Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Muspilli (<876)


Maere and Novellas

Muspilli (<876)
Braune, W.(ed.): Althochdeutsches Lesebuch, 17th ed., Tübingen 1979. Nr. 30

Musp-1:   Individual fate of human being after death: body left behind, soul on its way to heaven. Angels and devils discuss fate of soul: eternal happy life in brightness, without sorrow nor sickness or everlasting pain in the fires and darkness of hell. (20) Punishment for sins: damnation to hell.
Motif References:

Q 560 Punishments in hell
A 661 Heaven– A blissful upper world
A 671 Hell– Lower world of torment
E 752 Lost souls
E 754 Saved souls
E 756.1 Angels and devils contest for man’s soul.

Musp-30:   Last Judgment: all people are summoned and called to account. (35) Combat of Elias and the Angels against the Antichrist and Satan, who are overcome. Blood from Elias’ wounds sets fire to the earth and heaven, vegetation is destroyed, waters dry up, moon falls down. (55) Day of Judgment after the end of the world: God’s law court – devil as plaintiff having listed human sins. Offering or accepting a bribe is regarded as a very bad sin. (70) Law court announced by trumpet, the place of law court is marked. (80) Angels as messengers summon all people who leave their graves: bodies are restored in order to take full responsibility for their lives, body and soul. (85) God as judge assisted by Angels and Holy Men. (90) Nothing can be kept secret: in case of denial the bodily member (hand, head etc.) related to crime will speak out. No other penance accepted than distribution of alms or fasting. (100) Cross carried on ahead of law court.
Motif References:

V 73 Fasts
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven
E 178 Resurrection at Judgment Day
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
Q 260 Deceptions punished
V 313 Last judgment
Q 520 Penances
E 727 Relations of body to soul
E 751 Souls at Judgment Day
F 962.2 Fire from heaven
F 964.3.2 Extraordinary blood catches fire
A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
D 1003 Magic blood – human
A 1030 World-fire
A 1031.6 Miscellaneous reasons for world-fire
A 1053 Behavior of moon at end of world
A 1075 End of world heralded by coming of Antichrist
A 1082.5 God conquers Satan at end of world.
A 1093 End of world announced by trumpet