Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Johan aus dem Virgiere (1400/50?)


Miscellaneous Romances

Johan aus dem Virgiere (1400/50?)
Priebsch, R. (ed.): Johan uz dem Virgiere, Eine spätmitittelhochdeutsche Ritterdichtung. (=Germ. Bibl., Abt.II, vol. 32) Heidelberg 1932.

JohV-1:   Prologue.
Motif References:

JohV-41:   One Whitsuntide before hearing mass the Emperor Sigemunt and his courtiers go for a walk in his beautiful orchard. He finds a handsome child on a blanket and tokens of its nobility: rich clothes; a horse; precious armor and weapons, a spear with a banner; the coat of arms is blue with three golden lilies; the helmet is ornate with precious incandescent jewels. There is a letter wound around the child’s neck telling that it should be christened Johan. The baby is baptized and they call him Johan uz dem virgiere.
Motif References:

L 111.2 Foundling hero
S 301 Children abandoned (exposed)
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child
S 335 Child exposed at palace gate
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers

JohV-135:   The Emperor informs the court that his wife has given birth to a child and accidentally this very day a daughter is born, whom they name Clarisse. The Emperor therefore spreads the news that his wife has given birth to twins. His relatives and vassals offer gifts to the children, the women for the daughter, the men for the son, who is to succeed his father as Emperor.
Motif References:

P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king
P 270.4 (Bm) Hero raised by foster parents
P 271 Foster father
P 272 Foster mother
P 275 Foster son
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]
T 596 Naming of children
N 699 Other lucky accidents
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name
K 1920 Substituted children

JohV-173:   The Emperor has Johan uz dem virgiere educated by his princely nobles as is due to the future Emperor. Everybody thinks he is the Emperor’s son. The daughter is educated by women. The boy is taught languages such as French, Italian and Latin. At the age of only seven he already has the strength of a ten year old boy. At the age of 12 he is a valiant hero with the heart of a lion and of a lamb. He thinks the Emperor is his father. Eager to become a knight he asks the Emperor to be taught chivalry but the Emperor puts him off for one year later. Johan uz dem virgiere agrees but is very eager to chase the Emperor’s enemies.
Motif References:

J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth
Z 200 Heroes
W 212 Eagerness for combat
T 615.3 Precocious wisdom [virtue]

JohV-235:   The Emperor considers a boar hunt, but is worried by the Saracens hunting in the forest of Ludewerde. But brave Johan uz dem virgiere persuades him to take the risk. The Emperor and Johan uz dem virgiere leave the others behind. They come upon two heathen knights, Lamelot and his brother Ferreon, excellent heroes from Spain, who are hunting in armed company. Johan uz dem virgiere fights the boar and kills it. In the meantime Lamelot and his band, who are well aware that there are only two opponents, take the opportunity to attack the unarmed Emperor whom they identify by his crown. But fortunately Johan uz dem virgiere has taken two shields with him and so he can give one to the Emperor. Johan kills Ferreon and despite the heathens’ superior numbers he slays most of them. As soon as Lamelot has surrendered Johan cuts up the boar, the hounds are given their share.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
W 32 Bravery
W 121 Cowardice
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth
F 628.2.1 Strong man kills many men at once

JohV-329:   Back in Rome the Emperor and Johan uz dem virgiere enter the hall, where many women and maidens are gathered round a fire of aloe. As they hear the story of Johan’s exploit, his valiance is much appreciated, especially by the empress. Her daughter Clarisse keeps thinking that she could consider such a hero to be her lover. Unfortunately a greyhound jumps at the Emperor and soils his clothes. Johan gives him a blow and he falls into the fire. The sparkles burn the empress’ clothes and partly her curls too. She is very angry and calls him a wicked foundling who knows nothing about courtly manners.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
N 385 Unintentional injuries bring unfortunate consequences

JohV-387:   At this insult Johan uz dem virgiere turns pale from grief and asks the Emperor if this is true. The Emperor denies everything and punishes his wife by hitting her in the face and calls her names. But as soon as the empress has recovered she continues insulting Johan by calling him a foundling several times, at the fifth time she tells that he had been found in the orchard. The author’s comment: Only if you kill them will women keep quiet and not have their will. Johan again asks the Emperor and this time he tells the truth and gives the details of how was found. Although he knows nothing about Johan’s father he is pretty sure that he was a nobleman because of the riches left with the child. The banner might belong to some French nobleman.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
L 111.2 Foundling hero
P 210 Husband and wife
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child

JohV-457:   Johan uz dem virgiere wants to be knighted and leave Rome to fight heathens and giants. But at the Emperor’s pleading he agrees to stay one year at the court. The princess, aware that Johan is not her brother, falls in love with him and her mother’s hatred against him grieves her. Johan secretly loves her too.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father
T 91 Unequals in love
P 274.1 Love between foster sister and foster brother

JohV-488:   The Pope, all secular and clerical noblemen gather to a diet. The Emperor and the Pope are the chairmen. 3000 women and maidens are present, and at the table each lady sits opposite a knight. (525) Johan uz dem virgiere who is now 14 years old serves at the table of the Emperor. He is a tall and charming boy and his beauty easily could cure any sick maiden if she could only look at him.
Motif References:

F 575.2 Handsome man

JohV-537:   He asks the Emperor to rise from the table and to have water brought to wash their hands. The Emperor says that according to a custom he can rise from the table only after hearing some adventure.
Motif References:

M 151 Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure

JohV-545:   Johan uz dem virgiere has a presentiment of trouble and he falls sick with fever, he is hot and cold, loses color and starts trembling. He therefore retires to his room.
Motif References:

F 1041.9 Extraordinary illness
D 1812.4 Future revealed by presentiment: “knowledge within”

JohV-564:   A stranger appears, the strongest heathen of his times: He is 14 feet tall, his skin and hair are as strong as iron, so that no sword can harm him; with his bare hands he can destroy any helmet or shield. He is bearded, has a long black neck, red eyes, a devilish red face and big ears. He decapitates the porter who tries to stop him. With the porter’s head in his hands he enters the hall and puts it on the table before the Emperor. In the name of his master Cursin, the king of Barbaria, Egypt and Alexandria, he declares war on the Emperor in order to install Machmet in Rome instead of the Christian God. If the Emperor manages to overcome him those countries will be his. But if he refuses to fight, the heathen army of 30,000 fighters hiding in the forest of Ludewerde will devastate the country. He identifies himself as Fursin, a heathen king from Libya in the Orient.
Motif References:

S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
F 558 Man covered with horn
F 610 Remarkably strong man
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers

JohV-639:   The Emperor praises God as creator of all things and refers to Christ’s miracles to stress his power; he will fight against the heathen and accepts the challenge by presenting his glove. He summons his knights to find a champion among them offering his crown and his daughter as reward. The Pope offers indulgence, as do all clergymen. The banner of St. George and St. Peter are unrolled. Nobody however wants to be the Emperor’s champion. They keep looking at their feet, lamenting and weeping. The women are weeping too, out of grief for their cowardice.
Motif References:

T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

JohV-691:   The heathen takes the Emperor’s crown from his head and puts it down to the floor. He tells the Emperor to leave. The Emperor asks the pope to console his people and he does so by referring to Adam – God showed all creatures to him – and the Fall of man, which brought him into hell as well as Abraham, Moses and Aaron. He reminds them of Christ’s sacrifice. But still there is no champion.
Motif References:

JohV-737:   The princess thinks Johan uz dem virgiere to be a valiant champion because he is the bravest knight of all and she goes to see him. She is a very beautiful woman, her complexion being red and white; she has fair long curls, a red mouth and resplendent eyes.
Motif References:

P 13.3 Royal purple (golden diadem) [crown] as sign of royalty
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
Z 150 Other symbols
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

JohV-759:   Johan uz dem virgiere is asleep. In tears Clarisse snuggles against him and he wakes. Eager to defend her against all wrongs he asks for the reason of her unhappiness. She tells him the news and that there is no champion to be found. Johan is eager to fight to obtain the princess as well as the crown and the indulgence. She warns him against the heathen’s strength and his hard skin. The princess tells her father, whom she finds weeping with his crown at his feet, that Johan will be the champion and that he wants to know the way he should be clothed on this occasion.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings

JohV-867:   The Emperor is very happy about this news, remembering Johan’s exploits during the hunt when he killed 18 knights and captured Lamelot who since has become Christian.
Motif References:

V 331 Conversion to Christianity
F 628.2 Strong man kills men

JohV-877:   He sends Johan uz dem virgiere some green and red clothes he has had made for himself. The princess is told to bring him this outfit and to ready him for combat (to assure that he is well dressed, decorate him with her wreath, embrace and kiss him because this gives men strength). He will be knighted. The princess does as she is told. She clothes him beautifully, caresses him and makes him her knight. Her beauty has cured him totally. Johan and the princess join the Emperor at the court, where all are weeping.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady

JohV-955:   Johan uz dem virgiere stresses the fact that he is only a foundling and therefore some higher ranking knight should rather be chosen as champion; Johan does not want to insult the courtiers in any way. Therefore the offer should be renewed. If no champion is found however, he will be ready to fight. Once again the sacred objects (cross, spear, nail, crown of thorns and relics) are presented. The Pope speaks again, the banners of St. Peter and St. George are unrolled. But still there is no champion. They all keep looking at the sacred objects; only the heathen turns his back.
Motif References:

V 140 Sacred relics
J 810 Policy in dealing with the great

JohV-1017:   Angry about all this Johan uz dem virgiere takes the glove. He puts the crown onto the Emperor’s head again and challenges the heathen. The mocking answer of the heathen champion does not frighten Johan. The heathen champion proposes Ludewerde as place of single combat to decide if Machmet is the better God. Johan: The Christian God will be victorious.
Motif References:

V 331 Conversion to Christianity
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

JohV-1042:   At the knights’ and the court’s pleading, the Emperor agrees to knight Johan uz dem virgiere. He receives red cloth with golden stars, a good horse, a tabard (paramant) with his coat of arms – blue with three golden lilies –, golden spurs and his sword which is blessed by the Pope. The Emperor hits him ceremoniously and speaks the knighting formula. Then the Emperor teaches him the laws of chivalry. To do honor to his new rank Johan is the first to be offered water as well as food and drink at the table. Johan says he is a rich and a poor man at the same time: he is a foundling who might be of noble family but unable to identify himself and prove his noble origin, and he is the Christian champion against the heathen. They have him seated between the empress and her daughter.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood

JohV-1116:   Gaveron does not appreciate the fact that Johan holds the place of honor. He is sure that he will not win the combat for Christianity. Gaveron is even worse than Keie, Arthur’s malicious steward. Johan overhears Gaveron’s words, but does nothing about it, since he has no doubt that some day he will perish. The Emperor rebukes Gaveron for his words and tells him to be quiet. The emperor is thinking that he only would like to be married to the princess and would prefer to have a “heathen dog” as his son-in-law. He renews his promise to give his daughter and his crown to Johan uz dem virgiere as reward. The Pope’s warnings that his evil words will be punished by banishment and curse frighten Gaveron and he is silenced.
Motif References:

K 2242 Treacherous steward

JohV-1157:   The Pope announces a procession to do penance the next day, where everybody should be clothed in wool and go barefoot. They will visit all holy places (such as churches, hermitages etc.) in Rome and Lateran to pray for Johan’s exploit. The Roman nobles all join the procession which is closed by a mass; Johan finally gives alms to the church.
Motif References:

V 85 Religious pilgrimages

JohV-1175:   After mass Johan’s journey is prepared: he receives his horse and everything found with him once in the orchard as well as a chest with food, bread and wine. He takes leave from the imperial family; the princess blesses him and kisses him on the mouth. Having received “Sanct Johannes minne” he jumps on his horse. Gaveron however hopes he will not return. (1201) Two days later Johan uz dem virgiere comes to the heathens. He crosses a bridge over the river Spere and unhorses as the sun is already high but he finds the heathen still fast asleep under a lime tree, his head lying on a stone, his breath going like thunder. Johan is not sure if this is a man or a devil, but he is irritated by the fact that the heathen champion has a stone as pillow; he therefore takes off his coat to replace the stone pillow. Johan then eats his breakfast on his shield.
Motif References:

V 350 Conflicts between religions
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)

JohV-1234:   He wakes the heathen and offers him breakfast in the name of God, the heathen however refuses. He warns Johan that he will be a dead man unless he renounces Christianity and surrenders; if he does so he will be given the land of Barbarie and some rich towns. Johan refuses.
Motif References:

Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
V 350 Conflicts between religions

JohV-1249:   They engage in a discussion about the crucifixion of Christ by the Jews. The heathen champion believes that if the Christian God really were as mighty as the Christians believe all this would not have happened. In the combat the heathen champion will take revenge because Johan’s answer insulted his God.
Motif References:

V 350 Conflicts between religions

JohV-1261:   The heathen champion takes his armor, his steel helmet and his mighty weapons. He mounts his horse by the stirrups and unrolls his banner. Johan too is ready for fighting.
Motif References:

JohV-1283:   Single combat of the heathen champion and Johan uz dem virgiere: They wound one another and now Johan can be sure that the heathen champion is not invulnerable. They engage in combat which is so furious that their outfit is ruined and mist rises between them so that they can hardly see each other. They fight till dusk. Johan’s sword is caught in the heathen champion’s shield. The heathen once again offers Johan Barbarie and Egypt as a fiefdom (“eigenlehen”) if Johan surrenders and renounces Christianity. But Johan refuses. Fortunately Johan finds the heathen champion’s lance and manages to unhorse his adversary. With his sword in his hand Johan asks the heathen champion to become a Christian and to follow him to the Emperor. Thus he would obtain honor and fame. When the heathen champion refuses, Johan gets angry and cuts him in two from head to hips.
Motif References:

Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
V 350 Conflicts between religions
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

JohV-1416:   Johan uz dem virgiere takes the head and puts it on his saddle. As he is about to leave he is surrounded by the heathen army of 40,000 men carrying banners of all colors. He gives himself into the hands of God and the Virgin Mary, and then starts fighting the heathens. By evening he has overcome several bands of heathens but he is exhausted and wounded. He retires to a small path into the woods, takes off his armor and takes care of his wounds. He asks Mary for help. The next morning he reaches Rome and a maiden identifies him by his coat of arms. She proclaims his victory and asks that the town gates should be opened for him so that he can receive the crown as reward.
Motif References:

S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
K 2350 Military strategy

JohV-1506:   Hearing the news Gaveron tries to persuade the Emperor not to open the gates for a foundling reminding him of the fact that a foundling once destroyed Rome. Rome has twelve gates, which are guarded by kings, by the Emperor, by the Pope and by Gaveron. As Johan uz dem virgiere comes to town all gates are closed. The maiden grieves about this treason but the members of the senate only obey Gaveron’s orders. Johan, pursued by the heathen army, asks God and St. Michael for help. Fortunately he perceives the princess on top of the walls just when he wishes to see her once again.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
W 175 Changeableness
K 2242 Treacherous steward

JohV-1569:   He fights the heathens who press him hard. Despite his desperate situation Gaveron refuses to open the gate, and even the princess’s harsh words cannot persuade her father to help Johan. In front of the gate guarded by the French king Johan’s horse is killed. The princess sends him fifty of her own vassals but they all are slain. Johan asks God to help him. The knight Lamelot is eager to help him although Johan has killed his brother. Johan at first thinks he is his enemy but Lamelot reassures him. He obtains the horse of an enemy and gives it to Johan. They bravely fight the heathens. After they have lost their horses, they continue fighting on foot.
Motif References:

W 34 Loyalty
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
K 2242 Treacherous steward

JohV-1675:   On top of the walls the townspeople observe the fighting. The Pope intervenes in favor of the two fighters, and the princess once again asks her father and Gaveron to help them but both refuse. She weeps. (1695) Johan uz dem virgiere and Lamelot have killed many enemies. Despite their wounds they continue fighting. A knight named Lanzelot asks the Emperor to help them. As they do not even answer his demand he decides to take his weapons and armor and leave town to help Johan and Lamelot. He unhorses the king of Bulgaria and gives his horse to Johan, who gives it to Lamelot because he has become his friend; he thus wants to do penance for having killed Lamelot’s brother. Johan obtains another horse. The three knights continue fighting one day and one night and slay more than 4000 enemies. The next morning they continue fighting.
Motif References:

F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JohV-1771:   The Romans observe the fighting. The Emperor accuses Gaveron of faithlessness and now has the bell rung to summon his knights to rescue the fighters. The Emperor sends 3000 fighters into the battle and orders Gaveron who is the Roman consul to carry the banner. The heathens renew their battle formations and blow their horns. There is a furious battle. Gaveron is frightened and drops the banner, covers his back with his shield and flees back to his gate as do many noblemen. When Johan uz dem virgiere perceives their flight, he takes the banner and tries in vain to stop them, proclaiming that God will help them to overcome the enemy. Many of the Christians are killed, but they kill many heathens too. Johan is the best fighter of all, Lamelot the second best, and Lanzelot the third. As soon as the Christians are safe in town all gates are closed.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
W 121 Cowardice
P 550 Military affairs
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JohV-1850:   Johan uz dem virgiere goes to see the princess who sends to Mompoliere and Salerne for doctors to treat the hero’s wounds. (1863) The heathens besiege Rome. They take an oath by Machmet, Apollon, Termand and Astorone and all their gods that the Christians must die. The Romans defend their town and kill many heathens. As their leader Hagelos sees that this might not be an easy victory he has war-machines (bliden, lonkere, tribocke, busse, katzen, schirm, domelere) constructed. A furious battle continues night and day and the siege lasts for one year and a half. By this time the Romans are short of food and drink.
Motif References:

V 350 Conflicts between religions
P 552.4 War-machines
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JohV-1924:   On Holy Thursday there is neither bread nor wine in town, and the Emperor summons his council to ask them what to do: They do not speak a word; Gaveron advises them to become heathens in order to save their lives. Only Johan protests and reminds them that they all will obtain heavenly reward if they die. Gaveron gives Johan a bloody face and Johan leaves. The Emperor (V.12rb,Z.10 Gaveron’s relatives) says that if Gaveron were not a knight he would have him hung. He makes Johan uz dem virgiere his highest counselor and high judge and gives him the keys.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
K 2298 Treacherous counselor

JohV-1973:   Johan uz dem virgiere gives his advice: They will not attack the heathens before Easter Sunday. After hearing mass on Easter Sunday they would like to eat and drink but nothing can be offered. Johan therefore invites them to take spoils among the heathens. As they are reluctant to do so, he takes his armor and weapons and leaves town. Everybody except Gaveron wishes him good luck. Johan who has had no meal for five days comes upon a blue and green tent, where there are gathered forty heathen kings who are having their meal. (2053) He enters and greets the kings in heathen language which he knows well. He pretends to be the Emperor’s messenger. At their question if Rome is about to surrender Johan says no and refuses to give any further information unless they entertain him well according to the Christian custom that a messenger only delivers his message after having been entertained. They serve Johan well and he takes off his coat in order to store food secretly therein. The heathens wonder that he eats and drinks so much. As soon as he has finished, he delivers his message to their leader, Hagelos: The Emperor has sent him for Hagelos’ head. He decapitates him and kills six kings, the others escape.
Motif References:

K 330 Means of hoodwinking the guardian or owner
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
K 1810 Deception by disguise
K 2357 Disguise to enter enemy’s camp (castle)

JohV-2139:   With food in his coat Johan returns to town. The heathens pursue him but Lamelot and Lanzelot help him to enter town. He gives the spoils to the princess who is nearly starved and therefore starts eating immediately so that he has to tell her to give a share to her maidens as well. Johan uz dem virgiere laughs and gives some bread to her maidens. Lamelot reminds him of his brother’s death. He and his family will take revenge for it. Johan promises him castles, towns and land as soon as they will be his own, but Lamelot refuses. He asks for half of a bread instead as penance. Gaveron turns red and white from hunger but Johan does nothing about it. He gives all the food to the princess. All are drinking water and are eating – but only a small amount each. Even the cooks and the stewards cannot take any advantage. (2217) At the Emperor’s question Johan uz dem virgiere advises fighting the heathens who are now weakened. The next morning they take armor and weapons and attack the surprised heathens. Johan carries the banner. The Christians overcome the heathens and kill many of them. Food and drink, corn and wine are carried away as spoils to Rome, as well as tents, gold, silver, money and clothes. They have plenty of food for 15 years. Johan warns them against eating and drinking too much after a long famine.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.0.1 (Si) Booty. The spoils of war.

JohV-2282:   Johan uz dem virgiere asks the Emperor for his reward: the princess and the kingdom. Gaveron again persuades the Emperor to listen to him: He should marry Johan to a tenant’s daughter and give him 3000 pound a year so that he could joust and tournament and buy good clothes. Thus the Emperor could keep his crown as well as his empire and easily could marry his daughter to some nobleman. In case Johan would refuse this arrangement he should be imprisoned. Otherwise he certainly would turn to Machmet. Johan asks for an answer. The Emperor pretends he first would have to consult Gaveron and his counselors. He then offers Johan 3000 pound a year and some beautiful maiden in marriage. Johan warns him that if he is refused marriage to the princess he will fight as mercenary of Machmet and devastate the empire. Thus the empire and the crown would be his after a short time.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
T 68 Princess offered as prize
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
W 175 Changeableness
K 2298 Treacherous counselor

JohV-2341:   The princess tells Johan uz dem virgiere to flee, because she has overheard Gaveron’s wicked plans. They kiss in the maiden’s room. He takes his weapons and treasure; she gives him a pack-animal with gold to live on for some time.
Motif References:

T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour

JohV-2369:   Johan leaves to speak to Gaveron in his tent where he is with the Emperor. As Gaveron sees the sword in his hand he flees and closes the doors calling Johan names. Johan uz dem virgiere is furious because he can do nothing about it. He would kill the Emperor if it were not for the princess but love obliges him to respect her relatives and her friends.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice

JohV-2395:   Johan uz dem virgiere proclaims that the princess might already be with his child and warns them that he certainly would avenge any harm done to his child. He then takes leave from the princess eager to go with him. But this cannot be because Johan himself does not know where to go. He leaves with his banner wound around a spear.
Motif References:

R 220 Flights

JohV-2426:   His journey lasts for more than four years. In the meantime a son is born. Gaveron wants to kill the child but the child’s relatives will not let this happen. They remind him of the valiance of his father as well. The child is christened Johan.
Motif References:

T 640 Illegitimate children
K 2298 Treacherous counselor

JohV-2445:   Johan uz dem virgiere after four years has no more riches left. He comes upon a knight riding a good horse. He is about 40 years old. Both of them are not amused at the other’s identical coat of arms, angrily they refuse to identify themselves and start fighting. They fight all day. Johan unhorses the elder one and fetters him to his saddle. Now he will have to go with him. The elder one never has been overcome before. He has once overcome eight knights but nevertheless he has been exiled from his land as have his children and his nephews. He asks his name. Johan says he is Johan the foundling and tells the story how he was found in the Emperor’s orchard. At the stranger’s request Johan frees him; he identifies himself as his father.
Motif References:

H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history
R 220 Flights
N 731.2 Father-son combat

JohV-2527:   The stranger identifies himself as Ruprecht, count of Artois, Angers and Bleis. Johan’s mother is the sister of the French king. Ruprecht had been her chamberlain. He had left the baby in the Emperor’s garden with everything to prove his noble birth. And he left half of a ring with the child with the initials of his mother and father. Johan must have one half, Ruprecht has the other.
Motif References:

T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love
H 94.5 Identification through broken [half of] ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
S 301 Children abandoned (exposed)
S 312 Illegitimate child exposed
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child
S 335 Child exposed at palace gate
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour
T 640 Illegitimate children

JohV-2528:   Johan uz dem virgiere has come to Paris and during a hunt the king recognizes him and will have him in his service. Johan asks for the marriage of his parents and the king promises to help him. Johan dresses well for dinner and takes his half-ring with him. As he serves at the king’s table his mother sees the ring and secretly asks him. He tells her his story and she swoons. Johan asks her to keep silent.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
H 94.5 Identification through broken [half of] ring
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
P 231 Mother and son

JohV-2560:   Johan uz dem virgiere tells the story of Gaveron and how he lost the empire. His father advises him to go into the service of the king of France and ask for the marriage of his mother and his father. He then should identify himself. In the meantime Ruprecht will take revenge on Gaveron. Johan and Ruprecht meet their relatives in the forest. Johan leaves for Paris, his father leaves for Rome. The princess sees him coming; she recognizes the coat of arms and takes him for Johan. She and her son welcome him. He takes off his helmet and she recognizes her error. He identifies himself and asks for Gaveron and tells her to summon the French which she does. All French knights take up arms.
Motif References:

H 126 Identification by coat of arms
P 233 Father and son

JohV-2659:   Ruprecht meets the Emperor, he greets all but Gaveron. They know him well. Gaveron protests his good character but the count decapitates him. The Emperor does not appreciate that he has to watch this happen. Ruprecht tells him to turn round in this case in order to avoid the scene. He summons the French. Thirty of Gaveron’s followers are killed. The Emperor asks about the reason for all this. Ruprecht says that he has killed Gaveron because of his son. The Emperor appreciates the killing of Gaveron, for he was a wicked man. He is well aware that he incited the flight of his people from the heathens and again promises the princess, the crown and the land to Johan. Ruprecht however does not really trust his words. He promises to bring Johan to the princess and leaves.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
W 175 Changeableness
P 233.6 Son avenges father
Q 261 Treachery punished
Q 421 Punishment: beheading

JohV-2782:   Two giants, Reinwart and Isenwit, who have already devastated the countryside, come to Paris. They look over the walls and ask if anybody is willing to fight them. Johan uz dem virgiere is eager to fight them, and he mounts without stirrups. The French watch him from the walls.
Motif References:

F 531.2 Size of giant
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

JohV-2811:   Isenwit has a pole of iron and steel. Johan uz dem virgiere decapitates him and takes the head as trophy to the French king, to enforce his demand. Johan then names his father and his mother and the king greets him as his nephew and makes him his heir. Ruprecht will be given back all his possessions. Johan meets his father who makes peace with the French king. They leave for France and are welcomed in Paris; the king himself goes to welcome them.
Motif References:

P 16 End of king’s reign
P 17 Succession to the throne
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

JohV-2889:   There is a great wedding feast, with music, games and all sorts of amusements, which lasts one month. The king is munificent toward minstrels. The king crowns Johan and gives him his lands. There is a feast and Johan shows his munificence.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings
T 131 Marriage restrictions
P 634 Feasts

JohV-2929:   Johan uz dem virgiere asks the king, his father and the lords to come with him to Rome to meet the Emperor. The king says he is too old already to undertake such a journey, but he will help Johan to enforce his demand by gathering a big army. (2961) In the meantime the Emperor dreams that Johan uz dem virgiere threatens him with hanging. He asks his daughter about the dream and she consults a dream-book: The Emperor will have to keep his promise otherwise he will hang. The princess knows that Johan will arrive in three days.
Motif References:

M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
H 617 Symbolic interpretations of dreams

JohV-2995:   Johan uz dem virgiere and his father besiege Rome. From the top of a tower the princess shows her father the army. All of Gaveron’s relatives have fled. Ruprecht wants to attack, but Johan prefers peace. The army is ready to fight and Johan goes into the town alone. The Emperor wants to attack, but the princess warns him that this would be his death. He asks her for advice and she says he should surrender. She thus will be able to save his life and his people.
Motif References:

P 234 Father and daughter
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper

JohV-3057:   The Emperor asks Johan uz dem virgiere for forgiveness, Johan’s son bids for his father’s mercy toward his grandfather. Johan insists that the Emperor must keep his promise. The Emperor sends for the Pope who marries Johan and the princess. Johan receives the crown, the people and the land as well as the Roman empire. Johan has precious clothes made for his knights and noblewomen. The bride’s clothes are the most precious of all. She is crowned. They hear mass the following morning. There is a great wedding feast which lasts 40 days and nights, with a banquet, with music and singing. Each day there are tournaments, each night the guests dance. At the end of this feast all lords and noblemen agree that this book is well done.
Motif References:

P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings
T 131 Marriage restrictions
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)