Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Wigamur (<1245)


Matière de Bretagne

Wigamur (<1245)
Buschinger, D.(ed.): Wigamur. (=GAG 320) Göppingen 1987.

Wiga-1:   King Paltriot (W 5; Paltriott W 41; Paldriot W 64; etc.) of Lendrie (W 6; Lentrey, Lendrye etc.) is a courteous king who has all royal virtues. He has a beautiful wife and a son who is called Wigamur (M 641; S 4819; Wygamur, Weygamur, etc.). King Arthur invites the royal couple to his Whitsun festival at Karidol (Caridol W 39; Karidoll; Cardidoll), where there will be all sorts of courtly pastimes, jousting and hunting. King Paltriot and his queen set out with their retinue to Karidol and are given a friendly welcome. The festival lasts five weeks and there is plenty of all one could wish for. Many valiant knights and beautiful ladies attend the feast. When it has come to an end King Paltriot returns to Lendrie accompanied by the king of Karthasye. In the meantime a wild woman, called Lespia (W 112; Lespya W 4057), who lives in the land, has abducted the young prince. She holds him captive in her sea-cave, but she looks well after him and rears him with her two beautiful daughters. She wants him to return to court with one of them as soon as he has grown up. The wild merwoman lives on fish and wild animals which she hunts in the mountains. When she is out hunting she blocks the entrance to the children’s cave by a rock.
Motif References:

R 10.3 Children abducted
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman]
F 567.1 Wild woman
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
P 634 Feasts

Wiga-164:   One day Lespia catches a merwunder. It has horny bristles like a sea-swine and a long ugly green beard, ape-like eyes and mouth and hairy arms, its body is covered with scales like a fish, it has two cow-legs and big limbs. Lespia catches the creature while it swims in the sea, binds its legs and carries it to her cave. She wants to kill the sea-monster because it has killed her husband a long time ago. She orders the children to stay away from it for the creature would kill them. Then she goes to bring the news to her brothers, two wild men living in a large forest. At this point King Paltriot and his men are hunting in that forest. They capture Lespia, and take her to the king’s castle where she is thrown into a dungeon. The following day the king wants to have her hanged to avenge his son. But he promises to let her live if she brings back his son. Lespia tells them where they would find him, but warns them of the sea-monster. In the meantime the sea-creature has escaped, killed Lespia’s daughters and carried young Wigamur with him into the sea, for he knows that he is not the merwoman’s child. When Lespia learns what has happened she cries out loudly from grief and kills herself by a rock. The king has lost his son for the second time.
Motif References:

R 11 Abduction by monster (ogre)
B 80.2 Monster half-man, half-fish.
G 308 Sea-monster
Q 413 Punishment: hanging
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Wiga-336:   Wigamur is raised by the sea-creature, who teaches him courtly virtues and manners, music (singing and stringed instruments), jumping, parrying, running and wrestling. As soon as he is old enough to take sword the merwunder leads him to a land called Doloyer (W 352; Dolier; Doloyr etc.) and asks him if he knows anything about his homeland or his parents. Wigamur still believes to be Lespia’s son but the merwunder tells him that he has been abducted by the merwoman who wanted him to marry one of her daughters. He therefore spared him when he killed the girls. Now he should go wherever he wishes. Wigamur asks the merwunder to show him the way out of the wild forest and then takes leave. He carries bow and arrows with him. The merwunder returns to the sea.
Motif References:

Z 252 Hero at first nameless [unaware of birth]
P 340 Teacher and pupil
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper
J 1730 Absurd ignorance

Wiga-419:   The youth comes to a castle. Young Wigamur is a beautiful youth, but his manners are rather wild and odd and his clothes strange. He wears a white shirt, a red coat from silk and trousers out of fish skin. He carries his bow in his hand. Wigamur sees a troop of armed men hurrying from the forest toward the castle and he joins them. They wonder at his strange outfit but think he is the most beautiful man they ever saw. When they come to the castle moat they dismount. People inside the castle make ready for defense and furious fighting starts at the gate and the bridge. Finally the besiegers take the castle and burn it. Many men are wounded or taken captive and the lord of the castle is carried away as a prisoner.
Motif References:

R 5 Capture on field of battle
L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
F 575.2 Handsome man

Wiga-502:   Wigamur who never has watched chivalric battle before does not know what to think of it. If it were some play people have as their daily pastime he thinks it is rather painful. After the knights have left he goes to the castle that is still burning. Many slain knights have been left lying there. He is happy enough to find a horse, with a saddle and a bridle, and he pulls off a dead man’s armor and takes his helmet and sword. Wigamur is ignorant of horsemanship and so he lets the horse have its way to the land of Doloyer.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
J 1730 Absurd ignorance

Wiga-555:   Wigamur sees a knight coming his way. He is Glakotelesfloyr de Loyr. The youth watches him and thus improves his riding skills. The knight charges him and they start fighting furiously. Finally the youth overcomes Glakotelesfloyr and is about to kill him with his sword. The knight begs for mercy and promises to become his man. Wigamur wants to know why the knight attacked him. Glakotelesfloyr replies that he wanted to rob him for he took him for an easy match because of his obvious lack of horsemanship. He once again promises to become his man. Wigamur is puzzled by his words: How could it be that a knight becomes “the man” of another knight rather than of a woman? Glakotelesfloyr laughs at his words. He thinks that this youth has been raised in ignorance of the world and is still a child although he is a very strong man. Then he tells Wigamur the meaning and the principles of the relationship between lord and vassal.
Motif References:

R 75 Surrendering
L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
J 1730 Absurd ignorance

Wiga-710:   Wigamur asks about the battle he has watched and tells that the castle’s lord was carried away as a prisoner. The castle was then burnt down. Wigamur has found his horse and the armor he is wearing there. Glakotelesfloyr says that the castle belonged to the king of Pontrafort who for ten years did much harm to the land of Doloyer and killed many people. Whoever passed by this forest or the road had to give two third of his property as a tribute and was killed if he refused. The king was outlawed and his sovereign will have him hanged as a thief soon. Wigamur thinks Glakotelesfloyr might take revenge for the defeat he suffered and that he thus would have to regret to have spared his life. But the knight at once offers to become his vassal and give his oath onto Wigamur’s sword. Wigamur however does not want to have him as his vassal and they part as friends.
Motif References:

Q 212 Theft punished
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
Q 413.1 Hanging as punishment for theft
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]

Wiga-794:   Wigamur mounts his horse and it takes him to the burnt castle where it used to have stable and food. Wigamur is almost thrown out of the saddle because the horse runs so fast through the bushes. By chance a branch catches the bridle and the horse stops. Thereby the youth learns how to use the bridle and direct his horse. The castle is still burning. There is no living soul left and only a small house in front of the gate is undamaged. Wigamur decides to pass the night there. He also finds some food for the animal and himself.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero

Wiga-856:   When he goes to look at the castle he finds a beautiful maiden sitting there alone who is frightened when she catches sight of him. She is beautiful and wears precious clothes. He asks her who she is and she says she is called Pioles (W, M 873; Pyoleys W 970; Pyoles W 5695). She laments and weeps and keeps beating her breasts with her white hands. She tells him that she is the only child of the lady of Gysmasmalein (W 893; Gimasmalin M 893) and the king of Toriswarlanz (M 894; Riflantz W 894). The valorous king Harzir (M 897; Hartzier W 5660; Hartschir W 6070; Hartzir W 5748) of Norendin (M) / the king of Vordein (W) was to be her lover and they left her father’s castle. But in this forest he met a knight and learnt that a tournament was to take place at the castle Pelrapier (W 903; Beldroger M 903). As he wanted to take part in this tournament he left her in the care of the lord of this castle that is now destroyed. She was supposed to wait for the return of her fiancé there. W: The lord has been captured and the king of Toloyr (W 916) will have him hanged. Two maidens have lost their lives in the fire: the duchess of Libranot and the maiden of Grabalmontoys, who was mistress of this castle and the sister of the duchess of Logroys.
Motif References:

N 318 Accidental separation of lovers

Wiga-925:   Pioles is in distress, for she has lost all her possessions except a golden ring and now she has no place to go. Wigamur is sorry for her and tries to console her by offering her a meal in his quarters. She understands that he is a simple mind. He does not know how to put off the armor and when he tries to take saddle and bridle from his horse he nearly tumbles down. When he tells her that he overcame a knight on the heath Pioles thinks the story quite amusing. With Wigamur watching she takes the saddle and the bridle from the horse and helps him to take off his armor. The she fetches some water to wash the rust from him. His beauty almost makes her forget her sorrow. They pass the night in the house beneath the castle. The youth respects the girl’s integrity. In the morning Wigamur wants to leave but the maiden starts lamenting and says she would rather die than remain all alone in the forest. He promises to return soon. Pioles helps him to bridle the horse and to put his armor on him. God has cared well for both of them for Pioles would have lost her life had Wigamur not found her and the youth would have remained a simpleton. Wigamur hunts a pheasant and rides back to the castle. They eat and pass the night in chastity.
Motif References:

L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero
F 575.2 Handsome man
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Wiga-1078:   The next morning Wigamur wants to leave and once again tries to console Pioles by promising not to leave her. Then he follows a small path out of the forest and on to a mountain until he comes to an old castle. A dwarf is standing in front of the gate (W: lacuna 1099-1100; M: 1099ff) who welcomes him in a friendly manner and asks him if he has been sent as a messenger. Wigamur replies that he has no message to deliver but rode all day to find something to eat for a maiden. The dwarf offers to provide him with some food and to protect him from Lespurant, the evil owner of the fortress. Since a long time the dwarf, his lady Ligronite (M 1099,27; Lygronite W 5717), and Flogrisite, the beautiful daughter of duke Johiote, who is the lord of this castle, are the prisoners of Lespurant. He treacherously killed Johiote leaving his body on the heath for the wild beasts to eat, and has taken land and people from his daughters. Lespurant is a devilish man and nobody dares to fight him. Wigamur declares that he wants to fight Lespurant the following day in order to obtain land and people for the righteous owners. The dwarf provides him with some food and Wigamur leaves. The dwarf tells his lord that a knight has offered a challenge which makes Lespurant very angry. Meanwhile Wigamur returns to Pioles. The following morning they leave.
Motif References:

R 41.1 Captivity in castle
S 110 Murders
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse: body of dead hero left in field for wild beasts to eat.
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs
N 810 Supernatural helpers
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
K 2200 Villains and traitors.

Wiga-1100:   There is a stone named Aptor (W 1100) which is red to a man, but if he looks at it after he has passed the night with a woman his color is grayish to him. If a woman looks at it the stone is gray, a maiden will say it is multicolored. Whoever wishes to lift the stone has to avoid hatred, fury and envy, faithlessness and falsehood, and keep to courteousness and constancy. No misfortune can befall the virtuous man on the very day he has set eyes on the stone. False people cannot even come near it, whereas it will afford praise to the virtuous. The stone is hollow and looks like a barrel in which one could take a bath. Two silver tubes bring hot and cold water from two springs. Many lime trees, olive trees and all sort of fruit trees protect the stone and the springs from rain and sun. The grassy meadow is shining with many flowers and the stone is placed beneath roses and vine climbing on a golden arch. The air is resounding from the song of many birds and there are soft winds blowing. No false man can take a bath in the stone without falling ill and losing both color and strength. Yet if a virtuous man takes a bath there he will forget all his sorrow and for one month remain joyful, strong, wise and beautiful.
Motif References:

H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
F 716 Extraordinary fountain
F 716.3 Fountain hot or cold as desired
F 756.2 Plain that is earthly paradise [locus amoenus]
F 807 Rock of extraordinary color.
F 872 Extraordinary bath
D 925 Magic fountain
D 931 Magic rock (stone)
D 1336 Magic object gives weakness.
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1360 Magic object effects temporary change in person
H 1550 Tests of character
D 1561.1.7 Magic stone brings good luck.
D 1687 Object magically becomes heavy.
D 1788 Magic results from bathing
D 1837 Magic weakness

Wiga-1222:   Wigamur knows nothing about the stone. When he arrives there by chance he has a bath and two ladies take care of him. Then the knight rests in a fine bed made ready for him by two chamberlains. He is given his clothes and they serve him a meal. Their mistress is sent for and when the meal is over the host asks Wigamur who he is. He wonders about his childish and strange manners and his exquisite silk coat and shirt. Wigamur does not know his name, nor who brought him here or where he is going. The host invites him to stay with him. As the host urges him to tell him where he grew up Wigamur says that he has been abducted by a merwoman named Lespia. She brought him up in her cave with her two daughters. When he was twelve years old a merwunder killed the girls and carried him away. He educated him, gave him the clothes he is still wearing and a bow and then sent him away from the sea. The boy came to a burnt castle, where he found a horse and the armor. Now he is looking for someone who could make him a knight. The host laughs at his childish words and promises to make him a knight and give him anything he should have.
Motif References:

R 10.3 Children abducted
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman]
R 11 Abduction by monster (ogre)
Z 252 Hero at first nameless [unaware of birth]
G 308 Sea-monster
P 340 Teacher and pupil
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

Wiga-1318:   In the morning his host gives him a fine horse and he has made new clothes from red velvet for him. The youth also receives two saddles, a fine shield decorated with many jewels and gold, and a green surcoat. Wigamur is knighted and becomes the host’s vassal. Wigamur excels in the tournament on the meadow in front of the castle and all praise him. Soon his fame spreads throughout the country of Doloyer for he is an excellent and virtuous knight. After a month he asks his leave from his host for he wishes to see the famous court of Karidol. The host thinks that the youth might have suffered some offense at his court. He tells him that King Arthur of Prutanie (W 1398; Britanie M 1698; etc.) himself has been reared at his court and that Arthur is his nephew and his overlord. Wigamur thanks him for his hospitality but refuses to stay any longer for he wants to earn praise and learn his identity. He will not stay in any place until he finds out. The king is sad that he cannot persuade him to stay. Before Wigamur leaves his host gives him a fine sharp sword.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
N 836 King as helper
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father

Wiga-1448:   Wigamur enters a land named Stolleputria and travels on through a forest. An eagle is carrying food to his nestlings when a vulture carries off the little birds one after the other to a high rock where he kills and eats them. The eagle fights the vulture and there is much noise from their battle. The vulture’s stench nearly kills the eagle. As Wigamur kills the vulture the eagle is overjoyed, he opens the vulture’s body, removes his young and throws them away. Then he joins Wigamur to show his gratitude. When Wigamur continues his journey the eagle follows him. In the forest the knight catches sight of a castle on the top of a mountain and passes the night there. In the morning he comes to a forest, which is named Mygareth. The eagle has waited there for his master on the top of a lime tree. The bird follows the knight wherever he goes and at night he guards his horse. The knight provides food for the eagle and shares his meal with him.
Motif References:

Z 235 Hero with extraordinary animal companion
B 264 Single combat between animals
B 301.8 Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 455.3 Helpful eagle.
B 576 Animal as guard.

Wiga-1526:   One day Wigamur meets a beautiful maiden wearing strange and precious clothes. She rides a white mule with a precious gold and lasur saddle, a golden bridle and a black coverlet. Her name is Eudis (M 1655; W 1564: Eydes) of the Synbein Berg (W 1564). In those times people gave only good words to a lady (W: treated her in the way she wished). Wigamur greets her and asks where she is going. The maiden tells him that she is seeking aid, for her aunt has taken her inheritance. Her mother and the aunt had pledged to share all their possession, lands, people, castles and goods. Yet after her mother’s death Eudis’s aunt has taken from her an evergreen lime tree. In its shade there is neither hoar frost nor snow and flowers and clover are prospering all over the year. Many birds sing their songs there. Not far from this tree a clear and cold spring flows from a rock. Who drinks from it three times will be healthy all his life, young, strong and virtuous as he was at the age of thirty. The water has the taste of any drink desired.
Motif References:

Z 71.1 Formulistic number: three
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld
F 162.3.3 Tree in otherworld in perpetual fruit [foliation].
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
F 756.2 Plain that is earthly paradise [locus amoenus]
F 811 Extraordinary tree
D 925 Magic fountain
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
D 1664 Summer and winter garden
D 1665.1 Drink has taste of any liquor desired.
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

Wiga-1635:   The maiden has owned the fountain and the linden for ten years. But now her aunt has started to hate her and wants to obtain the fountain by force. A judicial combat is pledged at the court of Karidol within nine days. The maiden still has got no champion and does not know where to find one. The man who will fight for her is to become lord of her land and people. Wigamur being a stranger to these lands can give no advice but he offers to be her champion. She falls to his feet and thanks him. He keeps her from falling onto her knees. They mount and the knight consoles the maiden who has started to weep. They ride to the maiden’s land where they stay overnight.
Motif References:

H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
P 510 Law courts
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
K 2217 Treacherous uncle [stepfather]

Wiga-1735:   Due to his animal companion Wigamur gets known as the Knight with the Eagle. Eudis prepares her journey: Her costly train consists of fifty beautiful maidens in rich clothes who ride excellent mounts adorned with bells, and thousand knights who carry numerous falcons. (Lacuna M: 1759-2160) All of them are splendidly dressed and carry silk banners. They travel to Karidol where they are well received. Eudis’s aunt, Affrosydones of Campil, arrives the following morning with her retinue. Her champion is Dyartorforgrant of Triasoltrifertrant, a beautiful and strong knight. She is sure that there will be no fight for the fountain, for no one would dare to confront her champion. As the king learns of their arrival he opens the law-court. After the two ladies have made their request, their champions get ready. A ring is cleared for the combat, the men are chosen who have to see that the rules of judicial combat are kept. The combatants bow to the king and start fighting.
Motif References:

H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
P 510 Law courts
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

Wiga-1838:   When they become weary from battle Arthur asks the ladies to make an end to the combat. Eudis at once gives her consent, though she thus would lose the fountain, but her aunt insists that the combat continues. The king becomes red with anger and the fight goes on. Once again the ladies are asked to stop the fight, with the same result as before. Finally Wigamur strikes his adversary so hard that the latter loses his sword and tumbles to the ground. Arthur has him cared for but he will never fully recover from his wounds. Then the king asks how the case should be decided and the tree and the fountain are given to Eudis. Her aunt has to make return people and land and 100 marks of gold to her niece. And she has to pay the champion as well. Eudis now offers Wigamur the marvelous tree, the fountain and her land, but he refuses, declaring that he does not deserve it and only will have her gratitude.
Motif References:

W 46 (Li) Modesty
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
L 225 Hero refuses reward
P 510 Law courts
P 531 Taxation and payment of fines and tribute
Q 590 Miscellaneous punishments
N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper

Wiga-1974:   Word comes to King Arthur that the land of Deleprosat is without a sovereign and has to be given as a fief by him. Many lords ask for it but Arthur will give the crown and the land to the man who will win the tournament next morning. Many knights prepare to take part. Duke Unarck (W 2190; Unarc M 2190; Unargk W 2854) starts the joust, and other knights join the tournament. Eudis has sent Wigamur a surcoat which is covered with jingling golden rings. He unhorses Unarck. Then Arthur, Lantzilet (W 2056; Lanzevlet M 2198), Bursett and Gamoret join the tournament. The helmet of Phyoplerin of Aratun is crowned by a chaplet of red gold that his lady love has sent him together with her golden ring. Wigamur unhorses him. A knight named Gletechleflors, who wears the golden token sent by his lady love of Rappällynde, is captured by Wigamur. Wigamur unhorses Tugat of Barbarie. The knight of Dudel carries an extraordinary shield: Its edges are made of gold and the blood of a dragon, an elephant of jewels is placed in the center, he has a fine cuirass, a steel helmet, and a costly sword, a spear which is red, green and yellow, and his helmet-crest is a rose. He and Joryol of Mofetyol are overcome by Wigamur, who is the most excellent fighter of the day. Then the king puts an end to the tournament and the knights go to the hall. They put off their armor and dress up. The king announces that he who was the best fighter is to receive the prize he has promised.
Motif References:

B 11.2.13 Blood of dragon
P 11.2.2 King chosen by contest.
P 17 Succession to the throne
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens
T 59.1 (Bm) Rings as love tokens
L 225 Hero refuses reward
P 561 Tournaments
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield

Wiga-2170:   The knights declare that Wigamur (W: Wigamur speaks first and gives Affrosydones’s knight the prize) should have the prize, yet some of them are not pleased at this. The king has the crown brought to him and gives it to Wigamur who now should be the lord of the land and their judge. Wigamur refuses for this is too high an honor for him. On hearing this the king asks the knights and they all agree that there was no better fighter than Wigamur and that he should be lord there. Wigamur argues that he knows nothing about his family and therefore would not be undisputed sovereign and would have to do without aid from his kinsmen. He insists on increasing his fame before he accepts Arthur’s offer. Arthur is amazed that this knight who already has refused the hand of a beautiful lady now refuses a kingdom offered to him. Wigamur says that he does not mean offense and will serve the king forever but he could not possibly accept the king’s offer. Arthur gives him a fine horse, a strong and swift animal which has been sent over the sea by Beformos (M 2334; Belfformorß von Engelanndt W 2334). He invites him to stay at his court, he will provide him with anything he could wish for. Wigamur agrees and thanks the king, whom he thinks to be the most generous monarch. (Lacuna M: 2361-4854; W).
Motif References:

W 46 (Li) Modesty
L 225 Hero refuses reward

Wiga-2377:   Eudis takes leave from the queen. Arthur bids her to stay. Eudis sends for a precious tent which she gives to the king. The story of Troy’s destruction is depicted on it. It is so large that two hundred men can be seated inside and it has got twelve rooms. Eudis leaves in the company of Wigamur. Arthur and the knights follow them. They come to a beautiful green and blooming meadow with a cool spring and birdsong resounding and the knights want to stay there three days. Arthur therefore decides to have a feast for four weeks there. He asks Kawan (M 2171; Balban W 2460; Gaban W 2797; Gabwein W 2708; Walban W 3233) to take good care of Wigamur. Ladies and knights are sent for to join them within ten days and messengers are sent out. There are many tents and people enjoy courtly pastimes. Many noble guests attend the feast for Arthur is widely known for his generosity.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 634 Feasts
F 756.2 Plain that is earthly paradise [locus amoenus]
F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 855 Extraordinary image

Wiga-2540:   One day when the company sits together happily a beautiful maiden comes riding along. They welcome her kindly. She rides a white mule and wears precious garments. A skillful dwarf, named Prantzopil, has fashioned her golden clasps, and she wears a very costly belt, a splendid saddle decorated with gold, ivory and jewels, and her riding gear is made of a precious green and red fabric. The knights gaze at her, and some of them are so absorbed in her beauty that they cut their finger in cutting bread and do not take notice. Some are spilling their drink. She goes to the king, greets the queen and tells them that the queen of Holdrafluß (W 2638; Haldrafluß; Holdrafluß; Beldrafluß etc.) will arrive soon. The queen has been told many tales of Arthur’s court and wants to see if they are true. She will arrive the next morning. The queen invites the maiden to stay but the messenger has to return to her mistress, who has set her camp at the fountain of Sinfroylas. She leaves. The company is quite joyful and after the meal they dance.
Motif References:

T 26.1 Finger cut because of absorption in the charms of beloved
F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs
F 451.3.4.1 Dwarfs as artificers
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments

Wiga-2669:   The next morning the knights of the Round Table set out to meet the queen of Holdrafluß. She is named Ysope (W 2677; Ysopey W 2917; etc.) and is a descendant of Solomon (2697 Saloman). She has come with a splendid train. Kawan and the knights bid her welcome. The eagle flies above its master Wigamur, which Ysope takes as proof that this man must be of noble origin. She asks him where he came from. They come to the king who welcomes her with the queen and the ladies. They have a meal and are well served. Ysope relates her story to the king: The heathen king of Sartzein, whom she refused as a husband, is preparing a war against her and she has no helper for she is an orphan. To enforce marriage her enemy has killed many of her men and robbed and burnt her uncle’s castles and lands. Yet she would rather lose all her lands and possessions and even her life than become the heathen’s wife. She has come to Arthur’s court to find help there. Gaban of Dutzel says that she will find aid and Ysope falls onto her knees and begs them for help. Arthur promises to help her against the heathen. After having once again thanked Arthur for his offer and asked Wigamur and the knights of the Round Table to help her, Ysope takes her leave to return to her country. Wigamur promises to join the knights in this war. The queen leaves to make preparations for her defense in a strong town at the seaside, named Narbiart.
Motif References:

T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
T 104.1 Rejected suitor wages war
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
N 836 King as helper
H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid

Wiga-2837:   Arthur summons his troops and many knights come to join him. Unarck, Kawan and Wigamur are sent as scouts to a town, named Podogar, which is besieged by the heathen King Marroch of Saratzein. They make a large camp there with many splendid tents. Marroch has sent scouts too, who are Grymuas (W 2892; Grymuras W 2913, 2966) , the king’s nephew, Turbart and Drasbarun. When they come upon the Christian scouts the heathens ask who they are. The knights inquire about the heathen army and what this is all about. Grymuas tells them that Ysope has refused their king’s wooing and he is about to take his revenge. He intends to take the fortress, capture the lords and hang the people. The queen will be exiled. Kawan tells them that they have come to help the queen and that the heathens will be defeated. A battle starts. Wigamur captures Grymuras (W 2913, 2966; Grymuas W 2892) and holds him fast so that blood springs from his ears when he is about to flee. The heathen surrenders. Meanwhile Wigamur’s companions have overcome the heathen’s comrades. They all have to pledge to surrender to Queen Ysope the next morning. The Christian knights leave happily, while the heathens ride back and carry their wounded companion with them. Back in the heathen camp Turbar tells the others that they have been defeated by some very strong enemies.
Motif References:

P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Wiga-3045:   When Ysope sees the heathen army arrive in her land she sends for her lords for military aid – she does not know that Arthur has already arrived with an army. The following morning the three heathens surrender to the queen. They tell her that one of their adversaries has an eagle with him. Thereby the queen learns that Arthur and his knights have come. A knight named Selrogier comes as a messenger from Arthur, asking her to tell them where to go. The queen goes to see Arthur and shows him the heathens who have murdered many of her people. Arthur sends a letter to Marroch with his challenge: Marroch is acting against the rules of royalty, only love should try to win a lady’s love. Moreover Marroch as an infidel cannot be allowed to woo a Christian woman. King Marroch is not at all impressed by the letter and quite sure of his victory. The messenger is sent back to Arthur. The battle starts in the morning. When Arthur is pressed hard in battle and would certainly have been doomed Wigamur comes to his help. Marroch attacks Wigamur who captures him. Finally the heathen army is defeated and they make many captives. Marroch has lost many men and the field is red from blood. Marroch is forced to give large reparations to the queen. Moreover he has to become Arthur’s liegeman and give tribute to him. He returns to his land across the sea.
Motif References:

P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

Wiga-3329:   Wigamur has been the best warrior. Ysope has a council to decide about his reward and her counselors advise her to take him as her husband for he is a valiant and beautiful man. Ysope hesitates for she knows that Wigamur already refused a kingdom and a lady (Eudis [Eydes] for whom he won back the fountain and the lime tree of Abfan) and refused the kingdom of Nodengat after the death of its king. She fears he will refuse her offer. Thus Ysope gives a golden crown, ornate with jewels and pearls, to Arthur, and two fine horses (one black, the other red) and two surcoats (of the same colors) from Graartz to Wigamur. The knights of the Round Table receive gold, silver and fine horses. Segremors is given a chaplet, ornate with gold and a relief of bird and animals and many jewels, which was sent from Natrifalas. Wigamur then asks his leave from the king and Ysope. Arthur wants him to stay and Ysope declares he is more worthy of praise than Hector and Demefrom, and that he is a virtuous and faithful man. Arthur wants him to accompany him to Karidol, where he will treat him as if he were his brother. Wigamur however insists on journeying as an errant knight until he becomes known throughout the lands and gets to know his name. He leaves with ten squires. Arthur returns home.
Motif References:

Q 114 Gifts as reward
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father

Wiga-3453:   Wigamur and his eagle enter a land called Deleferant and come to a town named Leydisar. The land is devastated because of a long war between two kings, Atroclas of Rerat (W 3468, S 4830; Reratt W 3974) and Paltriot of Lendrie, who is Wigamur’s father. Wigamur asks his host in the town about this war and learns that after the rightful king of this land, Amolot, has died without an heir those two kings both claim the inheritance. Atroclas has taken this town (and made Count Negrafindt its regent), whereas the king of Lendrie has taken three other towns. They both have equal rights to the heritage, for they are the dead king’s uncles. Amilos was very wealthy and he bought this land from King Pannt, for which he gave thirty pack-horses with riches. A duke of Troyforlantz (W 3532; Troyswarlantz W 3879; Troyßwerlantz W 3879) comes to town, with a splendid train, bringing auxiliary troops to the king of Rerat. They pass the night in town and when they leave in the morning Wigamur joins them. When they cross a river named Agrestrut one of Wigamur’s squires drowns and the duke gives him two squires.
Motif References:

P 17 Succession to the throne
M 207 Land grants (bargains).
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war

Wiga-3560:   They arrive at Rerat located in a valley at the seaside. Atroclas receives them well and as he sees Wigamur he wonders at his beauty. Atroclas sends messengers to King Paltriot that he will attack him without delay, rob and burn his country and destroy his castle. Hearing this King Paltriot says he will not be defeated. The messenger replies that his king has got powerful allies and he names them. After the messenger has left Paltriot summons his knights and vassals and sends for the lords to help him. With his mighty army he sets out to where Atroclas has made camp. Paltriot has got mighty allies, among them the king of Ireland, Agrsyn of Evefandt, Natyoney of Spannyr. Paltriot gives his red banner to a valiant knight, Daphyr of Nagrahyr, to carry it in battle. Delemorß is sent as a scout to a hill, where he comes upon a knight named Zeyhatat, sent as a scout by King Atroclas. They tell their errand and both praise the strength of their respective lord’s army, but before they part they promise security to each other.
Motif References:

P 17 Succession to the throne
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 557.0.2 (Li) Spy. Messenger

Wiga-3730:   In the morning the battle begins. Wigamur excels in fighting and kills many men. King Paltriot strikes the white knight Ylar from his horse who has raged among his men – now he is red from blood. The ground is covered with bodies so that the horses can find no path, and it is all red from blood. Paltriot keeps encouraging his knights reminding them that they will be praised by their ladies on coming home. The army of Atroclas is pressed hard, but Wigamur bravely fights his unknown father’s men. The battle continues all day. In the evening a truce is made for the night. The knights try to talk their kings into ending the war reminding them that for their sake two armies have to suffer. They finally agree and pledge that the battle should be decided by a single combat of two champions.
Motif References:

H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 558 (Bm) Truce
F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Wiga-3865:   Atroclas promises to give his daughter and his land and two of his best castles to his champion. The duke of Troyßwerlantz says that the valiant knight Wigamur with the eagle should be chosen. Atroclas offers Wigamur land, castles, towns and his beautiful daughter Dulceflur (W 3913; Dulciflur W 5328; S 4849; etc.). Wigamur agrees to be the king’s champion but he will not take any reward for he is not equal to the princess. The king however will have him as his son for Wigamur’s virtue makes him his daughter’s equal. Paltriot has a council with his lords, vassals and knights and tells them that he has decided to fight himself. The knights do not approve of his decision and many of them offer to fight as his champion but no one can change the king’s mind. In the morning the two kings meet on the heath. When they have dismounted Atroclas declares that the war should be decided by a combat of champions and that the winner should have the land of Deloyrlandt. They both give their oath. A ring is made for the champions, umpires are chosen and then the champions proclaim their request. Paltriot stresses the fact that a king should only fight his equal and insists on fighting no other man than the king of Rerat. The lords discuss the matter. Paltriot then asks the youth if he is of noble birth. Wigamur puts off his helmet and his shield, mounts his horse and stands in the middle of the ring.
Motif References:

T 68 Princess offered as prize
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

Wiga-4049:   Wigamur proclaims that he does not know his identity and tells the story of his abduction by the merwoman Lespia, who reared him with her two daughters in her cave for ten years. One day she caught a merwunder, a compound creature (man, fish and ox), which broke its fetters and killed the girls: He then was carried away by this creature, who became his teacher (and taught him how to parry, to shoot, to play musical instruments). About eight years later the merwunder told him that he was not Lespia’s child but had been abducted from his father. Then it sent him away, giving him food and garment, and returned to the sea. Wigamur came to the land Dolyer. At this point he was very foolish and like a child altogether and still had to learn about how ordinary people lived. He came to the castle of Dalmflamur to the King Yttra, King Arthur’s uncle, who gave him a horse, clothes and a sword. He came here to earn praise by fighting for he still does not know his parents. Paltriot is overjoyed on hearing this story and he weeps from happiness, for he recognizes his son. The king of Ireland is his uncle. Wigamur refuses to fight his father – king Atroclas will have to find another champion.
Motif References:

H 11.1 Recognition by telling life history
R 11 Abduction by monster (ogre)
B 80.2 Monster half-man, half-fish.
P 205 Refusal to fight relatives
P 233 Father and son
G 308 Sea-monster
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son

Wiga-4166:   The lords have a council to decide what should be done. The king of Ydrafferein says that Atroclas should give his daughter to Wigamur, for they are an equal match and this marriage would seal a lasting peace. On hearing this the kings agree and give their oaths. A messenger is sent to Paltriot’s wife that their son has been found and there is great happiness. All wonder that the eagle never leaves the hero. King Paltriot shows his generosity by generously giving horses, shields, and precious fabrics to whoever wishes to have it. He leaves jurisdiction and land to Wigamur, on whom he bestows clothes and gold. He teaches him to be a good king, keep from anger, falsehood, lies and treachery. He advises him to be merciful and generous, courteous and pious, sociable, hospitable, care for the well-being of his people, but remain the master of his wealth and not its slave. He should not forsake his friends and not be haughty towards his knights. The youth will follow each of his father’s counsels.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch
P 12 Character of kings
P 16.1.4 Father abdicates in favor of son
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king
M 201.5 Covenant confirmed by marriage
P 233 Father and son
M 246 Covenant of friendship
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war

Wiga-4324:   Wigamur goes to meet Dulceflur and his father prepares a splendid train for him. They arrive in the town of Nogragroyß where King Atroclas has a large castle. He is a generous king and Wigamur is received kindly by Atroclas and his people. The guests are led to a beautiful place, under a lime tree. There is a fountain nearby and beautiful birdsong is to be heard. They are served a drink, boys take their clothes and give them new ones. Atroclas leads Wigamur to the palace to a splendid table where they are served a meal. The queen and her daughter enter the hall. Dulceflur is very beautiful, her complexion being white and red, and she is splendidly dressed. Her robe is made from a special kind of golden silk, coming from a castle in India named Gramrimort, where a special tree is growing. She wears precious rings with jewels: The amethyst makes wise and joyful, the ruby chases false love. Granat, jasper, sapphire and sardi she has got as well. Her clasp is of Arabian gold, displaying the heads of two maidens in an artful relief, and she wears a precious chaplet. Atroclas takes Wigamur to his daughter and makes her kiss him. After they have had a meal and nightcaps have been served they go to bed.
Motif References:

Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)

Wiga-4576:   The next morning they hear mass and have breakfast, while they are entertained by minstrels. The king has the knights join the ladies and they talk. Then the king proclaims that he now will keep his oath and give his daughter away to Wigamur. Wigamur and Dulceflur exchange wedding-rings. Atroclas makes Wigamur his co-regent. Then they celebrate a splendid wedding feast with jousting and dancing. A squire arrives and tells them that there will be a tournament at Musygrallt, between the king of Drymagk and the king of Gavies. The Queen Dymßogar (W 4673; S/M 4896: Dinifrogar; Nyfrogar W 4896) will attend the tournament and give herself, her land and crown to the winner. The vesperie will start next day. The knights prepare at once to leave for the tournament. The queen (Atroclas’s wife) will stay at home but she will send her daughter there the next morning. The king says that Wigamur and Dulceflur are married, have exchanged rings, and therefore that tournament and its prize are no danger to the hero’s marriage.
Motif References:

T 68 Princess offered as prize
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
T 135 Wedding ceremony
T 136.1 Wedding feast
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
P 561 Tournaments

Wiga-4719:   The kings ride to Musygrallt where they find a large camp of tents. Atroclas sends his messenger to learn who the guests are. At his return he names the participants and describes their coats of arms. There are many knights, and King Arthur and many of his knights of the Round Table attend the tournament as well. One of them, the king of Kathaclysyo, has a blue shield with a griffin’s head and claw. Wigamur has the tents set up in a ring on a field in front of the town with his tent in the middle. Atroclas and Wigamur ride in with train and music. In the evening Wigamur and Atroclas make ready for the vesperie. Wigamur overcomes Lyplagar (W 4782; Liplagar S 4844) and forces him to surrender to Dulceflur. Gamuret, Ryol of Spain, Lypondrigun of Gurgalet (his helmet crest is a crown), and the knights of the Round Table excel in fighting. The queen and fifty beautiful and noble maidens watch the jousting. Her name is Nyfrogar (W 4896; S/M 4896: Dinifrogar; = Dymßogar W 4673) and she rides a white mule, is very beautiful and wears splendid clothes. Her face is pretty (she has red and white cheeks, her teeth are shining white, she has brown eyes and eyebrows), a beautiful garland, a white skin and a pretty figure. She has precious clothes and ornaments and wears a golden crown with a ruby on it.
Motif References:

B 42 Griffin
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
P 561 Tournaments
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield

Wiga-4970:   For the sake of her beauty the knights are eager to please her and want to win the prize of the tournament. Three knights excel in jousting: Gamuret of Balys, Lypondrigun (M 5035; Lympontrogron W 4866; Lypondrigrunt M 4866; etc.) of Yurgulet and Wigamur. The queen stops the jousting. They form two circles. The queen says she has seen excellent fighting here and that she has promised herself, her land and her crown to the winner if he would want her. Then she asks them who should have the prize, for Wigamur, Lypondrigun and Gamuret, who is the son of her aunt, would be equally worthy of it. Then she tells them that she had to proclaim this tournament, because a heathen king, Granigrinot (W/M 5054; S 5054: Grimigrinot), lord of a land bordering hers, wants to take her land and make her his paramour. She would rather marry below her rank than be dishonored. The lords advise her to decide the matter by the combat between the three champions. Wigamur says combat could be avoided for he has not come to win the prize. Gamuret declares that Lypondrigun should marry the queen, yet the lady hates him for having killed her father. Lypondrigun replies he had to take revenge and kill this man, for he raided his country, killed his people and took his castles.
Motif References:

H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

Wiga-5146:   Atroclas (S 5146/4) tells them the story how the king lost his life. One day he went hunting in a forest with his knights and encountered Atroclas who invited him to stay with him over night. They followed a stag and wounded it. While Lypondrigun and the lady’s father followed the hounds all alone Lypondrigun killed the king. Lypondrigun will fight any slanderer (M). Wigamur challenges him to single combat for the queen’s sake. Lypondrigun replies that he would not marry the queen but that he wants to kill Wigamur. They start to fight at once and wound each other. Wigamur’s sword breaks and Lypondrigun wants to kill him on the spot but Wigamur wrestles him down, till blood comes from his ears and mouth and he begs for his life. Wigamur orders him to surrender to the king of Rerat. The queen cares for Wigamur’s wounds and speaks her blessing for his wounds and binds them herself. He is carried to his quarters and well looked after. The queen sends a squire to find out if the hero is already married. When she learns that he is married to Dulceflur she begs God to care for them.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
K 917 Treacherous murder during hunt
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

Wiga-5311:   In the morning Lypondrigun, ashamed of his defeat, leaves without taking leave. Not far away from the forest he comes upon costly dressed Dulceflur and her maiden Myglares (W 5321; Myclares W 5415; Nuglares S 5415). He asks her where they are heading and she tells him that they are on their way to Musygrallt. He pretends that he wants to serve them and the maiden tells him that she is the daughter of the king of Rerat and wife of Wigamur with the eagle. Hearing this Lypondrigun says her father offended him and her husband dishonored and wounded him and therefore he will abduct her, while her maiden is allowed to ride back. Dulceflur begs him to release her, but he takes her with him as his captive though he treats her well, as it was the custom in those days. He carries her to Gurgalet. He wishes to marry her but she cannot be persuaded and due to sorrow and weeping she loses color and beauty.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
T 210.1 Faithful wife
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

Wiga-5409:   Dulceflur’s attendant Myglares tells the story of her abduction at Musygrallt and the knights who just wanted to start jousting set out at once to free Dulceflur but they do not find her. Wigamur has them turn back home and only Atroclas and Wigamur continue the quest to Gurgalet with the eagle as their only companion. They arrive at a town at the seaside, named Lauflirarin, the strong fortress of the king of Sabelet (W 5457; Zabulet S5457; Zablet M 5457). They take lodgings in town and their host tells them that four days before a knight and a lady in distress who was preciously dressed came hurrying along. Wigamur tells him that this was Lypondrigun who won the queen Dynifogar (Dinifrogar) at Musigralt (Musygrallt) in tournament. The host continues his story: The maiden wept desperately whenever the knight touched her. Her name was Dulceflur, the daughter of Atroclas of Rerat. She had a ring on her finger and when she looked at it she said that she hoped to see King Wigamur once again. Hearing this the knight threatened her and she lamented and wrung her hands and hit her head against the wall. Wigamur and Atroclas weep in secret from grief about this news. The host warns them that if they want to follow the knight to the kingdom of Gurgalet this will be a long and hard journey: They will have to cross mountains and valleys, take small paths through the forest of Toloyr in the land of Effloyr, and cross the lake of Mysegret. They continue their quest in the morning.
Motif References:

F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
H 1385.1 Quest for stolen princess.

Wiga-5561:   In the meantime Lypondrigun and Dulceflur have arrived at Gurgalet. Lypondrigun prepares for battle against the lady’s father and thinks about some strategy how to win the lady who constantly refuses him. Meantime Wigamur arrives at the lake of Missagrett marking the border between the lands of Gurgalet and Doloyer. On a heath named Effloyr they encounter King Harzir, who laments that he has lost his lady love. One day when he was riding in the forest of Doloyer Pioles, the queen of Drißwasland (W 5599; Doriswarlantz S 5599; Doriswarlanz M 5599), whose mother was from Gysmasmalein, followed him and he brought her to a castle for he was on his way to a tournament. When he returned after the tournament the castle was burnt and destroyed, for the king had taken revenge on the castle’s owner. He thinks Pioles must be dead. On giving the place a close look Wigamur, who thinks Pioles must be the maiden he once met, catches sight of a castle on top of a mountain where he left the maiden in care of a dwarf eight years ago. Wigamur tells them to stay near this castle where they could get some food. The three knights vow friendship to each other.
Motif References:

M 246 Covenant of friendship
N 318 Accidental separation of lovers

Wiga-5679:   Wigamur rides on to the castle and finds the dwarf sitting before the gate who recognizes him at once. Wigamur asks him about Pioles and the dwarf tells him that she is well and lives with his lady in her quarters. The dwarf brings the news of Wigamur’s arrival to the people and Lygronite, Florßgenite (Flogrisite) and Pioles go down to the courtyard to meet Wigamur, who saved their lives. When he tells Pioles that he has brought Harzir with him Pioles nearly swoons, becomes cold, pale and weak and is very happy. The ladies ride with Wigamur to the forest where he left his companions. At seeing each other again the lovers rejoice. Pioles tells Harzir that Wigamur rescued her and Harzir wants to become Wigamur’s liegeman but the latter refuses. The ladies invite the knights to the castle but they only ask to be sent food wine and bread. Then Pioles and Harzir take leave of the ladies.
Motif References:

N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers

Wiga-5827:   The next morning they continue their journey to Mysigret (Musygrallt), the town of King Lypondrigun. A knight of Harelfrum whom they meet tells them that they have come to the land of the king of Gurgulet. Wigamur pretends that they have been sent as messengers to the king and that he should tell them their way to the king. The knight tells them that this morning the king arrived with a beautiful maiden, who refuses to marry him. Now he wants to ride to Gemorigal to obtain her consent by excelling in tournament. The knight tells them to make their way across the mountain of Plamynn and through the forest at Grunlalyr until they come to the town next morning. They hurry on.
Motif References:

N 839 (Bm) Noble [vassal, knight] as helper
H 1233 Helpers on quest

Wiga-5883:   Harzir and Pioles know nothing about Wigamur’s and Atroclas’s distress. When they come to a spring in the forest Atroclas laments his grief to Harzir and tells him that Lypondrigun has abducted his daughter. She is only fourteen years old and is Wigamur’s wife. Harzir promises to help them. Wigamur asks him for advice how they could free the lady. He says they should wait for him when he is on his way to the tournament with the lady and fight him. Yet Wigamur would rather follow the man to Fründylar, their weapons concealed, and fight him there. Atroclas approves of Wigamur’s plan. The knights ride on to Gundylar and take lodgings in town. Wigamur has his host take care of the eagle so that no one could recognize him.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
K 2357 Disguise to enter enemy’s camp (castle)

Wiga-6009:   Then the three knights leave for the tournament in front of the town. Many tents are pitched there for numerous knights and pretty ladies. Wigamur jousts against Lypondrigun and unhorses him. He reminds him of his promise to surrender which he gave at Misgralt (Musygrallt). (Lacuna in manuscript). After he has overcome and wounded his adversary Atroclas and Wigamur meet the lady who is sitting on her white mule. They ride away happily to Granlynas. Wigamur takes his eagle with him. Pioles and Dulceflur met much harm through false love, but were rescued by Wigamur. They ride to the capital city of Rerat, Negragryß. There is a happy welcome at the castle. Later Dulceflur has a son, which they name Dulciweygar (W 6099).
Motif References:

T 0 Love
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
P 561 Tournaments