Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Egenolf von Staufenberg, Peter von Staufenberg (ca. 1310)


Maere and Novellas

Egenolf von Staufenberg, Peter von Staufenberg (ca. 1310)
Jänicke, O. (ed.): Der Ritter von Stauefenberg. In: Altdeutsche Studien, Berlin 1871, p. 3–41

EvSPS-1:   Peter Deimringer is an extraordinarily brave and generous knight. He is pious and educated, plays an instrument, is a skilled hunter and even able to read and write.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 33 Heroism
W 45 Honor

EvSPS-181:   On a Pentecostal morning the knight rides to mass. His page rides in front because the knight wants to say his prayers. The page meets a lady sitting alone on the road margin wearing a beautiful white garment. He thinks that she is an angel from paradise. She wears rose-colored silk garments embroidered with animals ornate with jewels and a brooch with a luminescent carbuncle.
Motif References:

F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments – miscellaneous

EvSPS-287:   Then the knight notices the lady, greets her, dismounts from his horse and lifts her from the rock she has been sitting on. Both sit down on the grass. The knight asks her why she is quite alone and unattended. She answers that she had been waiting for him. She has been watching over him for a very long time. That’s why he remained unharmed in all his battles.
Motif References:

F 312.2 Fairies control destinies of a mortal

EvSPS-380:   He asks for her love and she promises to be his whenever he wishes. But he is not allowed to marry another woman; otherwise he has to die in three days. He enjoys his adventurous life and becomes famous because she saves him on many occasions.
Motif References:

C 30 Tabu: offending supernatural relative
F 300 Marriage or liaison with fairy
F 301.1.1.1 Girl [hero] summons fairy lover [mistress] by wishing for him [her]
F 302 Fairy mistress
F 302.3 Fairy woos mortal man
F 302.3.0.1 Fairy visits mortal and becomes his mistress
F 304 Sexual relations with fairy
C 901.1.5 Tabu imposed by fairy

EvSPS-715:   Relatives press him for marriage but the fairy advises him to refuse until the emperor offers him the hand of his niece. When cornered he reveals his secret. The clergy tell him that his lady is the devil’s messenger and Peter is persuaded to marry. When sitting at the wedding table a beautiful female leg appears at the ceiling. He lies down and his relatives mourn for him already. He asks for a Christian funeral and dies after three days. Epimythion: The young people have to strive for an honorable life but shall not forget their salvation.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
Q 247 Punishment for desertion of fairy mistress
F 302.3.3.1 Fairy avenges herself on inconstant lover (husband)
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf]
F 471.2.1 Succubus– female incubus
C 905 Supernatural being punishes breach of tabu
C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu
C 920 Death for breaking tabu
C 932 Loss of wife (husband) for breaking tabu.