Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Pleier, Meleranz (<1270)


Matière de Bretagne

Pleier, Meleranz (<1270)
Bartsch, K.(ed.): Der Pleier: Meleranz. (=StLV 60) Stuttgart 1861.

PlMel-1:   Prologue: The good old times of faithfulness, virtues and cheerfulness are now gone. Wealth should make people happy and cheerful and should only be used to add to one’s reputation and thus guarantee reward in heaven. A poet named Pleiaere has translated a French text into German.
Motif References:

PlMel-112:   This is a story about King Arthur, who has three sisters: Seife, Anthonje and Olimpia. They are married to three kings, King Lot, the king of Gritenlant and the king of France. Seife and Lot have four children: Beatus, Gawan, Itoni, Gundrie. Anthonje has a son, Gaharet. Olimpia’s son is Meleranz, whom everybody calls the Brituneis because of his relationship to Arthur. His mother takes care of his education to his twelfth year. The fame of King Arthur brings about the youth’s decision to join his court secretly. He has a servant bring his horse, a bow and sword and leaves his father’s court. He asks the servant to greet his parents, but does not reveal his destination.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 30 Princes
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor

PlMel-252:   The youth follows a narrow path, takes lodging at a knight’s castle and pretends to have been sent as messenger to King Arthur. The next morning he is given directions for his journey to the forest of Briziljan and leaves.
Motif References:

P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1233 Helpers on quest

PlMel-334:   He loses his way in the forest and comes to a mountain at the seashore. Following a small path he comes upon a beautiful meadow near a cliff, with flowers (no weeds), a lime tree giving shade, two fountains (one hot, the other cold) with pillars of marble, where the water runs through silver tubes into a woman’s bathtub, which is made from a special wood (”aloe” that comes from the overseas land of Kovesas) and framed with gold.
Motif References:

F 151.1 Perilous [narrow] path to otherworld.
F 162.1 Garden in otherworld
F 162.8.2 Fountains in otherworld - one or more streams flow into each, one or more out
F 219.2 Garden in fairyland
F 716 Extraordinary fountain
N 771 King (prince) (lost) on hunt has adventures
F 818 Extraordinary garden
F 872 Extraordinary bath

PlMel-490:   When Meleranz comes near the lime tree, four damsels run away. He has come upon the bath of the beautiful Tydomie, the queen of wild Chamerie. She had known about his coming from her governess who knows the future from the stars. The maiden describes Meleranz’s appearance: he has curled fair hair and red clothes, wears a hat, rides a white horse and carries a bow. The queen sends her maidens away and tells them to pretend to be frightened. She herself hides behind the curtain of her costly bed. The curtain is decorated with pictures of the story of Paris and Elena, of Troy and Eneas. The water flows through a marble pillar to water the lime tree and the meadow.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
F 265 Fairy bathes
M 302.4 Horoscope taken by means of stars
F 302.3.1 Fairy entices man to fairyland
P 340 Teacher and pupil
P 481 Astrologer
F 846 Extraordinary bed
F 855 Extraordinary image
K 1760 Other bluffs

PlMel-619:   There is a beautiful bedspread, the bath towel has golden embroideries and the queen’s clothes are very expensive: The clasps are made of emerald and sapphire and show Venus with a torch in her hand to light the fires of love and Amor carrying a golden spear to hurt the heart through love as well as a golden box with a healing balm to soothe love’s pains and bring about its joy. There is a precious belt with a ruby buckle; the belt has an inscription of jewels saying “mannes langer mangel / das ist des herzen angel” (689f), “dulcis labor” (692) “minne ist süeziu arbeit”. The tongue is long and made from ruby. There is a beautiful hat with peacock feathers, decorated with gold and jewels.
Motif References:

Z 137 (Li) Love personified: “Frau Minne”
A 475.1 Goddess of love
A 475 God of love
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments - miscellaneous
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)

PlMel-716:   Meleranz is sure he has come upon the bath of a rich maiden and is afraid his presence could frighten her. The maiden overhears his monologue which proves his courtesy, and keeps thinking how she could talk to Meleranz. Finally she looks out behind the curtains and pretends to be angry because he frightened her maidens. Meleranz is ashamed and presents his excuses. He wants to leave her alone. But she makes him serve her and bring her clothes. While she dresses, he has to leave, then she calls him back to chase the gnats to protect her sleep.
Motif References:

T 30 Lovers’ meeting
K 1760 Other bluffs
K 1772 Pretended anger

PlMel-834:   She is so very beautiful that he falls in love with her immediately: Venus sets him afire with her torch so that he is very hot from love. Amor wounds his heart with his spear. Tydomie has red lips and a white face. She secretly watches him and is well aware of his beauty. As she puts on her cloak he discovers that her body is beautiful as well.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

PlMel-895:   She tells him to sit down and asks about his journey. He says that he is on his way to Arthur’s court but does not identify himself. Tydomie however already knows about him and that his parents are searching for him. She promises to give him directions for his journey to Arthur, who is his mother’s brother. Meleranz will not identify himself at court in order to test the king’s hospitality. The maiden praises King Arthur and the queen as well as his court. Meleranz is grateful for her help and promises to serve her all his life, but she must tell him how she was able to identify him. Tydomie says, that her governess has told her about him. She is an astrologer and a magician having learnt necromancy, and read in the stars that Meleranz left his parents, lost his way in the forest and would pass by her meadow.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
M 302.4 Horoscope taken by means of stars
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
P 481 Astrologer
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
H 1564 Test of hospitality
D 1711 Magician
D 1738 Magic arts studied

PlMel-1034:   Tydomie lodges him for the night, and provides him for his four days’ journey through the dangerous forest. He promises her his everlasting service and excuses himself for his intrusion. She admits that she has arranged their meeting and has sent away her maidens in order to test his chivalrous behavior towards a lone woman.
Motif References:

H 1550 Tests of character

PlMel-1102:   On a branch of the lime tree there are three bells. The maiden rings the smallest one to call her maidens. Fifty maidens and fifty youths come to serve the queen and her guest. The second bell is rung to call for the stewards and servants to serve the meal. The third bell calls her courtiers. The queen’s governess greets Meleranz by his name and praises his virtue. She has Meleranz sit at Tydomie’s side at dinner. Meleranz shows his timidity by blushing. He does not think himself worthy enough to be seated at her side and would prefer to eat with the other youths or in any way not to sit down in her presence. When the queen insists, he is embarrassed but happy.
Motif References:

W 46 (Li) Modesty

PlMel-1198:   For a long time they will suffer from their love and keep longing for one another. Meleranz and Tydomie already show the symptoms of love by growing pale and blushing as soon as they look at one another. Tydomie’s governess is well aware of these symptoms. Meleranz promises that he will be Tydomie’s knight, as soon as he is knighted. After dinner the knights take care of him because the queen thinks he might be bored staying with the women all the time. She promises to give him servants to guide him through the forest. Meleranz out of modesty refuses to be guided to his tent by the queen’s knights, he prefers youths equal in rank.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
W 46 (Li) Modesty

PlMel-1307:   Meleranz is given a precious tent, which has been made for the queen. It has a lifelike golden eagle on top on a golden hollow boss which is decorated with four luminous carbuncles. In the tent there is a rich bed as well as the beds of the other youths. A sleeping draught is offered before the knights go to bed. Neither Tydomie nor Meleranz sleep because of love.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
F (Luminous) precious stones in otherworld (dwelling)
F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel

PlMel-1378:   Love is very powerful and unjust: She favors some she should hate, because they betray the women as soon as they have granted their love, while she does not care for knights who serve their ladies faithfully for a long time. The author accuses Lady Love (Frau Minne) and advises women to prefer constant lovers. Each woman should test her would-be lover carefully, to distinguish the true lover from the false.
Motif References:

T 0 Love

PlMel-1461:   Tydomie will only choose a man who obtains her love by high reputation and who would be a true and faithful lover respecting female honor. She is well aware that Meleranz will defend women as soon as he has come of age and therefore she chooses him to be her lover. Meleranz has tested her as well and found her faithful and virtuous. He truly loves her. But he keeps silent about his love for ten years.
Motif References:

H 310.1 Tests for hero, husband of supernatural (divine) wife
H 360 Bride test
H 1556.4 Fidelity in love tested

PlMel-1521:   As soon as they wake up next morning they hear mass and have breakfast. Meleranz leaves, she kisses him and gives him a ring as token of her love. Four hunters guide him, a pack animal with food and drink etc. is given to him. Four days later they come to a river and the road leading to Arthur’s country. The hunters tell Meleranz to keep to the road along the river, then they return.
Motif References:

T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
H 82.3.2 (Bm) Ring as fidelity token
P 414 Hunter
N 856 Helpful forester
H 1232.1 Directions on quest given by herdsmen (peasants) [knight, warrior]

PlMel-1662:   Tydomie leaves for her castle Monteflor. The hunters return and praise Meleranz which pleases their queen. She asks her governess about her strange feelings and what she should do about it. The governess says she could easily make her forget Meleranz and feel at ease but Tydomie prefers to know if Meleranz loves her truly. Therefore they go to the garden to consult the stars. The governess knows from the stars about Meleranz’s valiance, his virtue and true love for the queen and that one day he will rescue Tydomie. But to test the queen she pretends to have bad news and advises Tydomie to forget Meleranz. Tydomie accuses Lady Love (Frau Minne) and says that she will forget all about love if Meleranz is faithless. The governess admits that she did only test her love. She cannot tell however when Tydomie will meet Meleranz again. Tydomie is very happy and warns her governess to keep silent about her love.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
M 302.4 Horoscope taken by means of stars
H 421 Tests for true lover
P 481 Astrologer
K 1760 Other bluffs

PlMel-1910:   Meleranz on his way to Arthur comes upon an old hunter with his dog that has a silk leash. He is carrying a horn ornate with gold. Meleranz greets him politely and asks his way. The old man turns out to be the hunter-in-chief of King Arthur who is on a deer hunt. Meleranz should join him to meet the king. The hunter is struck by the youth’s resemblance to Arthur and asks him about his country. Meleranz says that he wants to enter the service of King Arthur because of his fame.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
H 20 Recognition by resemblance
P 414 Hunter

PlMel-2015:   They hunt a deer which flees towards Arthur’s resting place where the meal for the king and queen is prepared. There are many tents for the ladies on a meadow in the forest. Meleranz could easily have killed the stag but waits for the old hunter out of courtesy. Granted the favor to present the stag still alive to the queen he takes the animal by its antlers and takes it to the king who asks him about this adventure. Meleranz says that this exploit was not his but the hunter’s. Arthur asks him his identity and Meleranz wants to enter his service. He pretends not to know anything about his family and land but he tells his name. He becomes a member of the court and they care for him and his education. The queen, aware of Meleranz’s resemblance to Arthur, thinks he might be the king’s relative and therefore Arthur gives him six boys as servants. Meleranz stays one year at the court and he is very popular although they know nothing about his family.
Motif References:

H 20 Recognition by resemblance
P 293 Uncle
P 293.1 Mother’s brother as foster father
P 297 Nephew
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
N 738 Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle

PlMel-2253:   In the meantime Meleranz’s disappearance causes great grief in France. The queen sends a messenger to her brother who says that Meleranz has been lost for one year and twenty weeks and describes his looks. Arthur thinks that his unidentified guest might be his nephew and sends for the youth. The messenger identifies him and is richly rewarded. Arthur suspiciously asks his nephew about his deception and Meleranz admits that he wanted to test his uncle’s hospitality. Arthur is happy about this answer and welcomes his relative. Meleranz is welcomed by the queen, by Gahariet and Gawan. Meleranz asks the messenger about his parents, the people and the land and tells him that his father should send him armor and a horse. Meleranz promises to reward the messenger as soon as he has something to offer. The messenger receives ten marks of gold and leaves. Arthur will have his nephew stay with him. Back in Paris the messenger tells the king and queen the news and is richly rewarded. They send Meleranz armor, a horse and goods as well as twelve servants. Meleranz stays at Arthur’s court another year.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
H 194 (Bm) Recognition only through direct revelation of identity
P 293 Uncle
P 293.1 Mother’s brother as foster father
P 297 Nephew
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
H 1564 Test of hospitality

PlMel-2532:   But Meleranz out of secret grief because of his love becomes very sad and behaves in a strange way. Gawan, well aware of Meleranz’s grief, asks him about it. Meleranz however has to keep silent about his love and therefore pretends that he grieves about obtaining knighthood. He will leave to be knighted at his parents’ court and return afterwards. Gawan advises him to stay at Arthur’s court and asks the king to knight Meleranz. A great feast will be celebrated on this occasion.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood

PlMel-2721:   Tydomie learns that Meleranz will be knighted and sends him her gifts, a belt, a garland, a clasp and a letter. Meleranz’s parents attend the knighting ceremony which is celebrated in the month of May. Tydomie’s messenger meets Meleranz in private to bring him her gifts and her letter which Meleranz reads in his room secretly: She makes him her knight, he already owns her heart. Then she reveals the meaning of the gifts: The belt means that she will embrace only Meleranz, the clasp that she will look only at him, the garland symbolizes her virginity.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
Z 150 Other symbols

PlMel-2939:   Meleranz is happy, and he turns white and red from love. He will reward the messenger, has him stay for the feast and well cared for. He orders his lord-in-waiting to lock up the gifts without telling anybody. Meleranz will wear them the next morning. Jenower and Olympias give three garments to each of the candidates to knighthood. Meleranz and his companions receive 100 horses from Arthur and 100 swords from Meleranz’s father. Jenower gives 100 knights knightly clothing. They hear mass. Many guests from all countries attend the feast. As soon as the swords are blessed the knights as well as Arthur and the French king start jousting.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
P 561 Tournaments

PlMel-3166:   Arthur has a Round Table set on the meadow. He is following his custom of not eating before hearing of adventure. Arthur is annoyed because there is no adventure this morning; he would have liked to show off to his guests who already wonder why he does not eat. Finally a boy arrives who asks for the king: He has been sent by a knight to challenge Meleranz. Arthur would like Meleranz to refuse the challenge but Meleranz is eager to fight. Arthur asks about the challenger and is told that he is his equal. The boy returns and they wait for Meleranz to fight.
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
M 151 Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

PlMel-3284:   Meleranz takes his armor and clothes, a red horse blanket and a helmet decorated with two female arms, a red and a blue one, and white hands which are entwined and have golden rings as symbol of his love. Love has told him how to arrange it. Faithfulness is shown on his helmet. Meleranz jumps on his horse without stirrups. He has a blue shield with golden lilies which is elaborately decorated and he carries a blue spear.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Z 150 Other symbols

PlMel-3374:   Meleranz meets the challenger, a knight whose clothes and weapons are all green. On his helmet he carries a tree with golden leaves. They fight and after the first joust has ended they greet each other. The adversary says that his lady has told him to fight his first joust against Meleranz without telling anybody. She has made him her knight for one year but he may not identify himself. He excuses himself for having challenged Meleranz. The knight has to leave to fight as a lady’s champion against an usurper. Meleranz asks his name and descent and the knight identifies himself as Lybials of Rocognita, son of Kardeuz of Deselmiur and Sarine. Libyals will overcome the maiden’s enemy.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-3602:   Meleranz returns to his tent and changes his clothes. He gives his clothes as gifts to the courtiers and his companions. Now he is wearing Tydomie’s gifts. He joins the Round Table and Arthur has him seated at his side. The ladies and the knights are sitting in the grass around them. Meleranz gives reward to the minstrels. At Arthur’s question, Meleranz tells the story of Lybials. Arthur knows the knight’s father who has been an excellent knight and is related to him. There are courtly entertainments after dinner and the feast lasts for fourteen days.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table
P 634 Feasts

PlMel-3766:   As soon as the feast has ended Arthur proves his munificence. King Linefles of France and his wife leave. Jenower gives a clasp, a belt and a ring as gifts to the maidens of the French queen. Arthur, Meleranz, Gahariet and Gawan and some other knights escort them. Although Meleranz’s parents would prefer to take their son with them, he wants to stay another year. Arthur returns to Nantes. Meleranz is happy but he still grieves for his love. When Tydomie’s messenger leaves, Meleranz gives him a horse, rich clothes and ten gold marks. He sends a letter and a ring to his lady.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
T 41 Communication of lovers
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
H 82.3.1 (Bm) Ring as parting token
Z 150 Other symbols

PlMel-3912:   The messenger leaves and returns to Tydomie. He pretends that he has been sent to the lady’s aunt. In private he tells the queen and her governess about Meleranz’s exploits and gives her his gifts. Tydomie reads the letter, a rhymed declaration of his love: They exchange hearts, the ring is the symbol of his faithfulness. Tydomie will take his heart, hers she has already left with him. Her governess reads the letter. Tydomie and her governess take the words as a proof of Meleranz’s faithfulness. Love makes Tydomie happy and sad as well.
Motif References:

T 41 Communication of lovers
T 57 Declaration of love
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
H 82.3.1 (Bm) Ring as parting token
Z 150 Other symbols

PlMel-4133:   Meleranz stays at Arthur’s court, and fights in many tournaments. His father sends him riches and his munificence renders Meleranz very popular. Arthur and the queen love him. Meleranz is happy but suffers from his love. To stop his suffering he secretly goes on adventure to the forest of Briziljan to look for Tydomie.
Motif References:

H 1221 Quest for adventure
H 1385.3 Quest for vanished wife (mistress)

PlMel-4262:   He rides all day through the wild forest. In the evening he comes upon two giants, a man (Pulaz) and a woman, and follows them to their house which is made of trees. When they see Meleranz they want to greet him but Meleranz thinks they are about to attack him. The giant says that he is not hostile although he could easily kill him and invites him to stay at his house. The giant looks after the horse and the giant’s wife takes care of Meleranz, whom she thinks very beautiful. The giant relates that his hunters have been hunting in the forest all day and that Meleranz was lucky to escape them because they are strong giants, twelve men and three women, who capture everyone passing by. In the evening they will bring the captives of the week.
Motif References:

F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 531.5.1 Giant friendly to man
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
F 531.6.3 Homes of giants
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess

PlMel-4418:   Meleranz asks if the giants are robbers. The giant admits that they are forced to live on robbery. They have to send their captives to their master, who is a rich man due to robbery. He mistreats his prisoners. The giant and his wife and their companions were exiled by the giant king of Gazen. While they have to work hard, their master Godonas of Terrandes has an easy life. He is a knight who fights everybody passing by. Meleranz asks about his castle and the giant warns him against fighting Godonas.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
R 312 Forest as refuge
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man
F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 531. Giants have king, queen
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess
F 531.6.8.3 Enmity (competition) between giants

PlMel-4527:   Godonas has a valiant steward guarding a defile who never has been defeated. Every challenger has to cross the river, then the ferryman blows a horn three times to alarm the steward. If the challenger overcomes the steward, he will direct him to the strong and round castle of Godonas. The giant promises to be Meleranz’s guide.
Motif References:

P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
P 413 Ferryman [fisherman]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 756.5.2 Perilous glen [narrow passage]
H 1232.1 Directions on quest given by herdsmen (peasants) [knight, warrior]

PlMel-4606:   The robber giants arrive who are the giant’s servants. They are all forced to live on robbery. Meleranz advises the giant to join King Arthur who will help him so that he could give up robbery. Twelve knights and four women have been captured by the giant Pulaz and will be taken to Godonas. They greet Meleranz who asks for the release of a beautiful captive maiden and the giant agrees. According to Meleranz’s demand he will lodge them in his house as well until further news from Meleranz. The women are happy and want to kiss his feet, Meleranz refuses.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
R 110 Rescue of captive
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man
F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-4817:   They eat dinner and are well looked after. The beautiful maiden tells Meleranz that she has been sent to Arthur’s court to find a champion for her mistress Dulceflur. Dulceflur’s father has been killed by the heathen king Verangoz of Fortsoborest who now wants to take her countries Choredonas and Trefferin. Meleranz promises help as soon as he has overcome Godonas. Otherwise she will have to continue her quest for a champion at King Arthur’s court.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

PlMel-4910:   The next morning Meleranz arms himself as does the giant, who takes a steel pole as weapon. They leave, the giant gives him directions for his way and then returns for fear of Godonas. Meleranz crosses the river. The ferryman is a rather rude fellow and refuses to give any information about the land’s customs. Then he alarms the steward by blowing his horn three times.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
P 413 Ferryman [fisherman]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)

PlMel-5051:   Meleranz comes to the defile and is challenged by the steward: He carries white greyhounds on a red ground as his coat of arms; on top of his helmet he has a white and a red flag. They joust. Meleranz fights his first sword-fight. The knights and ladies watch them from top of the castle’s walls. Meleranz overcomes the steward who surrenders in order to be spared and promises to serve Meleranz. He has never been defeated before. Meleranz jumps on horseback without stirrups and all onlookers praise his valor. The steward whose name is Cursun cannot mount his horse so easily because he is exhausted after the combat. But he wants to ride with Meleranz out of courtesy and invites him to stay at his castle where he has him well looked after. The steward’s wife and his daughter greet him and the maiden takes care of their guest. After the meal they sit and talk.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-5391:   The host asks about Meleranz’s journey and Meleranz says that he is on a quest for adventure. The host stresses the fact that he has not been defeated for ten years and offers to be his guide on the adventure against Godonas. He warns him that Godonas mistreats his prisoners. Meleranz answers that he could not possibly turn back now – otherwise he would be called a coward. He asks about the adventure and the host tells him: His adversary is a mighty king and a valiant knight, the best of all. But he does not treat the defeated in a chivalrous manner. Cursun had to promise to send any guest to him as his prisoner although this is unchivalrous. A giant named Pulaz and his companions are Godonas’s vassals and have to catch prisoners for him; they have killed many men and women. The prisoners will only be free if the king is killed.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
R 110 Rescue of captive
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man
F 610 Remarkably strong man
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-5573:   Meleranz stays overnight in Cursun’s castle as his guest. After the ladies have left, the host guides Meleranz to his room and they drink a sleeping-draught. The next morning Meleranz wakes early and, eager to undertake the adventure, he asks for a new shield and a spear. The host however has promised not to give any weapons to his guests and he tells Meleranz to take one of the shields of the defeated which are exposed on the wall. Meleranz chooses a shield and leaves as soon as the host’s daughter has armed him. The host will not have to be his servant as he promised but they will be friends. Meleranz jumps on horseback without stirrups. Cursun guides him to Godonas’s castle.
Motif References:

P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed

PlMel-5751:   They come to a cultivated country and Cursun shows him the castle of Terramunt, the home of king Godonas, who never accepts any ransom from the defeated. Meleranz will have a shameful life if he is overcome. King Godonas has vowed to turn over the prisoners to his adversary if he is defeated and to be his vassal. The challenger will be king if he kills Godonas. They ride to the castle and stop under a lime tree. At Cursun’s advice Meleranz blows the horn to challenge Godonas. The king arms himself at the second horn blow. After the third horn blow Meleranz destroys the horn for this will be the last time it is used. At Cursun’s question Meleranz tells him that if he overcomes the king no horn will be necessary, if not they will have to make another one. Cursun thinks him a very valiant hero. Cursun leaves for the castle and meets the king to tell him that he has been defeated by Meleranz.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
M 166 Other vows about fighting
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

PlMel-5916:   King Godonas’s costly armor and precious weapons are all green and gold, his coat of arms has ermine eagles on green ground. His helmet is decorated with green jewels and a golden crown. Godonas and Meleranz meet at the lime tree. The knights and ladies watch from the castle walls. Meleranz shows no haste as he goes to meet his adversary. They start fighting on horseback and continue fighting on foot. Meleranz follows a strategy of attrition to attack the exhausted adversary later on. They fight all day. Godonas proposes to rest some time under the lime tree. The king wonders about Meleranz’s valor and asks him to become his vassal but Meleranz would rather die than surrender. Only if the king releases his prisoners will he stop fighting him. They continue fighting, even harder than before. Meleranz is strengthened by remembering his beloved. The king tries to escape and Meleranz kills him. He regrets his death because after all he was a valiant knight. If it had not been for his misdeeds Meleranz would certainly have spared his life.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 2350 Military strategy

PlMel-6226:   Meleranz considers the reaction of Godonas’s people towards the slayer of their king. He is ready to defend himself when the townspeople come to bury Godonas. Cursun advises him to stay in his castle until the king is buried but assures him that he will be king. They leave. The townspeople discuss what to do, and there are different positions: Should they kill the knight to avenge their king’s death? Or should they consider the fact that this was a case of defense and that their king had vowed to serve anyone who would be able to overcome him? Did their king meet justice for he never would spare any guest? They have to consider that the steward Cursun has been defeated by Meleranz and that he is on his side. They continue discussing.
Motif References:

P 17 Succession to the throne
P 500 Government
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]

PlMel-6354:   In the meantime Meleranz stays at Cursun’s castle as his guest. After the ladies have left, the host guides Meleranz to his room and they drink a sleeping-draught. The next morning Cursun is about to leave for Terramunt to attend the king’s burial. Meleranz asks him for advice and is told to stay until he has news from Cursun. He will find out if the people of Terramunt will keep the king’s promises, release the prisoners and accept Meleranz as their king. Otherwise Meleranz will leave immediately. Cursun asks Meleranz’s name and descent: He identifies himself as Meleranz, the son of the French king Lenseyges and of Olimpia, the sister of King Arthur. Cursun rides to Terramunt where many people have gathered.
Motif References:

P 17 Succession to the throne
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-6537:   Godonas is laid out in the church. Cursun as the mightiest knight in the country speaks at the bier: Godonas was a valiant hero, and his death would be much deplored had he not died because of his pride and violence. Cursun praises Meleranz’s family and asks Godonas’s knights to keep their king’s oath, otherwise Meleranz will leave with the prisoners. Finally they accept him as their king and as soon as Godonas is buried they send for Meleranz. Godonas’s overwhelming pride has brought about his death for he had not been pious. Therefore God helped the pious Meleranz to slay him.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 17 Succession to the throne
V 60 Funeral rites
V 66 Funeral sermon [speech]
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-6709:   The nobles conduct Meleranz to Terramunt and make him their king. Meleranz gives castles and lands as fiefs. The vassals vow to serve him and are given judicial power in their countries. Meleranz is popular with his people. Great riches have been kept in Godonas’s castle and Meleranz shows his munificence.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 17 Succession to the throne
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]

PlMel-6749:   Meleranz sends for the prisoners: 600 prisoners, who are chained together and have poor clothes, enter in groups of twelve, each with their guard. They had to do hard labor, excavating, quarrying and building. There are about 400 women who had to do needlework night and day. God has punished Godonas for all this. He would have been spared if he had been virtuous because he was a valiant knight. Meleranz has the prisoners well cared for. Meleranz sends message to the giant Pulaz that he should come to Terramunt with his companions and their prisoners. They become his vassals and are given the steward’s castle. Cursun will live at Terramunt as Meleranz’s regent. The prisoners are released and given back all the riches they lost.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 110 Rescue of captive
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
F 771.4.8 (Li) Castle of deep sorrow

PlMel-6949:   Meleranz secretly prepares to leave for Karedonas with the maiden messenger. He has new armor and clothing, his coat of arms on his shield and on his helmet are entwined arms. Cursun promises to keep Meleranz’s journey secret and to guard the country during his absence. Cursun warns him not to leave his kingdom for long otherwise he risks to lose it. Meleranz and the maiden leave.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent

PlMel-7081:   Two weeks later Meleranz and the maiden come to the castle of Belfortemunt in Karedonas, which is a beautiful and fertile country. The maiden tells him of king Gediens’s death. Gediens had invited his neighbor king, the heathen Verangoz of Soboreste, to his country of Trefferin. During a hunt the heathen and 500 of his men had ambushed the king. When he refused to give him the country of Trefferin, the heathen gave the signal to attack by blowing his horn three times. The king and his men were killed.
Motif References:

P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks
K 2299.2 Treacherous peoples (tribes)

PlMel-7211:   King Gediens’s wife died out of grief over his death. Their daughter has been brought up by the marshal and his wife. The heathen usurped Trefferin. Now he wages war to enforce tribute and has killed many knights already. The lady offers herself and her lands as prize for the champion who overcomes Verangoz. The heathen has accepted the challenge but the princess was unable to find a champion among her men. Therefore she sent for a champion to Arthur’s court.
Motif References:

P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
P 271 Foster father
P 272 Foster mother
N 839.1.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [marshal] as foster father
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

PlMel-7325:   The lady of Trefferin is very beautiful, they say that only her relative Tydomie is more beautiful. When Meleranz hears the name of his beloved he turns red and white from love, becomes silent and pays no attention to the maiden’s words. The maiden takes this as proof of his love for Tydomie. They come to the beautiful castle of Belfortemunt. The princess sees them coming and orders that they be well welcomed. Meleranz helps the maiden to dismount. The maiden tells her mistress the news and stresses the symptoms of love for Tydomie she saw on Meleranz as he grew red and white and lost his senses. The princess promises rich reward for the maiden. Meleranz is well cared for.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

PlMel-7570:   The queen and her ladies welcome Meleranz and she tells him about her grief. He will be her champion. She is very beautiful, only Tydomie is more beautiful. He asks her why she did not ask her family for help, but she tells him that they are all dead. Her cousin Garsidis, the king of Kamarie, who would have helped her, had been killed, his wife Lambore has died out of grief. And their daughter Tydomie to whom she had sent a messenger is in distress herself: Her uncle wants to force her to marry an unwelcome suitor, king Libers of Lorgan. Otherwise he would usurp her land. But Tydomie will only marry the knight she has chosen.
Motif References:

M 146 Vow to marry a certain woman [man]
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
P 293 Uncle
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

PlMel-7721:   The lady tells Meleranz that Tydomie’s uncle has occupied her beautiful meadow and that her suitor has established an adventure there: He has made four roads through the forest to attract challengers. Meleranz again turns red and white from love. The queen is well aware of these symptoms. Meleranz promises to be the lady’s champion against Verangoz, the combat will be fought in three days time. Verangoz will bring his army to take the country if there is no champion to face him. They talk and have dinner. He sits by the queen’s side. Then Meleranz has a night-cap with the knights guiding him to his room. But because of his love he cannot sleep. In the morning he bathes, is clothed, hears mass and eats breakfast. Courtly pastimes follow.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 24 The symptoms of love
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-7965:   Three days later Verangoz arrives with his army to enforce his demands. He does not know she has a champion. The next morning after hearing mass, Meleranz is armed by the maiden, who is weeping. Meleranz’s coat of arms is a lady’s arm and white hands on red ground. The queen and her marshal have sent for 2000 bowmen to attack the heathen army if Meleranz overcomes the enemy. Verangoz arrives with great display of music, hornblowing and pages who keep praising him. Verangoz’s clothes and coat of arms are yellow with black boars of sable, on top of his helmet there is a boar’s head of sable. Verangoz and Meleranz discuss the matter. Meleranz asks him if he will keep his promise if he is defeated, otherwise Meleranz would refuse to fight. Verangoz confirms his promise and sets his head as pledge. He is sure of his victory but Meleranz laughs at his words.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 550 Military affairs
J 620 Forethought in prevention of others’ plans

PlMel-8247:   They start fighting on horseback and continue on foot. People from the castle and the town watch the combat as well as Verangoz’s army. They soon have ruined their shields and continue fighting without them. Meleranz splits the heathen’s head because he would not have spared him either if he had been overcome. Meleranz rides back to town.
Motif References:

H 218 Trial by combat
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-8426:   The heathens grieve for Verangoz and want to take revenge. Meleranz leads the knights into battle. The knights from Trefferin who were forced to join the heathen army are asked which side they will be on and they join Meleranz. Meleranz wants to enforce a vow from the heathens to keep their promise of peace, otherwise he will not give them Verangoz’s corpse. Nevertheless the heathens refuse because only their king made that promise and so Meleranz refuses the burial of Verangoz.
Motif References:

M 246 Covenant of friendship
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed

PlMel-8537:   Meleranz’s armor and weapons are brought and the battle starts. The knights of Trefferin avenge their king’s death. Meleranz kills many heathens. The heathen army flees, many are killed or made prisoner. The Christians pursue the heathens. Afterwards they return to the battlefield and find the heathens’ treasures.
Motif References:

V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War

PlMel-8636:   The queen welcomes Meleranz and he is well looked after. They have dinner. Then Meleranz is offered a night-cap. The next morning Meleranz has a bath, is clothed and then hears mass. The queen greets him. She is very beautiful — only Tydomie is more beautiful. They have breakfast. She wants him to stay and rest but he has to return to Terrandes. The queen makes him stay until she has made him a new shield and armor, otherwise she would be dishonored. She agrees to send Verangoz’s corpse to his people.
Motif References:

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman

PlMel-8853:   The nobles of Trefferin and Karedonas have a meeting. The prisoners of war are delivered to the queen and laid in chains, the marshal will take care of them. Meleranz releases twelve heathens to escort Verangoz’s corpse back to his kingdom. Meleranz leaves, although he would have been welcome as king.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 557 Military customs

PlMel-8992:   Meleranz returns to Terrandes, which is now a happy country. Meleranz has all looked for well, there is justice and peace everywhere. Castles are given to faithful men. Meleranz has brought four horses, of red, dun, white and black color and four precious sets of clothes and armor of the same colors for himself. His coat of arms has two red arms and white hands on gold ground, golden arms and white hands on red ground, black arms and gold hands on white ground, ermine arms and hands on sable ground.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Q 111 Riches as reward

PlMel-9080:   Meleranz tells Cursun about Tydomie and that he must help her. He will recover her meadow and the lime tree. Libers now holds the meadow with 24 companions. Cursun will be Meleranz’s companion and he takes two horses, shields and armor, which are blue and red, and on each shield there is a white ermine greyhound as his coat of arms. Meleranz and Cursun leave with 24 boys and twelve pages who carry their spears. They come upon a road leading to the adventure. Cursun who knows the forest well because he once had fought adventures there, guides Meleranz to a spring where they rest for three days.
Motif References:

Z 71.8.6 Formulistic number: twenty-four
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlMel-9244:   The fourth morning Meleranz takes his black armor and Cursun his red one with the white greyhounds and the two flags on his helmet. Meleranz sends a boy to challenge Libers by touching the shield of the fighter, the boy is told to choose the most distant ones. The boy challenges Libers and his companions but does not name Meleranz. No shield is damaged because none of them has ever been overcome. On the meadow there is a tent with 24 spears and shields. The boy does as Meleranz ordered.
Motif References:

Z 71.8.6 Formulistic number: twenty-four
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 550 Military affairs

PlMel-9443:   Meleranz and Cursun who are in no haste overcome two knights. Then the page Guntelin is sent out for new challenge and Libers sends four knights, but they too are overcome and surrender. Meleranz and Cursun fight victoriously until nightfall. Then they agree to rest for the night and continue fighting next morning. Meleranz treats his prisoners well.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-9641:   In the morning Meleranz prays to God, has breakfast and afterwards continues fighting. He has taken his white armor, Cursun is in blue with one white and one blue flag and ermine greyhounds. The boy is sent to present the challenges. Meleranz and Cursun overcome eight men. On the third day Meleranz dresses as red knight, Cursun secretly has taken with him a green and a yellow battledress. Six knights are overcome. Libers now has only one knight left, the duke Maculin of Optanus. In the morning Meleranz prays. He puts on his golden battledress. On his shield there is his coat of arms, one red and one blue arm and two white hands for Tydomie. Cursun is dressed in green with his coat of arms, the ermine greyhounds.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-10045:   Finally Meleranz and Cursun fight Libers and Maculin. Libers is dressed in four colors, red, green, white and blue. He has a white ermine eagle on the blue ground, a sable lion with an open mouth on the white ground, a blue eagle on the red ground, and a red lion on the green ground. On his helmet there is a lion’s head. Maculin has a white shield with a black wolf, his battledress and his blanket are white with sable wolves, on his helmet there is a black lifelike wolf. They continue fighting on foot after their horses are exhausted. Meleranz follows a strategy of attrition to attack the exhausted adversary later on. He would prefer not to kill him because he is a valiant hero. He overcomes him and Libers surrenders. Libers asks his name to know if he is his equal, because if he is not, Libers would prefer to die. Meleranz identifies himself and sends him and his companions to Arthur. They leave the following morning.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlMel-10366:   Meleranz pitches his tent on the meadow beneath the lime tree. It is a precious round tent King Godonas had made. The tent is large and made from red, blue and yellow samite, sewn with gold and decorated with golden eagles, on top there is a lifelike golden eagle. The eagle had been the coat of arms on Godonas’s helmet. Meleranz exposes the eight damaged shields in front of the tent. He shows the waterworks to Cursun and tells him about Tydomie. He asks the steward for advice and Cursun advises him to send Gunetlin to bring her the news. The boy is sent as messenger with the ring and Meleranz’s battledress as token.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 84 Tokens of exploits
F 775 Extraordinary tent

PlMel-10510:   Tydomie’s governess has already read about Meleranz’s exploit in the stars. She advises Tydomie to welcome the messenger and to protect him. Berlin is sent to look after Meleranz’s messenger. Tydomie is waiting impatiently for Meleranz. She receives Meleranz’s ring and leaves to meet him on the meadow. The messenger receives a reward.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
M 302.4 Horoscope taken by means of stars
P 481 Astrologer

PlMel-10776:   Tydomie and Meleranz meet. Meleranz would be welcomed by Tydomie’s vassals as king. Tydomie is happy about Meleranz’s arrival, she already had sent to Arthur’s court for him but they did not know his whereabouts. Only her governess consoled her. Tydomie gives him her land, her people and herself. She tells him that her uncle wanted to marry her to Libers, his brother-in-law, but she would never have taken a husband other than Meleranz. Meleranz promises that he will always protect her. She tells him that her uncle wants to take the lands she inherited from her mother and exile her.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
P 293 Uncle
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

PlMel-10980:   Meleranz promises to defend her. The knights and the ladies want to find out if Libers has ruined their resting place. Libers however is a valiant knight who only wanted to obtain Tydomie’s love and did not ruin the place. Tydomie admires the damaged shields and thinks he is a worthy knight. She asks him about his companion and he tells her. She is aware now that Meleranz has helped her cousin too. Meleranz again promises to protect her and her family. In the evening they have dinner. They are very happy. The ladies retire, the knights are talking and drinking in Meleranz’s tent. Meleranz and Tydomie are unable to sleep from love. In the next morning they hear mass in a chapel of red samite Tydomie has brought with her. Afterwards they have breakfast. For four days and nights there is a feast with music and dancing. Meleranz asks the queen if the roads into the forest built by Libers should be blocked off. Tydomie agrees to whatever he wants, and Meleranz asks the marshal to do it. They return to Monteflor. Tydomie has invited many guests from Chamerie. Tydomie agrees with her friends and nobles to marry Meleranz. They are happy that he is so valiant a knight and her equal in rank. But she would have married him anyhow.
Motif References:

T 24 The symptoms of love
P 28 Marriage of queen
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
P 210 Husband and wife

PlMel-11412:   The marriage will be held in twelve weeks time. Meleranz is given castles and lands. The guests arrive. Meleranz sends Cursun back to his country to invite his knights as well as their ladies and all armed fighters he can get. Cursun returns with 20,000 knights and 500 ladies. Meleranz sends messages to Arthur’s court and to his father as well to invite them to his wedding. Libers has arrived at Arthur’s court to surrender and has related the news. Meleranz and Tydomie suffer from their love. But Meleranz will not be Tydomie’s lover until after their wedding.
Motif References:

P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect
T 136.1 Wedding feast
T 315 Continence (in marriage)

PlMel-11539:   Tydomie’s uncle has learnt the news of her marriage and is very angry. He declares war through messengers. Meleranz tries to keep her from weeping and lamenting. He sends a message to her uncle: If he keeps peace he will serve him because he is Tydomie’s uncle, otherwise he will chase him from his kingdom. King Malloas is about to attack his niece. The messenger praises Meleranz’s beauty and nobility. Malloas, the king of Aleste and Ilimartun, only surpassed in power by King Arthur, is a munificent, rich, valiant and honorable monarch. With his large army Malloas leaves for Chamerie and besieges the castle of Puhulin which is guarded by two margraves, Lacbuz and Losioz. They inform their queen of the siege.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 293 Uncle
P 556 Challenge to battle
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

PlMel-11718:   Men from Terrandes have arrived and camp before the castle. Meleranz goes to welcome them. The queen watches Meleranz from the castle and talks to her governess about her love. Fifty ladies of queen Dulceflor of Karedonas arrive, dressed in red clothes and with peacock hats, and are welcomed. Meleranz asks the ladies to care for the guests. Dulceflor tells Tydomie about Meleranz turning red and white at hearing her name. Tydomie tells her what has happened.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love

PlMel-11914:   Arthur and the French king have sent their marshals to prepare for their lodging. They have summoned an army of 1000 men. Their banners are golden lilies on blue ground, the coat of arms of the French king; and a capon on white ground, the coat of arms of King Arthur. Meleranz asks his marshal to arrange for their lodging.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms

PlMel-11950:   Meleranz goes to see king Malloas to inform him of the arrival of his father and uncle. Malloas is very pleased to hear that Meleranz is the son of the French king and Arthur’s nephew and decides to make peace. The kings, Gawan and a group of knights have a council in the French king’s tent. They decide to celebrate the wedding the day after. Malloas agrees to Meleranz’s proposition to marry Dulceflur to Libers, who welcomes this arrangement.
Motif References:

P 90 Royalty and nobility - miscellaneous
P 293 Uncle
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

PlMel-12147:   The kings and knights meet the ladies in the castle and have a council. Arthur asks Tydomie to name her bridegroom and she names Meleranz. They have a meal. The wedding is celebrated one day later. Meleranz is given lands and people by taking the scepter and the crown. He then crowns Tydomie and gives her the land of Terrandes. Libers crowns Dulceflor. Meleranz gives fiefs. The people of Terrandes give their oath of fidelity to Tydomie. They celebrate a great feast with all courtly pastimes. In the next morning they hear mass: kings and queens attend with their crowns on their heads. They have a meal on the meadow before the castle. Dulceflor sits beside the king of France, Tydomie at Arthur’s side. There is jousting and dancing. The feast lasts for three weeks.
Motif References:

P 20 Queens
P 28 Marriage of queen
T 136.1 Wedding feast
P 634 Feasts

PlMel-12426:   After the feast Meleranz proves his munificence towards the guests and minstrels. Libers and Dulceflor leave, Arthur and the French king stay for seven more days. Arthur and the French king are about to leave, her father-in-law invites Tydomie to come with them to meet Meleranz’s mother. Meleranz promises that they will come soon but that for the moment they have to look after their kingdom. Arthur invites them as well and they promise to visit him. The kings leave and Meleranz rides with them the first day. Before they part his father urges Meleranz to be a good king, munificent, faithful and honest, pious and just. He advises him to make Malloas his counselor which he does. Malloas will take care of Meleranz.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 233 Father and son

PlMel-12671:   Meleranz sends his army back with rich gifts. He is munificent. Malloas leaves after final reconciliation with his niece. She stresses the fact that only he and her husband are her family. Their kingdoms will be their common property. The poet names himself as “Pleiaere”, who composed this work for a virtuous man named Wimar.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

PlMel-12788:   Meleranz and Tydomie are good king and queen. They have two sons and one beautiful daughter whom they name Olimpia. Their sons Lazeliez and Medanz are valiant knights. Meleranz and his wife are munificent and pious monarchs.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 20 Queens