Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Rüdeger von Munre, Studentenabenteuer B (>1300)


Maere and Novellas

Rüdeger von Munre, Studentenabenteuer B (>1300)
von der Hagen, H.H.: Gesammtabenteuer. Hundert altdeutsche Erzählungen, 3 vols. Stuttgart/Tübingen 1850. Reprint Darmstadt 1961. Vol 3, Nr. 55, p. 43–82

RvMSA-1:   Promythion: Rüdeger von Munre wrote this story for readers’ and listeners’ pleasure. Two young man on a journey visit a town where one of them falls in love at first sight when seeing a beautiful girl. He is not able to travel further. They seek accommodation in the beauty’s house.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love

RvMSA-325:   After a rich meal, their host is drunk. The two are brought to the family bedroom. During the night the lovesick prowls to the girl’s bed and is rejected at first and then taken to be “warmed”. His companion takes the cradle to his bed when the mother stands up during the night. The wife comes to his bed without knowing. He enjoys her love. At dawn the lover returns from the daughter’s bed and back to his own. When he finds the cradle he thinks he is mistaken and lies down in the husband’s bed that he tells the story thinking it were his companion. A fight starts and the young man escapes to his bed. The wife discovers her error without regret and mollifies the husband by saying she had nightmare.
Motif References:

K 1345 Tale of the cradle. Two youths pass the night with a family where all sleep in a common room, with a cradle at the foot of one of the beds. The moving of the cradle in the night confuses those walking about so that the strangers sleep with the wife and the daughter

RvMSA-326:   The young men want to continue their adventure, so one pretends being ill and is not able to travel. In the following night the host is prepared. They have to sleep on the roof. One comes down to the girl with a basket. The host watches the basket and wants to grab it but slips and falls into the basket. The other student thinks it was his friend, pulls it up and lets it fall in dismay when he sees the host who loses consciousness. The women take him to his bed and persuade him that he had had a nightmare and do exorcism.
Motif References:

F 471.1.2.1 Exorcising the nightmare
K 1343.1 Man drawn up [down] into female apartments in basket

RvMSA-1096:   The girl goes to her love undisturbed. To satisfy the mother’s need the lover of the daughter puts on the nightgown of the wife and lies down beside the husband. The mother enjoys her lover. The host wakes up and discovers the changed gender of his wife.
Motif References:

K 1514.17 Adulteress together with lover while husband sleeps
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress