Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Friedrich von Schwaben (>1314)


Miscellaneous Romances

Friedrich von Schwaben (>1314)
Jellinek, M.H. (ed.): Friedrich von Schwaben. (=DTM 1) Berlin 1904.

FvS-1:   Heinrich of Swabia is a rich and virtuous lord; he is pious, munificent, just and keeps peace. Heinrich has his three sons educated in a school, where they are taught reading and writing, but they learn jousting and chivalry, hunting and shooting with bow and arrow as well. When their father dies at the age of 106 years he advises his sons to keep peace among them, to be munificent to the poor, care for widows and orphans and always to judge justly. The lord is buried. His sons prove to be good rulers.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
P 233 Father and son
P 251.6.1 Three brothers

FvS-61:   One day on a hunt the youngest brother pursues a stag and loses his way. He comes to a deserted castle and enters the hall where the tables are set. He prays and has a meal. Then he enters a chamber, prays and goes to sleep on a beautiful bed. With the sign of the cross he protects himself against all evil.
Motif References:

V 86 Sign of the Cross
F 165.4 Table always set in otherworld dwelling
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
H 1222 Prince a-hunting enters on quest

FvS-122:   Soon afterwards he feels some slight touch and wakes up, but there is nobody to be seen. He prays to God for protection. When he is touched for the third time he gets hold of the intruder and asks if it is good or evil. It is a maiden, who knows the duke Friedrich by name. He promises not to do her any harm and she identifies herself as a Christian princess. Her mother died while she was still a child, and her father cared for her to her fifteenth year. Then the king celebrated a court feast and held a diet, where his counselors urged him to marry in order to obtain a male heir. His second wife was Flanea, a treacherous and adulterous woman, unpopular with everyone. The maiden grieved by her stepmother’s dishonorable behavior tried to reform her. Flanea pretended to follow her advice but secretly turned to hate her stepdaughter.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
T 64 King seeks bride only because counsellors insist
P 282 Stepmother
G 303.16 How the devil’s power may be escaped or avoided
T 481 Adultery
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
D 1980 Magic invisibility
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-203:   Flanea asked her lover, a magician, to help her in getting her revenge on Angelburg, which is the maiden’s name: She wanted to get rid of her stepdaughter and turn her father against Angelburg. The magician blinded the king so that he could only see when he was inside his palace. Flanea hypocritically pitied her husband and advised him to summon all his vassals and lawyers to a law-court in order to discuss his illness and offer rich reward as prize for his cure. But nobody knew a remedy. Finally the magician, who had changed his appearance so that nobody could recognize him, came and promised that he would detect the guilty person who at the queen’s request would be killed. As reward he was offered a county. The magician made the king send for his daughter and two of her maidservants. The king had to take a ring from each of them and put it on his fingers: This was meant to betray the guilty person. As he tried Angelburg’s ring his eyesight was restored and his daughter thus slandered as having induced her father’s blindness.
Motif References:

P 282 Stepmother
T 471 Rape
P 510 Law courts
N 845 Magician as helper.
D 1711 Magician
K 1825.1 Disguise as doctor
K 1955 Sham physician
D 2062.2 Blinding by magic.
K 2123 Innocent woman accused of using witchcraft
D 2161.3.1 Blindness magically cured
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-402:   The king wanted to kill Angelburg on the spot. She prayed to God for rescue and begged the lords to help her. Flanea pretended to want to save her and made Angelburg promise to accept her decision whatsoever. Flanea then orders that Angelburg and her two maidservants should be transformed to stags to roam the forest all day, only at night they should be allowed to rest in a castle. Angelburg can only be disenchanted by a knight who will hunt her as a stag, will take his lodging in the castle and sleep at her side without touching her, while she will remain invisible. Then they will have to meet five times in one year’s time and for thirty nights he will have to lie at her side without seeing her: Two nights at the first meeting, three nights three weeks later, five nights ten weeks later, ten nights fifteen weeks and ten nights twenty-three weeks later at their fifth meeting. Only then she and her maidens will be disenchanted. If however she loses her virginity none of them will ever be disenchanted and they will have to pass all their lifetime as stags in the forest day and night.
Motif References:

S 31 Cruel stepmother
Z 71.3 Formulistic number: five
Z 71.11 Formulistic number: thirty
Z 72 Formulas based on the year
C 111 Tabu: loss of chastity
D Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid)
T 350 Chaste sleeping together
D 621.1 Animal by day; man [woman] by night
D 661 Transformation as punishment.
D 665.2 Transformation of stepchild to be rid of him [her]
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
D 1980 Magic invisibility

FvS-535:   If the knight however looks at her, Angelburg and her maidens will be transformed to three white doves which must fly to a clear fountain on the top of a mountain. At noon they must bath in the fountain, leaving their clothes behind, then have a meal and live on as doves. If the knight would be willing to disenchant them, he has to take away their clothes while they are bathing. Angelburg then has to marry him. But as a punishment for looking at her, the knight will lose an eye until one of the maidens cures him. After the disenchantment they are allowed to return home. If a villain however gets hold of their clothes they must follow him as well or keep cold and wet forever. They will lose their honor anyway.
Motif References:

D 154.1 Transformation: man [woman] to dove
C 312 Tabu: man looking at woman
C 943.2 Loss of one eye for breaking tabu
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl

FvS-601:   The king agreed to his wife’s request. Angelburg prayed to God and resigned herself to his mercy. The lords from her mother’s country tried to comfort Angelburg and promised to take care of her country for 30 years. Then she left court to live in the forest near Swabia. As soon as she has finished telling her story Friedrich offers her his help. She warns him of the great risks, as would be the loss of one eye. He promises to be faithful to her and she finally lies at his side. They talk all night after her maidens have left. In the morning Angelburg transforms to a stag and leaves. They lie side by side the second night. Angelburg then tells him to come back three weeks later, when she will wait for him in the shape of a stag. He should follow her to the castle, have a meal and wait for her in bed. He promises not to betray her.
Motif References:

Z 71.11 Formulistic number: thirty
T 350 Chaste sleeping together
D 621.1 Animal by day; man [woman] by night
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

FvS-793:   Back home Friedrich tells his brothers that he was delayed by nightfall and a thunderstorm. Three weeks later Friedrich hunts the stag again, reaches the castle, eats and drinks and goes to bed. In a monologue, overheard by Angelburg’s maidens, he complains about love that has entered his heart secretly bringing grief as well. Angelburg gives him her love; Frau Minne now has entirely defeated him. He passes three nights with Angelburg. She then tells him to come back ten weeks later.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
T 10 Falling in love
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
Z 71.16.2 Formulistic number: ten
T 350 Chaste sleeping together

FvS-927:   Back home he pretends to have been invited by a friend. Ten weeks later he asks one of his vassals to cover up for his being away for some days and returns to the forest to meet Angelburg. He passes five nights with her. Fifteen weeks later he passes ten nights at Angelburg’s side again covering his long absence from home by a ruse. At home his brothers are about to celebrate a court-feast with knightly pastimes. Friedrich however grieves for his love, refuses jousting, laments and becomes weak from love-sickness.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
Z 71.16.2 Formulistic number: ten
Z 71.3 Formulistic number: five
Z 71.16.11 Formulistic number: fifteen

FvS-1031:   In the meantime Angelburg’s stepmother asks the magician about Angelburg and within eight days he magically gets to know that she has come close to disenchantment (there are only ten nights left) by the knight of Swabia, who now has fallen love-sick. The magician however will make the knight look at Angelburg and make both of them unhappy. Flanea agrees.
Motif References:

D 1711 Magician
D 1810.0.2 Magic knowledge of magician
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-1079:   Friedrich’s brothers send for doctors but nobody can cure him. They are unable to identify his illness and he does not tell his grief. The magician appears and offers his help. Speaking to Friedrich in private, he says that love has made him sick, which he pretends to know from one of his adders in his arm having grown hot. Friedrich finally discloses his secret and the magician gives him a light and tinder to look at Angelburg when she is asleep. Friedrich recovers and is cured.
Motif References:

K 1825.1 Disguise as doctor
K 1955 Sham physician

FvS-1184:   Twenty-three weeks later Friedrich leaves in order to meet Angelburg in her castle. The second night he looks at her by means of his light as she is fast asleep. She is so very beautiful that he cannot stop looking at her until she wakes. Angelburg says that by breaking the tabu he has made disenchantment impossible, will never see her again and within three months will lose an eye. He swoons. Then he begs for mercy but she says this would not help; only the eighth night would have disenchanted her. He insists on trying to help her, but she says there are no means and she does not even know where she would have to live or where one could find the clearest fountain. She sends him back home because it would be too difficult to disenchant her: If he keeps his eye, he will have to overcome three strong fighters, each for one of the transformed maidens.
Motif References:

C 312 Tabu: man looking at woman
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
C 943.2 Loss of one eye for breaking tabu

FvS-1321:   Before he leaves he asks for an identifying token and she gives him a golden ring with a magic jewel which protects against fire. At Friedrich’s questions the maidens identify themselves as Malmelona and Salme. Salme gives Friedrich a ring which will give him the strength of three men. Malmelona gives him a ring with a magic jewel to protect him against poison.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
H 94 Identification by ring
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1382.1 Magic pebble [gem] prevents burning.
D 1383.6 Magic red stone protects from poison.

FvS-1377:   Then Angelburg says that unlike king Terramer’s daughter, whose heathen name was Arabel, she does not want her lover to risk his life nor his goods for her sake. Arabel was a heathen queen married to king Tybalt. Count Wilhalm abducted her to a Christian country and the heathens made war with him, so that he had to leave to seek allies. Arabel, who was baptized Kyburg, was besieged in her town Orenß by her former husband and her father. They wanted to take revenge because for Wilhalm’s sake she had left her father, her husband and her son Emereys. Angelburg however will follow the example of queen Sigun in love with Schanachtalander who was slain in a joust by Orilus of Lalander. She had him embalmed on her lap, refused food and drink and kept crying and lamenting to her death. Like Sigun Angelburg will love Friedrich forever.
Motif References:

T 210 Faithfulness in marriage

FvS-1475:   Friedrich promises to disenchant Angelburg and leaves. In a monologue he laments about his grief which he thinks to be larger than the grief of all famous heroes: the grief of Count Wilhalm for the death of his nephew’s Viviantz with all his men and relatives on the plain of Alitschantz; the grief of king Karel, who wept tears of blood when Ruolant died at Runtzifal; the grief of Floris when his heathen mother told him the story of Planscheflur’s death when she was sold to the king of Baldach. His parents wanted to separate the lovers because Planscheflur was a Christian; the grief of Wilhalm of Orlentz when he was forced to leave his mistress Amely, when his shoulder was pierced by a spear until a princess would cure him, he was imposed a speaking tabu by Amely according to her will, he reached the ninth kingdom. But all those persons finally were reconciled or met again: Floris and Planscheflur, Wilhalm of Orlentz and Amely who allowed him to speak out again at the court of king Lohein. Therefore Friedrich will not give up hope that God might help him too.
Motif References:

T 80 Tragic love
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief

FvS-1576:   The magician tells the news to Flanea who is happy about it. Friedrich returns home and gives his lands to his brothers who first believe that they might have offended him in some way. They would prefer not to take his lands, and illustrate their attitude: They show him three burning logs – which symbolizes the power of an undivided land – then they remove one log which reduces the fire, when they remove another one the fire is extinguished. Friedrich however insists on giving away his share in order to sell his profit. He says he will not return home unless he succeeds in his quest which he does not disclose, promises to help his brothers at any time and asks them to grant him their help too if necessary. A ring is divided and its parts taken as token. The next morning Friedrich leaves, his brothers give him escort for one day.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
H 94.5 Identification through broken [half of] ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
P 251.6.1 Three brothers
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress)

FvS-1724:   On his quest for the clearest fountain Friedrich has a retinue of thirty knights. As soon as he has spent all goods he sends the knights away. They return home with the news that Friedrich is suffering from love and that he is searching for the clearest fountain located on the top of a mountain. Friedrich continues his quest on his own, but soon he has nothing left of all his goods and leads a poor life. He comes to a town which is besieged by a mighty army. The townspeople welcome him because he is a valiant hero and take him to their queen. At her question he identifies himself as Friedrich and he asks her about the army.
Motif References:

P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
Z 71.11 Formulistic number: thirty
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
H 1321 Quest for marvelous water [fountain]

FvS-1881:   The queen says that her enemy is a rich lord who killed her father and her mother treacherously and wants to kill her as well. Her vassals fight loyally for her and accuse her adversary of having murdered their lord and his wife treacherously. The enemy wants to dishonor her by giving her to his servants as a prostitute. She has lost all her lands, except this town. Every day he demands that she be extradited. She has sent message to all countries for a champion against her enemy and offered herself and her lands as prize. She will not care for the noble descent of her would-be rescuer. But no champion was found. Friedrich offers to fight for her and so the queen gives him a good horse and an armor, which has been made in Armenia.
Motif References:

Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
S 110 Murders
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
S 400 Cruel persecutions
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

FvS-1982:   Friedrich with the queen at his side confronts the enemy Arminolt and asks him to return the country saying that Arminolt is acting in a dishonorable and sinful way which will only earn him the people’s hatred. Arminolt does not care for his advice and will do what he wants. Friedrich warns him that God certainly will punish him and challenges him for the following morning. He will have to give reparations for having devastated the queen’s country. Arminolt is a very mighty and rich hero, who because of his strength has never been defeated. He threatens Friedrich whom he thinks too weak and too young, but says that if he is overcome he will do what Friedrich wants.
Motif References:

W 187 Insolence [Self-conceit]
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders

FvS-2099:   Arminolt is warned by one of his knights: God will not tolerate unlawfulness. Friedrich prays to God for victory. The maiden from Prafant arms him, then he is given his horse and weapons. Before Friedrich goes to meet Arminolt he puts on Salme’s ring which gives him the strength of three men.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength

FvS-2159:   They start fighting in a ring. Friedrich unhorses his adversary and they continue fighting on foot. Arminolt presses Friedrich hard and the women tear their band. Osann prays for him and as Friedrich looks at her he recovers, fiercely attacks Arminolt and forces him to surrender. Friedrich wounds him as punishment for his wrongdoing and his villainy to the queen. Arminolt begs for his life and promises to give back all her goods and be his vassal and prisoner. Friedrich takes him into the town as his captive. He has to give hostages in order to guarantee peace and has to stay as the queen’s captive until he has given reparations.
Motif References:

P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

FvS-2265:   Osann offers Friedrich herself and her goods but he refuses because of his vow. Otherwise he certainly would have accepted her offer. So she provides for his journey and promises to help him if necessary. He promises his help and service forever and leaves. After having crossed many countries he has no more goods left and is poor again. He only keeps the rings and his hauberk, which was made by wild dwarfs. Due to his poverty he has to endure abuse and mockery. But for the sake of Angelburg he bears the humiliation and only complains about his heart wounded by Venus, so that he is suffering from love and from the world’s unfriendliness.
Motif References:

P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
F 451.3.4.2 Dwarfs as smiths

FvS-2421:   He comes to a forest and a castle. On a plain he meets a dwarf queen in her tent who greets him and asks him why he is armed. Friedrich says that he has seen many countries already on his quest for exploits and that journeys earn the traveler wisdom. But because of his privations he has lost all his color. The queen offers him a meal and soon Friedrich recovers. He is beautiful and perfect although one eye is blind. She invites him to her home, where everybody is free to stay or leave, and promises him a horse and gifts. In her land he will find adventure and wisdom as well.
Motif References:

F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
N 837 Queen as helper
C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu

FvS-2505:   Friedrich is unaware of her deception, which will bring great suffering to him, and follows the dwarfs into a hollow mountain. The queen tells Friedrich that she has fallen in love with him and offers him herself and her riches. Friedrich refuses and she is angry. He wants to leave but she will not let him go. When he reminds her of her promise that nobody is forced to stay in her kingdom she refuses to answer and leaves him alone.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)
R 52 (Bm) Benevolent captivity
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
F 451.4.1 Dwarfs live under the ground

FvS-2597:   The dwarfs have all sorts of courtly pastimes, like jousting, tournaments, dancing and singing. Friedrich however becomes weak from grief. A dwarf overhearing his complaints asks him about his grief and says that nobody can leave the mountain without the queen’s permission because she is the only one to know about the mountain’s lock. No dwarf would dare to help him for fear of the queen. Because of this advice Friedrich recovers.
Motif References:

F 91 Door (gate) entrance to lower world
F 156 Door to otherworld
F 451.6.3 Dwarfs have festivities
D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod

FvS-2673:   Every day Friedrich says his prayer. One day he begs for the queen’s mercy and promises to do whatever she wants. She believes him although he is about to betray her. She brings about darkness, he prays, takes off his clothes to go to sleep. The queen becomes his mistress and begets a child. He pretends that this news makes him happy.
Motif References:

F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
F 451.3.3 Dwarf as magician
D 908 Magic darkness.

FvS-2865:   The queen’s people fear for her life, because she is only a dwarf and the child will have human size. Friedrich prays for her and thinks the queen and her child could be spared, like Jonas, who was rescued by God after three nights in the fish belly, and like Daniel spared by the lions. Queen Jerome has a daughter. Friedrich is told the news by Bucktzinos, a rich lord. She sends a maiden to Friedrich. God who has driven Adam and Eva from paradise should care for her and her child, he who knows the world’s beginning and its end should care for Friedrich and his daughter. The daughter is named Zipproner. Jerome has Friedrich swear to love Zipproner forever, which Bucktzinos has to write down in order to remind Friedrich of his promise if necessary. If his daughter summons him for the sake of his promise he will have to do whatever she asks. Friedrich is very popular with the dwarfs and he pretends to be happy but he keeps thinking how he could escape.
Motif References:

M 110 Taking of vows and oaths
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
P 234 Father and daughter
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 911.4 Jonah. Fish (or water monster) swallows a man

FvS-3078:   One day on a walk through the mountain he discovers a fettered maiden. At his question she tells him that she was the queen’s favorite and kept her key which was very heavy. Therefore she asked her to make three parts of it. The maiden however made four parts secretly. The key’s stone opens the mountain and if covered with the hand closes it again.
Motif References:

F 91 Door (gate) entrance to lower world
F 156 Door to otherworld
Q 261 Treachery punished
P 365 Faithless servant
K 640 Escape by help of confederate
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod

FvS-3127:   A rich dwarf lord, Tytrian, wooed Jerome who rejected him. The maiden helped him and his army to enter the mountain. Bucktzinos just in time discovered the enemy. Tytrian was defeated and caught. He gave the maiden away on condition that they would spare her. But nobody asked for the fourth stone she had hidden. She identifies herself as Syrodame, the daughter of the count Sinofel.
Motif References:

T 75.1 Scorn of unloved suitor punished
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war
P 365 Faithless servant

FvS-3255:   Friedrich finally finds the stone and tries it. The next morning he writes a letter to his wife, identifies himself as the youngest son of Heinrich of Swabia, who before his death at the age of 106 sent for his three sons and gave them his advice. On a hunt he was lead to a deserted castle by a stag, had a meal and went to bed where he met Angelburg, who told him the story of her stepmother’s intrigue. She caused her magician lover to blind her father and wanted Angelburg to appear guilty of his blindness. Then her stepmother had Angelburg, Malmelon and Salme transformed into stags at day, which could only rest at night in a castle. Only a young knight can disenchant her by chaste sleeping together for thirty nights within one year’s time. If he fails they will be transformed into three white doves. If she loses her honor she has to remain a stag all her life. But he finally looked at her and she had to leave him. He then returned home, sold his heritage and left. He sent home his knights and servants and continued his quest on his own. He writes that he has to keep his oath now and begs Jerome for forgiveness. Then he leaves the letter where she will find it. In the morning after his prayer he takes leave from his daughter.
Motif References:

T 230 Faithlessness in marriage [love]

FvS-3519:   Friedrich leaves the mountain by means of the stone. He is grieved because he leaves Jerome who truly loved him and made him rich. If it was not for his oath to Angelburg he never would have gone. The queen reads the letter and grieves for Friedrich. She falls ill: her hands and feet become crooked and lame. Her people remind her that Friedrich has to keep his oath to Angelburg and that she should stop grieving. Because of her illness Jerome makes Bucktzinos her regent. He gives an oath of faithfulness.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
F 91 Door (gate) entrance to lower world
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
F 156 Door to otherworld
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
F 1041.21.1 Illness from excessive grief
D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod

FvS-3697:   Friedrich continues his quest until he has nothing left and is forced to earn his living by service. He joins a king’s court and offers to serve him. The count Pirnaß intervenes in Friedrich’s favor and the king promises Friedrich reward for his help against his enemies. Friedrich lives at the royal court for half a year. When the king is attacked Friedrich is sent out against the enemy. In the morning the four gates are opened and four battle formations under their respective banner start fighting. Friedrich is their leader in a furious battle where they do much harm to the enemy, King Nemores. Friedrich holds a provocative speech against Nemoras. Friedrich takes the ring of Salme, giving him the strength of three men and overcomes Nemoras in single combat. They pursue his fleeing army till nightfall. Friedrich advises the king, Turneas, that he should fight the following morning otherwise he would lose his honor. Friedrich is the first one to fight and Pirnas praises his valiance. After the enemies’ flight Friedrich returns. King Nemoras however will avenge his men or die. He tells Friedrich to bury the dead. Friedrich warns the king against Nemoras’s revenge, he would need a large army.
Motif References:

P 12.5 Good king never retreats in battle
P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
D 1076 Magic ring
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength

FvS-3961:   Friedrich stays six years at the royal court. Then Nemoras invades the kingdom and devastates the countryside. Friedrich however was sent to the kingdom of Turneas’s brother, who has been killed, to take the vassals’ oath to Turneas who is the king’s successor. Friedrich returns. He has learnt of the siege and that the enemy offers challenge each day before town. But the townspeople have not found a champion. Friedrich before entering town will fight Nemoras. One Monday morning Friedrich answers Nemoras’s challenge. He sends his companions to the king to tell him the news. The king watches the combat from the town. Nemoras mocks Friedrich and says that he easily would kill two of his kind. They start fighting and Friedrich overcomes his adversary and takes him as captive to his king.
Motif References:

H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
K 2246.1 Treacherous king

FvS-4113:   After ten years of service Friedrich wants to leave and asks for his earnings but the king wants to force him to stay on for eight years and refuses him his reward. Pirnas intervenes but in vain. The king says he can have a stag no one of his family ever could hunt down. Pirnas’s gifts to Friedrich: silver and gold. Friedrich leaves. In a monologue he asks God what he should do: Should he marry Osann to get riches and lands or should he return to Jerome? If he would do any of this he would lose his honor. He remembers his oath.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises

FvS-4216:   He meets a stag which greets him and thanks him for once having spared its life. The beast offers service. Friedrich says that he has lost everything for the sake of a stag and that he will not have his friendship. The stag promises to make him rich and honorable. Friedrich says it is only a stag and if it knew some magic it should help himself, so that he could believe him. The stag asks for Friedrich’s service these past years and to disenchant him. Friedrich agrees and embraces the animal who transforms to a beautiful maiden. She knows of his love for Angelburg and gives him a root which makes invisible when placed on his head. And she gives him an eye.
Motif References:

D 114.1.1 Transformation: man to deer
B 211.2.1 Speaking stag
D 735.4 Disenchantment by enduring animal’s embrace
E 781 Eyes successfully replaced
D 967 Magic roots
D 1361 Magic object renders invisible.
D 1980 Magic invisibility
D 2161.3.1.1 Eyes torn out magically replaced
D 2161.3 Magic cure of physical defect

FvS-4303:   He asks her how he could find Angelburg and offers her life long service when she is in need. She tells him the way to a high mountain with the clear fountain beneath a rock on top of it, there he should turn invisible and wait till noon when there will appear three doves to bath in the fountain. They will leave their clothes which he should hide. Then he should show himself. All but Angelburg will be frightened. He then should not utter a word. When they beg him he should offer marriage to one of them and insist on it. At his question the maiden identifies as Pragnet of Persoloni, a king’s daughter cursed by her stepmother. She gives him the promise to help him whenever he might be in need and they part.
Motif References:

D 721 Disenchantment by removing skin
D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
H 1233 Helpers on quest
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl

FvS-4389:   He arrives at the mountain, renders himself invisible by means of the root and takes away the doves’ clothes. Then he shows himself. Angelburg laments about Friedrich and he would like to speak out but does not. He lets the three of them complain and keeps silent. Salme addresses him as “Friedrich”. Then Malmelona asks for the garments. Friedrich asks one of them to become his wife and insists although they promise him riches instead. Because they are cold and wet Angelburg agrees. But before he can have his choice he has to return their garments. As soon as they are clothed he asks Angelburg to marry him. Because of her promise of fidelity to Friedrich she is not happy about this marriage. Friedrich identifies as her disenchanter and swoons. Angelburg kisses him, sees his rings and swoons too from love.
Motif References:

T 24.2 Swooning for love
D 721 Disenchantment by removing skin
D 967 Magic roots
F 1041.25.1 (Bm) Swoon from joy
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl
D 1361 Magic object renders invisible.
D 1980 Magic invisibility

FvS-4660:   As soon as Friedrich comes to his senses he grieves for Angelburg. He remembers his winning lands and women like Osann and Jerome since he last saw his love. But he would have preferred to stay with Angelburg at any time and he even left his daughter for her sake. Then Angelburg comes to her senses, tells him that she always longed for Friedrich and asks him about his adventures. He says that he had harder times from love than all famous heroes of Arthur’s Round Table (he gives their names). Then he begs Angelburg to forgive him. Angelburg says that she in a stag’s shape lured him to the forest in the first place and therefore it is her fault and she asks him to forgive her.
Motif References:

D 794 Enchanted person attracts attention of rescuer

FvS-4889:   As soon as they come to Angelburg’s country she informs her people about Friedrich’s exploits: he rescued Osann from Arminolt and he disenchanted Pragnet who was transformed to a stag. The land’s lords have a council: Malmelona’s father reminds the lords of their promise to help Angelburg if she were disenchanted. Salme’s father proposes that Flanea should be drowned for her cruelty towards the three maidens; in the meantime Flanea and the magician have carried on their villainy. All the lords vow to help Angelburg and Salme’s father is sent to Friedrich’s brothers Ruprecht and Heinrich who live in Gmund for military aid. The messenger shows Friedrich’s half ring as token to his brothers. They have a meal and the count tells Friedrich’s brothers the story of Friedrich and Angelburg. Then the lords summon their relatives and vassals – they have 4000 men. In the meantime the guest is well entertained. A knight is sent as messenger to Prafant to ask Osann for the military aid she promised. Osann leaves with 2000 men. Message is sent to Pragnet in Persolon for aid – she too has to keep a promise – and she summons her vassals. She has an escort of knights and musicians.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 94.5 Identification through broken [half of] ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
P 251.6.1 Three brothers
P 510 Law courts
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

FvS-5235:   Flanea gets the news that Angelburg and Friedrich have returned and that Angelburg now is the sovereign of her mother’s country. Flanea goes to see her husband. She changes her color and becomes pale so that he must believe she might be sick. She accuses Angelburg of slandering her and wanting to usurp her father’s kingdom after a knight disenchanted her. Therefore the king should summon an army, usurp her country or make war. The king says that the land is his daughter’s and her lords will not hear him but for Flanea’s sake he will send two messengers to claim the country. He sends two counts. Friedrich says that the king would owe him faithfulness because he disenchanted his daughter and endured much pain for her. But if he attacks nevertheless Friedrich will be ready to defend his lands with his allies he has won already.
Motif References:

K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-5381:   The messengers return to king Mompolier and advise him to summon his vassals. But they say it would be better not to fight his daughter, who rightfully owns the country and has her vassals’ support, and his son-in-law who is a valiant and wise knight. If he makes war they will leave him. They discuss the matter. Flanea sends for Jeroparg to advise her. He announces three fights: one for Angelburg, one for Malmelon and one for Salme. Jeroparg promises to kill him by his magic. She should ask her friend Turneas for military aid. Turneas who is Flanea’s relative will help them because he is afraid of Friedrich whom he did not pay for his service. Jeroparg leaves to meet Turneas. The queen asks her husband at night in bed about his military plans. He would like to obtain the land, but his council has not come to a clear decision. He reminds her too that Friedrich has got allies. Flanea announces military aid from Turneas, the king is relieved and will do as she wants.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
D 1711 Magician
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-5561:   Jeroparg comes to Turneas who summons an army of 18,000 men. Count Pirnas who is Friedrich’s friend does not agree and reminds the king of his fault by not rewarding the knight’s service: Nothing good will come out of evil. Pirnas stays at home and Turneas leaves with his army. Turneas joins Mompolier who will leave with an army of 10,000 men to attack his daughter. His lords warn him against Friedrich and his allies and refuse to join him, for this war will be his shame. Friedrich’s allies arrive. Mompolier and Turneas demand that the town of Rogant should surrender, the townspeople mock them. The town is besieged. Friedrich’s men are eager for a fight, but Heinrich and Ruprecht von Schwaben insist on their privilege to fight first, a privilege which was granted to Gerolt von Schwaben by Karl at Runtzifal: Being the oldest knight he was granted the first combat and as reward for his victory he obtained the privilege for his family. Ruprecht and Heinrich and Ruprecht’s three sons, Cunrat, Ulrich, Ludwig; Viviantz von Teck as their banner-bearer holds the banner showing three golden stars. Osann and Pragnet make Friedrich the leader of their troops.
Motif References:

P 550 Military affairs
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank

FvS-5791:   A furious battle starts. Friedrich asks about the whereabouts of his father-in-law and goes to meet him. Once again he reminds him what he had to suffer for Angelburg’s sake, and accuses Flanea of her villainy. Because of Angelburg however he will not hurt him. But Turneas will not be spared. Friedrich continues fighting. He overcomes Turneas and takes him captive. Heinrich makes Mompolier captive but spares him because of Angelburg. Finally the battle comes to an end. Turneas and Mompolier both are wounded. Heinrich takes Mompolier to Angelburg who is happy to see her father alive. She forgives him everything.
Motif References:

P 200 The family
P 234 Father and daughter
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

FvS-6007:   Flanea who is in distress because of the battle rides across the plain. She meets a knight who wants to help her. She says that her husband has been wounded and caught; she accuses her enemy of murder and falsehood. The unknown knight promises to fight her enemy three times. She says it is Friedrich and Jeroparg, the knight, goes to meet him. Jeroparg challenges Friedrich and they have three combats within three days, one for Angelburg, one for Malmelon and one for Salme.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
N 845 Magician as helper.
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
D 1711 Magician
K 1810 Deception by disguise

FvS-6092:   Malmelon, Friedrich’s brothers and Angelburg arm Friedrich the first day. The magician has poisoned Friedrich’s wine, but Malmelona’s ring protects him, otherwise he would have lost sight, his body would have been painful and swollen. They have a fierce combat till nightfall because the magician is very strong due to his magic. Malmelona keeps encouraging Friedrich throughout the fighting.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
K 873 Fatal deception by giving narcotic
D 1383.6 Magic red stone protects from poison.
D 1711.8 Strong man as magician.
D 1830 Magic strength

FvS-6187:   The second day Friedrich fights for Salme who encourages him, reminds him of her ring, which will give him strength and they pray for his victory. This time Jeroparg has taken three men’s strength and Salme tells Friedrich to put on her ring. They fight a furious combat. Friedrich is given a hard time by the magician. Salme is distressed from grief and starts praying. Friedrich overhears her prayer and presses Jeroparg hard. They stop fighting in the evening.
Motif References:

D 1076 Magic ring
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength

FvS-6309:   The third morning Friedrich asks God for help. This time the magician attacks with fire, but Angelburg’s ring protects Friedrich. The magician presses Friedrich hard but he escapes by Pragnet’s root which renders Friedrich invisible when put on his head. Jeroparg threatens Friedrich, he will wait till nightfall. Angelburg laments and starts praying. Friedrich overhearing her words regains strength and overcomes Jeroparg who wants to surrender. Flanea should be captured.
Motif References:

D 967 Magic roots
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1361 Magic object renders invisible.
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1382 Magic object protects against cold or burning
D 1382.1 Magic pebble [gem] prevents burning.
D 1980 Magic invisibility

FvS-6430:   The magician tells them the story of Flanea’s treachery: With his help Flanea has taken her vengeance for Angelburg’s reproaches. He blinded Mompolier, Flanea accused her step-daughter. By magic they made her appear guilty so that her father wanted to kill her. Angelburg then was transformed to a stag and she and her two companions had to roam the forest until a knight would disenchant them. Disenchantment however came faster than they thought and as it was nearly completed the magician made Friedrich forget the tabu. But God helped Friedrich and Angelburg. Death now will be the punishment for Flanea and Jeroparg.
Motif References:

Q 411.4 Death as punishment for treachery
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

FvS-6535:   Flanea and Jeroparg are burnt at the stake. Mompolier begs his daughter to forgive him and leaves her his country and his people. She asks Friedrich to forgive her father, who only had been under the influence of his wife. They are reconciled.
Motif References:

S 112 Burning to death
P 234 Father and daughter
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive

FvS-6567:   But what should they do about Turneas? Pirnas asks them for mercy for Turneas. Friedrich reminds Turneas of his unpaid service for ten years; he spares his life, but will have his kingdom. Turneas agrees. A wedding feast will be celebrated in 15 weeks time.
Motif References:

T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
Q 272 Avarice punished

FvS-6623:   Jerome grieving for Friedrich raises her daughter Zipproner. At the age of eleven the girl asks about her father but Jerome refuses to tell her. Zipproner warns her mother that her grief will make her sick. Jerome shows her Friedrich’s letter. Dwarfs are sent as messengers to Friedrich but as they learn of his marriage they return home. Zipproner sets out to see her father. She has a very rich retinue: 12,000 armed dwarfs in precious garments, 12 giants and musicians.
Motif References:

P 232 Mother and daughter
P 234 Father and daughter

FvS-6735:   When they arrive at Friedrich’s court, Bucktzinos goes to meet Friedrich who gives him a good welcome. Bucktzinos tells him that Zipproner has come with him. The golden harness of Bucktzinos and Zipproner is a gift from Amor, Venus und Cupido, their golden shield never has been damaged by any spear. Zipproner greets her father, says she has come to attend his wedding and gives rich presents. Then she reminds Friedrich of his promise and he accepts her as his daughter officially. Angelburg says that he has to keep his promise. Friedrich welcomes Zipproner as his daughter; Angelburg welcomes her too and says that it should be as if she were her own child.
Motif References:

M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
P 234 Father and daughter
P 282 Stepmother
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

FvS-6915:   Wedding feast of Friedrich and Angelburg is held. Friedrich wants to marry Malmelon to his brother Heinrich and Malmelon agrees. Salme, Osann and Pragnet marry the three sons of Ulrich’s brother.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
P 251.6.1 Three brothers

FvS-6941:   Turneas’s country is given to Heinrich and Ulrich as compensation to their wives Malmelon and Salme. Their fathers thank him. Angelburg praises her husband. After the feast all guests leave. Ulrich stays with Heinrich in Turneas’s kingdom. The newly married couples live in happiness. The dwarfs and giants are given rich presents. Zipproner is allowed to keep Bucktzinos and 100 of his servants with her. The others leave to give the news to Jerome that Zipproner has been welcomed by her father and stepmother and that Friedrich has obtained three kingdoms.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

FvS-7059:   Friedrich and Angelburg have a son, Heinrich, who is educated to his ninth year at his father’s court. Angelburg, who is very pious and uses to gives alms, cares for Zipproner. Then Angelburg dies. On her deathbed she makes Friedrich promise that he will leave the kingdom of Angelburg’s mother to Zipproner, the kingdom of her father to Heinrich, which Friedrich would have done in any case. The promise is made in presence of Zipproner and Heinrich as witnesses. In order to legitimize Zipproner Angelburg wishes Friedrich to marry Jerome who should then care for their son as well. Angelburg then kisses Friedrich, Zipproner and Heinrich and dies.
Motif References:

M 255 Deathbed promise concerning the second wife

FvS-7179:   They all lament her death. Friedrich remembers all his labors for the sake of Angelburg and weeps tears of blood. He accuses Death, by saying if he were a man he would fight him. His children console him and say that Angelburg should now be buried. After burial as Friedrich starts lamenting again, Heinrich proposes that he and Zipproner should go to Jerome to arrange the marriage. Zipproner however will not leave her father. Heinrich reminds him of his vow given to Angelburg on her deathbed. Bucktzinos is sent as messenger to Jerome and she agrees to marry Friedrich. Then Friedrich with his brothers Heinrich and Ulrich and his army goes to see Jerome. He takes great riches with him.
Motif References:

M 255 Deathbed promise concerning the second wife

FvS-7375:   They enter the mountain. Jerome is so sick that she cannot go and so she is carried in her seat to a meadow of roses. Heinrich and Zipproner clothed in black lament about Angelburg’s death and Heinrich asks Jerome to grant their wish. Zipproner praises Angelburg who was even more virtuous than the famous wife of Jokfrid of Prafant who educated Wilhalm von Orlenntz. Angelburg refuses to eat or drink before Zipproner has received her share and she left her kingdom to her. Zipproner begs for her father. Jerome welcomes Heinrich and Zipproner and will be merciful to Friedrich. Friedrich reminds her of Gabriel’s message to Mary and of her humility. She should therefore forgive him and he will be her true servant forever. She says she has suffered as lot and accuses him of having betrayed her and left her for 23 years, although she loved him truly. Malmelon and Salme say that Friedrich too has suffered for their rescue. Jerome finally forgives Friedrich. Heinrich begs for his father and Jerome promises him to be a faithful mother to him. She kisses him three times. She guarantees peace and reconciliation and promises to fulfill his wishes and love him. He will have to eat and drink before her and be seated on her side. Jerome is cured by her joy. A feast is celebrated.
Motif References:

T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions
P 282 Stepmother
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple
F 950 Marvelous cures

FvS-7740:   Zipproner, Friedrich and Heinrich ask Jerome to forgive Syrodame who helped Friedrich to escape. Jerome does so for the sake of Friedrich and the children. She sends for her parents, Sinoffel and his wife Delofin to inform them of their reconciliation and to invite them to a feast. The Count Sinoffel comes to the feast in rich clothes and with a retinue of 7000 dwarfs. He and his wife Delofin thank Friedrich and beg for forgiveness. Jerome forgives them and Syrodame again is given the power of the keys. As her mother sees her she swoons. When she has come to her senses she asks for a drawer of gold. She gives Zipproner a belt with a ruby senckel and Heinrich a golden chain and the precious drawer which is ornate with jewels. Then the wedding feast is celebrated. There is much jousting and many tournaments.
Motif References:

W 27 Gratitude
Q 114 Gifts as reward
T 136.4 Gifts at wedding
T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
P 360 Master and servant

FvS-8001:   Friedrich and his wife Jerome have a son who is a dwarf. To marry his son they leave the mountain and return to Friedrich’s lands. They want Bucktzinos to stay as regent of Jerome’s country but he refuses and wants to accompany them. So another dwarf has to take care of the mountain and the land. They leave. Heinrich is given a king’s daughter as his wife. As soon as the dwarf son has come of age he marries a dwarf queen and inherits his mother’s kingdom.
Motif References:

T 100 Marriage
P 110 Royal ministers
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal