Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der jüngere Sigenot (ca. 1250)


Heroic Epic

Der jüngere Sigenot (ca. 1250)
Schoener, A.C.(ed.): Der jüngere Sigenot (=Germ. Bibl. 3/6). Heidelberg 1928.

SigJu-1:   Hildebrand tells a story about his fight with Grîm and his sister. The giantess nearly killed him. She put him into a cave where he would have died, if Dietrich had not saved him by cutting off her head.
Motif References:

F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.0.4 Giant woman
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

SigJu-4:   Hildebrand says he will tell Dietrich the story of the tallest and most dangerous giant, if Dietrich will promise not to fight him. Since Adam’s times, there has not been a braver man. He wears special armor made of horn, which no weapon can pierce. Dietrich promises to bear Hildebrand’s advice in mind. The name of the giant is Sigenot. He is Grîn’s relative and lives in the same cave. The giant waits for them ready to take revenge for Grîn
Motif References:

M 200 Bargains and promises
F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant
F 531.2 Size of giant
F 830 Extraordinary weapons

SigJu-7:   Dietrich wants to fight Sigenot. Hildebrand refuses, because of Sigenot’s extremely sharp club, which is like a razor and polished like a mirror.
Motif References:

F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon

SigJu-15:   Against Hildebrand’s advice, Dietrich rides to the forest to fight the giant. He gives Hildebrand a life token. If he does not return within eight days, they will know the giant has killed him. Hildebrand promises to avenge his death.
Motif References:

M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
E 761.7 Life token – miscellaneous

SigJu-29:   Dietrich rides into the forest. On the heath, he encounters a wild man who carries a tied up dwarf on his club. The dwarf cries for help. Dietrich offers the deer he has just killed in exchange, but the wild man refuses. He challenges the wild man and tries to hurt him, but the attempt is futile.
Motif References:

F 451.5.23 Dwarfs seek human help in their fights and troubles
F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal
F 567 Wild man
F 610.1 Wild man of superhuman strength
N 764 Unexpected meeting with wild man

SigJu-30:   The dwarf gives Dietrich a spellbreaking root. Dietrich is able to cut the wild man to pieces.
Motif References:

F 451.7 Possessions of dwarfs
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 967 Magic roots
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
D 1840 Magic invulnerability

SigJu-50:   The grateful dwarf tries to persuade Dietrich to give up the fight with Sigenot and to visit him instead. His name is Baldung. Alberich was his ancestor. He offers treasures for his rescue. Dietrich takes a precious stone, which shields against hunger, thirst and other pains.
Motif References:

D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects

SigJu-58:   Dietrich finds Sigenot asleep. He awakens him with a kick and beats on his hat with his sword. Sigenot recognizes Dietrich’s armor as his uncle’s and wants to take revenge. Dietrich provokes Sigenot to charge him.
Motif References:

F 531.5 Giants and men
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

SigJu-70:   The giant has horny skin, which remains unpiercable. When he loses his club, he pulls out a tree to fight. Dietrich cuts the tree in pieces, but Sigenot pulls out a still bigger one.
Motif References:

F 558 Man covered with horn
F 614.2 Strong man uproots tree and uses it as weapon
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack

SigJu-78:   Dietrich stops the tree-pulling and beats the giant to the ground. Sigenot jumps up and the fight continues. Sigenot takes his enormous wooden shield and beats Dietrich to the ground.
Motif References:

F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

SigJu-92:   Sigenot, thinking that Dietrich is dead, wants to conquer Bern, but Dietrich jumps up, beats the shield out of the giant’s hand, and destroys it. Dietrich is able to continue the fight all day long due to the magic jewel. The giant beats Dietrich’s sword out of his hand. They wrestle. The giant wins and binds Dietrich’s hands and feet.
Motif References:

R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 617 Mighty wrestler

SigJu-107:   The giant takes Dietrich to a cave where dragons dwell. He wants to take revenge for his relatives and plans a cruel death as a punishment for Dietrich. He grabs Dietrich under his armpits and carries him to the cave, but the dwarf’s jewel protects Dietrich against the dragons’ attack.
Motif References:

B 11.3 Habitat of dragon
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects

SigJu-113:   Hildebrand, Wolfhart and Sigestap now are convinced that Dietrich has been killed and want to take revenge. Hildebrand outranks them, saying he has to keep his promise. He rides to the heath where Dietrich was defeated and finds Dietrich’s horse. He laments Dietrich’s death. Sigenot hears Hildebrand’s outburst and approaches him. Hildebrand asks if Dietrich is dead, but Sigenot ignores his question and challenges him to battle.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

SigJu-136:   In a furious fight Hildebrand’s shield breaks and he takes shelter behind trees. Sigenot throws away his club, pulls out trees, and builds an entrenchment.
Motif References:

F 614.2 Strong man uproots tree and uses it as weapon
F 621 Strong man: tree-puller

SigJu-143:   The giant beats Hildebrand to the ground with his club, carries him out of the entrenchment, and throws him to the ground. Now he tells him the truth about Dietrich. Sigenot binds Hildebrand’s hands and feet, takes him by his beard and carries him to the mountain cave.
Motif References:

R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast

SigJu-155:   In his cave chamber, he puts the captive to the ground and fetches iron chains. The giant has a splendid home, preciously and marvelously furnished by dwarves’ art. Many jewels shine like daylight. His seat is made of ivory. The dwarves come at his call to entertain him. Green jewels are set in the mountain like a chess game. Silk covers the giant’s bed. Hildebrand breaks his chains, puts on Dietrich’s armor, and fights with the giant.
Motif References:

F 451.3.4.1 Dwarfs as artificers
F 451.6.3.3 Dwarfs have music
F 451. Dwarf musician (poet)
F 531.6.15.3 Giants and dwarfs friendly
F 531.6.16 Attendants of the giants
F 786 Extraordinary chair
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

SigJu-161:   In the dragon hole, Dietrich recognizes his master Hildebrand because of his blows and encourages him. Hildebrand attacks Sigenot terribly and takes shelter behind rocks. Then he wounds the giant deeply and cuts off his head.
Motif References:

Q 421 Punishment: beheading
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

SigJu-171:   To punish Dietrich for his disobedience, Hildebrand pretends to leave. Dietrich regrets his mistake and begs Hildebrand to stay and help him out of the cave.
Motif References:

R 150 Rescuers

SigJu-186:   Hildebrand promises to take Dietrich out, but he cannot do so without a ladder. Dietrich suggests he make a rope out of their garments. Hildebrand lets down the rope, but it breaks and Dietrich falls down again.
Motif References:

R 121 Means of rescue from prison
R 167 Master rescues disciple
R 211.7 Escape from pit of snakes (dragons) by means of a rope

SigJu-189:   Hildebrand finds a dwarf and takes him by his beard to force him to give help. The dwarf Eckerich learns of Dietrich’s imprisonment in the cave.
Motif References:

F 451.2.3.1 Long-bearded dwarf
F 451.2.3 The beards of dwarfs
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast