Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Heinrich Kaufringer, Die unschuldige Mörderin (ca. 1400)


Maere and Novellas

Heinrich Kaufringer, Die unschuldige Mörderin (ca. 1400)
Euling, K. (ed.): Heinrich Kaufringers Gedichte. (=StLV 182) Tübingen 1888. Vol. 14, p. 166–186

HKUM-1:   Promythion: He who trusts in god is rewarded. A beautiful and virtuous countess is going to be married to a king. On the day before the wedding she is slandered by a knight that she is not as virtuous as it seems. He tells the king that it would be easy for him to gain her favors.
Motif References:

K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]

HKUM-202:   The knight pretends being the king and therefore gets her love. But after a careless remark she learns the truth and kills her abuser.
Motif References:

K 1915 The false bridegroom (substituted bridegroom)

HKUM-277:   The deceived wife kills her lover by cutting off his head. To get rid of the corpse she calls the janitor for help. He helps her but is demanding her favors. When he throws the corpse into a tank she pushes him into the tank, too. The knight’s servant waiting with the knight’s horse is found and hanged for horse theft.
Motif References:

S 131 Murder by drowning
Q 243.2 Seduction punished
Q 413.1 Hanging as punishment for theft
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
K 1397 Woman seduced through threat
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty

HKUM-500:   During the wedding night the countess asks one of her maids to change places with her. After the king has fallen asleep the maid refuses to go away.
Motif References:

K 1843 Wife deceives husband with substituted bedmate

HKUM-610:   The countess waits until the unfaithful servant has fallen asleep then sets fire to the bed, rescues the king and lets the unfaithful servant burn to death.
Motif References:

K 812 Victim burned in his own house or hiding place
K 834 Victim killed while asleep in killer’s house