Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Wisse, Claus/Colin, Philipp: Rappoltsteiner Parzifal (Prolog)


Matière de Bretagne

Wisse, Claus/Colin, Philipp: Rappoltsteiner Parzifal (Prolog)
Schorbach, Karl (ed.): Claus Wisse, Philipp Colin, Parzifal. Strassburg 1888 (Reprint Berlin/New York 1974).

WCPap-1:   In his prologue the author stresses his lack of talent. He will tell about the Grail and its keepers, the knights of the Grail, and how the hospitable land of Logres, a country surrounded by high mountains, became a waste land. Once any guest was received well by the maidens living there. They treated guests with food and drink that was served in golden vessels. A king named Amangon and his knights raped the maidens and robbed the golden cups. Thereafter the maidens disappeared and the king perished as well as his knights. The land turned into a waste land, without blooming trees or meadows, without grass and water. Since then no one can find his way to the court of the Rich Fisherman, who owns great riches. The most excellent knights who live at the famous court of King Arthur and are members of his Round Table, set out to disenchant the land, rescue the maidens who were abducted, and recover the golden cups. They punish the villains by hanging or burning, and destroy their possessions. Penance is done with almsgiving and prayers so that God once again might make the land fertile. Yet the land remains waste and the maidens have disappeared forever.
Motif References:

P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
F 112.0.1 Fairyland (Ireland) inhabited (settled) by women only
F 183 Foods in otherworld
Q 244 Punishment for ravisher [rape].
K 300 Thefts and cheats - general
P 320 Hospitality
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
T 471 Rape
M 474 Curse on land
F 700 Extraordinary places (lands)
F 701 Land of plenty
F 709 Other extraordinary countries

WCPap-163:   On their quest the knights of the Round Table come upon maidens traveling through the forest in the company of knights. There is many a fight to obtain the maidens and King Arthur thus loses many men of his retinue, but many of the defeated join his service. Gawan sends Plyopliris as captive to the king. He relates the story of the maidens from the forest to the courtiers. Plyopliris tells them that the knights and ladies are the offspring of the maidens raped by king Amangon and his knights. The Arthurian knights should set out to search for the court of the Rich Fisherman, in order to disenchant the waste land and turn it into a fertile country as before. The knights leave for the quest. Gawan comes to the castle of the Grail and thereby obtains fortune for King Arthur’s court. The valiant knight Parzifal of Galeis also finds the castle, yet fails to ask about the bleeding lance (the blood was caught in a silver vessel by means of a silver tube) and the broken sword on the bier and therefore the Grail once again disappeared. Parzifal saw its wonders: a precious cross of silver, from which three wails resound three times a day, four incense vessels and four candle lights. After mass had been sung the wailing stopped and the hall was left empty.
Motif References:

V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
C 651 The one compulsory question.
H 1382 Quest for unknown objects or places
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
D 2081 Land made magically sterile
D 2157.1 Land made magically fertile

WCPap-326:   The king donned in splendid clothes, wearing his crown and precious adornment, then entered the hall. He uses to fish all day. In the evening dinner is served at his table. The Grail appears and automatically serves each of them. Parzifal came to this castle twice. The author tells the story of the knight who found the Grail, of numerous adventures and the story of the land of Orsche (where the Grail is kept). After the land’s waters had ceased to flow for about a thousand years springs began to flow and the land became fertile. People settled there again. Great happiness easily brings about overbearing and pride. The maidens’ reward was spent to build castles and towns, one of them was the Castle of the Maidens (Der Megede Burg), the Perilous Bridge (pont perellous) and The Wonderful Castle – Castle Orgalus (Kastel Orgullus). Many knights and ladies live in the 360 castles of that country. Their pride however made them join forces to attack the knights of King Arthur. Many of his men were made captives. This caused a long war between Logres and King Arthur, until four years later Arthur subdued Logres.
Motif References:

F 166.1.1 ”Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
F 184 Otherworld king
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
F 933 Extraordinary occurrences connected with springs [fountains, wells]
H 1382 Quest for unknown objects or places
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
D 1563.0.1 Magic springs sterilizes or fertilizes earth
D 2081 Land made magically sterile
D 2157.1 Land made magically fertile