Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Oriental Romances

Herzog Ernst A, Saganer Bruchstücke Sowinski, B. (ed.): Herzog Ernst. Stuttgart 1979, p.351-354.

HerEAs-1:   I The consenting message of the lady pleases both his retinue and emperor Otto. All the necessary preparations for the wedding are arranged. The emperor rewards his guests with silver, gold, fine silk. After the feast the guests depart and bid farewell. The couple lives in harmony
Motif References:

T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
T 132 Preparation for wedding
T 136.1 Wedding feast
T 136.4.2 Parting gifts after wedding
T 136.3.2 Marriage odes sung at wedding feast
T 136.3 Amusements at wedding

HerEAs-2:   II The emperor treats Duke Ernst like his own son. He invests him with many large fiefs, treats him as a son and enfeoffs him with property, wants him to hold law-court which Duke Ernst accepts. He repays the monarch’s good will with many large gifts of silver and gold.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 510 Law courts

HerEAs-3:   II,91 This annoys Heinrich, a relative and counselor of the emperor who destroys their friendship through treachery. The traitor goes to the monarch and tells him a lie that the duke was only pretending to be subject to him and wanted to be considered the emperor’s peer and gain his inheritance and authority.
Motif References:

K 2100 False accusation
K 2298 Treacherous counselor