Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Albrecht, Jüngerer Titurel (>1272/1294)


Matière de Bretagne

Albrecht, Jüngerer Titurel (>1272/1294)
Albrechts Jüngerer Titurel, ed. by Werner Wolf and Kurt Nyholm. (=DTM 45, 55, 61, 73, 77) Berlin 1955-1992.

AlbJT-1:   Prologue.
Motif References:

AlbJT-86:   Sources for the story of the Holy Grail: Kyot and Flegetanis. Titurel’s Genealogical tree: His family descends from Troy and Rome. Parille and his brothers, sons of the heathen Senabor, were baptized. Vespasian offered Parille his daughter Argusille and the kingdom of France. Their son was named Titurison. Parille’s brothers Salibor and Assubor married princesses too and became rulers of Antschowe and Kornwale. Parille converted many heathens to Christianity on pain of death.
Motif References:

Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
A 1653.1 Origin of kings (from Gods)

AlbJT-129:   Titurison continued the work of his father Parille: Many heathens were baptized on pain of death. Titurison married Elizabel, the daughter of Bonifant of Arragun. Titurison was a fine knight excelling in many a tournament. Being childless Titurison and Elizabel made their way to Jerusalem offering a precious votive-picture at the Holy Grave to finally conceive a child. They begot a son: Titurel. The childlessness of Titurison and Elizabel was a test of patience: God rewarded their patience with a son. An angel prophesies a future life as a Christian hero for the new-born Titurel. For the name of their child Titurison and Elizabel use the letters of their own names: Titurel. The name of her new-born child causes dissatisfaction for Elizabel, for only two letters of her own name but five letters of his father’s name should be used for it. Elizabel is consoled when she learns that in reality there are four letters of her name used (the two first and the two last).
Motif References:

Q 64 Patience rewarded.
M 301.10 Angels as prophets
M 311.0.1 Heroic career prophesied for (new-born) child
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 535 Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name
N 817.0.1 God as helper
H 1553 Tests of patience
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

AlbJT-186:   Titurel is taught all virtues but he is rather interested in chivalry than learning. He wants to know about Minne but his mother keeps the boy from learning anything about it. On hearing the word he crosses himself, a strange behavior that causes amusement. In a book of Ovidius he reads about love and takes it for some imp. One day his tutor however tells him about true and false love. Titurison and Titurel fight against the heathens who are either baptized or killed if they are unwilling to become Christians. Titurel is a beautiful and virtuous youth. Though he achieves great deeds in battle he keeps from pride. Female virtues are discussed in a dialogue of the author (Wolfram) and Lady Adventure. Titurel keeps chaste during fifty years. His virtuous life is rewarded: God sends the Grail carried by an angel to him. Any mortal entrusted with the Grail obtains salvation. Titurel leaves his parents who enter a monastery to do penance.
Motif References:

T 4 Person wants to learn art of love
W 47 (Hi) Humility and modesty
Q 60 Other good qualities rewarded
A 165.2.3 Angels as God’s messengers
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 520 Salvation
F 575.2 Handsome man

AlbJT-297:   Angels take Titurel to the wild forest of Foreist Salvasch. During the journey Titurel listens to angels’ songs. This forest is a marvelous place with all sorts of trees, plants, birds, and jewels. The angels bring people there so that Titurel soon has company. The mountain Munt Salvasch can only be found with the help of angels. It is an area of protection against evil. The mountain is fortified and a castle is built. Before the building is finished people live in tents. Any sort of food desired is furnished by the Grail who hovers in the air and nobody can carry or touch it. The land of Salvaterre is very rich in gold and jewels. Titurel has to defend Foreist Salvasch against the heathens. Salvaterre takes its name after God, the Savior. Sanct Salvator and Salvaterre are located in Galicia, but the Grail itself was carried to India, where Priest Johan and virtuous Christians are its keepers.
Motif References:

F 7 Journey to otherworld with angel
V 150 Sacred objects - miscellaneous
F 162.9 Mountains in otherworld
F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
V 234 Songs of the angels
C 500 Tabu- touching
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
D 1385 Magic object protects from evil spirits
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
D 2135.0.2 Object magically raised in air

AlbJT-327:   Titurel decides to build a temple for the Grail. It is built from jewels and red gold and “lignum aloe”. The jewels are chosen according to their marvelous characteristics. The Grail indicates the ground-plan of the temple on the Onyx mountain where the Grail temple is to be built. The marvelous round temple of the Grail is decorated with many jewels and many beautiful sculptures (angels etc.). The altar as well has precious jeweled ornaments. By means of an automaton an angel is taken by a pigeon to the altar and back. For the windows of the Grail-temple jewels are used. The roof is made from gold. Jewels illuminate the temple. The Grail provides the builders of its temple with building material. At the vault of the Grail-temple almandites imitate the orbits of the planets. Golden statues of the four Evangelists add to the temple’s splendor. The Grail is kept in a sanctuary. It takes thirty years to finish the temple. The building has three doors (to the East, South and West) that are decorated with gold and many jewels. Each jewel’s name and power are indicated by inscriptions.
Motif References:

V 111.3 Place where a [temple] church must be built miraculously indicated
F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F 166.5 Altar in otherworld
F 751.1.5 Palace of jewels
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1620 Magic automata
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

AlbJT-391:   The Grail-temple is provided with an automatic tree of gold with singing birds and four horn-blowing angels, who keep waving as if they would give signal for the Last Judgment. Bellows cause the sweet sounds of the angels’ horns and the birds. The temple has numerous precious images and sculptures: golden trees with birds, vine, giving shade to flowers and herbs. The leaves are moved by the air. Life-like angels hover above the vines - their movement is caused by bellows. The Grail-temple is provided with sweet balm and candles. The interior of temple is opulently decorated. All reliefs and statues of the saints and apostles are explained by inscriptions. The keystone displays the Agnus Dei. The jewels at the top of the main-tower light up the night. The two bells produce the sweetest sound in the Grail-temple. The floor shows fishes and merwunder moving as if they were alive which is caused by bellows. Bishop Penitenze consecrates the Grail temple as soon as the building is finished.
Motif References:

F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 969.3 Marvelous light
D 1601.18 Self-playing musical instrument
D 1620 Magic automata
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

AlbJT-440:   Although Titurel is already four-hundred years old he has the looks of a man of thirty. An angel carries the Grail into the holy sanctuary for no mortal can carry the sacred object. The Grail orders Titurel to marry Richaude, the daughter of Frimutel of Spain, and names 400 squires and 80 maidens to stay with them as their retinue. Titurel chooses 200 knights who are to joust with him in the great tournament before his wedding. Titurel marries Richaude of Spain, but the consummation of their marriage is postponed for a short while, for both, Titurel and Richaude, are ignorant of sexual intercourse. Later on they have twelve children. The death of his wife grieves Titurel. He continues fighting the heathens. Titurel’s daughter Richaude marries Kaylet, son of the king of Kastelrotte. After his conversion to Christianity king Grosie of Granat gives his daughter Klarisse in marriage to Frimutel, Titurel’s son. Titurel and Frimutel fight the heathens. Frimutel has two sons, Anfortas and Trefizent, and three daughters. Titurel suffers further grief at the death of Klarisse, his daughter-in-law. Grief makes him lose strength so that he gives up fighting the heathens. But he keeps advising his sons.
Motif References:

T 160 Consummation of marriage
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
M 369.2.1 Future wife (husband) foretold
P 561 Tournaments
F 571 Extremely old person
D 1310 Magic object gives supernatural information.
D 1349.2 Magic object produces immunity from old age.
D 1883 Eternal youth

AlbJT-500:   Titurel laments about his age and hopes to obtain salvation. In a speech he admonishes his sons to be virtuous. An angel once was sent by God with the Grail to him. All virtues are engraved on the holy object. He, Titurel, was the first mortal ever to see the Grail. The temple of the Grail is to be interpreted as an allegory of virtues. Titurel’s family was chosen keeper of the Grail. Only baptized and virtuous people are able to perceive the Grail. The human body is an image of the temple: the soul means the grail, as God’s sanctuary. The Ten Commandments are symbolized by the candelabrum of the temple, the ten virtues by its doors. The three large doors symbolize generosity, chastity, and modesty. All images and statues have symbolic meaning (Ecclesia and Synagoge, the four Evangelists, Holy Mary). Twelve is an important symbolic number: 12 apostles, Aaron’s twelve jewels. Each jewel has special powers: sardonyx - chastity, chrysolit - protection against fear, strength - topas, jaspis - protection against sickness, eketes - indicates poison (and symbolizes confession). The vault and the sculptures and images (knights and ladies, etc.) of the temple, inside and outside, are meant to teach worldly virtues: inscriptions explain their meaning. Only virgins can touch the Grail. The Grail orders its knights that they are allowed to fight all year but three days. Titurel again laments the death of Richaude and Klarisse. He deplores that the grail still has not destined Frimutel as his successor. Titurel, who has lost twelve of his children, prophesies misfortune for his sons Frimutel and Anfortas for the sake of love (foretold by the Grail).
Motif References:

Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
Z 150 Other symbols
Z 300 Unique exceptions
M 340.6 Prophecy of great misfortune
C 571 Tabu: doing thing at certain time
F 826 Extraordinary jewels

AlbJT-604:   The Grail gives the message that Frimutel is to become Grail king, and Tschosiane is chosen as Grail-bearer. The sight of the Grail gives immortality but has to be renewed every week. Titurel once again admonishes his people to keep to chastity, love and fidelity. Frimutel is crowned grail king, A great feast is celebrated (fine food, the author attacks minstrels). Titurel teaches his sons how to serve the Grail: its orders have to be read once a week. Only the Grail king is allowed to marry, the other Grail knights have to remain celibates. Whoever is looking at the Grail and thinking of love will be wounded in battle. If he thinks of faithful love he will recover within eight days, whereas thoughts of illicit love will bring death upon him the same day. Obtaining the Grail knighthood is only possible when the Grail is bowing before a knight.
Motif References:

Q 6 Good thoughts rewarded bad punished
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
Z 300 Unique exceptions
M 314 Prophecy: man (child) will become king
Q 550 Miraculous punishments
D 1310 Magic object gives supernatural information.
D 1346.14 Magic cup gives immortality

AlbJT-653:   Frimutel has two daughters: Tschosiane and Herzeloude. Beautiful Tschosiane marries Kyot of Katelange. Her daughter is Sigune. The author talks to Lady Adventure about the Grail’s future. After the death of his wife Tschosiane Kyot leaves his kingdom to his daughter Sigune. He once received his kingdom from his brother king Tampuntier, the king of Pelrapiere. Kyot and his brother Manfilot retires from knighthood. Tampuntier is foster father of Sigune, his niece. Sigune grows up with Kondwiramurs, the daughter of Tampuntier. After the king’s death his son Kardiez succeeds him on the throne and Sigune is brought to her aunt Herzeloude, who has been won at Munt Salvatsch by Kastis the king of Kanvoleis and Kingrivals. A wedding feast is celebrated but Kastis dies leaving Herzeloude as a virgin widow.
Motif References:

P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk], swineherd [beggar])
P 18 Marriage of kings
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid
P 234 Father and daughter
P 271 Foster father
P 272 Foster mother
P 274 Foster sister

AlbJT-698:   The author refuses to tell the story of Gamuret, Belakane and Herzeloude. The boy Tschinotulander (son of Gurzegrin and Mahede) is given by Anflise to Gamuret (who is in her love service) who takes him to Waleis. Sigune and Tschinotulander fall in love as childhood sweethearts. They discuss the phenomenon of love. Gamuret leaves for Baldac, and being an errant knight once again changes his device: an anchor replaces the panther. Herzeloude hands him her shirt as love token when he departs for Baldac. His separation from Sigune causes Tschinotulander’s love-sickness, soon detected by Gamuret. Sigune as well is love-sick and Herzeloude learns of her love. Gamuret and Herzeloude tolerate the young people’s love.
Motif References:

T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts
T 24.1 Love-sickness
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Z 150 Other symbols

AlbJT-816:   Gamuret is received joyfully in Baldac. A wise knight informs him about the war going on: Baruc Ackerin is attacked by two arrogant brothers from Babylon, Pompeirus and Ypomidone, who are striving to equal God by magic. Yet God punishes arrogance (by disease) - of which many examples could be given (Nabuchodonosor). There are three heathens sects: the Egyptians worship merwunder (maybe crocodile), the Greeks many different animals, the Babylonians the Sun. The Baruc sets out against Mesepor and wins victory, only Demetron refuses to surrender. The Greek summon troops (by letters) against the Baruc. They have many animals to support them in the war (elephants, camels, mules etc.) and devices of many colors.
Motif References:

A 132 God in animal form
A 220 Sun-God
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war

AlbJT-885:   In the furious battle Gamuret excels as mighty slayer incited by Herzeloude’s shirt. Gamuret’s unpierceable helmet is made of a solid jewel (adamant). With a glass of blood of a buck however an old heathen destroys Gamuret’s helmet. Gamuret kills him but is slain by Ypomidone. The dying Gamuret names Tschinotulander as his provisional successor (to care for his wife and child). Moreover he should give donations to monasteries for the sake of his soul. Tschinotulander is also to bring the shirt and the deadly spear to his wife Herzeloude. The death of Gamuret causes Tschinotulander’s swooning and he laments his lord. The Baruc’s wife consoles him. Gamuret’s corpse is embalmed. His coffin (with an emerald cross and an epitaph) and tomb are made of gold and jewels. Three crowns are buried with him for he was king of three lands. A mass is sung on his grave. War goes on until the Babylonians leave.
Motif References:

P 17.3 Dying king names successor
V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
D 1016 Magic blood of animal
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
D 1381.10.3 Magic unpierceable helmet
D 1414 Magic object renders weapon [armor] useless

AlbJT-1011:   Tschinotulander carries out Gamuret’s orders. According to the advice of a wise squire, by the name of Tamponise, he sets out toward Waleis. Before he leaves he visits Gamuret’s tomb once again to mourn his lord. The Baruc gives rich presents to him and his company. They travel to Spain. Kaylet is deeply grieved on learning of Gamuret’s death. Tschinotulander continues to Kanvoleis. Gamuret had promised his wife to return within six months and she and Sigune are already waiting happily. Before the arrival of Tamponis, who is to acquaint Herzeloude with the death of her husband Gamuret, she has a bad dream as a foreboding of the bad news she is going to have. Gamuret’s squire Grahardois brings the bad news. Acquainted with the news of Gamuret’s death Herzeloude swoons from grief. She laments her husband. Grahardois tells how Gamuret’s helmet was ruined. The spear which killed Gamuret and Herzeloude’s shirt are buried. Gamuret’s vassals are summoned and give their oath to Tschinotulander.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
V 60 Funeral rites
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
F 834 Extraordinary spear
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen

AlbJT-1112:   After the birth of her son Parzifal Herzeloude retires to Solitane. She keeps her son from knighthood for the boy is her only joy after her husband’s death. Sigune and Tschinotulander stay in Kanvoleis. He is a virtuous youth striving for Sigune’s love in chivalric service. They celebrate a great feast on the occasion of Tschinotulander’s inauguration to knighthood. Among their guests are King Arthur and his retinue. Tschinotulander and the 100 squires to be knighted with him wear precious clothes. Arthur, Kaylet and others teach young Tschinotulander knightly virtues. After the feast has ended Tschinotulander and Sigune travel to Solitane to see little Parzifal. Their visit however renews Herzeloude’s grief and therefore Sigune and her lover do not stay long. They pitch their tent (Gamuret once received from Razalik when he won Belakane) in the forest.
Motif References:

P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 634 Feasts

AlbJT-1173:   They hear a hound running lose in the forest. Tschinotulander who is a fast runner pursues the animal. The hound wears a precious leash and collar, he has a white forehead, red fur and long ears. Tschinotulander brings it to Sigune, who starts reading the letters made of jewels on the collar of the hound. Sigune learns the name of the dog, called Gardivias, and the explanation of his name. Furthermore, the story is continued at the leash. The collar and the leash are carrying a message Clauditte has sent to Ekunat. The leash of the hound Gardivias (brackenseil) has a length of twelve fathoms and is made of four-colored silk. The owner of the dog is Clauditte who was asked by the dukes of her country to choose a husband for herself. She chose Duke Ekunat and sent him the hound with the inscribed leash. Before Sigune can finish reading the hound breaks away. Tschinotulander pursues it but fails. Sigune is desolate at not being able to read the whole inscription.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
B 291.2.2 Dog as messenger
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 843 Extraordinary rope
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)

AlbJT-1212:   Sigune and Tschinotulander return to Kanvoleis. Sigune desolate because of the loss of the leash vows to withhold her love from Tschinotulander until he has recaptured the hound with the leash. Tschinotulander promises to retrieve the hound. Sigune equips him with precious outfit: an extraordinary helmet-crest, a garland in the shape of a crown (ornamented with all sorts or animals and birds, with gold, jewels, and pearls). A banderole says that the garland is a maiden’s gift for a knight serving for her love. A silk banderole with an inscription is fixed to his spear. He has a fine steed (Trakune) and wears the marvelous iron armor the Baruch once gave to Gamuret. His sword is called Falzone, his spear Duranz. Tschinotulander puts Sigune to the test by feigning that he would like to take part in the tournament at Floritschanze instead of searching for the dog. Sigune insists and offers her kingdom Katelangen and her love to Tschinotulander as reward for the leash. According to his asking Sigune shows herself naked to him in order to augment his strength in performing the task.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
Q 112.0.5 Kingdom and hand of princess as reward (for virtuous life)
M 150 Other vows and oaths
F 611.3 Strong hero acquires his strength
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 833 Extraordinary sword
F 834 Extraordinary spear
H 916 Tasks imposed at suggestion of a spouse (sweetheart).

AlbJT-1289:   Tschinotulander follows the hound’s trail in the forest. He could have retrieved the animal quite easily after his escape for the dog was held back by his leash, but the knight’s way was barred by thorns so that he had to give up the pursuit. Tschinotulander soon loses its track. King Teanglis of Theserat finds the dog and reads the inscription. He follows the dog for the sake of adventure. Orilus of Lalander catches the hound and defeats Teanglis thus becoming possessor of the jeweled leash. Tschinotulander errs through the forest. A hunter tells him that he has watched Teanglis and the hound. Tschinotulander meets Theserat and defeats him.
Motif References:

R 260 Pursuits
D 801 Ownership of magic object
D 860 Loss of magic object
H 1387 (G) Quest for lost animal (horse, dog)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

AlbJT-1331:   Tschinotulander having defeated Teanglis sends a challenge to Teanglis’s lord without knowing that the man is Arthur. Tschinotulander offers challenge to any knight for the sake of his love. Many set out to meet him and Tschinotulander kills the knights who challenge him: Ydlet and Arbidol (nephew of Orilus and Lehelin). Arthur is not pleased that his knights suffer defeat one after the other. Tschinotulander catches sight of a second Gardevias and pursues him. Thereupon Key satirizes the “cowardly” fleeing knight. Tschinotulander as green knight continues fighting the Arthurian knights. They call him “Graswalt” because of his green outfit. Arthur thinks the man might be his nephew Iter and promises reward to the knight defeating the stranger. There are many jousts and the Arthurians are defeated (Key, Segremors, Duke Aspinel, Wigamur, Orilus, Morholt of Ireland who has the strength of five men). Tschinotulander overcomes 40 men, among them 12 kings.
Motif References:

R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
F 527.2 Green knight
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

AlbJT-1414:   Ekunat of Berbester sets out to fight the green knight. He recognizes his nephew who relates the story of his quest and his love for Sigune to him. Tschinotulander learns that he fought against Arthur’s knights and is shocked. Ekunat promises to help him to reconcile with the king. Arthur has a council and the 80 maidens who have suffered loss in the jousts grant their pardon. Orilus however refuses - because of the death of his nephew Arbidol of England. Not even the queen and the 80 maidens can make him change his mind. He angrily leaves court with Jeschute and the hound. Ekunat has lost the hound and claims him, but Orilus refuses to leave the dog to him. Jeschute has the precious leash. Ekunat does not want to become the inscription known for it gives the name of his love Clauditte. A council is held to decide the matter. Orilus is made to return to the court and they agree upon a trial by combat. But as Orilus is still wounded the single combat is postponed for six weeks. Jeschute may have the hound until the trial.
Motif References:

W 155 Hardness of heart
H 218 Trial by combat
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

AlbJT-1505:   Jeschute is reading the inscription on the leash to the assembled court which brings about a miraculous banishment of sorrow. The courtiers praise Ekunat’s and Clauditte’s love. Arthur however once again remembers the loss of his son Ilinot in the love service of lady Florine. All lords beg Orilus to forgive Tschinotulander and he agrees. Tschinotulander is sent for. When he is disarmed all are amazed at his beauty. Yet his love for Sigune makes him sleepless.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 80 Tragic love
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy

AlbJT-1545:   Meanwhile news of Tschinotulander’s praise has come to the Baruc Ackerin. He sends noble messengers to Tschinotulander with rich gifts. Kaylet welcomes the messengers in Spain. There is a war going on between Fridebrant of Scotland and men of Hernant of Kailor who has been killed by Fridebrant for the sake of Herlinde. The men of Kailor devastated Ireland when Fridebrant was in Patelamunt. They agree upon a combat between Fridebrant and Bonchurne of Durne at Marke’s court in Cornwall. On their journey the messengers of Ackerin are attacked by dukes of Kanvoleis thus trying to avenge Gamuret’s death. In a furious battle many heathen messengers are killed.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

AlbJT-1590:   The illegitimate brother of Urians of Punturteis has abducted one of the eighty maidens of King Arthur’s court. The maiden asks Kaylet for help and he pursues Urians to his strong fortress. Kaylet however cannot stop his horse and is captured in the castle too. When Urians is about to kill his captive news come to him that Arthur has captured two of his brothers. The abducted maiden and Kaylet are set free in exchange with the two brothers. Kaylet is welcomed at Arthur’s court. Arthur invites Sigune to his feast at Floritschanze telling her that the leash will be read on the court. Sigune comes to court. Tschinotulander’s beauty amazes the 80 maidens of Ginover. Kondwiramurs and Sigune are also very beautiful. A beauty contest is to take place between the eighty maidens at Arthur’s court. Letters are sent out to invite guests for the great May festival. Many squires are made knights.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1596 Beauty contest

AlbJT-1667:   Ackerin’s messengers arrive, with many precious presents to Tschinotulander: armor and helmet made from gold of Tigris (= gold der saelde), cloths, golden salamander-shield. The loss of this magic fetish brings death. His armor of Tigris-gold is unpierceable as a diamond, gives victory to Tschinotulander, but troubles arise when it is lost. The gold of Tigris comes from the excrements of the tiger on yellow blossoms of a flower: A very fast animal has its name from the river Tigris flowing from paradise. Only noble lords can catch it. The beast lives on herbs. About 100 miles around the paradise animals, herbs and stones have powers from paradise. The animal puts its excrements onto leaves from yellow flowers where it turns to gold. Tschinotulander’s armor is made from that gold and hardened in the animal’s blood. Therefore it is hard like adamant. The name of its bearer is written with green letters on red gold on the armor and the helmet in French and Arabic. The knight receives a splendid garment out of the fur of a tiger: The tiger has peacock-like fur, tanned with jewels by the heathens. Due to the amandite’s power the garment is luminous at night. Tschinotulander’s golden shield is provided with a living salamander - running in the fire which is to be watched on his shield. Salamanders live in the fiery mountain Agremonte. Tschinotulander wears a richly decorated tabard. He receives twelve fine steeds and many precious objects as the baruc’s presents.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
B 99.1 Mythical salamander
B 768.2 Salamander subsists on fire
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
D 860 Loss of magic object
D 1252.3 Magic gold
D 1274 Magic fetish
D 1381.10 Magic [part of] armor protects from attack
D 1400.1.15 Armor gives victory
A 1432.2 Acquisition of gold
D 1454.5 Treasure from excrements

AlbJT-1710:   (-2298) King Arthur celebrates a festival at Floritschanze. There is a tournament and all sorts of courtly pastimes. Arthur is a generous king. To avoid increasing the number of the fallen knights in the tournament Arthur proposes the division of knights into sections. Each section has a certain fighting day. Anfortas has joined the fighters and falls in love with Orgeluse. Arthur warns him that Orgeluse is betrothed to Cidegast. 30 marriages at Floritschanze (Zidegast - Orgeluse, Clauditte - Ekunat). Tschinotulander gives the precious cloths the baruc has sent him to Arthur. Twenty ladies are to get new garments out of them. A festive meal is prepared. Tschinotulander is seated at Arthur’s side.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 18 Marriage of kings
P 561 Tournaments
P 634 Feasts

AlbJT-1840:   The festival continues. Three of Ginover’s eighty maidens have married; new ones are to be chosen. Sigune who wants to read the leash first refuses to become the queen’s maiden. Tschinotulander excels in the tournament. Arthur is a munificent king who is symbolized by his device, the eagle: its beak means generosity, its feet the conquest of enemies. For three times Sigune reads the inscription on the leash to the 80 maidens, the scribe reads it to the assembled court afterwards. Everybody turns joyful due to the message inscribed on the leash: In her message Clauditte sends her greeting to Ekunat, praises his virtues, names the rules of chivalry, explains the symbolic name of Gardevias - watch out for God’s love, patience, modesty, chastity, true love, piety, justice (to widows and orphans); a knight should have the an ostrich’s eyes, a lynx’s ears, a crane’s throat, a dove’s head, the eagle’s generosity, the lion’s heart, a bear’s feet. Moreover he should have fidelity in love that will work like the panther’s power over animals: the panther’s fragrance makes all animals follow him. A knight must respect ladies and priests, and to obtain honor he should make a garland out of twelve virtues: chastity, bravery, generosity, fidelity, measure, foresight, decency, modesty constancy, patience, love. From the jewels of the inscription comes joy to the listeners.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
Z 150 Other symbols
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy

AlbJT-1931:   Tschinotulander defeats twen-ty knights and makes them swear to take part in his military expedition to Baldac. Orilus and Lehelin however refuse to join him thus violating their oaths of allegiance. Orilus offers that Sigune may keep the leash and to postpone fight against Ekunat. Clauditte claims the leash and makes Ekunat insist to fight for it.
Motif References:

M 108 Violators of oaths

AlbJT-1958:   The tournament starts and the leaders of the groups are named. Anfortas fights for Orgeluse, with war-cry Floriamor. Tschinotulander does not use his precious spear Duranze in the jousts. True and false love is discussed. There are series of jousts. Tschinotulander as most excellent fighter wears his extraordinary helmet crest bestowed upon him by Sigune. Arthur gives the order of tournament peace which is broken by several knights out of envy towards Arthur’s and Tschinotulander’s glory. Tschinotulander overcomes Arthur’s adversaries; even the very strong Morholt has to surrender to him. Joram of Sirie fights successfully in the tournament with the help of his magic jewels. Tschinotulander wins prize of tournament: he may kiss the eighty maidens, and each of them gives him a garland. Tschinotulander demands the oath of allegiance to be sworn by the defeated knights, 11 kings and nine lords. The feast comes to an end.
Motif References:

M 100 Vows and oaths
P 561 Tournaments
D 1400.1.14 Magic stone (jewel) gives victory.

AlbJT-2299:   On the other bank of the river Sibra an unknown army turns up which disappears when Key crosses the river for reasons of spying out. Key is angry, he fears to be laughed at. Despite his fury however he keeps from cursing - which would be most remarkable manners nowadays. For adventure has arrived they have their meal together: Arthur only has his meal in his knights’ company when an adventure has been seen. Had he fasted altogether they certainly would have starved. Many knights set out to see the strange army but no one arrives to meet the warriors. Arthur sends Fisidol Jofreite as court messenger to the unknown army. The leader, the king of Marroch, promises to pay a visit to Arthur. King Arthur feasts with his guests, the king of Marroch and his company. The king of Marroch invites his host.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 634 Feasts
D 1981 Certain persons invisible
D 2031 Magic illusion

AlbJT-2386:   The crossing of the bridge which is to lead them to the king of Marroch works as test of righteousness for knights and ladies: The knights fall into the water. Before crossing a catalogue of their sins is read to each of them except the ladies who Arthur begs to spare. Yet their infidelity - of the most faithless ones - is pointed out by stumbling of their horses on the bridge. Only Sigune, Urrepans de Tschoie and Kondwiramurs pass the test. Tschinotulader and Sigune win the test. Courtly pastimes in the evening. The king of Marroch refuses to let Arthur leave. The heathen king’s generosity surpasses Arthur’s.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
H 1573.6.1 Ability to cross bridge as test of righteousness

AlbJT-2451:   In the morning the king of Marroch has left unexpectedly. That night 300 women have been abducted and all are very grieved. Arthur’s mother has been abducted years ago. Arthur sends messengers to the king of Marroch and soon receives a letter: The magician Klinschor of Naples abducted the ladies out of envy. He had forced the king to travel to Arthur, and has abducted 12000 ladies from Marroch as well. Klinschor is castrated and wants to take revenge by depriving men of their wives.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 39.1 Abduction by magician.
S 176.1 Mutilation: emasculation [castration]

AlbJT-2483:   Accedille of Macedane, sister of Utpandragun, outrivals Thetis and Sibille as magician. Better than Clischor. She declares: Clinschor envies Arthur she has kept Clinschor from ruining Arthur chasing him from his kingdom. He promised to spare Arthur but took the ladies. Arthur refuses no man anything. Accedille rebukes him for this habit, Melianz lays out a trap for him. Utpandragon asks when they will return. Accedille cannot say but they need not worry for Clinschor will protect them well. A knight is to rescue them one day but not known when. In private Accedille rebukes Arthur for his exceeding generosity and his feasting which impoverishes his country. Maze in tournament and feast.
Motif References:

W 11.15 Generous person refuses no man anything

AlbJT-2498:   Melianz, the brother of queen Ginover, is not pleased with Arthur’s generosity and lays out a trap for him: As Arthur has the habit of granting every wish Melianz wants to obtain ten kingdoms and his wife Ginover in exchange for his own sister. No one knows him at the court for he has been educated in foreign lands. Arthur promises to marry Melianz’ sister to Kardiez of Pelrapiere and Melianz agrees and admits the deceit. Arthur is cured from his generosity.
Motif References:

M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)

AlbJT-2519:   Tschinotulander prepares his journey which grieves Clauditte and Sigune. Before Tschinotulander sets out to Baldac Sigune shows herself naked to him. They take leave and she swoons on learning that he cannot say when he will return. The army sets out from Marsilje. Tschinotulander’s device on the journey: Gamuret’s anchor. At sea they suffer from bad weather. They come to Zazamanc where Tschinotulander is taken for Gamuret because of his device. He is attacked by Razalic who wants to avenge Belacane.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
F 611.3 Strong hero acquires his strength

AlbJT-2603:   The heathens are skilled people but only like well trained animals without reason. Only Christians are wise. There is a furious battle of Christians and heathens. The Christians put their enemies to flight and truce is made. Tschinotulander is welcomed in Patelamunt but does not meet Feirefiz. They continue their journey to the Baruc this time keeping close to the shore. Once again a storm comes upon them. Three Arabian master-astronomers detect that a salamander has caused the storm but ignore that Tschinotulander’s owns a salamander-shield. Tschinotulander tries his shield and produces storm at sea. The crew mutinies but yields to Tschinotulander’s strength. When the ship comes near to the coast of the Gaylotten, the salamander’s home, the storm ends.
Motif References:

B 99.1 Mythical salamander
D 1101.1 Magic shield
D 2141 Storm produced by magic

AlbJT-2718:   But their joy soon turns to terror: The Gaylotten live on piracy. Swimming on the ground of the sea they make every ship drown by boring it. Tschinotulander goes ashore in Fridebrant’s armor and fights the Gaylotten (poles as weapons, chariots). Tschinotulander overcomes them. 200 surrender to him, others promise to bury the 1300 Gaylotten killed by Tschinotulander. Tschinotulander is much praised. Thirty defeated Gaylotten are sent to Ackerin with the message of his arrival.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
K 304 Nations of thieves
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]

AlbJT-2785:   Tschinotulander’s wounds are healed by the balm of an extraordinary animal (Bestia de funde). The Bestia de funde is an animal in form of lion (front), goat (middle) and dragon (back). Its spume has healing power for three days. It feeds on fish that attracted by its sweet breath swim into its mouth, which symbolizes the sweetness of the world that betrays man. The spume is white at first and turns black four days later. Tschinotulander and his men come to Persedine.
Motif References:

B 11.1 Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
B 750 Fanciful habits of animals
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound
D 1503.4 Magic balm heals wounds.
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.

AlbJT-2797:   Tschinotulander inquires about the salamander’s powers. Had the wise men known about his salamander-shield he would have been forced to drown it. Teaching is given about astronomy: the relation of the seven virtues to the planets; four animals represent the four elements: air - the bird Gamaniol, fire - salamander, water - herring, earth - mole. Meanwhile the messengers have arrived at the Baruc’s court. Tschinotulander is given a splendid reception by Ackerin and his wife. They have a splendid baldachin displaying Gamuret riding before Baldac. Gamuret is worshiped as their god. Clarissilje, the Baruc’s wife, and hundred men are kissing Tschinotulander three times, the other princes only once. Ackerin is a virtuous knight of noble ancestry and offspring and he is very generous toward the Christians. Tschinotulander is called “the young Gamuret”. Word is sent to Pompeirus and Ypomidone to come to Baldac, but they refuse.
Motif References:

Z 71.2.2 The four elements
V 120 Images
Z 150 Other symbols
P 682 Greeting customs

AlbJT-2909:   Ackerin rewards the former thievish Gaylotten for their offer of help with land. The Babylonians prepare their campaign. Meanwhile Sigune dreams of her lover’s fights against wild animals, e.g. lion and dragon. Clauditte laments her sister Florine’s death for the sake of Ilinot. - The author praises the art of poetry and wisdom, reading teaches chivalric virtues and courtesy.
Motif References:

Q 111.8 Large quantity of land as reward
D 1813.1 (Allegorical) Dream shows events in distant places

AlbJT-2963:   The armies approach each other. The Babylonian brothers boast. The Gods of the Babylonians are: Sun, Moon, Stars. Secureiz fights for the Babylonians to acquire the love of Arabadille. She is the most beautiful woman except Kondwiramurs and Secundille, the daughter of Arabadille and Secureiz. Secureiz owns enormous and magic wealth: a harp by the name of Swallow has come from his treasure to England; he owns mountains of gold and jewels. Secureiz has precious weapons, a cloth from Tasme with the image of the animal ecidemon that is his device. On top of his helmet he wears an incandescent jewel. Many jewels give him courage. His tabard has been woven by salamanders in the fire. His shield has been worked from the wood of Noah’s ark that cannot decay nor burn. Ackerin asks Tschinotulander to joust against Secureiz. Before the battle starts a tournament is to be fought between heathens and Christians on the field of Penantze for the sake of their ladies. Secureiz and Tschinotulander promise not to attack each other in battle. Tschinotulander defeats Ypomidone in tournament.
Motif References:

W 117 Boastfulness.
A 220 Sun-God
A 240 Moon-God
M 246 Covenant of friendship
A 250 Star-God
P 561 Tournaments
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
H 916 Tasks imposed at suggestion of a spouse (sweetheart).
D 2100.1 Inexhaustible treasure

AlbJT-3117:   Ackerin divides his army into ten troops. He is a virtuous man only lacking true Christian faith. The heathens have standards with images of their Gods. A brown flag with the image of their god Kaune is to aid them in battle. The leaders are named. Among them: King Elisibant of the Wild Mountain from a Land of mist, without sun and colors. Ypomidone too divides his army into ten troops. He has war-elephants. The land of Lipperdisol of Pelrudess is a country where bad smell of dragons causes everybody’s death within three days. Only the inhabitants who are used to it survive. The Babylonian brothers boast before the battle and divide the world between them. Ypomidone promises two kingdoms and more for the capture of Tschinotulander and Ackenis. People from Tharsis fighting in the Babylonian army have extraordinary spears out of reed that is as strong as steel. Secureiz longing for love is unwilling to fight. He praises the Christian heroes. Thereupon Ypomidone wants to win the Christians and writes a letter to Tschinotulander.
Motif References:

B Breath of Dragon kills man [venomous fiery and fetid breath of dragon]
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
W 117 Boastfulness.
V 120 Images
M 208 Price set on one’s head
B 268.3 War-elephants
P 552 Battle formations
F 704 Land of cold and mist
F 709 Other extraordinary countries

AlbJT-3363:   Secureiz device is an ecidemon: its breath kills all venomous serpents. Men with horn skin coming from Kanias fight in the heathen army: Radoltz once killed a dragon, in order to make his children bold by dragon-blood. (Poets tell false stories about Siegfried having horn-skin from dragon’s blood.) After he and his family had all eaten the plants grown from the blood of the slain dragon his wife gave birth to two children with horn-skin. The dragon-people have steel clubs as weapons. Message comes to the heathens: The Christian heroes renounce their offer to fight on the side of the Babylonians. The heathens have a large camp with splendid tents. Secureiz’s tents are protected by a golden net, transported by elephants. Secureiz’s treasures: Griffins collect and guard the treasures of Kaukasus. No man can live there because of the griffins. They leave the gold on the shore and receive cattle for it.
Motif References:

B 11.11 Fight with dragon
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
B 42 Griffin
B 42.0.1 (Hi) Griffin’s gold
F 558 Man covered with horn
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
B 583 Animal gives treasure to man
F 789 Extraordinary buildings and furnishings - miscellaneous
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

AlbJT-3428:   Four chariots carrying Babylonian gods are used in battle. Ackerin’s offer of peace is rejected by the Babylonians. Battle starts. Tschinotulander eager to avenge Gamuret’s death has to promise to wait for Ackerin’s orders. He escapes in disguise: Twelve unknown knights, among them Tschinotulander in brown armors (brown=color of the God Kaune) assist Ackenis in battle which thus takes a favorable turn. Ypomidone boasts though his army is in difficulties. Tschinotulander fights with his sword Falzone. Secureiz introduces a new signal which is to stop the fights in the evening: a piece of white cloth is put on a high stake. Tschinotulander owns all virtues except measure.
Motif References:

W 43 Peacefulness
W 117 Boastfulness.
A 156.5 Chariot of the gods
P 557 Military customs
F 833 Extraordinary sword
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor

AlbJT-3591:   Ekunat slays Sermiduns of Irdibol in battle thinking of the message on the leash. Tschinotulander and Secureiz agree about an identifying token in the battle: a red ruby on a golden chain. Tschinotulander’s sword cuts Killicrates into halves. Worship of Gamuret’s image painted on a flag. Strong Morholt kills many heathens. Tschinotulander’s and Secureiz’s rubies make them avoid fighting against each other. Secureiz however loses his ruby fighting with Fridebrant. Tschinotulander and Secureiz unwittingly fight each other and Secureiz is killed. For three days in succession Tschinotulander fights in different armor (green, blue, black).
Motif References:

H 93 Identification by jewel
V 120 Images
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 628.4 Strong man’s mighty spear-cast (sword blow) [pole-blow]
N 731.2.2 Undesired combat [between sworn (blood) brothers (foster brothers)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

AlbJT-3800:   Message of Secureiz’s death comes to the heathens: the messenger is beheaded. Tschinotulander suffered a series of misfortune; the last one is the loss of his salamander-shield. He is distressed for he has killed Secureiz. Ackerin tries to reassure him: it was not his fault. The Babylonians accuse Tschinotulander of having broken his promise and want Ackerin to ban him. The battlefield is covered with corpses. Ypomidone chooses crocodiles as his device, a beast that splits ships. Ackerin’s scout defeats a Babylonian scout and takes the clothes of his opponent. He warns Ackerin of the planned attack. Furious battle.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
N 250 Persistent bad luck
J 1050 Attention to warnings
K 1835 Disguise for spying
K 2350 Military strategy

AlbJT-3984:   Ledibodantz of Gredimonte displays the basilisk as his coat of arms. The animal’s fatal glance is to kill the enemies. But the basilisk will die if he sees his image in a mirror: this was the ruse Aristotle taught to Alexander, and now Essemurel will do the same. Discussion of Wolfram and Aventiure about true love. Sabellus’s flag displays Amor carrying one arrow of gold and one of lead. Arisuleis of Lantzesardine fights three knights; he acquires strength in thinking of his love for Areste. In the furious battle between Ackenis army and the Babylonians the Christians press the enemy hard. Battle-music falls silent, which frightens the heathens. Tschionatulander and his men do so well that the Babylonians think it is no use slaying them for they are resuscitated.
Motif References:

B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance
A 475.0.1 Cupid with arrows of lead and gold
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
D 2091 Magic attack against enemy

AlbJT-4152:   Among the heathen fighters of Ypomidon are the Tartars and Mongolians who eat raw flesh. Tschinotulander thinks of Sigune. Praise of female chastity. The master thieves Ellegast and Agez are mentioned. Tschinotulander only can think of Sigune and vengeance for Gamuret. In the furious battle the horn-skin of the people of Kanias softens. Ackerin fights Ypomidone. Tchionatulander helps Ackerin and kills Ypomidone. All luck and power of stars, herbs, words and jewels comes from God. The heathens are hoping that Ypomidon might be resuscitated as well. They try to avenge him. Ekunat kills Pompeirus. Ackerin has won the battle. Because flight has been forbidden almost the entire Babylonian army is slaughtered. There is rich booty for the Baruc and his troops. He lodges at Babylon.
Motif References:

K 301 Master thief
F 558 Man covered with horn
F 561.1 People who prefer raw flesh
C 835 Tabus concerning fighting
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

AlbJT-4306:   The corpses are embalmed. Tschinotulander has Secureiz embalmed as well and Ackenis sends the corpse to the Babylonians. Feirefiz, who is white and black, one day will marry Secureiz’s daughter. Ackerin thanks the Christians for their help and offers rich reward. They return to Baldac. Tschinotulander at Gamuret’s grave laments the death of a perfect knight. His love for Sigune and Gamuret’s son Parzifal console him. Kaylet wants to remove Gamuret’s corpse from Baldac to bury in sacred soil but Ackerin won’t give his consent. Four Christian kings and counts are buried at Gamuret’s coffin. The Christians stay in Baldac until next spring. Ackerin tries to obtain the leash for Sigune from Lehelin.
Motif References:

V 65 Commemoration of death
V 68 Preparations for burial
V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
Z 292.1 (Bm) Hero’s corpse embalmed
P 683 (Bm) Embalming
P 711.8 Aversion to burial in foreign soil
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]

AlbJT-4395:   The Christians take their leave. Tschinotulander asks Ackerin to protect young Feirefiz. The knight leaves. Without his knowledge the salamander-shield and the armor out of Tigris-gold he received from Ackerin is transported on the same ship. In a fierce storm caused by the salamander-shield the ship is drowned and the magic armor lost. The loss of the magic gold is to cause Tschinotulander’s death. They land in Spain and the seamen are richly rewarded. Tschinotulander is welcomed in Dolet. Then they continue their journey toward Arthur’s court. The king is informed of their return and prepares a splendid May feast. Clauditte and Sigune are happy to welcome their beloved. In the meantime Sigune has paid a visit to Herzeloude, living joyless in the forest of Solitane, and her little son. Herzeloude will meet no more visitors for she wants to rear her son in ignorance of the world. Kaylet asks what became of the ladies abducted by Klinschor and learns that only an excellent knight could rescue them. Tschinotulander gives rich presents to Arthur and the queen, Clauditte and Sigune. The tent of Tasme (with the golden net) is pitched and causes amazement: It is a city with a beautiful palace, tower and walls, splendid rooms; its jewels illuminate the night. King Arthur’s feast last for two weeks.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
B 99.1 Mythical salamander
F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
D 860.0.1 Death to follow loss of magic object
D 2141 Storm produced by magic

AlbJT-4472:   Arthur is hoping to get news about the abducted ladies. Orilus and Lehelin lament the relatives they lost in the battle against the heathens. Having learnt that Orilus broke peace by invading Tschinotulander’s lands during his absence Ekunat refuses to fight with Orilus. King Arthur judges, too that the battle is not to take place. Orilus leaves the country angrily. Arthur and Tschinotulander offer Jeschute the riches of Tasme for the leash, but she rejects the proposal. Arthur once again proves his munificence to his guests. The feast is interrupted by a messenger: Orilus and Lehelin are besieging Kanvoleis. King Arthur sets out to defeat them. Ekunat displays the dog and the leash as his coat of arms. (Other coats of arms: eagle, anchor, ostrich). In the battle Key fights bravely. Tschinotulander excels in battle. Lehelin and Orilus are defeated.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 19.4.1 King as judge
P 556.3 (Bm) Feast interrupted by man offering challenge.
P 634 Feasts
D 801 Ownership of magic object

AlbJT-4609:   Lucius, emperor of Rome, demands tribute from Arthur for the latter were an illegitimate child. Tschinotulander insists on helping King Arthur against the Roman emperor. War is prepared. The author relates the story of Utpandragun’s wooing of Arnive: Utpandragun and Arnive had been betrothed in their youth, but Urlois married the girl and obtained Cornwall. When Utpandragon invited his lords to a feast Urlois detected the king’s love for Arnive. Angrily he left court with her. But Arnive had already conceived Arthur from Utpandragon at Tintanjol. Duke Urlois was killed in a war. Later on Arnive was abducted by Klinschor and there were rumors that she eloped with the magician. The war against the Roman emperor Lucius starts. Arthur kills Lucius and wins victory. In the meantime Parzifal’s lands Nurgals and Waleis have been conquered by Orilus and Lehelin. Tschinotulander leaves Arthur to defend the kingdoms. Ackerin who has learnt that Tschinotulander lost the magic gold sends him a letter: He will send some other pieces made of the same magic material to Tschinotulander to avoid fatal consequences. Tschinotulander sets out to fight Orilus and Lehelin.
Motif References:

T 481 Adultery
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
D 1252.3 Magic gold
D 1274 Magic fetish

AlbJT-4735:   On his way he comes upon two heathen giants (with precious outfit) who attack him for the sake of love. Their war-cries are “Jupiter” and “Paradis” which puzzles Tschinotulander for he does not want to fight knights from paradise. But when their cries are “Tasme”, “Vriende” and “Tabrunit” he is reassured. Tschinotulander overcomes one giant and spares him. Ekunat joins them. Tschinotulander wants to know about the purpose of their journey: They are two rich kings from the land of Paradis. Griffins are trained there to transport humans on their backs (like Alexander). A pair of griffins can carry four men and their horses in a large box for one week without resting. St. George and his brothers Christianized the land. On his journeys Alexander came to many strange lands: He strived to see the end of the earth, the depths of the seas, the airs (where the bird galadrot nests its young); he saw the phoenix, pelicans and salamanders. The griffins are fed with elephants. India is a very rich country where the griffins obtain gold and jewels from the mountains.
Motif References:

P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]
B 42 Griffin
B 42.0.1 (Hi) Griffin’s gold
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 133.0.1 (Bm) Journey to bottom of sea
B 542.2.1 Transportation to fairyland on griffin’s back
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
F 700 Extraordinary places (lands)

AlbJT-4824:   Love makes the two giants travel to distant countries. The two brothers are wooing for the love of Secureiz’s daughter. His widow Arabadille offers the hand of her daughter Secundille as reward for avenging her husband’s death. The giants identify as Alexander and Philippe. Tschinotulander identifies. The lord of Kaukasus tells them that Tschinotulander is not to blame for Secureiz’s death. Ekunat invites the giant brothers for he wants Arthur to see the griffins. Tschinotulander leaves. Arabadille dies. Secusier once has made a fine garden, round, and enclosed by a wall of jewels and gold. A splendid palace is in the garden that has got all sorts of trees and plants. Secusier, his son Ecussir, Secureiz, and Arabadille are buried in a beautiful tomb. Secundille seeks a husband because her dukes insist. Astronomers advise Secundille to choose a husband among Tschinotulander and Anfortas. Secundille woos Anfortas sending him riches and two strange human beings. But Anfortas strives for the love of Cidegast’s wife. In her service he gets a never healing wound.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 64 King seeks bride only because counsellors insist
T 68 Princess offered as prize
Q 112.0.5 Kingdom and hand of princess as reward (for virtuous life)
T 211.10 Wife dies shortly after husband
H 335.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s father’s death before marriage.
P 429.1 Astronomers
P 525.3 He nearest to blood of slain man must avenge his death [Blood-revenge]
F 818 Extraordinary garden
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]

AlbJT-4919:   Tschinotulander challenges Orilus who does not recognize him because he has changed his coat of arms (anchor). Jeschute interrupts their fight promising the leash to Sigune. Tschinotulander however insists on fighting Orilus later on and leaves. Jeschute fearing for Orilus’s life sends the leash to Sigune. Ackerin’s messenger with the magic gold for the king (Tschinotulander) is killed by a stag and dying he hands the magic fetish over to a messenger who is to deliver it to the ruler of Waleis which means Tschinotulander. But as Orilus has conquered Waleis in the meantime he obtains the fetish. The gold brings joy to Orilus and Jeschute who now also owns the golden ring and precious clasp sent to Tschinotulander by Ackerin. Tschinotulander learning what happened is grieved and rides aimlessly through the forest (sparing wild beasts for they wear no armor as he does).
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 556 Challenge to battle
D 859 Magic object obtained - miscellaneous means
D 878 Magic object voluntarily given away

AlbJT-4990:   Tschinotulander comes to Nurgals and joins Kaylet and Ekunat who are besieging Lehelin in Kingrivals. They have been pressed hard by Lehelin but Tschinotulander puts him to flight. Ekunat and Kaylet make Tschinotulander accompany them to Arthur’s court. Sigune reads the leash to him but fails in chasing his grief. They mourn for Gamuret and Herzeloude. Sigune would like to join her lover on his journey as Enite did. He agrees to escort her to the Grail. The leash is given to Clauditte. They leave and pass a chaste night in the forest. In the morning Tschinotulander comes upon Orilus. Tschinotulander having lost the magic gold is killed by Orilus. The latter moved to pity by her grief leaves lamenting. Before dying Tschinotulander speaks to Sigune and confesses his sins. Sigune grieves her dead lover blaming herself of his death. She regrets that their love was chaste. The boy Parzifal brings the sad news to Arthur’s court who sets out to care for her. Tschinotulander’s body is embalmed and Sigune takes him with her to the “wilden laborie” in Salvaterre where she is going to mourn her dead lover for years. She sends for Kundrie Lasurziere. Sigune chooses a linden-tree as mourning place, where she will stay on lamenting Tschinotulander’s death. She would like to do penance in purgatory in her lover’s stead, longs for various fanciful characteristics of animals (pelican, nightingale, lion, ostrich, galdriot) to bring him back to life. She praises Tschinotulander’s true love and perfect chivalry.
Motif References:

T 85 Woman mourns [supposedly] dead lover
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 210.1 Faithful wife
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
D 878 Magic object voluntarily given away
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

AlbJT-5236:   Parzifal after his first visit at the grail castle meets Sigune who is mourning in the linden-tree and learns about their relationship. She blames him of not having asked the question which has deprived the Grail company of all hope. Sigune lives in solitude at the linden-tree protected by the Holy Grail. Kundrie, the Grail messenger, provides her with food.
Motif References:

P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
N 875 Magician as helper

AlbJT-5300:   Ginover asks Ekuba what became of Secundille after Anfortas had rejected her love: Secundille is wooed by 25 kings, who send her letters. One of them, by the name of Eralapins, is a perfect swimmer (there are rumors that he is the son of a merwoman). Secundille’s counselor proposes a tournament. Young Feirefiz already has won many women’s love. He learns about Secundille’s tournament and wins the princess and her lands as prize. His strength is due to his four hearts: a heathen and a Christian one, a white and a black one. Kundrie brings the sad news of Tschinotulander’s death to Kyot. Kundrie leads Kyot, Manfilot, Gurnemanz and Liaze to Sigune who comes down from her tree. She consoles her relatives. Kyot will have built her a monastery, castle or hermitage. Her relatives leave. Anfortas sends a coffin for Tschinotulander and comes to see Sigune. Sigune caresses her dead lover thus regrets that she did not grant him her love. He has been all her joy and she now will refuse love forever.
Motif References:

T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 85 Woman mourns [supposedly] dead lover
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
F 696 Marvelous swimmer

AlbJT-5474:   Parzifal meets Sigune without recognizing her. Sigune recognizes Parzifal when he tells her what she had told him at their last meeting. He wants her to stop lamenting: Many knights would be eager to serve for her love. But mourning the death of Tschinotulander already for five years Sigune wants rather to die than to marry. She laments Parzifal’s unhappiness. He was lucky to escape the knights of the Grail. Sigune found a letter with the dead Tschionatulander and learnt that Ackerin wanted to send him two pieces of saelde’s gold. Parzifal will search for this gold of saelde. Sigune tells Parzifal about the grail sword that is to be mended by a charm at the fountain of Karnant. It will never break again. A hermitage cell is built for Sigune, named Fontsalvacie, which is consecrated by bishop Bonifacie. Kundrie provides her with living every Saturday. The hermitage is decorated with holy pictures (birth of Christ, Epiphany, and crucifixion). Sigune who is wearing penitential clothes still has a golden ring with a garnet as sign for her faithfulness to Tschinotulander.
Motif References:

P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
H 17 Recognition by reminders of what has been said
M 135 Vow never to remarry
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
P 426.2 Hermit
N 843 Hermit as helper

AlbJT-5573:   Because of his red armor Parzifal is taken for Iter of Kahevieze and is attacked by Serabel of Katerkerze who wants to avenge the death of his brother. Parzifal leaves to go to Talimon - its king is warred by Semeligorz of Segernuntz. Parzifal is searching for the grail and combat. He overcomes Semeligorz. He sends the defeated knights to Pelrapiere where they should offer service to Kundewiramurs. Then he leaves Talimon. He comes upon a merchant who relates a story to him: The beautiful Queen Pardiscale, ladylove of Gloris, has been abducted by the magician Klinschor and is held captive by Agors of Vilgerunze. She can be rescued by combat but Agors only fights against four men at a time. He already overcame four knights and now wants to fight six knights at a time. Parzifal sets out to Vilgerunze. On his journey across the sea neither storm nor the wild seas frighten him.
Motif References:

R 39.1 Abduction by magician.
M 166 Other vows about fighting
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat

AlbJT-5623:   Before the single combat starts an oath has to be sworn before the bishop: the fighters have to keep from sorcery. Agors defeats all opponents. After the combats the fighters have to exchange their clothes in order to avoid magic. Paradiscal has to watch the combats. Parzifal offers challenge, but Agors insists on his condition. Parzifal promises to provide him with five more fighters if Agors overcomes him. Agors’s armor was given to him by the magician Klinschor. He wears a helmet of gold and powerful jewels giving courage and strength. His device is the unreliable leopard. The combat of Parzifal and Agors ends without victory and people believe Agors spared Parzifal willingly. The merchant gives Parzifal fine horses and spears. Parzifal overcomes Agors and is falsely accused by Agors of having used witchcraft. Poydekonjunz and Duke Astor recognize Parzifal but he does not recognize them. To prove that he is innocent Parzifal has to fight six knights and has to change his clothes. Parzifal defeats six knights of Agors. Thus Pardiscale is rescued and joins her lover Gloris. For having rescued Pardiscale Parzifal is offered anything he asks as reward: He makes them reward the merchant.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
H 218 Trial by combat
D 810 Magic object a gift
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
N 851 Merchant as helper
K 2129 Slanders - miscellaneous

AlbJT-5740:   Parzifal travels through many lands. Being an errant knight he displays the anchor as his device like Gamuret and Tschinotulander did. The merchant has joined him. Parzifal returns to Provantze. He fights many combats and sends defeated to Pelrapiere and Arthur. King Flordiprintze of Flordibale guards his beautiful daughter Floramie. No one is allowed to woo her unless he beats him in single combat. Thus Frimutel was killed by him. Parzifal does not want to fight for Floramie but jousts against Flordiprintze. The latter is defeated and forced to admit that his daughter is not a unique beauty. Parzifal sends him to Pelrapiere. Then he restores the broken Grail-sword Anfortas once gave to him in Karnant using the blessing Sigune has taught him.
Motif References:

T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father
T 68 Princess offered as prize
F 833 Extraordinary sword
D 2163.1 Broken weapons magically restored.

AlbJT-5808:   Ekunat wants to take vengeance for Tschinotulander’s death. He renounces to love. Parzifal gives the restored grail-sword to Ekunat. Once again Parzifal comes to Sigune. But she dies before he will disenchant the Grail. She has to enter purgatory - only the grail company obtains immediate salvation after death. Kundrie out of joy forgot about Sigune when the Grail had announced the imminent cure of Anfortas. She was sent to Tschoflantz to inform Parzifal who then asked the one compulsory question thus redeeming Anfortas. Sigune is buried in Tschinotulander’s coffin and twining vine-branches grow from the mouths of the lovers.
Motif References:

T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
V 560 Salvation
E 631.0.1 Twining branches grow from graves of lovers
C 651 The one compulsory question.

AlbJT-5870:   The postponed single combat between Ekunat and Orilus takes place and Orilus is killed with the Grail sword. Ekunat thus obtains the leash. In the fight the hound on Orilus helmet burns. Jeschute is in distress, she swoons and laments. Ekunat is still suffering from his wounds received in his fight against Orilus when Parzifal becomes king of the Grail. Ekunat is sent this news from Arthur from Tschoflantz. Ekunat, Clauditte, Kaylet and Richaude decide to retire from the world. (Kardiez therefore has to conquer his lands without his relatives’ help.) They leave their kingdoms to Arthur until Kardiez, Parzifal’s son, is to rule them. According to Arthur’s advice they found monasteries and hospitals. Sigune and Tschinotulander are carried to one of these monasteries later on. Arthur makes donations.
Motif References:

P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
P 556 Challenge to battle

AlbJT-5991:   The story of Parzifal’s children is told: Chaste Gatschiloien, a princess from India, carries the grail. Then the grail is carried by Kondwiramurs’s daughter. Lohrangrine is sent to the kingdom Liasperie, to marry the maiden, by the name of Pelaie, and becomes lord of the land. This is his second marriage for he had to leave Prabant before chased by the forbidden question. Pelaie however is jealous and suspects her husband of unfaithfulness. Her maid advises her as only cure to eat her husband’s flesh which Pelaie refuses. Her relatives however try to cut a piece of Lohrangrine’s flesh when he is sleeping. He dreams of thousand swords against him, and awakes finding the relatives of is wife wounding him with their swords. The knight dies of his wound and Pelaie dies of grief for her husband’s death. Lohrangrine’s identity is disclosed and the land Liasperie changes its name to Lutringen. A monastery is built on the site of Lohrangrine’s and Pelaie’s tomb.
Motif References:

V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
K 961.2 Flesh (vital organs) of certain person alleged to be only cure for disease
F 1068 Realistic dream

AlbJT-6052:   The Grail leaves for India: The Grail admits only seamen who have confessed her sins. On their journey from Marsilje to India the Grail leads them their way and furnishes any sort of food. Moreover the sacred object protects them from dangers and discomfort on the journey, e.g. gives good wind for the ships. Arriving at Pitimont the Grail knights are offered food by the citizens. Learning that the Grail supplies them with all they need they ask Parzifal to become their king. Parzifal gives them money but rejects their offer. The grateful citizens name their town Grals and build an imitation the Grail temple. The ship comes to the magnetic mountain that draws thousands of ships to it. The living are abducted by the griffins to their nests. Enormous treasures are to be found there: silver, gold pepper, all sorts of herbs, cloths. Due to the Grail’s power the ship passes the magnetic mountain unhindered.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
V 112 Temples
F 754 Magnetic mountain
D 1384 Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey
D 1472 Food and drink from magic object [Grail]

AlbJT-6096:   They find heathens still alive in their ships stranded on the magnetic mountain. They offer sacrifices to their gods to escape the griffins. They want to conquer the Christians’ provisions but finally prefer baptism. The Grail company travels on to a strange sea (lebermer) filled with hulls of ships, but once again the Grail-knights cross unhindered. They catch sight of many strange animals and places, some of sweet fragrance some of stench: Lignum aloe protects them from narcotic smells when it is burnt. Feirefiz learns that the Grail arrives. He has converted all people of India to Christianity. Kondwiramurs and her daughter Arbidale are very beautiful. The offspring of Feirefiz has white skin.
Motif References:

V 331 Conversion to Christianity
F 711.2.6 (Tu) Congealed Sea
D 1380 Magic object protects.

AlbJT-6139:   There is a rich king in India by the name of Priest Johan (after John the Baptist). His large kingdom is located near paradise that has a high glass mountain around it. Marvelous rivers flow from paradise: a stream called Ydonus carries many jewels; a magic herb grows on its banks: Whoever carries the magic herb “assidiose” in his hands is protected from evil spirits. Another river protects from sickness by bathing. There also is a land where pepper is growing (harvest with a special method). Between the paradise and the Mountain Olimpius a heath is located that has sweet air. A spring there gives magic youth. Eagles take stones out of this spring to apply them to the eyes of their young to obtain immunity against the sun. Holding those stones brings about virtues and wealth, and cures bad eyesight.
Motif References:

B 751.3 Eagle tests eaglets by having them gaze at sun
F 751 Glass mountain.
F 815 Extraordinary plants
D 978 Magic herbs
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1331.1.4 Stone gives magic sight
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1338.1 Magic drink rejuvenates
D 1385 Magic object protects from evil spirits

AlbJT-6167:   There is a sea of sand, with many storms. But when it is calm fine fish are to be found on the shore. The Red Jews live nearby in a land enclosed by high mountains, called Gog and Magog after two people who once lived there. A river rich in jewels flows there underground. To obtain the jewels people have to gather them very quickly otherwise they would be killed by closing ground. In a land called Melliflor children dive for jewels. The salamanders live in a small country called Agremontine: They live in the fire and work precious fabric there. People use a trick to obtain the fabric: they burn three stakes of wood to lure the salamander out of the mountain. When the wood is consumed by the fire he cannot return. The fabric can never be burnt or worn out. Precious cloth is made out of this material.
Motif References:

B 99.1 Mythical salamander
F 162.2.10 Jewels in streams of otherworld
F 700 Extraordinary places (lands)
F 711 Extraordinary sea
B 768.2 Salamander subsists on fire
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
D 1652.8 Inexhaustible cloth

AlbJT-6187:   People of India are extraordinarily virtuous. When the priest Johan wars against his enemies he has carried 14 precious crosses before him. Once his land was attacked by the Ismaheliten. Johan set out against them with five thousand fire-breathing statues animated by wind to frighten the enemies. The Tartars taking them for devils fled.
Motif References:

P 552.4 War-machines
F 855.2 Statues animated by water or wind
K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat)

AlbJT-6218:   There is no envy, nor lies or adultery in India. Priest Johan travels to Babylon once a year. He is very powerful and rich. His palace has been built out of marvelous wood giving sweet fragrance, and protected against rotting or burning. The palace is illuminated by an almandite, its doors are made of gold and jewels, with chains of ivory. The jewel Sardinicus protects against poison, the onyx gives strength, a sapphire on a bed preserves chastity. Although the women of India are of utmost beauty they only have sexual intercourse one time a month, which is no sin, for the only reason is to beget a child. A vessel made of jewels protects everybody from drunkenness who drinks out of it.
Motif References:

F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 167.10 No carnal sin in otherworld
F 172.1 No gloom, no envy, etc. in otherworld
D 1387 Magic object preserves chastity.
D 1389 Magic object affords miscellaneous protection.

AlbJT-6237:   In Johan’s palace a mirror on a pillar shows everything that passes in the kingdom (outbreak of rebellion in every province, sins and bad thoughts). Three thousand men guard the mirror. The marvelous palace of gold and jewels was built by the king who was first converted by St. Thomas. A voice had ordered him to build the palace for his son in imitation of the Grail temple. Jewels on pillars and doors light up the palace. Drink from a spring in the palace banishes sorrow. Johan receives the grail people. God does not want to leave the grail temple to bad people in Salvaterre and takes castle and temple to India. Johan inquires about the Grail.
Motif References:

F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
D 925 Magic fountain
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
D 1323.1 Magic clairvoyant mirror
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

AlbJT-6287:   Thereupon Titurel tells about the Grail: It is a cup made of a jewel taken from heaven to earth, that has the power to rejuvenate the phoenix that burns himself. Titurel once received the grail from angels on the Mountain of Behaltungen. The Grail is the bowl of the Lord’s Last Supper that was kept by Joseph of Aromate kept it until the angel gave it to Titurel. There exists a false grail in Konstantinopel. Titurel demands the Grail to be withheld from his eyes for 9 days to be able to die. He dies. The Grail stops furnishing the people with food in India. By inscription the Grail commands that sinners should be punished by getting their hands pierced and being confined. The healing of the wounds is the sign of having done penance. Parzifal has to fight heathens as Feirefiz did. No kingdom should be divided. Parzifal is destined as new “Priest Johan” for ten years. Afterwards the son of Feirefiz and Urrepanse will be king. (A-F: They live honorable there, but though the fountain preserves their youth they are not spared death. Yet they obtain salvation.)
Motif References:

B 32.1 Phoenix renews youth
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
M 314 Prophecy: man (child) will become king
Q 469.9.2 Punishment: piercing with needles
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1346.14 Magic cup gives immortality