Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Orendel (>1200)


Oriental Romances

Orendel (>1200)
Steinger, H. (ed.): Orendel. (=ATB 36) Tübingen 1935.

Orend-1:   St. Mary has spun the wool for the gray suit (coat) of Jesus Christ and St. Helena has woven it. When the garment is perfectly completed Christ wears it and fasts for forty days. After Christ’s death, Herodes gives it to an old Jew. The Jew washes it in a well, dries it in the sun, but the blood stains are irremovable. When King Herodes forbids the Jew to display the suit, he encloses the garment in a stone coffin and lowers it into in the sea seventy miles from the shore.
Motif References:

V 131.3 (Tu) The gray suit of Christ
V 211 Christ
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
D 1318.5 Blood indicates guilt or innocence
D 1318.8 Magic cloth reveals guilt

Orend-88:   After three days the waves wash up the coffin to the shore. A siren opens the coffin and buries it in the ground. After eight years the coffin is unearthed. A pilgrim with the name Trogemunt waits for a ship to bring him to Cyprus and finds the gray suit on the shore. He puts it on, thinking it had belonged to a drowned man. But when he notices the blood stains, he recognizes the suit as Christ’s. He throws it back in the sea. A whale gulps it down and carries it in his body for eight years.
Motif References:

B 53 Siren
N 101 Inexorable fate

Orend-156:   A king in Trier has three sons, the third is named Orendel. One day Orendel approaches his father for his consent to get married. The old king tells him that there is only one princess who is not related to their family: She lives far above the wild sea and is called Bride. She rules over the holy land, holy grave and many heathens. Orendel demands 72 ships and provision supply for eight years. The king grants it.
Motif References:

Z 71.14 Formulistic number: seventy-two
T 130 Marriage customs
T 131.1.2 Father’s consent to son’s (daughter’s) marriage necessary
A 1552 Marriage between close relatives

Orend-251:   After three years the ships are completed. The king advises his son to take eight kings and seven bishops with him. If his wooing is successful he should dedicate his service to the holy grave. King Orendel orders precious golden spurs. Eight kings agree to follow him on his warfare to the holy grave. Orendel summons the nobles, a thousand knights come forward, all swear allegiance.
Motif References:

T 11.1.1 Beauty of woman reported to king causes quest for her as his bride
Z 71.16 Formulistic numbers - miscellaneous
Q 72 Loyalty rewarded
V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance

Orend-325:   Orendel has a sculpture of the crucifixion made as donation for the holy grave. He bids farewell and they sail from Mosel to Katlenz on Rhine to the sea. After six weeks a heavy storm arises, the ships are fast aground on the congealed sea and remain stuck for three years.
Motif References:

V 120 Images
F 711.2.6 (Tu) Congealed Sea

Orend-375:   St. Mary asks Christ for help. Christ sends a storm and they escape from the congealed sea. They sail to Babylon where 72 kings live. A fisherman informs the king about their arrival. The heathen King Belin summons an army for defense. They cross over to King Orendel’s ships and attack them. The sea battle lasts one day, King Orendel is victorious.
Motif References:

Z 71.14 Formulistic number: seventy-two
V 250 The Virgin Mary
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
N 817.0.1 God as helper
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Orend-436:   Five hundred heathens drown, the remaining are badly wounded. While they are sailing to Jerusalem a heavy storm destroys the 72 ships. All die except the king. In his dismay he prays to God for help. He digs a hole in the sand and sits there for three days. When on the fourth day a fisherman arrives, he calls out to him. The man, mistaking him for a runaway galley slave, wants to catch and hang him.
Motif References:

V 50 Prayer
V52 Miraculous power of prayer
J 1485 Mistaken identity

Orend-534:   The king in dismay pretends to be a fisherman, whose companions have drowned and offers his services. The fisherman takes him into his boat. The naked king hides his privates behind a leaf. The fisherman demands that he proves his skill, or he will drown him. King Orendel prays to God for help, and then throws out the net in the name of St. Peter. In a small while the boat is full, overjoyed the fisherman thanks him.
Motif References:

V 229.17 Saints blessing causes a river to be best place for fishing
H 900 Tasks imposed
H 914 Task assigned because of mother‘s [king’s] foolish boasting
H 970 Help in performing tasks
H 975.0.1 Task performed by deity [saint] in answer to prayer
K 1812 King in disguise
K 1831.1 Shipwrecked men call themselves by false names

Orend-595:   The fisherman Ise, overlord over eight hundred fishermen, brings the naked king to his castle. His wife welcomes them. Ise praises Orendel’s skills; they have brought in 4500 fish. In the stomach of a whale the gray suit is found. Ise wants to sell it but the king asks him to have it for himself. Ise grants it under the condition, that he serves him until he has earned the cost. Orendel serves for six weeks without clothes.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality
D 849.5.1 Magic object found in heart [body] of whale
K 1812.4 Incognito king is given hospitality by fisherman. [Rewards him with a city]

Orend-660:   Ise wants to buy him a suit for daily wear and sell the gray suit. The king bemoans his fate and that he still can’t afford the gray suit. He prays to God for help. St. Mary asks her son, who sends an angel with 30 gold pennies. St. Gabriel appears in the air above him. He advises to buy the gray habit with the money and reveals that it belonged to Jesus Christ. No sword can pierce it.
Motif References:

Q 20 Piety rewarded
Q 33 Reward for saying prayer
V 59 Prayers answered - miscellaneous
V 232.7 Gifts from angels
V 232 Angel as helper
V 235 Mortal visited by angel
V 246 Angel counsels mortal
N 817.0.1 God as helper
D 1381.3 Magic garment protects against attack
D 1381.4 Magic coat protects against attack

Orend-730:   St. Gabriel demands that Orendel has to fight the heathens in fifteen battles. Orendel hurries to the market and begs his master to buy the gray suit. God performs a miracle that whenever someone touches the garment the gray cloth looks like it were molding. Master Ise buys it for 30 gold pennies Orendel has given him. When Orendel wears it it appears like a new garment. Orendel asks Ise for leave because he has sworn himself to the holy grave.
Motif References:

V 80 Religious services - miscellaneous
M 183 Religious vows
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 900.1 Miracles (at certain times)
D 1330 Magic object works physical change

Orend-780:   Ise grants it and gives him two new trousers and three gold pennies. Orendel bids farewell. He meets 300 heathens among them a giant who catches him and throws him into a dungeon. Queen Mary asks Christ for help. Christ sends St. Gabriel who frees the king and shows him the right path to the holy grave.
Motif References:

R 11.3 Abduction by giant
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
V 232 Angel as helper
V 235 Mortal visited by angel
V 250 The Virgin Mary
G 420 Capture by ogre

Orend-827:   Praying at the holy grave he offers his body and soul because he has nothing else to give. All of a sudden four templars appear and sing mass and he hears a noise in the castle. A knight approaches him greeting him with the name: Graysuit. When the king asks him about the noise, he is informed that the templars are performing before the queen Bride.
Motif References:

H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

Orend-881:   While watching the tournament Orendel bemoans the loss of his knights wishing to have a horse fit for the court. He notices two heathens absorbed in a chess game, Mercian and his brother Sudan. The king begs them to lend him their horse and armor for three rounds and promises his winnings at the tournament. Mercian agrees but asks for a guarantee if the king would lose. The king promises his service.
Motif References:

M 220 Other bargains

Orend-966:   Mercian has his wild horse brought that only recently had killed three grooms. But the king masters it easily. He grips a spear partly of horn and ivory with iron and steel edges. On top of it a bird automaton is fastened. The king jumps into saddle without help of the stirrups, the peasant shoes don’t fit and he throws them away. God sends him golden shoes by St. Gabriel.
Motif References:

V 232.7 Gifts from angels
F 618.1 Strong hero tames ungovernable horse
F 834 Extraordinary spear
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal
D 1620 Magic automata

Orend-1023:   Mercian watches Orendel and praises him. His brother Sudan, growing jealous, challenges the hero. He battles with Orendel, who defeats him. Then two, then four, then six, then twelve and finally 24 men challenge him and he defeats them all. He brings twelve battle horses to Mercian, asking him to ride his horse again. Mercian blames him for killing his brother. Orendel offers him satisfaction in battle but Mercian flees.
Motif References:

R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
P 561 Tournaments
F 628 Strong man as mighty slayer

Orend-1115:   Orendel mounts his horse and rides to the queen, who has the doors shut because of his battle rage. But she wants a messenger to be sent to him: Duke Schiltwin volunteers. He comes unarmed, delivers his message and Orendel promises his service to the queen. He rewards the messenger with six horses. Schiltwin returns and reports to the Queen about the praiseworthy hero.
Motif References:

F 1041.8.6 Men go mad in battle
W 11 Generosity

Orend-1200:   The templars send for the terrible giant Martwin. Martwin is so heavy that no horse can carry him, so he rides on an elephant. He sports an ornate shield inlaid with precious jewels and a golden sun and moon. The helmet is decorated with 19 prongs and four golden rings; he wears a crown with engraved letters. In the crown stands a linden tree with golden leaves made by magic, operated by a bellow with six golden pipes. Whenever the giant presses the bellows, the air streams in and the birds start to sing like living creatures. In the tree stands a wheel with thousand little bells tinkling, when the air from the bellows turns it. Under the linden tree a lion, dragon, bear, a boar and a wild man made of gold stand there.
Motif References:

F 531.2 Size of giant
F 531.4.11 Giant’s enormous animals
F 531.6.17.9 (Tu) Giant has elephant instead of horse
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments - miscellaneous
D 1620.1 Automatic statue of man
D 1620 Magic automata
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal
D 1620.2.4 Automatic statue of lion

Orend-1275:   Giant Metwin carries a very long spear (four fathoms). He rides to court calling out for the Graysuit. Mercian points at Orendel and the giant boasts to kill the hero. Orendel rebukes the giant, who attacks him angrily. After a furious fight Graysuit defeats and kills the giant.
Motif References:

F 531.5 Giants and men
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

Orend-1347:   The hero presents all the giant’s belongings to the travelling people. Now twelve kings and six hundred heathens want to fight Orendel. He prays to St. Mary for help, who turns to her son. Christ sends three arch angels (Gabriel, Raphael, Michael). In a furious battle Orendel kills six kings, six escape deeply wounded. All the others take to flight.
Motif References:

V 232.1 Angel as helper in battle
V 250 The Virgin Mary
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

Orend-1441:   The queen greets Orendel, thanks him and wants to offer him a castle and a country. Orendel denies his identity. He pretends to be on a pilgrimage to the holy grave. When the queen embraces him, Mercian grows jealous and claims him as his servant. Graysuit hits him explaining it as service. The queen punishes Mercian by having him chained and thrown into dungeon. Orendel pleads for mercy and unchains him. He sends him away demanding that he’ll never claim him as his servant again.
Motif References:

Q 301 Jealousy punished
Q 333 Boldness punished
Q 338 Immoderate request punished
K 1812 King in disguise

Orend-1538:   The queen treats Graysuit with a luxurious dinner. Meanwhile a heathen king summons his troops to the desert. Together with the giant Liberian they appear in front of the castle. Liberian leans over the townwall demanding Graysuit. Otherwise he threatens to burn the holy grave. The queen is in dismay and informs Orendel, who puts his life in God’s hands.
Motif References:

M 500 (Bm) Threats
F 531.5 Giants and men

Orend-1596:   In the morning the queen has brought a horse with an ivory saddle and a gold ornate breastplate bright as the sun. She decides to give him her father David’s sword, which is kept in a drawer closed with three locks. Orendel takes it out for testing and it breaks in three pieces. The queen punishes the servant who took it and he has to produce the real sword. With her own hands she puts the helmet ornate with King Davids crown on his head. Graysuit takes a spear and waits outside the closed gates.
Motif References:

F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments - miscellaneous
F 833 Extraordinary sword

Orend-1659:   Christ’s sends him three archangels for help, who carry swords. They tell him that Christ and his mother have sent them to take care of him. If he is killed they will lead him directly to heaven. Orendel charges Liberian and kills him by cutting off his head. The heathens flee from the battlefield and run into the sea where they drown. After four days the last heathen platoon is driven into the dark forest. These who refuse to ride in the woods have to fight Graysuit. He defeats the heathens and returns to Jerusalem.
Motif References:

V 232.1 Angel as helper in battle
V 232 Angel as helper
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Orend-1780:   Meanwhile Queen Bride prays and fasts at the holy grave to save the king, who comes to her not long afterwards. When she offers him the kingdom of Jerusalem he humbly refuses. The beautiful queen treats him with a bath, new clothes, a sable coat, and puts David’s wedding crown on his head. In the bedroom an angel appears and demands that they postpone their lovemaking for a year. Orendel sets his sword between him and Bride. Bride asks if it is custom in his country and he tells her he has to obey God’s demand. Bride agrees but tells him that she won’t be able to live without a husband for ten years.
Motif References:

V 235 Mortal visited by angel
T 351 Sword of chastity
P 623 Fasting (as a ameans of distraint)

Orend-1867:   1600 heathens from the desert Salumje together with giant Pelian march to the fortress. The giant leans on the town wall and demands Graysuit otherwise he threatens to burn down the holy grave. The giant boasts that he will kill Orendel and make Bride his wife. The queen and Orendel pray for help. An angel gives her advice: She summons the templar lords who swear to help. Orendel puts on the gray suit and armor.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance
V 246 Angel counsels mortal
M 500 (Bm) Threats
F 531.5 Giants and men

Orend-2020:   Outside he meets the giant who wears three harnesses: one of horn, the second made of silver, the third of steel. They engage in a furious battle until flames are visible. When the giant beats Orendel to the ground, St. Mary begs her son to help. Christ sends the archangel Gabriel. Orendel defeats the giant and cuts off his head. 600 heathens appear. Bride first prays for Orendel, but then she puts on a gold harness with four golden spears to show her identity. She jumps on her horse without the help of the stirrups. The queen fights like a man, cuts through the heathen army until she reaches Orendel, who is not wounded but needs a horse. The queen fights with Suriant, beats him to the ground and takes his horse. Orendel and Bride fight side by side and the heathens eventually have to surrender to Orendel.
Motif References:

V 232.1 Angel as helper in battle
F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her
F 565.1 Amazons. Women warriors
F 565 Women warriors or hunters
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
R 75 Surrendering

Orend-2159:   The queen demands that the heathens convert to Christianity. When the templar lords notice that the queen fights in person they hurry to the battlefield. The queen wants to punish them by fighting them herself. But when Orendel reveals his identity, the templar lords finally pay him respect. Master Ise demands Orendel back as his servant. Queen Bride persuades him to let him go and rewards him with precious golden shields. Bride tries to persuade Orendel to accept the crown as king of Jerusalem.
Motif References:

Q 40 Kindness rewarded
Q 42 Generosity rewarded
V 331 Conversion to Christianity

Orend-2230:   Orendel asks the queen for leave. As a fisherman’s servant he has a duty to fulfill. Bride installs Ise as duke of the holy grave. On his journey home Orendel is captured and thrown into a dungeon in a Westphalia fortress. Ise writes letters to Jerusalem for help. The angry Queen threatens to break all altars, and withhold sacrifices if God doesn’t help Orendel. The baptized heathen Durian becomes the leader of the queen’s army of 30,000 men. For one and a half years they lay siege to the Westphalian fortress.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
Q 113.0.1 High honors as reward
V 123.1 God under compulsion: Suppliant threatens to mutilate (crush) holy image if his wish is not fulfilled
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

Orend-2449:   While the queen is asleep a dwarf visits her demanding her love. Bride rejects him and takes him by his hair. The dwarf Alban promises to show her Orendel. The queen agrees but never loosens her grip. The dwarf takes her to the dungeon where she finds Orendel. But soon the treacherous dwarf closes the door. But an angel with a three stranded whip appears, beats him and forces him to open up the prison. Together with Ise Orendel conquers Montelie and the seven heathen countries, thirteen kings have to surrender.
Motif References:

T 75.0.1 Suitors ill-treated
V 245 Angel punishes mortal [dwarf]
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals
F 451.6.11 Dwarfs betray
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
Q 458 Flogging as punishment
R 75 Surrendering
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)

Orend-2559:   Orendel and twenty kings lead an army to the desert where 72 kings rule. He defeats and conquers the countries. The kings swear an oath to Orendel. Back in Jerusalem two heathen kings challenge him, Elin and his brother Durian. Duke Daniel, their messenger, brings a letter to Orendel. The kings demand Orendel’s surrender, and then he will be rewarded with Ackers and the territory to the Jordan. If he refuses, they challenge him to battle. Orendel answers that he will surrender under the condition that they convert to Christianity. The messenger considers it unwise of a fisherman’s servant to challenge mighty kings. Orendel’s answer is to hit the messenger twice, explaining the blows as two letters to the kings.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
R 75 Surrendering
J 1358 No thanks to the messenger
P 556 Challenge to battle

Orend-2665:   The kings ask the messenger if he received a message. Reluctantly he inquires if they really want to receive it. When they agree he hits the kings. King Elin drafts 20,000 men. In Jerusalem Orendel prays at the holy grave. He wears his gray suit and precious armor. Outside the wall he meets a warrior wearing three harnesses, who demands he become his servant. Orendel agrees, if the warrior converts. When he refuses, a furious battle begins until flames spark. When Orendel is almost defeated, St. Mary persuades Christ to aid him. St. Gabriel encourages him, and Orendel cuts off Durian’s head.
Motif References:

V 232 Angel as helper
V 250 The Virgin Mary
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
J 2460 Literal obedience
J 2461.1 Literal following of instructions about actions

Orend-2854:   Elin promises to convert, Orendel summons priests and he and other heathens are baptized.They all celebrate. In the bedroom an angel informs Orendel that his father’s fortress is under siege by heathen kings. Orendel begs for leave, but Bride wants to support him. When he installs Ise as governor to castle and country, he persuades him to let him travel also. After six weeks of voyage twenty two ships encounter them. Queen Bride decides to enter the ships and kill the crew if they are heathens. Schiltwin, her messenger, learns that duke Mersilian and his brother Stefan, both sons of master Ise, rule over the ships. 30,000 support Orendel.
Motif References:

V 246 Angel counsels mortal
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

Orend-2999:   They rest for three days. Ise decides to hunt for wild horses he has seen on the shore, but they are too fast for him. The lord of the territory, Duke Warmunt and his brother, watch the hunt and welcome Ise, who tells them about Orendel and Bride. The overjoyed duke rewards him with a fine horse with ivory saddle and they all approach the queen. Bride welcomes the brothers and gives them fifty horses. Although they are wild horses they behave as if tame, so they shoe them.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

Orend-3108:   Duke Mersilian and his brother ride to Apulia and cross the Tiber to Rome over Metz to Trier. In Trier thirteen heathen kings, sixteen counts, twelve dukes hold Orendel’s father under siege. Many heathens approach Orendel and Bride lead to be christened. They grant it joyfully. They have the priests baptize all the heathens.
Motif References:

V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 331.10 Conversion to Christianity because of admiration for Christian virtue
V 332 Baptism of heathen
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

Orend-3169:   Bride dreams that the holy grave is under heathen sway. In dismay she wants Orendel to travel there. An angel appears before him and demands that he shouldn’t wear the gray habit any longer; the coat has to remain in Trier. Doomsday will be in Trier and Christ will show his holy wounds there.
Motif References:

Z 71.3.2 Five wounds of Christ
V 246 Angel counsels mortal
M 301.10 Angels as prophets
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream

Orend-3207:   The gray suit is enclosed in a stone coffin. Orendel, Bride, Ise and his sons travel to the holy land via Rome, cross the Tiber at Amilia and travel to Bari. They load the ships and sail to Ackers. Bride travels to Jerusalem in a pilgrim’s guise, pretending to fulfill the vow of a deceased count who promised an inscription. On the way, Duke Daniel and King Wolfhart abduct her and take her to King Minolde’s castle crossing the desert Babylon.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)

Orend-3257:   The king demands Bride’s love. If she marries him he gives her the desert Babylon and 72 kings as subjects. He threatens to destroy Trier, catch Orendel, and hang him and blind Master Ise. Bride responds that if he converts to Christianity she will marry him. Knight Princian promises him that within six weeks he can force the queen to marry him or he will gladly lose his head.
Motif References:

M 500 (Bm) Threats

Orend-3290:   Bride is brought naked into prison and is beaten so heavily that blood flows from her body. She prays for help. Orendel is still ignorant of Bride’s imprisonment, but a pilgrim escapes from the heathens and tells Ise that King Wolfhart and Duke Daniel have abducted and imprisoned Bride.
Motif References:

R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
T 75.2.1 Rejected suitors’ revenge
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments

Orend-3355:   Ise and his men set off with their ships and travel 700 miles to her rescue. They disembark and hide in the reeds. Then cross the desert and reach King Minolde’s castle. While they take a rest at a meadow 72 kings appear from the castle together with Bride. King Minolde demands that she marry him, threatens to destroy Trier, catch Orendel and hang him. Hearing this Orendel tries to interfere but Ise holds him back.
Motif References:

M 500 (Bm) Threats

Orend-3430:   The two approach the door where a very old Christian doorkeeper, Duke Achilles, is in service. The old man sports such an extremely long beard that he is able to wind it around his helmet. When the doorkeeper learns about Bride’s abduction he invites them in. Ise reveals that he is Duke Achilles’s nephew (his sister’s son) and introduces Orendel.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality
F 545.1 Remarkable beard
N 738 Accidental meeting of nephew and uncle

Orend-3525:   Duke Achilles visits the king and speaks of his 72 years of service. He asks the king to grant his two nephews, Ise and Orendel, safe conduct as pilgrims to the holy grave. When the king accidentally turns to the incognito Ise asking him after himself, he refuses to answer. The angry king threatens to hang them. Knight Princian advises to call the queen, suspecting she might know the pilgrims. Bride is brought from prison and given new clothes. When they ask her she denies knowing the men, but tries to communicate with them by secret signs. She promises the king she will marry him, if he sets the pilgrims free. The overjoyed king promises. She asks the king what he would do if her husband Orendel should appear and she should kiss him. The king answers that he would kill him.
Motif References:

T 210.1 Faithful wife
M 500 (Bm) Threats

Orend-3653:   Orendel takes his sword and shield and challenges the king to battle. The coward takes to flight. The 72 vassals catch Orendel. The queen writes a letter to St. Mary for help, a dove takes it and carries it to the army. While a priest sings mass, a letter falls on the altar. The army crosses the desert. In a furious battle 5000 Christian kill 18,000 heathens. While Orendel is asleep, God’s voice calls him and tells him of loss of 5000 men. So Bride calls for arms because they fear the king’s escape. Ise gains victory over the heathen army. Orendel has the king brought before him. He demands that he converts to Christianity on the pain of death. The king refuses and Ise cuts off his head.
Motif References:

W 121 Cowardice
V 211.10 Letter (message) of Christ
V 250 The Virgin Mary
B Bird as letter carrier
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

Orend-3783:   They burn the castle, embark their ships and sail to Ackers. Bride dresses in pilgrim’s garments and travels to Jerusalem to worship. The hero Durian recognizes her and asks his King Wolfhart what he would get as reward for abducting her. The king promises silver and gold. Durian abducts Bride and brings her to Wolfhart, who demands her love. Bride refuses. The king has a sleeping potion brought for Bride. But Durian gives it to the king. After falling asleep Durian cuts off the king’s head, leads Bride away and gives her armor. She immediately takes revenge on the traitor by beheading him.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
Q 261 Treachery punished
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
D 1364.7 Sleeping potion
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)

Orend-3889:   Bride informs Orendel that the holy grave is liberated. Orendel kills all heathens in Jerusalem. Afterwards they retreat to their room for consummation of marriage. But an angel appears prophesies their deaths after half a year and two days. After this angels will elevate them to heaven.
Motif References:

F 63.2 Mortal taken to heaven by angel
M 301.10 Angels as prophets
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time