Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 

Loccumer Artusroman (<1300)


Matière de Bretagne

Loccumer Artusroman (<1300)
Beckers, H. (ed.): Ein vergessenes mittelniederdeutsches Artuseposfragment. (=Nd. Wort 14) 1974. p. 23-52.

LocAR-1:   Locc1 = Bl. A 1v (V. 1-17) This fragment praises a knight from the land of Punturtois whose helmet crest is a golden anchor, and names another knight, Ysenyac.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

LocAR-2:   Locc2 = Bl. B 1r (V. 1-22) Praise of a knight who is searching for King Arthur’s court. Another knight from Esu[rye] has arrived at the court.
Motif References:

LocAR-3:   Locc3 = Bl. B 1v (V. 1-21) Galant and the knight from Asurye fight in single combat. One of them (Galant?) has golden antlers as helmet crest.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor

LocAR-4:   Locc4 = Bl. B 2r (V. 1-13) The names of several knights are given: Haulir, Isenhart, Spanyol, one knight from Anyowe and the young Gamuret.
Motif References:

LocAR-5:   Locc5 = Bl. 2 Bv (V. 1-22) Knights fail to recognize their friend and taking him for an enemy attack him. He identifies himself angrily.
Motif References:

P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]

LocAR-6:   Locc6 = Bl. A 2r (V. 1-26) The son of Hardenis laments his grief and vows to rescue a captive knight (Dauoret?).
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive

LocAR-7:   Locc7 = Bl. A 2v (V. 1-25) There is a single combat going on between Hameliahter szanpenois and de stolte Haulir. One party laments their defeat and the loss of their possessions. The text mentions the knights from Britain and the knight with the antlers.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor