Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Mühlheimer Bruchstücke: Flors und Blanzeflors (<1250)


Miscellaneous Romances

Mühlheimer Bruchstücke: Flors und Blanzeflors (<1250)
Schafstaedt, H.(ed.): Die Mühlheimer Bruchstücke von Flors und Blanzeflors. Mühlheim 1906.

MBFuB-1:   (The king of Spain) tries to conquer the Auvergne but the brave people defend their country. The army has to retreat. On the way back the heathens kill pilgrims. They capture a countess and take her to the Spanish king, who installs her as the queen’s lady.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted

MBFuB-40:   The countess and the queen become friends. When they sit together they do needle work and sew a banner (flag) for the king. They find out that they are both with child. The children love each other from childhood on. The king sells Blanzeflor to a merchant fearing intricacies. Floris goes on a quest for his beloved.
Motif References:

R 61 Person sold into slavery
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves
T 589 Childbirth - miscellaneous motifs

MBFuB-108:   Meanwhile Blanzeflor is held captive in a tower. Claricia the daughter of a duke becomes Blanzeflor’s faithful friend. Blanzeflor tells her of her love Floris, that they were so alike to each other that one could not tell one face from the other. Description of tower. Flors arrives and offers silver and gold, 100 mark, to see the tower. Flors tells the safe-keeper his sorrows seeking counsel.
Motif References:

R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]