Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Abor und das Meerweib (< 1350)


Miscellaneous Romances

Abor und das Meerweib (< 1350)
Schröder, Edward: Die Strassburg-Molsheimer Handschrift: Abor und das Meerweib; Manuel und Amande. (=Nachrichten d. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. zu Göttingen Philolog.-Histor. Kl.; 1925) Göttingen, 1925.

Abor-1:   A knight (Abor) takes his sword; exhausted he leaves his hauberk, his leg armor and his helmet in a cave. (17) He crosses a forest infested by dragons and three days later he comes to a mountain with a magic fountain which cures sickness and age by bathing or drinking. (31) Aromatic herbs grow there and birds sing beautifully. Abor takes a rest and falls asleep.
Motif References:

B 11.3 Habitat of dragon
F 812 Extraordinary forest
D 925 Magic fountain
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1342 Magic object gives health
D 1500.1.1 Magic healing fountain
D 1887 Rejuvenation by bathing

Abor-45:   A wild merwoman, who comes to the fountain for rejuvenation by bathing, finds Abor. She takes him to her castle and looks after him so that he is cured within a short time. (76) He falls in love with her and she loves him too.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
B 81 Mermaid
F 302 Fairy mistress
N 815.0.2 Helpful water-spirit
D 925 Magic fountain
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1887 Rejuvenation by bathing

Abor-87:   On her feather-bow she flies to a mountain nobody ever has heard of nor been there. She digs for a magic root. As soon as Abor has eaten this root he knows the language of birds and wild beasts, of fish discussing in the water and of the snakes. Later on he thus will be able to rescue his friend and the queen.
Motif References:

F 253 Extraordinary powers of fairies
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 967 Magic roots
D 1091 Magic bow
D 1520.13 Magic transportation by arrow
D 1531 Magic object gives power of flying
D 1815.2 Magic knowledge of language of animals
D 2135.0.3 Magic ability to fly

Abor-119:   He stays with the merwoman for six weeks and two days. Her husband returns and Abor has to leave. (129) The merwoman gives him bathing clothes which will render him invulnerable and protect him from any weapon as well as a bow and a quiver which will be of some use if he comes upon a wild bird.
Motif References:

F 340 Gifts from fairies
T 481 Adultery
D 813.1 Magic object received from river nymph [mermaid]
D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1381.3 Magic garment protects against attack
D 1840 Magic invulnerability