Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Der Bussard (>1300)


Maere and Novellas

Der Bussard (>1300)
von der Hagen, H.H.: Gesammtabenteuer. Hundert altdeutsche Erzählungen, 3 vols. Stuttgart/Tübingen 1850. Reprint Darmstadt 1961. Vol 1, Nr. 16, p. 337–366

Buss-1:   Promythion: A great love can work marvels but it is very rare today. The son of the English king is sent to Paris to attend the High school. They welcome him friendly on the French court and he falls in love with the princess.
Motif References:

T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering

Buss-200:   The young people fall madly in love with each other. Although she has been promised to the king of Morocco they decide to elope on her wedding day.
Motif References:

T 57 Declaration of love

Buss-240:   The prince returns to England and comes back after one year disguised as a minstrel. They escape together.
Motif References:

R 24.2 Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away
R 225.2 Lovers elope to prevent girl’s marriage to undesired fiancé
T 323 Escape from undesired lover by strategy

Buss-545:   While taking a rest in the forest a buzzard steals the princess’s ring. The prince pursues the bird and gets lost.
Motif References:

R 312.1 Forest as refuge for eloping lovers
N 352 Bird carries off ring which lover has taken from sleeping mistress’s finger. He searches for the ring and becomes separated from her

Buss-605:   In his desperation the prince turns mad and lives like a wild animal in the forest.
Motif References:

P 55 Wild man of noble birth
L 116 Insane hero
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief

Buss-650:   The princess mourns and finds accommodation in a mill where she earns her living through precious fine handiworks. A passing duchess recognizes her noble origin and takes her to her castle.
Motif References:

H 35.3 Recognition by unique needlework
Q 482.1 Princess serves as menial
N 820 Human helpers

Buss-769:   The duke finds the prince and saves and civilizes the insane young man.
Motif References:

R 1 Wild man captured and tamed

Buss-800:   When the saved prince bites off a buzzard’s head during a hunt his story is obvious to the present princess who recognizes her lost lover. The parents are informed and a grand wedding is taking place. The happy couple lives from this time on partly in France and partly in England.
Motif References:

H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history
D 92 Transformation: Wild man to normal
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
S 481 Cruelty to animals