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Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Tundalusfragment niederrheinisch 2 (ca. 1200)


Maere and Novellas

Tundalusfragment niederrheinisch 2 (ca. 1200)
Grimme, F. (ed.): Ein neues Bruchstück der niederrheinischen Tundalusdichtung. In: PBB 13 (1888), p. 340–358.

TundFr2-1:   The angel and Tundalus stand in front of the fire breathing monster: The huge beast’s fiery and foul breath presses the souls out of the three passages of its mouth. In front of its mouth many devils push the wailing souls back into the beast’s womb again. The angel tells Tundalus that the beast’s name is Acheron and that it devours avaricious people. Those two giant gatekeepers (standing turned head to feet) were two horrible giants by the name of Ferrugius and Sonalius. The angel makes him approach the monster and disappears. The devils perceive the soul left all alone and force it into the beast’s mouth. Dogs, lions and bears martyr the soul as well as serpents and all sorts of dreadful animals. The soul suffers mistreatment by striking and sulphur and darkness and burning tears. When the soul is in complete distress, not knowing if this punishment is to end, the angel returns. The soul is happy about it and inquires why the angel left him in distress. The angel tells him that God’s mercy is greater than all of Tundalus’ misdeeds. Everyone is punished for his crimes.
Motif References:

B 15.4.2 Beasts with fiery eyes
F 81 Descent to lower world of dead [hell]
V 232.5 Angel as guide
Q 260 Deceptions punished
Q 277 Covetousness punished.
G 332 Sucking monster
G 363.1 Ogre with flaming mouth
V 511.2 Visions of hell
F 531 Giant
F 541.1.1 Eyes flash fire
Q 566 Punishments by heat in hell
Q 569.2 Sinners in hell swallowed by dragons [monster]
A 671.2 Horrible sights in hell
A 671.2.5 Dragons [monsters] in hell
B 742 Animal breathes fire

TundFr2-182:   They catch sight of a priest who has suffered the punishments of hell so that his love for God will increase. He will obtain salvation. Those who love God and do good deeds will enter heaven. The soul declares itself ready to suffer the punishments in hell in order to obtain mercy in the end. They come to a place where the incontinent clerics are punished: A huge bird with two high feet and large wings, a long and broad neck is sitting on an icy lake. From its iron beak comes a fiery breath. It has sharp iron claws. The monster devours the souls and gives birth to them afterwards onto the ice where they keep suffering endless pain. The souls are pierced and devoured by serpents that tear up their bodies from within. Those serpents have got glowing iron heads, fiery iron beaks, are covered with pitch and sulfur and have thorny tails.
Motif References:

Q 243 Incontinence punished – miscellaneous
G 332 Sucking monster
V 465 Clerical vices.
V 520 Salvation
Q 566 Punishments by heat in hell
Q 567 Punishment by cold in hell
Q 569.2 Sinners in hell swallowed by dragons [monster]
A 671.2 Horrible sights in hell
A 671.2.11 Birds made of iron in hell