Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der Schüler zu Paris A (>1200)


Maere and Novellas

Der Schüler zu Paris A (>1200)
Rosenfeld, H.-F.(ed.): Mittelhochdeutsche Novellenstudien II. Der Schüler von Paris (=Palaestra 153). Berlin 1927. p. 394–449

SchPA-1:   The daughter of a Parisian citizen and an English student are in love with each other. When the girl’s father learns of it, he locks her, together with three maids and one housekeeper, into a chamber. In her desperation, she takes to a cunning trick.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
T 50.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors

SchPA-275:   She feigns illness, confesses to a barefoot monk that the student has disguised himself as the housekeeper and visited her, giving her something precious. The monk has to give back the jewelry and tell him that he must not bother her anymore. The pious man rebukes the student. The student recognizes the cunning of his lover, and admits his guilt.
Motif References:

K 1584 Innocent confessor duped into being go-between for adulteress and lover

SchPA-495:   Soon he appears, disguised as the housekeeper, and they enjoy their secret love. One day, although he has been wounded a short time before, he visits her, accompanied by a friend who is disguised as a maid.
Motif References:

K 1321.1 Man disguised as woman admitted to woman’s quarters

SchPA-600:   During their lovemaking, his wound breaks, and the student dies. After mourning, the friend takes the body away and brings it to his hostel, so as to make the host believe that the student has died in his room. The daughter begs her father to pay for the funeral. When the corpse is put into the grave, she gives her virginity wreath and falls dead to the ground. The shattered father founds a women’s convent and has the lovers buried there. He wanders as a pilgrim until his death.
Motif References:

T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
Q 526 Pilgrimage as penance
V 530 Pilgrimages
F 1041.1.5.4 Death from joy of kiss [love making]