Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Trierer Floyris (1170)


Oriental Romances

Trierer Floyris (1170)
Steinmeyer, E.: Trierer Bruchstücke, in: ZfDA. 21 (1877). p.311–331.

TrFlor-1:   Ia1 The hostess devoutly believes that Flôre is love-sick. He reminds her of Blanscheflûr who was there previously and Flôre admits that she is his lost ladylove. Immediately he regrets this untimely disclosure and wants them to believe she is his sister. Yet the host guesses the truth and Flôre eventually confides in him asking his host for advice.
Motif References:

T 24.1 Love-sickness
T 24 The symptoms of love

TrFlor-2:   The old man advises to give up the impossible task because the girl is carefully guarded. She is kept in a tower built of large heavy stones. In the tower are hundred chambers where seventy beautiful women live. The ceiling and walls are made of gold, lazur and crystal. A golden baldachin covers the tower; on its top a carbuncle which shines like the moon in the night.
Motif References:

T 381 Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation) usually kept in a tower.

TrFlor-3:   Ia2 In the tower stands a fountain magically connected to a marble pillar the same height as the tower. Inside the pillar is a big silver tube dispensing pure cool water all year long. Ramifications of the tube lead to the chambers. On top of the marble pillar stands the statue of an iron man with open mouth. From there flows the water in another hole in the pillar. Four watchmen guard the tubes round the clock.
Motif References:

D 1620.1 Automatic statue of man

TrFlor-4:   Inside his stronghold the Amiral has a big hall with an adjoining bed chamber where he rests with the lady of his choice. Two humble women who have lost his grace have to serve him and bring him water and a towel. A door leads to the tower guarded by a gruesome porter in arms. The porter robs every stranger who nears the building without permission of their possessions. He is entitled to do so by the Amiral. The Amiral has the custom to care for the lady of his choice as lover. She wears the crown for one year but after that she has to die. Thus no other will enjoy her love after him. When he wants a change he summons his vassals who choose among the maidens.
Motif References:

S 62 Cruel husband

TrFlor-5:   The Amiral has a wonderful park full of flowers and exotic trees which were brought from afar. They bear all kinds of fruit. A wall surrounds the garden and a river called Euphnet flows around it. The river is so broad and deep that it is impossible to come across.
Motif References:

F 818 Extraordinary garden

TrFlor-6:   Ib1 Beneath is a river with clear water. All the maidens have to cross it from time to time. If there is one among them who violated the Amiral’s law and took a lover, the fountain’s water turns red and the poor maiden is sentenced to death. The Amiral chooses among the girls, whichever maiden he selects is doomed to die in one year’s time. The tree has a certain magic, a red flower falls on the lady of the Amiral’s choice. Now he has chosen Blancheflûr and she and her friend Clâris have the duty to serve him at all times.
Motif References:

H 411.11.2 Fountains as chastity test
T 50 Wooing
H 362 Bride chosen from girls assembled at feast
F 811 Extraordinary tree

TrFlor-7:   Daries advises that Flôre put on his best clothes the next morning and go to the tower and measure its height and width. When the gatekeeper grows angry he is to tell him that he just came to see the construction work to build a similar tower according to the model. He has to win the trust of the gatekeeper.
Motif References:

N 131 Acts performed for changing luck

TrFlor-8:   IIa1 Flore inquires about the architecture of the tower. He wins the gatekeeper’s confidence by giving him gold and silver. He treats the gatekeeper well thus winning his favor by his generosity.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity

TrFlor-9:   IIb1 Flôre reveals to the gatekeeper that his dear lady Blancheflûr is captive in the tower and he came to her rescue. Humbly he asks him for his advice. The gatekeeper is in dismay and regrets that he was that blind and inattentive. But he still promises his faithfulness. He advises him how to get into the tower. He is to come three days in a row. A red silk garment has to be slit for the purpose.
Motif References:

K 640 Escape by help of confederate
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]

TrFlor-10:   IIb2. Meanwhile the gatekeeper arranges roses and other beautiful flowers in eight baskets. The prince hides in one of them. The gatekeeper has the baskets carried in to Blancheflûr. But the basket is very heavy and the servants bring it to the first chamber.
Motif References:

M 290 Bargains and promises - miscellaneous
K 1340 Entering into girl’s room by trick
K 1342.0.1 Man carried into woman’s room hidden in a basket

TrFlor-11:   When Flôre jumps out the basket and doesn’t see his lady love he is in dismay and hurries back to the basket. Fortunately the lady in whose room he has landed is Blancheflûr’s dear friend, Clâris, who knows the story of their love. She hurries to Blancheflûr’s chamber. When she tries to persuade Blancheflûr to have a look at the beautiful flowers she is so full of sadness that she first refuses. Eventually she follows her friend to her room and finds Flôre. Both are overjoyed.
Motif References:

N 737 Accidental reunion of lovers
T 35.5 Lover goes to see his beloved in her husband's (or her father's) house, defiant of the danger

TrFlor-12:   IIIa1 The happy couple retreats to Blancheflûr’s chamber, where Flôre tells her his adventures. She however has to admit that the Amiral intends to marry her within three weeks. They make love and stay in her room for twenty days. Clâris watches over them.
Motif References:

T 96 Lovers reunited after many adventures

TrFlor-13:   IIIa1,200 One day Clâris gets up and tries to wake Blancheflûr, because both have to wait on the Amiral. But Blancheflûr falls asleep again and Clâris goes alone. The faithful girl tells the Amiral that Blancheflûr has not yet finished her prayer. She even adds that she prays for him and he forgives her absence. The next morning Clâris tells the Amiral that Blancheflûr comes a little later. The Amiral sends a messenger who finds the couple in bed thus catching them red-handed. The messenger feels sorry for them and hesitates to tell his master. But meanwhile the Amiral has arrived at the chamber, curious to find out what caused the delay. Infuriated he takes out his sword and wants to kill them but eventually changes his mind.
Motif References:

K 1271 Amorous intrigue observed and exposed
P 510 Law courts

TrFlor-14:   IIIb2 The captured couple arrives at the court. The Amiral complains about the matter pleading to kill them. But the present kings feel compassion with the young beautiful couple and beg for mercy.
Motif References:

T 89.2 Woman [man] sacrifices herself [himself] to save beloved
F 575 Remarkable beauty
F 1088.1 Hero (heroine) spared for his (her) beauty

TrFlor-15:   IVa2 The Amiral finally softens his heart. But he is eager to know how Flôre managed to come into the tower. Flôre tells the story about the flower baskets, how he hid in them and landed in the chamber of Blancheflûr’s friend who cries out in fear.
Motif References:

Motif References:

P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king