Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der Junker und der treue Heinrich (>1400)


Maere and Novellas

Der Junker und der treue Heinrich (>1400)
von der Hagen, H.H.: Gesammtabenteuer. Hundert altdeutsche Erzählungen, 3 vols. Stuttgart/Tübingen 1850. Reprint Darmstadt 1961. Vol 3, Nr. 64, p. 187–255.

JuH-1:   Author’s purpose: telling a story about great adventures he has heard about and makes poetry with rhymes out of bad German.
Motif References:

JuH-15:   A town’s potentate has a beautiful wife and one son who is virtuous and handsome. This son is eager to fight in tournaments because he is desperately in love with a maiden and wants to serve her. After some time she dies and he suffers such deep grief that nobody can help him. Because of this, his father and mother die from sorrow.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 89 Tragic love – miscellaneous motifs
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
F 1041.1.3 Death from sorrow or chagrin

JuH-47:   The young nobleman has a faithful servant called Heinrich, who has served him for several years. Heinrich advises his mournful master that he should not surrender himself to pain. The young man follows this advice but he is not able to forget his beloved. His relatives try to persuade the orphan to marry but he wants to go out in search of adventures and therefore sells a castle and what he has inherited from his father. Heinrich would like to hold his master back from selling everything but has to keep silent.
Motif References:

W 31 Obedience
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
W 131.1 Profligate wastes entire fortune before beginning his own adventures
W 216 Thrift
T 360 Chastity and celibacy – miscellaneous
P 361 Faithful servant [vassal]
J 1060 Miscellaneous aspects of wisdom

JuH-107:   One day a herald comes who is sent by the king of Zippren (Cyprus) to invite nobles to his court. The king wants to marry his daughter to the best knight or nobleman and give him his country after his death. People lead the herald to the young noble who rewards him for his message with clothes and horses, together valued at 40 guilders.
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
T 68.6 (Bm) Princess as reward to most valiant knight

JuH-139:   The young nobleman states that he wants to follow the invitation. His servant objects that he possesses nothing except two castles and his own house. His master answers that he is going to sell everything and buy horses. He orders the servant to go and sell his houses.
Motif References:

H 1221 Quest for adventure
H 1239 Accomplishment of quest – miscellaneous
H 1381.3.1.2 Quest for bride for oneself

JuH-165:   Heinrich is worried that his master has no property any more but the young man is confident of God’s help and orders his servant to provide them with everything they need for the journey. He gives his house to Heinrich, his wife and children.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 45 Honor
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
V 440 Other religious virtues

JuH-201:   On his journey he meets an impecunious knight who accompanies him on his way. During the conversation it becomes apparent that the stranger’s aim is also Zippren. Both knights agree on traveling together.
Motif References:

P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
N 760 Other accidental encounters

JuH-230:   The young man orders Heinrich to provide everything for the evening and to give one of his silken clothes to his travel companion. The servant warns him against spending all his money but his master does not care about losing it because he still has the horses. Heinrich keeps silent, obeys his master’s wish and gives silken cloth to the stranger.
Motif References:

L 114.2 Spendthrift hero
W 131.1 Profligate wastes entire fortune before beginning his own adventures

JuH-255:   Heinrich talks to the stranger saying that he has to defray half of travel expenses if he wants to join them. The knight suggests that Heinrich and his master should pay costs for next fourteen days; he would bear them the following two weeks. Heinrich tells his master about the bargain and he consents. During their journey the youth tells the knight about the death of his beloved three years ago.
Motif References:

K 250 Other deceptive bargains
M 290 Bargains and promises – miscellaneous
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous

JuH-295:   After fourteen days, Heinrich reminds the knight to assume their expenses from now on and he consents. In the evening they find accommodation in an inn. The next morning Heinrich and the young noble find that their companion has already left. Heinrich laments the knight’s treachery but his master appeases him presuming the knight’s good intentions and trusting in God.
Motif References:

K 233 Trickster escapes without paying

JuH-346:   The young noble asks the innkeeper to provide a mass for them. After mass Heinrich tells the innkeeper how they have been deceived and that they have spent all money. That is why they have to leave one horse with the innkeeper and continue their journey with only two horses. After some time they reach the sea-shore and have to wait until ships are prepared. They go to Zippren. During the journey one horse dies which has a value of 200 guilders.
Motif References:

P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight

JuH-409:   As they reach Fagamust, the capital town of Zippren, Heinrich states that it is disgraceful for his master to enter court on foot. The nobleman asks for his servant’s help. Heinrich advises him to stay in a forest nearby until he comes back. He rides into town and, as he knows to speak French, asks for someone who would lodge a nobleman. He is directed to a rich man who offers his help to the impoverished noble. He would place horses at his disposal against later payment.
Motif References:

N 835 Wealthy (powerful) man as helper

JuH-495:   Heinrich returns to his lord who thanks him for his help. Heinrich tells him that he has found someone who would lend money and horses to him but he is also worried about their financial situation. The young man answers that he trusts in God’s help and orders his servant to bring message to host: he should prepare an ambler for him and four big horses, invite his relatives to join him when he enters the city and provide trumpets and string-music for his entry.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank

JuH-558:   While Heinrich goes to meet the host, his master waits at a fountain. Suddenly a bird sits down in the grass, puts a gemstone to the ground which it has carried in its bill and starts to carol pleasantly. After a while it picks up the gem, flies away but comes back again, putting down the stone and again starting to sing. Then it takes the stone again and flies to a branch. For the third time it returns to the youth, dropping the gem and singing. The young man chases the bird off with a pebble. The bird leaves the gem behind.
Motif References:

B 505 Magic object received from animal
D 829 Acquisition of magic object – miscellaneous
F 989 Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals – miscellaneous

JuH-604:   The gem is so clear that it shines like a carbuncle also at night. As the young man takes it into his hand, he lifts up and starts to fly like a bird. After a while he returns to the place where he has started off and rejoices at the stone.
Motif References:

F 826 Extraordinary jewels
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1531.11 Gem gives power of flying
D 1799.4 Magic powers from touching
D 2135 Magic air journey

JuH-624:   Meanwhile their host has prepared four horses and called his relatives who have taken various string-instruments with them. He and Heinrich go to meet the young noble. The wealthy man greets him respectfully and wishes him success in winning the princess. They return to town and the host’s relatives admire the noble’s appearance: he is thirty years old and very handsome. The town’s inhabitants crowd to see the young man and also the king, his wife and daughter look out of the windows.
Motif References:

F 575.2 Handsome man

JuH-692:   As the princess sees the young man, she prays that God may support him. The noble falls in love with her. The king sends his lord high steward to invite the young noble to a meal at his court. The youth answers that he has to rest from the journey that night. His host tells this answer to the lord high steward who delivers this message to the king. The princess is sad because she will not see her beloved.
Motif References:

T 15 Love at first sight
V 50 Prayer

JuH-763:   The young man looks out of a window and for a moment catches sight of the princess. He longs for her and transforms himself into a little bird. He flies to the princess’s room where he finds her alone and praying. The princess closes the window and catches the bird. As she holds the bird in her hands, it is transformed into a man. The princess swoons.
Motif References:

D 150 Transformation: man to bird
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will
D 641.1 Lover as bird visits mistress
K 1346 Hero flies to maiden’s room

JuH-805:   The noble embraces and kisses the unconscious maiden and declares his love to her. She opens her eyes and declares her love as well. She embraces and kisses him. As mealtime draws near, the lover has to leave, transforms himself into bird again and flies back to his room. Before his departure the princess gives a diadem to the hero.
Motif References:

T 57 Declaration of love
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens

JuH-871:   A meal is prepared in the host’s house, Heinrich goes to awaken his master who gives the diadem to him and orders his servant to have it in safe-keeping without telling him where he has got it from. Heinrich entrusts the diadem to their host’s care who says that he has never seen a diadem like this and values it at two thousand guilders.
Motif References:

F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments – miscellaneous

JuH-907:   During the meal the young noble orders Heinrich to provide clothes which he wants to give to the host and his relatives the next morning. In the morning Heinrich asks his host for enough cloth for 40 garments which are then given to the host and his family. The young noble invites all lords, knights and servants who dwell in town for an evening dinner.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 12 Hospitality as a virtue

JuH-960:   Nobody in town knows the identity of the new arrival, not even the knight who has spent the noble’s money in a treacherous way. He says that he must be a noble lord and that he has given him silken cloth as a present.
Motif References:

R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)

JuH-990:   The young noble welcomes his guests in the evening, they have a meal together and dance music is played. Heinrich has fixed the diadem on his master’s helmet and put it in a chamber where the guests can see it. The knight who had joined Heinrich and his lord on their journey ask the young noble to give him the diadem. Everybody is amazed that he gives it to him willingly and Heinrich reproaches his master for this. He answers that it was a point of honor to give it to him. As the guests take their leave, the young noble invites them for the next evening.
Motif References:

W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]

JuH-1065:   The young man thinks about tomorrow’s competition and asks Heinrich what he should bind on his helmet. The servant advises to take a chicken nest as a helmet crest and finds one for his master. The next morning their host prepares food, the noble attends mass and, before he leaves for court, asks Heinrich to decorate his shield with a chicken nest. Heinrich laughs and obeys the order. The host and 30 knights join the young noble on his way to the tiltyard. The knight with a diadem as a helmet crest is among the contestants.
Motif References:

T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
Z 253 Fool as hero
Q 323 Unthriftiness punished
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments
X 500 Humor concerning other social classes
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
J 1749 Absurd ignorance – miscellaneous

JuH-1131:   The king, his wife and daughter watch the tournament from a window. Seeing the knight with her diadem, the princess considers him to be her beloved and rejoices.
Motif References:

H 90 Identification by ornaments
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize

JuH-1145:   The tournament starts. The knight with the diadem is one of the first to be defeated and falls down from his horse. The princess is concerned about his condition. The knight with a chicken nest on his helmet throws all opponents off their horses.
Motif References:

L 110 Types of unpromising heroes (heroines)
L 140 The unpromising surpasses the promising
P 561 Tournaments

JuH-1189:   The princess is worried about her supposed lover and prays to God, Christ and Virgin Mary that he would become her husband. Everybody wonders about the identity of the unknown knight with the chicken nest. The successful young noble returns home after the tournament.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
V 57 Purpose of prayer

JuH-1251:   The king sends a messenger to invite the young noble for a meal. He answers that he has already invited guests for the evening. The king flies into a rage as he hears this answer and accuses the noble of behaving like a king when he holds court. The lord high steward appeases him and suggests inviting the noble next day.
Motif References:

P 19.4 Kingly powers (rights) [obligations]

JuH-1283:   The young noble goes to his chamber, transforms himself into a bird and visits the princess who dwells alone in her room. She wishes him a successful fight against the knight with the chicken nest.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
D 150 Transformation: man to bird
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will
D 641.1 Lover as bird visits mistress
K 1346 Hero flies to maiden’s room

JuH-1309:   He does not reveal his real identity and states that he wants to fight better next day. The princess tells him that her father is angry with him and asks him to come with his guests to the royal court. He consents and the princess gives a golden crown to her beloved which is decorated with precious stones. He should bear it in her honor. They kiss each other and the young noble takes his leave, flying back to his chamber.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
F 828 Extraordinary crown

JuH-1343:   The noble entrusts the crown to his servant’s care. Heinrich rejoices because the value of the crown is high enough to settle their debts. He values it at 20 thousand crowns (currency) and wonders if his master uses magic powers to produce these precious things. He fixes the crown on his master’s helmet, fearing that his master may give it away again to some traitor.
Motif References:

JuH-1373:   In the evening the guests have meal with the noble. During the meal the king’s messenger arrives and invites the knights to visit the royal court the next day. The knight who has taken the diadem is among the guests and wants to take possession of the crown. After the meal the tables are removed and the young noble suggests going to court. Everyone admires his beautiful appearance. Together with his guests he passes through the streets, trumpets and flutes are played. After arriving at an inn, they dance and are served with cabbage and wine. All guests except one leave.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
F 575.2 Handsome man

JuH-1427:   The treacherous knight asks the young noble for the crown and he gives it away freely. First Heinrich refuses to hand it over, but then has to obey his master. Later the young noble asks his servant what to put on his helmet the next day. Making fun of his master, Heinrich advises him to take a stove-wisp and fixes one on his helmet and shield the next morning.
Motif References:

W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
Z 253 Fool as hero
Q 323 Unthriftiness punished
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments
X 500 Humor concerning other social classes
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous
J 1749 Absurd ignorance – miscellaneous

JuH-1477:   The young noble attends mass, afterwards arms himself and rides to the tiltyard. People take this knight for a raving fool. He is first to enter the tiltyard. The knight with the crown approaches and puts on his helmet. He is attacked by the knight with the stove-wisp and defeated quickly so that the crown comes to lie on dirty ground. King and noble women are watching.
Motif References:

L 110 Types of unpromising heroes (heroines)
L 140 The unpromising surpasses the promising
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 561 Tournaments

JuH-1519:   The maiden also watches tournament and is pained as the knight with the stove-wisp overcomes the knight with the crown whom she thinks to be her lover. Other knights enter the tiltyard, the knight with the crown recovers, but the knight with the stove-wisp excels over all others. The king recognizes him to be the knight with the chicken nest but nobody knows his real identity. The king orders his servant to find out who he is. Foreign and native knights leave the tiltyard in the evening and the young noble is last one. His host with his relatives and Heinrich follow him.
Motif References:

H 90 Identification by ornaments
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize

JuH-1594:   The king’s servant learns the noble’s identity and tells the king about it. Now the princess knows that the successful knight is her lover and hopes that he visits her soon. The young noble goes to his chamber, transforms himself to a bird and flies to his mistress who welcomes him joyfully. She asks why he wore neither diadem nor crown. The young noble answers that he has been asked insistently and that he has given it away to honor his beloved.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
D 150 Transformation: man to bird
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will
D 641.1 Lover as bird visits mistress
K 1346 Hero flies to maiden’s room

JuH-1647:   The princess gives her coif to her lover which is decorated with pearls and gems and urges him to take a vow not to give it to anybody. He consents. The princess has to prepare herself for the evening meal; her lover embraces her and flies back.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
M 150 Other vows and oaths
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments – miscellaneous

JuH-1675:   The knights who have been invited twice want to join the young noble when he goes to the royal court. Everyone admires his beautiful appearance and the king gives him the most honorable seat, above all knights and servants. Food and wine are served, after the meal the tables are removed by the head cook and his servants and the nobles dance a round dance, wind-instruments, shawms, trumpets and other instruments are played. Later at night the guests take their leave. As the young noble returns home, he chooses 30 knights, gives them horses and 100 guilders each.
Motif References:

JuH-1745:   The young noble has already fixed the coif on his helmet when the knight with the crown begs him for it. The young noble comforts desperate Heinrich saying that he would keep it anyway. Before he goes to bed he asks the host to make 30 coifs out of white scarlet. Heinrich reckons that his master’s coif has a value four times higher than what they owe to the host. The next morning 30 knights come, receive coifs and accompany the young noble to the tiltyard. Two by two they ride through town, the young man is admired by the people.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms

JuH-1840:   People wonder about his identity and why the knight with the chicken nest and the knight with the stove-wisp stay away. Contestants are in despair because the knight with the precious coif excels over them. One of the knights exhorts others to fight bravely despite the noble’s superiority.
Motif References:

JuH-1888:   Tournament starts. The knight with the coif is the best fighter of all. The princess watches the tournament and identifies her lover by his helmet crest. Her mother asks her whether she has seen someone who pleases her more than others. The princess answers quickly that God would provide the right husband for her.
Motif References:

H 126 Identification by coat of arms
P 561 Tournaments

JuH-1932:   The king watches the tournament as well and admires the fighter with the coif. He notices that the knight with the stove-wisp is missing. The king sends for the host and asks him about the descent of the young noble but the host only supposes that he is of high nobility because of his virtue: he has given away freely the precious diadem and the golden crown. The host also tells the king that the knight with the coif is the same as the one with the chicken nest.
Motif References:

H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits

JuH-1993:   The king offers to settle the debts which the young noble owes to the host. In the evening the knights leave the place of tournament, the hero is the last one to return home with his companions.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
N 836 King as helper

JuH-2025:   The young noble goes to his chamber. He flies to the maiden’s room. She greets him with affectionate words and he kisses his beloved.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
D 150 Transformation: man to bird
D 630 Transformation and disenchantment at will
D 641.1 Lover as bird visits mistress
K 1346 Hero flies to maiden’s room

JuH-2055:   The princess gives him a garment adorned with pearls and gems. The young noble leaves her, returns to his room and puts on the new garment. His friends come to accompany him on his way to court. Heinrich sees the new clothes and wonders where his master got them from.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

JuH-2079:   The knights arrive at court where the meal is already prepared. They wash their hands before taking seat according to their rank. After the meal the knights form a ring and the king’s steward leads the princess to the young noble who takes her hand. Many men who join the dance envy the hero. The guests are asked to come the next morning to hear the decision who has been the best knight in the tournament. They leave court.
Motif References:

JuH-2139:   The young noble orders Heinrich to find out the amount of debts he owes the host. Heinrich asks the host to sum up all expenses. The host answers that the king has already settled the debts. Heinrich rejoices and goes to bed, the next morning he is awakened by his master and reports what the host has told him. The young noble attends mass and afterwards asks the host what he owes him. The host tells same to him as to Heinrich.
Motif References:

JuH-2229:   Together with Heinrich and the host, the young noble goes to court in order to give thanks to the king. Many knights have already arrived to hear the king’s decision. The young noble goes straight to the king, falls on his knees and thanks him, promising life-long service. Because he wants to conceal the love between him and the princess, he pretends that he wants to take his leave and return home to his brother, but the king urges him to wait for a decision. Meal is served.
Motif References:

M 260 Other promises
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

JuH-2279:   The king and his counselors retire for deliberation. One counselor thinks the knight with the chicken nest to be the best fighter; others chose the knight with the stove-wisp and the knight with the coif on his helmet. The king decides that the knight with the coif should receive the princess as prize, the noble with the stove-wisp the kingdom and the third one should reign the land while the king is alive. Nobody knows that the three knights are one person.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counselors of court [King’s council]
T 68 Princess offered as prize
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
Q 190 Rewards – miscellaneous
H 331 Suitor contests: bride offered as prize

JuH-2329:   The king sends for the princess and orders the knights to form a ring in which princess should be led around three times, be shown to each man and then given to the young man with the coif. As the princess passes the knights, many men blush and she feels embarrassed as well. At last she is lead to the young noble who turns red from love.
Motif References:

T 130 Marriage customs
P 600 Customs

JuH-2365:   The young noble invites many guests for a feast and the king bears the costs. On the next morning after the wedding night the king announces that the guests have to stay for eight days. Tournaments take place and endure for four days. The guests receive horses as parting gifts and leave. The young noble becomes powerful king.
Motif References:

T 136.1 Wedding feast
P 561 Tournaments
P 634 Feasts