Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Lancelot 2 (>1250)


Matière de Bretagne

Lancelot 2 (>1250)
Lancelot. Nach der Heidelberger Pergamenthandschrift Pal. Germ. 147, ed. by Reinhold Kluge, vol. II. (=DTM 47) Berlin 1963.

Lanc2-3:   After he has rescued Genover (Genover) and many knights of King Arthur Lancelot (Lantzelotz von Lach) leaves Gorre with thirty companions on quest for Gawan (Gawin) toward the Lost Bridge (Verlorn Brucken). A treacherous dwarf posing as Gawan’s messenger leads him to a castle where he is supposed to meet the knight. Lancelot finds the building deserted and enters a small hall illuminated by many torches. Suddenly a trap-door opens under his feet and he falls into a dungeon: Meleagant (Meleagant) has tricked him. The steward of Gorre, lord of the castle, asks him to surrender otherwise he would be left to starving in the dungeon. As soon as Lancelot has been released he accuses Meleagant of having set this trap. Lancelot is imprisoned in a strong tower.
Motif References:

R 41.2 Captivity in tower
K 736 Snapping door
K 750 Capture by decoy
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight
K 2277 Treacherous dwarf.

Lanc2-5:   (6) Having waited for Lancelot’s return all day his companions spend the night at a castle and then ride on toward the Lost Bridge where they meet Gawan with many knights whom he rescued. They tell the story of Gawan’s battle at the bridge: Gawan had almost been drowned by the warriors guarding the bridge, at noon however his strength was renewed as usual and he forced them to surrender. Learning that they have lost Lancelot Gawan grasps that the knight must have been tricked by Meleagant. When they join King Bandemagus (Bandemagus) they receive a joyful welcome though all are worried at the news about Lancelot. Arthur and the queen are grieved and the king orders a quest for Lancelot. He summons his knights and lords to his court and sends messengers throughout the lands: Withholding news about the knight would be punished by hanging.
Motif References:

F 842.2.3.2 Under-water bridge
D 1258 Magic bridge.
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
D 1836 Magic waxing and waning of strength.

Lanc2-6:   (18) Meleagant however sends false letters with Arthur’s seal to the queen telling her and Gawan to join him, Arthur, for Lancelot already has returned. Bandemagus glad on learning the good news makes their journey back to Arthur’s court easy (no more dangerous bridges or passages). On arriving they detect that Meleagant has tricked them and the queen swoons from grief. The king stays at Kamahelot for a long time hoping to get news about the lost knight. He will have no tournament in his kingdom until he has news about Lancelot. Out of grief the queen loses her beauty. Only the Lady of the Lake could have comforted her.
Motif References:

M 171.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until (con)quest is achieved
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
K 1851.0.1 (Bm) Forged letter
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight

Lanc2-7:   (32) At Whitsun the king according to custom has to wear his crown in due ceremony at a diet and will only eat after having heard of adventure. An ugly dwarf, with black and gray hair, riding a bad horse - its tail and ears have been cut off - comes along driving a cart. A knight clad in a poor clover shirt is fettered to the cart. A white shield hangs at his neck, his helmet and his hauberk have been placed beside him. On catching sight of king and his retinue the knight cries for help. The king asks about the man’s crime. The dwarf’s reply, that he acted “just like that other knight”, puzzles him. They learn that the captive only could be rescued if a knight would take his place. But there is no helper to be found and the dwarf leaves with his prisoner, the courtiers throwing various objects at him. On learning the story Gawan remembers that once Lancelot was carried on such a cart and starts to weep. As soon as the king and his court are seated to have their meal the dwarf returns. The knight hurries from the cart and takes a seat among the knights who angrily drive him away. He joins the squires but is treated likewise. Finally he sits alone on a place aside. Thereupon Gawan joins him, which meets general blame. The king declares that having dishonored himself Gawan has lost his seat at the Round Table. Gawan reminds them that even the very best knight, Lancelot, once mounted such a cart, whereupon the king falls silent from amazement.
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
M 151 Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
F 451.2.0.1 Dwarfs are ugly
P 634 Feasts
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
F 861 Extraordinary wagon (cart, carriage,etc.)
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-9:   (26) When the meal has ended the stranger thanks Gawan, arms himself and mounts the best horse of the court. He rides to the king and offers challenge to anyone denying Gawan his honor for having kept him company. He would prefer to fight Arthur himself, who is to blame of having refused his asking, and therefore he takes one of his horses to start with. He is sure no one will dare to fight him for that horse. Taking leave of Gawan he rides away. The king and his courtiers are embarrassed. The Wild Segremors hurries after the stranger, joined by Lucan the Cupbearer, Constavel Belrodier, Giffelet, and the steward Key. At the swampy edge of the forest of Ranent, called the Ford of the Forest, (ten knights are waiting for the stranger nearby) Segremors catches up with the knight. The stranger overcomes Segremors and his companions and takes their horses. On learning their shameful defeat the king angrily blames Gawan of this disgrace.
Motif References:

R 260 Pursuits
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-11:   (27) Once again the dwarf comes back into the courtyard, this time with a beautiful lady seated on the cart. She blames Arthur’s court of lacking generosity although the court is famous for never refusing a boon. Yet they refused to help the knight of the cart. On learning that the girl as well would be released if someone took her place, Gawan mounts the cart. The maiden keeps Arthur scorning for his failure, which will bring about the downfall of his court for there will be no more adventures. Even such a famous knight as Lancelot mounted such a cart. The stranger is Lancelot’s young nephew who set out on quest for him. Yet he will not find him. Meanwhile the stranger according to chivalric rules has returned the horses won in combat. The lady leaves. The stranger refuses King Arthur’s offer to join the Round Table which he regards too high an honor for him. In any case he would not accept without Lancelot’s consent. He identifies as Bohort and tells them that the lady on the cart was the Lady of the Lake. The queen wants to meet her. When they catch up with her, the king, the queen and her maidens, and the knights join Gawan on the cart. Since then riding a cart brings no more disgrace upon a person, but only mounting a horse with tail and ears cut off. For this reason each town’s gates are provided with such horses. The queen asks the Lady of the Lake to join her as her companion but the Lady refuses. She reassures the queen telling her that Lancelot is well although he has been captured, and will be ready to joust in tournament if there will be any. Lancelot will have his revenge on Meleagant. The queen thanks the Lady and offers riches to her. On the queen’s demand the king has proclaimed a tournament by letters to be held at Porniglay in the lands of Lageß and Gorre within twenty days.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
Q 470 Humiliating punishments
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
P 561 Tournaments
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 861 Extraordinary wagon (cart, carriage,etc.)
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
H 1552 Tests of generosity.

Lanc2-14:   (11) Meanwhile Lancelot is in the custody of Meleagant’s steward, who treats him well. When he gets the news of the tournament, Lancelot is grieved that he will have to miss it. The steward already has left. His beautiful wife for the sake of the prisoner’s bravery and exploit she has much heard of has fallen in love with him. Lancelot out of grief does neither eat nor drink and has lost all joy and some of his beauty. When the lady learns that Lancelot is grieved because of the tournament she will help him to take part in it on condition of a blind promise to her. She equips him with horses and weapons. The boon however she asks of him is his love. Having considered the matter Lancelot gives his promise to love her if he could. Swearing that he will return into captivity after the tournament, maintaining his incognito by lodging at remote places. When he perceives the queen and her ladies watching the jousts from a platform he bows to her. Many a valiant knight attends the tournament. Lancelot excels in jousting (he also fights the steward of Gorre, his captor), carrying a red shield with three silver bends. Watching his exploits Gawan presumes the stranger might be Lancelot. The queen is quite certain of it.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
R 41.2 Captivity in tower
R 50 Conditions of captivity
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
M 268 Marriage promised to save life
P 561 Tournaments
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Lanc2-17:   (27) The queen sends word to Lancelot with a maiden ordering him to restrain his bravery in jousting for her sake. Lancelot obeying her order disgraces himself by avoiding combat. Next morning Lancelot meets the maiden who led him to Galahot’s grave. Recognizing the knight, who has removed his helmet, she declares that the winner of the tournament just arrived. Lancelot rages among the participants. Only when he remembers the queen’s orders he again starts behaving like a coward. His strange behavior meets general scorn and the maiden falls silent from shame. Then the queen sends him order to fight at his best like before and he does. When Lancelot rides away that evening he is recognized. People think that he wanted to deceive them by his feigned cowardice. Lancelot returns into captivity. The steward who already has come back is worried about having lost his captive. Had he known that his wife helped the knight he would have killed her.
Motif References:

P 52.1 Knight’s duty to perform as lady bids
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments
H 599 Other enigmatic statements [acts]

Lanc2-19:   (19) When Meleagant learns that Lancelot fought in the king’s tournament he is outraged. He obtains his father’s consent to have built a strong and impregnable tower only to be reached by ferry, pretending to want to add to Gorre’s fortifications. He has his men guard Lancelot in this tower, which only has one small opening to provide the captive with food. Meleagant sets out for Arthur’s court, who receives him well for the sake of his valiant father. He reminds the king of his promise that within one year’s time Lancelot would fight him in single combat. The queen would again be his captive if Lancelot failed. According to law the combat is delayed for forty more days in order to wait for Lancelot or find another champion to fight for the queen.
Motif References:

R 41.2 Captivity in tower
Z 71.12 Formulistic number: forty [Forty days’ limit]
H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused

Lanc2-20:   (24) The news of Lancelot’s captivity come to Meleagant’s half-sister who hates her brother for having deprived her of her mother’s heritage except one small castle located near the tower where Lancelot is kept prisoner. She has befriended with the steward’s wife since long and takes lodging with her friend to detect some opportunity to rescue the knight. One night she secretly ferries over to the tower where she hears Lancelot lamenting his fate. She identifies as his friend and provides him with a tool to break the iron of the window. He manages to leave the tower and she leads him to her chamber. The following morning when he has dressed up in fine garments she takes him to her castle. Lancelot sends a messenger to Arthur’s court and learns that Meleagant has already arrived and that the combat has been postponed. As soon as Lancelot has fully recovered he sets out for the court equipped by the lady.
Motif References:

P 283 Stepbrother
K 649 Escape by help of confederate - miscellaneous
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
K 2211 Treacherous [half-]brother. Usually elder brother

Lanc2-22:   (23) He arrives just in time. Since Meleagant still has found no opponent to fight against him for the queen he wants to leave. At Bohort’s offer to fight Gawan claims the combat. The combat will be fought on the field before the castle. All are overjoyed at Lancelot’s arrival. Lancelot accuses Meleagant of treachery and tells the story of his captivity. A long and furious combat starts and Lancelot overcomes Meleagant who asks for mercy. Lancelot would rather kill him, the king however wants to have him spared, whereas the queen would like to see him dead. Thereupon Lancelot offers his opponent a choice: decapitation on the spot or renewal of combat without mercy. They continue fighting, Meleagant once again is defeated and Lancelot chops off his head. The queen thanks and praises him, Arthur shows his great esteem by having him seated at his side, nearer to the king than any man before. Lancelot is abashed at so high an honor. They celebrate a great feast.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
P 554 4. Customs concerning single combat
P 634 Feasts
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-25:   (12) While the courtiers are served a meal a huge red knight arrives and rudely asks for the man who treacherously murdered Meleagant. When he perceives Lancelot at the place of honor he insults the king. Lancelot is outraged at the slander but the stranger insists: Meleagant was killed although he asked for mercy. The stranger, Meleagant’s nephew, challenges Lancelot to a judicial combat at King Bandemagus’s court on Saint Magdalen’s day. Lancelot declares he will fight him and the stranger leaves. Meanwhile thirty mourning knights have carried away Meleagant’s corpse on a horse-bier. After dinner King Arthur asks Lancelot to relate his adventures to him, the queen and all who want to listen. Lancelot tells them many stories yet keeps silent about some episodes. According to his custom the king has the adventures written down in the Book of Adventures so they might not be forgotten. Lancelot asks the king about Lyonel and learns that he left one year ago and might even be dead for they got no news about him. The king tells him about Bohort’s arrival in the cart which all of them mounted at last.
Motif References:

H 84 Tokens of exploits
H 218 Trial by combat
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
F 527.1.1 Red knight
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
K 2110 Slanders
K 2265 Treacherous red knight [man]

Lanc2-27:   (8) Lancelot is glad to see Bohort and gives him some chivalric teaching: observe knightly virtues, help any damsel in distress for Lancelot’s sake. The celebrations continue for one week, and Lancelot enjoys courtly pastimes as well as his love. All are grieved when he has to leave. Having traveled for two days, he takes a small path leading him into a forest. He comes upon an armed knight, who greets him politely. But as soon as he learns that Lancelot has left Gaule he start insulting the queen: He stayed at the court when that lady messenger brought the news of Lancelot’s death and told them that he had been the queen’s lover. The messenger showed them his ring as proof, that the queen once had offered Lancelot as a love token. The queen could not deny it. Lancelot is outraged and blames the stranger of slandering the queen. Lancelot overcomes the knight in combat and forces him to surrender. The man has to swear that the queen is the most beautiful, courteous and faithful lady. Then he has to set out for Arthur’s court to ask the queen’s pardon. Lancelot orders him to tell that one of the queen’s knights has sent him. Moreover he must keep from slandering women further on. The stranger identifies as Margondies from the New Castle (von dem Nuwen Castel), who was on his way to a tournament to be fought next day nearby between the Castle of the Ladies (Frauwenburg) and the Castle of the Maidens (Megedeburg). Lancelot refuses to tell his name: he should ask the queen.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
H 218 Trial by combat
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 634 Feasts
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 2110 Slanders

Lanc2-30:   (6) Lancelot comes upon a squire leading a wounded knight on horseback, by the name of Dodynel. The Knight von der Plachiet has attacked him, when he identified as queen Genover’s knight. Lancelot asks for the road and soon comes to four tents pitched on a meadow before a castle. Lancelot identifying as knight of King Arthur is told he will be safe unless he is the queen’s knight. Thereupon he declares to serve the queen and is challenged, for the lord out of hatred for the queen fights all her knights. Lancelot kills him. Ten knights run at him and Lancelot fights all of them, not caring for the land’s custom that a single man may not fight more than three or four knights at a time. When they are unable to overcome him a large black knight on a black steed rides out of the castle and having ordered his knights to retreat asks Lancelot’s identity. Lancelot tells him he is one of the queen’s knights from King Arthur’s court. The lord regrets that such a valiant man is serving the queen. They fight and Lancelot overcomes and wounds his adversary. After having chased the knight’s men Lancelot forces the black knight to surrender. Lancelot asks him why he hates the queen.
Motif References:

M 166 Other vows about fighting
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
P 554 4. Customs concerning single combat
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-32:   (29) The story of the black knight: Two years ago he and his two brothers rode through the forest at Karduel. Coming upon an enemy who had killed their uncle, they captured him and bound to a horse’s tail dragged him along. As they met the queen with a retinue of ten armed knights, she pleaded for their captive and on their refusal to release the man she ordered her knights to attack them. The knight escaped, but his brothers were slain and the captive was released. For this reason he decided to take his revenge on the queen and her knights: any of them passing by is killed or captured. When the knight asks Lancelot for mercy for the sake of his love Lancelot makes him promise to do whatever he would be ordered. The knight has to swear fidelity to the queen’s knights, and to surrender to her as her captive. The knight identifies as Meliadon the Black (der Swarcze). He would learn his adversary’s identity at the court by telling his device.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

Lanc2-34:   After having heard mass at a hermitage Lancelot arrives at the field of the tournament, located between two beautiful and strong castles, the Castle of the Ladies and the Castle of the Maidens, that are separated by a deep fordless river, named Oschure. Lancelot watches the jousting for some time: Though the ladies’ fighters are outnumbered by their opponents they are getting the better of them until two white knights force them to retreat toward the gate. The white knights then change sides and force their own party to retreat toward the Maidens Castle, which encourages the defeated party. This strategy of the white knights changing sides as soon as they have led their party to victory is repeated four or five times. A squire from the Castle of the Ladies asks Lancelot to choose sides in the tournament for the sake of his love. Lancelot replies that he would already have started to joust were he not a stranger, but that he will fight. When the squire has left a maiden wants to be given his shield, to bind it to her horse’s tail for a coward’s shield ought to be crushed. Thereupon Lancelot engages in the tournament and joins the Ladies’ knights. He rages among the opponents, unhorsing, maiming and killing all he comes upon. Aware however of his battle-rage he avoids the two white knights for the sake of their valiance. But the white knights want to fight him and Lancelot unhorses and wounds them. When the adversaries retreat toward the Castle of Maidens Lancelot asks the white knights to pardon him: They are Hestor of Mares and Lyonel. Lancelot regrets to have wounded his relatives. He identifies and they all are happy to meet.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]

Lanc2-38:   (10) Lyonel tells Lancelot that he has been on quest for him. Lancelot is given a cheerful welcome at the Castle of the Ladies. A feast is celebrated that evening. Lancelot declares that he is on his way to Bandemagus’s court to defend himself against an accusation of treachery. He sends his relatives to his cousin at Arthur’s court to incite him to strive for glory. In the morning Lancelot leaves after mass and soon comes to Gorre. He enters a frightful forest of many adventures, named Serpentinenwalt. - Meanwhile Margondies has arrived at Arthur’s court and has surrendered to the queen. At his description of his adversary’s device the queen recognizes Lancelot. Margondies is glad to have fought such a famous hero. The queen releases him for Lancelot’s sake. Meliadon arrives and she releases him as well. When the king returns from hunting he is pleased with the news. Hestor and Lyonel tell them about the tournament and praise Lancelot’s bravery. The king is pleased, but deplores that the hero prefers quest for adventure to life at the royal court. When Lyonel tells his message to his brother, Bohort arms himself without delay and takes leave of the king and queen.
Motif References:

F 151.1.3 Perilous forest.
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 634 Feasts
F 812.3 Forest of dangers (wonders)

Lanc2-41:   (25) Bohort sets out toward Gorre. He meets a damsel who greets him. Bohort is a very pretty knight. The damsel declares he would be praiseworthy if only his valiance kept up with his beauty. She would offer him opportunity however to prove his bravery. When they come to a fine fortress she relates her story to him: After her father, Count Alant, had left the land Von Der Brinere to her and her beautiful sister after his death, their uncle Galindes, the lord of the New Castle, wanted her sister to marry his steward. The girl refused to marry a man not her equal saying she would rather kill herself. Thereupon the uncle waged war upon them and drove them from their land. They have nothing left but a small castle. All their campaigns to retrieve their inheritance were fruitless. Not long ago however their men managed to capture Galindes’s son. The damsel’s sister would not release him unless she would be returned her land. Galindes besieged the fortress to force them to release his son. The siege already has lasted for about one year and many knights have been killed. Bohort offers to fight for the two sisters. The damsel leads him to the castle which they enter secretly by a small door at night.
Motif References:

T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war
P 252.1 Two sisters
P 293 Uncle
P 533.1 Hostages
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

Lanc2-44:   (12) Bohort and the maiden meet the steward and his men, who want to capture her. Bohort however overcomes them and forces the steward to surrender. Despite his struggle he and his companions are sent to the besieged castle, Ungefort, as captives. Bohort and the maiden continue their way taking lodging in an abbey that has been founded by her ancestors. Meanwhile the steward and his men have told his lord that he has to surrender with his men at the castle and that the lady has obtained a valiant helper. The lord fails in dissuading his steward from keeping his promise. As soon as they arrive at Ungefort the lady has them bound and catapulted into the camp of the besiegers. Her uncle swears to inflict a similar death to her in revenge.
Motif References:

R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
R 75 Surrendering
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

Lanc2-47:   (15) When Bohort and the maiden arrive, they receive a joyful welcome. The girl relates to her sister the story of her journey and asks her to offer her rescuer land, people and castles. On having a close look at the enemy Bohort asks about a pretty place with some trees in front of the castle: She tells him that it is the custom of the besiegers to joust there. She lost many men in the jousts. The lady is pleased by Bohort’s beauty. In the morning after mass the knight arms himself and sets out for jousting. The maiden has given him a strong spear with a white flag on it he should carry for her sake: The flag has been refused by the best knight, Lancelot, although it had been worked for him. On riding out of the castle Bohort comes upon twenty spears leaning against an apple tree. A knight fights Bohort but soon is overcome and has to surrender as prisoner to the castle. Yet when they disarm the man he dies. The besiegers are outraged at his death, for the knight was their lord’s relative. Bohort defeats a second opponent whom he treats the same way. Despite the knight’s refusal to surrender to the lady of the castle (for all captives were killed there), Bohort insists on sending him to the lady.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-51:   (28) Bohort overcomes ten knights of Galindes. Those who are not killed are sent to the castle. A veiled girl asks his mercy for one of the men who serves her and thereupon is sent with him to the lady. Then Bohort challenges Galindes himself and a furious battle starts. The maiden whose knight he spared asks Bohort to grant her a rash boon for the sake of his faithfulness toward Lancelot and the Lady of the Lake, and asks for his sword. He gives it to her, which pleases Galindes for his opponent now has only the shield left. Yet Bohort soon obtains Galindes’s sword and forces him to surrender. He has to swear on relics to return the land to his niece, keep peace and help her in case of need. Moreover he is ordered to surrender to her and blame her of having killed his steward although the man had been promised safe conduct by Bohort.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
M 114 Oath taken on sacred object
M 150 Other vows and oaths
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 570 (Bm) Safe conduct
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-56:   (29) After the fight has come to an end Bohort recognizes the damsel, who entreated him for the sake of Lancelot and the Lady of the Lake: she is the Lady’s maiden who once rescued him and his brother from Claudas. She brings him word from the Lady that within eight days he should come to Ranont for adventure. By asking him for his sword she tested his faithfulness to her Lady. Bohort and the maiden ride on until they enter a forest, by the name of das Lange Gebruche von Mancoyen. Bohort has left without taking his leave from the sisters of the castle. They come upon two fine tents pitched near a fountain. Bohort offers his greetings to a knight who is taking off his arms and a maiden and a dwarf in his company. The maiden from the lake asks for hospitality for Bohort is wounded and needs care. The host binds his wounds. Bohort tells him that he is hurrying toward Gorre on quest for Lancelot and identifies. The knight’s name is Margundies and is happy that his guest is a friend and relative of Lancelot.
Motif References:

F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
H 1556 Tests of fidelity [loyalty]

Lanc2-58:   (31) When Galindes comes to Ungefort to surrender they ring all bells in great joy, and young and old dance happily. The elder sister has the palace decorated festively to receive Bohort. Galindes surrenders to her, returning her land and promising peace and aid when needed. She pardons him and releases his son. Then the lady and her sister as well as their maidens dress up beautifully to receive their rescuer. Galindes however tells them that Bohort already left, and he blames them of having killed the steward although Bohort had granted him safe conduct. Thus the lady has broken Bohort’s oath. Most grieved to have offended Bohort the lady vows to do penance as long as she lives: she will never sleep the same place at night, only feed on water and bread, never again change her clothes, and ride only a horse with cut off tail and ears and with bad riding gear, until she meets Bohort again. She leaves her land to her sister out of gratitude for she found their rescuer. All joy vanishes at the castle. The lady leaves the following morning with her train. All horses have their ears and tails cut off.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
Q 113.6 (Bm) Lands and duchy as reward
M 125 Vow not to change clothes till a certain time
M 150 Other vows and oaths
M 151.2.3 (G) Vow not to sleep two nights in the same place until quest’s end
L 225 Hero refuses reward
P 252.1 Two sisters
Q 523 Humiliating penances
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

Lanc2-60:   (29) Bohort and the maiden from the lake leave their host at dawn and soon come to a crossroad in a forest. There the maiden takes her leave of the knight, reminding him once again of his promise to the Lady of the Lake. Bohort rides on till noon. A squire hurrying along on a weary horse joins him and they travel on for two more days. At nightfall they reach a deserted house, where only food for the horses is to be found. The squire looking for a night’s lodging in the surroundings comes upon three illuminated tents, where he and Bohort are granted hospitality of three knights and their ladies. At dinner Bohort hears the laments of a lady nearby. He is told that she is a princess suffering pains and grief. They lead him to her costly bed. She is very sick, meager and pale, and has lost all her beauty. On entering the tent the knight perceives that she is tightly fettered with iron bonds to the bed. Bohort asks for the reason.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
Q 469 Other cruel punishments

Lanc2-63:   (17) The damsel’s story: One year ago king Valadon, the brother of the king of Norgales, besieged the king Angrijffe, her father, in his castle Rotsche of Morbon, for he accused her father of having killed one of his brothers. The besieged suffered from famine and had no water for it was very hot. Only one spring was left at the disposal of the besiegers. The lady poisoned that fountain so that their enemies would be forced to leave or perish. Within three days more than five hundred besiegers died from drinking the water. They were forced to leave. She told her father that she had poisoned that fountain. King Valadon however got to know the secret and swore revenge. One day when she passed his land she was captured. The king spared her life but only to make her suffer by putting the iron bonds upon her. She vowed that one day a knight would rescue her and take revenge on him: He will be able to identify him by his shield similar to his dead brother’s. The king swore on relics to fight that man. She then had made a horse-bier to carry her to Arthur’s court to find a champion. Bohort vows to help her. Thereupon she orders him to take the shield which he has to carry for one year, or if it were ruined in combat he must have made a new one alike. After Bohort has given his promise he releases her and treats her wounds with a salve.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
S 111 Murder by poisoning
P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
Q 469 Other cruel punishments
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
K 2365 Enemy induced to give up siege
K 2369.17 Poisoned food sent to enemy camp [fountain poisoned]

Lanc2-66:   Next morning before he leaves she asks for his name and he identifies. A squire coming past them tells them that all knights of Arthur have been summoned to attend the tournament held by the King Bandemagus of Gorre at the Castle von der Marschen. The king will have his court there and sends for all fine knights to take part in the jousting. The winner will be seated on a costly golden chair on the meadow, at the table of the Zwelff Gnossen, of the twelve most excellent knights. Those knights are to serve the winner of the tournament, then the ladies and maidens will dance around the table so that the knight could choose the most beautiful among them. He then has to give twelve maidens to the knights according to their exploits. The tournament is to begin the day after. Bohort asks for the road and sets out. He soon comes upon a damsel. Bohort identifies as an errant knight on quest for adventure, and she tells him she would lead him to a strange one that only can be achieved by the best knight. Bohort declares he would never dare to trust in his excellence, but will nevertheless try the adventure.
Motif References:

T 68 Princess offered as prize
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
Q Lady as reward
P 561 Tournaments
F 784 Extraordinary table
F 786 Extraordinary chair
H 1221 Quest for adventure
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
H 1561.1.2 (G) Crown as prize in tournament
H 1568 Test of the champion.
H 1596 Beauty contest

Lanc2-67:   (17) They come to a strong castle, where they meet a maiden and an armed knight. Bohort and the knight are led into a pretty chamber to a sick knight in costly garments who is lying on a beautiful bed. He holds a sword, so tightly that no one can remove it, and the point of the weapon has pierced his hand. Only the very best knight will be able to rescue him. When the first knight has failed, Bohort advises that they should rather wait for the best knight so as to avoid the man’s suffering. The knight thinks this hero must be Gawan, but Bohort insists that Lancelot excels the latter. The wounded man on the bed fails to keep them from deciding their dispute by combat. Bohort forces the knight to surrender and makes him swear that Lancelot excels Gawan. As soon as he will have been cured from his wounds he has to search for Lancelot in order to ask his pardon for the offense. Bohort asks him his name: he is Egravins, but he does not tell that he is Gawan’s brother. The knight on the bed blames Bohort of having fought for a trifle. Bohort insists that the fight was not at all foolish and tells him that they just confirmed that the best knight ever is Lancelot. Egravins takes two months to be cured. Bohort fails in learning the story of the knight with the sword, for only the rescuer is to know it.
Motif References:

M 150 Other vows and oaths
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
H 217 Decision made by contest
Z 254 Destined hero
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1316 Quest for the strongest [best] knight
H 1561 Tests of valor

Lanc2-70:   (20) Before he leaves in the morning the host asks for Bohort’s name. Bohort rides on to the tournament. The princess watching with her ladies from the stand is pleased with Bohort’s beauty. Bohort wins the tournament prize, that is bestowed upon him by the ladies. When the twelve outstanding knights have been chosen the king has the table set onto the meadow in front of the golden chair, which is Bohort’s place of honor. The king and his knights will be served their meal at a table of their own. Bohort turns red from embarrassment. The first dish is served to him by the twelve knights, then the ladies serve him the second one, the king and his knights the third dish, the maidens, with the princess among them, the last ones. When the meal is over about 100 maidens dressed in precious garments dance. The princess outshines them in beauty.
Motif References:

Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
P 561 Tournaments
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 784 Extraordinary table
F 786 Extraordinary chair
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

Lanc2-73:   (17) According to the land’s custom the king asks Bohort to choose the most beautiful among the maidens, that will be given to him with all her goods. Thereafter he has to choose maidens for the twelve knights. Bohort inquires what would be done if the winner of the tournament will not have a bride. They tell him that he nevertheless has to marry those twelve knights. Bohort asks the king for advice in the matter and the king sends for twelve wise knights to counsel him. Bohort refuses to take a bride for he still has not accomplished his quest, entreating them not to take his refusal as offense. Then he asks the king to marry the maidens to the knights, for he would know them best. The most beautiful girl however should be given to the very best knight. The king does as he is asked. The princess however is grieved and all are amazed that she has been refused by the knight, whom they blame of meanness despite his beauty and bravery. Each of the twelve maidens asks their knight what service he would do for the sake of her love: Kalias der Clein promises to set out on a quest for adventure and within one year joust any comer with a handicap - his right leg placed on the horse’s neck - and send the defeated man’s weapons to her.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
T 68 Princess offered as prize
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
Q 112.0.5 Kingdom and hand of princess as reward (for virtuous life)
M 151.2 Vow not to marry until quest is concluded
L 225 Hero refuses reward
H 1221 Quest for adventure
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
H 1596 Beauty contest
J 2500 Foolish extremes

Lanc2-75:   (11) Kalibroß mit den Harten Henden vows to pitch his tent in a forest nearby where he will fight ten knights for one year and defeat them or be overcome himself; the adversaries’ horses will be sent to his lady. Alfasar promises not to lodge in a house until he overcame ten knights or be defeated by them within one year; the men’s helmets will be sent to his lady. Sarduch der Wiß promises never to lie with a woman until he overcame four knights within one year and sent his lady their swords. Alibans von dem Dorne vows to fight knights traveling with maidens within one year and send her the maidens of the defeated men. Angestotz will decapitate all adversaries he comes upon within one year and send his lady the heads. Patrydes will send his lady a maiden he rescued from an abductor. Meldon der Hoffelich promises to joust any comer, clad only in a shirt, and carrying only sword, shield, helmet, and spear, for one month and send her the horses. Gargilant swears to abduct the queen Genover from four knights escorting her and send her to his lady. Melffant der Galloys will travel throughout the lands for one year and abduct the most beautiful maiden, fight for her and bring her to his lady. Gertel der Schonsprecher promises to set out on quest with only helmet, lance, and shield and overcome ten knights. Lichkone vows to ride for one year a horse without bridle and halter, send the belts and alms of the defeated knights.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1221 Quest for adventure
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
J 2500 Foolish extremes

Lanc2-76:   (23) At last the princess asks Bohort what service he offers her: He promises to be her knight forever to protect her, and to abduct queen Genover from four knights (except Lancelot) escorting her after he has achieved the quest he is up to. All guests enjoy themselves with dancing and singing. The princess asks her tutoress for advice. She is an old woman knowing about magic arts and delusion. Seeing the girl’s grief due to her unrequited love she promises to obtain her Bohort’s love by means of a ring. The old woman goes to see Bohort who is already in bed and blames him of having offended the princess by refusing her; he should forever remember this offense by carrying the princess’ ring. When he puts the ring on his finger he falls in love with the princess, asks her to pardon his offense and surrenders to her. That night the princess conceives a son, Helyan the White. According to the books of history and of the Grail this hero later on was crowned emperor of Constantinople and reached the pillars of Hercules (a; k: Alexander). God took care of both his parents and made up for their loss of virginity with noble offspring. For this reason the devil who was already lying in wait for their souls because of their unchastity was betrayed. The Lady of the Lake knows the story at once: She would rather have thought that Bohort would remain chaste all his life. At dawn the old woman leads Bohort back to his own bed. As soon as he lies down he can no more bear the ring on his finger and the ring falls to the ground. At that moment he grasps that he was deceived. Before he leaves his love gives him a precious to wear for her sake and tells him to return to her within half a year. And if she would be with child he should reassure the king that he is his father. Bohort gives his promise.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
P 60 Noble (gentle) ladies
M 150 Other vows and oaths
T 640 Illegitimate children
N 817.0.1 God as helper
N 825.3 Old woman helper
A 984 Pillars of Hercules at Gibraltar set up by Hercules.
D 1076 Magic ring
K 1300 Seduction
D 1355.3 Love charm
D 1355.4 Ring produces love
D 1711 Magician
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)

Lanc2-80:   (31) Bohort comes to the forest Gloriant and encounters the maiden of Ungefort. He wonders at her poor clothes and horses, but does not recognize her. She asks him for a knight with white weapons. He wants to know about her grief and at last recognizes her by her story. Still outraged because of her treachery he does not identify and she continues her journey. Bohort arrives at the banks of a river in a deep valley with neither ford nor bridge to cross it. He watches four villains abducting a damsel toward a stronghold on the other bank. They beat her. When she perceives Bohort she entreats him to rescue her from death. Thereupon Bohort crosses self and manages to make his horse cross the river by swimming. He kills one of the villains, his companions take to flight. A knight rushes forth from the castle urging Bohort to leave him the damsel. Bohort defeats him too. The damsel tells him her story.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
H 11 Recognition through story-telling.
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1385 Quest for lost person.

Lanc2-82:   (16) One day the damsel and her paramour came to this castle, Gadoen, and she was abducted by the lord’s brother who since long was in love with her. Her lover killed the man, but himself was captured and hanged before her eyes. Then the lord ordered his men to drown the damsel. Bohort escorts the lady to a castle nearby. They are given a joyful welcome at the castle, Closedoen, and Bohort identifies. The damsel is Bneigne of Closedoen. A squire arrives telling them that the lady of Ungefort asks for hospitality. Thereupon Bohort leaves the castle without delay under a pretense and continues his journey. He rides till nightfall and is granted hospitality at a hermitage. Meanwhile the two damsels have related their stories to each other. When she is told the stranger’s device the lady of Ungefort grasps that this is the man she met in the forest not long ago but still does not know it is Bohort. The lady of the castle promises to join her search.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
H 1385 Quest for lost person.

Lanc2-85:   (9) After having crossed a large forest Lancelot in the evening comes upon a damsel in distress. She refers to the abduction and rescue of Genover in Gorre, how Lancelot was released by Meleagant’s sister and slew the latter. As soon as Meleagant’s friends had learnt the story they captured his sister and will kill her unless she finds a champion. The law-court will be held the next day and she still has found no champion. Lancelot asks her for the road and rides until he comes to a hermitage. A preciously decorated tomb is guarded in the church by five armed knights. Lancelot enters the vault with a costly coffin of gold and jewels in it. He questions the knights about the dead man: They tell him that they constantly watch out so that no one can carry away the corpse. According to a prophecy a wise man told them that a strong knight would carry away the corpse. On reading the inscription Lancelot learns that this is the grave of Galahot, the son of the giantess, who died because of his love for Lancelot. He swoons from grief, laments and weeps, scratches his face, tears his hair and clothes. Grief even keeps him from telling his name. Lancelot blames himself for the death of his friend, he leaves the church and wants to kill himself with his sword.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
P 310 Friendship
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 778.1 (G) Extraordinary grave
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
F 1084.21.7 Swooning from grief
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-88:   (2) The maiden of the lake forces him to stop by calling upon him for the sake of his love. She tells him that the Lady of the Lake wants him to bury Galahot at Josegarde (=Dolorose Garde) in the coffin bearing his name, where Lancelot too will be buried one day. She has been sent by the Lady who had learnt by magic that Lancelot would commit suicide out of grief for Galahot. Moreover he must stop lamenting for the sake of his love, otherwise she would never help him again. Lancelot overcomes the guards at the grave and sends one of them with Galahot’s body to Josegarde. Lancelot opens the coffin and once again the maiden keeps him from suicide. Then he has made a fine horse-bier on which he places the body. The corpse is carried away secretly at night escorted some way by Lancelot who orders the knight not to put down that bier until Lancelot would arrive at Josegarde.
Motif References:

V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave
F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1810.0.4 Magic knowledge of fairies.

Lanc2-91:   (6) Lancelot and the damsel return to the monastery. When Lancelot learns that she is searching for Bohort he gives her Galahot’s sword which he wants Bohort to carry for his sake. They take leave of each other and Lancelot rides on to a castle, named Florga. A stake has been kindled on the field before it and they are upon to burn Meleagant’s sister. She keeps lamenting her fate and praises Lancelot. When the men refuse to release the girl Lancelot challenges them. Seeing him defeating his first opponent whom he pushes into the fire they release the maiden. Lancelot escorts her to her castle, Galefort. The damsel asks his identity and he discloses that he is heading to the court of King Bandemagus where he has to fight in judicial combat against a red knight who accused him of having murdered Meleagant. The damsel tells him that the man is the Red Agarondes, brother of the hangman Lancelot killed at the stake. Bandemagus still does not know that Meleagant has been killed, for no one dared to tell him. The corpse is kept in the castle of Viersteinen since two weeks. After having promised to return after the combat Lancelot leaves.
Motif References:

R 175 Rescue at the stake
P 233 Father and son
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive

Lanc2-94:   (22) At the banks of a deep river by the name of Aglande Lancelot comes upon two red tents and a white one. A knight offers Lancelot hospitality. Lancelot tells him his errand at the king’s court but speaks not too openly. When they are served dinner Lancelot sits next to the knight’s lady who falls in love with him and forgets eating and drinking. Later on her lover will detect this love and drive her away - the story will be told later on. After the meal a red knight with many men abducts a squire, who is the brother of Lancelot’s host. Lancelot willingly grants the host’s plea to help him for the stranger has robbed Lancelot’s weapons and his horse too. Lancelot and the knight pursue the company afoot toward a bridge, where they meet a knight. When the man learns the story he offers Lancelot his horse and weapons on condition that Lancelot will give him his weapons wherever he asked for them - except in a combat going on.
Motif References:

R 10.6 (Bm) Knight abducted
T 10 Falling in love
T 24 The symptoms of love
F 527.1.1 Red knight
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
K 2265 Treacherous red knight [man]

Lanc2-96:   (18) Lancelot mounts a hill and catches sight of the forest von dem Dryn Wesen. He meets a maiden in costly garments who leads him the way through the forest on condition that he will fight as her knight whenever needed. A small path takes them to four tents. The abductor is the Large Ertamant, who has got two scars on his forehead. Lancelot overcomes the Red Knight and his men. The Red Knight releases the squire. Lancelot regrets to have almost killed such a valiant knight and he waits until he regains his senses. After the knight has surrendered Lancelot inquires why he abducted that squire. The red knight’s story: His younger brother riding past those tents failed to greet that squire, for having got the erroneous news of his brother’s, the red knight’s, death he was lost in his grief. The squire outraged at the offense killed him by an arrow. The red knight thereupon vowed to avenge his brother on the squire and his kin, and he would have killed them had Lancelot not been with them. For this reason he only took horse and weapons to hinder pursuit. He did not intend to murder his prisoner which would be dishonorable but he would have imprisoned him to his death.
Motif References:

F 527.1.1 Red knight
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 2270 Deformed villain.

Lanc2-99:   (8) Lancelot spares the red knight, who is a relative of Melians the Jai, whom Lancelot delivered from the sword at Kamahelot when he became a knight. Lancelot makes the knight promise to release the squire and reconcile with his brother. Then he leaves and takes lodging in the house of a forester. His host tells him that the king has moved to Hindemt on the sea and Lancelot ought to hurry. Moreover he relates to Lancelot news from Arthur’s court, about Genover’s abduction and her rescue, Lancelot’s imprisonment, and that the courtiers believe him dead and are stricken with grief. He declares that there is a most frightful adventure (only to achieve the Holy Grail is more dangerous) to be found in this land at a place called Merlin’s Tower. All knights who have undertaken that adventure - about thirty knights a year - were killed, severely wounded or went mad. But an inscription they detected some time ago told them that only Lancelot will achieve this adventure. The forester leads Lancelot the way to Merlin’s Tower, that is located on the westward edge of the forest between the White Castle and der port von Gasem.
Motif References:

Z 254 Destined hero
M 361 Fated hero
F 772 Extraordinary tower.
H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight
D 1266.1 Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
H 1568 Test of the champion.

Lanc2-101:   (12) Lancelot rides on for two more days through the forest. Two herdsmen lead him the way toward a castle where he is granted hospitality. The host already cares for a wounded knight of King Arthur. Lancelot goes to see him and by his language knows that he does not come from Logers. The man identifies as Ban from Bonewig (Beoyng), the kingdom of Ban, for whose sake he was given his name. He wants to avenge Lancelot’s imprisonment and his death on the traitor Meleagant, son of Bandemagus. Lancelot would be most welcome in his father’s kingdom suffering from faithless king Claudas. Next morning Lancelot leaves the castle and rides on. The lady of the castle Velße welcomes him as her guest. Her castle is located in a pleasant region without vineyards. Yet the story of the Grail tells that Britain had plenty of vineyards in those times. Lancelot arrives at the castle of Hindecart just in time for the combat. King Bandemagus is holding a splendid court there, and many tents have been pitched on a meadow. After dinner the king enjoys listening to a harper, so attentively that no one must speak. Lancelot rides to the royal tent. [Lacuna]
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 634 Feasts

Lanc2-104:   (14) Lancelot overcomes Agondras, who swoons. Lancelot decapitates him, and takes the head to the king. When Lancelot takes off his helmet Bandemagus recognizes and kisses him. Lancelot warns him that he should rather hate him but the king will hear no sad news for the time being. The king is certain that his son has been killed. Next morning Lancelot takes his leave and the king gives him a fine steed and escorts him. Bandemagus wants to become his friend and Lancelot agrees on condition that the king pardons him some offense. The king only wants to know about this insult four days later. They part. Lancelot continues toward Dolorose Garde. He passes the night at an abbey. In the morning a maiden asks him to escort her to Dolorose Garde. Toward noon they come upon a knight, who after having greeted them politely all of the sudden wants to kiss and embrace the damsel. Lancelot overcomes him in combat, forces him to surrender and asks him why he tried to kiss the damsel.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
M 246 Covenant of friendship
P 310 Friendship
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-107:   (15) The stranger’s story: About two weeks ago at the tournament of king Bandemagus the prize was bestowed upon a young man and the twelve best knights were chosen. The winner of the tournament prize was seated on a golden chair of honor, the twelve outstanding knights had a table of their own. They served him the first dish, the second was taken to him by the king, the third one by ladies and maidens, and the fourth one by the beautiful princess. The maidens asked their knights what service they would offer to them: The first knight promised to fight any opponent with his right leg on his horse’s neck. Each of them vowed what he would do. The knight admits that his promise was a quite foolish one: to obtain the kiss of a damsel escorted by a knight or fight the knight. But there were still more foolish vows: One of the knights promised to abduct queen Genover escorted by four knights. After he has learnt his strange story Lancelot releases the man but orders him to go to Bandemagus of Gorre to ask his pardon for the killing of his son by Lancelot. The knight is Patrides mit dem Zcirckel von golden. Lancelot binds the knight’s wounds. He learns that the winner of the tournament was Bohort. Lancelot and the maiden ride on to Dolorose Garde, that has changed its name since Lancelot conquered it: people call it Josegarde. Lancelot grieves for Galahot. He wants to bury him in the very best coffin. They tell him that there is a precious coffin kept in the castle, he only has to ask the old people about it. Lancelot learns that the coffin is kept in the largest chapel before the altar. It had been made by the heathen King Frybanduch. The heathens worshiped him as their god and the castle once belonged to him before Joseph of Aramathia (Armach) came to this land. They lead Lancelot to the place. No one has looked at the coffin before.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 561 Tournaments
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
J 2500 Foolish extremes

Lanc2-109:   (5) Lancelot has excavated the coffin which is decorated with numerous precious jewels, but there is neither gold nor silver. Then he has put Galahot’s corpse into the coffin (Lancelot kisses him three times and covers him with a golden blanket), which is taken to the tomb carrying his name. After the ceremony Lancelot leaves Josegarde and sets out for Arthur’s court where he is happily welcomed. The king sends for scribes to write down his adventures . - Bohort after having left the castle of Glacides has passed the night at a hermitage. He leaves and rides on until he comes to a chapel. Twenty knights lament a dead man they carry to the chapel. An old man lamenting his son’s death swoons onto the bier. As he has regained his senses he orders the treacherous murderer to be brought before him. Bohort on recognizing his master Lambegus attacks them and they take to flight. Bohort releases Lambegus. Bohort had been ordered by the Lady of the Lake to come to this place that day in order to achieve an adventure. He asks Lambegus why he was captured.
Motif References:

V 69 Funeral rites - miscellaneous
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
R 110 Rescue of captive
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
P 425 Scribe
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)

Lanc2-111:   (6) Lambegus’s story: A squire hunting a boar happened to wound the knight in Lambegus’s company who then killed the boy. On learning the story the squire’s lord decapitated the knight. Lambegus pursued the man, and killed him in single combat. At that point the maiden from the lake comes toward Lambegus and Bohort offering the latter Lancelot’s greetings and giving him Galahot’s sword Lancelot bestowed upon him. Bohort is overjoyed when he recognizes the damsel. They lodge at a castle nearby, where the maiden of Ungefort and the lady of Clacedon are granted hospitality too. As the maiden of Ungefort recognizes Bohort she falls onto her knees and begs his pardon, which he grants. In the morning Bohort leaves with Lambegus and the maiden of the lake.
Motif References:

F 186 (Li) Otherworld messenger
N 330 Accidental killing or death
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-113:   (6) About noon they encounter a large knight who tells them that Lancelot was his guest the evening before and meanwhile would have arrived at Arthur’s court. Bohort and his companions however miss the road. Lambegus escorts the maiden to the Lady of the Lake and Bohort rides on alone. - Patrides meanwhile has told Lancelot’s message to king Bandemagus: On learning that Lancelot killed Meleagant the king swoons. When he is told that his son’s body still is at the castle of the Vier Steynen he hurries there. At Meleagant’s bier the king swoons once again. He refuses to eat and drink for four days. Meleagant is buried in a hermitage. When Bandemagus comes to Hindertart he learns the whole story and is stricken with grief. - There this story comes to an end and a new one tells of Arthur, the queen, Lancelot and the other knights. The author of this book has translated a Flemish book, that has been translated from the French, into German.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

Lanc2-119:   [lacuna: Kluge Rotterdamer Fragment mittelniederländisch + Inhaltsübersicht nach franz. Trad.]
Motif References:

Lanc2-135:   Egravins (Agravant) on his quest for Lancelot fails in getting news about the knight. At the foot of a high mountain he comes onto a beautiful meadow with many flowers and lime trees. A tent is pitched there, embroidered with lilies and lions, and decorated with a skillfully worked flying dragon out of gold on top. A wounded knight is lying on a bier, with vessels of incense around him, eight burning candelabra and two simple crosses beside him. A young lady is mourning the knight. Egravins enters the tent and greets the man inside who tells him that the day before he lost all his joy because of the knight on the bier. Egravins asks who killed him, where and why, and offers to avenge him. The knight tells him that the dead man had set out on a quest for revenge too. He was his brother and the best knight of the land. On his way to King Arthur they came to this mountain, called the Berg der Unseligen (der Cleffer), for any comer meets death there. They had to fight the men of Druas Lefue, who killed his brother and wounded the knight of the tent. According to custom they carry all slain to this meadow and the tent to be buried. The knight warns Egravins of undertaking this adventure: But if he achieved it he should keep from blowing an ivory horn, a dwarf will show him, for the sound will alarm Druas’s strong brother who lives on the other side of the mountain.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
F 750 Extraordinary mountains and other land features
D 932 Magic mountain
H 1228 Quest undertaken by hero for vengeance.
H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight

Lanc2-138:   (9) Egravins rides up to the top of the mountain, where he meets a knight beside a fountain. His surcoat is half-white half-black, he rides a strong steed and displays a green flag on his lance. The knight challenges Egravins, who in a long and furious combat overcomes Druas and on his adversary’s refusal to surrender decapitates him. He carries the head along with him tied to his saddle. Then he returns to the meadow with the tent. Monks of a White Monastery nearby are about to carry away the dead to bury him. Egravins gives the head to the knight, and identifies. The knight welcomes him for the sake of his brother Gawan who once helped him. Egravins once again rides up the mountain: A lady and a dwarf are lamenting Druas’s death. The dwarf tells Egravins to prove his bravery by blowing the horn. By the horn-blow that resounds afar people of the land learn of Druas’s death. They are happy for the man was a tyrant. Egravins still has to fight Druas’s brother, who is four times his strength, Sornehans of the New Castle (von der Nuwerburg). Grieved for his brother’s death he asks for his arms. His son, still a squire, warns him from risking a combat for he has just recovered from a long illness and had himself bled the same day. Sornehans however insists on fighting and rides away.
Motif References:

S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
P 251.5 Two brothers
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 628.2 Strong man kills men
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-141:   (21) Meanwhile Egravins has bound his wound, takes a lance that is leaning against a tree and leaves. On the foot of the mountain Sornehans attacks him. Egravins is defeated and Sornehans is about to chop off his head. At this point a lady hurrying toward them entreats Sornehans to grant her a boon: She asks that the knight be spared. Had Sornehans killed him he would be doomed too, for his opponent Egravins the Proud (der Hochmutig) is a mighty man, King Arthur’s nephew and brother of Gawan. Sornehans who hates Gawan (he once killed his father) will let Egravins live but have him imprisoned in his dungeon. Before she leaves the lady warns Sornehans against Gawan and the knights of the Round Table who are searching for Lancelot throughout the land. Sornehans rides up the mountain to Druas’s tower where he has to rest from weariness and wounds. His men take Egravins into the dungeon. Druas is buried in the tower’s chapel. One month later Sornehans is cured by the physicians he sent for. He reinforces the mountain with high and thick walls with only one entrance left. On the foot of the mountain he has made an inscription onto a cross: Any man riding up that mountain has to fight Sornehans of the New Castle.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-145:   (16) After Guerehes has left his companions at the Black Cross he rides on until he comes to an old forest. A small path leads him onto a fine road. He comes upon a peasant riding a donkey. When he wants to ask him the road the man is frightened and escapes. Guerehes rides on and directed by cries of distress comes to a beautiful meadow where ten men are about to kill an old man. They have stripped him of his clothes and he is begging for mercy. At their refusal to release him Guerehes attacks them. He kills one of the men, the others escape into the forest. The old knight asks him for escort to his house nearby. At Guerehes’s inquiry the man tells him his story: He just has been attacked by his relatives. Some days ago one of his sons during a hunt accidentally killed one of the men’s sisters with an arrow, when she was sitting before the gate of her castle. Thereupon her brothers refused any recompensation he offered and declared feud. They killed his son, and tried to kill him in the forest. Meanwhile Guerehes and the old knight have arrived at a mighty tower enclosed by broad moats. A maiden hurries to welcome her father, who relates the story of his rescue to her. Guerehes is welcomed as their guest.
Motif References:

P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
N 330 Accidental killing or death
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-149:   After dinner they go for a walk on the meadow. Guerehes asks for the girl’s love. She wants to know his descent first. When he tells her she replies that she is not his equal. Then she asks for the brown knight’s identity - she thinks him the most beautiful man - and describes his shield: it is Lancelot’s. She declares that were this knight still alive and well and requited her love she would have no other lover all her life. A man arrives before the gate weeping and lamenting: Guerehes recognizes the peasant who fled him. He tells that having met an armed knight he fled into forest, but when he returned six wolves were devouring his donkey. Out of this animal however he earned his living and now he will be forced to beg for alms. At Guerehes’s plea the host gives the poor man a blind horse. At night a squire accidentally watches twenty armed men breaking the gate. He alarms his lord, and all arms themselves in a hurry. They bravely fight the assailants who are about to set fire to a gallery. Guerehes helps them to defeat the enemies. Many are captured or killed, some escape.
Motif References:

T 11 Falling in love with person never seen
T 69 Wooing - miscellaneous motifs
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-152:   (22) In the morning the enemies offer to make peace. Following Guerehes’s advice the lord of the castle sends for his brother and sister to negotiate peace. He releases the captives after they have promised peace and military aid against all enemies except their overlord. Guerehes leaves the castle. He promises the girl to inform Lancelot of what she said. Toward noon he comes to a fountain on a pretty meadow, that is called the Meadow of the Two Laurels (Zweyn Lorbern), where three ladies have come together, of sixty, forty and twenty years of age. A dwarf is just serving them a meal. They ask the knight to join them. The youngest lady is sad and when he asks her she tells him her story: After the death of her father, the lord of Bretasche (a fine fortress), about two years ago, her mother was worrying that she would be abducted for the sake of her beauty. She asked her steward for advice, whom her husband had made a knight because of his wealth although he was of peasant origin. The steward wooed the girl and at last her mother consented. The daughter had to marry the man against her will. But as soon as they were married the steward started quarreling with his wife, scolding and harassing her with his jealousy.
Motif References:

P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
T 121 Unequal marriage
T 131.1.3 Marriage against will of parents
P 150 Rich men
P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
P 232 Mother and daughter
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
K 2242 Treacherous steward

Lanc2-155:   (27) One day Lancelot was granted her husband’s hospitality. The steward asked his wife for her opinion of the knight. When she had obtained his promise not to take offense she promised to tell him as soon as they would have dinner. She then declared that Lancelot’s virtues certainly were surpassed by her husband’s evil traits of character, as well as his praise would be excelled by the steward’s shame. The steward was bewildered and asked for an explanation. Thereupon she praised Lancelot’s virtues, whereas her husband’s character were just the opposite. The husband was outraged. After Lancelot had left he rejected her as his wife, but he would keep her as his servant. He took away her precious clothes and all riches, and had her eat with the stable boys. Guerehes replies that he would call the man to account for it. A child brings word to the eldest lady that a knight has arrived, who wears a green armor and carries a rising red lion as his device. The lady starts lamenting. Guerehes offers his aid and she tells him her story: One day when she rode with only her squire, a knight captured her and forced her to grant a rash boon. She had to swear onto relics that she would marry her beautiful youngest daughter to him. The knight who just arrived at the castle would certainly be his messenger. The wooer is a rude and low-born fellow, made a knight by the count David who also bestowed land upon him and even gave him his daughter in marriage. The knight however killed the count to obtain his possessions and his liegemen. He treated the liegemen and his wife cruelly and for some little fail he had her hanged on a tree. Therefore the lady is in great distress for her daughter and asks the knight for advice.
Motif References:

P 12.2.1 Tyrannical king [lord]
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
S 62 Cruel husband
S 110 Murders
S 113.1 Murder by hanging
T 121 Unequal marriage
T 200 Married life
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
S 410 Persecuted wife.
Q 413 Punishment: hanging
Q 470 Humiliating punishments
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-159:   (20) Guerehes offers his help. Before they leave he asks the youngest lady where to find her. The eldest lady leads him to a small stronghold located in a swamp. Guerehes advises her to keep her promise and give her daughter to the wooer, he would soon rescue her. When the knight wants to be given the maiden Guerehes asks him to drop his claim and the mother offers him her castle and what goes with it. The man refuses. The lady reassures her daughter that a knight has arrived to rescue her. She should dress up beautifully to add to the knight’s rage when he loses her. As soon as he wants to leave with the girl Guerehes challenges him for his crimes. The knight leaves and Guerehes pursues him. In combat Guerehes chops off one hand and the opponent flees. On their way back to the castle her extraordinary beauty makes Guerehes ask for the girl’s love. When she learns his name she declares that he is a faithless man for he already left the Lady of the White Land. He replies that this woman never was his love, but she does not trust him.
Motif References:

T 69 Wooing - miscellaneous motifs
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-164:   (24) Once again Guerehes asks her for her love warning her that she is at his mercy, though he would not rape her. At her question if he could ever love a woman who hated him he denies it. Thereupon she declares that she hates him for having left his former sweetheart. She blames him of seducing women, which makes her despise him. Moreover she already has bestowed her love upon a worthy knight who honorably strives for her love. Guerehes begs pardon for his offense, which is granted. On their return her mother is very happy. Guerehes tells her about his dispute with the girl and the lady is pleased with her daughter’s prudence, which she takes for small wonder for her ancestor was the wisest knight of the land since 100 years. When he sets out to help the young lady against her evil husband she warns him: The man would kill him for a trifle. Guerehes leaves.
Motif References:

T 69 Wooing - miscellaneous motifs
J 1111 Clever girl
J 1169 Clever pleading - miscellaneous

Lanc2-167:   (17) In the evening he arrives at a strongly fortified castle, where the lady welcomes him. News of his exploit have already reached her. She leads him into the hall to meet her husband who is annoyed at the sight of a young and pretty knight. He welcomes him. An errant knight asks to be granted hospitality and the lady has him welcomed before her husband can refuse him: Guerehes recognizes Segremors. They are glad to meet and Guerehes tells the lady who the man is. The lord only gets to know that his guests are knights of King Arthur. He suspects his wife of having sent for them to kill him. For this reason he asks his relatives for advice: His brother counsels him to have the squires armed and lie in wait so that they could easily avenge any offense. But one of the squires warns the lady who warns the knights. Guerehes decides to feign illness so that he secretly could arm himself while Segremors has dinner. In case of attack he could come to his aid, until Segremors himself would have taken his weapons.
Motif References:

T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
N 769 Accidental meeting of friends
N 832 Boy as helper
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]
K 2294 Treacherous host

Lanc2-170:   (17) Guerehes feigning illness leaves the hall while Segremors stays with the lady. The meal is served. This time the lord has his wife eat with them so that he could not be blamed of rude manners. A maiden brings in two garlands one of which the wife gives to Segremors. Thereupon the husband hits her so that she falls to the floor and accuses her of adultery. Segremors challenges him. They fight. Armed men rush into the hall to kill Segremors but Guerehes comes to his aid and chops off the host’s head. Segremors meanwhile has armed himself and joins the battle. The lord’s relatives are killed. After they have watched over the dead lord all night he is buried. In the morning the guests leave and continue their quest together. On the edge of the forest they come to a meadow. Twelve tents have been pitched there with four shields and ten lances before each of them.
Motif References:

V 60 Funeral rites
S 62 Cruel husband
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-172:   (16) A dwarf tells Guerehes and Segremors that they will have to joust. He brings Guerehes’s challenge to the tents. Guerehes unhorses his opponent, who thereafter is lamented by a throng of knights. The dwarf tells Guerehes that he has redeemed his pledge and is free to leave, his companion however has to fight as well. Segremors overcomes his adversary too. Before he sets out Segremors asks the dwarf about the adventure. The dwarf tells the story: Count Gwinas, the lord of a castle nearby, has had the tents pitched to lie in wait for Gawan, for he wanted to joust him. In the evening Segremors and Guerehes meet a pretty lady riding a black horse, who is glad to have come upon knights of King Arthur. She is searching for her brother Aglonal. The knights offer to escort her. Segremors declares she ought to choose him her companion, as being docile, whereas his companion due to his noble origin were an arrogant fellow. She rides on with Segremors. At nightfall Guerehes comes to a dark forest and stops to rest.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
H 1385.8 Quest for lost brother(s)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-174:   (19) Guerehes catches sight of four illuminated tents. Tables are set with fine meal and plenty of food ready for the horses. In the first tent he perceives four costly chests and a sleeping dwarf, in the second tent lighted by a candle two young ladies lying on a bed, in the third one a pretty lady in bed with her lover, whose face however is hidden by the cushion. Guerehes thinks she is alone. After he has served himself a meal he lies down at the lady’s side still without taking notice of the knight. The lady thinks he is her lover and Guerehes enjoys her love. They fall asleep. When the knight catches sight of the stranger, he drags them out of the bed. She is not aware of the deception. Guerehes though all naked kills the knight, the lady swoons out of grief. All lament. The maiden blames Guerehes of having made her an adulteress and slain her husband. Guerehes puts on some clothes and tries to console her. In the morning the knight is buried in a monastery of the White Nuns nearby. Guerehes asks the lady to accompany him so that he could do penance, but she refuses. He declares that only his love for her has brought about the disaster. He identifies and tells her that he is on quest for Lancelot. She knows that he is Gawan’s brother but still refuses to join him. Guerehes forces her to set out with him.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
J 1485 Mistaken identity

Lanc2-177:   (12) Guerehes and the lady ride on till noon. When they halt beneath a laurel on the woodside an armed knight forbids them passage. When he learns that the lady is weeping because her abductor has killed her husband he attacks Guerehes, who kills him in the joust. They stay overnight in a forester’s house and ride on next morning. Four armed knights, the lady’s brothers, catch up with them and attack Guerehes. He overcomes them. At the lady’s plea Guerehes spares one of them who surrendered to him. Yet she has to promise him her love and company. The wounded are cared for, a physician will cure them within six weeks. Guerehes and the lady continue their journey, In the evening they are granted hospitality at an abbey of the White Nuns. In the morning however while Guerehes is hearing mass the lady tells her story to the abbess who advises her to become a nun. The lady agrees at once although she is told that a nun’s life is not comfortable. The lady is made a nun without delay: They cut her hair and bestow a nun’s clothes upon her. Guerehes is dumbfounded at the news. The lady blames him of having dishonored her by forcing her to join him as his mistress, although she is of royal descent and Guerehes not her equal. She identifies as a relative of Lancelot, Bohort and Lyonel.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
P 253 Sister and brother
T 320 Escape from undesired lover
R 325.4 (Bm) Nunnery as refuge
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-181:   (12) Guerehes continues his quest for Lancelot. One day he comes to the Mountain Mallureis, the Mountain of the Unlucky. Amused by Sornehans’s notice posted there he mounts the hill. The dwarf alarms his lord by blowing the horn. Guerehes is defeated by Sornehans, who spares him for he will not slay a swooned man, but sends for a physician who promises to cure him within a month. Guerehes is imprisoned in Sornehans’s castle and thus joins his brother Egravins, but cannot recognize him because of the darkness of the dungeon. They only recognize each other as Guerehes identifies. Egravins tells him the story of his capture. Would not the lord’s lady secretly care for him he certainly would have perished. When the lady comes to look after the prisoner she recognizes Guerehes for he once helped her: She had been abducted by a knight in the forest of Carlion when she had been set out for King Arthur’s court. For this reason she cared for Guerehes and promises to rescue both of them. The prisoners lack nothing.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
R 50 Conditions of captivity
Q 53 Reward for rescue
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-184:   (9) Gaheries having parted from his brother Gawan and his companions rides on alone for a long time. On the edge of a small forest, called the Little Wood (das Gewat), a young damsel rides toward him. Her horse has costly riding gear and she wears precious clothes. Both of them are searching for Lancelot. Gaheries has heard rumors of his death and could get no further news about his whereabouts. The damsel is on quest for a champion against her neighbor who usurped her possessions. She inherited the land from her father, the lord of the Castle von der Besserung. After her father’s death according to her liegemen’s advice she made her brother-in-law, a rustic and uneducated knight, her regent and left him all the land until she would choose a husband. She soon married a young nobleman and wanted to make her husband sovereign of the land. Her brother-in-law was dumbfounded at her decision. Having ambushed and killed her husband he refused to return her lands claiming to be her overlord. A wise liegeman counseled her to apply to the court of the lady of Rodestock who is their sovereign. Her relative however pretended that the lady’s father had left him the domain when he died and offered judicial combat. Nobody dared to fight him. The lady was granted a forty days delay to find a champion. For this reason she rode to Arthur’s court to ask Lancelot for help, who still has to return a service she once did to him. Lancelot however was not with the king, and therefore she will have to ask her brother-in-law’s mercy so that he leaves her a share of her land’s income.
Motif References:

Z 71.12 Formulistic number: forty [Forty days’ limit]
H 218 Trial by combat
P 263 Brother-in-law
P 510 Law courts
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
H 1385 Quest for lost person.
K 2211.1 Treacherous brother-in-law

Lanc2-186:   (7) Gaheries offers to fight for her. When night has fallen the sound of a bell leads them to a monastery, protected by high walls and locked for there are many robbers in the land. They are welcomed by the monks. The maiden encounters her uncle, who once was a valiant knight. The monk reassures Gaheries that he will fight a just cause. In the morning after mass they leave. Three day later they arrive at the meadow where Gwinas still lies in wait for Gawan. The dwarf summons him to keep the custom. Knights and ladies leave the tents to watch the joust. Gaheries overcomes the knight sent to fight him. The dwarf tells him that he has redeemed his pledge and tells him the story. Gaheries wants to abolish such a foolish custom and challenges Gwinas. If Gaheries would overcome Gwinas the latter would have to desist from fighting Gawan whom he never could have defeated anyway. They joust and Gaheries forces Gwinas to surrender. Gaheries orders him to surrender to Gawan and relate his story to him as soon as he finds the knight.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-190:   (20) Next morning at dawn Gaheries and the maiden leave. In a forest they catch sight of six knights driving and mistreating a knight and a damsel both stripped of their clothes. The knight keeps silent but the lady laments. At a crossroad the company splits. Gaheries recognizes Brandelis, an errant knight, but the lady is unknown to him. Gaheries tells his companion to wait for him in a castle nearby and pursues the abductors. Gaheries overcomes them and releases Brandelis. They welcome gladly. Brandelis’s story: The evening before he came upon two tents on the woodside where he asked for hospitality. A beautiful lady received him as her guest and he asked her for her love, which she refused. He insisted and she promised her love but warned him that her lover would return soon. At that point the knight entered and ordered Brandelis to leave on the spot, otherwise he would kill him. They fought and Brandelis killed the man. He was served a meal and enjoyed the lady’s love. In the morning however the dead man’s friends took both of them captive when they were still in bed.
Motif References:

R 50 Conditions of captivity
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
R 110 Rescue of captive
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-193:   Gaheries and Brandelis come upon Gosoains von Strangot, who just has rescued the damsel from the three abductors. They escort the lady to a little castle in a valley. She wants to rest there but dies six days later. Gaheries complains that he still has no news about Lancelot whom he fears dead. At a crossroad they part. Gaheries rides on to the castle where he is to meet the damsel. In the evening they come to three tents pitched on a meadow. Gaheries enters a tent and asks a dwarf preparing the dinner for hospitality. He grants it on condition of his lord’s consent. Gaheries disarms. A large knight enters without armor, in the company of his sister and his ladylove. The host does not return Gaheries’s greeting and blames the dwarf for rashly having granted hospitality to a stranger. He hits him. Gaheries challenges the knight and attacks him, but the man turns to flight. Gaheries defeats the man and forces him to surrender. He is ordered to ask the dwarf’s pardon. The dwarf obtains the knight’s promise never to mistreat or punish him again nor to blame him for any decisions made for his lord’s sake. Gaheries and his lady are about to leave the inhospitable place. The knight begs their pardon; he and his two relatives had abducted Brandelis but he was the only one who escaped revenge. For this reason he was outraged on finding Gaheries in his tent. Gaheries and the damsel are his guests until next morning. They continue their journey toward the court of Rodestock where they arrive two days before the combat.
Motif References:

R 111 Rescue of captive maiden.
R 169.1.1 (Bm) Knight rescues abducted lady.
P 360 Master and servant
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-196:   (12) For the sake of Gawan they are received most friendly by the lady of Rodestock, for Gawan had been her champion against Segurates. Next morning she sends for Gwidam, the damsel’s brother-in-law, who soon arrives with a splendid train of his liegemen. She declares that his sister-in-law has found a champion. Gwidam takes lodging in the town, celebrating all night. In the morning he hears mass and goes to the palace. All of them are seated, the damsel close to her champion. The lady brings suit, recapitulating the case, then she has the combatants swear on relics that they are defending a just cause. They are ferried over to an island in the river. Gaheries wants to make his opponent return the lands in peace. On Gwidam’s refusal Gaheries challenges him and they fight furiously until noon. Gaheries loses his sword yet refuses to surrender to Gwidam. He skillfully gets hold of his opponent’s sword. Gwidam however declares he would rather drown himself than to surrender. He jumps into the water and is drowned by his armor. Gaheries is ferried over, the lady proclaims his victory and returns the land to the damsel. She has him come with her to a castle where Gaheries’s wounds are cared for by a physician, who cures him within four days. When he leaves she gives him a new sword.
Motif References:

R 70 Behavior of captives
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
H 218 Trial by combat
P 510 Law courts
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2.1 Holmgang: single combat on an island.

Lanc2-201:   The damsel escorts him some way and asks him to greet Gawan on her behalf. At noon Gaheries comes upon two tents on a meadow, where he meets a maiden with a mirror. She declares she would not return his greetings. Then she scorns him as a rustic, because he rather helped Brandelis instead of her. Moreover he did not help his brothers who still are held captive. Gaheries declares he had to help Brandelis for otherwise he would have broken his oath toward a knight of the Round Table: All of them are bound to help each other. And he had no inkling of his brothers’ imprisonment. Thereupon the damsel tells him that Egravins and Guerehes have been captured by Sornehans on the Mountain of the Unlucky (Unglucklich Berg) not far away. Then she tells him their story. Gaheries having asked her the way sets out in a hurry and soon arrives at Sornehans’s mountain. He tears down the notice and rides up the hill. The dwarf blows his horn and Sornehans challenges Gaheries. They fight furiously until both of them are exhausted. Gaheries recovers first and forces Sornehans to surrender. Gaheries makes him promise to surrender as a captive wherever he would order him. His brothers are released. When they learn that Gaheries has been sent to them by a lady they tell him that it was her who cared well for them in the dungeon.
Motif References:

R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
R 75 Surrendering
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)

Lanc2-205:   (12) The brothers rest at the castle for about one week. When Sornehans learns that Gaheries is Gawan’s brother he is glad that he has been overcome by such a valiant man and asks their pardon. In the evening a great feast is celebrated. Sornehans is amazed that his prisoners have not suffered in the dungeon and learns that his lady cared for them. Gaheries orders Sornehans to surrender to the lady of Rodestock as her captive. Gaheriet thus wants to show his gratitude to the lady for the honors done to him. Sornehans sets out for Rodestock and the three brothers leave too. For the sake of Gaheries’s exploit the mountain since then is called the Gaheries’s Mountain of Gaheries (Gaheriets Bergk). They ride on for several days. At the house of a forester whom they tell their errand they are advised to change their road for there is a feud going on in the land between a father and his sons.
Motif References:

P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 634 Feasts
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
N 856 Helpful forester

Lanc2-207:   (13) The noble Duke Calle, who owns the land, has six brave sons. He married his daughter to a nobleman and offered half of his duchy to his son-in-law. Thereupon the girl’s brothers were outraged but their father insisted declaring that he was the land’s owner. Moreover to punish their insubordination he promises to leave his domain to his son-in-law after his death. The brothers ambushed the young couple and murdered their brother-in-law and his retinue. Their sister lost her life in the battle as well. Then they conquered the duke’s castles, raised an army and waged war. Many a knight has been killed already. The valiant duke is about to be defeated. His brother and his nephew have lost their lives in supporting him. Gaheries decides to help the duke. Next morning Gaheries and his brothers set out for the duchy and come to a mill where two knights are defending them passage. Gaheries defeats them and the brothers ride on to the castle of Duke Calle.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
P 251.6.3 Six or seven brothers
P 253 Sister and brother
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
K 810.1 (Bm) Ambush
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-210:   (13) Gaheries offers their service to the duke. He thanks them but regrets that he cannot offer but a poor lodging for they lack everything. Gaheries promises that they would disclose their identity later on. In the morning after mass all knights take their arms. The duke’s military strategy: the three brothers should wait until the enemy is getting weary, then they should attack them. Egravins taking this as cowardice insists on fighting without delay. Gaheries however approves of the advice, and Guerehes will wait too. The duke organizes his troops: his four nephews lead four groups of forty knights each. Egravins hurries ahead of them. The enemy has six groups with 100 knights each led by the six brothers. The steward leads forty knights into the battle. Egravins rides toward him with ten men and kills him. The others are defeated and take to flight. Egravins pursues them.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552 Battle formations
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-215:   (15) Egravins is encircled by the enemies. One of the brothers pleads for his life and they spare him. Egravins is carried away as a captive. The duke’s troops are forced to retreat. Fighting goes on fluctuating. At last Gaheries and Guerehes start fighting. Gaheries excels in the battle, raging among the enemy and drives them back. They make many captives. On return to the castle they worry about Egravins but the duke reassures them: If he was taken captive he will soon be exchanged. A squire is sent to the enemy’s camp to inquire about Egravins and offering release of the duke’s two sons taken captive. Egravins is released. Gaheries and his brothers promise to stay with the duke until peace is made. They summon reinforcements and at last have 200 knights.
Motif References:

F 628.2 Strong man kills men
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-219:   (20) Arthur still lacking news of Lancelot is grieved for he thinks him dead. The ladies are weeping and lamenting, and the court’s joy has vanished. When Lyonel arrives at court he worries about their sorrow and when the queen tells him that Lancelot has perished he is in distress and starts wailing. The queen relates to him the story of the knight with the bloody head fastened to his saddle, of her rescue by Lancelot from a knight trying to abduct her. The latter is still lying sick from his wounds in her quarters. He has hidden his face and for this reason they cannot identify him, but the news of Lancelot’s death grieved him. When Lyonel goes to see the wounded knight they recognize Bohort. Bohort has been suffering for four weeks but the king has sent for a physician who will cure him within six weeks. Lyonel dares not ask his brother why he wanted to abduct the queen. Genover falls ill out of grief for Lancelot and the court is depressed because of Lancelot and the queen’s illness.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief

Lanc2-223:   (10) After Bohort has recovered the king is sitting at his table to eat with his lords. A damsel enters the hall and greets the king on behalf of the lady of Galnoie (Galnoe). The king lost in thought does not listen and the damsel taking this for an insult wants to leave. Lucan the Cupbearer asks her and when he learns that the king did not return her greeting he tells her that the queen’s illness worries the king a lot. Lucan escorts her to the king. The Lady of Galnoie has sent her as messenger to ask for Lancelot or Gawan as her champion. Neither of them however is at hand and they suggest she should choose another knight. According to her lady’s advice she asks Bohort of Gaune to be the champion. The king and the queen are annoyed at this request. Bohort however is pleased to set out. Lyonel vows not to return to Arthur’s court until he has got news about Lancelot. The queen is very sad that both Bohort and Lyonel leave, for their relationship to Lancelot comforted her. She sends a golden ring with Bohort to Lancelot, for she still is sure that her lover is alive. The ring is to tell Lancelot to return to her. Then the brothers take their leave and set out. They swear to search for Lancelot for one year and a day.
Motif References:

T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers
M 151.2.2 (Bm) Vow not to return to court [not to sleep two nights in the same place] until missing knight is found
W 225 Taciturn [pensive] man
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-226:   (26) The queen is still suffering from illness and is near death after Lancelot’s cousins have left. That night her niece Helibe, who is her confident, watches over her sleep. In her dream the queen sees Lancelot, beautiful and dressed in costly garments, enter her chamber in the company of a pretty damsel; the queen wants him to lie with her but the damsel stays at his side. The queen attacks the girl, but Lancelot protests that he did not know about the girl. Yet the queen declares she will no more love him nor meet him. Lancelot turns mad and runs away clad only with his shirt. The queen wakes and weeps and laments. Out of her mind she takes the statue of a beautiful knight in her room for Lancelot and entreats it to help her. As she gets no reaction from it the queen thinks Lancelot is rejecting her and goes to embrace the statue. The niece wakes and afraid that the queen might have gone mad sprinkles her with holy water. She pretends that the king has just entered and warns the queen. Thereupon the queen regains her senses. After having slept on till morning she feels better.
Motif References:

F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1068.1 Tokens from a dream
J 1770 Objects with mistaken identity

Lanc2-229:   (21) She sends the girl as her messenger to the monastery of Königsmünster (Konigliche Kirch) not far away from the castle of Trebe (Thebe) in Gaule (Galles). The monastery has been founded for the sake of king Ban who died there and is located at a lake on the foot of a mountain. She should fearlessly enter the lake for the water is a magic illusion. There she will come upon beautiful houses and noble inhabitants. She should ask the Lady of the Lake, Ninienne (Helene), to come to the queen for the sake of the man she once reared. The queen has a good knowledge about the roads to Ninienne’s land for Lancelot told her about it. She equips the maiden for the journey, bestows precious clothes upon her and has a multilingual dwarf and a squire accompany her. She is ordered to leave her companions at the monastery. The damsel takes her leave of the queen and sets out. The sight of Lancelot’s ring comforts the sorrowful queen and she prays to God to give her news about Lancelot.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 451.3.12 Dwarfs are intelligent.
D 921 Magic lake (pond [swamp]).
D 2031 Magic illusion

Lanc2-232:   (7) For about six weeks Lancelot rests at the place where the old lady carried him to. He leaves in her company. She has equipped him with a fine armor and a white shield. On a woodside they come upon a single young lady riding a black palfrey. She is in grief. At Lancelot’s question she tells him that she has failed to find Lancelot at Arthur’s court who would have rescued her sister from her abductor. The court is stricken with grief because they think the knight dead. For this reason the whole kingdom and numerous lands are depressed. On hearing her story Lancelot is worried for the queen’s sake but according to his promise he must go with the old lady. He offers the damsel to help her sister if only she would be his messenger. The damsel agrees and leads them toward a strong tower. The abductor of the maiden’s sister has been wounded and cannot keep Lancelot from leaving with the two sisters but promises revenge.
Motif References:

R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
N 340.0.1 (Bm) Erroneous news of death
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-235:   (5) Lancelot asks the maiden about her story: Soon after the knight had abducted her he was wounded by two knights whom he killed. But he was wounded in the fight and so she was safe when he took her to his castle. Her sister is glad to hear that. On the edge of the forest they rest in a stronghold. Lancelot tells the damsel that she should go to King Arthur’s court and tell them that she had a meal with a man who had eaten and drunk with Lancelot and slept in his bed, and that Lancelot still is alive. The maiden rejoices thinking this will bring rich reward (castles) to her, if only she were the first one with the happy news. That night they stay at a monastery of the White Maidens. The damsel sets out to the royal court where she arrives next evening. When she brings the happy news to the queen and describes the beautiful knight to her the queen recognizes Lancelot. She leads the girl into the orchard to bring the message to the king and his court. The king richly rewards her: She may choose a castle. The girl asks for the castle of Loheren, where she was born. A great feast is celebrated. The queen recovers quickly and soon is as beautiful as before.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
Q 111.10 (Bm) Castles as reward
P 634 Feasts

Lanc2-237:   (16) Meanwhile Lancelot is riding on with the old woman. They come to a cool spring under a sycamore on a meadow, where a knight and three ladies have a meal. They welcome them. Lancelot takes off his helmet and the knight’s sister is amazed at his beauty. She is very pretty herself and envies his good looks, his red lips, green eyes, and blond locks. She falls in love with him, turning pale and trembling, so that her companions think her ill. It is a very hot day and Lancelot drinks lots of the water from the spring. All of a sudden he becomes sick and swoons from pain. The old woman tells them their guest is Lancelot of the Lake and urges to help him, for the fountain was poisoned. They watch two snakes playing in the water, that have empoisoned the spring. The knight entreats his sister to help the knight for she knows about antidotes. The girl goes for some herbs, mixes them with theriak (dryackel) and makes Lancelot drink the medicine.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
T 24 The symptoms of love
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 668.0.1 Skillful physician
F 716 Extraordinary fountain
F 717.2 Poison pool
B 776.7 Venomous serpent
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 1515.1 Remedies for poison
D 2061.1.3 Poisoning by magic
D 2064 Magic sickness

Lanc2-239:   (20) Meanwhile his legs have swollen and his body still goes swelling until he looks like a barrel. The damsel sends for some clothes to the castle to cover him, for he would die if they moved him just now. Moreover they should bring her a little box. Lancelot’s face is swollen that he has lost eyesight. The damsel’s treatment makes the swelling go down. Beneath the blankets he starts sweating and is suffering pain all day. But all the time he remembers his love. The damsel declares that she will cure the knight within two weeks. As a reward he should be given to her. After two days the swelling has gone but Lancelot has lost his hair. He asks the damsel to gather his hair and put them into a box - he wants to send them to the queen as proof of his illness. The young lady has fallen in love with him and when she watches his sleep at night she laments about her unhappy love which never will be requited.
Motif References:

F 668.0.1 Skillful physician
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 1515.1 Remedies for poison
D 2061.1.3 Poisoning by magic
D 2064 Magic sickness

Lanc2-243:   (6) Two knights, Bohort and Lyonel, and a young lady arrive and ask for hospitality. A tent is pitched for them. Lancelot gladly welcomes them and relates his story. They are amazed on hearing of his poisoning. They tell him that the court is in grief for his sake and that the queen is in distress. Bohort gives him the queen’s ring and tells him her message. Lancelot however cannot return to Genover for he still is very weak and moreover has pledged himself to the old lady. He asks them to bring his hair to her and Lyonel offers to be his messenger. Next morning before Bohort leaves he tells Lancelot that he abducted the queen and fought Lancelot, whom he failed to recognize, and begs for his pardon. Bohort as bound by his oath to abduct the queen. Lancelot is angry and makes him promise to keep from such foolish acts further on. Bohort leaves and Lyonel too sets out to take Lancelot’s hair in the box to the queen. When he arrives the king is out hunting, he talks to the queen in private and relates the strange story of Lancelot’s illness to her. The queen is shocked at the news. Lyonel tells her the symptoms of the poisoning: his skin came off, as well as his nails and hair. He gives her the box with the hair as proof. The queen is happy about the box, she kisses the hair and puts them to her eyes as she would do with relics.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
D 2064 Magic sickness

Lanc2-247:   (3) The king sends word to the queen to enjoy herself and have court for he will continue hunting. Genover asks Lyonel for advice: How could she manage to meet Lancelot? Lyonel counsels her to ask the king to proclaim a tournament within eight days after St. Magdalen’s Day. Lyonel and Lancelot will attend the jousting in disguise. She should not disclose the news about Lancelot until the tournament. On the king’s return the queen asks him to proclaim a tournament which certainly would bring Lancelot back to them if he were still alive. The king sends messengers throughout the land to summon knights and guests to attend the tournament. Lyonel leaves and returns to where Lancelot still is lying sick under the sycamore. He is even worse, for the maiden who cared for him has fallen ill three days ago. He tells him the queen’s message and that there will be a tournament. Lancelot laments that his obligation toward the old lady will keep him from attending it. As Lyonel goes to see the maiden, he grasps that she is lovesick. She declares that Lancelot will die within one week unless help comes to him. She curses his beauty that kills.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-249:   (17) Lyonel tells Lancelot that the maiden is in love with him and that he better should return her love for otherwise he would perish. Lancelot refuses for the sake of his faithfulness to the queen. Lyonel declares that his stubbornness also puts the queen’s life on risk for his death would kill her as well. His faithfulness now has to consist in healing his healer. Otherwise he would kill three people and would have to be accused of faithlessness. Lancelot is in a dilemma. Lyonel advises him to obey the maiden’s desire. Lancelot would rather obtain the queen’s consent and sends Lyonel to her. Before he sets out for the court he promises the sick maiden Lancelot’s friendship if only she would cure him. She recovers on the spot. Lancelot too gives his promise to her that he will be her knight if she helps him. She cares for him and he continues recovering. Meanwhile Lyonel has brought the queen’s consent to Lancelot.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
Q 94 Reward for cure
M 150 Other vows and oaths

Lanc2-253:   (18) After Lancelot has recovered the maiden asks for the fulfillment of his promise. She fell in love with him at first sight and would have died if he had denied her his love. Now he has to be her friend and knight. Lancelot replies that he will not love any maiden except her but that he already has vowed fidelity to his ladylove. He is unable to resist the power of this love that has overwhelmed him. Thereupon the maiden tells him how to combine his two promises: She will consider him her only love but never ask for consummation, so that he still could be faithful to his lady. For his sake she will remain unmarried. They agree upon that.
Motif References:

M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage
J 1111 Clever girl

Lanc2-256:   (11) After his cure Lancelot takes his leave of the knight, Quarmadans. The maiden asks him for a love token and he leaves a golden belt once received from the queen to her. She gives him a golden clasp. Lancelot, Lyonel and the old woman set out. The old lady leads them to the castle of the five brothers who war against her father, helped by Gawan’s brothers. The duke’s sons already have lost their lands except one fortress and many a man in the last battle. They accuse the duke of having started the war and Lancelot and Lyonel trusting them swear never to leave them. The old woman reassures the brothers that the knights are valiant fighters although she does not disclose their identity. When the battle goes on the following day and the duke’s troops are getting the better of their enemies Lancelot and Lyonel start fighting and Lancelot rages among them. He wounds Gaheries and chops off the duke’s head. The enemies seeing their leader dead take to flight. Lancelot and his men pursue them until they capture Egravins, Guerehes and many of their men. When the captives are taken to the castle Lancelot recognizes his friends. He is shocked and to avoid recognition has them carried away. He asks the brothers to treat the captives well which is done.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
P 201.1 Feud between two branches of family
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-260:   (11) That night they celebrate a great feast. The old woman declares he has redeemed his pledge. Before he leaves he makes her promise not to tell his identity for the three captives are brothers of Gawan whom he loves. Then he obtains the five brothers’ vow to release the three captives as soon as they have recovered from their wounds, for they are his friends. Lancelot and Lyonel leave. Gawan’s brothers are well cared for. They ask about the knight but the brothers can only tell them that he was about thirty years old, had a light-brown skin, and was bald. They wonder. Within eight days they are cured and leave. Having learnt that the stranger’s armor was black and that he carried a white shield with a black lion they follow the road he has taken. Meanwhile Lancelot and Lyonel ride a small path into a forest, by the name of Cienque. It is a hot day and at noon they rest. Lancelot falls asleep. Lyonel watches two knights with a lady riding along joyfully. A large knight on a black horse with seven armed knights in his company attacks them, kills one of them and abducts the other one. As the lady laments her brothers’ death and cries for help he abducts her too. Lyonel sets out in pursuit - waking Lancelot would have been cowardice - and soon catches up with the man. The huge knight however captures Lyonel.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
R 10.6 (Bm) Knight abducted
R 101 Abduction of lady
R 260 Pursuits
N 310 Accidental separations
P 634 Feasts
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-263:   (11) Hestor having left the castle of Karydol where he had overcome Maugart (Marigal) rides on until he encounters a weeping lady. Her story: She has watched Lyonel abducted by an evil knight, Triquans (Tryqwans), who is the lord of the land. He has stripped him of his clothes and beaten him cruelly, and put him into prison. She warns Hestor against the black knight’s strength. Hestor pursues him and soon arrives on the foot of a mountain with a mighty high tower on top, fortified by strong walls and deep moats. Water from a fountain is flowing through a silver pipe into a marble basin and a large leaden trough. Three high fir-trees shade the place. Forty helmets, shields and swords have been fastened to its branches. Hestor detects the shields of Aglonal, Segremors, Key, Gosoains von Strangot, and Brandelis among them. An inscription at the fountain tells him the names of the knights whose devices one can see there. Triquans of the forest captured them 24 years after Arthur had become king. Hestor reads the names, among them Lyonel and 24 Arthurian knights. Hestor has his horse drink at the fountain. Thereupon the black knight rushes toward him out of the gate forbidding him to let his horse drink there. He attacks Hestor who manages to unhorse him. But the huge knight gets hold of him and drags him into the castle, where he disarms him.
Motif References:

R 10.6 (Bm) Knight abducted
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
F 533 Remarkably tall man
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-265:   (18) When Hestor regains conscience Triquans tells him that his bravery will be rewarded by hospitality and he will not be treated as his captive if he promises not to leave without his permission. Hestor refuses to give such a promise and has to join his companions in the dungeon. They lament that Lancelot still has not been found. Lyonel tells that he was beaten by Triquans for he identified as Lancelot’s cousin. - Soon after Lyonel has left sleeping Lancelot the queen of Sorekors comes riding along with a train of forty armed knights. Four squires carry a tent to protect her against the sun. Two powerful sorceresses are in her company, Morge and Sibille, whose magic skills only are surpassed by the Lady of the Lake. The queen and the two magicians are amazed at Lancelot’s beauty. The queen wants him to be her lover, but Morge claims him too for the sake of her noble descent and her wisdom, and Sibille also longs for his love. The queen suggests they should wake him and make him choose one of them as his mistress. Morge refuses: the knight might refuse all three of them. She advises them to put him to sleep by magic and abduct him to the castle Karren. Then he will be in their power. They agree.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
R 50 Conditions of captivity
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
F 575.2 Handsome man
H 1596 Beauty contest
D 1711 Magician

Lanc2-267:   (26) By means of a sleep-charm the two sorceresses put Lancelot to sleep and have him carried on a horse-bier to the castle Karren. The castle has its name from Lancelot’s adventure of the cart when he was pursuing Genover’s abductor Meleagant (Meliegar) toward Gorre. The three ladies enclose Lancelot in a fine room with only two windows with iron grates. When they remove the charm Lancelot is puzzled but grasps that he has undergone some magic treatment. A maiden tells him where he is but he ignores how he came there. Next morning the queen and the two magicians enter and the queen tells him that they have captured him and he has to pay ransom for his release, that is choose a mistress among them. He replies he would rather stay in the prison for twenty years than be forced to love one of them. The ladies leave outraged. Morge still did not recognize Lancelot because of his bald head. Three days later the queen’s knights return from a tournament. Lancelot is grieved on overhearing their conversations. He complains of his sorrow to the maiden who cares for him: As a baby he lost his father and his kingdom and was exiled. He should rather be called Lancelot the Unfortunate from the Lake. The maiden is happy to learn that the captive is Lancelot and wants to rescue him.
Motif References:

R 50 Conditions of captivity
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
H 195 (Bm) Failure to recognize
F 375 Mortals as captives in fairyland
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 1364.22 Sleep-charm
D 1960 Magic sleep

Lanc2-271:   (20) The maiden’s story: The queen of Sorekort, who is the mistress of the castle, has captured her. Twenty years ago, when she still was very young, her father, the duke of Rochedan, warred against the king of Sorekort, the queen’s husband. Peace was made at last by betrothing her to the king’s son and she was sent to this castle. She was five years old at the time and the boy was six. Soon afterwards her parents died and their land came to the queen to dispose of it. Eight days before last Christmas her fiancé set out for the court of King Arthur to be dubbed, but was killed near Carlion (Karibon). Thereupon she asked the queen to let her leave. But the queen refused. About three weeks ago one of the queen’s brothers wooed her and the queen entreated her to marry him and invested him with her country. The maiden however refuses to marry the queen’s brother, who is an evil man. She offers Lancelot her help if he promises to rescue her from that marriage. Lancelot gives his promise to rescue her and retrieve her domain. She swears to release him the same night. At night she leads him out of the castle, and gives him horse and armor. Before he sets out he asks her about the tournament and learns that king Bandemagus, who had lost the first tournament, has proclaimed another one to be held against the king of Norgales within three days.
Motif References:

T 61 Betrothal
M 201.5 Covenant confirmed by marriage
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
K 640 Escape by help of confederate
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-273:   (15) Lancelot rides out of the forest and comes upon four deserted tents. He lies down in one of the beds and falls asleep. When the host returns he takes Lancelot for his wife and starts caressing Lancelot but soon learns his error: The knights wrestle and Lancelot getting hold of his sword attacks him so that the naked man takes to flight. Lancelot pursues and kills him. Then he returns to the tent and sleeps till morning. When Lancelot continues his journey next morning he meets four squires leading four white horses with white blankets, two squires carrying an armor, a helmet and a surcoat of white velvet and a white shield. They declare they are taking the equipment to Galehodin, son of King Galahot of the Strange Islands and Balie, the daughter of the king of Norgales, who will attend the tournament of the two kings. On riding on Lancelot comes to a monastery of White Monks and enters the church.
Motif References:

J 1485 Mistaken identity

Lanc2-275:   (10) On catching sight of bald Lancelot Meleagant’s sister who once rescued him from captivity wonders, she thinks it is due to some illness. After the mass she welcomes him. Lancelot will escort her to the tournament. She sends a squire to tell her father in the castle Herppe that Lancelot will fight at his sides next day. Bandemagus is overjoyed and in order to respect the knight’s incognito leaves to see him in private. Lancelot promises to join Bandemagus’s party in the tournament, but insists on his incognito. All has been prepared for the tournament. Numerous ladies will watch the jousts from a stand, for according to the customs of those times queens and noblewomen undertake a three days’ journey if they can watch a tournament. At dawn Lancelot and the maiden set out for the field of the tournament. Bandemagus’s daughter joins the ladies. The day has been won by two Arthurian knights, Mados vom Tor (Mador von der Pfortten) and Gawan’s brother Mordret (Morderet). King Bandemagus sends Lancelot a white armor. The party of the king of Norgales outnumbers the troops of King Bandemagus. The princesses of Gorre and Norgales discuss the jousting and the knights’ performance. As soon as Lancelot engages in jousting he rages among the opponents and unhorses any man he comes upon. All are amazed and stop to watch him fighting. Norgales has to retreat and finally takes to flight when Lancelot has overcome their best knights. Lancelot leaves without being recognized.
Motif References:

R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-282:   (23) King Bandemagus is sad that Lancelot has left so quickly. Galehodin asks for the identity of the unknown knight, for he would like to join his service to learn all about fighting skills. The king tells him that the hero was Lancelot, his father’s friend. Galehodin vows to search for the man for the sake of his father in order to become his friend and companion, and leaves secretly. Lancelot weary from the fighting encounters a knight and a lady who greet him. The lady offers him hospitality at her castle nearby, where she promises to show him the world’s finest jewel. Lancelot rides with them to a fine castle in a valley. When the lord of the castle arrives his wife tells him that a famous hero stays with them as their guest. The lord relates to her the story of the tournament: the unknown knight he watched fighting there could not be surpassed. The wife tells him that this hero is their guest. Lancelot is embarrassed at the praise and the lady begs him to pardon her.
Motif References:

H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-287:   (22) The lord recognizes the guest’s shield. Overjoyed he offers his service to Lancelot. Next morning the lady escorts Lancelot to the castle of Corbenic, where the most precious jewel is kept. They meet a lady near a small stronghold in a valley, enclosed by a torrential river. She warns them that Corbenic is a perilous place, but Lancelot’s companion is certain that the hero will achieve the adventure. When they reach the castle people warn the knight. But he rides on until he comes to a splendid tower. He comes upon a wailing lady and recognizes her: Gawan once failed in taking her out of a tub. She entreats Lancelot to help her for the bath keeps scalding her. He helps her to leave the water and she thanks him. People are amazed at the wonder. When she has dressed she goes to the chapel to thank God. Lancelot is led into a vault with a splendidly decorated tomb. An inscription tells that the ledger only will be lifted by the leopard from whom the great lion shall come. Magic will bring forth the great lion from the beautiful daughter of the king of the Fremden Lande.
Motif References:

Z 150 Other symbols
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
Z 254 Destined hero
M 361 Fated hero
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 872 Extraordinary bath
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 1148 Magic tomb
H 1199.5 Task: disenchantment
D 1417 Magic object imprisons person
D 2063.1 Tormenting by magic.
D 2072.0.5 Person paralyzed

Lanc2-290:   No one understands the meaning of the inscription, yet they think Lancelot might be that man, for he already achieved the rescue of the lady in the tub. Lancelot lifts the ledger. A frightful winged dragon breathes fire against him, rushes out of the grave with flames and poison coming from his mouth so that all green trees burn. Lancelot protects himself with his shield and kills the dragon by chopping off its head. They have the bells rung in the castle to celebrate Lancelot’s exploit. The knight is led into the palace where a very beautiful man, the king vom fremden Land welcomes him and tells him that they have waited for him for the land, once rich, has been devastated and people have to live in poverty. He asks for his name. The king aware that Ban was Lancelot’s father tells him that the land will be relieved from the curse by him or one of his descendants. At that point an old woman of about 100 years enters joyfully and wants to speak to the king in private. She asks him what should be the knight’s reward. The king will offer Lancelot his daughter. The lady tells him that Lancelot for the sake of his love for King Arthur’s wife would refuse her. Yet she would think about a strategy to make the knight long for her.
Motif References:

B 11.11 Fight with dragon
B 11.2.11 Fire-breathing dragon
Q Lady as reward
M 306 Enigmatical prophecy.
M 474 Curse on land
D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
D 2081 Land made magically sterile

Lanc2-292:   (5) The king, Pelles von dem Fremden Lande (von dem land Foranien), returns to his guest. Lancelot watches a dove (that once was seen by Gawan too) enter through a window, carrying a small golden censer. The palace is illuminated. They fall to their knees, there is no more talking. Then they sit down again. Lancelot is amazed at the wonder. They pray. A beautiful damsel enters with a costly cup in her hands. Lancelot bows toward it and folds his hands in prayer from awe. Each of them falls to his knees at her passage that provides the tables with the finest food and a sweet smell fills the hall. The damsel leaves. Pelles is happy that Lancelot was not treated the way Gawan was. After dinner the king asks Lancelot about the damsel and Lancelot replies she is the most beautiful maiden he ever saw but would not win the prize among women. Pelles remembers what he has heard about Genover. He relates this answer to the old lady, Brisane (Brysane), who tells Lancelot that she met the queen not long ago some place nearby and will lead him to. Lancelot is overjoyed. Meanwhile the king has sent his daughter to the castle of Kaße (Caße).
Motif References:

V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
B 291.1.12 Pigeon as messenger.
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
B 811 Sacred animals [dove, falcon]
F 969.3 Marvelous light
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
K 1840 Deception by substitution

Lanc2-294:   (12) Meanwhile a magic drink has been made ready to make Lancelot obey their wish. Brisane leads Lancelot to the castle, night has already fallen. Brisane’s sister has been instructed to serve Lancelot the magic potion, that is clearer as water and looks like wine. It is a sweet drink and pleases him well. They tell him that the queen already has gone to sleep in her chamber. The potion makes Lancelot feel light-headed, he is pale and hot, has forgotten where he is and how he came there, but thinks this is Kamahelot and he would be talking to the queen’s maidservant. Brisane is glad that her potion works. She leads him to the “queen” and he lies down at the girl’s side. They love without talking. She lies with him in order to beget the hero who will restore the land’s happiness, that had been lost due to the unfortunate sword-blow, as is told in the story of the quest for the Grail. Lancelot longs for her because he thinks she is queen Genover. But unlike Adam who longed for his wife according to God’s order Lancelot’s longing is sinful. God however who wants the land to become happy again lets the girl beget Galaad who will achieve the adventures of the Grail and take the Perilous Seat at the Round Table that already has killed many a knight. Galaad remains chaste all his life and is the perfect knight. His chastity and holiness make up for his mother’s sin and his illicit conception.
Motif References:

H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
Z 254 Destined hero
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
T 640 Illegitimate children
D 1040 Magic drink.
D 1151 Magic seat
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 1368 Magic object causes illusions.
K 1840 Deception by substitution

Lanc2-297:   (14) In the morning Lancelot has regained his senses and detects the deception. The potion lost its power while he lay with the princess. She tells him that she is king Pelles’s daughter. He is outraged and wants to kill her but she begs for mercy. Amazed at her beauty he asks her to pardon him. Then he leaves. Pelles goes to see his daughter and has her cared for with all his love. Soon they know that she is with child and all people are very happy about the news. - Lancelot rides on in an angry and sad mood. He can get no news about Lyonel. When he comes to a mountain with a fine castle on top he rides toward it. Lost in thought he does not listen to an armed knight warning him. Thereupon the knight overrides and unhorses him so that he falls into the water of the moat. The knight takes Lancelot’s horse into the castle and has the gate closed. Lancelot is amazed on finding himself in the water. He is denied entrance to the castle and people satirize him. Angrily he leaves and comes to a fountain beneath four lime trees.
Motif References:

N 380 Other unlucky accidents
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

Lanc2-301:   (6) When night has already fallen Lancelot watches three knights with their squires and a wailing maiden taking rest at the fountain. He recognizes the maiden - she once cured him from the poison of the spring. Lancelot overhears their conversation and learns that they have abducted the girl. A knight asks her to become his mistress, but she refuses for she would never betray the best knight, Lancelot. Thereupon the knight scorns Lancelot and his father, whose cowardice lost him his kingdom: Claudas, the knight’s relative, conquered it. If she would not consent he would rape her which would deprive her of his love. Unable to seduce the girl he is about to rape her. Lancelot kills the knight, and some of his companions. The maiden welcomes him gladly. They ride to the castle of her cousin where they are offered hospitality. Next morning Lancelot rides to the castle where he lost his horse in disregard of his host’s warnings: every knight setting out for that castle for the past five years was killed or captured. His host escorts Lancelot, who tells the maiden to meet him at the tournament in Kamahelot.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
T 471 Rape
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-306:   (7) Lancelot learns that Hestor of Mares is his half-brother. Soon after Uterpandragon’s death when Arthur who was a young knight at the time just had been chosen king the lords were summoned to attend the crowning and to swear allegiance to the new king. On their journey to the court King Ban of Bonewig and his brother Bohort came to the castle of the duke of Mares, who had a very beautiful daughter. Ban became the father of her son, Hestor. His uncle, the lord of the castle of Mares, equipped the youth and sent him to Arthur’s court, but forbade him to identify himself to Lancelot, unless he would not be recognized by his looks. Lancelot is glad that valiant young Hestor is his brother. The porter of the perilous castle they are just approaching is Hestor’s uncle. Lancelot’s companion rides ahead and advises the man not to fight the knight in his company, Lancelot. The man would never fight Lancelot, for he is his relative and a famous hero. Yet he doubts that the knight he overcame so easily the day before is Lancelot, and will joust him. Lancelot unhorses him into the water and the man surrenders.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 251 Brothers [Half-brothers]
T 400 Illicit sexual relations
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
T 640 Illegitimate children
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-310:   (10) When they enter the courtyard the lord’s sister, mother of Hestor of Mares, welcomes them. By Lancelot’s resemblance to king Ban she recognizes him. She tells him the story of his half-brother, and as a proof shows him his father’s token he left with her, a golden ring with a sapphire, that is engraved with two little dragons. Ban’s wife had a twin to this ring, that she saw when she met Lancelot’s mother in the monastery not long ago. Lancelot stays with them as their honored guest. Next morning he insists on leaving and they escort him some way. Before they take leave the lady asks him to care for Hestor. Lancelot rides on until he comes into an old forest, on its edge he meets a hermit in a chapel. A cross is fixed to a marble wall with an inscription warning any knight from choosing the perilous path. Lancelot’s squire is heading toward a castle on the other edge of the forest. Lancelot decides to follow him despite the inscription defending the path across the forest to any knight. Lancelot enters the chapel in armor, greets the hermit, identifies and tells that he is on quest for his relative Lyonel. The hermit has heard much about him and warns him of choosing that path, for these past two years about 150 knights have disappeared there. He ignores however who was the author of the inscription that has been posted there more than six years ago. Lancelot insists on taking the forbidden path.
Motif References:

H 20 Recognition by resemblance
H 82.3.1 (Bm) Ring as parting token
P 426.2 Hermit
N 843 Hermit as helper
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1236 Perilous path traversed on quest.

Lanc2-314:   (17) The hermit offers him hospitality. Lancelot learns that the forest is called the Verlorener Walt, for no one who entered ever returned. Lancelot thinks this might be the Way Without Return and he decides to learn what became of the lost persons. Next morning he sets out. Soon they come upon a maiden with a hound in her arm, who is puzzled by Lancelot’s outstanding beauty, and warns him of the dangers ahead. Lancelot does not care and she rides on. The squire too advises him to turn back. They come to a fine meadow beneath a tower. Thirty tents have been pitched there, and a seat of green velvet with a golden crown on it has been placed amid four springs. Sixty knights (some of them armed) and much less ladies are dancing around the springs. Lancelot wants to learn what tale hangs thereby. Yet as soon as he has joined the company his mind is troubled, he can think nothing but joy and dancing. He forgets about the queen, his companions and himself and is completely happy. He dismounts, leaves his horse to the squire, throws helmet, shield, and lance away and still in his armor joins the dance. Lancelot joins in their song: They sing a song about queen Genover, “We have a beautiful queen, surpassing all queens”. The squire fails in making Lancelot continue his journey, for the knight only wants to dance on. He waits for him all day and in the evening once again entreats him to leave the dancers (they just sing the song: “Good morning, Kunz!”). He grasps that Lancelot has been enchanted and is beyond his help. The squire leaves, weeping.
Motif References:

D 5 Enchanted person.
P 426.2 Hermit
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
N 843 Hermit as helper
D 2000 Magic forgetfulness
D 2174 Magic dancing. Enchanted persons dance till released

Lanc2-318:   (18) As soon as Ywan has recovered from his wound he leaves the monastery and continues his quest for Lancelot. He meets a sad dwarf riding a fine horse, who promises to give him news about Lancelot if Ywan retrieved his dog from a young lady. The dwarf leads him the way and soon they catch up with a knight and a lady carrying the dog. Ywan makes the dwarf take his dog and Ywan orders the lady to leave it to him. Thereupon the knight challenges Ywan. A furious combat begins. Ywan warns his opponent, a white knight, that he is not defending a just cause and should stop fighting. He learns that the knight is Bohort. Ywan is overjoyed, surrenders to him and asks him for pardon. Bohort is glad to meet Ywan and wants to surrender to him but Ywan refuses. Ywan asks him for news about Lancelot, and Bohort tells him that Lancelot has been ill when he last saw him. Ywan declares that the knights believing Lancelot dead set out on quest for him and will not return to Arthur’s court before achieving the quest. The dwarf reassures them declaring that Lancelot is still alive: he won the tournament of the knights of Gorre against the king of Norgales, that he had fought carrying a white shield and white armor. Thereupon Ywan wants to return to the court, the dwarf however reminds him that he could only return in his friends’ company.
Motif References:

H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
M 151.2.2 (Bm) Vow not to return to court [not to sleep two nights in the same place] until missing knight is found
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-322:   (19) Bohort asks the dwarf for further news and learns that Arthur has proclaimed a tournament within eight days after St. Magdalen’s Day on the plain of Kamahelot. Messengers, among them the dwarf himself, have been sent throughout the lands. Bohort however will only come to the tournament after he has redeemed a pledge toward a lady. Bohort leaves and Ywan rides with the dwarf to a monastery of White Nuns nearby, where his wounds are cured within two weeks. He continues his quest and at a river catches up with an old woman riding a horse without saddle who drags a black and baldheaded wailing dwarf with a long beard by his hair. Ywan orders her to release the dwarf, which she would only do on condition of a rash boon. Ywan gives his promise and the dwarf is released. The old hag asks Ywan to kiss her, which frightens him a lot and he refuses. She blames him of faithlessness and asks for his name. Thereupon she menaces that she would blame him of faithlessness at Arthur’s court. Ywan changes his mind and would rather kiss her than risk shame. But there is still something he could do for her: take a shield and a helmet which she will show to him and strike a shield from a tree in the valley nearby. The dwarf warns him that she is a treacherous hag and what she asked for would bring disaster upon the land and Ywan.
Motif References:

R 50 Conditions of captivity
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
F 451.2.3.1 Long-bearded dwarf
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
P 561 Tournaments
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
H 1151 Theft as a task
H 1232.7 (G) Directions on quest given by dwarf
K 2293 Treacherous old woman.

Lanc2-325:   (18) The old woman leads Ywan to a meadow where tents have been pitched. Under a bed Ywan finds a costly helmet and a precious sword, which he gives to her. Then he strikes down the shield from the tree, which falls into an old fountain. The hag orders him to take that shield and leave his own behind. Then she fastens the helmet and the shield to the tail of her horse and drags them through the mud. 100 young maidens rush out of the tents, with signs of grief (clapping their hands and tearing hair). They lament of their failure to care for the weapons, so that the stranger has brought distress and shame upon them and he will perish too. Ywan pities them and regrets his action. He grasps that it was evil. He offers the ladies compensation, but they reply there is none. Ywan is in distress. One of the maidens advises him to flee otherwise he would be killed. Thereupon Ywan stays there till evening when he decides to leave. They curse him as he rides away.
Motif References:

N 380 Other unlucky accidents
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

Lanc2-327:   (20) On the edge of the forest he comes to a hermitage, that is called the Travelers’ Hermitage (Wandelcluse), for many errant knights use to lodge there. The hermit asks Ywan his identity and errand. The hermit himself once was an errant knight too and he has known Ywan’s father. He failed in becoming a member of the Round Table due to the intrigues of a knight, who slandered him after a tournament at the court so that he was banished. The hermit inquires about the knights of the Round Table. On festival days when the king Uterpandragon held court a scribe had to write down the adventures of the knights of the Round Table. The scribe went round the table to detect men without wounds, for no unwounded knight was allowed to sit at the table. One Christmas the king Uterpandragon (Uterbrandragum) was in Carduel (Cardual) in Wales (Gales). He was a virtuous king, who cared for poor knights and he had invited many guests. A strong and brave knight was found unwounded and banished from the table.
Motif References:

P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
P 425 Scribe
Q 431 Punishment: banishment (exile)
K 2110 Slanders

Lanc2-329:   (8) The knight, outraged, took his arms and abducted a maiden serving wine at the table. No one dared to interfere without the kin’s permission, except the girl’s three brothers, all of them knights of the Round Table. The king blamed them for this offense and ordered their names to be erased from the lists of the Round Table. The abductor killed the girl’s brothers but was wounded himself and swooned. At that point the knight who tells the story arrived, coming from Quinpertorrentin (Panteratin). The wounded man asked him to take him to his place at the Round Table, which he did. The king kept the slain knights’ relatives from taking revenge. The wounded knight died four days later. The hermit asks Ywan if the custom of the wound is still kept. Ywan tells him that this custom has been abolished, since the king had made Lancelot, Galahot and Hestor members of the Round Table although they had no scars. But a new custom has been introduced: Only a knight who has sworn on relics that he has overcome an opponent the week before is allowed at the table on a festival.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
M 150 Other vows and oaths
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table

Lanc2-330:   (15) Ywan asks the hermit about his strange adventure with the old hag. The hermit tells him that the damsels were frightened because of the giant Maldint (Mandint) whom Ywan set lose by striking down the shield. Shield, helmet, and sword were guarded by the maidens and to avenge the loss of his weapons the giant will devastate the country as he already did some time ago. Maldint is the land’s sovereign. The hermit relates the giant’s story to Ywan: At the times of king Uterpandragon only giants lived in this land. Their abode were a forest and the mountains, where they lived like animals and killed everybody they could get hold of. As King Arthur learnt of that evil custom he conquered the land with his army and killed the giants. Only a beautiful young giantess who had hidden in the forest and her little son were spared. Although she was only fifteen years old she was very large. The king would have had her killed had not a knight claimed her as his wife. The king left the giantess to him with the land. The knight married her but she soon died. Her son grew very large and strong and he was dubbed. He killed his stepfather for having criticized him and his stepmother as well when she accused him of the murder. Thus he became the land’s sovereign. No one dared to oppose him. He imprisoned many a man, abducted the maidens and killed anybody criticizing his actions.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
P 12.2.1 Tyrannical king [lord]
S 110 Murders
F 531 Giant
F 531.6.2.7 Giants in wild forests
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings
F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man
F 531. Beautiful giantess
F 531. Mortal son of man and giantess

Lanc2-332:   One day the young giant came upon a very beautiful young lady escorted by her husband and two squires. He killed the men and abducted the lady to his castle Tartre. He wooed her for he had fallen in love. She promised him her love if he stopped his cruelties (murder and rape). He gave his oath on relics to refrain from violence and never again set out from the castle unless he had to avenge an offense. He never left his castle since. But he soon became annoyed by his new life-style and therefore installed the adventure at the tents. If an errant knight would offend him by taking away shield, helmet and sword he would be able to set out without breaking his oath. As soon as his people detected his strategy they had the tents guarded by some damsels. Ywan’s foolish action has provoked the giant who again will make the land suffer. In the morning when Ywan is about to leave the hermit advises him to leave the shield behind for he would meet general scorn if he carried it. Ywan refuses. When he encounters two ladies with two hounds in their arms they are frightened at the sight of the giant’s shield, that displays black drops on white ground, and take to flight. Ywan sets out after them and one of the ladies tells him that they took him for the giant.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

Lanc2-334:   (5) Ywan rides on and at noon comes to a fountain beneath two lime trees in a valley. Two ladies and a squire are having their meal there and they offer hospitality to Ywan. A knight coming along blames Ywan of having brought disaster to the land by releasing that devil and challenges him. They fight and Ywan forces him to surrender and to ride to the castle Tartre, in order to bring Ywan’s challenge to the giant Maldint who should rather fight him than harass his subjects. The knight is Tridant von der Lust (Trydant von der Wollust). The giant still has no inkling that his strategy has worked for his knights dared not alarm him and the countrymen think him to be fully informed. Maldint is outraged at the news and falls silent from rage. Then he offers the knight a choice: lose his head for the loss of the giant’s helmet, or his hand for the shield. The knight’s hand is cut off and he swoons.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-337:   (10) The giant sends for his armor, mounts a very strong horse, and leaves with a battleaxe, a large iron mace, and a sword. On his way he comes upon a knight and a lady asleep in a tent. He chops off their heads, which he carries with him fastened to his saddle. The place where he left his shield is deserted when he arrives there. Outraged he destroys the tents. Then he sets out in pursuit of the challenger. He comes upon a tent where two knights and two ladies are having dinner. They hide when they see him coming. The giant sits down to eat. After his meal he slays the knights and the damsels and laughs at the murder. He keeps murdering everybody he comes upon and destroying anything in his way all night. At dawn he falls asleep in a valley beside a fountain. Meanwhile Ywan has ridden on and in the evening comes to a tower, where he asks hospitality. The lord orders his squire to grant hospitality to anyone but the man who released the giant. On learning the guest’s device - black drops on white ground - the lord takes his weapons and together with his son attacks Ywan waiting before the drawbridge. Ywan overcomes them and leaves. For the same reason he is refused hospitality at three more castles so that he has to stay overnight in a forest under an apple tree.
Motif References:

G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus
S 110 Murders
S 110.0.1 (Li) Mass murder
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-340:   (13) When Ywan wakes in the morning the giant breaks through the forest with a loud clamor cursing God and the saints out of rage that he still did not find the challenger. He does not perceive Ywan who challenges him but the giant does not listen. Ywan mounts and pursues him. On the woodside six armed knights rush at Ywan from the castle of Trespas (Trepal) accusing him of having brought about the land’s ruin. They unhorse and capture him. He will be delivered to the giant Maldint. When the mistress of the castle learns that he is Ywan, knight of King Arthur, she promises to rescue him for his father king Urien has been kind to her father, the count of Trespas (Trespach)
Motif References:

N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-342:   (9) Meanwhile Bohort rides on with the damsel. On the third day they arrive at the castle Galnoie, and her mistress is happy that the maiden-messenger has obtained Bohort as their champion. The lady tells him her story: The land of her father is very large and rich. The duke of Garhemigen and his sons however have conquered one of her castles on an island at her land’s borders. The castle was to be their common possession until her father became its sole owner. The duke was hated by his neighbors for his belligerence and one day when he was riding with small company through a forest they captured him. The lady’s father to whom he appealed for help (the duke had been the companion of his youth) rescued him from the dungeon. He became his friend, had built a castle on the island which out of gratitude he left to her father. When her father had died the lady inherited the castle and was given oath of allegiance. Three years ago however the young duke invaded the island, and slew everybody who would not join his service. Thereupon the lady appealed to the law-court of King Pelles vom Fremden Land (Foramien). The duke declared to have inherited the fortress from his father, the lady to fight for her title in judicial combat by a champion. For this reason she sent a damsel as messenger to Arthur’s court. Next morning they will set out for the law-court of King Pelles.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
H 218 Trial by combat
M 246 Covenant of friendship
P 310 Friendship
P 510 Law courts
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-344:   (19) In the morning they leave for Corbenic (Lyemor). Bohort is welcomed by king Pelles and his opponent is sent for, Maneses, the son of duke Gahemis, who soon arrives with a retinue of 100 men. The king has his daughter care for Bohort and the lady. The knight is lodged in a room near the place where Lancelot killed the dragon, after he had opened the tomb which they show to him. Next morning Bohort hears mass and in his prayer asks God for help in the combat. The king who for the sake of Bohort’s youth would rather settle the dispute peacefully tries to reconcile the adversaries, but Bohort forbids the lady of Galnoie to give in unless she would be returned her castle and receive reparations. A circle of combat has been sealed off on a field before the town, judges are to watch the combat (the combatant trespassing the barrier has lost the combat). The opponents start to fight. Bohort defeats Maneses and forces him to surrender. The land’s lords plead for the defeated otherwise he would have lost his possessions and been banished. The lady is returned her castle. They celebrate a feast with dancing and music. Bohort sits close to the king’s daughter who no more carries the Grail for she has lost her virginity. Moreover only virgins may make music before the Holy Grail. A niece of the king now serves the Grail.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
P 510 Law courts
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 634 Feasts
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women

Lanc2-348:   (8) That young lady carries the Grail through the palace, and Bohort bows to it weeping, for he has often been told about the Grail. After her passage all tables are set with the finest food. They talk and enjoy courtly pastimes. The princess however is sad and Bohort asks her. She declares that fulfilling her father’s request made her lose Grail, so that she no more is allowed to carry it. The king declares that it had to be done for good reason. The king has Bohort pass the night in another room for he does not want to lodge him in the palace of the adventures. Bohort sleeps till morning and leaves. After having taken leave of the lady of Galnoie he rides on until he comes upon a hermit on the edge of a forest where he is granted hospitality. The hermit is happy to meet the knight, for Bohort’s father dubbed him and moreover he founded the chapel and donated a golden crown for it. The hermit asks about Lancelot: When the hero was born the hermit was a young knight at king Ban’s court. The king ordered him and ten armed men to take the baby to a holy man in the forest to have him baptized. At the hermitage they encountered a philosopher, a wise man and a prophet. He kissed the child and foretold that it would become the crown of knighthood, which made the king very happy. Bohort declares that the prophecy came true.
Motif References:

P 56 (Bm) Knight [noble] becomes hermit
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
M 301.5 Saints (holy men) [hermits] as prophet
M 311 Prophecy: future greatness of unborn child
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women

Lanc2-351:   (13) Then the hermit tells a story of Bohort’s father: King Bohort had attended King Arthur’s tournament and diet. His uncle, king Serses (Sersis), who hated him because he had killed one of his brothers, ambushed him in the forest. When night fell they agreed upon a truce till morning. Bohort sent word to Serses to negotiate peace. Learning the reason of the uncle’s enmity he suggested deciding the matter by single combat. The following day King Bohort overcame his uncle and chopped off his head. He also killed many of the opponent’s men and captured the steward who had escaped with the riches and treasures of king Serses. The man offered to leave the king the most precious crown ever on condition of his release from prison. The king agreed. The steward rode to a pit near a hornbeam in the forest where he had hidden his theft (the crown) and took it to the king. King Bohort according to his counselors’ advice that he should fare with the crown at his liking had built that chapel where the events should be commemorated by singing mass. Within five months the chapel was ready and the king left the crown there. The hermit, still a knight at that time, was granted to stay there for he had vowed to retire from the world if God would rescue from his wounds. The king agreed, granting him and his successors sufficient funds to live at the chapel. After he left the hermit was cured by a physician. He was ordained as a priest. Banin, king Ban’s godchild, related to him the story of Ban’s family thereafter and that Bohort’s mother died a nun.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
H 218 Trial by combat
K 810.1 (Bm) Ambush
K 2242 Treacherous steward

Lanc2-354:   (7) Next morning Bohort leaves the hermitage and riding through a dark valley encounters a young lady on a black horse. When she learns his identity and that he stayed at King Pelles’s castle for two nights but avoided the palace of adventures she blames him of cowardice. The adventures will be achieved some day by an Arthurian knight and he should have tried. Bohort declares that he did not know about it, but she does not believe him. Bohort decides to inquire about those adventures if he happens to come there once again. He leaves the forest and takes a path leading him across a beautiful meadow toward a bridge that is drawn up. A wailing lady sits there, tearing her hair and scratching her face out of grief. She tells Bohort her story: Her sparrow hawk escaped to a tower of the castle while she was hunting and when her companion wanted to retrieve it two knights captured him. She now is left defenseless against her enemy who will conquer the land she inherited from her parents. Bohort promises to rescue the knight. On horseback he jumps over the moat and soon meets two knights and their squires. He asks them about the knight and challenges them. Bohort overcomes them in fight, killing one of the knights, and forces the other one to surrender and release the captive. Though the knight has ordered truce to be kept his men rush at Bohort, who puts them to flight. Bohort escorts the released knight to the damsel, who is his sister. She thanks him and asks his identity. Bohort rides on and is granted hospitality at the house of a forester. Next morning he hurries on toward Kamahelot for the tournament.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
R 110 Rescue of captive
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-359:   After he has left the hermit who told him the meaning of the dragon Gawan rides on, lost in thought and worried that he has learnt his hour of death, although he does not really believe it. He keeps asking for Lancelot but learns nothing about him. One day he enters a forest where he encounters a lady and a knight. The lady tells him that she has met Lancelot about six days ago at Corbenic: She is the damsel who had rescued Lancelot from the poison and was later on rescued by him from being raped. She is on her way to Kamahelot to watch the tournament. Gawan joins the knight and the damsel.
Motif References:

H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-360:   (13) Lancelot meanwhile is still captive of the magic dance. In the evening a damsel makes him rest at the seat of honor and wear the crown. If he succeeded they would be disenchanted, otherwise he would have to stay. Lancelot does not care for any rescue but does as she asks him. As soon as he is seated and has crowned himself the company declares: “Now you can say you wear your father’s crown.” At this moment he watches the precious relief of a king falling down and shatter on the ground. Thus the company is disenchanted and they come to their senses again. Lancelot on grasping that he wears a crown jumps to his feet and throws the crown away for he refuses royalty. All knights and damsels show their gratitude to him for otherwise only death would have disenchanted them. They lead him to the tower, where an old man greets him: He foretold the company that Lancelot would help them for the very best and most handsome knight was to disenchant them.
Motif References:

D 5 Enchanted person.
W 46 (Li) Modesty
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
Z 254 Destined hero
M 301 Prophets
M 391 Fulfillment of prophecy
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
F 855 Extraordinary image
H 1568 Test of the champion.
D 2174 Magic dancing. Enchanted persons dance till released

Lanc2-361:   (21) Lancelot wants to know about the magic dance who robbed people of mind and memory. The old man relates the story of the magic dance to him: After the betrothal of King Arthur and Genover the lords of the country were summoned to attend the wedding feast and to be enfeoffed with their lands. Two weeks after the feast King Ban riding through the forest came to that tower, where he watched six maidens singing a new song about queen Genover, among them a very beautiful girl, daughter of a king and a queen. His nephew had come with King Ban, a learned young man and a necromancer, who never had loved before. He was very beautiful and wise and had a fine voice. He fell in love with the lady. The king made six knights join the maidens’ dance. When the princess seated on the throne declared how fortunate a person would be who could thus dance on forever, the magician offered her such a marvel. If she promised to love him and never choose another lover he would enchant the dancers so that they would dance on forever without getting weary - as long as the season is fine. And everyone passing by would have to join the dancers and lose memory of everything but dancing and love. Having danced all day, the dancers would be served a meal in the evening, and stay at the place overnight. The magic dance would continue until the best and most beautiful knight puts an end to it. The princess promised the magician her love for she did not believe him. Ban’s nephew however enchanted the company and the king watching it happen left his crown on the throne for the disenchanter. The cleric stayed there with the princess and many people coming to see the marvel never were able to leave. Once on a single day 150 were enchanted.
Motif References:

D 5 Enchanted person.
T 10 Falling in love
Q 53 Reward for rescue
Q 58 (Bm) Obedience [in love-service] rewarded
Q Lady as reward
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
H 1568 Test of the champion.
D 1711 Magician
D 2000 Magic forgetfulness
D 2174 Magic dancing. Enchanted persons dance till released

Lanc2-364:   (13) The princess however grew weary of the dance and asked her lover to remove the charm. Yet he too was bound to the limit he had set to the enchantment. Thereupon she asked him to invent a new pastime, and he made an automatic chess game, the board out of jewel and figures out of gold and silver. The princess was always matted at the game. The magician told her that a knight is to win that game one day and at his death the chess game will lose its magic power. After a long time the cleric and his ladylove died, their companions however had to continue dancing. Lancelot tries the automatic chess game and wins. They are amazed at this wonder. That he has won that game means that he will never be defeated in battle. Next morning Lancelot sends a knight to the royal court to bring them his greetings and to give the chessboard to the queen. The messenger leaves without delay and hurries to Kamahelot where all has been made ready for the great tournament. The king is overjoyed to get news of Lancelot. The knight gives the present to the queen. They should have the best player try it. The king has the queen play first and all are amazed at the automatic game. The queen however is matted. The messenger receives rich reward from the king (a fine armor, a steed, clothes and silver ware) and the queen, so that he leaves as a wealthy man.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
T 89 Tragic love - miscellaneous motifs
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
Z 254 Destined hero
M 301 Prophets
H 509.3 Chess game as test
D 1209.7 Magic gameboard, chessboard
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
H 1568 Test of the champion.

Lanc2-369:   Lancelot sends a squire to the hermit he left last night to tell him the news and erase the inscription on the wall now obsolete. Lancelot rides on until he comes upon an armed knight who does not return his greeting. Asked where he comes from Lancelot identifies. The stranger warns him that he will have to die before evening and menaces him, then leaves in a hurry. Lancelot cannot catch up with the man. He comes to a meadow beneath a tower. Thirty armed knights run at him when he approaches the fortress. Although Lancelot defends himself bravely he succumbs to the superior forces and is captured. They strip him of his clothes, and beat him with whips. Lancelot endures all torments in silence.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-371:   (24) The lord of the castle has him thrown into a black dreadful pool full of serpents and poisonous snakes. Lancelot greatly suffers from the cold and the venom. On swooning he hurts his head. The serpents aroused by his blood torment him. Yet Lancelot keeps fighting them and kills as many as possible. The poison makes his legs swell. He starts lamenting for he thinks himself beyond help doomed to die a shameful death depriving him of a decent burial in a grave. He remembers Bohort and the queen whom he hopes never to learn that he died in such a way. When night has fallen he sits on top of some decayed wall in the midst of the pool lamenting: Having been the most fortunate he now has become the most unhappy knight who will not even be prey to birds or the beasts of the forest but will be devoured by vile serpents. A damsel passing by asks him his identity and promises to help him. By means of a rope Lancelot at last manages to climb out of the pool. He hides behind a tree to wait for the damsel who returns to the castle.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
K 640 Escape by help of confederate
F 717.2 Poison pool
B 776.7 Venomous serpent
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
D 2061.1.3 Poisoning by magic
D 2064 Magic sickness

Lanc2-375:   (22) A squire has watched Lancelot’s escape and alarms his lord. The knight hates Lancelot for he once killed his uncle, duke Calle, and two of his brothers. His daughter however just has rescued his enemy. The lord arms himself and sends four men to watch out for his daughter. In the meantime the maiden has taken some clothes to Lancelot. She wants to have him rest in her room until next morning when both of them will escape her cruel father. The lord’s men however catch them and beat the damsel. Lancelot getting hold of some weapons drives them to flight toward the palace. Lancelot pursues them and comes upon nine knights and two chess players. Outraged he slaughters all of them. The damsel’s father however breaks his neck on jumping out of the window. Lancelot clears the hall by throwing the dead out of the window. Lancelot and the damsel have a meal and sleep until dawn.
Motif References:

N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-379:   (16) That night the damsel has a frightful dream: She leaves a dark house and enters a foreign land in the company of a leopard, that she leaves behind for some reason. Soon she comes upon a poisonous dragon who declares that he will kill her for she deprived him of his food. As his fiery breath burns her the leopard returns. On waking from her dream she jumps out of the bed naked, and goes to see Lancelot. When the knight wants to rise he can hardly stand up for his feet are full of poison. Nevertheless he arms himself and leaves with the maiden. They carry some of the damsel’s goods with them so that she can live according to her rank. After they have ridden some way Lancelot is alarmed by cries of distress. He sets out and comes to a tent at a fountain, where an armed knight is beating a naked woman, dragging her by her hair beside his horse. The beautiful lady entreats Lancelot to help her. At Lancelot’s order to let her go the knight chops off her head, throwing it toward Lancelot. As Lancelot attacks him the man takes to flight. Lancelot pursues the knight toward a strong castle, enclosed by a water moat, in a valley. Lancelot’s horse is cut in two by the falling gate, yet without wounding the rider.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
S 110 Murders
Z 150 Other symbols
S 182.2 Girl [man] pulled about by her [his] hair
R 260 Pursuits
K 736 Snapping door
F 776.2 Perilous falling gate
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
D 1810.8.3 Warning in dreams
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen

Lanc2-383:   Lancelot forces the knight to surrender and orders him to set out for Arthur’s court with the lady’s head fastened to his neck and her body before him on his horse. He must surrender to the ladies, maidens and the queen, tell his story and show the dead woman. If they would spare his life he has to continue to the court of king Bandemagus to surrender in a like manner, and then to the court of the king of Norgales. His penance will be done only if he is released there. The knight gives his promise. Lancelot and the knight return to where the lady has been decapitated, Lancelot fastens the head to the knight’s neck, and puts the body onto the horse. Then he orders him to tell at the court that the knight of the chessboard has sent him. The man leaves for Kamahelot. Lancelot rides back to where he left the damsel, but she has disappeared. A knight comes hurrying along who asks him about two knights taking a lady with them - Lancelot just saw them - and tells him that the damsel Lancelot is asking for has been abducted by four knights.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

Lanc2-386:   (4) Lancelot rides on to a small castle in a valley. A large fire has been kindled before it and some men are about to burn the damsel with a throng watching the execution. Lancelot attacks them, chops off some heads, putting their companions to flight. Lancelot kills many of them in pursuit. He and the damsel look for her goods left under a tree and continue their journey. She relates her strange dream to him and tells him its meaning: Lancelot is the leopard she saw in her dream, who left her, the dragon was her brother who wanted to burn her. He is amazed. She tells him that her brother and three knights, only survivors of the battle for they had laid in wait for them outside the castle, had pursued them and as soon as Lancelot left her behind captured the maiden to burn her at the stake. She asks Lancelot to counsel her, for she has lost her inheritance by helping her father’s enemy. Lancelot reassures her: He will lead her to a safe place and she will become rich. On hearing about Lancelot’s adventure in the forest she is amazed.
Motif References:

R 175 Rescue at the stake
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Lanc2-388:   (19) In the evening they are granted hospitality at the castle of a knight’s widow. She sends her sister, a skilled healer, to cure Lancelot’s legs swollen from the poison. She applies a salve, binds his legs, and three days later he is almost cured. He offers her the treasure of the damsel in his company, but she refuses. Lancelot and his companion ride on and in due time come to the Castle of the Cart (Karrenburg), where the three ladies had kept Lancelot captive in the tower. That same day the brother of the queen of Sorekort (Soresan) is to marry the daughter of the duke of Rochedan (Rocedum), the damsel who helped Lancelot to escape captivity. A boy runs toward them and on learning the knight’s identity he welcomes him gladly: He asks him to rescue his cousin from marriage, for the bridegroom is not only an unpopular coward but moreover murdered his own nephew on his way to Carlion. Lancelot having asked his companion to wait for him orders the bridegroom to refrain from this marriage. He accuses him of treachery and murder of his own relative. They decide to hold a law-court on the spot which frightens the man who would rather have delay. Hoping to escape he agrees to judicial combat. Having left with the queen he escapes. Lancelot makes the queen return the land to the daughter of the duke of Rochedan (Rocedun).
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
H 218 Trial by combat
R 220 Flights
P 510 Law courts
F 668.0.1 Skillful physician
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
K 2200 Villains and traitors.

Lanc2-392:   (11) Lancelot taking his leave almost runs into Morge who has come to see the stranger. She does not recognize him, but Lancelot does and he is afraid of her often proved malignancy. He identifies as Arthurian knight, knight of the queen and the Round Table, yet refuses to tell his name. She is quite certain that the stranger is Lancelot, whom she hates above all men. Having ordered him to remove his helmet for the sake of his love, she recognizes him. At her threats he accuses her of treachery, and she warns him that within one year he will be punished for his insults. Lancelot promises to harm her wherever he could. Afraid of her magic tricks he leaves. When he comes to his companion he tells her the story. They ride on toward Kamahelot.
Motif References:

F 361 Fairy’s revenge.
D 1711 Magician

Lanc2-394:   (5) In the meantime the knight with his lady’s head fastened to his neck has surrendered at Arthur’s court and told his story: The lady was his beloved wife whom he had married despite her poverty. For her sake he left in quest of adventures as an errant knight and was at her command. One night however when he had left her behind in their tent at a woodside he found a naked knight, his friend, lying with her. He killed the man and dragged his wife out of the tent in a rage. At this moment a knight ordered him to release her, but he chopped off her head. The stranger however pursued him, forced him to surrender and ordered him this penance. He surrenders to the queen. On learning that the knight with the chessboard has sent him they release the knight.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
S 110 Murders
T 121 Unequal marriage
T 481 Adultery
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

Lanc2-397:   (4) The knight glad about the release asks for further advice concerning his penance: He cannot stand the corpse’s stench any longer but still is bound to ride to the courts of Gorre and Norgales. The king praises Lancelot’s for this hard punishment for the sake of the ladies. The queen as a joke declares she might even long for such a famous knight and the king replies laughing that he could blame no lady for loving such a man. Then the king has the corpse embalmed and put into a coffin with sweet herbs. The knight leaves with the coffin. Three days later he comes to a castle where he finds king Bandemagus on his way to the tournament at Kamahelot. Once again he is released for the sake of Lancelot. Then he rides on to the court of Norgales where he finds the queen with her daughters. He is released for Lancelot’s sake. The knight buries his wife in the chapel of a hermit and returns home.
Motif References:

Q 211 Murder punished
Q 521 Tedious penances
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

Lanc2-398:   (21) After Lancelot and the damsel have set out from the Castle of the Cart toward Kamahelot they are guests in a hermitage. Lancelot sends the maiden ahead to the queen with a sealed letter. She should stay with the queen. The letter relates the story of Lancelot’s rescue by that maiden to the queen. The queen will care for her until she marries a rich and valiant man. That same day Bohort arrives at the court with good news of Lancelot: he tells them that the hero has recovered from sickness and won the tournament of Bandemagus and Norgales at the Castle of the Cart. Gawan arrives the day after. The king wants Lancelot to fight together with the knights of the Round Table in the tournament for they have got powerful opponents. King Iders however declares that the knights of the Round Table would manage to defeat the other party even if Lancelot joined the latter. Yet king and queen are sure Lancelot cannot be defeated, which annoys the knights of the Round Table, except Gawan and Bohort. The knights (154 men) agree that they would refrain from jousting if Lancelot attended the tournament for in any case he would earn all the praise. They decide to join Lancelot’s opponents in disguise and try to defeat Lancelot. But they would fight for the Round Table as usual if Lancelot would not come.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
W 195 Envy
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-402:   (3) The queen soon gets to know about the knights’ jealousy of Lancelot. She tells Bohort that she would enjoy if those men would be defeated by Lancelot once and for all. Bohort offers to relate the story to Lancelot and make him fight them. The queen however sends the damsel Lancelot sent to her with a letter to the Cross of the Giant to meet the hero. Many guests have arrived for the tournament. The damsel watches out for Lancelot at the Cross: she stays overnight with a hermit nearby leaving the letter at the Cross. On the third morning Lancelot arrives there, wearing a green armor so that he could keep his incognito in the tournament. Though he recognizes the damsel he does not identify, and reads the letter: The queen warns him of the knights’ jealousy and orders him to fight against the knights of the Round Table. He identifies and sends the damsel with his message to the queen: He will do as she asks. She can recognize him by his green armor.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-405:   Looking at the ladies and maidens watching the tournament the queen perceives among them the maiden wearing the belt she once gave to her lover: Lancelot bestowed it upon the maiden out of gratitude for his cure from the poison. This would be the damsel she was supposed to fulfill all wishes as Lyonel told her on behalf of Lancelot. She is annoyed that another woman is wearing her love-token and decides to kill her. She sends for the maiden and has her seated close to her. - Meanwhile Lancelot has arrived. King Bandemagus is happy to see him. Lancelot makes him promise not to disclose his incognito, and declares he will fight with the king’s party against the knights of the Round Table. The tournament begins and there is furious fighting with varying success. Gawan and Bohort excel in jousting and the ladies comment their exploits.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
H 82.3 Tokens between lovers
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-409:   As Lancelot starts to joust he rages among Arthur’s knights so as to punish their arrogance. He maims many a man and overrides all that he comes upon. The knights of the Round Table are easily to be detected for they display an identical device. Lancelot kills many of the knights. The declare he has won the day. King Arthur who restrained from fighting that day inquires about the stranger but no one can tell, except that he is a knight of King Bandemagus and even surpasses Lancelot. The king is worried for he is certain the man must be Lancelot. Arthur’s court is grieved by their defeat. The knights would gladly welcome Lancelot now. The queen rejoices at seeing Lancelot’s exploits. The knight approaches the window where the queen is watching and her sight drives him to ecstasy. Her beauty and his love render him weak and make him lose his mind. The sword falls out of his hand. Bandemagus cares for swooned Lancelot and takes him to a fountain on the woodside. Being deprived of Lancelot Bandemagus’s party is defeated.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments
F 628.1 Strong man kills many men

Lanc2-412:   (25) The queen having watched her lover’s weakness sends for the damsel with the girdle. She sends Bohort to inquire about Lancelot: She would come to see him if he were severely wounded, otherwise he should come that night to the palace to meet her. Bohort rides to king Bandemagus and finds Lancelot asleep. When he wakes he is well again and Bohort tells his message. Lancelot is happy and sends him back to ask whether he should come in armor. Bohort reassures the queen and tells her that Lancelot will come to see her. The queen replies her lover should come in armor but without helmet. Bohort promises to tell Lancelot. Meanwhile the damsel who cured Lancelot has come to the queen’s room. The queen pretends that she has sent for her for some lady’s complaint: That woman since long loved a man whom the girl would have stolen from her. The girdle is proof of her treachery. The queen threatens to kill her unless she would tell the truth. The maiden begs for mercy on her knees, gives her oath on relics to tell the truth and relates her story to the queen.
Motif References:

T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
W 181 Jealousy
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.

Lanc2-416:   (16) She tells the queen about Lancelot’s poisoning at the fountain and how she cured him, that he refused to love her out of love for another woman he would never deceive and that she promised to remain unmarried all her life for his sake. When he left he offered her the belt as a gift. The queen is reassured by her story. - Tables are set in the palace, and the king wears his crown in due ceremony. When all knights are seated the king asks them to choose the best knight of the tournament. Some vote for Gawan, some for Bohort. The king prefers Bohort and has him seated opposite him. There is much talking about that excellent green knight. Iders declares that the stranger surpassed Lancelot, but at last he grew weary and could never stand another day of jousting. Gawan praises the green knight joined by the ladies and King Arthur. Bohort is praised as well that day for his beauty and his bravery. The queen however keeps silent, annoyed by Iders’ words.
Motif References:

P 13 Customs connected with kings
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
T 210 Faithfulness in marriage
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

Lanc2-420:   (4) After dinner the queen sends for Bohort, who should ask King Bandemagus to continue the tournament within three days. Bohort brings her message to Bandemagus who agrees and sends word to Arthur. That night the knights of Arthur and those of Bandemagus celebrate together. Lancelot tells Bandemagus that he has to leave secretly with Bohort but will be back for the tournament. He rides to Kamahelot to meet the queen. She inquires about the damsel who cured him and who is in love with him. The knight is afraid she could be annoyed with him but she reassures him. When she wants to know about his weakness the other day he tells her that her sight made him lose his strength from love. She orders him to overcome Arthur’s knights in the tournament. They part in the morning.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-425:   (15) King Bandemagus is glad at Lancelot’s and Borhort’s return. The German emperor with many of his lords has come to meet their champion, Lancelot. Fearing that his identity might be disclosed Lancelot makes Bohort pass off for the champion who thereafter is the emperor’s guest in his tent. At nightfall Lancelot and Bohort once again ride to the palace. In the morning the queen gives Bohort a green armor and Lancelot a white one to wear in the tournament. She orders Lancelot to wait till terce before he joins the fighting. They return to their camp. Many ladies have come to watch the tournament from the stand. The jousting starts and goes on with varying success. The defeated are scorned and called cowards by the ladies.
Motif References:

T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
P 52.1 Knight’s duty to perform as lady bids
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments

Lanc2-429:   (6) As Lancelot engages in the tournament he rages among the Arthurians without sparing anyone. He overcomes Gawan, whom he fails to recognize for he has changed his armor. Arthur’s knights have to retreat. Lancelot and his companions make many captives. Arthur watching the jousting from a window is certain that the valiant stranger is Lancelot. The king at last asks Lancelot for his name which he refuses to tell. But when he takes off his helmet the king recognizes him. He welcomes him happily and they join the queen who thanks Lancelot for the chessboard he sent her. Gawan has been wounded in the jousting, but will be cured within a month. Gawan is happy to see Lancelot, who has brought down the arrogance of the knights of the Round Table. A great feast is celebrated. The king sends for the magic chessboard. King Bandemagus, the king of Norgales, Gawan, and the queen are matted. Only Lancelot wins his game. All are amazed and cross themselves.
Motif References:

H 509.3 Chess game as test
P 561 Tournaments
F 628.1 Strong man kills many men
P 635 Feast
D 1209.7 Magic gameboard, chessboard

Lanc2-434:   (5) The following day the king sends for his scribes to write down the adventures of his knights. The king makes Lancelot swear to tell the truth - for he left without giving his formal oath when he set out from court - and relate his adventures to them. Gawan, Bohort, Gaheries and all the knights have to give their oaths as well before they tell their stories. Lancelot tells them his story: about Griffon du mal pas (Guder von Malpas) who claimed Lancelot’s armor, about Lancelot’s abduction by an old woman, about his poisoning from the spring and his cure by the damsel, how he was enchanted by three ladies and abducted to the Castle of the Cart where a maiden rescued him, about his exploit in the tournament of the king of Norgales against king Bandemagus, how he killed the dragon in the castle of King Pelles, where the Holy Grail served them. Yet he keeps silent about his unwitting love-affair with the daughter of king Pelles out of fear to arouse the queen’s anger.
Motif References:

H 84 Tokens of exploit
M 150 Other vows and oaths
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
P 425 Scribe
H 1221 Quest for adventure

Lanc2-435:   (12) Then Lancelot relates to them his adventures after he had left King Pelles: how he met his half-brother Hestor of Mares, about the magic dance, where he found the magic chessboard, about the treachery of the nephew of the duke of Calle who threw him into a pond of serpents, where a maiden rescued him, and what happened thereafter. The king and the queen weep on listening to his story. After he has ended the adventures are written down for they surpass all others in importance. King Arthur has made a book relating nothing but Lancelot’s adventures, which was found later on, and there is still another book telling his story until his end. He was deadly wounded in fight against Mordret as will be told later on. Then Gawan tells his adventures: about the graves near the fiery chapel, the inscription telling the most unfortunate knight will extinguish the fire, the man whom his wretchedness kept from achieving the adventures of the Holy Grail, the son of the sorrowful queen. He continues to tell about the tournament with Hestor, the court of king Pelles, where he saw the Grail and a wonderful lady, about the adventures in that castle, the shame he suffered there by being carried in the cart, the hermit who interpreted the dragon and the leopard to him and foretold his death. That last episode frightens King Arthur and he keeps worrying about it all his life. And if he had known the meaning of the leopard he would have bewared against him. The king orders that Gawan’s adventures are written down.
Motif References:

H 84 Tokens of exploit
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
H 1221 Quest for adventure

Lanc2-437:   (7) Then the king orders the knights to tell who has unhorsed them and the court learns that Lancelot has defeated 64 knights. The king swears that Lancelot brings more fame to the Round Table than all of his knights. For this reason they should keep from criticizing him for he has brought down their arrogance. They are outraged at the king’s words and start to hate Lancelot. Yet they do not show their enmity openly until Egravins detects Lancelot’s and Genover’s love. - King Arthur orders them to search for the knights lost on the quest for of the fifteen knights who set out only four returned. Lancelot decides to leave the following morning, Gawan (as soon as he is cured), Bohort and Gaheries will leave as well. - When the queen and Lancelot meet in private she declares that the unfortunate knight of Gawan’s story, whom they also call the Knight of the Queen, is Lancelot himself: for her sake he never will achieve the Holy Grail. She regrets that his sin keeps him from this adventure. But Lancelot reassures her: only because of her he became such a famous knight. Then he tells her about the threats of Morge, the king’s sister. Ginover is frightened for her sister-in-law hates her for the king’s sake. To protect Lancelot against that powerful woman she offers him the golden ring that the Lady of the Lake gave her and that protects against all magic.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
C 111 Tabu: loss of chastity
W 195 Envy
P 264 Sister-in-law
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
F 340 Gifts from fairies
D 810 Magic object a gift
D 1076 Magic ring
H 1210.2 Quest assigned by king
D 1317.0.2 (G) Magic ring detects enchantments
H 1320.1 Quest for magic object: [grail].
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
D 1380.23 Magic ring protects
H 1568 Test of the champion.
K 2212.2 Treacherous sister-in-law

Lanc2-440:   (4) The following day news come to them that a knight Lancelot has wounded in the tournament, Agranors of Hestoce, has died. Bandemagus wants to become a member of the Round Table and makes Lancelot ask the king. The king agrees, summons his knights to hear their advice. Some of the knights of the Round Table disagree but Ywains Liavoltres, bastard son of king Urien, advises them to consent for the king would do Lancelot’s wish anyhow. They give their consent and Bandemagus joins the Round Table. In due ceremony he gives his oath to protect widows, orphans or poor people. A great feast is celebrated. The queen entreats Bandemagus to be Lancelot’s true friend. Three days later Lancelot takes his leave of the queen to set out on quest for Hestor and Lyonel. She makes him promise to return as soon as possible. He takes his leave of the king. Bandemagus sends his knights back to his kingdom, telling them that his nephew, Parides, should be regent for he will join Lancelot. Lancelot, Bandemagus, Bohort, and Gaheries set out from Kamahelot. The queen is very sad and Gawan is grieved for he is too sick to join them.
Motif References:

P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
M 150 Other vows and oaths
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
P 634 Feasts
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-443:   (25) They stay overnight with a forester and continue their quest in the morning. When they leave the forest they hear clamor from a castle nearby, the Castle of the White Thorn. A man is being chased from the castle, clad only in a shirt, fettered to a jade, a throng of lads and boys scorn him and throw garbage at him. Gaheries recognizes his brother Mordret and attacks the people, rides through the streets killing everybody he gets hold of. People flee toward the castle and before the gate come upon their lord, by the name of Masshahn. On learning what happened the lord orders the gates to be closed and summons all inhabitants to take revenge. Meanwhile Gaheries has released his brother and taken to a knight’s house in town where he is given new clothes and equipment. Then they leave and Mordret tells them that he was captured on identifying as a knight of the Round Table. Lancelot orders Bohort to burn the city. A squire sets fire to the houses and the townspeople rush at them in surprise. The five companions rage among them in the burning town. Lancelot takes a knight captive who should lead him to their lord. The latter meanwhile has been captured by Bohort and Lancelot decapitates him. People take to flight. The five companions leave the place. Castle and town are burnt completely and there are many dead. The disgrace done to a knight of the Round Table has been avenged.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
P 672.5 (G) Humiliation: throwing rubbish at the hero
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-447:   The five companions ride on for fifteen days until one evening they come to the castle of Trespas where Ywan is held captive. When the gatekeepers learn that the strangers are errant knights from King Arthur’s court they are refused hospitality: the castle is hostile to the king and Ywan is their prisoner. Thereupon Lancelot wants them to release the captive knight. The gatekeeper tries to close the gate but Gaheries rushes into the castle stabbing him from his horse. The man is captured and has to release Ywan. On leaving the dungeon Ywan thanks the lady for having cared for him. When the lord learns Lancelot’s identity he falls to his knees and offers hospitality. They stay overnight with him. Ywan tells his friends that six knights attacked him, killed his horse and captured him. The lord declares that they avenged Ywan’s trespassing by striking that shield which brings about the land’s devastation. They wanted to deliver their prisoner to the giant, who will arrive the following day. Lancelot decides wants to wait for him. Bohort asks his companions to grant him a rash boon and claims the giant fight. Lancelot fails in talking him out of it. They go to sleep.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive

Lanc2-451:   In the morning they arm. Bandemagus leaves Bohort his sword, Lancelot his steed. Bohort once again refuses to cede Lancelot the battle. The lord gives him the giant’s shield. Lancelot has himself armed in order to help young Bohort if needed. Soon the giant (in black armor) arrives riding a very strong horse. He menaces Bohort and they begin to fight furiously. Bohort manages to cut off the giant’s nose and cheek and finally fells him with his sword. In the evening a great feast is celebrated for the guests. Many a knight of the land attends the celebration, happy to be relieved of the giant oppressor. They offer their service to Bohort. Next morning the companions leave. Ywan joins his friends’ quest for their lost companions. According to Lancelot’s counsel they decide to separate - traveling in large company would be cowardice. They arrange to meet again on returning from their quest at the castle.
Motif References:

F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
P 634 Feasts
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

Lanc2-456:   As Lancelot on his quest for Lyonel comes to the place where he has lost him he encounters a damsel who promises to lead him to Lyonel if he will help her. Lancelot gives his promise and she tells him that the forest is the abode of a strong and cunning knight. He is the brother of Caracados of the Miserable Tower, (Carados von dem Jemrlichen Thorn), the giant knight Lancelot has killed. Soon they come to the strong fortress of Teritans (Tartre). They come to a fountain, its water runs through a silver tube into a marble basin, shaded by trees. Sixty shields and many armors have been left there. Lancelot recognizes the shield of Aglonal (Gloat), the marshal’s shield and that of Lyonel (who did not leave his own shield there, but a like one had been placed there to proclaim his captivity). The lord of the castle, a huge knight, comes riding along with two wounded knights before him on his horse. Lancelot orders him to release his captives. The man throws them down and rushes at Lancelot. They fight furiously until they have to rest from exhaustion. For the sake of his bravery the huge knight asks Lancelot his identity for he would only continue fighting him if he were his worst enemy, Lancelot, the man who killed his brother Caracados.
Motif References:

H 84 Tokens of exploit
F 533 Remarkably tall man
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

Lanc2-460:   (4) Learning that his opponent is Lancelot the knight continues battle. At last Lancelot chases his opponent toward the fountain, the man falls into it and Lancelot kills him. Lancelot hurries to the captive knights and recognizes Gaheries, whom he asks to enter the castle and rescue the captives for he cannot linger. Gaheries enters the castle, forces a squire sitting in front of a marble pillar to lead him to the dungeon and open it with his keys. The knights of the Round Table welcome each other happily. 64 (text: 300) knights had been held captive there. Gaheries tells them that Lancelot after slaying the giant continues his journey to the Fremde Land (Zum land zu Fornyen). At Brandelis advice they decide to rest in the castle for one week to recover. In the evening after dinner they ask Gaheries for news from the court and he tells them of Lancelot’s victory in the great tournament where he overcame the knights of the Round Table. They praise Lancelot. Gaheries asks Hestor about his hostility toward Lancelot: Hestor tells them that he is the hero’s brother but preferred not to identify to him before Lancelot had learnt of their relationship. Lyonel is happy on learning that Hestor is his relative.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

Lanc2-465:   (12) They stay at the castle for one week until the steward von der Teyl arrives, happy about Triquans’s death and the rescue of his brother who was one of the captives. Then he equips the company and they leave, bestowing the castle upon him. On taking leave of each other they arrange to meet again at All Saints Day at the castle of Trespas. In the meantime Lancelot rides on with the maiden who asks him to fight a robber knight living in this forest, who has taken her horse from her the day before. Lancelot has her ride ahead to provoke the man. They arrive at a border tower. A fully armed knight sits before the gate and as soon as he catches sight of the lady he wants to obtain her horse. Lancelot kills him. He rides on with the damsel and stays with her for eight days at a castle nearby. She is a skilled healer and cares for his wounds. Then he continues his quest for his brother Hestor without getting news about him for one month.
Motif References:

P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1385.8 Quest for lost brother(s)

Lanc2-468:   (7) One day he comes to a hermit’s hut on a meadow. He learns that Hestor has left the day before after he had killed a knight who wanted to slay a maiden. The hermit leads Lancelot his way telling him that Hestor wears white armor and rides a black horse. Lancelot hurries on until he comes to a castle on top of a mountain. A river runs around it, crossed by a bridge. A young lady riding a white horse with a sparrow hawk on her fist warns him from asking hospitality at the castle for no one left there without battle. When he comes to the gate a man denies entrance and orders Lancelot to leave him his horse as toll for having crossed the bridge. Lancelot kills him. As he enters the castle a horn is blown. An old man blames Lancelot for having killed the gatekeeper. Lancelot does not care for the warnings as he passes the courtyard. He enters the tower leaving horse and spear behind. A squire lowers the falling gate behind him. Two giants wearing hauberks and carrying shields and swords order Lancelot to surrender. Lancelot kills one of them, his companion escapes, but Lancelot pursues him and splits his head. An old woman gives him the keys of the castle. The gate is opened and the ladies, maidens and knights welcome him as their lord.
Motif References:

F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
N 843 Hermit as helper
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

Lanc2-471:   (14) The story of the castle, by the name of Ragual: The giants had obtained the castle from the duke Coranis as reward for his rescue from captivity. Quite sure of their strength they only carried light weapons. Lancelot identifies and stays there overnight. In the morning he recognizes a squire from Arthur’s court, orders him to take his armor to the cross at the entrance to the Verlornen Wald and wait there for him. After mass Lancelot under pretense of riding for a walk leaves with three knights whom he sends back to the castle telling them he would return as soon as possible. In the evening when he rides through a valley he encounters a maiden. She is glad to learn she just met Lancelot for she has been searching for him. The forest holds the most perilous adventure which only Lancelot will be able to achieve. At her promise to lead him the way Lancelot joins her. The damsel however has been sent out by Morge and she leads the knight straight to her mistress who makes him her captive. Morge living in her (most beautiful) castle in that valley wants to keep Lancelot with her all his life. Twelve maiden had been sent out throughout the lands to bring the knight to her by ruse. Lancelot and the damsel ride on to the fine fortress enclosed by strong walls and broad moats. The damsel pretends they would stay there overnight to continue to the adventure the day after.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle
F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland
F 361 Fairy’s revenge.
K 750 Capture by decoy
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
H 1221 Quest for adventure

Lanc2-473:   (22) Morge has Lancelot disarmed in the palace and serve him dinner. A magic drink prepared by the magician makes Lancelot lose his mind and his strength. He falls asleep. Then Morge by means of a silver tube blows some powder from roasted herbs through his nose into his brains which will keep him from waking. In a little box she keeps the remains of the powder in case Lancelot’s cousins Bohort and Lyonel would come to rescue him. Then she has Lancelot bedded in a fine room with iron grates on a precious bed. In the morning when he wakes he is frightened on seeing the place unknown to him. The poison has left him sick and weary. Morge sends a maiden to him telling him that he should rest. For one month Lancelot stays there without being aware of his captivity. When he has recovered the maiden tells him that he cannot leave but he does not learn the reason. Lancelot stays imprisoned from Holy Mary’s Day in September until after Christmas.
Motif References:

F 375 Mortals as captives in fairyland
K 750 Capture by decoy
D 1040 Magic drink.
D 1336 Magic object gives weakness.
D 1364.7 Sleeping potion
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 1837 Magic weakness
D 1960 Magic sleep
D 1962 Means of inducing magic sleep

Lanc2-476:   (15) One day looking out of a window he perceives a man painting an old story, adding a legend to each picture. He thinks it to be the story of Aeneas’ flight from Troy. He decides to decorate his room with pictures of the queen, in order to obtain some consolation. He asks the man for some colors and secretly paints a series of stories of his life: the Lady of the Lake taking him to the Arthurian court to be dubbed, his arrival at Kamahelot and his amazement at the queen’s beauty, his parting from her when he left to help the duchess of Noaus. Lancelot is a skillful artist and the paintings are very beautiful. At midnight as usual Morge comes to look at him in his sleep for she is in love with him. She laments on seeing his beauty for he does not love her. Yet she will not force him to love her, but only keep asking him for it (always meeting refusal). She is amazed on seeing the paintings and tells the stories they illustrate to her companion. She will keep him in his prison until he has decorated the whole room for she is certain he will paint his love-story, which she could use to reveal his adulterous love to Arthur. Next morning Lancelot after he has kissed the queen’s portrait continues painting: Dolorose Garde and his story until the day of the tournament, when he fought in red armor and was praised by King Arthur above all knights. Day after day he keeps painting his life history until he has finished when Easter has past.
Motif References:

F 302.3 Fairy woos mortal man
F 361 Fairy’s revenge.
P 482 Painter (artist)
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 855 Extraordinary image

Lanc2-478:   (14) As soon as his wounds are cured Gawan leaves court on quest for Lancelot. He learns of his companion’s exploit at the castle Teritans, where Lancelot killed the giant and rescued 64 knights, and that the new owner had been given the castle out of gratitude for his hospitality. Gawan continues his quest and a week later comes to an abbey of white monks, where he meets wounded king Bandemagus. Gawan promises to join his companions at their meeting on All Saints Day at the castle of Trespas. Bandemagus tells him his story: He helped Gaheries against a knight who had attacked him. They killed the man and put his companions to flight. Bandemagus was wounded in the fighting. Gaheries has left that morning. Gawan continues his journey riding on through many countries yet without getting news about Lancelot. He achieves many adventures. When the knights of the Round Table according to their arrangement meet at the castle Trespas, Bohort and Lancelot (who still is Morge’s captive) still are missing. According to Gawan’s advice they decide to continue their quest until St. Magdalen’s Day when they would meet again to return to the court. For only then their quest would have lasted one year and one day as it has to be. On their quest many of them are made captive by Bohort at Tartre.
Motif References:

Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-481:   (22) When the day has come to meet again after their quest only Mordret, Bandemagus, and Aglonal (Agloas) have come. A messenger sent to the court tells them that nothing is known about Lancelot or their companions. The king however pretends not to be worried at all, except for Gawan and Lancelot. The three knights at Trespas decide to continue their quest. - Meanwhile Lancelot has been Morge’s captive for two winters and one summer. To please him Morge has grown beautiful roses in the orchard. Lancelot enjoys looking at his paintings, that relate all his battles, and each morning he kisses the queen’s portrait. When May has come the roses in the orchard reminding him of the queen’s resplendent face make him suffer. One Sunday he perceives a rose surpassing the others and declares that in a like way the queen surpasses all women in beauty. In order to pluck the rose he breaks the grate. He kisses the flower and applies it to his to his breast under his garments. Then he arms himself in the tower, where he finds many helmets, swords, hauberks and parts of armor, and mounts a steed. It is early in the morning and thus only the gatekeeper watches him. He is amazed for he thought there were no knights in the house. At Lancelot’s question the man tells him that the castle’s owner is Morge, King Arthur’s sister. Lancelot will not turn back to slay her but asks the gatekeeper to greet her on his behalf as the most evil traitor. The gatekeeper alarms his mistress who on learning that Lancelot has escaped is stricken with grief. All are amazed that he broke the grate of his window.
Motif References:

R 50 Conditions of captivity
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 375 Mortals as captives in fairyland
N 660 Accidental escapes.
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-486:   (7) Lancelot leaves the forest and comes upon a maiden and a dwarf riding fine horses. He asks her about errant knights from the Arthurian court and learns that one of them, Lyonel, is held captive at the castle of king Vagor: The king’s son has accused him of treachery and he has to fight a judicial combat. Lyonel however has been wounded by a poisoned spear and for this reason asked for delay until next Thursday. To prevent his escape the king had him imprisoned in the tower. The maiden leads Lancelot the way to the castle of Estrangot (Fremde Insel). On his way there Lancelot enters a dark forest unknown to him. Taking a rest at the edge of the forest under a laurel he falls asleep. A knight carried by squires on a horse-bier covered with green velvet greets Lancelot who tells him that he is on quest for Arthurian knights. Lancelot learns that one of his companions is lying wounded in his castle since long. He will lead him there. The knight tells him that he was wounded for the sake of a young lady.
Motif References:

R 41.2 Captivity in tower
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)

Lanc2-487:   (23) The knight’s story: One day riding through the Perilous Forest he was attacked by a knight. By accident his opponent escaped and he pursued him up to a spring where three maidens were having a bath. One of them shot an arrow at him. He swooned and when he woke the ladies, the knight and his own horse had disappeared. Soon afterwards a young lady came riding along who told him that he would not die. Still he would only be cured when the best knight removed the arrow from him: the destined rescuer must just touch the arrow to remove it and cure the knight. He set out for King Arthur’s court at Carduel on the horse-bier, but found no help there. King Arthur told him that Lancelot would remove the arrow but they could not tell where he was. Thereupon the knight left for one of his castles. Lancelot joins him and when night has already come they arrive at a castle in a plain. Lancelot wants to try to cure his host, but the man refuses for he will have to suffer pains from the attempt and certainly Lancelot would fail.
Motif References:

Z 254 Destined hero
M 361 Fated hero
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

Lanc2-490:   (19) In the morning Lancelot meets wounded king Bandemagus, and they welcome happily. They relate their stories to each other (captivity at Morge’s castle, quest for missing companions, meeting and renewed quest). Bandemagus has been wounded in a tournament. Lancelot takes his leave and rides on to the castle called Fremde Insel (Frömd Innsell). Meanwhile the knight of the arrow learns that his guest was Lancelot and sets out after him. Lancelot rides all day until he comes to the castle on top of a high rock with only one small pass way. He asks a squire about the knight (Lyonel) held captive there. The squire is happy to learn that Lancelot will fight for Lyonel in judicial combat for the king’s son Marablon has falsely accused him. Lancelot meets king Vagor and is led to Lyonel.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat

Lanc2-494:   (16) Lyonel tells him his story: On his quest for Lancelot he was granted hospitality at the castle of Marablon’s brother. When he refused the love of a lady she was very upset and threatened him. Then she slanders Lyonel of attempted rape. Thereupon the host, the lady’s husband attacked him. Lyonel killed the man. But Marablon accused him of treachery and the matter was to be decided in judicial combat. Meanwhile Lyonel however was wounded at a chapel in the Perilous Forest and still has not recovered. Thereupon the combat was postponed but Lyonel made captive. Lancelot offers to fight for Lyonel who still is very weak. Lyonel is released. The following day the law-court is held as is due. The combat takes place in the orchard. Lancelot defeats his opponent and forces him to surrender. Peace is made and Lancelot leaves with Lyonel.
Motif References:

T 71.2 Woman avenges scorned love
H 218 Trial by combat
T 331.2.1 (G) Knight unsuccessfully tempted by hostess
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
K 2111 Potiphar’s wife

Lanc2-498:   (14) The knight of the arrow on his quest to catch up with Lancelot accidentally comes to the Fremd Innsel (Fremde Insel) but Lancelot has already left. He continues his journey and soon meets a damsel who just has met Lancelot (with black armor and white shield). He rides on. Meanwhile Lancelot and Lyonel ride on and after nightfall come to an abbey on a river, by the name of Cilicons, that is called Small Alms (Cleyn Armise): Once in the times of Joseph of Arimathia a heathen king lived there whom Joseph baptized. He left his kingdom on a thirty years penitential pilgrimage, which he undertook naked and barefoot. One day he arrived at the monastery, then called Refuge of the Poor (Zuflucht der Armen). A monk however on seeing his wretched state told him that no alms were left. When the penitent begged for mercy the porter gave him minuscule alms. The king fell asleep on top of a grave in front of the abbey. In his dream God spoke to him: As reward for Eliezer’s faithfulness in his misery he should return as lord of the land and be as powerful as before, but he will die forty days later. His fidelity has earned him salvation. God will send him his son, begot the night before he left his home.
Motif References:

Q 170 Religious rewards
A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time
V 462 Asceticism
V 510.1 God speaks in Vision to devotee
V 520 Salvation
V 530 Pilgrimages
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream

Lanc2-501:   (6) When he wakes a beautiful young man welcomes him. The king is very happy and thanks God. He sets out with his son, whose name is Knecht, which in the Greek language means “strong in faith”, for he is very pious. His name had been written on his forehead when he was born. Knecht’s story: After the king had left his land his neighbors waged war against his wife who without the help of his brother, King Macabrez, would have been exiled. Her subjects however thought the prince an illegitimate child for they did not believe that the king would have left his wife pregnant. For this reason the lords of the kingdom refused to recognize the boy as legitimate heir unless legitimacy be proved. The king’s nephew, the duke, offered to speak for her in the law-court. According to his counsel the prince’s legitimacy was tested: Two lions were kept in a cage of the town. A lion being a noble animal himself would only harm a prince younger than seven years if he were an illegitimate child. The counselors had the child stay with the lions for one day, when he was three years old. God rescued the boy and he left unharmed. Thereupon they recognized him as their prince. He was dubbed at Whitsun when he was eight years of age. He was crowned king and became their liege lord.
Motif References:

H 71 Marks of royalty
P 510 Law courts
T 563 Birthmarks
T 642 Test of legitimacy of children: exposure to asps [lions]
Z 730 (Bm) Eponymous account of personal name
F 980 Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals

Lanc2-504:   (3) His mother was a pious, virtuous and continent woman. She kept wearing a hair-shirt, worshipped God, gave clothes to the poor, and cared for the sick and weak. Having crossed a dangerous river by a bridge the king goes aboard a splendid ship. In a window he finds a marvelous letter: its content will not be related until the ship stops before the Grail. After king Eliezer has returned to his kingdom he entertains all poor at his court each day and serves them barefoot. One day his son tells his mother that he met his father at the abbey called Refuge of the Poor. The king smiles (the first time since he returned to his kingdom) on hearing that name and tells his wife that the place should rather be called Little Alms (Cleyn Almusen) for he received there the smallest piece of bread ever. For this reason the abbey’s name is changed.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 12 Character of kings
W 48 (Ha) Piety
V 462 Asceticism
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)

Lanc2-505:   (22) Lancelot and Lyonel stay overnight at the abbey. In the morning when they are about to leave a lamenting knight arrives with his squire. The monks tell that already two weeks ago a wailing knight arrived: There is a mountain not far from the Perilous Forest, called the Perilous Mountain, that got its name about thirty years ago. At that time a huge, strong and very evil knight lived in the land. When he had been dubbed he fell in love with a maiden, the daughter of Destlamors of the Red City (von der Rotterstat) and obtained her love by his bravery. But she did not tell him that she had fallen in love with him. Her father however rejected his daughter’s suitor threatening to imprison her if she ever would love the man. Thereupon the knight was sad and angry. Afraid of her father’s violence she promised her love to the suitor if he would marry her in church. He built a strong impregnable castle for her on top of the mountain.
Motif References:

T 131.1.3 Marriage against will of parents
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
F 750 Extraordinary mountains and other land features
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
K 2247.3 (Bm) Treacherous knight

Lanc2-507:   (20) He took the maiden to this place. She had carried with her large treasures from her father. To add to his safety the knight then destroyed all roads leading to the castle except a very narrow path. Then the knight of the Tartre had made a cross there with an inscription defending entrance. Since then the mountain is called Perilous Mountain (Berg der Entschutniß). But if a knight would dare ride up to the castle he would have to fight its lord. About 300 knights failed in this adventure and were buried in the abbey. Many knights of the Round Table tried the adventure and were imprisoned in the dungeon. Their shields were sent to the abbey. About twelve shields are hanging in a hall, Lancelot recognizes the shields of Gawan, Ywan (Iwan), Segremors (Sagramors), Giflet (Gyfelt), Egravins (Agravan), Hestor, Dodinel, the duke of Clarence (Clarens), Osnains the Brave (Conseneim Koner Lib), Galeguentins (Calestantim Galios), Mados vom Tor (Madros von der Porten), Bliobleris (Bleobetis), and the shield of the family of Lambale. Lancelot is grieved.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
F 759 Extraordinary mountains and valleys - miscellaneous
F 789.4 (G) Remarkable cross
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)

Lanc2-509:   (8) Lancelot sets out to the mountain. Soon he arrives at the cross with the inscription that has been renewed quite recently: It tells that within more than twenty years all knights coming there were killed or captured except one of David’s kin. Lancelot rides on and comes to a poor recluse in a little hut. Calling him by his name she tells him that he was rescued from Morge’s prison in order to relieve the captives at the Tartre. This week he will achieve the most perilous adventure of the world. Lancelot rides on toward the narrow path. He leaves his horse behind. On top of the mountain he perceives a splendid laurel with a fine steed with a black saddle-cloth fastened to it, ten sharp lances and a shield displaying a horn with golden and silver ribbons. A precious tent has been pitched nearby. Lancelot greets the dwarf in the tent who starts beating him with a stick and warns him. When he learns that Lancelot wants to challenge the lord of the Tartre he tells him to blow the horn hanging at the tree. If he were a knight of King Arthur he will not risk his life, otherwise his head will be chopped off. Lancelot blows the horn.
Motif References:

Z 254 Destined hero
P 426.2 Hermit
F 451.5.2 Malevolent dwarf
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
F 789.4 (G) Remarkable cross
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest

Lanc2-511:   (10) Lancelot catches sight of fourteen knights on top of the fortifications of the fortress, who lament his fate. The dwarf tells him that the men are Arthurian knights his lord has captured. Lancelot mounts the horse bound to the tree, takes his lance and waits for the knight. When the man arrives a furious battle starts. They fight until Lancelot recognizes his opponent’s sword: Galahot once gave it to him. Lancelot asks him for his name: The knight is Bohort the Exiled (der Vertriebene), Lancelot’s cousin. Lancelot throws away his sword to welcome Bohort and identifies. Both are eager to declare that the other has won the combat. Bohort has stayed at the Tartre for about one year. He arrived there after he had got to know about Lancelot’s giant fight at the castle Ragual and had left in search for him. A maiden told him that she had met Lancelot near the Perilous Forest. For this reason he set out and arrived at the cross on the foot of the mountain.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
H 125 Identification by weapons
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-515:   (4) As soon as he learnt that combat could be fought there against a brave knight he set out to meet him. The lord made Bohort give his oath to defend castle and mountain if he would overcome him. He would then be replaced by a challenger defeating Bohort. Only his friends and companions of King Arthur should be spared. Bohort killed the knight and renewed the inscription. He thereafter overcame and killed more than forty knights and captured fourteen companions of Arthur. Bohort was glad that his companions refused to tell their names for thus he would not risk their hostility. Lancelot is glad about his cousin’s exploits. When he learns his captives’ identity Bohort regrets that he has captured his friends Gawan and Hestor. Lancelot advises him to release them and give them new garments. Then Bohort should beg their pardon and surrender to them. Bohort agrees. Gawan meanwhile has recognized Lancelot (by his bravery) and tells his companions.
Motif References:

R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-518:   (7) A squire brings the news of their release to them. An old knight gives them fine new garments. When they leave the tower Bohort falls onto his knees, surrenders to them and asks for their pardon. They welcome him happily. Though all are happy the fact that such a young fellow like Bohort has defeated them annoys them. Lancelot is glad when he learns that Banin is his father’s godson. The knights tell Lancelot about their long quest for him and learn that Lancelot has been in captivity, but he only will relate his adventure at the court when all of them are bound to tell their stories. That evening a feast is celebrated at the castle. They decide to restore the roads to the Tartre so that one could come there easily.
Motif References:

P 634 Feasts
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-520:   (26) In his dream that night an old man comes to Lancelot addressing him by his real name and ordering him to leave on the spot for the Perilous Forest for he is the hero destined to achieve an adventure there. Holy Mary will help him. Then the man identifies as Lancelot, the king of the White Land (von der Wißen Erden), who is his ancestor. For his sake king Ban has had him called Lancelot, but in baptism he was named Galaad (Galahut). Waking from his dream Lancelot is amazed at finding no one with him. He wakes his squire, has himself armed and leaves promising to return within one day. On the foot of the mountain he finds his horse and in the moonlight sets out for the Perilous Forest. When his companions on the Tartre wake that morning they are annoyed that Lancelot has disappeared. The squire tells them that he will be back that evening. The knights order the passage to the Tartre being restored and send word to Lyonel to join them.
Motif References:

Z 254 Destined hero
M 301.14 (Summoned) Dead prophesies
F 812.3 Forest of dangers (wonders)
D 1810.8.2 Information received through dream.

Lanc2-523:   (5) Lancelot rides through the Perilous Forest and meets a dwarf riding a little black palfrey. When the dwarf learns that Lancelot is an errant knight from King Arthur’s court the dwarf blames him of foolishness: how could a man set out to foreign lands on search for famine, misery and death as if he were some animal lacking senses? Lancelot will not fail in finding adventure in this forest who only will be disenchanted on the arrival of the best knight, whose symbol according to the books is the lion. Lancelot rides on until he comes to a small old hut in a valley. A spring flows nearby shaded by trees and the water runs through a golden tube and a square vessel of lead into a brook. Between two rocks nearby a sarcophagus out of green marble is guarded by two huge lions. On catching sight of Lancelot the beasts rise and beat the ground with their tails in order to become furious. For it is the lion’s nature not to harm a human unless they are angry. Lancelot reads an inscription on a marble tablet fastened to an old cross: He learns that he has come to the coffin of king Lancelot, father of king Ban of Bonewig, and that his head is in the spring. No one but the best knight will be able to remove the corpse nor to open the grave. Lancelot remembers the man he saw in his dream.
Motif References:

Z 150 Other symbols
Z 254 Destined hero
M 361 Fated hero
B 576 Animal as guard.
F 716 Extraordinary fountain
B 750 Fanciful habits of animals
B 773.3 Lion (wolf) protects the saint’s body
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 812.3 Forest of dangers (wonders)
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 925 Magic fountain
D 941 Magic forest
D 1148 Magic tomb
H 1232.7 (G) Directions on quest given by dwarf
D 1654.9.1 Corpse cannot be moved

Lanc2-524:   (17) Lancelot kills the two lions. When he has a close look at the coffin, he perceives drops of blood on it. In the spring he sees a man’s head, with gray and white hair and a rosy face, kept in a leaden vessel. The water bubbles as if it were boiling and Lancelot crosses himself. An inscription engraved to the lead tell that the heat of the fountain will vanish at the arrival of the best knight, for his chastity will cool the water. Lancelot takes the head out of the hot water and a hermit tells him to leave it to him. The man kisses the head. Then he tells Lancelot to try to open the coffin. The traces of blood have vanished. Lancelot opens the grave and inside sees a headless corpse, undecayed and very beautiful. At his side lies a costly golden crown. Lancelot would like to know how his grandfather died. Meanwhile the hermit has placed the head onto the altar and kneels before it. When he learns the knight’s identity he tells him that the dead man is Lancelot’s grandfather. He should bring the body to the altar. Lancelot opens the grave at the altar. They place the dead king at the side of his wife (a golden crown has been placed beside her head too), the queen Marche.
Motif References:

V 67.1 Ornaments (arms, chariots) buried with hero
V 69 Funeral rites - miscellaneous
Z 254 Destined hero
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
H 411.11.2 Fountains as chastity test
F 628.1.1 Strong man kills lion with own hands
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
E 800 The Corpse
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 925 Magic fountain
D 927.2 Magic spring [fountain] guarded by demons (monsters) [dragon].
D 1148 Magic tomb
D 1266.1 Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
D 2095 Magic disappearance
D 2167 Corpse magically saved from corruption
D 2188 Magic disappearance

Lanc2-527:   (12) Lancelot asks about his grandfather and the hermit tells him his story: The man descended from Joseph of Arimathia and was chosen king because of his noble descent as well as his bravery and valiance for he was a fine knight. Therefore he was given the White Land. He drove away the infidels and Christianized the land. At the castle zur Weißen Wacht (zu Wyßer Hut) lived a lady, married to a relative of the king. She was very beautiful and pious, always wearing a hair-shirt onto her skin. The king Lancelot enjoyed her company for the sake of her virtue. But soon vile people slandered them of illicit love. Her brother-in-law told her husband the rumors and incited him to vengeance. When Lenten season had come the king came to see the lady each day for spiritual exercises. The Day of the Holy Cross the king set out barefoot, in a simple dress with 300 companions to the forest to hear mass at the chapel. The duke of the castle however lay in wait for him with 300 armed men to take revenge.
Motif References:

W 48 (Ha) Piety
V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
P 426.2 Hermit
V 462 Asceticism
K 810.1 (Bm) Ambush
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest
K 2110 Slanders

Lanc2-529:   (20) After the mass as the king drank at the fountain the duke von der Weißen Wacht (von Bellegart) treacherously killed him. His head fell into the water and the body into the brook. In his rage the duke wanted to dismember the corpse. When he tried to touch the head the water started to boil and burnt his hand. He knew this was God’s punishment. Therefore he ordered that the dead be buried. On approaching their castle a child told them that darkness had fallen onto his castle at noon and that the inhabitants had died. When the duke arrived at the gate the wall collapsed and buried him. All who took part in his revenge died. The darkness is to last until the Good Knight comes who is to achieve the adventure of the Holy Grail. But this man is not Lancelot although he is the best knight of his times. The Good Knight will be chaste all his life, whereas Lancelot in his youth was unchaste. The hermit has recognized Lancelot. Then he tells that the pious lady died the same day and was buried in the castle.
Motif References:

S 139.2 Slain person dismembered
Q 211 Murder punished
Z 254 Destined hero
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder
P 426.2 Hermit
Q 552.20.1 Miraculous darkness as punishment
D 908 Magic darkness.
D 925 Magic fountain
K 959.4 Murder from behind
F 965 Premature darkness.
F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake
F 1010 Other extraordinary events
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest

Lanc2-531:   (16) Lancelot inquires about the lions and the blood on the coffin. The hermit continues his story: After the burial of Lancelot’s grandfather the news of the miracle spread throughout the lands. When Lancelot’s father got the news he wanted to bury his father in the chapel, but the coffin could not be moved. Therefore they made the tomb around it. Each day miracles are to be watched at the place for those drops of blood have the power to cure any wound. Many a knight already has been cured there. One day the hermit watched a lion hunting down a stag nearby. A second lion tried to get hold of the prey, and the animals wounded each other in fight. At noon blood flows from the grave. The two lions applied the blood onto their wounds with their tongues and were healed at once. They made peace with each other. Since then they keep watch there. Lancelot asks about the fountain. The hermit tells him that it will stop boiling when the Good Knight arrives. Lancelot lacks chastity and therefore the water continues boiling. Before he leaves Lancelot obtains the hermit’s promise to keep secret about his exploit.
Motif References:

V 113.0.1 Miracles at shrine [heroes’ grave]
Z 254 Destined hero
B 264 Single combat between animals
H 411.11.2 Fountains as chastity test
P 426.2 Hermit
B 576 Animal as guard.
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
D 1148 Magic tomb
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1654.9.1 Corpse cannot be moved
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.

Lanc2-534:   (5) On his way back to the Tartre where he left his companions Lancelot gets lost and comes into a deep valley full of wild beasts. A squire comes running toward him crying for help against a bear pursuing him. Lancelot kills the beast. The squire leads Lancelot to two tents nearby where the knight wants to stay overnight. They catch sight of a white stag with a golden necklace and six lions accompanying him. Lancelot is amazed at that marvel, which might be some holy miracle or due to magic. He swears not to leave the forest until he has found out about it. They leave the valley and mount a hill. When they come to the tents an ivory horn is blown by a squire and a knight challenges Lancelot: any knight has to fight in order to obtain hospitality, whereas the squire is welcome. Lancelot kills his opponent. Twelve ladies hurry out of the tents lamenting the king’s death. They scratch their faces and tear their hair from grief. Lancelot tries to reassure them but is told that he will have to die for the murder within a year. Lancelot pities them and regrets to have killed the man.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
Z 71.4 Formulistic number: six
Z 142 Symbolic color: white
Z 150 Other symbols
F 151.1.1 Perilous valley.
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
B 731.7.3 (Bm) Milk-white deer
F 756 Extraordinary valleys and plains
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
H 1236.2 Quest over path guarded by dangerous animals.
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

Lanc2-538:   (5) Four squires lament their dead lord and tell Lancelot that he has done great harm to innocent ladies, maidens and men and deprived many lands of their sovereign. The body is taken on a bier to the castle of Quamoiß (Qwamoiß). The ladies leave with the squires. Lancelot and the squire stay behind. Lancelot regrets having slain a consecrated king but the squire reassures him. They serve themselves in a tent where a meal is ready. An armed knight in the company of two squires asks for lodging. His name is Saras of Logres and he comes from the court of Arthur, but is no member of the Round Table although he strives for it. He tells them that the royal court’s worries about Lancelot, Gawan and their companions overshadowed the feast celebrated on Easter Day. A white monk had arrived at the court with the message that the man who will achieve the adventures of the Holy Grail has been born. The child is the son of the best knight and the daughter of king Pelles, the most beautiful woman. Lancelot remembers having been tricked to love her and he grasps that the child is his son.
Motif References:

P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
Z 254 Destined hero
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
P 426.2 Hermit
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
T 640 Illegitimate children
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest

Lanc2-540:   (8) On Lancelot’s question Saras tells him that he is searching for the fountain of the two laurels. On Easter a knight had told his story at the court: He came to that fountain the very day when Bellias challenged Gawan, Ywan, the duke of Clarence (Clatans) and Osenains the Brave (Sonam Cönerlippe) and unhorsed them. Thereupon ten knights set out from the court (none of them member of the Round Table) vowing not to return until they would have found that fountain, fought Bellias and brought him to the court. The squire will lead Saras his way. Lancelot disguises his identity when Saras asks him and poses as a disinherited poor knight, born in Gaule. In the morning Lancelot pretends to continue his quest alone and takes his leave. Yet he follows Saras and the squire. Soon they come to a fortress enclosed by walls and moats. Tents with eagles on top have been pitched under two large laurels nearby. Saras tells the dwarf there that he wants to challenge Bellias the Black (Helyas den Schwarczen) who guards the fountain of the two laurels.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
M 195 (Bm) Vow to see particular marvel.
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 716 Extraordinary fountain

Lanc2-542:   (10) The dwarf blows an ivory horn. Ladies and maidens rush out of the castle to watch the joust. A knight in black armor riding a black horse unhorses Saras and leads the horse away. The throng scorns Saras as a criminal which annoys him a lot. When he mounts a squire’s horse the scorns are even worse, they mock at him, throw sticks and stones at him. Thereupon Lancelot challenges Bellias and unhorses him. The throng leaves in a hurry toward the castle. Lancelot takes Bellias’s horse and gives it to Saras. Then he sends him to Arthur’s court to tell them that Lancelot gave him the horse. Moreover he should reassure them about Gawan and his companions who are well at Tartre. At Whitsun all of them would come to Kamahelot. Saras glad to have met Lancelot leaves for the court. In the forest Saras comes upon the knight on the bier on search for Lancelot who is the only man to cure him. Saras tells him where to find Lancelot and hurries on toward Kamahelot. The courtiers are overjoyed to hear good news of Lancelot and his companions. He relates to them the story of the combat at the two laurels. When they learn that the knights are bound to return at Whitsun king and queen proclaim a great feast to be celebrated in Kamahelot and send message throughout the land.
Motif References:

R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
Z 254 Destined hero
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 634 Feasts
P 672.5 (G) Humiliation: throwing rubbish at the hero
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-547:   (13) The young lady after leaving Kamahelot has ridden on till evening and stays overnight at a nunnery. News come from Kamahelot that the knights are safe and there will be a feast at Whitsun. Overjoyed the lady leaves and rides on to the seashore, crosses the sea and travels on to the city of Gaune (Jannas), the residence of king Claudas. He is the most powerful king except King Arthur and has excellent relations with the Romans. He is the king of Gaule, Acquitanien, Berry (Berri) and many other lands. Because of his wealth he is popular with his people. When he sees the lady coming he sends two knights to bring her to him and she has to join them. The king welcomes her. Then he inquires about her journey and she tells him that she is a confident of the queen and has been sent out from Logres. King Claudas who has been told about the arrival of a stranger, Lancelot of the Lake, wants to know more about the knight, but about Lyonel and Bohort as well. The damsel replies that Lancelot is indeed the best knight, amiable, talented and beautiful. She warns Claudas that he should rather leave the kingdoms he has usurped to their rightful owner for he could never resist King Ban’s kin.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 14.15.2 Court messenger

Lanc2-551:   (7) The king is not pleased on learning about the children’s fortune. The messenger refuses to tell about her errand but the king fears she might have come to spy on his forces. For this reason he urges her to stay. The damsel afraid of the treacherous king gives the letter queen Genover has sent with her to her dwarf ordering to keep it secret and to throw it into the river if she would be imprisoned. Meanwhile the king has asked the steward, who is his relative, for advice. He fears King Arthur’s attack. The steward thinks that the damsel has been sent by Bohort and Lyonel to set their vassals against Claudas and counsels him to take those letters from her. The damsel however pretends she has no letters and they fail to find any message. But the steward watches the dwarf throwing the letter into the river and warns Claudas. The king has the damsel and her dwarf imprisoned until he gets to know the recipients and the sender of her letter. This done Claudas sends a messenger to Britain to spy on King Arthur and the two brothers.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
K 2246.1 Treacherous king

Lanc2-555:   (7) Claudas’s two squires travel to Britain and arrive at the court at Christmas. The king holds a splendid court and the guests leave with rich presents. The messengers are amazed at the splendor and the generosity of the king and ask about it. A squire tells him that there are even greater festivals than this one: Their joy has been reduced for the sake of Lancelot and many a knight who are missing. Claudas’s squire are amazed for never king Claudas has celebrated such a splendid feast or diet. Only one of them returns to Claudas, his companion decides to stay at Arthur’s splendid court. Claudas is amazed on hearing the squire’s story but he is annoyed that the squire’s companion stayed there for he has raised him.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 634 Feasts

Lanc2-557:   (4) After king Claudas’s squire has joined King Arthur’s household and served the queen for about a year she asks him where he came from. He relates Claudas’s intrigue to her, who has imprisoned her messenger with her squire and a dwarf - the girl is the queen’s niece sent as messenger to the Lady of the Lake. Genover sends the squire with a letter to Claudas warning him to refuse her asking. The king has the scribe read the letter which orders him on behalf of the queen to release the damsel otherwise he will lose his land. Claudas is outraged and tears the letter to pieces. Then he asks the squire, by the name of Tarquin, to tell the queen that rather than release the damsel he would treat her even worse. He blames the queen of adultery and wants to see her burnt at the stake. When the queen is told Claudas’s message she is in distress.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger

Lanc2-561:   (15) Lancelot looks after Bellias whom he unhorsed. Despite his wound the man has recovered. A horn is blown in the castle and a knight (armed as Bellias was) challenges Lancelot who overcomes the opponent and puts him to flight. Lancelot pursues the man up to the main tower, where twelve armed men come to their lord’s help. Lancelot rages among his enemies. A very strong knight however gets hold of him and tries to drown him in the fountain. Lancelot kills him. No one dares to come near him. Searching for his opponent Lancelot comes upon four armed men in an orchard who hold Gawan’s brother Mordret captive. He attacks them but they escape. Lancelot releases Mordret and relates his adventures to him (perilous forest, fountain of the two laurels).
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-565:   (21) A pretty maiden begs Lancelot for mercy for the town, for he already has killed her father and one of her brothers, a second one has been wounded. Lancelot pities her and begs for her pardon. He promises to spare her people. A squire warns Lancelot that townspeople will kill him to avenge the death of their best knights. He helps Lancelot and Mordret to obtain weapons and horses so that they can leave without further bloodshed. Lancelot asks the squire about the fountain of the two laurels: The lord of the castle has two valiant sons, who set out for King Arthur’s to become knights of the Round Table, but being unknown to the company were rejected.
Motif References:

P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
N 832 Boy as helper

Lanc2-568:   (14) They angrily returned to their father Broadans (Bronadas). They decided to think about a strategy to make themselves known to the Arthurian court. The father told them to install an adventure at a fountain nearby which would attract the king’s knights. For this reason they pitched the two tents at the fountain and overcame any comer. One day Gawan and his three companions challenged them. Bellias was unhorsed, but then Gawan and his companions were overcome by Bridans. When he learnt their identity he returned their horses to them. For the sake of this victory people called Bridans Ohnemeister (Brydans sunder Meister). On learning the story Lancelot regrets to have slain such valiant knights as well as their father. Riding through the forest Lancelot meets the knight on the bier on quest for him. He apologizes for the offense done to him because he failed to recognize him. Lancelot removes the arrow from his leg and the man will soon be well again. Lancelot asks him to return to his castle and make king Bandemagus join Lancelot and his companions on their journey back to the king’s court. Lancelot sends the squire to the Tartre to tell his companions that they would meet him at Whitsun at the court.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
Z 254 Destined hero
F 950 Marvelous cures

Lanc2-571:   (6) The squire hurries on to the Tartre. The knights are glad on learning Lancelot’s message and want to leave without delay. Ywan however declares they could still not return for some of their companions are still missing. Gawan replies that their quest already has taken about two years whereas a normal quest is considered achieved after one year and a day. For this reason they should set out for the court. Gawan is happy to hear that his brother Mordret has been rescued. Before they leave Bohort wants to dispose of the castle. A squire, by the name of Wyss (Wiß), claims the castle as his reward for he has served Bohort for more than one year without ever receiving reward, though Bohort kept promising him equipment and enfeoffment. Bohort dubs the squire and leaves him the castle as a fief.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
Q 111.10 (Bm) Castles as reward
H 1221 Quest for adventure

Lanc2-574:   (2) They come to a river in a beautiful valley with a forest and fertile fields. Carpenters are about to build huts and barriers for jousting and tournament. They learn that within three days a great tournament will be held. The company decides to wait for Lancelot there. The castle is Pennigne, and belongs to Galehodin (Gelehodins), godson of Galahot (Galahot), the lord of the Fremden Inseln (Lonitamme Ynsel). Gawan knows Galehodin well, for he has often met him. They take lodging in the house of a nobleman. They pretend to be poor knights from the kingdom of Norgales who will fight for booty. Next day they hear great clamor from the main tower, which worries Gawan. They watch wounded Aglonal (Aglovall), a knight from Arthur’s court, hurrying down the road, without armor, his sword drawn. Ten armed men pursue him. Gawan and his companions set out to help him. They make Aglonal join them in the house and battle starts.
Motif References:

R 360 Pursuits
P 561 Tournaments
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-579:   (3) The knights hold their ground against the pursuers. A horn is blown at the tower to summon the townspeople for battle. Though they have more than 100 fighters they cannot overcome the 16 knights of King Arthur. Their host is in distress for his lord will have him and his family killed in revenge. Gawan promises to reconcile him with his lord. The host asks where they come from, for due to their language they cannot be knights from Norgales. Gawan tells him the truth, that they have come for the tournament on their way back to Logres and want to meet a friend. The host is somewhat reassured but dares not ask them their names. Aglonal is very pleased to meet his companions.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-581:   (13) Aglonal’s story: He rode on quest for his comrades and eight days ago he came to a castle where king Bandemagus was lying sick. Bandemagus told him that Lancelot had left him not long ago. That morning however Aglonal happened to be recognized by a relative of the castle’s lord. Aglonal had killed one of his brothers and for this reason the man attacked him when Aglonal was unarmed. Gawan and his companions decide to ride to the court after the tournament taking Bandemagus with them. At noon their host warns them to arm themselves for Galehodin will attack them. The lord blames him of having raged among his men. Thereupon Gawan tells him that they only came to their friend’s aid, who was attacked though he was unarmed and wounded. Galehodin is pleased with Gawan’s speech and asks for his name and where he comes from. Gawan identifies and tells him that they are knights of the Round Table.
Motif References:

N 380 Other unlucky accidents

Lanc2-584:   (12) Thereupon Galehodin welcomes Gawan and asks for his pardon. Gawan too asks him to pardon him and promises compensation, which Galehodin refuses. He only has proclaimed the tournament for he wanted Lancelot to take part - whom he knew to be not far away. Then he orders his men to retreat and blames them of having brought shame upon him. Galehodin chooses twenty noble knights, has them splendidly equipped and with this retinue joins the Arthurian knights, who too have dressed up for their noble host equipped them well. Galehodin asks them for their friendship and a rash boon: they should leave their host and accept his hospitality. They agree and praise their host. Thereupon Galehodin rewards the man by leaving him his house and lands as hereditary fief and promises to dub him next Whitsun. The host is overjoyed.
Motif References:

Q 111 Riches as reward
P 320 Hospitality

Lanc2-586:   (23) Lancelot and Mordret catch sight of a white stag in the company of six lions in the forest. On riding after the marvel two knights attack them by surprise and rob their horses. A dwarf riding a jade insults them, but offers to give directions where to find the enemies if he would be granted a boon. He leads them to a valley where four tents have been pitched. Two knights in the company of their ladies are served a meal. Lancelot and his companion retrieve their horses and leave. They stay overnight in a hermitage. The hermit warns them against the wild beasts and dangerous adventures of the Dangerous Forest. The grave of Lancelot’s grandfather can be found there at a boiling fountain. Lancelot replies that he has already lifted the slab but the fountain continued boiling. The hermit declares that only coldness has the power to cool heat, and Lancelot failed because he lacks chastity. The chaste Good Knight will achieve the adventure yet Lancelot will put an end to the numerous adventures of the forest the same year the adventure of the Grail will be accomplished.
Motif References:

Z 71.4 Formulistic number: six
Z 142 Symbolic color: white
Z 150 Other symbols
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
Z 254 Destined hero
P 426.2 Hermit
B 731.7.3 (Bm) Milk-white deer
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest

Lanc2-591:   (14) Lancelot questions the hermit about the strange sight of the white stag with a golden necklace and the six lions. The hermit declares that this adventure will be achieved by the Good Knight and its secret must not be disclosed yet. Then Lancelot asks about the knight he killed in a joust, a deed for which 12 ladies in a tent blamed him. The hermit reassures him: This man was a faithless king from the Scottish borders, who hanged his innocent father on a tree. This king’s death only means relief for the kingdom. As a young man he was called Marland the Simpleton (Einfeltige), a name that was changed to The Evil Faithless later on, for he had turned a villain. Lancelot and Mordret leave next morning. At a fountain they come upon the two knights who robbed their horses and kill them. In the evening they are granted hospitality in a castle. When they learn that a tournament will be held in Penigne nearby Lancelot remembers the tournament at Kamahelot where he saw his love and he falls silent from grief. The hostess has recognized Lancelot (they grew up together) and thinks his strangeness must be due to love. Lancelot asks his host to give him a shield so that he would not be recognized in the tournament.
Motif References:

P 12.2.1 Tyrannical king [lord]
S 22 Parricide
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
Z 254 Destined hero
P 426.2 Hermit
P 561 Tournaments
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest

Lanc2-598:   (4) Lancelot and Mordret leave next morning to attend mass in a hermitage nearby. A very old holy man kneels before a sarcophagus in the forest. They identify and he addresses them as the most unfortunate knights. He declares that Mordret will bring about the ruin of the Round Table, kill his father who will slay him. Thus the king’s kin will come to an end. Mordret does not believe the man for he thinks his father is King Loth of Tarquanie, who has already died. The hermit tells him that his father is a powerful king. The night Mordret was conceived he had a strange dream: a dragon left his body, burnt his kingdom and killed his people. Then he run at the king who manage to kill the monster but was poisoned by its venom. This story has been painted in the Minster of St. Stephen in Kamahelot. The dragon symbolized Mordret, who in his youth will be a virtuous knight but later on he will become an evil and cruel man. He, the hermit, will be killed by Mordred. Outraged Mordret declares he will make the prophecy come true without delay. The hermit wants to give his prophecy to Lancelot as well, but Mordret chops off his head. Lancelot blames his companion of having killed a holy man. He secretly takes a letter from the hermit. They ride on to the hermitage. In the church Lancelot reads the letter that reveals the secret of Mordret’s birth: King Arthur is his father and Mordret will be slain by him. Thus the holy man will be revenged: Arthur’s sword will pierce Mordret so fiercely that the sun will shine through his body as God’s miracle. Lancelot is grieved on learning the prophecy and he would like to kill Mordret on the spot but sees no way to do so.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
Z 150 Other symbols
M 301.5 Saints (holy men) [hermits] as prophet
M 341.6 Prophecy: person foretells own death
M 342 Prophecy of downfall of kingdom
M 343 Parricide prophecy
M 369 Miscellaneous prophecies
T 640 Illegitimate children
N 846.2 Priest as helper
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen

Lanc2-601:   (26) The host gives Lancelot a green shield and tabard and Mordret a white shield and they ride to the tournament. Lancelot decides to join the weaker tournament party against Galahodin and the knights of King Arthur. Jousting has already started when Lancelot and Mordret come to Penigne. Many ladies watch the fighting from a stand on the meadow. Bohort and Hestor - in black armor - are praised most of all fighters. Lancelot’s prowess makes Bohort think the stranger might be his cousin. Lyonel however on watching Lancelot unhorsed by three opponents has his doubts. Lancelot helps Mordret against Gawan and Hestor. Lancelot rages among his opponents and wins the day. Mordred suffers battering from his brothers Gawan, Gaheries and Guerehes who fail to recognize him. Many men of the defeated tournament party drown in the river as they flee toward the castle. Meanwhile Lancelot sneaks away from the field, but Bohort, certain that the man is Lancelot, follows him into the forest. They recognize and are happy to meet. Galehodin cares for his Arthurian guests. Lyonel and Hestor worrying about Bohort search for him on the field. Many knights were wounded in the jousting. They meet Mordret who tells them what happened and that the green knight was Lancelot. Mordret is taken to the castle, where his wounds are bound. His brothers pity him. The Arthurian knights are annoyed that they failed to meet Lancelot once again. They ought to have recognized him by his prowess. Next morning the knights leave. Mordret is carried on a horse-bier. Gawan suggest they should separate: to travel together would earn them no praise. Ywan who is a prudent man will accompany wounded Mordret.
Motif References:

H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers

Lanc2-614:   Meanwhile Lancelot and Bohort ride through the dangerous forest. They head toward a fire in a valley. A wailing voice in the forest makes Bohort leave his companion in order to help a lady in distress. Lancelot rides on. Bohort rescues a lady and a knight, the son of the king with the 100 knights and his sister, mistreated by a band of robbers. He kills them. Bohort is to become liege lord of their vassals as reward. They had been separated from their retinue and lost their way in the forest. Though wearing no armor the knight, by the name of Marans, wounded several robbers but at last was overcome. The robbers tormented him. Marans and his sister Laudume lead Bohort to a fortified tower in the forest. Marans and Bohort set out to search Lancelot but fail to meet him.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
Q 53 Reward for rescue
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-618:   (22) Bohort leaves next morning on quest for Lancelot but fails to catch up with him. A hermit tells him that he watched a man pursuing a black knight and later on learnt that the black knight killed his pursuer. Next morning Bohort comes to a churchyard. They mourn a dead knight killed by Lancelot and bury him beneath a cross. On his way back to the Arthurian court Bohort comes to the castle Corbenic. On learning that Bohort is an Arthurian knight the knight on the bridge forbids him entrance for the sake of Lancelot and challenges him. Bohort defeats the knight (many knights and ladies watch the combat) who from exhaustion almost falls into the moat. Bohort warns him. He asks for mercy and surrenders, identifying as Bronot von der Wollust. Questioned about his hatred against Lancelot he tells his story: He fell in love with the beautiful young lady of Corbenic but she refused his wooing for she already was in love with a knight surpassing Bronot in valiance. Thereupon he promised to fight that man in order to obtain her love. She gave her promise. Bronot failed to meet Lancelot at Arthur’s court. He therefore vowed to guard that bridge and challenge Arthurian knights, hoping that Lancelot would learn of his challenge. Bronot defeated all opponents. Bohort sends the man to the royal court to surrender to Lancelot.
Motif References:

T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
M 150 Other vows and oaths
P 426.2 Hermit
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-622:   (24) Bohort enters the castle where he is given a friendly welcome. King Pelles asks him about Lancelot, and Bohort relates Lancelot’s adventures to him (tournament at Penigne, captivity in Morge’s castle). Pelles’s daughter joins them, dressed up splendidly. She is a wise and cultivated lady, surpassing all women of her times in beauty. An old knight enters with a pretty child, of precocious growth, Bohort’s cousin. The child has Lancelot’s looks. Bohort who knows about Lancelot’s love for the queen is amazed and only reluctantly admits that he recognizes the child by his looks. The name of the child is Galaat. - At this point the dove with the golden censer flies into the hall. Fragrance goes with it. The tables are set and all pray in silence. As the young lady enters carrying the Holy Grail they fall onto their kneels to pray. At her passage the dishes are provided with the finest food. When she has left conversation continues and the king relates the story of Galaat’s conception to Bohort. The knight rejoices on learning that the hero destined to achieve the adventure of the Holy Grail and to occupy the perilous seat will be his kinsman. Hermits and holy men told King Pelles that many wonders will come from this child. Bohort learns that he was served his meal in the famous palace of adventures and that the grail sends them food daily. Curious to see the marvels Gawan watched in the palace Bohort wants to stay there overnight. The king urges him to avoid the palace’s dangers but Bohort vows not to leave before he has seen its marvels. Thereupon the king grants him a night in the palace of wonders the following day.
Motif References:

H 20 Recognition by resemblance
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
Z 254 Destined hero
B 291.1.12 Pigeon as messenger.
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
T 615 Supernatural growth
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
B 811 Sacred animals [dove, falcon]
D 1131 Magic castle
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]

Lanc2-627:   (13) Next morning king Pelles makes Bohort confess his sins and receive the host to protect himself against the perils of the palace. The chaplain hearing his confession is amazed about the knight’s chastity, who only sinned with the daughter of the king Brangore, when Helyan the White was conceived. Bohort fasts all day. In the evening he enters the palace of wonders and sits down on the marvelous bed. There is great din from a fierce storm, and when it has ended a fiery lance is shot at the knight, piercing his shield and hauberk and wounding his shoulder. Unseen hands remove the weapon and the lance leaves the same way it entered. A fully armed warrior enters the hall and orders Bohort to leave the bed. On his refusal Bohort is challenged and they fight. The opponent flees into the room where the Holy Grail is kept, which restores his strength. The fighting is renewed and Bohort presses his opponent hard. As the man tries to escape once again to recover his strength by means of the Grail Bohort keeps him from leaving and forces him to surrender. The he sends the man to King Arthur. Bohort sits down on the bed once again. He suffers battering without being able to detect the reason.
Motif References:

T 300 Chastity and celibacy
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
F 787 Extraordinary bed
F 832 Extraordinary lance
F 846.1 Perilous bed
D 906 Magic wind
D 1086 Magic lance
D 1154.1 Magic bed
D 1162 Magic light
D 1335 Object gives magic strength
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place
H 1500 Tests of endurance
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
D 1830 Magic strength
D 1980 Magic invisibility

Lanc2-630:   (24) Thereafter the window shutters close noisily and a large fierce lion runs at Bohort. After the knight has killed the beast, a multicolored dragon enters, large, with fiery eyes. The beast breathes fire but rather playfully and plays with its tail like a baby. On its forehead Bohort detects characters illuminated from the dragon’s glowing eyes, saying: “This means King Arthur”. All of a sudden a fierce leopard attacks the dragon and presses him hard. But due to his heat and poison the dragon gets the better of his adversary. The animals vanish. Then the dragon gives birth to 100 dragonlets from his mouth who start fighting immediately but fail in killing their mother. Battle continues until the dragonlets perish. A bald man enters, meager and pale, carrying two intertwined serpents around his neck, that keep stinging him. He laments and declares that he is longing for his predestined rescuer. The man carries a precious harp out of gold, silver and jewels. Having tuned his instrument he starts playing. He weeps and laments. Bohort listens attentively to what he thinks to be a piece about the contest of Joseph of Arimathia against the magician Orphem in Scotland, the latter had composed. As the old man has ended he declares that Bohort will fail in the adventures of the palace for only the Good Knight is to achieve them.
Motif References:

B 11.2.11 Fire-breathing dragon
B (Bm) Dragon of diverse colors.
B 15.4.2 Beasts with fiery eyes
Z 150 Other symbols
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld
B 264 Single combat between animals
E 422 Living corpse.
F 541.1.1 Eyes flash fire
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
F 899 Other extraordinary objects
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place

Lanc2-633:   (18) Bohort asks about the serpents and learns that they are God’s punishment for the man’s sins. The man leaves. Fragrance fills the palace when the dove with the censer enters. Then come four pretty children with four lighted candelabras and an old priest carrying a bleeding lance. Bohort bows before the holy object. The man sits down and praises Bohort’s virtuosity. He may relate those wonders at the court. The meaning of the strange sights will not yet be disclosed. They only will learn about the secrets of the lance when the Perilous Seat has been mastered. Lancelot could have achieved the Holy Grail but for his unchastity. Then the man leaves with the lance. Twelve weeping maidens enter, clad in poor clothes, and fall onto their knees in front of a door and pray. Bohort questions them but they keep silent. At midnight a large chamber is illuminated and Bohort perceives the Grail on a silver plate ornamented with gold and jewels. A bishop kneels down before it. As he removes the covering an indescribable light fills the room so that Bohort is blinded. A voice forbids him to approach otherwise he would be paralyzed. Bohort returns to the bed. His wound is cured. In the morning Pelles and his daughter praise him for he excelled in the adventure of the palace. Pelles tells him that the Maimed King, also called the sinful king, is his father. Bohort did not see him. The Maimed King was a valiant knight who removed the sword from its scabbard, thus breaking a tabu. The sword pierced his thighs and only the Good Knight can cure him by means of the blood from the lance. Bohort wants to know about the spear but Pelles refuses to tell. Next morning Bohort leaves Corbenic and continues toward Kamahelot.
Motif References:

V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 171.6 Mysterious punishments in otherworld
F 184.1 Wounded otherworld king (in Ireland).
Z 254 Destined hero
B 291.1.12 Pigeon as messenger.
C 423.5 Tabu: revealing sacred mysteries.
Q 451 Mutilation as punishment
C 500 Tabu- touching
B 811 Sacred animals [dove, falcon]
C 948 Mutilation as punishment for breaking tabu
F 991.1 Bleeding lance.
D 1003 Magic blood - human
D 1081 Magic sword
D 1162 Magic light
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.

Lanc2-638:   (19) After Bohort has left Lancelot comes to the fire they perceived in the valley. Two tents have been pitched there and Lancelot asks a beautiful lady and her ugly dwarf for hospitality. The lady refuses, for her lover will soon return to them. She identifies as the niece of the king with the 100 knights. Two armed knights enter the tent and refuse hospitality to Lancelot. They fight and Lancelot kills a knight. The lady swoons. Lancelot overcomes the knight’s brother as well. He begs for mercy and pardons Lancelot for killing his brother. Then he leads him to a hermitage not far away where Lancelot is granted hospitality. Next morning Lancelot leaves on quest for Bohort. At noon he meets two ladies on a fine meadow with a fountain and trees. They invite him to join their meal. A dwarf serves them. At this point a wailing lady comes running toward Lancelot urging him to help her which Lancelot promises. A black knight however turns up and kills the lady so quickly that Lancelot is unable to defend her. He is in distress for he had promised to protect the lady. Lancelot pursues the murderer and catches up with him when he stops at four tents and talks to two ladies. The ladies entreat Lancelot to spare their brother. But Lancelot chops off the man’s head and leaves.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
Q 211 Murder punished
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-643:   (21) One night Lancelot takes lodging in a forester’s house. He watches an armed knight entering the courtyard who is attacked by two pursuers insulting him as a coward. The man is the steward Key. Lancelot hurries to help him, breaking the grate of the window. He defeats the two knights and forces them to surrender to Key. They are sent as Key’s prisoners to King Arthur. Key and Lancelot welcome each other happily. Next morning Lancelot leaves. By accident he has clad in Key’s armor. He comes to a bridge where four splendid tents have been pitched. Four knights in full armor sit in one of the tents and a white shield and four lances have been placed in front of each tent. The men decide to scorn “Key” for his cowardice. Lancelot defeats them and sends one of them as Key’s prisoner to the queen. Lancelot enters a deep forest. In a valley he comes upon Gawan, Hestor, Ywan and Segremors who take him for Key. Segremors insists on fighting the man. Lancelot does not recognize him either for Segremors has changed his armor. He unhorses him and rides on. Hestor grasps that this man cannot possibly be Key and he challenges him as well. Lancelot overcomes Hestor, Ywan and Gawan. Meanwhile Segremors has recovered and declares that the knight has unhorsed Gawan, Hestor, Ywan and Segremors with only one spear. Lancelot is shocked on learning the strangers’ names but does not return. He throws his shield away, to avoid identification, and hurries on.
Motif References:

H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor

Lanc2-653:   (5) Lancelot comes upon two tents and a leaf hut where he meets the young lady who once cured him when he fell ill from the poisonous fountain. She fails to recognize him but for the sake of the most valiant knight of King Arthur grants him hospitality. For Lancelot’s sake she has vowed virginity and has kept her promise. She finally recognizes him. He tells her that he unwittingly fought his friends and she promises to hide him. A train of knights, ladies and girls approaches, accompanying their beautiful mistress. They have a rest on the meadow. The lady has her son brought to her, Helyan the White, who is a very beautiful child. The lady of the tent tells Lancelot that the child is his nephew and relates the story of his conception to him. The daughter of the king Brangeris complains that Bohort never came back to her though he promised to return within one year. Lancelot asks her to pardon Bohort which she grants gladly.
Motif References:

M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
F 575.2 Handsome man
T 640 Illegitimate children
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins

Lanc2-657:   (10) Meanwhile Gawan has taken Lancelot’s shield and left his own in its place. Hestor tells him that the man they fought was Lancelot and they try to catch up with him. But they miss his road and ride on to Arthur’s court where they arrive at Whitsun. King Arthur has a festive diet with all his liegemen present. The king is grieved on learning that Lancelot has not yet arrived. Gawan displays the shield and the lance in the hall and the king asks about it. Gawan tells the story. All are worried about Lancelot. The king attends mass carrying his crown and the scepter. Arthur is a noble and very beautiful man. Meanwhile Bohort and Lyonel have arrived. Only Lancelot and Key are still missing. The knights tell their stories. The king sends for splendid garments he has prepared for the feast. He asks Bandemagus for advice: how should he bestow the garments to his knights? Bandemagus counsels him to consider each man’s deeds of valor. Thereupon the king asks his knights to choose the very best men among them. They choose Bohort. Then according to their praise are chosen: Hestor, Gawan, Gaheries, Lyonel, Bandemagus etc. The garments are bestowed on them. Two are left for Lancelot and Key. The tables are set and the knights of the round table sit down. There are still 12 knights (of 150) missing which annoys the king a lot.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 13 Customs connected with kings
F 575.2 Handsome man
P 634 Feasts
H 1568 Test of the champion.

Lanc2-663:   (4) Key arrives whom they take for Lancelot due to his green armor. His gifts are bestowed upon him. The prisoners Lancelot sent to the court surrender to the queen declaring themselves Key’s prisoners. Key says he did not fight them. They recognize the shield Gawan displayed in the hall and the court learns that they were defeated by Lancelot. They wait for Lancelot all day. There is no jousting until he joins them. All are matted in the magic chess game Lancelot once sent them. Night falls and Lancelot is not yet with them. His friends worry about him and the king is in distress for he loves Lancelot more than the knight is loved even by his kinsmen. Arthur’s favorites are Lancelot and Gawan. The king would not have perished in the end but for Egravins and Mordret. Next day Arthur impatiently waits for Lancelot. He catches sight of a noble knight in green armor riding toward the castle, Lancelot. They welcome him by a joust and Gawan unhorses Lancelot, whose steed is already weary from the journey. The king welcomes Lancelot. There is a festive procession to the Minster led by crowned King Arthur. The sight of the painting the hermit referred to grieves Lancelot a lot. He cannot possibly kill Mordret for this would start a feud with his kinsmen. The queen notices his pensiveness. Meanwhile all 150 knights of the Round Table have arrived. Only the Perilous seat is left empty. An inscription has appeared there lately announcing that the same day the proud Brumal will die there unless Merlin has failed in his prophecy. Lancelot sends for scribes to read the inscription.
Motif References:

M 301 Prophets
M 341 Death prophesied
F 786 Extraordinary chair
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
D 1151 Magic seat

Lanc2-672:   (19) After the meal a knight in white armor enters. The man is very beautiful but weeps bitterly for he thinks himself doomed. He occupies the Perilous Seat and hands a letter to Lancelot that he should read if the stranger would die. This happens in the year 226 after Christ. All of a sudden the man cries out that he is dying and declares that Lancelot would be the man to rescue him if he were destined to achieve this adventure. The stranger burns completely from fire falling on top of him. He declares that pride only means shame - for he himself tried an adventure that was not meant for him. Stench fills the hall. Lancelot is not harmed by the fire at his side. All are terrified. Then the scribe is sent for to read the dead man’s letter: Last Easter young people at the court of king Claudas agreed that Lancelot were the most valiant knight. Brumal disagreed for Lancelot never tried the Perilous Seat and he declared that he would undertake this adventure himself. On learning the story King Arthur declares that the knight’s foolishness cost him his life not his valiance. The hero destined to achieve the adventure will be named by an inscription on the seat. The knights start a bohourt wearing only tabards. Lancelot restrains from fighting for he fears trouble and keeps Hestor, Bohort and Lyonel from it too.
Motif References:

H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
F 786 Extraordinary chair
F 882 Extraordinary fire
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
C 921 Immediate death for breaking tabu
D 1151 Magic seat
D 1271 Magic fire
H 1568 Test of the champion.

Lanc2-676:   (15) Lancelot relates his adventures to the queen: his captivity in Morge’s palace and his escape, after a pretty rose reminded him of his beloved. The queen tells him that king Claudas is threatening her for he knows about her adultery. Lancelot declares that he already has suffered a lot from Claudas’s treachery and now will have no more of the same. The slander of the queen makes him promise vengeance on his enemy and he declares he will send her the man’s head. She urges him to attack Claudas. Arthur and the knights would be glad to help him for everybody hates Claudas. When the jousting has ended the king playfully captures Gawan and putting him before him on is horse rides with him up to the palace, which meets general amusement. Lancelot has a council with his relatives and they are happy to learn that he wants to take revenge on Claudas. Lancelot sends for Bandemagus and 40 knights of the Round Table. They promise to war against Claudas. The king is pleased with their decision and ready to support them. Yet Lancelot should stay with him. Arthur and Lancelot would join the army if help were needed. The scribes note the names of the leaders in the campaign: Bandemagus, Caredosbrebras, Ion, Cabaramons. Oath is given to war Claudas in Gaune. Arthur promises to make their equipment ready in London at Maria Magdalena. Meanwhile Bronot has arrived and surrendered in Bohort’s name.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

Lanc2-684:   (13) News of the war spread throughout the land and reach Claudas who has sent two squires as spies to King Arthur’s court. Claudas is annoyed about Lancelot’s return. The spies praise Arthur’s festivities, his power, generosity and his numerous heroes. Arthur is a friendly, modest, beautiful and valiant man. Claudas rewards the squires. He is certain of getting the better of the Arthurian army and has a council of war. His steward praises Claudas’s valiance and his power and advises him to summon his troops. Moreover he should send word to the Roman emperor Tiberius and ask for more troops. Claudas sends a messenger with a sealed letter to Rome. Claudas considering that he once usurped his kingdom fears his vassals’ disloyalty. Therefore listening to his kinsman’s advice he summons his liegemen to Gaune offering them a choice: Vassals who would not readily give him full support are allowed to leave with their goods. Their lands then would be bestowed upon his loyal liegemen.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 12 Character of kings
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

Lanc2-689:   (8) Then Claudas questions his spies about adventures that happened lately at the Arthurian court and they relate the story of Brumal’s death to him. Claudas is grieved for Brumal was his kinsman. His steward however admonishes him rather to care for the living than to mourn the dead. Brumal’s brothers lament their brother’s death. Claudas prepares war having his castles fortified and well provided for against siege. Meanwhile his vassals have come to Gaune and the king informs them about the imminent war and that he would promise safe conduct to everybody who would not support him readily. Many of his liegeman leave Claudas’s lands to join Lancelot. Claudas then bestows rich gifts and powers upon his loyal vassals. He is very popular for his munificence. Young Claudin, the king’s illegitimate son, is to lead the troops. Claudin is a valiant and wise man popular with the warriors for he treats them as his friends. Messengers come from Rome with the news of Tiberius’ death. Nevertheless the Romans promise to support Claudas. The messengers are rewarded.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 12 Character of kings
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Lanc2-695:   (7) The day after Whitsunday King Arthur summons the knights of the Round Table and all his courtiers to listen to the stories of the questers. He asks Lancelot to start and the knight relates the story of his quest: he set out in the company of Bandemagus, Bohort and Gaheries; encountered Mordret in the Castle of the White Thorn; adventure at castle of Trespas; Bohort’s fight against Maldint; Lancelot’s adventures after he had separated from his comrades; captivity in Morge’s prison; Tartre; Forest of Wonders (tomb of Lancelot’s ancestor); sight of the white stag with the six lions; adventures until he met Gawan; adventure wearing Key’s armor; meeting with Bohort’s little son. The king orders the adventures to be written down. Bohort is annoyed on learning that he has got a son. Then Gawan relates his adventures to them: Trespas, rescue of Mordret from the marvelous island. He fought the lord of the island who would have killed him had not a damsel rescued and reconciled them. Merlin’s bed which makes anyone lose his mind and memory on the island of many adventures. Gawan found the sword of adventures there: no one has hands large enough to handle it and a hermit told him that if he tried the sword were to kill him carried by the man he loves most. This would happen for the sake of his brother Mordret. Rescue of Hestor from the prison of king Helyans. Forest of Dangers, meeting with Hansart, steward of he king of the waste land, falsely accused of murder of the king’s son. He fought for him against his unrecognized brother Gaheries, until he identified him by his sword. Tartre. Meeting with Key and Bohort, who fought and imprisoned him without recognizing. Bohort overcame 14 knights of the Round Table who later on were rescued by Lancelot. Gawan’s adventures are written down.
Motif References:

H 84 Tokens of exploit
H 151.10.2 (Bm) Combat of unknown brothers brings about recognition
H 218 Trial by combat
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
F 787 Extraordinary bed
F 833 Extraordinary sword
F 846.1 Perilous bed
D 1081 Magic sword
D 1154.1 Magic bed
D 2000 Magic forgetfulness

Lanc2-699:   (26) Hestor, Bohort and Lyonel, Ywan and Gaheries tell their adventures. Yet Lancelot told the best stories. Gawan too is praised by the king. - Messengers come from the kingdom of Dorcanie claiming a sovereign. Arthur wants Gaheries to become their lord but he refuses royalty before the adventures of the Grail are achieved. Mordret and Guerehes tell their adventures and all stories are written down. Bohort brings Lancelot king Pelles’s greetings and tells him that he would be welcome there to meet his little son Galaat who is very beautiful and looks like Lancelot. Bohort gives his promise to keep this affair secret. Lancelot is annoyed that someone has found out about his love affair. Bohort continues telling him that he has learnt that this child will achieve the adventure Lancelot failed to accomplish. Bohort’s story about the marvelous palace of king Pelles amazes the courtiers most of all. Gaheries and Bohort are praised for their stories too. The queen asks Lancelot about his pensiveness on regarding the painting in the church. Lancelot tells her that Mordret murdered the holy man. According to the latter’s prophecy Mordret will kill the king. Lancelot relates the meaning of the dragon to her, but keeps silent about the fact that Mordret is the king’s son. The queen is very grieved on hearing the story, but cannot believe it. Therefore she keeps silent about her knowledge - to the harm of many for this brought about the death of Arthur and his valiant men. When the feast has come to an end the guests leave. The king continues feasting and enjoying pastimes.
Motif References:

H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
M 343 Parricide prophecy

Lanc2-704:   (11) A messenger brings Arthur news from Gaune: Claudas prepares war and has sent messengers to the Romans. Arthur wonders that Claudas knows about his campaign and learns that two spies had been present at his court. The king travels through his kingdom to prepare the war and his knights summon their relatives and friends. Finally a large army has come together to support Lancelot and the knights of the Round Table. Many ships are made ready with provisions. Arthur tells his army to be prudent and avoid arrogance in foreign lands. He promises that he and Lancelot would come to their aid if necessary. The army sets out to Gaune and the king and Lancelot return to London. Lancelot has a good life with the queen and the king who loves him. He is the favorite knight of the kingdom. - Gawan and the army meanwhile come to Gaune and do well in the first battles although they are outnumbered by Claudas’s allied troops. They conquer the land quite easily. As they approach Gaune good news come to them: Claudas has left for Rome and there are even rumors of his death. They conquer Gaune without meeting defense for truce is held until the king will be back. They besiege one of Claudas’s castles, by the name of Pagon, a large fortress and take it by surprise. The lord of the castle, Sorses, escapes and comes upon a messenger of Claudas. Sorses and the squire join Claudas at the castle of the Horn. Claudas has a large camp with many tents of all colors. The king is shocked on hearing the news. His steward suggests they should surprise the enemy. Claudin advises against Claudas joining his troops: they would be defeated if their lord were killed. Thereupon men are chosen to attack the enemy by surprise after nightfall.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

Lanc2-717:   (4) A scout is sent ahead to spy on the enemy camp. They surprise the army of Logres and a furious battle is fought. Many an inexperienced knight is captured (among them Lyonel and Banin) and taken to Claudas’s castle. Claudas has them imprisoned in the tower of Gaune where also Genover’s messenger is held captive. The army of Logres sets out toward Gaune. Claudas organizes his army and they prepare for battle. Claudin once again advises Claudas to keep from fighting and he gives in. The leaders of the battle-formations are chosen. - The leaders of the battle-formations of the army of Logres are chosen and a military strategy is agreed upon. Then they set out to the castle of the Horn. A furious battle starts and Logres presses the enemies hard. Claudas joins his army which is about to be defeated so that Claudin urges him to escape which he does. Reinforcements join them and the battle against Logres is renewed. They besiege Gaune. According to his council’s advice Claudas decides to wait for the Roman troops. His army has suffered great losses and some of the king’s relatives have been caught. Claudin suggests that the prisoners should be exchanged. A truce is made. Claudas gives the prisoners new mantles and horses. Lyonel wants Claudas to release the captive damsel but Claudas refuses.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 552 Battle formations
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger
P 557.2.1 Prisoners of war exchanged
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Lanc2-747:   All prisoners are exchanged after gifts have been bestowed upon them. Siege goes on with fighting here and then. The queen of Bonewig in the company of her nuns comes to see the army and asks about Lancelot. He should be sent word to come to see her for she soon will die. Then the Lady of the Lake with great retinue joins them and one of her knights is enfeoffed with the castle of the Horn. The army of Logres conquers many towns and castles. Claudas learns that the Romans will soon join his troops. The army of Logres however has no inkling of the danger and the knights only care for pleasant pastime. The Lady of the Lake accidentally detecting the Romans in the forest warns Arthur’s army and they prepare for battle. The Romans meet strong defense although they outnumber them. Julius Cesar, a Roman senator, takes Bandemagus for Lancelot and sends his men to fight him promising rich reward. Bandemagus is taken prisoner, which terrifies Gorre so that they are easily defeated. The battle is furious. In order to know the number of the Roman troops Bohort suggest a ruse: They should multiply the groups of their army to provoke the enemy so that they would be able to see their numbers. The last group of the Romans is to be identified by their banner: a golden eagle and a dragon. Gawan is reassured. Battle lasts until nightfall and goes on for five more days. Gaune offers truce so that the dead could be buried. A truce is made for fourteen days. They take eight days to bury their dead. Treacherous king Claudas is kept from killing Bandemagus: his counselors declare that captives be they king or knight must be spared. Claudas refuses to have him ransomed. One morning Ywan meets a squire who has been sent by Arthur and Lancelot to get news about the war going on. Ywan sends word to the king that he should send military aid. When Ywan’s comrades learn the news they are rather annoyed for they fear to be blamed of cowardice. After the truce has ended furious fighting continues. Claudin is taken prisoner which grieves Claudas a lot and he tears his hair and clothes, weeps and laments excessively. His men admonish him to keep from despair. A king should never lose valiance. Claudas sends word that he would release Bandemagus if his relative would be released as well. Gawan agrees - not caring for his counselor’s warning (the captives are most valiant warriors) - which later on proves unwise.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
P 231 Mother and son
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
P 557.2.1 Prisoners of war exchanged
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
P 558 (Bm) Truce
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Lanc2-766:   (6) Meanwhile the squire has urged Arthur and Lancelot to help the army and Lancelot decides to leave without delay. Arthur wants to join him but Lancelot disagrees - the king takes offense. They summon their vassals. The queen is very grieved when Lancelot and Arthur leave for the war. They land in Gaule, a kingdom left without a sovereign after their king’s death. A German count, by the name of Floren, a very tall man, has come with a great army to conquer the land. Uterpandragon once was the land’s overlord and therefore Arthur decides to conquer the kingdom. He enfeoffs Lancelot with the land. Arthur sends a loyal knight, by the name of Adam, to the lords of the kingdom to inform them about his decision. He would war them if they disagreed. The lords are very pleased but for fear of Floren dare not say so. Floren challenges King Arthur and Adam informs him of his king’s challenge. King Arthur chooses Lancelot as his troops’ leader and sets out to fight Floren. The armies meet at the castle of Berot and engage in a furious battle. Lancelot rages among enemy. In the evening Floren offers Arthur to decide the battle by single combat and Arthur agrees. The combat is arranged on an island, by the name of Wolust der Ergetzung, that thereafter is called Island of King Arthur. Lancelot claims the combat but Arthur insists on fighting himself: He wants Lancelot to receive the land as his gift and not obtain it by conquest. Floren is taller than Arthur and thinks the king is no match. Arthur overcomes Floren and on his refusal to surrender decapitates him. Arthur decides to continue to Gaune next day.
Motif References:

H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
F 533 Remarkably tall man
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
Z 702 (Hi) Eponymous account of place name
H 1561.2.1 Holmgang: single combat on an island.

Lanc2-774:   (7) Claudas’s spy keeps his master informed about Arthur’s decisions. On learning that King Arthur and Lancelot have joined the army of Logres Claudas is terrified and asks Claudin for advice. Claudin reminds him that he usurped the kingdom and moreover chose the Romans as his overlord instead of his rightful liege lord Arthur. Claudas prepares his escape by ruse: He orders a loyal squire to make horses ready to leave for a hermitage in the forest and carry the king’s treasure with them. Claudas sets out secretly - only two knights are informed of his plan. He sends a messenger to his lords telling them that he has left for Rome. They should act at their liking. The lords of Gaune in a council consider flight after burning the city, Claudin however declares he will surrender the town to Bohort and Lyonel, who are the lawful kings. Claudin waits for Arthur to leave him the land, many lords leave the land taking their riches with them. As soon as Arthur comes to Gaune Claudin, Esclamor and Cavart hand the town’s keys over to him. Three days later Lancelot’s mother comes in the company of many nuns to see her son. She leaves the following day and dies eight days later in the nunnery. Lancelot has her buried according to her rank.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 16 End of king’s reign
R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
P 231 Mother and son

Lanc2-777:   (5) Arthur wants to crown Lancelot at Christmas. Lancelot however refuses the crown. He wants Hector, Bohort and Lyonel to become kings of Bonewig, Gaune and Gaule. Arthur agrees and Lyonel is enfeoffed with his kingdom. Bohort and Hestor however refuse the crown for they prefer chivalry to royalty. The king is not pleased but gives in. The army returns to Britain where the queen happily welcomes them with a great train. Arthur proclaims a great festival at Whitsun. The news of the feast spread all over the land and reach the court of king Pelles. His beautiful daughter is in love with Lancelot and sets out to Kamahelot in the company of her tutoress Brysane and her son. Lancelot takes notice of her outstanding beauty (which makes him regret that he once was about to kill her) but avoids her. Seeing the lady unhappy Brysane promises to make Lancelot meet her mistress.
Motif References:

W 32 Bravery
W 46 (Li) Modesty
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
T 53 Matchmakers
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
P 634 Feasts

Lanc2-779:   (23) The queen sends word to Lancelot to join her in the evening. Brysane having overheard the message poses as the queen’s messenger and leads him to Pelles’s daughter. Lancelot is unaware of the treachery. In the same hall Genover is waiting impatiently for her lover. Her niece however sent after the knight finds his bed empty. Recognizing her lover’s voice - he is talking in his sleep - she grasps that Lancelot lies with the daughter of Pelles. The queen is outraged and her insults wake the knight who understands that he has been tricked once again. She banishes him and Lancelot leaves at once, tearing his hair and scratching his face out of grief. He rushes off into the forest where he stays for twelve days without food or drink. He turns mad and in his rage attacks every living soul he meets, men and women, horses and wild beasts. The daughter of king Pelles blames the queen of having chased the knight but the queen declares it was the fault of the princess and a dangerous quest for Lancelot will be the outcome of her treachery. Before she leaves the court the princess relates the story to Bohort and tells them they should search for Lancelot who could easily fall ill from his love. Bohort gives his promise. He blames the queen of having banished Lancelot and thus brought about a quest for him. The queen is in distress. Bohort, Hestor and Lyonel leave on quest for Lancelot, but fail to meet him. They send word to Gawan that the knights should search Lancelot. The quest for the lost knight continues for about two years but the man has disappeared.
Motif References:

T 53 Matchmakers
T 75 Man scorned by his beloved
T 89.3 (Bm) Faithless lover
T 93 Fate of disappointed lover
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost person
K 1840 Deception by substitution

Lanc2-786:   (12) On his quest for Lancelot Aglonal accidentally returns to his mother, a widow who has lost all her sons but himself and his youngest brother who is a very beautiful boy of 15 years. Aglonal would like to have him dubbed at Arthur’s court but his mother fearing for his life wants the boy to stay with her forever. In private Aglonal questions Parceval and learns that the youth is eager to leave. In the morning Aglonal takes his leave. Parceval with his mother’s consent rides with him some way in the company of a squire ordered to return soon. Parzeval however rides on and refuses to return before Arthur has knighted him. He sends word to his mother with the squire. She is stricken with grief and dies the same evening. The squire hurries after his master but on his way comes upon an enemy of Aglonal (whom he accuses of having killed his brother) who kills him and throws the corpse into his castle’s moat. Aglonal and Parceval arrive at the castle and learning that the knight murdered the squire Aglonal kills him and leaves his corpse in the moat. Parceval cares for the squire’s decent burial. They come to King Arthur’s court.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
P 231 Mother and son
P 251.5 Two brothers
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-791:   (22) All knights but the three cousins of Lancelot have arrived to attend the feast and have related their adventures to the court. Arthur and the queen are grieved for the sake of lost Lancelot. Parceval asks the king to dub him the following Sunday. He wakes all night in the church, according to customs. In the morning Arthur dubs him a knight. Parceval lacking knightly exploits has his seat on the far end of the table. A beautiful damsel who never talked before starts weeping on seeing him. She declares that the youth ought to be granted the seat to the right of the Perilous Seat, for the sake of his chastity. The seat to the left is to be occupied by Bohort. The meaning of the seats will be disclosed later on. Parceval moves to his place. The damsel asks Parceval to pray for her when he comes to the Grail for she will soon die. She leaves and lies down in her chamber, falls silent and dies four days later. The adventure is written down so that it would never be forgotten. Parceval is admitted to the Round Table and stays at the court, though he would have preferred to leave on quest for Lancelot.
Motif References:

P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
T 82 Tokens of exploits
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
M 301 Prophets
M 341.6 Prophecy: person foretells own death
F 569.3 Silent person.
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
P 634 Feasts
H 1568 Test of the champion.

Lanc2-793:   (17) One day Parzeval serves the king at the table. The fool overhears Key and Mordret talking about the youth and blaming him of cowardice for he dares not leave the court. The fool satirizes Parceval who thereupon decides to leave on quest for Lancelot. He leaves secretly the same night in the company of only his squire who insists on joining him. But Parceval soon gets rid of the boy. Parceval comes to a castle named Galeron. A fettered knight asks for his help and the youth cuts the prisoner’s chain with one mighty sword-blow. A knight blames him of having released the man and Parzeval overcomes him. He escapes drowning in the river and escapes. Parceval rides on with the knight he rescued. The knight’s story: He eloped with a lady from a castle but they were caught soon. The lady was imprisoned and he was left in chains to starve. The knight identifies as Parides, nephew of king Bandmagus. Parzeval tells him his name and his story. Parides wonders that the young man left on a quest for adventure though it is winter. Parzeval declares Key’s and Mordret’s insults made him leave. They lodge at a castle. Parzeval asks Parides, heading for Arthur’s court, to tell Aglonal that he left on quest for Lancelot. On learning the news Arthur blames Key and Mordret of having chased Parzeval.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 110 Rescue of captive
P 192 Madmen (fools, professional fools)
R 225 Elopement
M 402 Satire [satirist]
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-797:   (21) Parceval continues his quest most successfully overcoming all opponents. He is a pious knight never failing in his religious duties. Praise of him reaches the court. One day he encounters Hestor of Mares, already exhausted: His armor, shield and helmet bear the traces of numerous combats. Having failed to find his brother discourages him. Parzeval and Hestor fight. Weary from battle they have a rest and identify. Hestor begs Parceval to ride to a hermit nearby so that he could confess his sins before dying. But Parzival is unable to rise from exhaustion. They lament their fate. Bohort asks Parzeval to bring the news of his death to his brother Bohort but keep silent about the circumstances of his death to avoid revenge. All of a sudden the place is illuminated brightly and a cup covered by a green fabric comes toward them, with four censers, carried by unseen hands. The knights are cured and strengthened by the magic cup. After the cup has vanished Hestor explains the marvel to Parzival: This was the Holy Grail, the vessel of Christ’s last supper, that caught the Savior’s blood and was carried to Britain by Joseph of Arimathia. The cup provides food to Joseph’s offspring, the kin of King Pelles. Parceval vows to learn about that marvel and set his eyes on the cup. They leave on quest for Lancelot.
Motif References:

W 48 (Ha) Piety
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
D 1162 Magic light
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1335 Object gives magic strength
H 1335 Quest for lost knight
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
D 1830 Magic strength
D 2095 Magic disappearance
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.
D 2188 Magic disappearance

Lanc2-802:   (9) Mad Lancelot is lost in the forest. He only has a shirt and the sun has rendered him unrecognizable. He comes to the tent of a knight and a lady. Getting hold of a sword in front of the tent he batters the shield with it and the din wakes the tent’s owners. A dwarf fails to stop him. When the knight tries to take the sword from him Lancelot strikes him a mighty blow that breaks the sword. He leaves the unconscious man and rushes into the tent. The lady escapes and laments the knight. When he comes to his senses he declares he will try to cure the madman. Meanwhile Lancelot has fallen asleep in the cozy bed. The knight, by the name of Bliens, sends for his brother Selmens and they have Lancelot carried to the castle of Bliens. They care for the madman for about a year and he recovers but madness does not leave him. He is given fine clothes but his feet are bound so that he cannot escape. He is unknown to them but because of his beauty they take him for a nobleman.
Motif References:

P 55 Wild man of noble birth
T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 567 Wild man
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief

Lanc2-806:   (4) One day Bliens is pursued by two enemies up to his castle and takes refuge in a small chamber beneath Lancelot’s. On watching the battle Lancelot breaks his fetters and fiercely attacks the knights though he has neither armor nor weapons. He gets hold of a sword and puts the knights to flight. Bliens is amazed and relates the story to his brother. Mad Lancelot stays with them for two years. One day a boar pursued by hounds happens to pass by the castle and Lancelot rides after him and kills the boar. He is wounded but too mad to care for his wound. A hermit finds him in the forest and has him carried to his hermitage. The wound is cured but his madness makes Lancelot meager, bald and weak. He escapes once again and comes to Corbenic where all avoid the madman in his rage. Lancelot is given food and drink and recovers. When Pelles’s nephew is dubbed Lancelot receives a fine mantle. His beauty meets general amazement. One day he has fallen asleep in the orchard. King Pelles’s daughter and her companions enjoy pastimes there and one of her maiden leads her mistress to the pretty man. She recognizes Lancelot. Her father has him lodged in a fine room and at night he leaves him in the palace of wonders so that he might be cured by the Holy Grail. In the morning Lancelot is cured.
Motif References:

R 219 Escapes - miscellaneous
R 260 Pursuits
P 426.2 Hermit
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 731.1 Unknown son returns to father’s court
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
N 843 Hermit as helper
F 950 Marvelous cures
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease

Lanc2-814:   (20) Lancelot entreats the king to tell him how he came there and finally Pelles relates the story of his madness and his cure by the Grail to him. Lancelot weeps and is very grieved. Only the king and his daughter have recognized him. Lancelot declares that he never can return to and asks to be granted a lodging at some remote place. The young knight entreats Lancelot to identify for the sake of his love. Lancelot is outraged for he is forced to identify. The king and his daughter offer Lancelot to stay on a remote island not far away in a fine castle. Pelles has the castle well equipped with musical instruments so that Lancelot could enjoy courtly pastimes. The following morning Lancelot leaves asking Pelles’s daughter to keep him company there. They live in the castle with a retinue of 24 ladies and 24 knights. Every morning before having his meal Lancelot looks toward Logres and remembers his happiness which leaves him quite depressed. In order not to lose his fighting skills he asks the king for a new shield to be worked according to his wishes and a steed. The shield displays a silver queen on black ground with a knight on his knees before her. Only Lancelot and Pelles’s daughter know about its meaning. The shield is fixed to a tree and Lancelot takes the custom to mourn there every morning. Having learnt of a tournament to be held not far away he sends a dwarf there to proclaim a new custom: The guilty knight of the island of joy sends his challenge to every knight who would like to fight him. Thus Lancelot trains his skills. He overcomes all adversaries.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
R 316.1 Refuge on island
Q 520 Penances
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 824.2 Extraordinarily painted shield
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield
F 950 Marvelous cures
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Lanc2-822:   (18) Hestor and Parceval still are searching for Lancelot. By accident they come to Lancelot’s island and learn that a beautiful lady and a valiant knight live in the castle: The knight uses to mourn and lament every morning in front of a shield. He established a strange custom about seven years ago, called the Challenge of the Guilty Knight, and defeated 2000 knights. She only can tell that he came to Corbenic as a madmen but was cured. Hestor and Parzeval ferry over to the island. Lancelot sets out to fight Parzeval. He is clad in black, carries his black shield and rides a black horse. Parzeval is amazed on seeing the shield. They fight fiercely. Parzeval asks the black knight to tell him his name and Lancelot identifies as the ubeltunder ritter. As Parzeval identifies as knight of the Round Table the black knight surrenders. Called upon by his beloved Parzeval forces him to tell his true name. Parzeval has achieved the quest for Lancelot. Hestor is happy to meet his brother. They are welcomed in the castle. The princess declares that her beautiful child Galaat will accompany his father to the court of King Arthur. Hestor tells Lancelot that the queen wants him to return to the court.
Motif References:

T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 733 Accidental meeting of brothers
H 1335 Quest for lost knight

Lanc2-827:   (10) King Pelles aware that Galaat wants to join his father has a council with his knights. They advise him to send the boy to a monastery near Kamahelot. Pelles’s sister is the abbess of the nunnery. Hector is amazed at the child’s beauty. Galaat’s mother is grieved. They leave and ride to Kamahelot. All are very happy that Lancelot has returned. Helyan the white, a very beautiful young man, will be dubbed a knight by Bohort. Galaat stays in the nunnery until he is 15 years old. He often talks to a pious hermit living nearby. The hermit tells King Arthur that the hero destined to achieve the adventure of the Holy Grail is to be dubbed next Whitsun. He will join the court and occupy the perilous seat. Arthur summons his knights to Kamahelot to attend a splendid Whitsun festival. This is the end of the book that was written by Meyster Ganthier (Walter Map).
Motif References:

P 233 Father and son
Z 254 Destined hero
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
F 575.2 Handsome man
P 634 Feasts