Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Salman und Markolf (>1375)


Maere and Novellas

Salman und Markolf (>1375)
Salomo und Markolf. In: Die deutschen Dichtungen von Salomon und Markolf. Vol. I ed. by F. Vogt, Halle/Saale 1880, Vol.2 ed. by W. Hartmann, Halle/Saale 1934.

SaMar-1:   The author mentions the Latin source and apologizes for his poor German translation. In Israel lives a very wealthy king named Salomon. He rules over many countries. One day a wondrous couple approaches the king. The man’s head is shaped like an oil jar, his hair like porkpie, his mouth crooked. He has a broad wrinkled forehead, ears like a bear and horse teeth. His hands are black and thick with short fingers. His body is heavy set and covered with hair. His nose is like a monkey’s, he has a short neck, his whole body reminds of a bear.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
F 510 Monstrous persons

SaMar-90:   His lady love has a voice like an old dog when she laughs. Her nose is bent; her mouth broad, she has deep set eyes an oblong shaped head. The couples’ clothes are poor and shabby. Their shirts are made of old bags and way too short. The man carries a sword and his wife wears a wooden crown. She limps, has a running nose, her skin and hair is black, her privates unshaved. But they praise each other for their beauty.
Motif References:

F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
J 1749 Absurd ignorance – miscellaneous

SaMar-120:   The king asks them for their family name. The man now asks the king to tell him his family name. Salomon is born of Juda, whose children were Fares and Sara Boos Obeth, who had Jesse. The latter had King David. Salomon is King David’s son. The man replies that his ancestor’s name is Rumpolt, his son’s Ronepolt. The latter had a son called the pious Ruprecht. Ruprecht was his grandfather. His father’s name is Markolf and his name also. His wife is called Sludergart. Salomon sets his task: If he gives good repartee, he will reward him with riches.
Motif References:

H 920 Assigners of tasks
J 1280 Repartee with the ruler.

SaMar-173:   Collection of Proverbs; Markolf replies to each of Salomon’s wise proverbs with an obscene, absurd or hilarious proverb of his own.
Motif References:

Z 64 Proverbs

SaMar-620:   Markolf nearly is rejected and beaten by the king’s counselors. But Salomon has mercy on him and his wife and gives them clothes. One day the king goes out hunting and comes upon Markolf’s home. He sends his retinue away and visits him.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings

SaMar-630:   Collection of proverbs. Again, Markolf replies to each of Salomon’s wise proverbs with an obscene, absurd or hilarious proverb of his own.
Motif References:

Z 64 Proverbs

SaMar-940:   Markolf tells the king the story of a couple who lives together peacefully. The devil tries to separate them, but in vain. An evil woman appears who promises to bring shame over the faithful couple if the devil rewards her. When he promises her new shoes, she is on her way.
Motif References:

T 84 Lovers treacherously separated
M 201 Making of bargains and promises
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
G 303.10 Allies and possessions of the devil