Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
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Konrad von Würzburg: Partonopier und Meliur (1277)


Miscellaneous Romances

Konrad von Würzburg: Partonopier und Meliur (1277)
Bartsch, K. (ed.): Konrad von Würzburg, Partenopier und Meliur. Reprint Berlin 1970.

KvWP-1:   Prologue: The author describes the benefits of poetry, which are joy, lessons of courtesy and eloquence, and compares poetry to a tree, its blossoms mean joy, its fruits the lessons it gives. He then complains about the downfall of poetry, the small number of master poets become silent before the mass of would-be poets. The true poet however must not lose courage even if nobody cares for his art: the nightingale sings in complete loneliness, she cares so much for her song that she sings till she dies. The poet should follow her example. He should entertain those who do not care for teaching of virtue. But there are still people who care for teaching. He praises Peter Schaler from Basel, who has told him – von Wirzeburc ich Kuonrât – to make this work. He has been helped by Heinrîch Marschant, who translated it for him from French, and Arnolt der Fuhs.
Motif References:

KvWP-233:   King Clogiers of Kärlingen, an exemplary king, is caring for the education of his sister’s son Partonopier, who is a virtuous thirteen year old boy without any fault. He already has been taught courtly manners by his mother Lucrete (Lucrête). He will be the heir of Anjou and Bleis. His are all virtues, beauty, valiance, strength, and eloquence and thus all women love him. The king loves his nephew.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 30 Princes
T 100 Marriage
P 231 Mother and son

KvWP-314:   One day the court goes for a boar-hunt. They soon come upon a boar and pursue the animal. Partonopier plays a strange melody on his horn, the boar attacks him and he kills it. Clogiers has watched his exploit and they all praise the boy’s skill. Partonopier knows about hunting-customs, he cuts the animal and gives their due part to the hounds so that they want to continue hunting. They pursue another boar and when Clogiers wants to return they do not obey. Partonopier pursues the hounds but soon loses their trail and as his horse is exhausted he has to stop. He has lost his way; the king’s men are searching for him without result and believe him dead. Partonopier left alone in the wild forest is frightened and prays to God for protection against all those wild animals living there: the lizards and dragons, the aspis, the crocodile, the basilisk, whose glance kills. But he is only frightened because he is still a child who never has been away from home.
Motif References:

B 12 Basilisk
B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance
V 50 Prayer
T 100 Marriage
J 146.2 (Li) The educated youth
F 151.1.3 Perilous forest.
F 812 Extraordinary forest
H 1222 Prince a-hunting enters on quest

KvWP-562:   Partonopier climbs a mountain for orientation, which is hard for someone used to a comfortable life at court. At nightfall he reaches the seashore and comes upon a ship on a wharf. He is quite alone. To be protected from the wild beasts he enters the ship with his horse and falls asleep. While he is asleep the magic ship puts out to sea and as he wakes there is no land to be seen. Partonopier starts crying from fear like a child for this is the first mischief to befall him. He has gone from bad to worse, because any mischief is worse on the sea than on land. The journey is very fast and from fear Partonopier starts to sweat and prays to God for help. He is all alone which bothers him most. At sunrise he perceives the ship’s costly outfit and a beautiful tent. He calms down and thinks that the ship might well have come for his rescue.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
F 242.2 Fairy boat
N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat
F 841 Extraordinary boat (ship)
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]
D 1123 Magic ship
D 1520.15 Transportation in magic ship
D 1521.2 Ship with miraculous speed
D 1523.2 Self-propelling (ship) boat

KvWP-776:   He comes to a beautiful land and town, the ship lands and Partonopier admires the town which is quite deserted: Its towers and walls are made from gold and lasur, from red and white marble like a chessboard. Partonopier full of fear rides through the streets. There are many buildings of various colors, red, blue, green, white, brown and yellow, the roofs are made of silver with glass cupolas and decorated with golden vessels. The windows are ornamented with lions and animals, there are galleries with wall paintings and reliefs, images from glaze and gold tell old stories. The pavement of the streets is resplendent like glass when it is raining. All buildings are of equal height, and preciously decorated. The castle is even more beautiful.
Motif References:

F 163.3.1 House of gold and crystal in otherworld
F 761 City of precious metals and stones
F 761.5 City paved with precious seeds
F 762 City of extraordinary color
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.1.1.1 Castle paved with gold and gems
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 865 Extraordinary pavement

KvWP-885:   Partonopier fears all this might be some illusion conjured by the devil who finally would kill him. All tables in town are set, food and drink are ready and the fires burn without smoke. He gets hungry and enters the deserted castle: If it is his fate to die anyway he might die in the most excellent house as well. The castle surpasses all houses in town in beauty. Partonopier looks for the best hall: The table is set with costly dishes, and he is served by an automatic water basin and an automatic towel. After he has washed and dried his hands, Partonopier eats and drinks. He is served by invisible servants and everything he eats is immediately replaced. He keeps wondering but accepts the service as compensation if the devil is deceiving him. Basin and towel appear as he has ended his meal. He takes a seat near the fire and is given some wine.
Motif References:

F 165.4 Table always set in otherworld dwelling
F 166.11 Abundant food in otherworld
F 171.7 Unseen hands lave feet in otherworld
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
D 1980 Magic invisibility

KvWP-1109:   As soon as he wants to go to sleep, two candles lead him up to his bedroom with a costly bed resplendent like a mirror. The cloth for the blanket has been made by salamanders. There is a carpet made from the feathers of a phoenix. There is a baldachin with resplendent stars on it. Partonopier prays to God for protection against the devil’s deceptions and makes the sign of the cross. He is assisted in taking off his clothes and goes to bed. The candles leave the room. With a grieving heart he is left alone in the darkness; as soon as he is in bed the jewels stop their light. He is sweating from fear.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
F 781 Extraordinary rooms
F 783 Extraordinary carpet
F 787 Extraordinary bed
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear
D 1980 Magic invisibility

KvWP-1226:   Someone enters the room and lies down at his side. Partonopier starts trembling and his hair stands up from fear that this must be the devil and he loses all color. He thinks this must be a woman, but it could be the devil nevertheless. The woman is surprised at finding someone in her bed, calls upon Holy Mary and asks if he is human or devil. If he would not tell her his name she would call for her people. Partonopier is frightened but calms down because she called upon holy names and he identifies himself. He tells about his adventure and she identifies herself as the queen of this land. She wants him to leave immediately and he promises to leave next morning. They discuss the matter, she warns him of her men.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
V 50 Prayer
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
F 1041.17 Extraordinary result of fear
F 1041.2 Horripilation. Hair rises on end in extraordinary fashion from [fear,] joy, anger, or love

KvWP-1521:   They lie side by side. She would have liked Partonopier to come closer, but he is too frightened although he is in love already. Finally he touches her, courts her with words and finally lies with her. She justifies that she has been too weak to stop him and he should not think badly of her. She admits that she has wanted him to become her lover since she saw him for the first time. She is called Meliur and a mighty queen; kings and dukes are her vassals. So she needs not choose a rich husband but has been granted free choice. She had sent messengers to seek a virtuous husband for her. No woman should sell her love and freedom for wealth. They come upon Partonopier and tell her about him. To see for herself she travels to France and chooses him as her husband secretly. She then has made up the hunt and sent the ship to bring him to her. In three and a half years time she will have to name a husband in public at court. Partonopier then will be a grown up knight.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
P 28 Marriage of queen
P 53.1 (Bm) Knighthood as prerequisite to marriage
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 91 Unequals in love
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour
H 1381.3.1.1 Quest for bride for king (prince)

KvWP-1931:   Partonopier is quite happy about this news but he wants to see her. She tells him that he has to wait three years. Up to this time she will not be seen by any man. He will only meet her at night, but never in daytime and will never see her. He can have all pastimes he longs for. If ever he would try to look at her he would make her unhappy for all her life and he would have to die. She assures him that she is a beautiful Christian lady and not a monster. After these three years he will be king. He promises never to try to look at her.
Motif References:

C 31.1 Tabu: Looking at supernatural wife
C 901.1.5 Tabu imposed by fairy
C 920 Death for breaking tabu

KvWP-2182:   In the morning he finds rich clothes at his bedside, again he is served by magic. He has got a new horse which is all black. He is frightened because this might be the devil’s gift. He leaves the castle to see the town and from a tower he can overlook the town and its harbor where rich trading ships with costly goods are landing. From another tower he overlooks a rich orchard, from the third tower fertile fields, from the fourth tower the mouth of a river with a marble bridge and on the other side a castle on top of a round mountain with a hunting preserve with game. In the evening he returns to the castle and has dinner.
Motif References:

Z 71.2 Formulistic number: four
Z 143 Symbolic color: black
F 760 Extraordinary cities
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)

KvWP-2411:   Meliur joins him, they make love and talk. She tells him of the river that runs into the sea beneath the castle of Schiefdeire: the river is called Eire and encloses her kingdom. It has given the castle its name, for it has been built at the mouth of the river Eire, “Schief” meaning “end”. The country is named Schiefdeire as well. He can profit of all of the castle’s riches: If he wants to hunt she will send him a hunting horn for this purpose. At his blows he will have a band of hounds. He could hunt with birds as well. The next morning he takes the horn and calls the hounds. They are all black and Partonopier is frightened. He hunts a boar. Two greyhounds stay with him all the time.
Motif References:

Z 143 Symbolic color: black
Z 704 (Bm) Eponymous account of island [valley].
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)

KvWP-2676:   Partonopier having passed a happy year’s time however starts longing for his home and asks Meliur to let him leave for some time. Although this makes her sad she allows him to leave: He will have to help his mother who after the death of his father and his uncle is besieged in Bleis. The enemy is devastating her country. Meliur promises to give him riches to pay men and knights. She advises him to be munificent, valiant and faithful and to honor women. He should prove his fidelity to her and should not let himself be persuaded to try to look at her. Partonopier promises to be faithful. Partonopier leaves by the ship which took him there but Meliur now makes the journey last fifteen days. He lands in Bleis and the ship leaves.
Motif References:

T 61.2 (Bm) Parting lovers pledge not to marry for seven years [swear faithfulness]
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
F 242.2 Fairy boat
T 294 Husband (wife) of supernatural being longs for old home and visits relatives.
F 374 Longing in fairyland to visit home.
N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat
F 841 Extraordinary boat (ship)
D 1123 Magic ship
D 1520.15 Transportation in magic ship
D 1521.2 Ship with miraculous speed
D 1523.2 Self-propelling (ship) boat

KvWP-3047:   He comes upon an old knight and some boys with twelve pack-horses carrying gold, silver, jewels among other riches. They have been sent by Meliur to enable him to defend his lands. They remind him that he must keep silent about their love and must not try to look at her. This will be a test of his faithfulness. He should return to her as soon as possible to become king at her side some day. Partonopier takes the riches and they part.
Motif References:

C 31.1 Tabu: Looking at supernatural wife
F 340 Gifts from fairies
C 901.1.5 Tabu imposed by fairy
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested

KvWP-3156:   Partonopier is welcomed in Bleis by his mother and the people. She tells the story of his father’s and his uncle’s death and that his countries have been devastated by her neighbors since. He makes his mother send for allied troops and mercenary knights and gives the riches to her. Partonopier has an army of 20,000 men and defeats the enemies, three castles they had built on his lands are destroyed. After he has made peace, he sets out with his 10,000 knights to help his young nephew from Kärlingen, whose land after his father’s death has been attacked by the heathens. Many of his knights have left him and now he is has retired to his newly-built castle of Punteise. The heathens are lead by king Sornagiur, a valiant hero, who is assisted by the kings of Norway, Orchadie, Denmark and Greenland. He is staying at Agisors with his army of 100,000 heathens. The French king only has got 10,000 fighters, because the French nobles do not accept him as their king.
Motif References:

Q 111 Riches as reward
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

KvWP-3372:   Partonopier comes to help the French king who complains of the devastation done by the heathen army which he cannot confront in battle. He asks Partonopier for advice. Partonopier tells him to summon his vassals, but they already have refused any assistance. So Partonopier trusts in God’s help. He is well looked after. The town gates are closed.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

KvWP-3525:   Sornagiur gets to know of Partonopier’s arrival and prepares an ambush. To provoke him to battle they keep throwing their spears into the air and catch them again in front of the town walls. Partonopier tells the king to stay in town while he confronts the heathens. Partonopier kills Aldin (Aldîn) and Arnost and many heathens. The heathen army retreats to set up an ambush and the Christians flee towards Punteise because they are a 100 against 1000. During their flight Partonopier defends their back and kills three heathens: Phares (Phâres), Marases and the beautiful Saret (Sâret), the king’s nephew, who was loved by many women. While the heathens are lamenting his death, Partonopier attacks them again. The king of France comes to fight the heathens. They all excel in slaying the heathens, but Partonopier is the most excellent fighter of all and kills many enemies. The heathens flee towards Schers pursued by the Christian army. The Christians have lost 12 fighters, the heathens 1000. The Christians attack Sornagiur at Agisors. Sornagiur retires into town and the Christians return to Punteise.
Motif References:

F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-3905:   Partonopier is well cared for and gives rich rewards to his knights: silver, horses and garments. His munificence attracts many knights so that within a month he has won 40,000 fighters. The heathens have prepared for battle. Partonopier proclaims that any fighter will be given silver and gold and his army keeps growing: Franconia, Saxony, Bavaria, Swabia, Lutingen, Flanders, Spain, knights from Britain, Poitou, Anjou, Italy etc. join him. The priests of Kärlingen are told to pray and to give sacrifices for the Christian army. The battlefield is situated between Punteis and Schers. The battle will be fought on a Tuesday which traditionally is a good day for fighting. They have good weather conditions; it is a clear and sunny day.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
Q 111 Riches as reward
N 127.4 Friday as auspicious [fateful] day
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

KvWP-4054:   In the morning of the battle Sornagiur and his knights rest in an orchard. He promises riches to the man giving good advice how to overcome the Christian army. Loemer (Lôemêr) of Norway is the first to speak: Considering that the French are fighting on their own territory – which they know very well – he advises to stop fighting and return home if the French king would give them the riches he offered some time before. Fabruin (Fabruîn) of Greenland accuses Loemer of greed for silver and advises fighting. He is the most beautiful heathen and a strong hero. Marufin of Orchadie speaks: Fabruin is a young hero eager to fight for the ladies, but the elder ones want peace. The Christians have a strong army and a valiant helper, the devil Partonopier, who is rich enough to pay his fighters. They only are defending their own land and have rested, while the heathens are far from home. King Fursin of Ireland advises staying and says the French king now would not give them any riches because he has got a great army. Count Mareis, a social climber, says that they have come here on the news that France has a king who is only a child. But this child has got a strong helper, a valiant knight rich enough to pay his fighters well. So he advises to pretend to be eager to fight. If they are offered goods they should take the gifts and leave, if not they should ask for riches. They agree, only Fursin and Fabruin refuse, Sornagiur is very angry but keeps silent.
Motif References:

P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

KvWP-4554:   Sornagiur orders to prepare battle but secretly laments the decision of his nobles. In his conversation with a priest who is his scribe he tells him his regrets about his favorite Mareis the former peasant whom he had made count. Mareis has brought dishonor by turning his knights into cowards. The priest agrees somebody of low rank should not be promoted, for he will retain his vile habits. Sornagiur has a letter written to the French king to propose a single combat with the French king’s champion to spare their knights’ lives. The winning party will be the other’s vassal and pay tribute. It is settled on oath that only the two champions will fight without any interference from either side.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 90 Royalty and nobility - miscellaneous
U 121 Like parent, like child
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 411 Peasant
P 425 Scribe

KvWP-4781:   The priest takes the letter to the French king who has a council to decide the matter. Sornagiur is regarded a valiant knight. Partonopier wants to be the champion and after a long discussion the king finally accepts him as champion although he is not happy about it. He informs the knights and tells them to be armed next morning in case the heathens do not keep their promise of peace. The messenger is sent back to Sornagiur with a letter. Sornagiur is happy about the news that he will have to fight the valiant Partonopier.
Motif References:

H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

KvWP-5061:   The two armies gather to attend the single combat of Sornagiur and Partonopier and are ready to fight in case the rules of combat are broken. On the field of combat both parties take the oath that the armies will not interfere. On both sides 2000 men each have to see that the oath is kept. All other knights disarm. King Sornagiur is armed. His coat of arms is a wild golden griffin on a wine branch. On his helmet he carries the head, breast and wings of a griffin and he is wearing a precious scarf. He has a sword, an axe, and a spear as weapons and rides a black horse. Partonopier is armed, his coat of arms is blue with golden lilies, the French king’s coat-of-arms. His weapons are a lance and a sword which he does not gird: He has promised to gird his sword only after being dubbed a knight by his lady. The French king prays for his victory, the heathens pray to their gods. The place of combat is cleared.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Z 143 Symbolic color: black
Z 150 Other symbols
M 166 Other vows about fighting
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

KvWP-5258:   Sornagiur and Partonopier fight furiously: Sornagiur splits the head of Partonopier’s horse. The heathens rejoice, the French king prays. Sornagiur tells Partonopier that the French should surrender and take their land as fief from his hands. He would be merciful and return home but would be his ally against any enemy. He does not want to kill Partonopier in combat. Partonopier refuses Sornagiur’s offers, they continue fighting and Partonopier kills Sornagiur’s horse. The heathen loses his sword, he has got another one but cannot reach it, so he continues fighting with his axe. Sornagiur and Partonopier are equal fighters.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-5624:   Mareis, the social climber, wants to reconcile his king and breaks the oath of peace to assist Sornagiur: He tells his men to arm secretly and to cover their armor with capes and then to slay the unarmed Christians. In the meantime Sornagiur and Partonopier continue fighting. Partonopier loses his sword but comes upon Sornagiur’s sword and continues combat. The sword breaks and Partonopier wrenches the axe from Sornagiur, who continues fighting with Partonopier’s sword. Partonopier gets back his own sword and is about to kill the heathen. Sornagiur wants to surrender. At this moment Mareis intervenes in combat: He wants to obtain the king’s love to become rich. Mareis’s men start fighting, Sornagiur cannot stop them. The two armies engage in battle and Partonopier is caught on Mareis’ order.
Motif References:

P 90 Royalty and nobility - miscellaneous
W 118 (Bm) Pride
W 151 Greed
M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
J 950 Presumption of the lowly
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-6183:   The Christians do not know Partonopier’s whereabouts. Sornagiur regrets that Mareis has broken the oath and wants to recover his honor: So he secretly visits the French camp where all are in grief because Partonopier is presumed dead. The French king is crying in utmost grief. he tears his hair and clothes. He laments loudly and praises Partonopier’s virtues. Sornagiur whom they do not recognize starts lamenting with the French. The king accuses Sornagiur of having broken his oath. Sornagiur takes off his helmet and surrenders to the king by offering him his sword turned round. He assures him that it was not his fault. If Partonopier were dead he should be killed as well, if he were captive he will be captive, and if he is wounded he should be wounded as well. Thus he wants to prove his honor. Sornagiur is taken captive and laid in bonds. They find out that Partonopier has been caught by Mareis, the heathens get the news of Sornagiur’s surrender to the French king for the sake of his honor. Both sides agree to set their captives free. Sornagiur and Partonopier return to their camps. The heathen king’s nephew Fursin is sent with him to learn the French language. The heathens return to their country. Partonopier is praised for having rescued the kingdom.
Motif References:

P 30 Princes
R 75 Surrendering
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen
T 600 Care (education) of children
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

KvWP-6552:   Partonopier always remem-bers Meliur and his love for her. Partonopier returns to Bleis and is stricken with love-sickness: He turns red and white, stares at one spot, refuses to eat and keeps sighing. His mother asks him about his grief, which she knows well is due to love. Partonopier tells her that his lady had sent him the riches which rescued the kingdom. She asks him about her looks and he has to admit that he has not seen her yet nor has he come upon any human being in her kingdom. Partonopier tells her that he wants to leave for her land the following day. His mother agrees and advises him to keep his love secret as she will do as well.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 24.1 Love-sickness
P 231 Mother and son
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour
D 1980 Magic invisibility

KvWP-6789:   Partonopier’s mother however wants to put and end to this love. She goes to see her brother in Punteise, falls to his feet with her arms in shape of a cross and tells him about the affair. She thinks that a devil in a woman’s shape has betrayed her son and therefore he is not allowed to look at her. She wants to marry Partonopier to the king’s niece who is not too near a relation. By a love-philtre she will guarantee that Partonopier forgets about Meliur. The king agrees.
Motif References:

T 53 Matchmakers
P 231 Mother and son
G 303.3.1.12 Devil in form of woman
D 1355.2 Magic love-philtre
K 2215 (Bm) Treacherous stepmother [foster mother]

KvWP-6912:   The king sends for Partonopier to meet the king’s niece. They have a conversation while Partonopier’s mother is present. The niece is a very beautiful and virtuous woman and she is preciously clothed. Partonopier’s mother has made a magic love-philtre to guarantee mutual love of Partonopier and the maiden so that they will be married. They immediately fall in love with each other by drinking the philtre. The maiden tells him she would marry him if he wanted to and he agrees. The love-philtre makes him forget about Meliur. The king promises to give them castles, villages and lands. But as soon as Partonopier has given oath of faithfulness to her she teasingly reveals that he has been betrayed: He now will have to forget about his fairy-woman and only love her. Thus however Partonopier comes to his senses and remembers Meliur. The philtre has lost its power. He returns to Bleis and locks himself in his room and keeps lamenting.
Motif References:

T 61 Betrothal
D 1355.2 Magic love-philtre
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 2004.3.1 Forgetfulness by drinking

KvWP-7138:   When she learns that he has left, his mother returns to Bleis to speak to him but he will not let her in his room. Partonopier considers that literally he did not break Meliur’s tabu and therefore might reconcile with her. Pretending to go for a walk he secretly leaves Bleis. On the shore he finds Meliur’s ship already waiting for him and returns to Meliur’s town. In the evening she joins him and he tells her what has happened and asks her to forgive him. She tells him that he did not wrong her, because he did not look at her.
Motif References:

F 242.2 Fairy boat
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple
F 302 Fairy mistress
F 841 Extraordinary boat (ship)
D 1123 Magic ship
D 1520.15 Transportation in magic ship

KvWP-7293:   He stays there as he did before, nobody is to be seen, but he has any pastime he could wish for. Six months later however he is longing to see his friends and his land and asks Meliur to let him go. She is very sad because she fears some trick from his mother and once again reminds him of her tabu. If he breaks it she loses all happiness and honor and would rather die. He should beware of anybody talking him into breaking her tabu. Again she promises to marry him and make him king. Partonopier promises faithfulness and leaves for Bleis where he is welcomed by his people and his mother. The king and the nobles come to greet him. Partonopier munificently gives riches.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
C 31.1 Tabu: Looking at supernatural wife
T 61.2 (Bm) Parting lovers pledge not to marry for seven years [swear faithfulness]
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
F 374 Longing in fairyland to visit home.
C 901.1.5 Tabu imposed by fairy
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested

KvWP-7453:   Partonopier’s mother however still wants to separate her son from his mistress, whom she takes for a devil. She consults the archbishop of Paris and tells him the story of her son’s love for a woman he has never looked at and who bestows riches on him. She asks him to warn her son against this devil that will bring about his damnation. The bishop promises to do so. He sends for Partonopier and they have a conversation about religious matters without showing his true intentions. He tells him that indeed God is showing his love for him and that he should beware of the devil. He then depicts the horrors and pains of hell, the fire and the darkness, the snakes and the poison, the sharp thorns tormenting the souls, the burning and hot lakes, the wailing of laymen and clergymen. Therefore Partonopier should refrain from sins to earn heavenly reward and should confess his sins to him.
Motif References:

P 122 (Bm) Archbishop and bishop
P 231 Mother and son
Q 560 Punishments in hell

KvWP-7647:   The archbishop’s words and his description of heaven and hell frighten Partonopier to tears. He confesses to the bishop his relationship to Meliur, whom he never looked at and who gave him riches. He thinks she might be some spirit and fears to have lost his soul already by loving her. He asks the bishop to help him fight this false love. The bishop promises to advise him but Partonopier must look at her to be sure if she is a human being or some spirit. Partonopier asks for means to see her and the bishop gives him a lantern made of horn with a light which will not go out before he has seen her. Partonopier should hide it under his blanket until she lies at his side. If she turns out to be the devil he should call the three holy names to rescue him. The bishop gives him the lantern made by magic.
Motif References:

P 122 (Bm) Archbishop and bishop
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
D 1162.1 Magic lamp

KvWP-7778:   Partonopier returns to Meliur’s country by ship. He hides the lantern under his clothes. Two candles light his way to the bed, he hides the light under the blanket. As soon as Meliur lies at his side he reveals the lantern to look at her. She turns out to be very beautiful. Partonopier breaks the lamp and curses his mother and the archbishop. Partonopier and Meliur swoon, Meliur keeps swooning all night, she weeps, laments and accuses Partonopier for having dishonored her. She has let herself be betrayed because of his beauty. She accuses him that he took her for some devil because he could not see her although he is a Christian.
Motif References:

C 31.1 Tabu: Looking at supernatural wife
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
D 1162.1 Magic lamp

KvWP-8064:   She then reveals the story of her magic: Meliur is the only child of the emperor of Constantinople: Because he had no son she was made his heir and he had her well educated. She was an excellent pupil, knowing all books, stones, herbs, all writings of the prophets, astronomy, necromancy so that she could do astonishing tricks if necessary. And if her father wanted to be amused he sent for her to produce any sort of illusions. She entertained him by showing lions, boars, griffins, elephants and other animals as well as merwunder (miraculous sea-creatures), but also illusions of mountains, forests, water and heath or a tournament or a fight of one or two thousand knights. She is a master of magic arts and therefore nobody could see him to the day she would have married him. But now the spell is broken and she can do nothing about it. All her people will be able to see him and their love will be known.
Motif References:

P 17 Succession to the throne
P 20 Queens
P 234 Father and daughter
D 1711 Magician
D 1738 Magic arts studied
D 1810.0.2 Magic knowledge of magician
K 1870 Illusions
D 2031 Magic illusion

KvWP-8254:   If her knights get the news they would kill him unless she rescues him. Partonopier is very sad because of his fault and he would prefer death. In the morning the lovers are detected by the servants and courtiers and everybody is curious to look at them. They accuse Partonopier of having dishonored their queen and decry Meliur for having chosen a page as lover after having rejected kings and nobles as husband. Thus she has proved a female characteristic: women follow their mood in disregard of the consequences. Partonopier’s beauty however soon soothes their hatred and they understand Meliur’s feelings.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
P 28 Marriage of queen
T 91 Unequals in love
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour

KvWP-8566:   In the morning Meliur throws him out of her bed and tells him to leave. Meliur’s sister Irekel alarmed by the noise comes to see what this is all about. She is a very beautiful woman – only her sister is more beautiful –, her complexion is red and white and her hair is fair. She has precious clothes. Impressed by Partonopier’s beauty she tries to reconcile Meliur by reminding her of her duty to forgive because he was betrayed by his mother. Adam, Samson, Salomon and David were victims of women’s tricks as well. She should as well consider Partonopier’s youth. Irekel tells her that it is not such a great fault that Meliur has taken a beautiful lover. She will have to choose a husband soon and in the meantime she should hide Partonopier in her castle and then marry him. But if she would prefer somebody else she could do so. She advises her however to marry Partonopier, because another man might not forgive her this love. Meliur however cannot be reconciled. If Partonopier will not leave her kingdom as soon as possible he will be killed.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
P 252 Sisters
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper

KvWP-9115:   Partonopier leaves; Meliur’s rich clothes are taken from him and he is given his old ones. Irekel guides him to the ship which takes him to Bleis. On arrival he swoons three times from grief. He is lamenting his situation which he thinks to be worse than Adam’s who was allowed to take his lady with him when he had to leave paradise. He returns to Bleis, from deep sorrow he greets nobody and keeps silent. He locks himself in his room and laments, tears his hair and skin, and wrings his hands in despair. His mother wants to see him but he wards her off: He is her son no more. She says she did not mean any harm. He should choose another woman. The king’s niece would be happy to marry him and thus he would be a powerful knight of the French kingdom. But Partonopier refuses to open his door.
Motif References:

P 231 Mother and son
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

KvWP-9612:   The king is told news of Partonopier and he and the bishops and clergymen keep imploring Partonopier to open his door and to stop grieving but he stays in his room for seven weeks and does not listen to them. Finally they leave. Partonopier keeps grieving for one year. His hair, nails and beard keep growing, he loses all color. He tears his hair, beats himself. He lives on water and bread made of barley. He asks God and Mary to let him die. He thinks Meliur and Irekel have died.
Motif References:

T 93 Fate of disappointed lover
Q 520 Penances
P 681 Mourning customs
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

KvWP-9858:   Because he has no means to commit suicide he decides to look for the wild beasts of the forest of Ardenne to eat him. Partonopier has a servant, a heathen boy named Fursin who never wanted to become a Christian. He is the son of Fabruîn, a nephew of Sornagiur who sent him to Bleis to learn French and courteous French manners. The boy helps him to leave the castle secretly to ride out. He tells the boy that he wants to die in the forest of Ardenne and sends him back to Sornagiur.
Motif References:

P 30 Princes
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
N 832 Boy as helper
F 1041.21.8 (Bm) Suicide from grief

KvWP-10111:   But the boy will not leave him, he promises to become a Christian if he will be allowed to go with Partonopier. Partonopier pretends to agree, he wants to sneak away however as soon as the boy has converted. They continue their journey at night, by day they rest. They leave France and come to the country of Albi and Fursin is christened Anshelm. As soon as Anshelm falls asleep Partonopier leaves because he does not want to have Anshelm see his death. Anshelm laments Partonopier’s faithlessness: For his sake he has left his gods and he now cannot return home. But he is well aware that Partonopier left him out of love, because he did not want to hurt him. Anshelm searches for Partonopier but soon loses his way. He tears his hair and skin and swoons from grief.
Motif References:

V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 332 Baptism of heathen
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions

KvWP-10456:   The wild beasts spare Partonopier. He finds shelter in a hollow tree and lives on leaves, grass and herbs. One day Partonopier’s horse kills a sick lion that has attacked him and runs down to the seashore. A maiden passing by in her ship overhears the horse’s neighing and asks an old sailor, Maruoc, about it. In a little boat he will go and see what this is about. The maiden warns him of the wild beasts living there, but the sailor assures her that he has learnt some magic to appease the beasts. The maiden with her white mule and several men go with him. Maruoc enchants the beasts, all sorts of wild and dangerous animals, so that they sleep with their eyes wide open.
Motif References:

T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
Z 200 Heroes
P 413 Ferryman
N 760 Other accidental encounters
D 1364.22 Sleep-charm
D 1711 Magician
D 1960 Magic sleep

KvWP-10721:   They come upon the dead lion and follow the traces of blood from the wounded horse. The maiden hears Partonopier moaning, he looks like a wild man. She greets him and asks him about his penance but he will not tell. Partonopier swoons as soon as she identifies herself as Irekel. She recognizes him and to prevent his death she pretends that Meliur has forgiven him and that she has been sent by Meliur to find him. Partonopier should rest some time on her island before meeting Meliur. Irekel’s country is a rich and fertile island, Salenze, in the sea which she has received from her sister. Only she and her confidante Personis (Personîs), daughter of king Milete (Milête) of Lucrete (Lucrête) and relative to Meliur, are caring for Partonopier. They make up false letters and messages from Meliur to please him. Personis secretly falls in love with him.
Motif References:

T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

KvWP-11215:   Meliur sends for Irekel. They discuss love matters. Irekel justifies having been away for one year: she was angry about her sister’s behavior towards Partonopier. She tells her that Partonopier has lost his mind and wants to be killed by wild beasts because of her. Meliur, trying to conceal her sorrow, asks her to rescue Partonopier but not for her sake but for Irekel’s. Irekel however because of Meliur’s sighs is well aware of her sister’s love and tells Meliur she must rescue Partonopier because she has been the cause of his distress. Meliur pretends that she is not grieving for Partonopier but her sorrow is due to other reasons: Her vassals could not make any decision whom she should marry. Arnolt of Malbriun (Malbriûn) advises her to have a tournament to find a husband. Meliur being rich and mighty herself need not marry a rich man but could look for a famous and honorable, beautiful and virtuous man. Irekel objects that Meliur thus will have no free choice, because her vassals will choose a husband for her in tournament. Partonopier for sure will be dead by now. Irekel promises to return for the tournament and leaves.
Motif References:

T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
P 252 Sisters
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].
P 561 Tournaments
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

KvWP-11772:   Irekel tells Partonopier the news of the tournament and gives him all he needs, a horse, weapons and clothing. As she is about to put on his sword he reminds her that he must be dubbed a knight by Meliur first and that he will put it on his saddle. She promises that he will be knighted by Meliur without being recognized: Meliur is about to knight 100 squires who have to put on their helmets during the ceremony according to custom. Meliur thus will not be able to recognize him among the candidates.
Motif References:

P 53.1 (Bm) Knighthood as prerequisite to marriage
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance

KvWP-11947:   Partonopier comes to Meliur’s castle. Meliur is grieving for Partonopier’s death. Irekel asks her about the tournament and Meliur swoons from grief. She then admits that she has behaved like a silly woman who follows her moods. She should have pardoned Partonopier. She swoons again. Irekel continues to manipulate her sister to increase her pain and love. Finally she accuses her of having a new lover. Meliur denies this and describes to Irekel the pains of love, the phenomenon of love uniting pain and joy. Meliur swoons for the third time. Irekel decides never to love because love is so painful but she advises her sister to marry. Meliur wants to die because of Partonopier’s death.
Motif References:

T 24.2 Swooning for love
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

KvWP-12276:   Meliur talks about the tournament which Arnolt of Malbriun has arranged at Whitsun. The Christians and the heathens will be split up equally to the two parties to prevent serious fighting, because otherwise the heathens would outnumber the Christians. The king of Persia and the emperor of Rome will be the leaders of the parties. The tournament will start after 100 young men have been knighted by Meliur.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments

KvWP-12364:   Next morning Irekel secretly takes Partonopier into the castle and he joins the men to be dubbed without anybody taking notice of him. All have put on their helmets. Meliur has very beautiful and precious clothes. Partonopier who has managed to be the first nearly swoons as he looks at Meliur. He gives her his sword and she girds him. Meliur remembers Partonopier’s beauty as she sees him and she nearly swoons. She postpones the ceremony to next morning and retires to her rooms. Irekel hides Partonopier who is eager to fight since he has seen Meliur.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
F 575.2 Handsome man
K 1813 Disguised husband visits his wife

KvWP-12670:   Meliur suffers from sickness. Irekel and Partonopier leave for Irekel’s island. Partonopier cannot sleep and takes a boat he finds on the shore. A storm takes him to the island Thenadon (Thenadôn), the home of a robber knight named Herman living there with his wife in a castle. He is a very cruel fellow who only rejoices if he sees somebody die and who starves his prisoners in a tower. But although he is a murderer and perjurer, he is a strong and valiant knight. Partonopier is caught and fettered and left in the tower to starve. Irekel and Persanis, not aware of his whereabouts, are in distress.
Motif References:

R 41.2 Captivity in tower
R 51.1 Prisoners starved
S 110 Murders
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
N 781 Hero [heroine] embarks in rudderless boat

KvWP-12810:   Herman leaves for the tournament of Schiefdeire. Partonopier suffers because he will miss the tournament. Herman’s wife takes pity on him, has him brought into the hall, takes off his fetters and asks him about his distress. He tells her that he must not miss the tournament. Herman’s wife lets him go to fight at Schiefdeire if he promises to return afterwards because otherwise her cruel husband would mistreat her and might even kill her (by having her flayed). He gives her his oath. She gives him a white horse with two red ears, a sword, an armor and a white tabard as well as a silver shield.
Motif References:

S 62 Cruel husband
S 114 Murder by flaying
M 150 Other vows and oaths
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
P 210 Husband and wife
Q 457 Flaying alive as punishment
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper

KvWP-13042:   Partonopier leaves by ship but for lack of wind he has to continue his journey on land. In a forest he meets a strong knight with a red beard and partly grey hair. Five pages carry red spears and banners, five men have supplementary horses and shields. The knight’s coat of arms is all red. He greets Partonopier and asks him about his journey. Partonopier tells the story of his imprisonment in Thenadon and that he is on his way to the tournament at Schiefdeire. At Partonopier’s question the stranger identifies himself as Gaudin (Gaudîn) of Spangenlant (Spain), a Christian knight, whose parents are heathens. Because he has converted to Christianity in France he cannot return home and earns his living with tournaments. He wants Partonopier to be his companion for the tournament of Schiefdeire.
Motif References:

P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
P 561 Tournaments

KvWP-13268:   Near Schiefdeire they camp on a beautiful meadow with a fountain. Boys are sent to the market for goods. Many knights from many nations have already come to attend the tournament. The sultan of Persia has brought many heathen kings, the emperor of Rome has brought many kings and noblemen as well. Merchants from Marseille have come to the market. There are many tents of all colors on the meadow. The sultan and the heathen kings have lodging in town from Meliur. Meliur and the jury, seven kings, will watch the tournament from a tower.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments

KvWP-13501:   The vesperie starts. The sultan Floridanz of Persia shouts his battle cry but nobody wants to accept the challenge because he is a valiant hero. He has a precious blue armor exquisitely decorated and beautiful clothes. His coat of arms is a queen with crown and scepter; the figure of a woman on his shield and a female head on his helmet identify him as a lady’s knight. He carries a figure of the winged Amor on his throne in his hand.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms

KvWP-13582:   Gaudin and Partonopier join the jousters. The white knight Partonopier fights the blue sultan. The royal jury discusses the jousting and takes sides: Cursanz is in favor of Partonopier, Cursin in favor of the sultan. The jousters are fighting furiously. Cursin mocks Cursanze when Partonopier loses his shield. Partonopier dismounts Herman and the heathen Lugan (Lugân) and continues fighting the sultan. Cursanz mocks Cursin when the sultan loses his helmet. The king of Syria (Sirîe), a lady’s knight, unseats Gaudin and takes his horse. Partonopier unseats the king and gives his horse to Gaudin. The king of France praises his unrecognized nephew. Clarin and Cursanz discuss Partonopier’s and Gaudin’s exploits. Partonopier and Gaudin are resting in their tent. Partonopier grieving for his lady does not eat much. Gaudin is not aware that Partonopier’s grief is due to love.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 561 Tournaments
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-14044:   The next morning a mass is held. According to Arnolt’s advice the Christian and heathen jousters are split up equally in two mixed groups to prevent serious battle. The sultan and the king of Spain will lead the first party, who lodges in town, the French king and the emperor will lead the other one, they have their camp on the seashore. The French king hates Meliur because he thinks her responsible for his nephew’s death. If he would obtain her as prize he would refuse to marry her but would do her some harm. Partonopier and Gaudin will join the party of the French king and the emperor. Before the tournament starts, they have a light meal. The jousters have precious clothes, armor and weapons. Meliur, Irekel, Persanis and the seven kings watch the tournament from the tower. Partonopier is fighting in white, Gaudin in red. The commenting of Cursanz and Clarin continues. Partonopier unhorses the sultan but returns his horse and helps him. Then he gives his white banner to Meliur on his spear moaning and lamenting his love. He is attacked by a band of heathens. Partonopier assisted by Gaudin fights the heathens. Meliur is in grief about both of them. Cursanz secretly weeps, but conceals his tears as he should. The king of England helps Partonopier and Gaudin. The fighting goes on and on.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-14538:   Irekel having overheard Partonopier’s sighs as he gave his banner to Meliur starts thinking the white knight might be Partonopier and asks Persanis about it. Meliur considers that the white knight might be Partonopier and warns her sister not to keep anything secret from her. She says that the white knight reminded her of Partonopier and laments. Irekel now admits that Partonopier is still alive and tells her the story of his rescue. He had lived as a wild man in the forest of Ardenne. His lodging had been a hollow tree. The wild animals however spared him. He had become ugly, and because of his long hair and beard he looked like a devil. Irekel saved him and deceived him by false letters and messages from Meliur. But he left her and Irekel knows nothing of his whereabouts. She did tell Meliur that he was dead to punish her for her hardness against him. She says the white knight is Partonopier. Meliur is very happy about the news. She admits that he has surpassed her in faithfulness and love. He has reversed the old prejudice of men’s faithlessness. She grieves for her fault she committed on the faithful and loving Partonopier who because of her had wanted to commit suicide and lived miserably in the forest of Ardenne.
Motif References:

T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
P 252 Sisters
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested

KvWP-15037:   Meliur and Irekel return to the tower. Partonopier is regarded the best knight. The tournament continues: The French king jousts against the emperor. The French use to joust with swords and spears like in a serious combat. The coat of arms of the emperor is a black eagle as coat of arms, the coat of arms of the French king is blue with red golden lilies. The French king is attacked by German knights and dismounted, Partonopier unseats the German emperor. The Germans and the French fight, their battle cries are Rome and Monsoie. The jury regards Partonopier as best knight. Meliur does not dare to praise him but only says that she thinks him the best fighter. The French king is grateful for Partonopier’s help against the Germans. Partonopier tells him that he has already helped him several times – the king is bewildered because he does not recognize his nephew. Gaudin says they should continue fighting the Germans. Gaudin is attacked by the sultan. Partonopier takes him prisoner, but his knights free him. The French help Partonopier.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 561 Tournaments
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

KvWP-15417:   But the king kills a Persian knight and thus the tournament turns to battle which only comes to an end at nightfall. Meliur grieves as Partonopier leaves, she is suffering because of her fault towards the faithful and loving Partonopier who because of her lived miserably in the forest of Ardenne and wanted to die. She then reflects on the fact that women may not tell their grief caused by men to them whereas men do not grieve for love matters. No woman should tell her sorrow to a man, whereas men are allowed to tell their sorrow to a woman. Thus Meliur never can tell Partonopier her longing for him. If she goes and talks to him this could harm her reputation, if she lets him go he might not return. Meliur, full of sorrow, is sleepless, as is Partonopier.
Motif References:

W 200 Traits of character - miscellaneous
P 561 Tournaments
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-15692:   In the morning Partonopier and Gaudin continue jousting. Partonopier unhorses Herman of Thenadon. Herman angrily tells the sultan that Partonopier thinks himself superior to the sultan. The sultan, well aware of Herman’s faithlessness, reacts wisely by mocking him. The kings of Morocco and Syria want to challenge Partonopier. Herman joins them and they plan their strategy. Gaudin warns Partonopier to take care of them but he immediately starts fighting them. Partonopier unseats the king of Morocco who has a golden wild boar with a crown of silver as coat of arms. The king of Syria kills Partonopier’s horse. He now has to continue fighting on foot against the superior heathen force. Gaudin helps him and unhorses the Syrian king. The heathens hurry to help their king. In the meantime Herman leads his knights and the heathens to fight Partonopier. He wants to murder him deceptively. Partonopier kills him and takes his horse. Herman’s knights take his body.
Motif References:

K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight

KvWP-15937:   Partonopier, because of his exploits in the tournament, is regarded the best knight. Partonopier praises the exploits of the sultan, but is mocked by Gaudin. To prove his valiance Partonopier fights the sultan together with the forces of the French king. He retreats to the tower where Meliur is watching the tournament. The sultan and Partonopier fight furiously, they both are strengthened by their love for Meliur. They are equal fighters. Partonopier praises the heathen and again is mocked by Gaudin for cowardice. He should better look at Meliur and fight the sultan which Partonopier does. He fights and pursues him to the gates of the town. The king Appatris assists the sultan. The tournament has turned into serious battle with wounded and dead. Appatris is fighting Partonopier furiously.
Motif References:

W 46 (Li) Modesty
P 561 Tournaments
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-16190:   Meliur cannot any longer conceal her pain for Partonopier in danger and she turns pale and starts weeping. Cursanz asks Irekel about Meliur’s pains which he thinks must come from love. Irekel pretends that Meliur only fears to be married against her will. Gaudin helps Partonopier against the sultan and Appatris. Partonopier and the sultan continue fighting in the town till nightfall. Meliur lights a candle to see Partonopier. The combat is stopped, the sultan stays in town, Partonopier leaves town. Partonopier fears that Meliur might prefer the sultan, Meliur fears that the sultan might have obtained the prize. The sultan is afraid Partonopier might be given the prize.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness

KvWP-16357:   Partonopier has to return to Thenadon as he promised. Herman’s wife has already received the news of her husband’s death and frees Partonopier. He and Gaudin return to Schiefdeire where the prize of the tournament is to be given by the jury of the seven kings. Gaudin advises him to rest, to eat and drink so that he will look beautiful. Then they should wear their armor because otherwise nobody would recognize them nor take any notice of them. Gaudin advises that they come late to be noticed. Then they should take off their helmets. Partonopier and Gaudin come to town late, Meliur and Irekel are already afraid that he might have left.
Motif References:

P 510 Law courts

KvWP-16508:   The jury decides the prize: Four Christians and three heathens are chosen to be the best. Partonopier and Gaudin take off their helmets. Meliur and Irekel come to see the chosen knights. Meliur is very beautiful. Gaudin falls in love with Irekel. Meliur and Irekel are seated on a platform with Cursanz and Clarin. Partonopier is afraid the sultan might be chosen. Many knights are in love with Meliur and many heathens would have become Christians for her sake.
Motif References:

T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].
P 510 Law courts
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

KvWP-16610:   King Ansor presents the seven candidates and introduces them separately: the French king, the king of England, who however did not fight to obtain a wife because he will avoid women all his life, the Spanish knight Gaudin, who has become a Christian, but who is already 50 years old and not rich, and the French king’s nephew Partonopier who has all virtues. The heathen candidates are: the young sultan who knows how to read the future in the stars; he has all virtues of a knight but he is a heathen; if however he would be chosen by Meliur he and his knights would become Christians; the king Margalis (Margalîs), the king Appatris from Nubia, who will give the prize to the sultan. Thus there are only four candidates left because Appatris and Gaudin would give their prize to their masters and the king of England will not have a wife. The best of these four should become Meliur’s husband. Clarin wants the sultan to get the prize who even wants to become a Christian and who is the richest of the candidates. The other kings say nothing about it. Meliur is in sorrow. Arnolt of Malbriun takes off his hat and speaks in favor of Partonopier: He takes him for the best and the most beautiful of all candidates. The sultan certainly would only become Christian to obtain the queen and her lands and not because of God and would turn to heathen faith afterwards and would make this land a heathen kingdom. Partonopier should be chosen.
Motif References:

P 28 Marriage of queen
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
M 302.4.2 (Bm) Future read in stars
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].
P 510 Law courts
D 1311.6.4 Divination by stars

KvWP-17029:   Meliur agrees with Arnolt, but she does not know about Partonopier’s beauty because she has never seen him unarmed. But she will accept the jury’s decision. She again asks Cursanz who agrees with Arnolt. The sultan as well as Partonopier should disarm to be looked at and the seven kings then should decide. Both candidates disarm and the sultan is so beautifully clothed that his wealth impresses them all. Partonopier’s clothes are not so precious although Gaudin is lending him some of his. Nevertheless he is very beautiful, white and red are the colors of his skin. Everybody praises his beauty and Arnolt takes him to Meliur who should be his prize.
Motif References:

Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
F 575.2 Handsome man

KvWP-17319:   Meliur is very happy about this decision but pretends to have preferred the sultan. She does so according to education: this is how a maiden should argue. The sultan however is well aware that he is mocked and he leaves with the heathen army. He swears by his Gods to take revenge for this offense.
Motif References:

T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
M 150 Other vows and oaths

KvWP-17363:   Partonopier is given beautiful clothes and is crowned. Meliur would like to kiss him publicly if it was not for customs. But the symptoms of love are to be seen: She turns red and white. Partonopier and Meliur are married by a patriarch and a bishop. A feast is celebrated with courtly pastimes, jousting and dancing, wild animals (lions, elephants and bears) are shown. As the feast ends Partonopier gives horses, clothes, silver and gold to the guests asking for it. Partonopier and Meliur are living happily. Partonopier is very popular. Meliur however can do no more magic since the day Partonopier looked at her.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 136.1 Wedding feast
P 634 Feasts
D 1741 Magic powers lost

KvWP-17477:   One day as Partonopier is hunting in the forest he hears loud wailing. He tells his retinue to stay behind and goes to see what this is about. He meets a man who is crying, tearing hair and clothes, and wounding himself from grief. He is blaming some low-born peasant who knew to ingratiate himself with his master and like many social climbers has obtained influence at court. This man is acting like the basilisk whose glance kills. He calls him all evil names and compares him to poisonous animals and plants.
Motif References:

B 12 Basilisk
B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
K 2200 Villains and traitors.

KvWP-17610:   The stranger at first wants to fight Partonopier but Partonopier asks about his grief. He says that God shows his love for the poor by the fact that the twelve apostles were poor people. The stranger replies that God does not love those who because of pride want to climb in social hierarchy. The apostles were poor but virtuous. He tells of the count Mareis who had become rich by false oaths, murder and by faithlessly taking goods from noblemen. He dishonored king Sornagiure who had favored him. Partonopier thus recognizes Anshelm and they welcome each other. Partonopier asks about his grief and they return to Schiefdeire to hear his story.
Motif References:

U 60 Wealth and poverty
P 90 Royalty and nobility - miscellaneous
K 2200 Villains and traitors.

KvWP-17817:   Anshelm’s story: After Partonopier left him behind he looked for him at the seaside; he saw a ship going down with all people but one hound. As the dog could not reach the shore by himself Ans-helm swam out to rescue him. The dog, grateful for his rescue, will not leave him and he names him Swam because of this adventure. He is all white and a very good hound for hunting. Merchants take them by ship as a present to the Roman emperor and he joins his court.
Motif References:

B 301.8 Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
B 362 Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name

KvWP-17900:   At court there is a beautiful youth, like an angel outside but he is a devil within. He has ingratiated himself with the emperor and he and his family thus obtained influence at court. His father had been a peasant who deposed the child in the church where the emperor found him. He has him educated and now he has a high position among the courtiers; he is even the emperor’s counselor. Anshelm was to be his companion.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
U 119.3 Handsome exterior does not indicate beautiful soul
R 131 Exposed or abandoned child rescued
S 301 Children abandoned (exposed)
K 2200 Villains and traitors.

KvWP-17970:   At court lived a beautiful maiden who was the emperor’s relative, named Igla (Iglâ). She fell in love with Anshelm, and, made courageous by love, wooed him. He however did not dare to make her his wife. But he would if one day he could do so. One day, as the emperor and his courtiers are in the church to hear mass and the maiden is still in her bed, he passes the hall and she runs after him to embrace him. But he flees pursued by a lion which has escaped. His hound Swam helps him kill the lion. The emperor therefore has the dog thrown down a rock but Anshelm can rescue and heal him. The maiden has the climber talk Anshelm into loving her but instead he slanders him and blackmails her to tell the emperor about her love if she would not love him. But she will not do so and thus he slanders Anshelm by telling the emperor he has dishonored the maiden. Anshelm thus falls out of the emperor’s favor without knowing the true reason. He still thinks it is because of his dog.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
S 481 Cruelty to animals
K 1271.1 Threat to tell of amorous intrigue used as blackmail
K 2110 Slanders
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2220 Treacherous rivals

KvWP-18162:   News is told that a bear living on an island devastates the land. Anshelm offers to fight him if thus he could obtain the emperor’s favor again. He takes his hound, a steel axe and horn bow and looks for the bear in the devastated country. He looks from the top of a mountain and sees the wild black bear’s home on the island. He is very hungry because he has eaten all living things around. He swims to the shore to attack Anshelm. The dog and the bear fight furiously. Anshelm kills the bear and leaves his dog to guard the corpse. He informs the people to take the corpse to Rome, they cut him in four parts to carry him on four wagons.
Motif References:

B 16.2.5 Devastating bear killed
B 301 Faithful animal

KvWP-18400:   The parts of the bear’s bodies are sent away as presents. The maiden continues to pursue him with her love but he remains faithful to the emperor although he is in love with her. The empress asks the maiden about her grief and she asks her to help her which she does. The emperor allows marriage and will give them riches. Phares, the social climber, however slanders Anshelm of having dishonored the princess and talks the emperor into killing the dog. Anshelm swoons from grief for the dog. Anshelm then tells the emperor that he withdraws his friendship and leaves to bury the dog. He is taken prisoner by the emperor’s men and thrown into a tower on an island. But the empress secretly has him rescued and he escapes. Now Anshelm is still grieving for his mistress and his dog. Partonopier says that he never would favor any social climber and the court praises Anshelm. Partonopier dubs him a knight and gives him horse, clothes and everything a knight must have. Anshelm lives the life of a knight.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
S 481 Cruelty to animals
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
K 2110 Slanders
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2220 Treacherous rivals

KvWP-18750:   In the meantime the sultan has gathered a big army and lands in Mabriul and besieges Arnolt. Partonopier gets the news and invites Arnolt and his five virtuous and valiant sons. Partonopier and his nobles take council. He asks them what to do. Arnolt speaks: he should do as Arnolt himself used to do - he asks his sons and if neither of them can offer good advice he does what he thinks is best. Partonopier should act in this manner. Gaudin gives his advice: they should destroy castles which cannot be defended against the superior force of the heathen army and fortify the others to be held against the enemy. Meliur advises them to send messengers in order to discuss peace and prepare war at the same time. Thus the heathens would use up all their supplies. They all agree with Meliur. Messengers are sent, Anshelm because he knows the heathen language well and Supplicius, Arnolt’s son.
Motif References:

P 20.1 Clever queen
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
K 2350 Military strategy
K 2369.7 Shammed discussing of peace while getting reinforcements.

KvWP-19030:   They come to the heathen camp upon a combat of two knights, Turkis (Turkîs) and Alis (Alîs). Alis kills his adversary and is attacked by the other’s friends and family, Supplicius gives him his horse to escape. The sultan has watched all this and gives him a horse. He asks about their mission and Anshelm tells him. He asks why he wages war without challenge and tells him that Partonopier would give him silver and gold and be his vassal if he would leave. The sultan says he is taking revenge for having been deprived of the prize. He is fighting for Meliur and her lands and is sure of her love for him. If they want to make peace they should give him Meliur and Arnolt and Cursanz who decided the prize. In this case he would grant them their land as their own and leave with Meliur. Anshelm replies that Meliur does not love him, but he would ask her if she would marry the sultan and in four weeks bring him her decision.
Motif References:

T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war

KvWP-19331:   The sultan is blinded by his love and thus unable to discern the deception. He gives an oath of peace by the sword and the willow for four weeks. The messengers return and come upon Alis pursued by his slain adversary’s friends. He asks them for help and they pity him and weep about his distress. They face a superior force and kill many heathens. They escape through the forest and Alis prays to Mohamed. When his two companions mock him because Mohamed must be in hell forever he tells them that they should pray to their God Jesus whom the knight Longinus pierced with his spear while he wants to pray to Mohamed and the God that is mightier should help them. He would not care where this God dwells.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 350 Conflicts between religions

KvWP-19493:   They come to Mabriul and Arnolt comes to help them. They put the heathens to flight, many of them are killed. They pursue the heathens to the sultan’s camp. Arnolt’s son Walther thinks it unwise to have approached the heathen camp and advises them to retire. Walther is a very wise man, he read many books and went to school; he was to be a cleric but decided to become a knight. His brother Alius however accuses him of cowardice, being a cleric he naturally advises flight. Arnolt blames his son and praises Walther. They turn but Walther who is angry about his brother’s words wants to prove his courage. In the moonlight the heathens perceive him but they believe his men might follow him. Walther challenges Markabre (Markabrê) and takes his horse. The heathen sentinels hear the fighting and see them in the moonlight. Appatris perceives Walther’s coat of arms, golden with a red sleeve of a woman, and thereby knows that he is a Christian knight. With his 1000 knights he goes to fight Walther. The heathens pursue Walther who tries to escape. Walther crosses a river, the heathen throws his spear and kills his horse. Walther takes the other one (Markabre’s Morel). The heathen now knowing the passage pursues him.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
W 121 Cowardice
P 427 Druid (poet, learned man)

KvWP-19901:   Appatris cannot reach Walter and tries to stop him in his lady’s name for the sake of love. Walther mocks him by telling that his lady told him to keep safe. The heathen wants to stop him by appealing to his nobility. Walther says he is not equal to a king but Appatris denies it. They fight and Walther wounds his adversary. In the meantime Appatris’s army of 1000 men is approaching. Walther, aware that he cannot stand up to this superior force, surrenders, falls onto his knees and asks for mercy. He promises to be his vassal but Appatris wants him to be his friend because of his valiance. He should mount his horse Morel and Verun (Verûn), Appatris’s horse, will help him to escape. He will stop the heathens. Walther escapes. Appatris has his wounds cared for. He fears for Walther.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
R 75 Surrendering
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend

KvWP-20181:   In the meantime day has come and Arnolt searches for his son among the dead on the battlefield. Alius reproaches himself for having mocked his brother and brought about his death. Supplicius mourns for his brother. All four of them weep, lament, and tear their hair and clothes out of grief. Arnolt tears his grey beard. Walther joins them and they are very happy about his coming. He tells them that he has overcome Markabre and that king Appatris has saved him from the heathens. They all praise Appatris whose only fault is his heathen faith. Alis out of mockery says that Appatris might well remain a heathen since this faith seems to guarantee his luck and fame. They all return to Mabriul. Appatris has returned to the heathen camp and mocks Markabres’s defeat by Walther by comparing it to baptism (because he had fallen into a swamp) whereas Markabre compares Appatris defeat to confirmation. To avenge his defeat he sets out for Mabriul with two thousand heathens.
Motif References:

V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

KvWP-20432:   Arnolt and his men consider what to do and decide to remain inside the castle to defend it. Walther however advises open battle before the castle to defend the bridge. A messenger should be sent to Partonopier for help. They fortify the bridge. Arnolt crosses the river and shouting “Mabriul” he starts fighting. He unhorses the old knight Luf (Lûf) of Anis (Anîs) whose coat of arms is white with red eagles. Alis fights Markabre who has a blue coat of arms with white stripes carrying red inscriptions. Alis is taken prisoner by the heathens and swoons; they leave him for dead. His companions bring a horse. As soon as Makabre gets aware that he is alive he attacks anew shouting “Waldun”. Battle goes on. Arnolt’s bowmen kill many heathens. Markabre encourages the heathens; Arnolt tells his men to fight in the name of God. They kill many heathens.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-20698:   Galathis (Galathîs) is a young heathen duke and a nephew of Appatris. He is fighting in the service of a lady and carries Amor as his coat of arms, a naked man with wings, white on red ground. He unhorses Arnolt. Arnolt’s wife Beatris (Bêâtrîs) watches the battle from the walls and seeing her husband’s defeat she sets out for Schiefdeire. She falls to her knees and asks Partonopier for help. Meliur advises Partonopier to gather an army by promising silver and gold she will give him. Partonopier tells her to gather an army by messengers because he will go to fight immediately.
Motif References:

P 20.1 Clever queen
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms

KvWP-20823:   Partonopier leaves for Malbriun. All of his people are summoned to his army. He has given riches to his men. Gaudin organizes the army: no haste, keep close together. Partonopier and his army take the easy roads, Gaudin will be his scout. They pass Arnolt’s people grieving for their master. Gaudin returns and tells what has happened to Arnolt and his men. Partonopier should attack the heathen army from the other side. Thus they encircle the heathens.
Motif References:

P 552 Battle formations
K 2350 Military strategy

KvWP-20998:   The heathen scout Emidalus (Emidalûs) who carries a coat of arms all black attacks Partonopier who splits his head. Alis by this exploit is sure this must be Partonopier. Galathis is unhorsed and swoons but being Appatris’s nephew Walther sends his men to help him. Battle continues and many heathens are killed. Some heathens however have escaped and tell the sultan what has happened. The sultan becomes very angry and has a horn blown to join the battle. Some men are left behind to guard the camp. Arnolt warns Partonopier as he sees the huge heathen army arriving. The Christians retreat towards the castle to wait for reinforcements. The sultan thinks they take to flight, but Appatris tells him he might be wrong and warns him to reinforce the guards of his camp fearing they might attack it. The sultan follows his advice and the battle continues.
Motif References:

V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KvWP-21350:   Arnolt and the sultan who wants to take revenge for Arnolt’s role in the jury of the tournament about Meliur fight furiously. Partonopier helps Arnolt. Markabre attacks Paronopier. Arnolt is taken captive by the heathens. His sons decide to help Partonopier and do nothing about their father: the king is more important than friends or family. Arnolt prays to God to help Partonopier. Partonopier and the sultan fight. Gaudin comes to help him. His army has three bands: one hundred men, four hundred and a band of five hundred attack the heathens from three sides. In this battle many heathens and Christians die and there are many corpses on the battlefield. Partonopier is the best fighter of all. He kills king Flordidis (Floridîs) of Libia (Libîâ) and continues fighting furiously.
Motif References:

P 552 Battle formations
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]