Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Pleier, Tandareis und Flordibel (<1270)


Matière de Bretagne

Pleier, Tandareis und Flordibel (<1270)
Khull, F. (ed.): Tandareis und Flordibel. Graz 1885.

PlTand-1:   Prologue: Love has to be patient, love-service constant. Author warns against inconstancy and falsehood. He is telling the story to honor his lady who is angry with him, he assures her of his love and faithfulness. This is the story of the faithful childhood love of two young people at Arthur’s court.
Motif References:

T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts

PlTand-198:   Tandareis, the son of King Dulcemar of Tandarnas, who is the uncle of Queen Jenover, and of Vergulaht’s sister Anticonie, is sent to King Arthur for further education when he is twelve years old. He already is a model of chivalry and courtly manners and is about to be knighted.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 30 Princes

PlTand-269:   King Arthur celebrates his Whitsun-feast at Dyanazrun, near the forest of Priziljan; many guests are invited.
Motif References:

P 634 Feasts

PlTand-282:   Arthur is munificent towards his guests. There will be a Round Table the morning to come. King Arthur’s custom: not to eat before hearing of adventure.
Motif References:

P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
M 151 Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure

PlTand-354:   A damsel arrives at court. Arthur pays no attention to Keie’s warnings against mischief reminding Arthur of grief from the damsel with the mantle.
Motif References:

N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers

PlTand-389:   The damsel (Flordibel) is very beautiful, she has precious clothes, an extraordinary white horse with artificially colored mane and tail, precious riding gear, bridle with bells ringing like birdsong, on top of the bridle there is an automatic golden bird similar to a nightingale, which keeps on singing as long as the horse is bridled. The horse is a gift from her father’s sister, who is a fairy; she had a dwarf make the riding gear and the bridle.
Motif References:

F 305.1 Fairy relative makes gifts (to half-mortal child)
F 343.9.1 Horses as fairy gifts
F 451.3.4.1 Dwarfs as artificers
B 731.2.1 Horse with crimson mane and green legs [Polychromatic horse]
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 868 Extraordinary saddle
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal

PlTand-515:   Tandareis helps her to dismount and escorts her to the king. She identifies as Flordibel, daughter of the king of India, who has been sent to the king’s court for education. Arthur has the queen take care of her. The damsel wants to live at Arthur’s court on the condition that the king promises to kill any man she will accept as suitor. Arthur agrees. The feast continues with meal, jousting and games. As the guests are leaving the king bestows gifts upon them. Arthur returns to Karedol.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 40 Princesses
T 131 Marriage restrictions
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
T 311 Woman averse to marriage

PlTand-734:   Arthur and the queen make Tandareis the damsel’s knight. Flordibel lives at court for ten years.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady

PlTand-767:   Tandareis and Flordibel secretly fall in love with each other.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts

PlTand-1044:   Flordibel accidentally discovers Tandareis’s love as he cuts his hand without noticing it because he is absorbed by looking at Flordibel while he is serving at the table.
Motif References:

T 26.1 Finger cut because of absorption in the charms of beloved

PlTand-1090:   Life is full of joy at Arthur’s court, with music and dancing. One morning as the two restless youths accidentally meet Flordibel has Tandareis sit at her side. He changes color from white to red whenever he looks at her. Finally Tandareis and Flordibel admit their love to one another.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 57 Declaration of love

PlTand-1320:   Flordibel reminds Tandareis of the king’s promise to kill any of her suitors. She proposes elopement with Tandareis to his father’s kingdom, but insists on the king’s consent to their betrothal and marriage. When the court leaves for a feast at Lover, Flordibel pretends sickness and stays behind with Tandareis.
Motif References:

T 131 Marriage restrictions
K 523 Escape by shamming illness
J 1111 Clever girl
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed

PlTand-1486:   Flordibel and Tandareis elope to Tandernas. Tandareis’s father criticizes the elopement , nevertheless he promises help against Arthur.
Motif References:

R 225 Elopement
R 310 Refuges

PlTand-1618:   Arthur having learned of the lovers’ elopement starts a military campaign against Tandernas: because of the king’s vow Tandareis will have to die. Messengers are sent out to summon the king’s men. Dulcemar will fight against Arthur if he fails to bring about reconciliation; count Rinalt is sent out as go-between to declare Dulcemar’s innocence and ask the knights of the Round Table to mediate. Rinalt fails in bringing about reconciliation. Arthur threatens to devastate the country unless Tandareis surrenders and besieges Dulcemar at Tandernas.
Motif References:

Q 260 Deceptions punished
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

PlTand-2005:   Dubbing of Tandareis and one hundred youths. Tandareis’s equipment: red shield, ornate with gold and jewels and with leopard made of white ermine; costly saddle-blanket with white ermine leopard on it (golden claws and garnet eyes); his helmet-crest displays a damsel with a golden crown. Tandareis overcomes Keie, Dodines, Kalogrinant and Iwanet and sends them to Flordibel as captives. Arthur attacks the town, but cannot take it. Many Arthurian knights are taken prisoner, they are well cared for and in order to be sent back to obtain Arthur’s peace, they promise to intervene for Tandareis.
Motif References:

P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

PlTand-2504:   Keie accuses Arthur of having brought about this crisis by accepting Flordibel’s demand. Kalogrinant mocks Keie by reminding him of his “exploits” against Erec, Meljacanz, Parzival, Iwan at the fountain, Karel, king Joram. Fighting continues for days and Tandareis makes many prisoners and sends them to Flordibel.
Motif References:

P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

PlTand-2709:   Tandareis refuses to fight his relative Gawan. Arthur’s men fail to recognize Tandareis.
Motif References:

P 205 Refusal to fight relatives
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)

PlTand-2883:   Council: Dulcemar, Tandareis and Flordibel. Flordibel proposes strategy: she followed Tandareis voluntarily, and he never asked for her love; but she will accept punishment for their elopement. Gawan is to be the go-between. Prisoners are freed and the Arthurian knights asked into town.
Motif References:

P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
J 1111 Clever girl
K 2312 Oath literally obeyed

PlTand-3023:   Knights tell the news that Tandareis has been dubbed a knight. Arthurian knights are ready to mediate. Meeting and negotiations in Tandernas: Tandareis will accept punishment for elopement; Gawan speaking in favor of Tandareis. Dulcemar: Flordibel voluntarily followed Tandareis and he never asked for her love. Knights tell Arthur the news and ask him to listen to Flordibel’s defense. Keie speaks in favor of Tandareis, reminds him of his warnings; Flordibel to blame for her promise she later on regretted; Arthur is to blame for their growing intimacy. Finally Arthur accepts Flordibel’s offer for a settlement and Tandareis is granted free conduct. Tandareis, Flordibel, Dulcemar and Anticonie meet Arthur.
Motif References:

PlTand-3550:   Arthur’s law court: Arthur accuses Tandareis of having broken the king’s promise. Flordibel intervenes in favor of Tandareis, Gawan as her speaker: She is in love with Tandareis, but has never been his paramour; she admits as only offense: secretly leaving court without Arthur’s permission. Tandareis: he has never asked Flordibel to marry him. Gawan speaking in defense of Tandareis and Flordibel: they did not intend to offend the king, love as reason of elopement, Flordibel will only marry with the king’s consent; at the king’s demand Gawan gives his oath, all knights plead for Tandareis. On Tandareis’s promise of obedience Arthur grants forgiveness.
Motif References:

P 510 Law courts

PlTand-3790:   Arthur’s punishment for Tandareis and Flordibel for their secret love and elopement: Tandareis is sent on quest for adventures and must not return without the king’s permission. Flordibel is ordered to stay with Jenover at court. Arthur and his courtiers leave; Tandareis and Flordibel promise faithfulness to each other. Jenover forgives Flordibel.
Motif References:

Q 213 Abduction punished
Q 431.5.2 Banishment for abduction of bride (girl)
H 1210.2 Quest assigned by king
H 1219.3 Quest assigned as punishment by father of abducted girl

PlTand-3960:   Dulcemar equips his son for his journey and gives instructions: he should always seek good people’s company and avoid the bad ones, respect the high-minded, the poor as well as the rich, serve the ladies. The author names self: Pleiaere. Tandareis leaves for Schaffenzun, the residence of the king of Ascalun who is his uncle.
Motif References:

P 233 Father and son

PlTand-4107:   Tandareis distracted by remembering Flordibel falls behind his men. They enter the dangerous forest, where a band of robbers imprisons passers-by at their castle built by a giant. The giant has a hundred robbers under his command, four groups of them are guarding the forest. The robbers attack Tandareis’s men. Although Tandareis is not fully armed (he has only shield and sword) and has no war-horse, he attacks the robbers, then recedes into the forest and takes cover with his back to rock. He kills six robbers and is wounded. The robbers withdraw, Tandareis buries the dead and prays for them.
Motif References:

T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
F 531.5 Giants and men
N 765 Meeting with robber band

PlTand-4376:   Tandareis enters the kingdom Poytowe, town and castle of king Teschelarz, and faints near the house of the rich merchant Todila. The merchant takes care of him for half a year and has him cured by his wife and daughter. Tandareis wants to reward his generosity but he refuses any material reward: everything depends on God. Tandareis grieves for the death of his men and longing for Flordibel. At the merchant’s question Tandareis tells his story and the merchant promises help. Tandareis is equipped, given new shield and helmet with coat of arms. Tandareis leaves.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 431 Merchant
N 851 Merchant as helper

PlTand-4894:   Tandareis looking for his men is captured by the robbers, meets a woman crying for her lover. Tandareis assists him in fighting a band of 25 robbers. They kill the robbers, only three of them surrender and promise never to do harm again and to do penance. The knight, by the name of Liodarz, is the son of king Teschelarz of Poytowe. He has obtained his lady in France by feat of arms. Tandareis offers him choice of the robbers’ horses and asks him to take the other ones to the merchant Todila, the three captive robbers as stable-boys. Tandareis escorts them.
Motif References:

P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
N 765 Meeting with robber band
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlTand-5181:   Liodarz tells Tandareis about the robbers: 400 of them live in the forest, guarding four passages through the forest, and have killed or captured many men but one knight (Tandareis). The giant’s castle Malmontan is well protected by the sea, by high mountains, a swamp, a forest and high walls. Three robber giants, Ulian, Margon, Durkion, guard the only access from their strongholds and kill anybody passing by. 500 knights, 500 ladies, children and boys are held captive by Karedoz in his stronghold at Malmontan. The male prisoners have to labor in a quarry, the ladies have to weave. Karedoz once raided the neighboring country, killed its sovereign and forced his people into his service as robbers; each group of hundred men is on robber’s duty for one month, those who are killed have to be replaced by newly captured victims. Tandareis asks for the road to Malmontan, one of the prisoners will be his guide. They set off for Malmontan.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty]
G 400 Person falls into ogre’s power
G 462 Person as servant in ogre’s house
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 771.3 Extraordinary location of castle
F 771.4.8 (Li) Castle of deep sorrow

PlTand-5478:   Tandareis lodges at the castle of Teschelarz, whose son Liodarz takes the horses to Todila. Tandareis and his three prisoners set off for Malmontan. As they come to the swamp near the giants’ first castle, Tandareis allows his prisoners to bury their dead, they promise to return seven days later. Tandareis asks for hospitality at the castle, a boy opens the gates and warns him against the giant Durkion who sends his prisoners to Malmontan. Tandareis overcomes and kills Durkion: He parries the blows of the giant’s staff, wounds and decapitates him.
Motif References:

F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

PlTand-5954:   The giant’s men who had been forced into service surrender. Tandareis releases them and leaves them all the property. No burial for the giant, his corpse is thrown into the water. After plundering the castle, the people burn it and leave for their home country.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive

PlTand-6018:   Tandareis comes upon the second giant, Margon. Alarmed by the burning castle of his brother he has taken armor, sword, iron staff and helmet. After Tandareis has wounded him with his spear, he falls into the swampy moat, Tandareis decapitates him, and his corpse disappears in the swamp. His people rejoice, they all had been forced into the giant’s service. Tandareis releases the captives and leaves them all goods. The stronghold is burnt.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

PlTand-6180:   Tandareis comes upon the giant Ulian. Alarmed by his brother’s burning castle he asks Tandareis about it thinking his brothers must have been killed in their sleep. Tandareis: they have been overcome in fight. Tandareis wounds the giant (who has an iron staff as weapon) and decapitates him, but not before the giant slays his horse. Tandareis releases the giant’s captives and leaves them all goods. Equipped with a new horse he leaves for Malmontan. After plundering the castle people burn it.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

PlTand-6390:   The giant Karedoz, alarmed by the destruction of the third castle, has armed already as Tandareis arrives and dismounts at a lime tree; the porter takes his horse. Tandareis mockingly answers the giant’s questions about his brothers and the strongholds. Karedoz thinks they must have been killed in their sleep. Combat Tandareis – Karedoz (who has an iron staff and sword), Tandareis cleverly uses the lime tree as a shield. Karedoz refuses to surrender and Tandareis decapitates him. Tandareis releases his captives and leaves them all goods.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

PlTand-6728:   Tandareis blames the giant’s arrogance, Tandareis himself keeps within reasonable limits.
Motif References:

W 46 (Li) Modesty
W 118 (Bm) Pride

PlTand-6757:   Tandareis resting in the shade of the lime tree is challenged by the armed porter eager to obtain the castle by overcoming the weary knight. Tandareis overcomes the porter, who surrenders and becomes his vassal. The grateful people surrender to Tandareis.
Motif References:

H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
K 2244 Treacherous (hostile) porter

PlTand-6929:   The porter of Malmontan is an extraordinarily strong knight, a mighty count whom the giant had overcome on quest for adventure and forced into life-long service.
Motif References:

R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty]
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

PlTand-6985:   The prisoners are released. Men and women had been separated. Bad conditions of captivity: poor clothes, partly bare, long hair and beards. They receive clothes from Tandareis.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 50 Conditions of captivity
R 110 Rescue of captive

PlTand-7164:   Tandareis’s boys praise him, he tells his adventures, the people praise his exploits. Tandareis sends messengers to Poytowé: Teschelarz, his son Liodarz and the merchant should meet him at Malmontân. The giants’ corpses are disposed of in the sea. Disgraceful burial for the robbers. No one complains.
Motif References:

Q 491.1 Disgraceful burial as punishment

PlTand-7337:   Teschelarz, Liodarz and Todila are welcomed. Tandareis tells them what has happened and asks Teschelarz and Liodarz how to gain suitable renown for his exploits. Teschelarz advises him to send the knights and their ladies and his prisoners to his lady and to the king. Teschelarz will give him horses. They promise life-long service to each other.
Motif References:

P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

PlTand-7545:   Tandareis asks Teschelarz what to do about the giant’s possessions who advises him to ask the castle’s tenants. Great riches are kept in the castle; the chamberlain lists one tower full of gold and silver, many rooms containing costly fabrics and clothes, armors and swords; the marshal, the steward and the cupbearer declare that there are many horses, and plenty of food and wine as well: the treasure of the giants is enormous. The marshal is ordered to keep the horses as payment for merchants. The country subdued by Karedoz is named Mermin. 400 knights had been forced into the giant’s service: 100 of them had to guard the four roads (groups of 25 each) leading through the forest and to take prisoners for the giant. Only one third of the booty was their reward. Tandareis as king of Mermin enfeoffs his vassals and receives their oath of allegiance.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty]
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]
P 500 Government
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.6.7.1 Giant possesses treasure
F 899.4 (Li) Enormous treasure

PlTand-7772:   Tandareis asks the prisoners (knights and their ladies) to grant a rash boon as reward and then sends them to King Arthur in Britain to surrender to Flordibel and ask Arthur to forgive Tandareis.
Motif References:

P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

PlTand-7823:   Tandareis’s munificence towards guests (Teschelarz, Liodarz, Todila, Tandareis’s vassals) leaving Malmontan.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

PlTand-7923:   Knights and ladies arrive at Dynazrun where King Arthur celebrates a feast in the forest of Priziljân. They deliver Tandareis’s message and surrender to Flordibel, Arthur and the queen. All plead for Tandareis, especially Flordibel defends his innocence. Arthur forgives him and sends out Dodineis as messenger to Tandareis.
Motif References:

Q 116 Favorable decree as reward
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)

PlTand-8301:   Tandareis is longing for Flordibel at Malmontan and undertakes a quest for adventure, Liodarz stays at the castle. Tandareis’s coat of arms displays a maiden, symbol of Flordibel. Tandareis chooses a small path instead of the road and reaches a mountain range. He comes to a beautiful castle, apparently uninhabited. He dismounts at a lime-tree. Tables are set and Tandareis has a meal. A maiden brings the news of his arrival to the queen [=Albiun] of the people from the wild mountains, ruler over dwarfs.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
F 151.1 Perilous [narrow] path to otherworld.
F 165.4 Table always set in otherworld dwelling
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom
N 770 Experiences leading to adventures
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
H 1221 Quest for adventure

PlTand-8580:   One of the queen’s (Albiun’s) maidens has been abducted by her enemy [=Kurion]. The queen identifies the unknown guest as Tandareis and praises his exploits hoping for his help against Kurion. The queen and her retinue return to the castle. The queen dismounts at the lime-tree. Tandareis takes off his weapons and helmet to greet her. The queen has him well looked after. Tandareis excuses himself for his early dinner and offers his service in return for hospitality. Albiun would have set out for Malmontan to obtain his help against Kurion, who has killed many knights, devastated her country and abducted her people. He wants to drive her away and usurp her lands. No one dares to fight him. Tandareis offers to be her champion.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlTand-8893:   They set out for the queen’s and her ladies’ favorite place, where Kurion abducted the maiden the day before. A squire announces the queen’s feast by three horn blows from the tower. Tandareis wears a precious battle-dress, his shield displays a crowned maiden, and life-like maiden with a jeweled crown shows on his helmet. Tandareis mounts his horse without use of stirrups. Ladies and knights lodge on a beautiful meadow, well and lime-tree nearby: they pitch their tents.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
P 634 Feasts
F 756 Extraordinary valleys and plains

PlTand-9075:   The black knight Kurion (his battle-dress, shield and helmet are black) riding a black horse arrives; his coat of arms displays a red dragon on his shield and helmet; his spear is black and red. He has two tamed leopards well-trained for combat as animal companions.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Z 143 Symbolic color: black
Z 235 Hero with extraordinary animal companion
B 268 Animal soldiers [trained for combat or battle]
F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master.
K 2260.1 Treacherous dark man

PlTand-9118:   Kurion wants to usurp the kingdom the queen had inherited from her father. He lacks courtly manners (shouts loudly). Single combat Tandareis - Kurion. Tandareis kills the leopards fighting for their master; the ladies’ wailing strengthens weakening Tandareis, Kurion surrenders, asks for mercy and offers compensation. Tandareis spares him. He has to surrender to Albiun and to give reparations. Tandareis sends him to Arthur and Flordibel to surrender to them.
Motif References:

P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

PlTand-9711:   Tandareis asks Albiun about her kingdom: dwarves as well as wild men and women are her vassals; the dwarves serve her by supplying food, drink, clothes, silver and gold; they live in the wild mountains; the wild men and women live in the mountains of La Salvasch Montan; many knights and ladies are Albiun’s vassals and cultivate the lands.
Motif References:

F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
F 451.4.2.2 Dwarfs live in ravines
F 567 Wild man
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom

PlTand-9780:   Tandareis receives gifts from queen Albiun: horse, battle-dress, coat and saddle-blanket of precious red and golden cloth, red shield ornamented with gold and jewels; his device is a maiden with a golden crown. Tandareis takes his leave at the lime-tree, where nobles, dwarfs and wild men and women have come together; they would have wanted Tandareis to marry their queen. Albiun escorts Tandareis to the mountains.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms

PlTand-9970:   Tandareis does not accept the present of the grateful dwarves. The home of wild men and women is located in the mountains: The wild women are black. Albiun and Tandareis promise life-long service to one another. Tandareis leaves mounting his horse without use of stirrups.
Motif References:

F 527.5 Black man [knight; wild woman]
F 567 Wild man

PlTand-10159:   Tandareis comes to the country of Count Lischeit fils Tinas, bordering on Kurnewal, Marke’s kingdom. The brave Lischeit has been educated by Gawan. Tandareis takes a night’s lodging at his castle and continues his journey. As he is about to cross a bridge it breaks down and Tandareis loses his horse; unable to carry his armor he is forced to stop. Tandareis comes upon Count Kalubin beating his lady, Claudin, because of the trouble she had caused. Tandareis has to bar the bridge to stop him and overcomes Kalubin in single combat. Kalubin surrenders and promises to surrender to Arthur, his queen, the Round Table and Flordibel. He has to leave the maiden (Claudin is the daughter of Angnie and Moralde of the beautiful forest) and his horse to Tandareis.
Motif References:

Q 458 Flogging as punishment
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

PlTand-10543:   Kalubin had been in love with Claudin who, although his equal in birth and having accepted his service and love-token, never rewarded his service; as soon as he had given away all his riches in her service she mocked him for his poverty. Kalubin waged war against her father and devastated his lands. Kalubin abducted the maiden to have her cared for by his sister until she marries him. Tandareis takes her back home. He leaves mounting his horse without use of stirrups, Kalubin sets out for Britain to fulfill his promise.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
R 18 Abduction by rejected suitor
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 59.1 (Bm) Impecunious knight
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war

PlTand-10731:   Tandareis and Claudin come upon the knights of Kandaljon, an extraordinarily brave knight who never spares his adversaries, but starves the defeated knights in a dungeon. Kandaljon who is a rapist wants to kill Tandareis to obtain Claudin; he pays no attention to his companions who warn him of underestimating Tandareis. Tandareis overcomes Kandaljon, but is attacked by his companions; he kills twelve knights and despite his wounds continues fighting. Kandaljon having taken Claudin as hostage and threatening rape, forces Tandareis to surrender. Knights prevent Kandaljon from killing him. Claudin leaves. Tandareis will be imprisoned at Montanikluse (kingdom of Emparuse, ruled by King Poidekonjunz of Gors, who is a relative of Kandaljon) and left to die in the tower of Malmort. The wounded and the dead are carried into town; Kandaljon praises Tandareis’s exploits, Tandareis remains silent. He is left to starve in the tower. Nobody is allowed to help him in any way.
Motif References:

R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 51.1 Prisoners starved
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
R 75 Surrendering
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
T 471 Rape

PlTand-11205:   Kandaljon’s virtuous sister Antonie who is fond of valiant Tandareis wants to help him despite her brother’s orders. Following the advice of her confidant, Antonie and her maidens rescue Tandareis from the tower. He has to promise not to leave without Antonie’s permission. Tandareis is well cared for in the ladies’ rooms.
Motif References:

R 53 Captivity as refuge for the captive
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
P 253 Sister and brother
K 640 Escape by help of confederate
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper

PlTand-11662:   Claudin grieves for Tandareis whom she thinks dead. She meets her father who is about to surrender to Kalubin and they return to their castle. Dodines, sent after Tandareis, returns from Malmontan to tell that Tandareis has left for adventure. In the meantime Kurion and Kalubin sent out by Tandareis have surrendered to Arthur. At the queen’s advice a series of tournaments will take place to attract Tandareis: one tournament each month for one year’s time at Sabins near the Karonica. Messengers are sent out and Arthur leaves for Sabins.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments

PlTand-11935:   Tandareis is captive of Kandaljon’s sister Antonie who falls in love with him. Tandareis asks for help to escape. She wants to come with him. Tandareis, to avoid any offense, keeps silent about his love for Flordibel until things get serious.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love

PlTand-12085:   Kandaljon, equipped by his sister, leaves for tournament at Sabins. Tandareis promises to return into captivity and Antonie has him fight as her knight in the tournament at Sabins. He will be dressed as black knight (with white fetters), red knight (with white fetters) and white knight (with black fetters). Count Kilimar brings horse and armor, the lady bribes the porter and Tandareis leaves.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols - coat-of-arms
Z 150 Other symbols
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
K 640 Escape by help of confederate

PlTand-12594:   Tandareis joins three brothers heading for Sabins to obtain riches in the tournament. Tandareis who fails to see Flordibel at Sabins thinks her dead. Senseless because of his love he only comes to his senses after being alarmed by his companions and engages in combat. Having overcome many knights (among them Kandaljon) he finishes as best knight. In the evening he manages to sneak away unrecognized.
Motif References:

T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)

PlTand-13264:   Tandareis returns to Montanikluse: Kilimar and Antonie are waiting for him at the lime-tree, she secretly guides him to the castle. Kandaljon returns, outraged because of his defeat he is unfriendly toward her; as “revenge” for her brother’s defeat she beats Tandareis with a straw. Tandareis leaves for a second tournament at Sabins dressed as red knight with white fetters. He meets his three companions. The queen identifies the red knight as the unknown black knight of the first tournament, and thinks him to be Tandareis. Tandareis and Flordibel perceiving each other become senseless, pale and weak.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness

PlTand-13785:   Jousting starts. Absentminded Tandareis alarmed by his companions comes to his senses and excels in jousting. Again he sneaks away and returns to Montanikluse, where Kilimar and Antonie are waiting for him at the lime-tree, he secretly returns into captivity. Kandaljon returns in an angry mood because of his defeat and offends his sister. She then beats Tandareis with a straw once again.
Motif References:

T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)

PlTand-14090:   Kandaljon and Tandareis leave for the third tournament: Tandareis dressed as white knight. He joins his companions.
Motif References:

R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)

PlTand-14159:   Jenover and Flordibel have spread the news of Tandareis’s exploits in tournaments: Arthur wants to have him captured. Tandareis perceiving Flordibel cuts himself. Arthur thereby identifies him for sure. Tandareis absentminded from love alarmed by his companions comes to his senses, excels in jousting and obtains the prize of the tournament. Tandareis escapes with 50 knights pursuing him and sneaks away to Montanikluse to meet Kilimar and Antonie at the lime-tree and return to captivity.
Motif References:

T 26.1 Finger cut because of absorption in the charms of beloved
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]

PlTand-14443:   Arthur’s court at Sabins: the king wants to identify the unknown knight. The fetters on his helmet are interpreted as a symbol of a knight in a lady’s service. Because of his loss of senses at the sight of Flordibel he is identified as Tandareis. Arthur promises a rich duchy as reward to the person who brings Tandareis to him. Kandalion identifies his prisoner because of Arthur telling Tandareis’s life-history. Eager to obtain the reward he is hoping his prisoner might still be alive.
Motif References:

H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Z 150 Other symbols

PlTand-14556:   Kandalion, as well as the other guests, has promised to return, but he would not dare if Tandareis had died in his tower. Antonie asks him for news, he gets angry: women should keep to themselves. She does not take him seriously. Before the fourth tournament Kandalion asks his lords for advice. Kilimar informs Antonie of her brother’s worries about Tandareis’s presumed death, she confers with the lords about Tandareis’s rescue. The knights would have to obtain her brother’s blind promise of security so that she will be safe. Council of Kandalion and the lords: Kilimar warns his sovereign against anger and rashness, obtains his promise of security and tells him the story of Tandareis’s rescue. Kandalion immediately regrets his promise and accuses his sister of female inconstancy. His lords advise him to join Arthur’s tournament in the company of his sister and Tandareis. Eager for Arthur’s reward he finally calms down. Reconciliation follows.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
J 1111 Clever girl

PlTand-14928:   They set out for the tournament at Sabins, where Kandalion asks for the reward. Arthur only grants him a messenger’s reward (so do the queen and king Tandernas), the duchy will be given to Antonie.
Motif References:

Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward

PlTand-15105:   Flordibel is overjoyed on hearing the happy news about Tandareis, turns red and white from love, forgets where she is, does not speak. Kandalion reminds Arthur of his promise: Antonie is invested with the country.
Motif References:

T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward

PlTand-15239:   Arthur decides to celebrate a feast at Sabins and sends out for guests. His Round Table will be held on a meadow (like Feirefiz once did at Schoflanze).
Motif References:

P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions - Arthur’s Round Table

PlTand-15299:   Tandareis tells of his adventures. Antonie praised for having rescued him. She decides to claim him as her husband. Claudin thinking Kandalion has killed Tandareis still is grieving for him. As Moralt tells his daughter Claudin that Tandareis is still alive, she decides to claim him as her husband despite her father’s warnings that Tandareis could already be engaged. As soon as she meets Arthur she makes him grant a rash boon on condition that it will not be dishonorable and claims Tandareis, having precedence over his ladylove. Arthur will decide marriage at a law court.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
P 510 Law courts

PlTand-15721:   Antonie insists on marriage to Tandareis and refuses any material compensation the king offers. Perfectly modest and chaste Flordibel keeps silent.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 92 Rivals in love

PlTand-15818:   A feast is celebrated in Sabins. Claudin asks Tandareis to marry her, as reward for her grief about him. He assures her of his goodwill. Antonie asks Tandareis for marriage as reward for rescuing him. Gawan speaks for Flordibel: He approves that she is keeping silent while Claudin and Antonie are complaining.
Motif References:

T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 92 Rivals in love

PlTand-15921:   Arthur settles the case in law court. The queen and her ladies, the knights, kings and lords will be present. Claudin’s father is her speaker. He declares that Tandareis ought to recompensate her for her grief about his confrontation with Kandalion, she will reward him for her rescue from Kalubin. Antonie has no speaker. She is claiming Tandareis as reward for rescuing him and caring for the captive. Flordibel dares to speak only after hesitating and says that she should have a speaker. She chooses Gawan, whom she tells her story and refers to her love and Tandareis’s fidelity. Gawan intervenes at court by repeating Flordibel’s story. Arthur asks his knights and lords, they plead for Flordibel. But the dispute continues. Arthur leaves the choice of his wife to Tandareis but emphasizes that it has to be considered as proof of reputation and high esteem that three women are demanding marriage with Tandareis.
Motif References:

T 92 Rivals in love
P 510 Law courts

PlTand-16175:   Tandareis rejects marriage to Claudin because he is already engaged, but he promises life-long service. Claudin assures him of goodwill, and complains about her loss. Tandareis promises service to Antonie and wants to leave immediately. She reminds him of her service. Tandareis refuses marriage because he is already engaged. Antonie gives him her good wishes. Tandareis tells Flordibel that he wants to marry her. They ask the king’s permission, as was promised before. Marriage of Tandareis and Flordibel. Wedding-feast.
Motif References:

T 71 Woman scorned in love
T 136.1 Wedding feast

PlTand-16361:   Tandareis intervenes for Antonie and Arthur marries her to Beacurs of Norway, the son of his sister. Beacurs agrees. Antonie and her brother are sent for. Tandareis asks for Claudin to be married to Kalubin, which at the same time will bring about the reconciliation of Kalubin and Morald. Morald agrees, Jenover talks Claudin into this marriage.
Motif References:

T 100 Marriage

PlTand-16491:   Arthur invites Tandareis and Flordibel, Kalubin and Claudin to his Round Table. A feast is celebrated with tournaments and jousting. Captives are sent to the ladies. Arthur shows his munificence as the guests leave.
Motif References:

P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 561 Tournaments
P 634 Feasts

PlTand-17171:   Tandareis and Flordibel promise to return one year later to Arthur’s court. The two happy couples Beacurs and Antonie, Kalubin and Claudin leave. Flordibel is praised as the ideal woman: modesty, honor, chastity, humility – God and the world will love such a woman, modesty would be good for the men too. Teaching for women: love and obedience in marriage, they should not be eager to be the husband’s master, God will reward a woman in heaven for everything she does to increase her honor, if not she will be punished in hell. A man however is often honored for that which is sinful.
Motif References:

T 200 Married life

PlTand-17523:   Tandareis and Flordibel leave to join Dulcemar. Tandareis and his father set out for Mermin to the town of Karmil. Tandareis asks the knights of Mermin for their service before returning to Malmontan. Tandareis and his parents, Dulcemar and Antikonie, are sovereigns of all their lands. Liodarz assures Tandareis of his life-long service.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]

PlTand-17906:   Tandareis sends riches to Kilimar and Kalubin. Tandareis and Flordibel are munificent monarchs. The giant’s tower is opened and the riches are distributed among the people.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

PlTand-18039:   They return to Mermin and a feast is celebrated at Whitsun. Tandareis, Flordibel and his parents are crowned at Mermin. The lords give their oaths of allegiance. Tandareis offers gifts to the lords. As the feast ends all guests leave. Tandareis offers his land to his father, who gives him his land, thus Dulcemar receives Mermin and Tandareis Tandernas. Tandareis and Flordibel stay at Mermin, their country prospers and they prove to be ideal sovereigns.
Motif References:

P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 233 Father and son