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Kunz Kistener, Die Jakobsbrüder (>1372)


Maere and Novellas

Kunz Kistener, Die Jakobsbrüder (>1372)
Euling, K.(ed.): Die Jakobsbrüder von Kunz Kistener (=German. Abhandl. 16), Breslau 1899.

KKJB-1:   The poem’s topic: fidelity
Motif References:

KKJB-23:   Right behavior of pilgrims seeking indulgence: piety and keeping faith with traveling companions. Saint James protects the pilgrims (no one has ever died of starvation during a pilgrimage).
Motif References:

V 220 Saints

KKJB-72:   A virtuous count called Adam lives in Peigernlant, he and his wife has been childless for more than twelve years. They resolve to beg St James for his aid. For one year, the woman attends mass and prays every day and is finally heard: she conceives a child.
Motif References:

V 52 Miraculous power of prayer
T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer
D 1925.3 Barrenness removed by prayer
D 2161.3.11 Barrenness magically cured

KKJB-122:   The count vows that his son will make a pilgrimage to Gumpostelle. After the childbirth, a servant hurries to bring the tidings to the count that is out hunting.
Motif References:

M 183 Religious vows

KKJB-223:   The child is baptized and christened Jacob.
Motif References:

KKJB-259:   The child grows up to a virtuous young man. At the age of twelve, he is told about his father’s vow.
Motif References:

KKJB-315:   His parents equip him with a horse and money for the journey.
Motif References:

V 530 Pilgrimages

KKJB-341:   The count teaches his son to be careful with traveling companions. The son takes his leave.
Motif References:

P 233 Father and son

KKJB-369:   The boy travels alone for four weeks and loses his way. He prays to St. James for help and soon another pilgrim appears. He proves to be a fellow countryman on his way from Lamparten to Gumpostelle. The two pilgrims swear a covenant of friendship.
Motif References:

M 246 Covenant of friendship
P 311 Sworn brethren
N 769.1 (Bm) Accidental meeting leads to pledge of sworn brotherhood
N 820 Human helpers

KKJB-416:   After four weeks, the young noble falls seriously ill and begs his companion to bring his corpse to Gumpostelle in case he succumbs to the disease. His friend vows to bring him there.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths

KKJB-455:   After his companion’s death, the youth has a leather bag made in which he carries the corpse to Gumpostelle. He treats the corpse as if his friend were alive.
Motif References:

W 34 Loyalty
P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous
E 800 The Corpse
H 1558 Tests of friendship

KKJB-480:   The friend needs twelve days to reach his destination and carries the corpse into the church. He begs God and St James for indulgence.
Motif References:

KKJB-505:   The dead friend comes back to life as if awakened from a deep sleep. In the same moment, bells start to toll by themselves.
Motif References:

E 1 Person comes to life
V 115 Church bells
E 121.4 Resuscitation by saint
E 175 Death thought sleep
D 1766.1 Magic results produced by prayer
D 2199 Additional magic manifestations

KKJB-516:   Many people gather, and the friend relates the happenings to a German innkeeper. The miracle is recorded. The two friends stay for one month and receive a document confirming the miracle.
Motif References:

KKJB-555:   The two companions leave and the count’s son promises to give half of his inheritance to the other.
Motif References:

Q 112.0.2 Half of property as reward

KKJB-574:   The young noble is welcomed by his parents. He shows the documents to prove the miracle. His friend is put in charge of the country’s administration.
Motif References:

Q 72.2 (Bm) Loyalty of sworn brothers rewarded [when one becomes king]
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward

KKJB-655:   After one year, the friend takes his leave to visit his poor parents in Heigerloch whom he has not seen for twenty years.
Motif References:

KKJB-689:   He meets his impoverished parents and stays with them for one year.
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KKJB-733:   During this year, he is infected with leprosy and, provided with rattle, hat and grey garment, leaves to retire into solitude.
Motif References:

P 162 Lepers

KKJB-753:   After three miles he encounters a man who gives him a prophecy: the wife of a young noble in Peigern would give birth to a beautiful son whose blood would render him clean and sound. The leper abhors the thought of such a sacrifice.
Motif References:

M 369 Miscellaneous prophecies
F 955 Miraculous cure for leprosy
D 1003 Magic blood – human
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1502.4.2.1 Blood of children (innocent maidens) as cure for leprosy
D 2161.1.1 Magic cure of leprosy
D 2161.4.19 Methods of magic cure – miscellaneous

KKJB-788:   In Peigernlant, he learns of his friend’s wedding and enters his castle unrecognized. He begs someone to fetch the young count and is then cordially received. He is reinstated as administrator of the country.
Motif References:

KKJB-867:   The countess gives birth to a son within a year.
Motif References:

KKJB-881:   One day the count asks his friend whether he knew how to regain his health. Reluctantly he tells him that his child’s blood would be the only remedy against his disease.
Motif References:

KKJB-907:   The young count resolves to sacrifice his son. He has the castle’s inhabitants move out for a feast and separates the child from his nurse. He kneels down before the cradle and prays to St. James. An angel appears, ordering him to cut his child’s throat.
Motif References:

A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
V 235 Mortal visited by angel
V 243 Angel answers mortal’s prayer
P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous
H 1558 Tests of friendship

KKJB-961:   He obeys, catches the blood in a cloth and calls his friend, who a faint, realizing what has happened. The count spreads the blood on the leper’s skin which is rendered sound immediately.
Motif References:

S 118.2 Murder by cutting throat
S 268 Child sacrificed to provide blood for cure of friend
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

KKJB-983:   The father determines to take to flight and kisses his dead son.
Motif References:

KKJB-1027:   The nurse returns into the castle to fetch the child and carries it, without paying heed whether it is dead or alive, to the place in the forest where the feast takes place.
Motif References:

KKJB-1040:   The young count resolves to meet his parents and his bride one more time. He claims to be compelled to leave because of a law court. Meanwhile the nurse has brought the child. The count gets frightened and prays to God and St James.
Motif References:

KKJB-1091:   The child comes back to life. The young count gives thanks to the saint and calls his friend. People wonder about his sound appearance and are told of the miracle. A fine red line has remained on the child’s throat, indicating what has happened.
Motif References:

E 1 Person comes to life
E 121.4 Resuscitation by saint

KKJB-1160:   A monastery is founded and named Gnadeouwe. One half of it is inhabited by women, the other by men and children.
Motif References:

V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]

KKJB-1176:   Praise of fidelity.
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