Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Der Stricker, Der nackte Ritter (>1220/50)


Maere and Novellas

Der Stricker, Der nackte Ritter (>1220/50)
Fischer, H.(ed.): Der Stricker. Verserzählungen (=ATB 53). 2nd ed. Tübingen 1967. Nr. 10, p. 126–131

StrNR-1:   One evening a traveling knight comes cold and wet to a man who welcomes him in a friendly way and takes care of him. After a while it gets very warm in the room and all start to sweat.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

StrNR-37:   The host takes off his coat and suggests the knight doing the same. But although heavily persuaded the knight refuses and so the host forces away the knight’s coat, thinking he is too shy.
Motif References:

W 196 Lack of patience

StrNR-65:   The knight doesn’t wear neither shirt nor trousers and to the others dismay is sitting there stark naked. Embarrassed he puts on his coat again and leaves his unwise host with anger. Epimythion: None shall serve a guest with exaggeration; he will not earn his gratefulness.
Motif References:

J 1820 Inappropriate action from misunderstanding