Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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König Rother (ca. 1160/70)


Oriental Romances

König Rother (ca. 1160/70)
Frings, Th. /Kuhnt, J. (ed.): König Rother. Halle /Saale 1922.

KRot-1:   By the western sea lives a king by the name of Rother in the city of Bare. Seventy-two kings are at his service. He is the proudest man ever crowned in Rome and has everything but a wife. The court counselors advise him to take a highborn princess.
Motif References:

P 12 Character of kings
P 12.10 King is superior to all in strength, beauty, largeness etc
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
Z 71.14 Formulistic number: seventy-two

KRot-45:   His relative, Count Lipolt and other courtiers consider the Princess of Constantinople a fitting match. She is beautiful and full of virtues as a young princess should be. The king decides to send Count Lipolt as messenger to King Constantin’s court to woo the princess.
Motif References:

T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride

KRot-93:   Rother sends for Lipolt and tells him his request. Lipolt agrees and asks his people, many of them volunteer: Eleven counts swear to win the bride. He rewards them with silver and gold. After the preparations they put to sea. Unaccustomed to a sea voyage many of them become seasick.
Motif References:

P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
T 51 Wooing by emissary
M 150 Other vows and oaths

KRot-170:   Finally they reach Constantinople. Lipolt asks a merchant to look after the ships while they are at court and offers him a precious coat as reward. The merchant promises to watch it for three days and nights. Knight Erwin arrives at the same time with his retinue of twelve knights.
Motif References:

Q 114 Gifts as reward

KRot-239:   The queen and king receive the guests, Lipolt approaches the king asking for permission to present his message: King Rother requests the princess for his bride. Now Constantin regrets that he agreed to hear the message. The princess is guarded to prevent her knowledge of men because he does not want her to get married. Lipolt and his retinue are imprisoned.
Motif References:

T 50.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors
T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower.
J 1358 No thanks to the messenger
R 3 King imprisons another king’s embassy

KRot-382:   The prisoners are starved. They pray to god for help. Rother suspects that something has happened to the messengers. In his sorrow and anger he swears to take revenge on Constantin. His old counselor Berchter reminds him of his twelve sons’ fate. His youngest son Heltrich died in a fight against the heathens. Seven of them are in this war band. He advises to take revenge for his sons and summons thousand knights for the war.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 51.1 Prisoners starved
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war

KRot-494:   Rother summons a council of war. When an old duke dares to advise against war, furious Berchter beats him so hard that he lies unconscious for three nights. Four messengers are dispatched to allied countries to summon an army. One letter reaches the country of giants ruled by giant Asprian. His men carry clubs. From seventy-two countries troops are sent to Rome.
Motif References:

P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army)

KRot-652:   Berchter is overjoyed that the giant army joins them. They wear helmets and white breast plates, swords, clubs and whip chains. When all the troops have gathered, Rother informs them about king Constantin’s provocation.
Motif References:

F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon
F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army)
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons

KRot-718:   One year has gone by since the messengers departed and Rother suspects that King Constantin has killed them. The giant King Asprian comes forward with a retinue of twelve giants, one of them is so dangerous and wild although extremely brave that he has to be confined in chains: Widolt is his name.
Motif References:

F 531. Giants have king, queen
F 610.1 Wild man of superhuman strength

KRot-758:   Rother has ships loaded with gold and precious goods. Soon they set off and reach Constantinople. The king informs his men that from now on he will use the name of Dietrich. They swear an oath of secrecy. On the shore the giants start a fight and soon king Constantin learns of the arrival of a foreign force.
Motif References:

K 1812 King in disguise
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name
K 2350 Military strategy

KRot-837:   The queen inquires about the strangers and the cargo they brought. When the king learns that they have iron clubs his counselors suspect that the strangers plan revenge for imprisoning the messengers. Then Rother aka Dietrich appears at Constantin’s court and receives a fine welcome. The queen and all the nobles escort them in. But nobody is able to carry Asprian’s club, so they have to leave it outside.
Motif References:

F 835.2.1 Iron club [pole] so heavy that five [several] men can hardly lift it

KRot-909:   Dietrich tells Constantin about King Rother’s ban toward him. He offers his service for help. Constantin answers that he has imprisoned Rother’s messengers because of the princess.
Motif References:

P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
Q 431 Punishment: banishment (exile)

KRot-988:   When Asprian hears about the mistreatment of the messengers he immediately wants to take revenge. But Constantin manages to calm him down and they all retreat to their quarters. When they unload the ships Widolt shows his strength by beating sparks from stones.
Motif References:

F 610 Remarkably strong man
F 639 Extraordinary powers - miscellaneous

KRot-1046:   The wild warriors are so scary that a count complains to the king about the devil’s companions. Meanwhile the queen regrets the imprisoning of the messengers and that Rother has driven those unpleasant guests to their shore. One day wild lions are brought to the court hall. All are in dismay but Asprian who takes them by the neck and shatters them against the wall.
Motif References:

F 628.1.1 Strong man kills lion with own hands

KRot-1147:   After this incident the people are even more frightened of the guests. Now the queen blames Constantin for his denying the princess to Rother. Constantin decides not to serve the meals in the hall because of the princess who might be frightened by the strange men. Dietrich (Rother) and his men eat in their quarters and feed all the poor and the hungry who were rejected by the miser Constantin. Rother clothes the poor knights who were not allowed at Constantin’s court because of their shabby clothes.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
W 152 Stinginess

KRot-1315:   Six thousand knights receive horses, weapons, chain mail, food, flags, and six thousand footmen. The exiled Count Arnold seeks Rother’s help and receives thousand Marks and thirty knights for his service.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

KRot-1465:   All have their needs satisfied by Dietrich, no one is left out. All free men (lords) on Constantin’s court except the rich dukes become Dietrich’s subjects. When they return to court with precious gifts, all women are in awe. The princess begs her father to celebrate a court feast. Invitations are sent and sixty dukes and thirty counts arrive. Constantin demands their appearance on the pain of death. Dietrich appears in a sedan chair decorated with jewels and brings precious goods carried by elephants. Asprian as Rother’s chamberlain prepares a seat for him. Duke Friedrich’s chamberlain fights with Asprian because he is convinced of the higher status of his duke. He refuses to give Dietrich a proper place in front. Asprian hits him.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 110 Royal ministers
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank

KRot-1647:   The giant kills the chamberlain by splitting his head. Infuriated the chamberlain’s men start a brawl with Asprian. The giant Widolt wants to help Asprian, who fights with his fists. A minstrel goes to court and tells the king about the fight. The enraged Widolt is caught and bound. People complain about Dietrich’s chamberlain; Constantin rules that it is Dietrich’s concern. He wants to pay reparation but they all refuse.
Motif References:

F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man

KRot-1745:   Then the princess appears with her retinue. She comes with her maids dressed in precious garments. Rother and his men wear beautiful clothes ornate with jewels. The feast lasts for three days.
Motif References:

P 634.1 Feast (hospitality) endures for three days and three nights

KRot-1815:   On the third day the poor come to Rother’s table. He gives a poor minstrel his expensive coat, which Asprian received from the Flathoofs. The princess is impressed by Rother’s generosity. She tells her maid that she wants to meet Rother clandestinely and needs a messenger who will bring Rother to her chamber. Her maid Herlint agrees and soon, beautifully adorned, she visits Rother in his quarters.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

KRot-1940:   The maid tells Rother that her lady loves him and wants to meet him. First Rother is convinced that she mocks him, but Herlint never tires of speaking to him of the princess’s love. Rother considers it unwise to meet at the court because of all the watchmen. He sends the giant Asprian with twelve bullions of silver and gold and a beautiful coat.
Motif References:

T 10 Falling in love
T 41 Communication of lovers

KRot-2004:   Herlint praises Rother’s generosity. The princess fills her shoes with gold as reward for Herlint. The princess received silver shoes but they don’t fit because she has two rights and two lefts. She sends the maid back to Rother for replacement. The maid advises Rother to bring the shoes personally to the princess. But Rother hesitates fearing the suspicion and exposure by the chamberlains. The maid informs him that they are busy with a dubbing ceremony and won’t notice.
Motif References:

P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
K 1349 Other means of entering into girl’s room

KRot-2110:   Asprian gives Rother the proper shoes, a coat and twelve gold bullions. Berchter promises to arrange a spectacular contest at the hippodrome. Giant Asprian turns a somersault, Widolt jumps extraordinarily high and Grimme remarkably far. Rother, accompanied by two knights, visits the princess. The princess asks Rother to help her put the shoes on. Anxiously Rother inquires which of the present men she likes best. She chooses him, but tells him that she is in love with King Rother. Joyfully Rother answers if she truly is in love with Rother he will bring him to her and reveals his secret. The princess demands proof and Rother claims the prisoners for testimony. The princess promises to persuade Constantin to set them free.
Motif References:

T 31.1 Lovers’ meeting: Hero in service of lady’s father
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous

KRot-2298:   The princess pretends that she had a terrible dream: She must provide a bath for the prisoners otherwise she is condemned to hell. The king grants her three days. At the meal the princess starts to cry and begs for someone who would take care of the poor prisoners. According to their plan, Rother volunteers and frees the prisoners, who are in an awful state. Rother treats them well and clothes them.
Motif References:

H 1212.1 Quest assigned because of feigned dream
D 1814.2 Advice from dream

KRot-2500:   Rother sings and plays the harp to entertain the bruised and humiliated messengers. The music heals their wounds and their sorrows fade away because they identify him as King Rother. After three days they have to return to their prison. Rother has a tunnel dug to connect his quarters with the prison.
Motif References:

F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous

KRot-2555:   Meanwhile king Ymelot of Babylon begins an invasion to enforce his request for the princess. Messengers report that the Babylonian king, the mighty ruler over seventy-two kings, marches with 20,000 men. Rother comes forth and demands the prisoners’ aid in battle. Soon the prisoners are clothed and armed. Within three days the imprisoned counts are freed and integrated in Rother’s troops. Hurriedly warriors from all over the country are summoned. By night Rother and his men ride to the enemy camp to capture the Babylonian king.
Motif References:

T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
R 110 Rescue of captive
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

KRot-2666:   The giant Asprian slays many heathen enemies. Frightened, King Ymelot is taken prisoner by a surprise attack. When they bring him to Constantin, he grants Rother whatever country he wishes. Ymelot becomes Constantin’s vassal. Rother bids farewell to travel to Constantinople in advance of the army to report their victory to the ladies. Rother arrives in Constantinople with his men and tells the queen and all the ladies that Constantin is Ymelot’s prisoner.
Motif References:

R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king becomes conqueror’s vassal
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward

KRot-2840:   The scared ladies are thus forced to ask for his help. In order to avoid heathendom they plead for help. Rother takes the princess to his ship and immediately sets sail, leaving the queen at the landing. The desperate queen begs him to be allowed to join her daughter. Rother comforts her by revealing his lie: Constantin was victorious and will return soon.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
K 1371 Bride-stealing
K 1372.1 Princess tricked into engaging herself to suitor rejected by her father

KRot-2905:   The queen sends a message to the king informing him that Rother has abducted the princess. But she blesses the couple, admitting that she would have given her daughter voluntarily to Rother. During the voyage the princess gives birth. Meanwhile Rother’s throne has been usurped; therefore he leaves his wife and child to Lipolt’s care and fights to regain his throne.
Motif References:

T 580 Childbirth
P550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

KRot-2955:   Constantin learns of his daughter’s abduction by Rother and swoons with grief. During the turmoil the imprisoned Ymelot manages to escape. The king promises to reward his knights grandly if they rescue his daughter. A minstrel volunteers, he promises to bring back the princess. He disguises himself as a merchant travelling with jewels and garments provided by the king. In Bari the disguised minstrel displays his goods. All inhabitants of Bari browse because he sells everything extraordinarily cheaply. He pretends to have a magic jewel for sale fit only for a queen: The jewel provides the owner with the power to heal and to see magically all over the country.
Motif References:

F 1084.21.7 Swooning from grief
K 1817.4 Disguise as merchant
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1503.6 Magic jewel heals wounds
D 1331.1 Object gives magic sight

KRot-3145:   A nobleman asks him if the jewel works on his two lame children. The minstrel boasts he can prove it on pain of death. The nobleman begs the queen to help his children with the jewel. The queen agrees and the children are brought to the ship. Twenty knights follow the queen to the ship and all the lame and crippled. As soon as the queen enters, they set sail. The overjoyed Constantin receives his daughter in Constantinople.
Motif References:

K 115 Pseudo-magic healing objects sold
K 775.1 Capture by taking aboard ship to inspect wares

KRot-3301:   In Bari the desperate Lipolt tells Rother about the abduction, claiming it was his fault. Rother soothes him. Berchter advises to war against Constantinople. An army of 30,000 gathers and 22 ships set sail. In Constantinople Rother visits Constantin’s court in pilgrim’s disguise. They have agreed that in danger a horn signal will send the army to Rother’s rescue. The disguised Rother asks for news. All praise king Rother’s generosity. Meanwhile Ymelot has captured Constantin who gives him his daughter as hostage.
Motif References:

R 187 Horn of Roncevalles. Hero calls aid of waiting soldiers on horn
P 533.1 Hostages
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)

KRot-3800:   The disguised Rother and his men go to Ymelot’s court. Ymelot and Rother’s wife sit at Constantin’s table. The king tells them his prophetic dream: A Roman hawk has abducted his daughter. Rother and his men who are hiding under the table listen to the conversation. Rother gives the queen a golden ring with his name, to let her know of his presence. Overjoyed the lady burst into laughter thus making Ymelot immediately suspicious. His son sees the ring, and knows Rother is there. King Constantin demands that Rother come forth. Rother follows the order and appears.
Motif References:

H 94 Identification by ring
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams

KRot-3965:   Ymelot’s son wants to drown him as revenge for capturing his father. Constantin agrees. But Rother cunningly persuades them to hang him in the nearby forest, pointing out Asprian’s camp as the place of execution. Soon Rother is bound. All mourn him. The grateful knight Arnold summons 1200 men to free Rother from bondage. 5000 knights fight under Arnold wearing snow-white mail.
Motif References:

J 620 Forethought in prevention of others’s plans
J 647 Avoiding enemy’s revenge

KRot-4145:   Arnold blows the battle horn to give Asprian notice. In an instant the giants hurry to Rother’s rescue. A furious battle between heathens and Christians begins. The heathens wear horn armor. They giants plan to rescue Rother’s wife and burn the king in his castle. Asprian disagrees: Constantinople shall remain untouched for the sake of the Lord. Fearing Rother’s revenge Constantin begs his wife to bring their daughter to Rother.
Motif References:

R 187 Horn of Roncevalles. Hero calls aid of waiting soldiers on horn
R 215 Escape from execution
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

KRot-4545:   Constantin accompanies the ladies to Rother. Asprian demands Constantin’s death, but Count Erwin and Berchter advise against it. Rother pardons Constantin, who wants to thank Arnold. Arnold becomes king of Greece.
Motif References:

W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
W 11.5.1 Ruler pardons his enemies

KRot-4710:   The queen kisses Rother’s men and blesses them. Together with Wolfrât and 80,000 men they disembark for Rome. When they reach the shore in Bari the queen gives birth to Pippin, ancestor of Charlemagne. Rother gratefully rewards all his fighters and invests them with land. Grimme receives Scotland, Asprian Remis, Darringin Brabant, four lords are invested with Friesia and Holland. Erwin receives Spain, Saxonia, Thuringa, and other countries. The Lord of Tergeling receives Austria, Bohemia, and Poland. Lipolt becomes the king of France.
Motif References:

Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward

KRot-4827:   Clangestion the Duke of Meran visits Rother. He is beautifully dressed in jewels and gold and has a helmet with an embedded precious stone that lights the darkness. Young Pippin prospers. At twenty-four he rules at Aachen. All of Rother’s men appear at Aachen for tournament.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
F 828 Extraordinary [part of] armor
P 17 Succession to the throne

KRot-5064:   Old Berchter advises Rother to retreat to the forest ending his life in piety as hermit. Rother agrees and retreats with his wife.
Motif References:

P 426.2 Hermit
P 16.1 King [and queen] retires [retire] from world becomes hermit