Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Johann von Würzburg, Wilhelm von Österreich (1314)


Miscellaneous Romances

Johann von Würzburg, Wilhelm von Österreich (1314)
Regel, E. (ed.): Johann von Würzburg, Wilhelm von Österreich. (=DTM 3) Berlin 1906.

JvWW-1:   The prologue debates virtues comparing them to silver, gold and quicksilver. The process of transforming silver to gold is done by mixing red gold with quicksilver. Quicksilver transforms gold into white metal. Ardor makes the quicksilver vanish but the gold remains. The poet compares this process to the ways of mankind. There are two kinds of people: One kind is full of virtues, the others are without. The virtuous are like gold, the others he compares to quicksilver. Modesty is the goldsmith, fire gilds. Virtue, adventure and love are three jewels; honor is the gain following either one.
Motif References:

JvWW-175:   Noble Duke Leopold of Austria is without heirs. He makes donations to St. John and prays for a heir.
Motif References:

V 10 Religious sacrifice

JvWW-215:   Together with six knights and six noble young men he undertakes a pilgrimage. Mules carry gold donations.
Motif References:

V 11.8 Sacrifice to saint
V 530 Pilgrimages

JvWW-270:   In Marseilles a boat is provided for him to sail to Ephesus where St. John is buried. The Austrian banner is red with a white centerpiece. After an exhausting voyage the duke and his men strand at Zyzya. His ockelier beholds a rich Arabian ship; it sets a flag with golden midfield with three swans above and a blue field beneath. The Arabs identify the flag with the help of a German boy who lives in their care. The Arab king who wanted to meet the Austrian duke since quite a long time welcomes him and offers him exquisite wine.
Motif References:

H 126 Identification by coat of arms
P 320 Hospitality

JvWW-387:   The duke soon reveals the reason for his pilgrimage and his belief in the relics of St. John working miracles.
Motif References:

V 144 Belief in miraculous powers of sacred relics

JvWW-420:   The heathen king, impressed, volunteers that if it truly lies in the Christian god’s power to grant children, he will travel with him to acquire a heir and subsequently convert to Christianity.
Motif References:

V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful

JvWW-435:   Both duke and king travel to Ephesus. They give their donations to the church, travel back to Zyzya and split there. Via Rumania, Bulgaria, Russia and Niflant the duke and his retinue return to Vienna. Overjoyed the duchess welcomes her husband. After a while she and at the same time the heathen queen become pregnant. The duchess’s son is christened Wilhelm, because his father has won him by traveling in wilderness.
Motif References:

M 311.0.1 Heroic career prophesied for (new-born) child
M 312 Prophecy of future greatness for youth.
V 316 Efficacy of prayer
P 481 Astrologer

JvWW-519:   The queen of Zyzya bears a daughter, who is dedicated to Apollo and named Agly. The young duke becomes a prodigy of all virtues, good education, many talents, superior in all arts. Venus shows him Agly’s picture in a dream and Agly dreams of him. They fall in love. Wilhelm reveals the dream to his father.
Motif References:

T 11.3 Love through dream
T 11.3.1 Lovers meet in their dreams
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth

JvWW-741:   The duke fears to lose his son, but young Wilhelm persuades him to help him find Agly. The duke sends for a painter to have a portrait of the dream girl, but it is impossible to paint her. So Wilhelm leaves secretly in a boat, to go on a quest for the girl in his dream he immediately fell in love with.
Motif References:

H 1217 Quest assigned because of dream
H 1381.3.1.2 Quest for bride for oneself
H 1381. Quest for girl hero has seen in dream

JvWW-820:   Wilhelm undertakes a journey via Hungary, Tartar and finally the Black sea. In Tormeny he and his retinue meet a messenger who is about to supply the king of Zyzya with fresh food. He is followed by a big fish, a merwunder (miraculous sea-creature). The fish is so exceptionally old that a whole forest has grown on his back. A bird named Dravis had brought flower seeds, so they bloom as well. The fish and Wilhelm arrive in Zyzya simultaneously.
Motif References:

B 874 Giant fish

JvWW-974:   Wilhelm is having a rest on the back of the giant fish as he mistakes for a garden. He enjoys the beautiful trees and the other plants growing on the fish’s body. The fish proceeds to Zyzya where he dives to ground. Frightened Wilhelm climbs a tree.
Motif References:

J 1761.1 Whale thought to be island. Sailors light a fire on his back

JvWW-1095:   Meanwhile marshal Wigrich hunts on the waterfront. He notices the tree in the middle of the sea and the young man, who asks for help. The marshal rescues him by boat. Then they travel to Twingen, the fortress in Zyzya.
Motif References:

R 150 Rescuers
N 800 Helpers

JvWW-1220:   Wigrich presents the youth to the king. Since 50 years nothing so extraordinary had happened. Wilhelm curiously inquires about the country he has stranded in, soon learning that they are heathens. Wigrich tells him about king Agrant’s daughter. Cautious Wilhelm denies his identity and calls himself Rial. Wigrich introduces him to the king by recounting the entire story of Wilhelm’s rescue from the diving whale. The pious heathen king believes that it has been a miracle worked by Apollo.
Motif References:

P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
F 900.1 Miracles (at certain times)

JvWW-1365:   Agly, dressed up to her utmost beauty, welcomes Wilhelm. He addresses her as “sister”. They fall in love.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love

JvWW-1465:   Rial admits his love. Agly asks him what the thing called love is.
Motif References:

T 15 Love at first sight
T 24 The symptoms of love
T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father
T 57 Declaration of love

JvWW-1691:   One day the king becomes aware that Rial is in love with his daughter. King and queen agree that the youth is of unknown origin and therefore no equal match for their daughter.
Motif References:

T 65.2 Mercenary soldier (exile) unsuitable as husband
T 91 Unequals in love

JvWW-1860:   Rial and Agly play a ball game outside the fortress. Rial has fitted a letter into the ball. Agly catches it and hides the letter. Then she places her answer in the ball and returns it the next day.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers

JvWW-2133:   King Walwan of Frigia desires the beautiful Agly for his wife. He sends three knights to see his future bride. They ride to Zyzya, where Agly’s father agrees to the marriage proposal and binds her by letter and seal.
Motif References:

T 51 Wooing by emissary
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]
T Girl must marry father’s choice
T 131.1.2 Father’s consent to son’s (daughter’s) marriage necessary

JvWW-2192:   Soon King Agrant invites to the wedding feast. At this pleasurable occasion 404 young men shall gain knighthood. Christians and heathens gather at the feast. At the auspicious morning King Agrant looks out of his window and notices the banner of Frigia and an extraordinary tent ornate with jewels and precious fabrics. He wakes the queen and demands that she must welcome her son in law. The Queen still has second thoughts about giving away her daughter at such an early age. Agly promises to kill herself before she would marry another man than Rial, or to be unfaithful to him.
Motif References:

M 149.2 Vow to die rather than marry unwelcome suitor
F 775 Extraordinary tent

JvWW-2475:   The necessary preparations for the wedding feast are made and king Walwan is welcomed. Clandestinely Rial writes a love letter handing it Agly, but she has to wait for an opportunity to read it.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers

JvWW-2754:   The king calls Agly to the court hall to sit by the king of Frigia’s side. Detailed description of court entertainment. Agly is in pain, Rial is desperate, because of Agly’s obvious distress.
Motif References:

P 634 Feasts

JvWW-2808:   A messenger with bad news from Frigia arrives: The people of Marrock (Morocco) have started a rebellion. So the wedding is temporarily postponed. King Walwan has to travel back to his country together with Rial. Rial explains his departure in a letter and asks for a token. Agly encloses her ring in a letter which she hides in a ball and casts at Rial.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
T 61.2 (Bm) Parting lovers pledge not to marry for seven years [swear faithfulness]
M 149.1 Lovers vow to marry only each other
H 315.2 Suitor contest: bride offered to suitor giving the token of the greater love
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

JvWW-3057:   Rial is sent as messenger to King Persit of Morocco. Walwan forces him to swear to deliver the message under all circumstances and stay there. Rial demands his armor: his helm crest are love doves. He departs and after three days reaches a forest.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms

JvWW-3142:   Rial meets an extraordinary creature with a human face and an ivory neck. The marvel wears a ruby crown, has feathery wings, a body covered with scales and the feet of a lion.
Motif References:

B 20 Beast-man
F 521 Person with unusual covering
F 521.2 Feathered people
F 526 Person with compound body
F 551 Remarkable feet

JvWW-3173:   Rial greets the marvelous creature inquiring politely after his name. The creature with a fine tone calls its greyhound, yet promises to answer all of Rial’s questions. It is immediately is aware that the young man was born for adventure. Rial asks about its bodily appearance, whether he is a sanguine or a cholericus. Wilhelm is curious about the extraordinary crown and its ivory neck, the scales and lion feet.
Motif References:

F 556 Remarkable voice
F 828 Extraordinary crown

JvWW-3250:   The marvelous man-creature answers that he is called adventure. All his attributes can be explained as a capacity and meaning of the term adventure. All the four temperaments are merged in him and he has to serve all those who dedicate their life to adventure.
Motif References:

Z 138 (Tu) Adventure personified: “Aventiure”

JvWW-3330:   The marvelous man’s greyhound appears. Its fur is red, its head is white his throat shines like a mirror; it has big broad black ears, wearing a precious collar on its neck. Rial immediately yearns for the hound. He prays to God for it. He wants to have it, as a comfort to Agly, if he dies. Adventure promises to grant all Rial’s wishes.
Motif References:

F 341 Fairies give fulfillment of wishes
B 731.6 Hound of every color

JvWW-3392:   Adventure presents the greyhound and his horse to Rial who is overjoyed and wishes him well for his journey. The greyhound runs in front of Rial. They reach a mountain. The hound runs into a cave with an open door into thunder and darkness. Rial calls out after him and enters. The door closes and from afar he hears the hound’s bark and follows it. The hound leads him through the mountain.
Motif References:

F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from [after entrance in] mountain otherworld
F 131 Otherworld in hollow mountain
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey
F 162.9 Mountains in otherworld
B 300 Helpful animal
F 340 Gifts from fairies

JvWW-3494:   Soon Rial beholds a fire, and he rides to the bottom of the mountain. Suddenly a rich country, a beautiful valley appears before his eyes and he sees mountains of fire with beautiful doors. Flames all around, he follows the hound who rushes to the big door.
Motif References:

F 160.2 Otherworld as valley
F 165.7 Fire in otherworld dwelling
F 753 Mountain of fire

JvWW-3535:   Rial passes a river with a water wheel. Nearby stands a sad statue made of iron, which is operated by water pipes that make the wheel spin.
Motif References:

F 855.2 Statues animated by water or wind
D 1600 Automatic object

JvWW-3590:   A peculiar bird flies down from the mountain. It has four heads and is covered with feathers. The first face resembles the bird Korabin. One head is more beautiful than Elyna (Helen) or Thisbe, the third head has a sad face old and gray, the forth head has a terrible devil’s face. The old head is asleep.
Motif References:

B Four headed animal
F 167.1 Animals in otherworld

JvWW-3621:   Rial inquires what kind of creature the bird is supposed to be and the bird replies that it is another personification of adventure. The heads fall asleep and Wilhelm wakes them with his spear. The bird shrieks.
Motif References:

Z 138 (Tu) Adventure personified: “Aventiure”

JvWW-3653:   Suddenly a knight bearing the name Joraffin rushes from the mountain wearing a burning armor. He carries an ebony painted shield and a helmet ornate with a salamander. Wilhelm and Joraffin prepare for combat.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 574.2 Man with luminous arms
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield

JvWW-3704:   Wilhelm and Joraffin engage in furious battle. When both horses fall to the ground the two knights pass out. Was soon as the hound sees his master unconscious he barks until both come round again. Soon they continue their fight. Joraffin cuts Rial’s shield in two. The hound barks. Both have to suffer injuries. Joraffin claims that Rial is the bravest knight, pleads for mercy and promises to be his servant. Wilhelm accepts and they make peace.
Motif References:

B 301.5 Faithful animal resuscitates master
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JvWW-3790:   Joraffin swears an oath of allegiance and invites Rial. They reach the mountain surrounded by a wheel of fire. Joraffin reveals that the fire doesn’t burn. So they cross the fiery ring unharmed and proceed to a palace. There a dance is held. The dancers avert their faces. They have wide mouths and big fat bellies. Rial asks his host about them. Joraffin leads him to a big hall where beautifully adorned knights and ladies bow before him. Joraffin leads him to his grand hall and promises him to let him have every object which would please him.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
L 212 Choice among several gifts
P 324 Host greets guest with gifts [Welcome and parting gifts]
F 964 Extraordinary behavior of fire
D 1382.5 Magic fire does not burn one

JvWW-3805:   Rial chooses a silver helmet with a naked child as helm crest. The naked child is on top of the golden crown where six precious stones are arranged to letters. The first stone, a ruby, spells C, the carbuncle U, the turquoise P, one diamond I, the other D, the chrysolite O. The ebony shield pictures a naked child. A salamander’s hide covers it. His cuirass is made of salamander skin.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

JvWW-3900:   Rial proposes his choice: a beautiful helmet. Joraffin grants it, but tries to persuade him to make another choice, because the helmet can destroy his fame. He who wears it is bound to be virtuous. If he fails, the helmet and the precious stones in it will break. Rial asks him which virtues are compulsory.
Motif References:

C 680 Other compulsions
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
D 1101.4 Magic helmet

JvWW-4074:   Joraffin explains that the first stone, the ruby, stands for generosity, the carbuncle for bravery, the turquoise for loyalty, one diamond for purity, the other for patience, the chrysolite for beauty. He who possesses all these virtues is granted a horse and armor. The really immaculate will be heir of King Sadoch. The jewels will fall off as soon as someone commits an act of unfaithfulness.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 26 Patience
W 32 Bravery
W 34 Loyalty
F 575 Remarkable beauty
H 921.1 Tasks set by king to sons to determine heir to kingdom

JvWW-4130:   Rial promises to follow the path of virtue and honor and is granted the magic armor, helmet and shield. Joraffin leaves the mountain and they arrive at a building where lovers dwell. Rial asks their whereabouts. Joraffin lets him guess their age. They look under thirty, but they are eternal.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
M 185 Vow to abide by laws [decree]
D 1883 Eternal youth

JvWW-4182:   Joraffin reveals that from there the love came into the world. All varieties of love are presented. When they greet him, Wilhelm’s love to Agly is revealed. They cross the wall of fire and reach the palace hall again with the mutilated people who avert their faces. Rial asks which crime they have been found guilty of and learns that they are the world’s misers.
Motif References:

W 153 Miserliness
Q 451 Mutilation as punishment
D 1380.1 Waberlohe. Magic fire surrounds and protects

JvWW-4237:   Rial leaves. He fears that the people will accuse him of theft if he carries the beautiful armor without having a horse. Joraffin leads him into a stable with three beautiful horses. The first kneels before him. Rial mounts it. The hound appears and they pass the wheel with the automaton.
Motif References:

B 152 Animal selects unknown person

JvWW-4324:   Rial asks why the image of the bird has four heads, and according to Joraffin the heads are symbols for youth and old age. The wheel symbolizes the ways of the world. The beautiful head is the original sin, the young head stands for the young, the gray head for the old people. The devil’s head for those who live apart from God.
Motif References:

Z 100 Symbolism
Z 114 Old age personified
Z 114.1 (Hi) Youth personified
Z 127 Sin personified
Z 163 (Hi) Wheel symbol of world’s way

JvWW-4412:   They return to the mountain in the middle of a thunderstorm because it is the devil’s country closed to Christians. Every being is doomed by the evil air, except the hound. It carries a root in his mouth which prevents poisoning. Joraffin opens the closed door and helps Rial through. He blesses him and leaves. Rial rides after the hound. After eight miles they reach the capital city of Morocco, Baldac.
Motif References:

F 169 Nature of the otherworld - miscellaneous
D 967 Magic roots
D 1385.2.6 Root protects from evil spirits

JvWW-4500:   A maiden from Media has to bring a message to Darius, because the king of Morocco kills all male messengers. But the king threatens her as well with death. Six tormentors bind her and take her to the field. At this moment Rial appears. They are not able to decide whether they should hang or behead her. She is granted a last prayer to Mohammed. She thanks her dear friend Laga and wishes him a new lover. Rial overhears them and is bound to save her. He asks why they want to hang her. They refuse to tell. He pleads to let her go.
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
S 113.1 Murder by hanging
S 133 Murder by beheading

JvWW-4745:   When they refuse, Rial challenges the girl’s tormentors to battle. He kills four, two escape. He unbinds her. She thanks him but fears the fire of the helmet and keeps distance to Rial. Curious, he asks why they wanted to kill her and she explains the king’s custom. Rial has sworn an oath to oppose the king. He arrives at Aurimunt by night, where the magician Virgilius had made several works of art by magic. He passes an extraordinary broad lime tree, surrounded by iron statues of animals. In the middle a golden chair is set, above a horn made by Virgilius. Above sun and moon are the planets mars and Mercury. When he sits down on the chair it lifts him up. He believes he has reached heaven.
Motif References:

M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
R 169.1 Hero in disguise (of foolish knight, then of black knight) rescues lady
R 215 Escape from execution
D 950.7 Magic lime tree
D 1222 Magic horn (musical)
D 1520.16 Magic transportation by chair
D 1711 Magician

JvWW-5173:   Rial blows the horn. King Melchinor wakes all townsfolk. They bring a ladder and demand that he come down. King and queen welcome him. They assume he is of noble birth but he denies it. He pretends being a poor messenger from Frigia which renounces the king. The king regrets having to kill Rial. He is to be hanged. Rial asks for his last wish: A tombstone with a message to Agly that he regrets never to see her again. His possessions should be given to the poor. Meanwhile the servant comes back and informs the king, that the maiden has escaped. The King grows very angry.
Motif References:

Q 413 Punishment: hanging
K 1812 King in disguise

JvWW-5430:   Meanwhile Agly mourns Rial’s loss, swears that she’ll never love the king of Frigia. In Baldac the prince warns the king of killing Rial. Melchinor eventually abandons the idea and takes Rial into town. Here he presents him to the heathen pope, the Caliph. The pope as well advises against a death sentence. Rial is brought before them. Melchinor, now convinced, grants him mercy and asks him about his family. Rial reveals his true identity as Wilhelm of Austria.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
N 686 Hero’s (Heroine’s) identity established, as he (she) is on the point of being executed

JvWW-5775:   Melchinor acknowledges his noble birth and accepts him as his equal. He swears revenge to Walwan and promises that he’ll destroy the empire of Walwan within 50 days and three weeks. He has letters sent to five federate kings, summoning allies from India and Chaldea.
Motif References:

M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)

JvWW-6064:   The king’s daughter falls in love with Wilhelm, who now in his obtained beautiful garments is welcomed at the court’s table. The King ponders to call the armies to Astorab. They prepare their armor. The city of Baldac is compared to Rome, because in Baldac the heathen pope, a Caliph, rules. From Baldac they travel to Astorab, many armies gather, all with different banners. King Malehalines is king of Babylon, the capitol of his country is Alexandria. Damiet, Egypt, Media and Septentria are his vassals. He has fifteen brothers, among them six reigning kings. They all are Saladin’s children who had married fifteen wives. Ever since the custom demands that every king has to marry fifteen wives. They honor a wife, who bears children, by making love to her while the others observe.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
T 145 Polygamous marriages

JvWW-6125:   King Koradin camps by a lake near Astorab. He is king of Jerusalem, Damascus and Bethlehem. He calls 300 fortresses his own. King Meluchpat camps near a golden mountain named Aunabel. He is king of Ggmelland and owns 400 fortresses. He is called the Great Son. Nearby king Melyemodan rules the kingdom of Asia owning 100 fortresses. A big river separates the town where Meysmaphat camps. He is king of Sar, where Abel died. On the other side of the river camps king Salaphat. He is commander of his father’s army.
Motif References:

F 752.1 Mountain of gold

JvWW-6224:   Young Salaphat is entitled to a tribute of 1000 Gulden and two big horses of every single of the six kings. The Nile has seven arms, a door closes the bridge over it, which is owned by four of the brothers, and they collect the fee of 40,000 Gulden. King Factore’s son, king Welf of India, camps there. Wilhelm of Austria and his friend Wildomis approach the king. Wilhelm’s helmet starts to glow.
Motif References:

P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

JvWW-6433:   The queen is adorned with precious silk. Even her horse wears precious armor worth 5000 Gulden. The King of Zyzya rides to Smirna with his army. He demands that Walwan is to close the town gate. Meanwhile Jacobin has arrived with his army. The town is under siege. Wilhelm of Austria appears with his fiery helmet and is curiously watched by the ladies inside the fortress. Agly sees him, and although she doesn’t recognize him she faints at his sight.
Motif References:

T 24.2.1 Fainting away for love (or sexual desire)
P 25 Queen meddles in state affairs
Q 111 Riches as reward
Q 111.8 Large quantity of land as reward
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
D 1101.4 Magic helmet

JvWW-6530:   Wilhelm is commander over 300 knights. The King of Zyzya watches Wilhelm closely. Now King Melchinor becomes aware that the King of Zyzya is in Smirna. When Wilhelm learns of Agly’s presence he is near death. While the messengers receive rich presents, he clandestinely walks into a tent together with his servant Warrat. He demands ink and paper and writes a letter to Agly. He sews the letter into a silk scarf. Then he mounts his horse hiding the letter in a rose bouquet. His bodily reactions to love are so overwhelming that he has to cool down with dew.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
K 1872.3 Love letter hidden in apple [scarf, roses]

JvWW-6978:   A hunter approaches Wilhelm, who has caught the bird Araphin. The little man is frightened and offers his belongings if Wilhelm lets him go. Wilhelm refuses to hurt him. The hunter shows his gratitude by agreeing to be his go-between. He has caught the bird for Agly. Wilhelm trust him with the letter, offers him 12 Gulden. The hunter approaches the young queen. Agly prefers the roses to the bird, reads the letter thus becoming aware of Wilhelm’s presence.
Motif References:

Q 42 Generosity rewarded
B 172 Magic bird

JvWW-7100:   Agly sends a letter to set up a meeting. She binds the letter on the bird’s wings. The hunter catches the bird and gives it to Wilhelm. He rewards the messenger with 10 Marks and then discovers the letter. King Melchinor’s falconer Schayr hands Wilhelm his falcon and Wilhelm binds his letter to the falcon’s claws. He rides into the forest, love-sick. Meanwhile at the same moment Agly falls out of her window swooning for love. A squire saves her. Agly notices Wilhelm and his falcon and quickly pretends to pray near a banister. She takes a dove as decoy, the falcon attacks it. Agly takes the falcon by a stick. The falcon’s claws injure her hands. She offers the dove and finally takes the letter from under its wings.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
T 24.2 Swooning for love
T 24.2.1 Fainting away for love (or sexual desire)
B 291.0.1 Bird as letter carrier

JvWW-7739:   The King of Alanya, country of golden birds, travels together with Moabit. King Senebor of Capadocia arrives with wild people, giants, dog-heads and the hairy naked people (wild men). Marshall Wigrich leads the armies within 14 days to Smirna. Agrant honors them. They camp on a wide plain. King Welf and his men camp in front of the army, on both sides King Melchinor and Melenalin of Babylon. In the middle king Karadin of Jerusalem, King Melyphat and King Melyemoda take flanking positions. Last comes Melysamphat, king of Sar, who has nine brothers. Agrant addresses the troops before the attack. The king of Trazzia claims to come first to battle. Agrant proposes the battle formations.
Motif References:

B 20.1 Army of half-animals, half-men
T 41 Communication of lovers
M 149.1 Lovers vow to marry only each other
P 552 Battle formations
P 557 Military customs
F 873 Extraordinary army

JvWW-8082:   Trombones are blown. Wilhelm is dubbed by Melchinor. Agly, glancing at him, fears for his life. A furious battle begins. Wilhelm fights with king Kaumin. The kings compete with each other in tournament. Walwan and Wilhelm fight, the horses wade in blood. Wilhelm cuts Walwan into pieces. He fights with Agrant and defeats him; he begs for mercy and surrenders as prisoner. King Alyant challenges Wilhelm to battle and the brave hero soon defeats and kills him.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 561 Tournaments
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JvWW-8575:   Wilhelm kills many giants. They enter the fortress and take numerous prisoners, many kings are among them. Wilhelm tries to find Agly. He is appointed captain over the town. Agrant, Agly’s father, suffers in prison; he mourns Walwan’s death, fearing that his daughter will remain unmarried, so he begs to be beheaded. The council decides over King Agrant’s punishment. King Trazzjan advises against killing Agrant but to take treasures as reparation instead. They decide to wed Agly to Wildomis. They swear the wedding oath.
Motif References:

T 61 Betrothal
Q 200 Deeds punished
P 558 (Bm) Truce
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

JvWW-9131:   The opponents make peace and the former enemies become friends. The preparations for Agly’s wedding feast are arranged. Wilhelm writes a letter to Agly. Meanwhile Agly learns the she has been betrothed to Wildomis and is contemplating suicide, but her maid deters her. Agly writes a letter to Wilhelm who has been sent to the fortress for the queen and Agly to lead them to King Agrant. Because the servants believe that he has been killed they don’t recognize him. The lovers meet, Wilhelm is so overwhelmed with emotion that he is not even able to utter a word. The king of India speaks instead. The queen welcomes them. Wilhelm is seated by Agly’s side. Wilhelm is near death when he learns that Agly is betrothed to Wildomis. Agly promises, that Wildomis shall never have her. Agly asks why he changed his name and where he obtained his precious armor. Wilhelm recounts his adventures.
Motif References:

T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
T Son (daughter) refuses to marry father’s choice
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
N 710 Accidental meeting of hero and heroine

JvWW-9615:   Agly proposes to make a plan for a flight. They are escorted to the king of Morocco, Wildomis’s father. Agly writes a letter. Meanwhile outside the town a tournament is held. Agly faints. Then she takes a trunk ornate with jewels, sends her maids for some errand and reads Wilhelm’s letter.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers
P 561 Tournaments

JvWW-10130:   Wilhelm defeats Wildomis and has to take to flight but soon is caught and imprisoned. When he is summoned, Agly does not recognize him, because he wears the helmet. When they unbind the helmet, his identity is revealed. Melchinor accuses him of unfaithfulness. King Agrant recognizes him as Rial. Wilhelm defends himself. He denies both his unfaithfulness and having murdered Walwan and Wildomis, he rather has defeated them in fair combat. Eventually he reveals his love for Agly.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
K 913 Disguised hero attacks enemy at feast
K 2116.2 Man falsely accused of murder

JvWW-10551:   A jury of kings and counselors sentence Wilhelm to death. King Welf pleads for him. Agly is near death because of Wilhelm’s verdict. She is convinced that Wilhelm’s combat with Wildomis had been according to the rules. She faints. Her maidens tell the queen that she soon will die if her desires are not fulfilled. When they cry out, Agly gains consciousness. She accuses her father of having convicted Wilhelm and that she will only love him. If he has to die, she will commit suicide.
Motif References:

T 311.2.1 Girl rather commits suicide than marry unwanted suitor
Q 411 Death as punishment

JvWW-10715:   The queen tries in vain to persuade Agly to abandon Wilhelm. Agly falls into love-sickness, she faints. The council confers about the manner of putting Wilhelm to death. The master of necromancy Dedelus has a daughter and a son. The daughter is extraordinarily beautiful. King Sarbaits wears her picture on his shield. She rides a griffin she raised herself. She works with a strong love charm, every man who sees her has to fall in love. No bird can fly as fast as her griffin. The griffin is the devil in animal form with whom she has a pact. Thus he has to obey her order. Her name is Parklise. The devil has informed her about the battle in Frigia and she watches it from the air. She forces the devil to reveal the exact time when the king of Morocco rides home to his wife. Although he disapproves, the devil has to obey her wishes. He dictates a letter to her.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
B 42 Griffin
M 211 Man [woman] sells soul to devil
D 1711 Magician
D 1721.1 Magic power from devil
D 1810.2 Magic knowledge from devil
D 1900 Love induced by magic

JvWW-11010:   Wilhelm is bound and watches Parklise coming with her griffin. She asks for king Melchinor. They believe her to be an angel or goddess. She hands the king a message from Mohammed. Mohammed demands that he himself wants to have his revenge on Wilhelm. The king must let him go together with Parklise, otherwise Merlin, the devil’s son, will take revenge on him if the king disobeys. They obey and set Wilhelm free. Parklise confirms the punishment through Merlin. Merlin is a man-eater. Parklise demands that all of Wilhelm’s belongings are brought. She mounts the griffin and gives Wilhelm the choice to come with her or suffer death. Wilhelm rides while she flies above his path. Parklise has been on the watch out for a fighter against Merlin who had killed Crispin of Belgalgan of her own country which can now only reached by air. Wilhelm agrees to fight Merlin. Meanwhile all the kings return to their home country. They mutually swear the oath of faithfulness.
Motif References:

G 303.11.2 The devil’s son
M 500 (Bm) Threats
R 110 Rescue of captive
R 169.15 Rescue by stranger [heathen]

JvWW-11781:   Parklise reveals her relationship with the devil. On her demand he transforms into a griffin. It never had been Mohammed’s letter but the devil’s. William disapproves of her pact. She should rather fly with an angel. Parklise sets Wilhelm free and relates Crispin’s Story. If he decides to help her, he will be highly rewarded. Wilhelm agrees. After a while he reaches a magic mountain with harsh winds. Soon an extraordinary creature appears: A bull in the front, it carries a human face on his back, and his back part is that of a dragon. Its face sparks with black and red flames and carries tongs made by Merlin. It has a big mouth, thick skin, three times thicker than shoe leather. It attacks the horse with his horns knocking horse and rider down. The human face cries out, with the tongs he catches Wilhelm’s arms. Wilhelm attacks the monster with his sword, then cuts off the head. The animal jumps into the moss swallowing the horse. Wilhelm ferociously strikes the monster until the horse falls out of its mouth, cuts the monster into pieces and draws out his horse from the moss.
Motif References:

B 11.2.1 Dragon as compound animal
B 15.7.10 Animal unusual as to skin
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
G 303.3.3 The devil in animal form
F 541.1.1 Eyes flash fire
F 544.0.1 Remarkably large mouth
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 963 Extraordinary behavior of wind

JvWW-11845:   Wilhelm passes a fiery fortress with four windmills standing on every corner. They are operated by seven tubes and bellows, which produce a sound. Two iron dragons stand there that Merlin made which cannot melt. The heat is extraordinary. Wilhelm shelters his body with his shield. The dragons glow in the fire. A giant rushes out from the fortress, creating an ear-shattering noise. He carries a big clapper and is covered with the skin of sea animals.
Motif References:

F 531 Giant
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
F 771.1.11 Castle of fire
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal
D 1620 Magic automata

JvWW-11930:   The giant carries a shield covered with scales. His name is Merlin. On the top of the clapper precious stones are inlaid. The clapper is made of the bone of a marvelous creature, the cotanil, and twelve fathoms long. His body is covered with rough shaggy skin.
Motif References:

F 839.2 Extraordinary shield
D 1094 Magic cudgel (club)

JvWW-12001:   An animal with the name of fortaspinaht lives in the sea and is covered with extraordinarily hard skin. It is choleric by nature but it hurts no one, except in anger. Merlin owns such an unpierceable skin and wears it as garment. Fortaspinaht’s arms and legs are short, his chest is very broad, as is his face. He has a black complexion and wears a metal hat. The metal is from the island called Drivallis, where the ground is hard as diamonds. It is like a pile on the water. The island underwater is of crystal.
Motif References:

B Animal with horny skin
F 730 Extraordinary island
F 731.2 Crystalline island
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
D 1381.3.3 A protective garment which spears could not penetrate

JvWW-12010:   The combatants Merlin and Wilhelm meet. Wilhelm cuts pieces out of Merlin’s cheek and chin. Merlin beats him with the clapper. Wilhelm aims at his face thus cutting him because it is the only uncovered part. Merlin hits him and his horse with the clapper. Wilhelm pierces him through the eye. Unperturbed, Merlin hits the horse wounding it lethally. Then he throws his shield at Wilhelm who falls under it. Whenever he tries to come up, Merlin knocks him down. Wilhelm eventually manages to lift the shield aims at Merlin’s uncovered skin. Merlin falls down and dies because of his pierced eye.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

JvWW-12183:   Wilhelm falls into Merlin’s magic fire. The king of the nearby castle observes the fall and comes to his help. The flames cannot destroy Wilhelm’s magic armor. King Gaylet of Spain comes to Wilhelm’s aid; he disarms the unconscious. Five queens live in the castle, knights and ladies together, and king Gaylet. All have been taken prisoner by Merlin. Genealogy of the Grail family related to Gaylet: Gaylet is Gahmuret’s nephew. Agly’s father is also related to the Spanish family. All are of Trojan origin, their children are the Romans.
Motif References:

N 836 King as helper
D 1382.10 Magic garment prevents burning
D 2078 Imprisoning by magic

JvWW-12380:   Wilhelm regains conscious-ness. The king and his retinue welcome him warmly as their savior. A messenger tells the queen of Wilhelm’s extraordinary armor and helmet. Queen Crispin wants to reward him. From mere mention she falls in love. Parklise who has observed the combat flies to them. Crispin sends Parklise to Wilhelm with an extraordinary rich garment. The cloth is spun by an Indian animal which lies on undigested food. It has four teeth with which it spins silk, warp and woof.
Motif References:

Q 10 Deeds rewarded
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description
B 750 Fanciful habits of animals
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments

JvWW-12645:   The amazing animal is redder than fire because it lives near paradise, where a red flower grows. It lets his hair touch the flower. That is why its hair is harder than a steel tooth. A harness was made from it. In Indian language the animal’s name is Altizar, which means the highest miracle of all miracles. This marvelous country is called Belgalganis and fiery dragons watch over it. Gaylet and the queen welcome Wilhelm. She embraces him.
Motif References:

B 11.2.11 Fire-breathing dragon
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
D 991 Magic hair

JvWW-12840:   Parklise is also in love with Wilhelm, who attends the court feast in a garment made of extraordinary silk. The silk covers a fibula bejeweled with a ruby, Crispin’s present. Inside the ruby dwells a speaking image. The tongue of the image is made of carbuncle. Letters are engraved in the stone, which comes from paradise. The luminous stone gives light in the dark. Wilhelm is guided to the table, where the four queens sit. Queen Crispin proposes herself to Wilhelm, but he rejects her because of Agly. He wants to leave. Crispin is convinced by his faithfulness and asks him about Agly. She promises to help in the winning of Agly. Wilhelm answers that if she helps him with Agly, he will always be her servant.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 827 Extraordinary ornaments
F 855 Extraordinary image
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

JvWW-13383:   Crispin, Saladin’s sister, with influence over heathen kingdoms, is moved by Wilhelm’s story. She takes her nephew’s signet and sends a letter to Agrant. What she demands must be fulfilled. A tournament is arranged in Kandia. The mountains in Kandia are sky-high. The queen offers an extraordinary harness, helmet and shield as prize for the champion. 80 kings compete. Wilhelm and the king of Spain are rewarded with good weapons by queen Crispin. In the past Merlin had caught a king with a horse so fast that even a bird was not able to follow. Merlin had killed the king of Ascolon, caught the horse, which is the offspring of the famous horse Zemochrata. It has gray color with black stripes and is named Zenefort. Wilhelm receives the horse. The kings of Navarra, Portugal, Russia, Averne, Yberne, Scotland, Prizzia, Normandy and Sweden attend the tournament. The queen of Kandia has attendance of 12 queens and 100 noble maids.
Motif References:

B 184.1.1 Horse (mule) with magic speed
B Horse as swift as a bird
P 561 Tournaments

JvWW-13807:   An extraordinary dais, gold ornate, sable decorated, beautifully embroidered, is spread above their heads. The four queens are holding up the prizes: Extraordinary shield with an animal called Taphart painted on it, hardened in the blood of the same animal and thus unpierceable like diamond. The painted animal is ornate with jewels. The extraordinary helmet shines night and day with red light and is carved out of a single stone. The gem rings like a bell and has come all the way from Zynaton. It shines so bright that it hurts the eyes.
Motif References:

F 574.2 Man with luminous arms
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
D 1381.10.2 Magic unpiercable cuirass [shield]

JvWW-13873:   The fourth queen holds the helm crest, a transparent image of a maiden who looks like being alive. On her head the image wears a gem-bearing crown with engraved letters. Every letter is a single jewel. It is the crown of virtues. Gaylet inquires about Wilhelm’s forbears and finds out that they are related.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 828 Extraordinary crown

JvWW-14109:   On the morning of the tournament, the Christians have mass together. Christians and heathens, all competitors meet. All European nobility is related. The tournament is held separately for Christians and heathens. Alexander’s banner shows a three-headed dragon. The king is named “Son of the Sun” and carries an extraordinary banner. Wildichon’s of Rosamunt banner is parted in quarters of black and white. On his spear flies an eagle, holds a letter in its claws written in golden letters. When the wind blows the letter is shown. It spells: I am sent to this combat by queen Rosela of Kanadit.
Motif References:

V 49 Mass - miscellaneous motifs
F 899.1 Extraordinary standard [banner]

JvWW-15300:   The heathen king Gilstone is the first combatant, he fights against Wilhelm who defeats him. Wilhelm’s love-child in his helmet glows. The Christians are victorious. Wilhelm defeats twelve kings and eight dukes. They have to give him surety after knight’s custom. “Austria”, they shout and praise Wilhelm, who receives his prize. Soon they bid farewell to the queen. The queen of Belgalgan praises Wilhelm and reoffers her help for the winning of Agly.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
H 1561.2.0.1 (Bm) Loser of single combat will become winner’s servant [subject]

JvWW-15400:   Crispin’s nephew rules over the town and he obeys all her wishes. King Agrant has sent for kings and nobility. Preparations for a tournament on the big plain are made: a big festival tent, which is 30 fathoms high with eight doors and four towers with painted planets on the ceiling. The stars are carved out of jewels, the chairs are of gold and inlaid with precious stones in animal shape. The doors have ruby knobs, four carbuncles shine in the darkness. Wilhelm and the king of Spain travel to Solia. The King of Rangulat wears a wild woman as a helm crest; a leopard is painted on his shield. Wilhelm enters the combat with veiled helm crest. Even Agly does not recognize him because Wilhelm wears the armor he won in Candia. Soon, brave Wilhelm breaks King Rangulat’s saddle bow. The king falls off the horse unconscious.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield

JvWW-15500:   The queen arrives with eighty elephants and 1200 gold wagons. Wilhelm, clad in green velvet, is brought to Agly. She refuses to see him though, because she has not yet recognized him. Wilhelm reveals his identity. Now Agly’s heathendom is the only obstacle. Wilhelm wants her baptized and she agrees. Although Agrant disagrees he has to obey Crispin’s orders. Eventually united, Agly leaves with Wilhelm.
Motif References:

T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers

JvWW-16055:   King Agrant seeks revenge: he summons allies to punish Wilhelm and swears revenge to Crispin. After half a year the kings of Caucasus and Africa gather with their armies around Belgalgan. Crispin asks Wilhelm for help. Wilhelm summons knights and allies. When Wilhelm’s relatives learn of the war they travel to Wilhelm to help him gain victory over heathendom. The furious battle lasts four days. King Melchinor of Baldac and the high Itinant has people without tongues, without heads, centaurs, dog-heads, and giants in his army. King Agrant has fifteen kings as allies.
Motif References:

F 510 Monstrous persons
F 511 Person unusual as to his head
F 511.0.1 Headless person
F 513.2 Person without tongue
F 531 Giant
F 873 Extraordinary army
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JvWW-16472:   Wilhelm is appointed captain of the army. The king of Hungary, bishops, the duke of Bavaria, Friedrich von Swabia, Heinrich of Konstanz, Berthold of St. Gallen. Richard, king of England, the kings of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, the king of France, Aragon Catalan, Bishop of Metz, Paris, Toledo Orense, nobles of Provence and even King Arthur all gather to defeat heathendom.
Motif References:

P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

JvWW-17278:   The armies cover the whole plain. The Christians are 8000 men, the heathens 12,000. Before battle the Christians receive the Eucharist. The heathens pray to Mohammed and to other gods for help in battle. The king of Spain and Wilhelm prepare for battle. All heathen kings prepare for battle. War horns and battle trumpets signal the beginning of the battle. Leopold of Austria fights bravely, he attacks Tinant and Cleriphas and soon defeats them. The King of Babylon crushes into the Swabian troop. Wilhelm recognizes his father’s banner cutting into the heathens bearing his armor won in Candia, therefore is not recognized by his friend Welf of India.
Motif References:

V 40 Mass
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

JvWW-17580:   Wilhelm eventually reaches his father on the battlefield. The king of Capadocia has giants and wild men in his army. The giants fight with steel clubs. The horses’ battle coat is made of achmardin. The king’s helm crest is a horse’s head. He is Leopold of Austria’s opponent. The swift horse Zenefort helps Wilhelm to cut between the lines.
Motif References:

F 531 Giant
F 567 Wild man

JvWW-18055:   The old and the young king of Austria fight bravely. The Christians gain victory with the help of God. Wilhelm of Austria demands an oath of surety of Agrant. Never have so many men been killed in action. Men wade in blood to their knees. A miracle happens: The holy spirit possesses Agrant. He begs to be christened. Wilhelm calls for a priest. King Seneber, queen Crispin and 12,000 men are converted to Christianity. Agrant pleads to forgive him and offers his life.
Motif References:

V 331.1 Conversion to Christianity through miracle
V 332 Baptism of heathen
F 900.1 Miracles (at certain times)
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

JvWW-18200:   All depart for Belgalgan to meet Agly. Agly welcomes her husband and her father in law. Crispin welcomes the king of Spain. Eventually Agly’s and Wilhelm’s wedding is celebrated and soon Agly is pregnant. Leopold of Austria wants his son to come back with him to Austria. Many heathens convert to Christianity.
Motif References:

T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
T 100 Marriage
T 160 Consummation of marriage

JvWW-18426:   Agly is desperate when she learns that her husband will again be separated from her. Wilhelm promises to stay if she does not approve of his departure. He promises to come back in a certain time. Agly insists on an oath. Four of his Austrian vassals stay with her. Wilhelm suffers from the separation. At the Austrian court the people hold a grand welcome tournament and feast. A messenger from Zyzya arrives. The message about Agly says that she has given birth to a son, has christened him with the counsel of the vassals and has named him Friedrich. Wilhelm departs for Zyzya. Agly had sent a letter to remind him of his oath. Agly’s letter says that he should return immediately otherwise she would be dead soon.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 561 Tournaments

JvWW-18747:   Wilhelm wastes many horses to arrive in time and therefore takes a small ship with a few men. When they arrive they learn that the king and Agly are in Manssalvia. The lovers meet after separation. Agrant welcomes his son in law and offers him everything that belongs to him. A gamekeeper approaches the court and informs that they found the tracks of an animal which no hounds have ever caught and only a virgin can catch, a unicorn. Belfant, the maiden, volunteers for the task. Agly disapproves of the hunt and tries to detain the maiden and Wilhelm, because of her prophetic dream. If the maiden is killed, he will mourn. Wilhelm persuades her to permit the hunt and promises his own safe return. Wilhelm, the maiden and a few men ride out.
Motif References:

B 13 Unicorn
B 13.1 (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin.
T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures
M 340.5 Prediction of danger
F 989.15 Hunt for extraordinary (magic) animal
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream

JvWW-19008:   Wilhelm has been betrayed to the heathens: they lie with 3000 men in ambush in the forest. The captain of the troop is Agly’s relative Graveas. The traitor gives his secret pre-arranged signal. King Graveas almost kills Wilhelm with a spear. Near death, Wilhelm takes revenge, kills the traitor and many heathens. Then he dies. The murderers flee into the forest and are defeated by the rescuers.
Motif References:

S 115 Murder by stabbing
K 914 Murder from ambush
K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt
K 2240 Treacherous officers and tradesman

JvWW-19200:   The killer Graveas is cut into pieces and burnt. The virgin mourns Wilhelm and kisses his wounds. She wants to die as well. His corpse is brought to Agly, who faints with grief. When she sees his dead body, she throws herself over him and dies of grief. All mourn for four weeks. The vassals take the young son Friedrich to Austria.
Motif References:

T 81.7 Woman dies on hearing of lover’s or husband’s death
Q 211 Murder punished
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
Q 469.12 Murderer torn limb from limb [cut into pieces]