Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Ulrich von Türheim, Cliges (>1230)


Matière de Bretagne

Ulrich von Türheim, Cliges (>1230)
Gröchenig, H./Pascher, H.P.(ed.): Ulrich von Türheim: Cliges. Ausgabe der bisher bekannten Fragmente vermehrt um den Neufund aus St. Paul im Lavanttal. (=Armarium 2) Klagenfurt 1984.

UvTCl-1:   (Fragment Zürich) Kliges asks for leave for his journey to king Arthur's court. He then takes leave from his mistress.
Motif References:

UvTCl-2:   (Fragment St. Paul) In a tournament at king Arthur's court Kliges fights Kawein who is his uncle. They fight so furiously that the knights ask the king to stop their combat. The king finally puts an end to their fighting. Kawein praises his (unknown) adversary's strength.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
H 218.1.1 (G) Single combat, joust interrupted by friends of combatants

UvTCl-3:   (Fragment Kalocsa) Conver-sation of Kliges and Jehan: Jehan gives advice to his friend. The author names self: Ulrich. Tessalas laments Venix, whose grief is due to love. Venix in a state of apparent death in her grave is lamented. Tessala talks to Kliges: Venix is suffering because of their love and he should be faithful to her.
Motif References:

T 0 Love
K 1860 Deception by feigned death (sleep)