comes, costly clad with a golden crown, and welcomes Dietrich.
Motif References:

P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
F 451. Dwarf musician (poet)
H 1562 Test of strength

Laurin-1070:   Künhild takes her brother Dietleib aside. He asks his sister if she is treated well. She praises Laurin, but she does not like to live among heathens. Dietleib promises her to take her away from Laurin and marry her to a proper Christian.
Motif References:

T 91 Unequals in love
V 350 Conflicts between religions

Laurin-1116:   They sit at the table, which is laid with silver bowls, golden jars and ivory tablets with golden locks. After the meal, they enjoy beautiful music. Laurin asks Künhild for advice. He complains about the heroes having destroyed his rose garden and broken his magic belt. Künhild answers the he must not kill them. He promises and puts a golden magic ring on his right hand and gains the power of twelve men. He asks Dietleib if he supports him against his comrades. When Dietleib refuses, he has him locked in the chamber.
Motif References:

R 49 Other places of captivity
F 451.6.11 Dwarfs betray
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks

Laurin-1199:   Laurin offers them more wine and puts “twalm” (sleeping potion) in it. They all fall asleep. He binds four of them together and throws them into a dungeon. When Dietrich becomes angry, he is able to burn his chains with his fumes. They have to remain there until the fourth day.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
K 776 Capture by intoxication (or narcotic)
K 873 Fatal deception by giving narcotic
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
F 1041.16.1 Man spits fire when enraged

Laurin-1236:   Lady Künhild covers the luminescent jewels to extinguish the light in the mountain. She informs Dietleib that he has to follow her advice, because otherwise his life is in jeopardy. Dietleib learns that his comrades are held captive. Künhild gives him a magic ring, which renders the dwarves visible for him.
Motif References:

F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring

Laurin-1285:   Künhild leads Dietleib to a chamber, where Laurin keeps their weapons. She binds his helmet, arms him brings him a sword and his shield with the “merwunder” painted on it and shows him the way to the dungeon. He takes their mail and swords and brings it to his comrades. Meanwhile, Laurin blows his battle horn to call the dwarves to arms. 3000 and more dwarves follow. Dietleib fights them and kills many. Laurin attacks him angrily.
Motif References:

F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 873 Extraordinary army

Laurin-1388:   Meanwhile, the four heroes put on their mail. Hildebrand gives Dietrich a magic belt, which enables him to see the invisible dwarves. He notices Dietleib who is in need of help. Hildebrand informs him about the magic ring on Laurin’s finger, which gives him strength, and advises him to cut off the finger and bring Hildebrand the ring.
Motif References:

D 1057 Magic belt
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength

Laurin-1455:   Laurin and Dietrich fight. However, Dietrich is not able to catch the dwarf. When he starts to fume in his anger, he finally manages to cut off Laurin’s finger with the ring and gives it to Hildebrand. A little dwarf goes outside, blows the horn, and summons five giants for help, who fight Dietrich and Dietleib.
Motif References:

F 451.3.2 Dwarf rendered powerless
F 531.6.15.3 Giants and dwarfs friendly
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Laurin-1485:   Hildebrand and the others join the battle. Lady Künhild produces a magic ring for them to see the invisible dwarves. They kill the giants and take Laurin prisoner.
Motif References:

R 5 Capture on field of battle
F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

Laurin-1600:   Laurin begs for mercy but Dietrich refuses because of Laurin’s unfaithfulness. Künhild pleads for him and Dietrich grants her wish. They make peace and Laurin is taken prisoner and brought to Bern. Künhild wishes that Laurin should convert to Christianity to restore his honor.
Motif References:

R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service

P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
J 1111.1.1 Princess skillful in pleading

Laurin-1660:   Dietrich and his men take Laurin, gold and treasure with them. Dwarf Sintram swears Dietrich the oath of faithfulness and follows Laurin as king. They all go to Bern, where a court feast receives them. After two weeks, Künhild and her brother say farewell. Künhild wants a boon granted and wishes that Laurin is christened. Dietrich agrees. Künhild says farewell to Laurin, who regrets that he ever laid eyes on her. Dietleib and his sister leave and he marries her to a proper Christian.
Motif References:

Q 115 Reward: any boon that may be asked
F 451.5.9 Dwarfs and Christianity

Laurin-1757:   Laurin is instructed in Christian religion but refuses to convert. Therefore, he has much to suffer from servants who mock him. He has to make the fool and clown for them. He yields under the pressure and changes his mind. He is brought to Dietrich and announces that he wants to become a Christian. They send for the priest and he is baptized. After the ceremony, they all swear an oath of friendship.
Motif References:

P 311 Sworn brethren
V 332 Baptism of heathen
L 410.4 Defeated king must be peddler or beggar [juggler]