Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Heinrich Kaufringer, Der zurückgegebene Minnelohn (ca. 1400)


Maere and Novellas

Heinrich Kaufringer, Der zurückgegebene Minnelohn (ca. 1400)
Euling, K. (ed.): Heinrich Kaufringers Gedichte. (=StLV 182) Tübingen 1888. Nr. 5, p. 57–77.

HKZML-1:   Promythion: Blessed the man who has a faithful wife. A young knight receives the resources for a journey by an old neighbor and rides to a town where a tournament is announced. On the way nightfall forces him to sleep in the forest. His servants stay with the horses and he takes to adventure. He comes to a garden where he watches a young lady walking around complaining about a toothache while her old husband gives her light from an upper door.
Motif References:

T 121 Unequal marriage
J 445.2 Foolish marriage of old man and young girl
K 1514.18 Adulteress makes excuse to go and attend to bodily needs: meets lover

HKZML-166:   The knight enjoys her favors in the dark, which have been meant for the lady’s secret lover. Too late she realizes her mistake and demands that he proves his knightly state.
Motif References:

K 1317.7 Woman mistakes passer-by for lover. Substitution in the dark

HKZML-207:   But he has nothing on him but his traveling money and receives her ring in exchange
Motif References:

T 455.6 Woman sells favors for a large sum of money

HKZML-360:   When he travels on in the morning he meets an old knight in the next village who asks him to accompany him to the next town. He receives accommodation as reward. At the tournament the young knight wins the price of honor.
Motif References:

W 32 Bravery
Q 60 Other good qualities rewarded
P 561 Tournaments

HKZML-433:   When they sit together in the evening the young man tells his friend the story of the garden. The old knight learns that it has been his own wife, but doesn’t reveal it. He invites the young knight to his castle who notices that it is the castle where he had his adventure. The lady as well is scared when she notices the ring on the young man’s hand. After a meal the husband has his scared wife fetch the 60 pound and divides it in three equal parts: one for the wife being the game board, one for the knight being the dice and the third for himself because he provided the light for the game. The young man begs the husband to pardon his wife.
Motif References:

H 94.0.1 Recognition of wife’s ring in friend’s possession informs husband of her unfaithfulness
K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery
K 1581.4 Lover’s gift regained: accidental discovery of identity. The lover ignorant of the identity of the husband tells him of his experience with the wife. The husband persuades the lover to lead him to the scene where the wife is compelled to restore all but a small part of the money