Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Tybalt II, Fragment B (1250/1300)


Miscellaneous Romances

Tybalt II, Fragment B (1250/1300)
von Kraus, C.(ed.): Mittelhochdeutsches Übungsbuch. 2nd ed. Heidelberg 1926. p. 162-167, 288.

TybFB-1:   A knight dwells at a count’s court where also his beloved is living. As there is no opportunity to meet the lady secretly, he decides to send her a letter as he has done before in order to ask her for one hour alone with her. He writes the letter but has no one to deliver it because his bird is not there.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers
B 450 Helpful birds

TybFB-40:   One morning, as the count and his people are having meal and the count states that he misses the bird which has entertained them so well, the bird flies into the room and towards the countess.
Motif References:

F 989 Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals - miscellaneous

TybFB-66:   The bird strives again to entertain the nobles by telling lies and stories of far-away countries which he has never seen. The bird behaves as if he didn’t know his master, the lord of Portimunt, who has trained him and, as it flies to everyone, its master is the last one to be visited. The bird asks him his name and where he comes from so that nobody could suspect his lord of being owner of the bird. The knight recognizes his intention and goes along with it.
Motif References:

B 211.3 Speaking bird
B 599 Other services of helpful animals
K 1760 Other bluffs