Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der Stricker, Der kluge Knecht (>1220/50)


Maere and Novellas

Der Stricker, Der kluge Knecht (>1220/50)
Fischer, H.(ed.): Der Stricker. Verserzählungen (=ATB 53). 2nd ed. Tübingen 1967. Nr. 8, p. 92–109

StrKK-1:   A peasant woman has an affair with the minister and therefore tries to keep her husband out of the house quite often. The farmhand who knows of the affair decides one morning to convince his master of his wife’s adultery.
Motif References:

P 361 Faithful servant [vassal]
K 1514 Adulteress gets rid of husband while she entertains lover

StrKK-215:   First he delays his departure by demanding something to eat. On the way he claims having forgotten hat and gloves, returns and hides in the house until the peasant returns with the first carriage. He notices the preparations for the rendezvous and watches where food, drinks and finally the minister are hidden when the peasant comes home earlier than expected. The wife opens and the servant apologizes for being late. When the wife wants to send both to the forest the servant demands something to eat. Reluctantly she obeys and while eating he narrates a story about a wolf hunt, lets the peasant find the hidden food, drinks and finally the minister. The adulterers are punished and the clever servant receives a high praise from his master. Epimythion: Praise of the pragmatic wisdom proven by the clever servant.
Motif References:

Q 241 Adultery punished
J 1344 Unwelcome guest tells about the hidden food – Having seen his hostess hide it, he tells about it the form of a tale
K 1549.8 Woman cooks food for paramour
K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery
K 1550.3 Adulteress detected by food she prepares for paramour
K 1571 Trickster discovers adultery: food goes to husband instead of paramour