Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Johann von Nürnberg, De vita vagorum (>1350)


Maere and Novellas

Johann von Nürnberg, De vita vagorum (>1350)
Maschek, H.(ed.): Lyrik des späten Mittelalters. Leipzig 1939. p. 194–202 and 311

JVNVV-1:   A vagabond student complains about his life (troubles, malice of people, scraps, poverty) and compares it with a monk’s secure life in an order.
Motif References:

V 450 Religious orders
P 460 Other trades and professions

JVNVV-28:   God works strange miracles: makes one man rich and thousands poor.
Motif References:

U 61 Dividing after God’s fashion: little to poor, much to rich

JVNVV-50:   The student’s order is heavier than lead, its way is fast, hard as steel, sour as vinegar. He suffers from hunger, thirst and cold, whereas the monk finds table and bed prepared and has no sorrows. The student’s house is the large forest, warm in summer, cold in winter. The refectory is three miles apart from the student’s bed.
Motif References:

JVNVV-102:   The student complains about wind, snow and rain, about stones piercing his feet and the lack of clothes.
Motif References:

JVNVV-112:   The poor student comes to a parson’s house in search of a meal. The parson’s maid pretends that the parson is not at home and keeps the doors shut. The student curses the parson and his family (children and wife).
Motif References:

W 158 Inhospitality
Q 292 Inhospitality punished
M 411.2 Beggar’s curse
M 431 Curse: bodily injury
M 460 Curses on families
Q 556.7 Curse for inhospitality

JVNVV-138:   The student comes to an innkeeper in a village. The innkeeper’s maid complains about a servant who has broken his promise to marry her after she has given him her favors. Now he is scorning her.
Motif References:

T 72 Woman won and then scorned
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
K 2232.1 Treacherous lover betrays woman’s love and deserts her

JVNVV-160:   The maid asks the student for advice. The student demands food as reward.
Motif References:

Q 43 Reward for giving counsel
Q 114.0.1 Gifts made to advisor [umpire]

JVNVV-167:   The student’s advice: she will regain the man’s love by means of a waxen image. She should baptize the figure in a well, put it out into the sun and make it go backwards around the kitchen.
Motif References:

V 81 Baptism
D 1268 Magic statue (doll)
D 1355.3 Love charm
D 1791 Magic power by circumambulation
D 1900 Love induced by magic

JVNVV-174:   Also other women ask the student’s advice and bring gifts: he gives old women counsels against wrinkles, prescribes head of a goat against nightmares (alp), and makes an ointment which restores virginity.
Motif References:

F 471.1.2 Protection against the nightmare (alp)
K 1956 Sham wise man
J 2300 Gullible fools

JVNVV-193:   The student gives a lot of other absurd counsels to the women: hold the bottom into the moonlight, stand on the field, wash coals, piss into the ashes, cover up glow, pick carrots (morels) or primroses (batonje), gallop without speaking, stand nude in the night, go bottom first to a fire.
Motif References:

JVNVV-209:   After the student has given his counsels, he must leave quickly. The farmers always say he is a riding scholar, but this is not true because he is more walking than riding. A minorit is even riding more often than him. Moreover the minorit has thick soles, but the soles of the poor student have many fissures. The minorit has his belt full of knots, the poor student his shirt.
Motif References:

JVNVV-225:   Poverty causes the student to eat like a mower, drink like a bather, shout like a guardian, travel like a juggler, pay like a preacher and move (skittles) like a player.
Motif References:

JVNVV-233:   Cursing and scolding is his main occupation, but he does not earn enough for it. Sometimes he receives clothes and a meal, mostly he gets a beating.
Motif References:

JVNVV-241:   In the evening, when the student has eaten nothing all day long, he is looking for a man to sing his whole repertoire. Then he falls down at his feet so that the man takes him to his home. There he gets food and accommodation.
Motif References:

JVNVV-268:   In the summer, the student prefers to camp in the countryside.
Motif References:

JVNVV-280:   The student teaches about the consequences of gambling: a son will have to leave his father’s farm and should become bishop, sexton or chaplain – or a thief. This has also happened to himself, Johann von Nurmberg.
Motif References:

N 1 Gamblers