Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Das Jüdel (>1200)


Maere and Novellas

Das Jüdel (>1200)
Meyer-Benfey, H.: Mittelhochdeutsche Übungsstücke, 2nd ed., Halle/Saale 1920. p. 84–96

Jued-1:   Prologue to the Virgin Mary.
Motif References:

Jued-28:   In a town live many rich Jews. One of them makes donations to a Christian school, where he has his son educated. He learns to write, read, sing and make poetry.
Motif References:

P 715.1 Jews

Jued-56:   Christian children pray to the statue of the Virgin Mary every day before school to keep them from being beaten. The Jewish child learns about the meaning of this act.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer

Jued-88:   The Jewish child starts praying to the Virgin Mary as well. He cleans the Madonna from cobwebs and dust.
Motif References:

V 430 Charity – miscellaneous motifs

Jued-109:   The boy participates in mass. During the transubstantiation, he has a vision of the child Jesus above the altar. The priest breaks off little pieces and distributes them among the people. The Jewish boy takes the communion and therefore is late to come home. He tells his father about what happened to him.
Motif References:

V 39.4 Vision of sacrament in form of young child [three giants]
V 49 Mass – miscellaneous motifs
V 340 Miracle manifested to non-believers
V 510 Religious visions

Jued-150:   The father pulls out his hair and tears his clothes, fetters his child to prevent escape and sends for his kinsmen for advice. He tells them about the miracles his child claims to have testified. They interrogate the boy himself, suggesting that he is out of his mind; but the child is steadfast.
Motif References:

W 20 Other favorable traits of character
P 200 The family
V 350 Conflicts between religions
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

Jued-206:   The Jews decide to have the child killed by his father (who obviously neglected his son’s religious education) in order to prevent Christians from getting influence on them.
Motif References:

M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs

Jued-230:   The father screams and cries with pain, tears out the flesh from his cheek, asks for a sword or knife to kill himself, swoons. The others reproach him with his unmanly conduct; he finally gives in to their demand.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Jued-280:   The child is fettered and thrown into the oven.
Motif References:

S 112 Burning to death
Q 232.2 Punishment of jew for apostacy
V 363 Jewish child thrown into oven by father for taking Eucharist
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive

Jued-290:   But the Virgin Mary appears to the boy and saves him from burning, as he has taken care of her statue. He promises to get baptized. Meanwhile, the father swoons from grief, wrings his hands, cries. When the Jews open the oven in order to bury the corpse, they perceive the child safe and sound. He answers to their enquiries that the Virgin Mary saved him from burning.
Motif References:

Q 32 Reward for offering food to crucifix (Madonna) [for taking care of Madonna]
R 169 Other rescuers
M 177.1 Vow to become a Christian
V 256 Miraculous healing [rescue] by Virgin Mary
V 340 Miracle manifested to non-believers
V 363.1 Jewish child resurrected (saved by power of Virgin Mary) after being burned [from being burned] to ashes for eating consecrated bread in Christian church
N 819 Supernatural helpers – miscellaneous
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Jued-361:   The father wants to see the Virgin Mary. The child gives him the advice to get baptized. Father promises baptism.
Motif References:

M 177.1 Vow to become a Christian

Jued-382:   A messenger is sent to the Christians, to the socage-farm (to the bishop and the chaplain), to bring them the tidings of the miracle. The child, still in the oven, requires baptism, as he first saw the miracle [transubstantiation], then was saved from being killed. The Jews are moved and cry, as they have belonged to the devil for such a long time.
Motif References:

V 331.1 Conversion to Christianity through miracle

Jued-421:   Baptism takes place in the minster.
Motif References:

V 81 Baptism
V 332 Baptism of heathen