Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Rosengarten F (ca. 1250)


Heroic Epic

Rosengarten F (ca. 1250)
Holz, G.(ed.): Die Gedichte des Rosengarten zu Worms. Halle/Saale 1893, Reprint Hildesheim 1982.

RosGF-1:   (F)I 1 Kriemhild ponders whether to have Sêburc, the duchess of Bavaria, as a messenger to Lamparten or Hagen’s brother Dankwart. She decides for Dankwart, summons him and sends him to Sêburg. Dankwart and Herbort together with a retinue of 50 squires ride to Sêburg to deliver Kriemhild’s letter. Dankwart and Sêburg mutually fall in love.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
P 14.15.2 Court messenger

RosGF-2:   II, 1, 4. Lady Wendelmuot travels to Bern where she eventually finds a host, a merchant. The host has a beautiful place prepared for her with gold chairs, ivory tables, and the place full of splendor. Lady Wendelmuot begs the merchant to buy a thousand palfreys for the queen, who shall have everything according to her wishes. Then Dietrich approaches and announces Seburg who waits outside. Dietrich, Hildebrand, Alphart, Wolfhart, Dankwart ride to the field to have a tournament. All welcome Sêburg.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

RosGF-3:   II, 19 Sêburg gives Dietrich the letter and rewards the host for the palfreys. After a splendid meal at the host’s place, Dietrich has the letter read to them by a chaplain.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

RosGF-4:   III 1, 3 Wolfhart disapproves of Kriemhild’s challenge. He rather would slap her face than kiss her. Alphart retorts that it is not for kisses but for fighting’s sake, they will go to the Rhine. Wolfhart who would not allow it rebukes Witege who would prefer to stay home. Hildebrand announces that he will take kisses and garlands for Lady Ute. Heime is eager for combat. The letter contains a wedding invitation that infuriates Dietrich. He is aware, that no woman ever takes a man unless he has defeated Dietrich. His lucky opponent has all the pleasure, while he has the injuries. Eventually the fighters prepare for departure: Wolfhart and Hâwart, Witege and Heime, Dietrich’s war companions, Eckehart, Nuodung, (Rüedeger’s son) Hildebrand’s brother Hagen and Herbrant of Bitene, Sigeher of Garte and Dietleib of Styria. Hildebrand mentions the monk Jesân, but Dietrich replies that the monk has been in the monastery for twelve years, it might alienate him from his pious life.
Motif References:

W 212 Eagerness for combat
H 331.2.1 Suitor contest: success in battle [single combat]

RosGF-5:   IV Walther and Witege choose between a rich and a poor shield, Witege chooses the rich. Witege soon is wounded in a heavy combat. Walther wins the garland. Dietleib fights against Schrûtan, who fights with a club and soon wounds Dietleib. Schrûtan beats him to the ground. Soon Dietleib recovers and jumps up, but has to flee under a rock. Schrûtan hits the wall thus smashing his club in smithereens. Dietleib out of harm’s way cuts off the giant’s leg.
Motif References:

J 200 Choices
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561 Tests of valor
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

RosGF-6:   IV, 18. Nuodung fights against King Gunthêr. Both Dietrich and Kriemhild fear for the fighters. Kriemhild lets both win the kiss and garland without fighting. Dietrich calls up Eckehart to fight against Herbort of Rhine. The next morning Dietrich demands that all knights hear mass in his chapel and prepare for fight.
Motif References:

V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms

RosGF-7:   V Monk Jesân fights against Aldrian. Jesân beats Aldrian with heavy blows and slaps him. After that Jesân takes a sharp sword, attacks his opponent and kills him but loses his sword and Dankwart takes it. The monk tries to get back his sword. Dankwart refuses. The monk is furious for losing his sword. They fear he will kill them all. The other party prepares to avenge Aldrian’s death. Dietrich’s party puts on armor to fight them. Jesân boasts to kill seventy. Hagen tells Dietrich that they deny the revenge. His sons admit that it is their father’s own fault; if he had followed the call for separation it would not have happened.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

RosGF-8:   V 19 Hagen curses Kriemhild’s battle contest, calling her murderess. Wolfhart wants to fight with them. Hagen and 100 of his men threaten Kriemhild. On both sides, the preparations for fight continue. Hildebrand asks Dietrich about Wolfhart, who wanted to fight with Hagen. Dietrich replies he does not let him go. Sêburc arrives in her gold-colored coat all the way from Ninive.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament