Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Ortnit (ca. 1230)


Heroic Epic

Ortnit (ca. 1230)
Amelung, A.(ed.): Deutsches Heldenbuch III, Berlin 1871, and IV, Berlin 1873, Reprint 1968.

Ortnit-1:   This is a story out of a thick book that was found in the city of Tyre, after the heathens had buried it out of spite. A mighty king grew up there who had no peer then throughout all of Italy. All countries feared the king and his army, because he had conquered the lands from the mountains to the sea and made them pay tribute. He was highly praised for his royal attributes. The battle-scarred king was named Ortnit. Brescia and Verona were subject to him, and 72 vassals served him daily in his castle at Garda. He was as strong as twelve men. Rome and the Lateran rendered service to him. When the noble warrior was fully grown, his advisors counseled him to take a wife, one suitable to him.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
Z 71.14 Formulistic number: seventy-two
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
F 610 Remarkably strong man
F 610.4 Man with strength of many men

Ortnit-11:   The council discusses who is to marry king Ortnit. Ilyas, king of the Russians, knows of a highborn lady, but no one has ever asked for her without losing his head. Her father is Machorel of Mount Tabor, and he is a heathen of dark skin. More heathens are subject to him than Christians. He is king of Jerusalem: his capital is Tyre in Syria. Whoever comes as an emissary to request the lady in marriage dies. However, she is extraordinarily beautiful. Ortnit immediately desires the lady and wants to build up a mighty army to journey across the sea for her. On Mount Tabor, the heathen king has fastened 72 heads, which he has cut off messengers because of the lady.
Motif References:

T 11 Falling in love with person never seen
T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counselors of court [King’s council]
Q 421.1 Heads on Stakes. Punishment by beheading and placing heads on stakes
J 1358 No thanks to the messenger

Ortnit-20:   Ortnit learns that the heathen king wants his daughter for himself, that he wants to marry her after her mother has died. Ortnit swears that he will always be a friend to those who aid him in his bride quest. He promises gold, silver, castles, and lands with all their people and wealth. Ilyas promises 5000 knights. Hiuteger, the lord high steward, promises that each of the 72 vassals will give a hundred knights. Duke Gerwart of Troja supplies 5000 warriors. Margrave Helmnot of Tuscany promises 5000 men. Ortnit entrusts the people, the land, and his mother to the margrave’s faithful care.
Motif References:

Q 72.1 Reward for loyalty to king
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 230.1 Mother prefers son, father daughter
T 411 Father-daughter-incest
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

Ortnit-40:   The heathen Zacharis of Sicily promises to load twelve ships with fine food and the best wine – a supply for three years. He also gives well-filled and well-woven velvet, fine silk and splendid gold cloth – enough for 20,000 warriors. Ilyas promises to lead 5000 warriors across the sea fully armed. Helmnot promises many tall Castillian steeds. Duke Gerwart promises another 5000 men in bright mail. A great number of young squires obtain knighthood.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

Ortnit-70:   Ortnit’s mother warns him of the great peril, but does not hinder him. Ortnit reveals that he has had a dream and demands his armor. His mother provides him with her magic ring. She informs him that the seemingly worthless ring has great power. The stone will cause him to find what he wants. He should never give the ring away, even if all kingdoms are his. When he rides from Garda, he should turn left and go along the cliffs until he comes to a cool spring under a linden tree at the foot of the mountain. The linden is so broad it could give shade to five hundred knights. He will find adventure there.
Motif References:

M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1384.1 Magic ring prevents discomfiture [discomfort]
D 1384.7 Magic ring prevents losing one’s way

Ortnit-90:   Ortnit follows the way to the base of the cliff and finds the cool spring and the linden tree. He dismounts from his horse and notices a small child. The presumed child’s clothing is ornate with precious stones and it is dressed more finely than anyone else in the world. The king wonders who the mother of this child could be, to leave it unattended in the grass. Judging from the size, he thinks that the boy must be about four. Since he has not found anything but the boy, Ortnit thinks the boy must be the adventure, so he tries to carry him to his steed.
Motif References:

F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

Ortnit-100:   But the king gets a mighty blow in the chest. The tiny fellow has struck the larger man with his fist. He asks the boy where he got such strength. He fights and defeats the little one. Although the tall king has the strength of twelve, it is hard for him to hold the boy. The boy begs that Ortnit let him go, and says he will give him the stoutest armor in the world-a hauberk worth 50,000 marks, and a sword that will cut through any mail as if there were no steel in it. The sword will ruin also the hardest helmet. The rings of the hauberk are the smallest ever made, and of the purest gold without alloy and clear as glass. He got it from dwarves in a mountain called the Caucasus in Arabia. He wants to give him a shield, which is strong enough to withstand any arrow or sword or the heat of any flame. The sword called Rose has a shining blade that will not splinter. Together with this armor, he promises the most beautiful helmet. The man who wears it is always lucky.
Motif References:

F 451.3.4.2 Dwarfs as smiths
F 610.2 Dwarf hero of superhuman strength
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack

Ortnit-111:   Ortnit asks him who he is, and the little one answers that he is the wilderness dwarf, named Alberich, the ruler of many mountains and valleys in Lombardy. Ortnit does not want to set him free in return for the armor. He wants Alberich to promise to help him win the beautiful maiden. If not, he threatens to cut off his head. Alberich promises. Now Ortnit demands that he brings the armor. Before he goes, Alberich asks for Ortnit’s ring. At first he refuses, because of his promise to his mother. Alberich mocks him, saying that he is afraid of women and that his mother will beat him.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice
K 199 Other deceptive bargains
M 290 Bargains and promises – miscellaneous
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
M 500 (Bm) Threats

Ortnit-140:   Since he is so eager to get the ring, Alberich has to swear to Ortnit to give back the ring. Alberich gives his oath. As soon as he touches the ring, he becomes invisible. Ortnit learns that the ring’s power enabled him to see the dwarf, who now refuses to give back the ring. In vain, Ortnit demands the promised hauberk and sword. Alberich throws large stones at the king. Angry, he wants to ride away, but Alberich promises to give back the ring, if Ortnit promises not to be furious about what Alberich wants to tell him about his mother. Ortnit agrees.
Motif References:

M 108 Violators of oaths
M 110 Taking of vows and oaths
M 150 Other vows and oaths
F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 451.6.11 Dwarfs betray

Ortnit-151:   Alberich gives back the ring and Ortnit throws the dwarf to the ground as soon as he is able to see him. He demands to hear about his mother. Alberich reveals that Ortnit’s mother has had two men. The king turns red and white with anger. Alberich reveals that he is Ortnit’s father. Angrily Ortnit promises to burn her at the stake for unfaithfulness. Alberich rebukes him saying that it is a great honor to have him as a father. Because of him, he owns castles and lands. Then he tells the story of how he forced Ortnit’s mother to lie with him against her will.
Motif References:

F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals
T 471 Rape
T 539.3 Conception from intercourse with demon [dwarf]
F 611.1.2 Strong man son of woman and dwarf

Ortnit-169:   Alberich informs Ortnit that he had overheard a conversation between Ortnit’s father and mother sadly imploring God to send them a child. The lady could not get a child from her husband. Alberich thought that if her husband died, the lady would be driven out at once, and the land would suffer great distress. Therefore, invisible, he went to her and raped her. He considers himself, although small, the equal of two kings. Ortnit calms down, and Alberich goes on his way to bring the promised arms.
Motif References:

D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe

Ortnit-181:   Alberich makes Ortnit promise not to be angry with his mother, otherwise he will leave him immediately. Ortnit promises and examines the weapons. He finds his name written on the sword. Alberich tells him that with the help of the ring, he will be always finding him whenever he needs him. Ortnit rides back to Garda and demands to enter the fortress. As they do not recognize him, they refuse to let him in. The armor is so shiny that they think he is burning.
Motif References:

F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

Ortnit-201:   Ortnit does not reveal his identity, but tells them that he is a heathen from the wilderness and has killed Ortnit. Now he awaits Ortnit’s men to come out and avenge their king’s death. He awaits them at the gate. The burgrave comes out and fights, but is defeated. Then Ortnit reveals his identity, and all are glad.
Motif References:

P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
K 1812 King in disguise

Ortnit-213:   Ortnit tells his mother about his meeting with Alberich. Then it is time to leave for the expedition. Ortnit commits his mother and his land to the care of the margrave, receives the fealty oath of the nobles, and then he and his armies travel to the harbor at Messina where the heathen nobleman awaits them. As soon as the ships are ready and have stores for three years, they lift anchor and sail away. On the twelfth morning, they approach Tyre, the heathen king’s capital.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance

Ortnit-220:   Ortnit asks the captain what they should do. He suggests that they do not disembark, because there are many pirate galleys in the fortress. Suddenly in his distress, Ortnit sees Alberich standing beside him and embraces him delightedly. Nevertheless, no one except Ortnit is able to see him The dwarf king advises him to tell Ilyas in strict confidence that he will help to win the queen. Ilyas thinks it is black magic, because he hears the dwarf’s voice, but cannot see him.
Motif References:

F 235.1 Fairies [dwarfs] invisible
F 235.3 Fairies [dwarfs] visible to one person alone

Ortnit-240:   Ilyas puts the ring on his finger, is able to see the dwarf, and mistakes him for a child. Alberich informs him that he is more than 500 years old. He advises that they should pretend to be merchants who would like an escort. Ortnit disagrees because he does not speak their language. Alberich provides a magic stone, which has the power to teach any required language to whomever has it in his mouth. At first Ortnit does not believe it. He thinks it is a lie, but Alberich mollifies him by telling him that all things are subject to God’s will, for which nothing is impossible. Ortnit wants to test the stone’s powers. At this moment forty pirate galleys appear.
Motif References:

F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 570 Other extraordinary human beings
F 695.3.1 Miraculous ability to learn to read and to write foreign language in short time
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 1815 Magic knowledge of strange tongues [language]

Ortnit-250:   Ortnit speaks to them, pretending to be a merchant bringing goods from France. He asks for an escort to lead him to the landing. The master of the galleys welcomes him and reports to the governor of the city. The governor guarantees his safety under threat of hanging, and he conducts them himself. He commands that a galley be made ready for him, then goes on board with forty trumpeters. He ties a pennant and a cross to the mast to show the stranger that he will grant peace.
Motif References:

P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
K 2350 Military strategy

Ortnit-260:   At night, Ortnit asks Alberich to give advice on how to conquer the city. He wants to overrun the sleeping people and kill them all. Alberich thinks this stratagem is shameful: to provoke the host without having first issued a challenge. Alberich says that he will be the messenger and return tomorrow. Alberich tells the heathen that he is God’s messenger. The heathen refuses, because he only fears Apollo and Mohammed. Alberich suggests that he will convert them to the only true god. Then he tells him that his lord sent him to ask for his daughter. The heathen replies that no one has asked this without having his head cut off at once. Nevertheless, Alberich threatens that a big army will attack him; the heathen pushes a big stone from the wall into the moat in order to kill the messenger. Provoked, Alberich demands that the heathen should give up his daughter, otherwise the king will take her by force. The heathen screams in his anger, and the people wake up.
Motif References:

T 51 Wooing by emissary
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
M 500 (Bm) Threats
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger

Ortnit-281:   He summons his men and wants the moat surrounded to catch the dwarf. However, Alberich sneaks up behind the heathen king and informs him that they will not catch him, but they might injure the king himself. So the king stops the throwing and demands a written message. Alberich tells him that he has nothing in writing, but slaps his face to make sure the king remembers him. The monarch becomes insane with rage, so that they have to tie him down. The mother and daughter fall on their knees in prayer.
Motif References:

F 451. Dwarfs attack soldier [mortal]
F 1041.16.1 Man spits fire when enraged

Ortnit-289:   They decide to go ashore in small boats. Alberich believes that he can steal the boats unseen. By the wall of the fortress, he obtains 500 skiffs. Those guarding them think the wind has driven them out to sea. They set ashore. The gate to the fortress is open. Ilyas commands a troop of 5000 warriors. He takes the heavy banner emblazoned with a red gold lion and ties it to his spear. The army is ready at dawn. The heathens shout alarm that an army with at least 30,000 knights in shining armor is before the gate.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

Ortnit-300:   Ortnit pushes through the gate and blows his horn. There is a great clamor as the heathens form their battalions. 60,000 quickly assemble before the palace of the governor. A dreadful battle breaks out. The heathen suffers many losses. Alberich advises Ortnit to prevent the heathens from escaping, because they will take their provisions and burn their ships. Ortnit kills many heathens, but Ilyas the Russian suffers great losses – 5000 warriors – and he himself is struck down.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
K 2350 Military strategy

Ortnit-312:   Alberich rides to Ortnit telling him that his uncle Ilyas and his men lost their lives. Ortnit throws his shield on his back, takes his sword in both hands, and fights madly. Ilyas is still alive, but grieving at his losses. The two armies charge at each other. Many heathens die. The rest hide. Alberich shows Ilyas a cellar where at least 1000 people have hidden themselves. Although they surrender, the Russian kills them all. He brings them out, takes them by the hair, and cuts their heads off. They do not even spare the women. Alberich, in dismay, hurries to Ortnit, who tries to stop the Russian. Only with great difficulty he is stopped. The king, with the help of Alberich, baptizes those who desire to become Christians.
Motif References:

S 110.0.1 (Li) Mass murder
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 332 Baptism of heathen
P 555.8 (Bm) Avenging defeat in battle
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
C 845 Tabus concerning war
F 873.0.1 Battle rage

Ortnit-331:   The Russian goes to the heathen temple and finds their idols, which he carries outside and smashes against a wall. Alberich and Ortnit go to the battlefield and find only 500 Christians with injuries, but with a chance to heal. They have lost 9000 knights. The heathens yield themselves and the city to the king’s mercy and take quarter in the city. At daybreak, they leave for Mount Tabor. Ilyas carries the battle standard. With 16,000 warriors they march, and Alberich leads them.
Motif References:

R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols

Ortnit-351:   Alberich rides in front of the army, carrying the battle standard. Because he is invisible, the men think that he is an angel, and Ortnit does not deny it. He tells them that he will take all who fall there to heaven. He leads them in front of Mount Tabor where they pitch their tents. The ivory tent poles are brighter than a mirror, and the knob at the end of each pole holds a carbuncle that lights up the pavilion like a candle. However, the camp is too near the castle, and the heathens begin to try to drive them away with arrows.
Motif References:

F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 873.2 Enormous army (camp) [train]
J 1769 Other creatures with mistaken identity

Ortnit-360:   Alberich destroys the heathen’s bows and catapults. The heathens believe that the devil has come and beseech their king to give his daughter to Ortnit. The queen even tries to persuade him, but he strikes her in the face for this. He explains that they have 40,000 warriors and that they will fight tomorrow. Alberich appears and tells him that Ortnit will hang him from the battlements if he does not give him his daughter. The heathen tries to catch him and has clubs and stones thrown at him. He tears his hair in fury, because he is not able to see him. Alberich returns to Ortnit and informs him that the heathen challenges him to open battle.
Motif References:

M 500 (Bm) Threats
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
J 621 Destruction of enemy’s weapons

Ortnit-379:   They put on their bright armor. The Russian, followed by the entire army, carries Ortnit’s standard toward the gate. The lovely princess beats her breasts and then goes to the temple to pray for aid from the idols Apollo and Mohammed. Alberich comes and takes her hands. Because he is invisible, she thinks that he is one of the gods. He tells her that he is a messenger from heaven. She asks him how he dare touch her in front of her gods. Alberich explains that he is not afraid of them. He tells her about Christianity, how foolish it would be to refuse God’s will, because he could cripple her, blind her, and take away her beauty. The maiden declares that she is not afraid.
Motif References:

F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf]
M 500 (Bm) Threats
J 1769 Other creatures with mistaken identity

Ortnit-399:   Meanwhile the Christians are rapidly driving the heathens back across the moat. When the princess sees the danger, again Alberich tries to persuade her. She explains that he has not shown his power yet by touching the idols. He picks up the shrine, breaks it against the wall, and throws it into the moat. Then the maiden asks him to protect her father, and she will do what he demands.
Motif References:

T 104.2 Victor demands defeated King’s daughter (widow) in marriage
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols

Ortnit-410:   Alberich informs her that if she wants peace, then she has to agree to choose Ortnit as her husband and send him her ring as a pledge. She agrees. Ortnit receives the ring and wants to make peace. The Russian advises against this, because he would get the lady anyway. Alberich explains that a woman would never be happy with a man who killed her father. The heathens retreat into the castle. Alberich goes in and persuades the maiden to go out and pretend to say prayers. Alberich takes her by the hand and leads her to Ortnit.
Motif References:

P 557.2 Pledge with enemy to be kept

Ortnit-430:   Meanwhile Ortnit has fallen asleep. Alberich tries to wake him, but has to strike him with his fist. Ortnit is overjoyed to see the princess. Alberich warns him that he must not make her his wife until her baptism. The king takes the maiden on his horse and rides away from the mountain. Meanwhile, in order to trick and confuse the heathen, the clever Alberich carries one of their idols into the castle. Invisible he calls out loudly from beside the shrine, and they think that Mohammed their god is speaking. He commands that they fall down and say their prayers and call him Mohammed. They should thank the maiden and not disturb her.
Motif References:

T 104.2 Victor demands defeated King’s daughter (widow) in marriage
K 1971 Men behind statue (tree) speaks and pretends to be God (spirit)

Ortnit-440:   The heathen king sitting in his chamber pulls out his beard in rage because he has suffered such dishonor from Ortnit. A chamberlain tells him that Mohammed and Apollo are coming back. The king sees through the deception, and they prepare for battle. In a short time they ride out with 12,000 troops. He follows Ortnit. Alberich recommends hiding the princess in a marsh. Ortnit defends himself against the heathens and Alberich hurries to bring the troops. Ortnit gets very tired and sues for peace, but the heathen does not grant it and wants to kill him. Therefore, Ortnit defends himself until Ilyas appears.
Motif References:

P 678 Pulling out hair as sign of grief [wringing hands as sign of grief]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Ortnit-471:   Ortnit gives Ilyas his sword and falls down, bearing his head in the princess’s lap. The heathens have to give way because the Russian kills so many. The heathen king flees, and the enemy forces are destroyed. The Christians win much booty, both horses and armor. The princess asks Ortnit if he has slain her father, and when she finds out that he is still alive, she agrees to marry him and to convert to Christianity. Alberich and the Russian baptize the princess. On the 19th morning, they enter the harbor of Messina. At Garda, they have a wedding festival.
Motif References:

T 135 Wedding ceremony
V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 332 Baptism of heathen
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.2 Strong man kills men

Ortnit-490:   A clever huntsman appears before the old heathen king and tells him that he has found in a cave two eggs of a huge dragon which he had seen leaving. The king has the idea of taking the eggs to Lombardy. The huntsman advises him to send the eggs together with gold ornaments and precious stones. The heathen follows this counsel. A ship is loaded with great wealth, and the huntsman sails to the Roman shores. There he approaches the castle and is brought to the princess, because no one there understands his language. Ortnit thinks that the old heathen has changed his ways.
Motif References:

B 11 Dragon
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
K 910 Murder by strategy
K 2218.2 Treacherous father-in-law

Ortnit-508:   The huntsman shows them the king’s gifts. He explains that the dragon eggs are elephants not yet grown. He says that they can only live in the mountains and in a cave. He brings the eggs there and takes care of them. In half a year, the dragons grow large enough to make their master’s life with them most unpleasant, because they want to eat everything –including him. An ox a day is not enough. Therefore, he lets them out, and the hungry dragons devour everything in the country. At last, Ortnit declares that he will fight the dragon.
Motif References:

B 11.3 Habitat of dragon
B 11.2.12 Dragon of enormous size
B 11.10.2 Dragon eats people [and animals] for his rent
J 1759 Other mistaken animals

Ortnit-513:   When the queen learns that he will fight the dragon, she is in dismay, because she thinks that no one will look after her after Ortnit dies. She has to promise that she will not take anyone for a husband; however, he may try to force her, unless he first slays the dragon. Then he advises her that if he does not come back, she should only believe the man who brings back the dragon’s head and tongues, together with his sword, his mail, and the golden ring. Then he leaves with his hound. He passes Alberich at the linden tree, and the dwarf advises him not to sleep, otherwise the dragon will kill him. Ortnit rides without rest during the night and day to find the dragon. But sleep overwhelms him and the dragon gulps him down. The little dog barks, but Ortnit does not wake. The dragon carries him to his young in a hollow mountain, where Ortnit loses his life. The dragons suck his flesh through the mail.
Motif References:

B 11.6.8 Dragon flies to its nest with human being
J 21.41 Advice against sleep in strange circumstances “Be cautious before allowing yourself to fall asleep in a strange place.” Counsel proved wise by experience
D 1960.4 Deathlike sleep
D 1975 Dragon fighter’s magic sleep: while waiting for the fight with dragon hero falls into magic sleep

Ortnit-580:   The dog goes home and the queen thinks that Ortnit will come after him, so they wait. The nobles ask her where he went, and eventually, she tells them that he went out to kill the dragon. Then they set out to the dragon’s habitat and learn of Ortnit’s death. Ortnit’s mother dies of grief. They try to force the queen to take a husband, so that the people and her land will have a protector with the land and people closely attached. However, the queen declares that she will only marry the man who slays the dragon. Since she refuses to obey, they deprive the queen of her inheritance. Although she owns a tower full of treasure, she is not allowed to take it and has to support herself with handiwork. The margrave wants to avenge the death of Ortnit, but has to wait until his son is grown so that he will have an heir. He and his wife take care of the lady.
Motif References:

P 28 Marriage of queen
T 68.3 Princess (queen) as prize to man who saves his country
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative