Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Der Stricker, Edelmann und Pferdehändler (>1220/50)


Maere and Novellas

Der Stricker, Edelmann und Pferdehändler (>1220/50)
Fischer, H.(ed.): Der Stricker. Verserzählungen 2 (=ATB 68). 2nd ed. Tübingen 1967. Nr.14, p. 1–12

StrEP-1:   A rich but miserly nobleman is advised by his relatives that in respect of his reputation in society he ought to live more generously. Because he is reminded that they will inherit his possessions he agrees. He wants to buy a good horse and the relatives send him a horse monger. But as the man tries to find a good horse the nobleman always finds a thing to complain and criticize. One is too young, the other is too small one doesn’t have the right color; one has the head too high.
Motif References:

W 153 Miserliness

StrEP-276:   One of the relatives decides finally to test the nobleman and offers him the horse as a present. Immediately the nobleman chooses one. Now his relatives know that he is an unchangeable miser and don’t care anymore about him. The horse monger has a big loss and is banned from the noblemen’s country. Epimythion: To serve a stingy man brings harm.
Motif References:

H 1550 Tests of character