Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Die Vorauer Novelle (>1200)


Maere and Novellas

Die Vorauer Novelle (>1200)
Schönbach, A.(ed.): Vorauer Novelle, in: Studien zur Erzählliteratur des Mittelalters, Part 2 (=Sitzungsber. d. ÖAW Phil. Hist. Kl. 140), Vienna 1866.

VNo-1:   Prologue about the art of composing a poem.
Motif References:

VNo-27:   Two children are put into a cloister to become monks. A teacher instructs them in monastic discipline and religious life in general. As he beats the boys too often, they begin to plan their flight.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights
P 340 Teacher and pupil
P 426.3 Monks
V 475 Renunciation of clerical vows

VNo-81:   The two boys abandon their righteous life and turn towards worldly and sinful pleasures, thus risking their salvation. They come to a town where magic art (nigromanzie) is taught from books, an art which causes the soul’s damnation. As they enter the town, they are welcomed by the school’s headmaster who speaks French. They ask permission of being allowed to attend the school.
Motif References:

J 340 Choices: little gain, big loss
V 520 Salvation
D 1738 Magic arts studied

VNo-163:   The master warns them that they would do harm to their souls and regret in the hour of death to have forfeited salvation, but the boys pay no heed to his warning. He opens a book with golden clasps before them. Its first page contains a warning that the reader will lose his soul in eternity.
Motif References:

J 652 Inattention to warnings
F 883.1 Extraordinary book

VNo-225:   The master teaches them from the book how to deceive people, to invoke and conjure up the devil. The students lead a sinful and debauched life and do not care about their souls.
Motif References:

VNo-298:   While one student is reading a book about magic art, a terrible death-agony befalls him. His friend is informed and hurries to see the moribund that is well aware that the devil holds possession of his soul. His friend tries to convince him to trust in Christ and the remission of the sins and exhorts him to repent, but the sick is sure of his damnation.
Motif References:

P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous
V 380 Religious beliefs – miscellaneous

VNo-397:   The friend reminds the other of the power of repentance: God would forgive all sins if the sinner repented. The dying friend has yet abandoned all hope.
Motif References:

V 315.1 Power of repentance

VNo-499:   His friend beats his breast, grieving over the other’s desperation. He asks the moribund to appear to him 30 days after his death at an appointed place: the peak of a certain mountain which is surrounded by woods. The sick agrees and a terrible death-struggle comes upon him.
Motif References:

V 22 Condemnation because of death without confession [repentance]
Q 221.6 Lack of trust in God punished
M 252 Promise of dying man to bring news of other world
E 390 Friendly return from the dead – miscellaneous
Q 559 Other miraculous punishments

VNo-560:   The impenitent’s soul is taken away by a crowd of devils and his corpse buried without the church’s blessing. Thereupon, his friend repents his sins and confesses to a priest. The confessor is compared with an eagle: when the eagle is getting old, he lifts himself up to the sky until his feathers are singed by the heat. Then he falls down into the sea and thus rejuvenates.
Motif References:

V 29 Confession – miscellaneous motifs
V 331.4 Conversion to Christianity through repentance
Q 491.1 Disgraceful burial as punishment
E 722 Soul leaves body at death
E 752.2 Soul carried off by demon (Devil)
B 758 Eagle renews youth
D 1881 Magic self-rejuvenation