Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
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Der Göttweiger Trojanerkrieg (1280)


Romances of Antiquity

Der Göttweiger Trojanerkrieg (1280)
Koppitz, A. (ed.): Der Göttweiger Trojanerkrieg. (=DTM 29) Berlin 1926.

GoTK-1:   One night when the Trojan queen Hecuba lies asleep beside her husband Priamus she has a frightening dream: a golden torch juts out of her heart and causes pain. She wakes Priamus to tell him her dream.
Motif References:

D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen

GoTK-29:   The following morning Priamus informs his counselors about Hecuba’s dream. He asks for an expert in astronomy to interpret the dream. Calcidius, an astronomer, fails in making out the sense through observation of stars. He recommends Samlon, who lives in Baldach and is said to be a wise man. The counselors suggest that Hector should go as a messenger to Samlon.
Motif References:

P 481 Astrologer

GoTK-125:   Hecuba begs her son Hector to undertake the journey to Samlon. On his way Hector has to overcome single combat with the knight Lumer, wins Samlon as a helper and, accompanied by Samlon’s disciple Marfilius, they start for Troy. Hector and Marfilius have to defend themselves and Samlon against twelve robbers, led by Ribal, and three knights, who wear green armor. Samlon hides in dismay. Finally all three reach Troy, where they are festively welcomed. Samlon interprets Hecuba’s dream. Four knights carry a baldachin, which looks like heaven, over the queen’s head. The rubies shine like the stars, the material of the baldachin is of blue color. The four poles are made of four different materials: one of “lignum oloe” (aloe), the second of ivory, the third of cypress-wood, the fourth is gold-plated.
Motif References:

J 50 Wisdom (knowledge) acquired from observation
W 121 Cowardice
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
P 340 Teacher and pupil
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
P 475.1 Twelve robbers
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 634 Feasts
N 765 Meeting with robber band
F 775 Extraordinary tent
F 786 Extraordinary chair
H 970 Help in performing tasks
H 1217.1 Quest for explanation of dream
H 1233 Helpers on quest

GoTK-847:   Hecuba decides to abandon her son after his birth. In a dream Hecuba receives the prophecy that her son, to whom she is going to give birth, will be responsible for the conflagration and destruction of Troy. She wants to abandon the newborn. After her son’s birth, while Hector, who would have interfered, is away at a tournament, she orders a knight called Hylyon to bring the boy to a forest and kill him. The knight feels pity for the newborn and leaves him still living in the wood. A shepherd finds the baby and takes care of it.
Motif References:

M 370 Vain attempts to escape fulfillment of prophecy
M 371.0.1 Abandonment in forest to avoid fulfillment of prophecy
K 512.2 Compassionate executioner: substituted heart [liver].

GoTK-854:   Hecuba wants to reward Samlon for his service, but he declines. Gold, silver and jewels, which the queen gives him against his will, he gives to poor servants. Hector accompanies Samlon on his way back to Baldach. There he is welcomed with pomp and ceremony and praised because of his bravery.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-919:   Amongst the court society is a man, who envies Hector his praise. This knight named Amur challenges Hector to a single combat. Hector wins.
Motif References:

W 181 Jealousy
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat

GoTK-1092:   Hector takes his leave of Samlon’s court. He rewards the servants with a thousand Marks. Samlon gives him gold and a special red stone.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity

GoTK-1124:   After a short time Hector reaches a forest, where a malevolent giant named Ruel is living, who attacks everyone, who is not as evil as he himself is. The giant attacks Hector with a club. Hector kills the giant cutting off his head.
Motif References:

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
G 316 Giant robber with club
F 531 Giant
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
F 531.6.2.7 Giants in wild forests
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

GoTK-1214:   Hector muses on his way home to Troy why people had attacked him without reason. He comes to the decision that he will behave towards people as they behave towards him. Hector reaches Troy and is warmly welcomed, especially by his mother. She sees blood on him, but he assures her of his health. Hecuba takes off her son’s armor and finds him without any wound. She orders that precious clothes be brought for him. Hector is the first man in the country, like a young eagle amongst other birds.
Motif References:

J 2067 Sacrifice equal to the reward

GoTK-1318:   Hecuba gives birth to a son but orders a knight called Hylyon to bring him to a forest and kill him, because she learned by a dream that this son would cause Troy’s destruction. She orders a knight called Hylyon to bring the child to a forest and kill him, but he feels pity for the newborn and leaves him in the wood without doing any harm to him. A shepherd finds the baby crying with hunger.
Motif References:

L 111.2 Foundling hero
R 131.3 Herdsman rescues abandoned child
R 131 Exposed or abandoned child rescued
M 371.0.1 Abandonment in forest to avoid fulfillment of prophecy
K 512.2 Compassionate executioner: substituted heart [liver].

GoTK-1382:   The newborn smiles at the herdsman even though he is suffering of hunger. Ribalin carries him to a white goat that suckles the infant. Evening is drawing on and the shepherd carries the child to his home, where his wife Lixa welcomes him. She takes care of the boy as if he were her own son.
Motif References:

P 270.2 Peasant and his wife as foster parents of exposed king’s son
S 351.2 Abandoned child reared by herdsman
F 611.2.1 Strong hero suckled by animal

GoTK-1469:   A story from Paris’ childhood: a dog steals a piece of bread from his table, Paris gets angry and strikes the dog dead. Lixa punishes the boy by ordering him to take care of their animals as a herdsman. He regrets what he has done and eventually pleases his stepmother.
Motif References:

W 31 Obedience
Q 285.1 Cruelty to animals punished

GoTK-1496:   Another story from Paris’ childhood: Once Ribalin grows ill, not being able to do his work. He begs Paris to herd the cattle, sheep and pigs. All of a sudden a bear rushes out of the forest close to Paris and his flock. The bear attacks an ox and Paris, mistaking the big animal for a dog, kills the bear with a club. The next morning Ribalin finds the ox wounded. Paris tells him that a big dog had attacked the ox and shows him the animal’s dead body. All people praise him for his bravery. Ribalin teaches him to shoot.
Motif References:

J 1750 One animal mistaken for another

GoTK-1588:   Once again the boy Paris guards Ribalin’s herd. A wild hungry lion appears and Paris mistakes him for a bear. He kills the lion with an arrow. Ribalin watches as the boy kills the big animal. Paris tells him that a bear has attacked again. Paris takes the lion’s dead body over his shoulder and declines his father’s offer to carry the lion.
Motif References:

Z 20 Cumulative tales
W 32 Bravery
F 611.3.2 Hero’s precocious strength

GoTK-1663:   Paris carries the lion to his home. He tells Lixa the story and is only regretting the breaking of his bow. Lixa promises a bow made of horn and leads him to a room, where twenty-four bows are. One is made of a very solid horn of an ibex and its color is black.
Motif References:

T 615.5 Precocious young child demands weapons
F 836.2 Hornbows

GoTK-1714:   Paris hunts down a stag and cuts off his huge antlers. From the distance, he sees two goddesses. He hurries to come nearer but they vanish. At dusk Paris returns home.
Motif References:

Z 231 Boyish exploits of hero

GoTK-1764:   The next day Paris is again alone in the forest: he sees two bulls fighting each other and binds a garland for the one that gains victory. Two beautiful noble women named Distordia and Terius come into the forest, but keep themselves unseen until the next day. The following day Paris watches another fight between the two bulls, but now the other one wins. Paris takes the garland from one bull and gives it to the victorious. The two observing women approve and therefore show themselves.
Motif References:

D 42 God in guise of mortal
B 264 Single combat between animals

GoTK-1827:   The two goddesses tell Paris about his royal descent. First he disbelieves them but Terius tells him about his father and his kingdom that Hecuba abandoned him because of a dream; a knight called Hylion brought him to the forest, wrapped him into silk clothes and Ribalin found him. Terius praises Paris’ justice in treating both bulls equally. She gives him his name, Paris, and hands him a golden apple, which would lead him to love and success, if he follows her advice. The following day he shall meet three women, of whom each one would ask for the apple. One is Pallas, she has beautiful eyes and a white dress, the other is Juno, who will wear a green dress, and the third, the most beautiful is Venus, who wears a golden crown. Paris should give the apple to her. Paris decides to follow Terius’ advice.
Motif References:

N 131.4 Luck changing after change of name
A 156.2 God’s crown
A 182.2 God gives name to child
A 185.3 Deity teaches mortal
D 1814.3 Advice from God (or the gods)

GoTK-1970:   Paris returns home but remains silent about what has happened. The next morning Paris leads his herd to the same place where he met the two goddesses. Near a well three women, Juno, Venus and Pallas, are sitting. Pallas addresses Paris first: he should not be afraid and approach. Then she asks him for the apple. She offers him honor, an entourage of 500 knights and riches. He declines. Juno offers riches too and promises to make him her husband and king. But not until Venus begs for the apple he is willing to give it. She is thankful and the two others are not jealous. She promises to him the most beautiful woman of the world, Helena, and gives him a keen sword as a present, which had belonged to her father Avinör, and a golden helmet named Abygor, more solid than a diamond. He should leave his herd and become a knight.
Motif References:

Q 114.3 Sword as reward
A 182 God reveals himself to mortals
A 182.3.4 God makes promises to mortal
M 260 Other promises
F 813.1.1 Golden apple
F 833.3 Sword extraordinarily bright, sharp
H 1596.1 Golden apple as prize in beauty contest. Judgment of Paris.

GoTK-2187:   Paris returns to his herd proudly wearing sword and helmet. At home, Ribalin wonders about his riches and Paris tells him how he met the three women and learned of his royal descent. He asks for Ribalin’s permission to leave them. Though Ribalin and Lixa are miserable, they consent and give him twelve golden marks, a gorget and a clasp. They tell him how Ribalin found him. Paris takes his leave.
Motif References:

S 350.2 Child driven out (exposed) brought up in secret
H 1221 Quest for adventure

GoTK-2301:   On his way, Paris meets three knights, who ask him about his splendid sword and helmet. They demand the weapons and Paris has to fight against them. He kills two, one escapes. Paris prays to Venus and promises to be her servant.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
N 765 Meeting with robber band

GoTK-2391:   After a long journey Paris reaches the castle Achenis, which is the first castle he has ever seen. He meets twelve knights and prepares himself for fighting. However, one knight called Thedalus approaches him and assures him, that the knights do not want to fight him. Paris tells Thedalus about his recent combat with three knights. Thedalus knows them and wants to see where the combat took place. All twelve admire the young boy’s strength. Thedalus invites Paris to his castle Arlas, where especially Thedalus’ wife Aloyse welcomes him with all honors and praise for his beauty and bravery.
Motif References:

N 835 Wealthy (powerful) man as helper

GoTK-2505:   Aloyse introduces Paris to the noble women of the castle, who are delighted about his youth and prowess. Hero’s arrival as guest at a castle: hero is especially welcomed by host’s wife. She leads him first to the noble women of court society, to whom the hero tells his adventures. Afterwards he is invited to an opulent meal, where game, fish and meat from tame animals is served. The goblets are made of gold and silver.
Motif References:

P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible

GoTK-2577:   While the members of court are having a meal, a knight named Gariel of Parlant approaches the castle. Nobody dares to fight him except Paris. Paris kills the famous knight in single combat and takes the dead body and the horse back to the castle. The host’s wife praises and comforts him and leads him to young maidens to have company.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-2731:   Thedalus invites Paris to stay at castle Arlas for one year. Paris answers modestly that he could only serve as a squire, but his host would not have it granting him all honors of a knight. The members of the court appreciate Paris’ decision to stay.
Motif References:

S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]

GoTK-2786:   One morning Thedalus together with his entourage and Paris leave the castle for falconry. While the falcon catches a bird, Paris recognizes seven men approaching him and Thedalus, who is without weapons. Paris has to fight them all alone. He kills three of them, including the nobleman Pargalt, and captures four. Back in Arlas all praise him for having saved Thedalus’ life.
Motif References:

P 361 Faithful servant [vassal]
N 399 Additional unlucky accidents

GoTK-2902:   At that time emperor Agamennon holds a tournament at Achenis, twelve hundred knights attend. Beautiful tents are put up. Thedalus invites Paris to join him on his journey to the tournament. They arrive accompanied by twelve maidens. All the knights wonder about Paris’ extraordinary helmet and speculate whether they could win it.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 561 Tournaments
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

GoTK-2948:   Turian challenges Paris to a single combat. Helena watches the fight. Most of the spectators favor Paris. During the fight some rings of Turian’s armor break and he is wounded and falls down. Paris cuts off his head. The knights now grant Paris Turian’s beautiful helmet.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-3009:   Helena achieves that Agamemnon receives Paris and Thedalus. The king asks Paris about his former adventures. Paris recounts his fight against the three robbers, the encounter with the twelve knights, who treated him well, especially Thedalus, whom he rescued from seven enemies, and about his single combat with a knight, whose horse he captured. While Paris is telling his adventures, Helena listens with interest. Thedalus adds the names of Paris’ former opponents: Barigalt, Gariel von Payerland, Amphus von Istris and Turian. Agamemnon invites Paris to stay at his court and asks Thedalus, who has no other choice as to agree, for his assent.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
N 835 Wealthy (powerful) man as helper

GoTK-3105:   The author addresses Paris thus advising him about appropriate behavior towards women.
Motif References:

GoTK-3119:   Agamemnon himself enters the tournament and even fights in the same party as Thedalus and Paris. Among their opponents are Menelaus and other knights. The noble ladies watch in awe. Paris overcomes every opponent and wins many horses, relinquishing them to the poor.
Motif References:

W 11 Generosity
P 60 Noble (gentle) ladies
F 611.3.2 Hero’s precocious strength

GoTK-3189:   Praise of Paris’ virtue. The author criticizes contemporary knighthood because of its lack of honor, stealing, robbing, plundering and lying. In Paris’ times knighthood was honest and sincere. When Thedalus is on his way home, he is attacked by twelve men, among them Aschos von Horchan. Paris hears the noise and comes to Thedalus’ rescue. He kills all twelve of them. Paris and Thedalus part from each other. Thedalus tells his wife at Arlas about what had happened. Paris tells Agamemnon only that he went out riding.
Motif References:

N 650 Life saved by accident.
H 1556 Tests of fidelity [loyalty]

GoTK-3286:   At Agamemnon’s court hospitality is held in high esteem. Author’s comments on the ideal form of hospitality.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-3307:   A kingdom named Tartarie adjoins to Greece. Its king is Matribulus, who wants to achieve a marriage with the beautiful Helena. He assembles a hundred thousand men, moves towards Achanis and besieges the town.
Motif References:

T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage

GoTK-3361:   Agamemnon is at a loss when faced with this big number of enemies, but Paris is willing to fight against them, if he is granted eight thousand soldiers.
Motif References:

N 838 Hero (culture hero) as helper

GoTK-3401:   Agamemnon sends to Constantinople for military aid. The nobles send him 1400 warriors. The battle starts. The Greek standard-bearer is a brave man called Nyfran. The author Wolfram prays to Venus to help her servants. Matribulus is killed in the battle together with 80,000 of his followers. The rest takes to flight.
Motif References:

F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

GoTK-3567:   Only seventy of the Greek warriors are killed in the battle. The victorious soldiers ride into the city of Constantinople, where they are received with all honors. All noble women praise the victors. The most beautiful among them, Helena, wears a crown, a coat lined with sable fur, clothes made of precious silk and a golden clasp. She carries a little sparrow hawk on her arm. Queen Floranda welcomes her husband Agamemnon and Helena asks if she is allowed to invite Paris to her home. There she personally takes off his weapons and armor.
Motif References:

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
P 634 Feasts
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material

GoTK-3721:   Agamemnon asks the fourteen noblemen’s advice to honor Paris and they consent to dub him knight and give him one hundred knights for his entourage, equipped with clothes, armors and horses. Floranda and Helena additionally provide him with jewels and precious clothes.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
Q 113 Knighthood as reward

GoTK-3813:   Queen Floranda prepares a grand court feast. Famous goldsmiths from all over the country produce fine jewelry. It takes two years to produce one hundred crowns, two hundred rings, armor and ornaments. Paris receives a clasp, decorated with king Agamemnon’s sign, a golden elephant. All Greek noblewomen are invited. Paris is raised to knighthood in presence of his entourage. He asks the tailors to sew a picture on the surface of his horse-blanket: beautiful women holding a golden apple in their hands, above their heads the name “Venus”, his coat of arms.
Motif References:

P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 634 Feasts

GoTK-3937:   A tournament takes place. Paris wears his new coat of armor. The custom demands that whoever defeats his opponent can also keep his armor. Paris overcomes sixty knights.
Motif References:

P 557 Military customs
P 561 Tournaments
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

GoTK-3973:   A Scottish knight named Alpheolan challenges Paris to single combat. He rides on a beautiful black horse and his coat of arms is a golden dragon. Both warriors ride towards each other and Paris causes Alpheolan to fall from his horse. Paris dismounts only to see Alpheolan die.
Motif References:

H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-4075:   Alpheolan’s wife, Laudorie, falls over his dead body in grief. Helena tries to comfort her: she will find another man. Laudorie praises Alpheolan and tells Helena that she is afraid of her brother-in-law Ursyan. Helena suggests Paris defend Laudorie and presents her at court. Laudorie mentions her brother Ajax de Kurtin, who would defend her rights against Ursyan.
Motif References:

P 263 Brother-in-law
N 770 Experiences leading to adventures

GoTK-4165:   Floranda distributes precious presents among those knights, who were dubbed together with Paris.
Motif References:

W 11.2 Munificent monarch

GoTK-4209:   Ursyan approaches Agamemnon’s castle. A knight, who also intends to visit, follows him. Laudorie and the court members watch them. The second knight is very beautiful and wears a golden leopard in his coat of arms. Laudorie recognizes her brother Ajax de Kurtin. All of a sudden Ursyan and Ajax engage in a furious combat in front of the castle. Ajax eventually kills the wicked knight Ursyan.
Motif References:

P 253.2.1 Brother faithful to persecuted sister
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-4337:   Ajax is received well by his sister and the court and Helena and Floranda honor him with presents. Soon Ajax and Laudorie bid farewell and the latter travels home to Scotland.
Motif References:

P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible

GoTK-4423:   While Agamemnon and the noblemen are having a meal, a young knight approaches the court. He desperately recounts how he lost his wife: While he and his thousand knights had been asleep in a forest, twelve giants attacked them. One of them, Pligor, abducted his wife. She wears a ring that keeps her from being raped. The knight worries that the giant will kill her. When the nobles express their sympathy the desperate knight warns them that the giant will arrive at their court next morning carrying the knight’s wife with him, who is guarded by two dwarfs. Brave Paris volunteers to fight with the giant.
Motif References:

R 11.3 Abduction by giant
W 35 Justice
S 186 Torturing by beating
F 451.10 Dwarfs and other supernatural beings
F 451.5.2 Malevolent dwarf
F 531.6.2.7 Giants in wild forests
D 1381.7 Magic ring protects from attack

GoTK-4505:   The next morning Pligor approaches the castle, violently leading a captured and obviously mistreated woman, who only wears a thin skirt, with him. Paris waits for him in front of the castle and soon they engage in a furious single combat. Finally Paris beats his opponent and cuts off his head. The two dwarfs flee. Orgaloyse thanks Paris. He covers her with his coat and conducts her to the court.
Motif References:

S 133 Murder by beheading
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

GoTK-4643:   Orgaloyse sits beside Helena and Floranda. The author praises the beauty and virtue of these three ladies. Paris enters and Orgaloyse kisses him gratefully for his help. The author urges the readers to follow Paris’ example in bravery.
Motif References:

GoTK-4687:   After staying at Agamemnon’s court for a year Orgaloyse and Palterius, rulers of Ponte, long for their home. Palterius has a dream that shows him a falcon taking him and Orgaloyse home to Tennabry, the capital city of Ponte.
Motif References:

D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream

GoTK-4729:   One day Agamemnon welcomes a guest. It is Nectarius, king of Karnant. More than 500 beautiful tents are pitched in front of Agamemnon’s castle. A maiden called Anthona announces to Orgaloyse and her husband the arrival of the noble guest. When Orgaloyse looks down from the castle, she recognizes her son. Palterius runs, accompanied by 80 noblemen, to meet Nectarius, who is delighted to see his father.
Motif References:

N 730 Accidental reunion of families
F 775 Extraordinary tent

GoTK-4804:   Nectarius asks about his mother and Palterius tells him how Paris saved her life. Nectarius thanks Paris and offers his services as a liegeman. The queen and court noblewomen come and Nectarius recognizes his mother among them. Nectarius’ knights honor Paris. A feast is held with music, dance and a big banquet.
Motif References:

W 27 Gratitude
Q 53 Reward for rescue
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
P 634 Feasts

GoTK-4928:   Paris sees a knight approaching the castle unobserved by the others, who wears a golden elephant in his coat of arms. His clothes are very beautiful, and the horse blanket is made of ziklat, a precious kind of silk, shot with gold thread. The knight is called Marcus. When he crosses the moat, the others also notice him.
Motif References:

GoTK-4961:   Marcus dismounts. He comes as messenger, not as an enemy. He takes off his helmet, shield and spear, takes out a letter and enters the hall, where the knights are sitting.
Motif References:

C 835.2 Tabus concerning weapons

GoTK-4983:   Agamemnon offers Marcus a seat, who refuses, because he has to hand over a letter to Helena. The letter is King Trifon’s of Arabe proposition to Helena. Helena refuses the proposal with thanks.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
T 51 Wooing by emissary

GoTK-5015:   Marcus is disappointed about her decision and the long unavailing journey. He complains about it wherever he goes. Paris offends Marcus, who wants to defend his honor. He would fight anyone in single combat. The king rises from the table and the knights ride outside the castle. Paris prepares for single combat.
Motif References:

Q 327 Discourtesy punished
P 556 Challenge to battle

GoTK-5057:   Marcus arms himself supported by twelve of his squires. Noblemen and ladies gather outside the castle to watch the single combat. Marcus thunders towards his opponent and lifts him out of his saddle with his spear. Marcus and Paris are of equal strength. They start the encounter with their swords and fight well into the night. They continue the next morning. The king finally stops the single combat. Marcus is wounded and has to be carried away. He praises Paris for his strength. Helena orders to treat Marcus with everything possible. Comment of the author: Whenever women are involved difficulties soon arrive.
Motif References:

P 677 Customs connected with dueling
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-5155:   Marcus stays at the Greek court for half a year. When Orgaloyse, Palterius and Nectarius leave for their home country Karnant, Helena grows very sad.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-5207:   King Trifon prepares for war against the Greeks. He takes seven kings with him, each of them leads fifty thousand soldiers. Marcus wants to prevent the war and settle the conflict. Achenis is under siege. There seems to be no hope for the Greeks. One night the desperate king seeks Paris’ counsel, who proposes to leave and recruit troops.
Motif References:

T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege

GoTK-5275:   The still injured Marcus hears about Trifon’s war and wants to interfere. As soon as he has recovered he arms himself and approaches Trifon, who welcomes him but urges him to explain what kept him so long. Marcus answers that he had handed over the message and got into trouble by fighting with a knight. Trifon loses his temper and reproaches Marcus for his weakness, who tells him about Paris’ bravery and strength. Now Trifon wants to fight against Paris: he vows that if defeated he would nether attack Greece again nor woo Helena anymore. Marcus tells Paris about Trifon’s wish. Paris takes up his challenge.
Motif References:

W 45 Honor
P 556 Challenge to battle

GoTK-5392:   Paris and Trifon arm themselves. Trifon needs four helpers for putting on his armor, Paris seven. No horse can carry Paris, because his armor is too heavy. Before the single combat, they insult each other. Paris fights on foot, but he makes Trifon fall off his horse. They continue fighting with swords. The ladies watch from the castle in awe.
Motif References:

P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-5505:   The author complains about the sorrow that is caused by love. He does not want to suffer for a woman. One should long for virtue and love God. Paris hits Trifon with his sword Ziclopes and splits his helmet. Trifon dies. Trifon’s followers attack Paris and want to take revenge, but Marcus helps Paris and both put the enemies to flight. Many of Marcus’ relatives and liegemen call him and wonder why he helps the Greek. They take the dead Trifon with them and flee over the sea home to Orgente. The plain in front of the castle is covered with dead bodies.
Motif References:

M 205 Breaking of bargains and promises
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 614.10 Strong hero fights whole army alone

GoTK-5617:   Paris and Marcus are welcomed at court and praised for their deeds. The king of Ybernie, Gamorett, hears about the circumstances of Trifon’s, his brother’s, death. He calls twelve kings to help, who are subservient. They have to come on foot into his capital city.
Motif References:

P 251.3.1 Brothers strive to avenge each other

GoTK-5677:   The Greeks send Paris as a messenger to Karnant. He rides for nine days. On the tenth, he arrives at Karnant, where he receives a warm welcome. After having heard about the Greeks’ difficulties Nectarius assures Paris of his help. Orgaloyse consents. 300,000 soldiers gather to support Paris. For half a year, Nectarius prepares the campaign. Count Zirus takes on the army’s rationing for one year. In addition, giants serve Nectarius, of whom he elects fourteen to go with him. They know how to fight with swords and staffs and the smallest is the size of a tree.
Motif References:

P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army)
F 531.5.1 Giant friendly to man
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

GoTK-5773:   Paris announces Nectarius’s help at Agamemnon’s court. Gamorett invades the country with an enormous army. Meanwhile Nectarius comes with his men. One morning he attacks Gamorett. Paris carries Agamemnon’s standard and Gamorett’s standard by king Pompeus. The battle starts early in the morning.
Motif References:

L 400 Pride brought low
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

GoTK-5866:   The giants are fighting with steel bars in the front line. Paris and Pompeus fight in single combat. Pompeus is defeated and killed. Nectarius fights with Gamorett and is stronger than his opponent. Gamorett flees. A knight, called Ybrot kills Count Zirus. Agamenon also kills many enemies. Gamorett flees through a forest, pursued by Nectarius, but eventually has to give up because of his wounded horse.
Motif References:

F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

GoTK-5958:   A messenger approaches Helena. She worries about her father and Paris. The messenger tells her about the Greek victory. Helena orders the noblewomen to dress up. Meanwhile on the battlefield the soldiers take to rest in their tents to recover. When Paris glances out he sees the queen and her noble ladies coming. Nectarius hastens to greet Helena and conducts her to a beautiful and large tent, where she takes a seat together with her entourage. All noblemen gather.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger

GoTK-6021:   Nectarius asks Helena what she would have done if the Greeks had lost the battle and all of the soldiers had been killed. Helena answers that she would have committed suicide. Agamemnon poses the same question to his wife. She answers that as long as the castle was safe she would wait with this decision. Helena replies to her that fleeing would be the best.
Motif References:

P 26 Captured queen commits [attempts] suicide

GoTK-6069:   Musicians bring their instruments. Floranda gives thanks to Nectarius. Helena and Amande prostrate themselves at his feet and embrace his knees. All enjoy a great variety of delicious meals. For fourteen days, the one hundred thousand guests stay and are entertained and fed well. Then Nectarius returns to Karnant.
Motif References:

P 634 Feasts

GoTK-6119:   Gamorett hides with 10,000 men in a forest. One morning Paris rides out for hunting, only carrying a shield. All of a sudden he is assaulted, captured and robbed of his precious clothes. Paris is brought to Ybernie and Agamemnon’s court is full of mourning and grief. Especially Helena grows very sad.
Motif References:

K 782 Capture by lying in wait in enemy’s haunt
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous

GoTK-6163:   Paris remains naked on the journey. It is summer and very hot and midges and horseflies bite him so that his back is even bleeding. His guards whip him. When they come into a forest in Ybernie, a count suggests tying Paris to a tree, lay his sword beside him and let the wild beasts kill him, because it would diminish Gamorett’s honor if he himself killed a man. The proposal is put into action and Paris is left alone.
Motif References:

R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
S 143 Abandonment in forest
S 460 Other cruel persecutions

GoTK-6227:   A young man is riding through the forest, when he suddenly hears Paris’ voice. He dismounts, finds Paris and frees him from the bonds. The dwarf (boy) called Marcus notices the close resemblance to Hector and Paris admits to be Hector’s brother.
Motif References:

H 20 Recognition by resemblance
N 650 Life saved by accident.
N 832 Boy as helper

GoTK-6273:   Marcus drapes a coat made of ermine and silk from Denmark around Paris’ shoulders and guides him to his castle Karmelin in Scotland. Paris is warmly welcomed there and Marcus orders to serve him with everything possible. His wounds are anointed and bandaged.
Motif References:

P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

GoTK-6310:   The castle, which is located in the mountains, is surrounded by a moat that is five hundred feet wide and deep. The high wall bears seven towers and is made of red and green marble arranged like the pattern of a chessboard. The roof is also very ornate. Near every tower a house for the knights with a big hall is situated. Marcus’ wife Artanna personally takes care of Paris and cures him.
Motif References:

F 771.8 Castle of extraordinary size

GoTK-6351:   After he recovers, Paris asks his hosts to assent to his departure. Marcus wants to accompany Paris on his journey and gives him an excellent horse. Artanna promises to sew him suitable clothes. Paris rejoices. All promises are kept. The horse’s name is Alphite. Paris arms himself. Now he tells Marcus what has happened and why he has been found tied up in the forest. Both depart.
Motif References:

W 45 Honor
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

GoTK-6485:   Marcus and Paris travel for thirteen days. Then they meet twelve robbers. Paris is sure to overcome them even if they have more people. Marcus flees and hides so that Paris has to fight alone. He kills the robbers. Marcus apologizes to Paris for not having helped. Paris reminds him how he, Marcus, has helped him once.
Motif References:

W 27 Gratitude
W 32 Bravery
Z 71.8 Formulistic number: twelve
W 121 Cowardice
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
P 475.1 Twelve robbers
N 765 Meeting with robber band

GoTK-6577:   Marcus and Paris continue their journey. When they leave the forest Syolis, Paris sees Achenis in the distance. The horses get tired and they stop at a well. When a merchant approaches them, Paris and Marcus want to buy bread from him. The generous merchant takes his sack down from the horse’s back offering them wine, meat and bread.
Motif References:

N 851 Merchant as helper

GoTK-6648:   The merchant recognizes a giant and his wife coming towards them, seeming ready to fight. Paris orders the others to hide and fights alone. Ruel, the female giant, first attacks Paris, who asks her during the combat why she attacks him. She answers that she needs something to eat, because she hasn’t eaten anything for nine days. Paris finally kills her.
Motif References:

G 11.2 Cannibal giant
F 531.0.4 Giant woman
F 531.2 Size of giant
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]

GoTK-6738:   Paris fights the giant Calabrus, who looks very strange. His mouth extends to the ears, the forehead is as large as a tub, his ears are larger than shovels, the nose is three spans long, the eyes red as the eyes of an ostrich and his breath stinks. He begins to throw branches at Paris, who repels them with his shield; then he manages to injure the giant with the sword, eventually killing him.
Motif References:

F 531.1.6 Other bodily characteristics of giant
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant
F 531.1.1 Eyes of giant
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

GoTK-6839:   Paris cuts off the giants’ heads and wants to bring them to Helena as a present. He ties them to his saddle. Figras, the merchant, leaves Marcus and Paris.
Motif References:

P 555.2.1.1 ”Publication of slaying”. Heads of slain enemies displayed

GoTK-6890:   Marcus and Paris meet Thedalus of Arlas carrying a hawk on his arm. He lets the bird fly and embraces Paris. He asks about the heads that are tied to the saddle, and Paris recounts his adventure with the two giants. Thedalus invites them to his castle Arlas and Paris and Marcus gladly accept the invitation.
Motif References:

N 760 Other accidental encounters

GoTK-6939:   Paris and Marcus pass an oak forest near Achenis. Paris asks Marcus to announce his arrival and according to his request, Marcus walks to Achenis. The gatekeeper lets him in and Marcus takes off his armor and puts on beautiful clothes. The king welcomes him warmly and Marcus tells him that a knight sends his best regards to the court. They immediately assume that it has to be Paris and rejoice that he came back, especially Helena is overjoyed. When they learn where he dwells, everybody puts on precious clothes and hurries to see Paris.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
H 32 Recognition by extraordinary prowess [virtue]
N 821 Help from little man

GoTK-7063:   When they eventually find Paris they joyfully welcome him: Helena embraces and kisses him. Floranda sits down beside him and Paris tells his adventures. Then Paris displays the giants’ heads, which he brought in Helena’s honor. Everybody is in awe and curious to hear the story about the giants. Paris praises Marcus’ virtue and helpfulness and the noblemen thank him.
Motif References:

Q 190 Rewards – miscellaneous

GoTK-7172:   All courtiers gather in a large hall covered with rose petals. Minstrels play their instruments: violins, rotes and flutes. Then they enjoy a delicious meal. Helena sits beside Marcus and Paris. Over one thousand people eat together with Agamemnon. Additionally many knights join the king. Fish and meat are served.
Motif References:

P 634 Feasts

GoTK-7222:   Helena glances through a window and notices a woman riding towards the castle. Her clothes and the horse blankets are made of precious scarlet. Agamemnon sends a page called Ribyan to the gate, who should ask the maiden’s desire. She dismounts and the page takes her horse, while she enters the castle. For his eager service the lady gives him a ring, which causes its wearer never to get tired and to be able to run thirty miles a day. Both enter the hall and the king welcomes the guest. Helena offers her the seat beside her and food is brought for Cornoyse, the maiden. After the meal she stands up and reveals what brought her there.
Motif References:

Q 41 Politeness rewarded
H 111 Identification by garment
P 324.2 Guests fed before being questioned
D 1076 Magic ring
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength

GoTK-7297:   Cornoyse is the messenger of the beautiful Indian queen Pennille, who needs help, because a giant is devastating her country. Cornoyse goes to every knight to beg him for help until she comes to Paris. He is willing to fight for the queen. Many men and women grow very sad, because he will leave them. Paris arms himself and departs together with the maiden. Marcus sets off for Karmelin.
Motif References:

P 14.15.2 Court messenger
F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant
H 1223 Quest to undertake feats of valor

GoTK-7392:   Paris and Cornoyse leave the castle and depart for India. They are riding very fast. Although Cornoyse’s beauty delights Paris, he still favors Helena, whose beauty surpasses all.
Motif References:

F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
H 1381.3.6 Quest for persecuted woman

GoTK-7419:   Paris and the maiden come to a forest on a mountain and hear the voice of a crying woman. Paris orders Cornoyse to wait and hurries to help the woman, who had been captured and tied up by a red-haired knight called Malagriss. Paris grasps his hair, takes out his sword and beheads the knight. The poet praises Venus and Minne. The maiden reveals how she came under the power of Malagriss: When she was enjoying a ride with her girl friend, the knight attacked them, killed her friend and attempted to rape her. The grateful maiden introduces herself as Achanaysz and politely asks about his name. Then they part.
Motif References:

R 4 Surprise capture
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
S 113 Murder by strangling
Q 244.1 Punishment for attempted rape
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
A 475.1 Goddess of love
C 686.1 Tabu- to refuse help to a woman
N 760 Other accidental encounters
H 1162.1 Task: overcoming robbers

GoTK-7571:   Paris returns to Cornoyse and they continue their journey. After a while they see a beautiful castle in front of them. Cornoyse tells Paris that the name of the castle is Istris and its owner is called Ysachor, who fights with all comers. Cornoyse cannot keep Paris from approaching the castle.
Motif References:

P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
H 945 Tasks voluntarily undertaken

GoTK-7601:   Ysachor notices them from the distance and arms himself. As his crest he wears an elaborate golden wheel studded with jewels, which rotates in the wind. Coat and horse blanket are golden. Ysachor attacks Paris right away. Paris makes him fall down from the horse’s back. They continue fighting with swords and Paris wounds his opponent, but instead of killing him, he warns Ysachor never to attack his guests again. Ysachor promises and as evening is approaching he invites Paris and Cornoyse.
Motif References:

J 21.1 ”Consider the end”
J 21.2.3 ”Do not draw your sword against the innocent”: counsel proved wise by experience
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
L 420 Overweening ambition punished
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-7737:   Ysachor’s virtuous wife welcomes the guests and wonders how they came to the castle. After she has heard about the combat, she falls on her knees to thank Paris that he spared her husband’s life. Paris hurries to have her stand up. Then he inquires how many men Ysachor has killed up to his arrival. Ysachor tells him that he never killed his opponents, but only fought with them for honor; if they were wounded he had them cured. He also gave them a horse if one lost his in the combat. He had been fighting against all challengers since ten years and never has been defeated.
Motif References:

W 45 Honor
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers

GoTK-7821:   Paris instructs Ysachor in how a knight should behave: he should defend himself when attacked, but never attack an innocent. Ysachor did not behave as a knight, but as a criminal and robber. Ysachor is very thankful for this instruction and treats him with food and everything possible. Paris and his companion stay for the night. Very early in the morning, they leave again.
Motif References:

J 21.2.3 ”Do not draw your sword against the innocent”: counsel proved wise by experience
Q 43 Reward for giving counsel
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-7947:   On their journey one evening, Paris and Cornoyse pass a house, where they hear noise. Paris enters the house and sees robbers in it. He kills them and brings the corpses into the wood. Then he leads Cornoyse into the house and tells her what happened. They find good food and have meal.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
N 680 Lucky accidents – miscellaneous
N 765 Meeting with robber band

GoTK-8079:   Two robbers, who are still alive, attack Paris and Cornoyse, but Paris kills them. Afterwards he sits down at the fireplace and recovers from his labors. They spend the night there, but can not sleep because of fear. In the morning they leave the place.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place

GoTK-8132:   After some time they come to a very beautiful tent and a knight comes towards them in a friendly way. It is Zirius, who greets and invites them. Paris and Zirius talk with each other without boasting. They have a splendid meal.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality
C 450 Tabu: boasting
N 760 Other accidental encounters
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)

GoTK-8210:   Zirius tells Paris that the Castille Monagris, a bad knight, challenged him to single combat and would come next day morning. Zirius boasts that if he defeats Monagris nobody could ever overcome him. Paris wants to depart, but Zirius holds him back, because he should see the single combat.
Motif References:

C 450 Tabu: boasting
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-8251:   Enalde, Zirius’ wife, asks Cornoyse, whether she would be Paris’ mistress. Cornoyse answers that he would deserve a queen, because he is a strong and brave knight and tells her about his labors during the journey.
Motif References:

J 410 Association of equals and unequals

GoTK-8289:   The next morning Monagris approaches. He wears a splendid armor and has a golden thread on his helmet, a pledge from his mistress, for whom he is fighting. Zirius arms himself. His rich clothes show many parrots. Clarete and Enalde, Monagris’ and Zirius’ mistresses, watch the single combat. Monagris defeats Zirius and kills him.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 677 Customs connected with dueling
F 877.1 Gold (silver, copper) thread

GoTK-8356:   Paris sees how Zirius dies and that Enalde suffers watching her lover dying. Paris attacks Monagris on foot, because he has lost his horse in the former single combat. Monagris tells Paris a fable about a crow and a hawk. The crow wants to kill a hawk nesting near her. One morning she flies towards him, but the old hawk leaves her nest, knowing that the crow is weak, and kills the little crows in her neighbor’s nest. When she returns, she sees that her nestlings killed the old crow. Paris would be like the crow.
Motif References:

J 80 Wisdom (knowledge) taught by parable
P 310.2 Friends avenge each other

GoTK-8403:   Paris is not impressed by Monagris’ parable. They fight until night and separate. The next morning Paris defeats Monagris by beheading him.
Motif References:

H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-8457:   Clarete mourns over Monagris. Enalde says to her that is Monagris’ fault that also her lover is dead now, whom he assaulted without reason. Clarete answers that women should speak well about the dead. Both are reconciled and Clarete offers Enalde to come with her. There she could also reign over a country. Enalde thanks her for the offer. Clarete departs.
Motif References:

P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil
C 400 Speaking tabu
J 1020 Strength in unity

GoTK-8553:   Paris takes his leave of Enalde, who returns to the castle and orders to bury the two dead men. Paris and Cornoyse ride through the forest Axela and come to India and the castle Alumpe. Cornoyse rejoices. Paris explains to her how honorable it is for man to serve a woman and asks about Penile’s enemy. Cornoyse answers that the giant is called Abigal and devastates Penile’s country. She is so beautiful that Abigal wants to marry her.
Motif References:

J 175 Wisdom from young man
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault

GoTK-8648:   Penile watches out from her castle together with twelve maidens and sees Paris and Cornoyse. The maidens and all noble women dress up for their arrival and Penile is even more beautiful than anybody else is. Paris and Cornoyse ride into the castle and the court gathers to welcome them. Paris dismounts and Penile takes his horse. Paris says that this were not the work of a queen but of a servant. Penile answers that she is so glad to see him that she would like to carry him and his horse upwards to the castle. Penile leads Paris to a beautiful hall covered with roses.
Motif References:

F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
J 910 Humility of the great

GoTK-8768:   Women take off Paris’ rusty armor and Penile orders to prepare a bath flavored with herbs for him. Penile leads him to the beautiful bath. Paris asks in embarrassment the maidens, who prepared the bath, to leave the room, but they want to watch his beauty and stay.
Motif References:

C 313.1 Tabu- woman seeing nude man
P 320 Hospitality
F 575.2 Handsome man
F 872 Extraordinary bath

GoTK-8845:   Penile recognizes that Paris’ clothes are worn-out and brings silken and other precious clothes. She replaces as well his old belt by a precious one that is green and as thick as a finger, at the side even as thick as four fingers, decorated with two golden rings. She brings the clothes to Paris, who sits in the bath, and the maidens leave the room.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality
F 829.3 Extraordinary belt

GoTK-8919:   Squires are ordered to serve Paris. They dress him with Penile’s bathrobe and provide a bed, cushions and silk blankets. Paris lies down to sleep.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-8938:   When Paris wakes up, he sees his new clothes and puts them on. All women admire his beauty and everybody says that he would be a good husband for queen Penile. While they are having a meal, Abigal approaches the castle. Abigal challenges Paris to a single combat. The combatants get into position in front of the castle.
Motif References:

J 414 Marriage with equal or with unequal
A 475.1 Goddess of love
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 829.3 Extraordinary belt

GoTK-9032:   Abigal warns Paris against fighting with him. Paris reproaches Abigal for boasting. Many women pray for Paris. It is a hard combat. Paris knocks the bar out of Abigal’s hand and chops up his shield. Finally Paris beheads him.
Motif References:

R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

GoTK-9113:   Paris takes Abigal’s head and brings it to the queen, who is very happy and offers him anything he wants as a reward. Paris does not want anything even though Penile offers to marry him. But Paris intends to go back to Greece as he promised and only asks for new clothes, which the queen orders to be sewn. The author complains about Paris’s decision not to stay in India.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 53 Reward for rescue
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
Q 111.7 Jewels as reward
Q 112 Half of kingdom as reward
L 210 Modest choice best
J 230 Choice: real and apparent values
P 555.2.1.1 ”Publication of slaying”. Heads of slain enemies displayed

GoTK-9231:   Paris departs. In a forest, he dismounts under a lime tree and sees five naked maidens. He hides in order not to shame them. After a while, he decides to ask how he could help them.
Motif References:

W 10 Kindness
N 760 Other accidental encounters

GoTK-9289:   Paris asks the five maidens what has happened to them. The day before a knight broke into their house, while their father was sleeping. He murdered the parents and all servants, robbed them of their clothes, and beat them with scourges.
Motif References:

S 110 Murders
S 186 Torturing by beating
P 475 Robber [thief, outlaw, pirate]

GoTK-9339:   Paris promises to fight against Meloanz, who dwells at their castle Kahdras. He covers the maidens with a blanket and hurries to the castle, where he stops and shouts for Meloanz. The evil knight arms himself for a single combat.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1166 Task: duel.

GoTK-9400:   Paris and Meloanz fight in front of the castle. The author is sure that God will revenge Meloanz’s iniquities. The naked maiden watches the grim struggle. Paris knocks Meloanz’s sword out of his hand. Then they continue fighting without swords and Paris gets the upper hand over his opponent.
Motif References:

V 313 Last judgment
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat

GoTK-9535:   The maiden rejoices. Paris orders Meloanz to get all his servants out of the castle and enters it. He realizes that the owner of the castle has been killed and his wife wounded. Meloanz’s wickedness appalls him.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

GoTK-9572:   The only way for Meloanz to become reconciled with God is to beg the wounded lady, named Syloys, for her forgiveness. She forgives him for the sake of Paris. Syloys is conducted to a room.
Motif References:

V 441 Forgiveness
Q 523 Humiliating penances

GoTK-9629:   Paris and Meloanz get the maidens’ clothes and bring them to the place, where they are waiting. The one who had watched the combat told them about Paris’ victory. The maidens receive their clothes. Paris demands Meloanz apologize to the maidens. Meloanz regrets what he has done. Paris asks them to forgive him and they consent. Paris leads them into the castle and sends Meloanz to Helena, who should pass judgment on him.
Motif References:

Q 36 Reward for repentance
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service

GoTK-9725:   The maidens offer Paris their castle and land, but Paris rejects, because he does not want any reward when he fights for a lady in distress. Paris also thinks of Helena, when he keeps himself away from love and women. Paris is in love with Helena.
Motif References:

Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward

GoTK-9760:   Goddess Venus works her charm on Paris and when he thinks of Helena, he becomes lovesick. The author praises the right love that gains honor. Paris rides to a forest and comes upon a well and a mill, where he finds a deep hole. He looks inside and to his amazement, he sees more than a thousand slain warriors. He dismounts his horse, ties it to a tree near the well. In the well, he sees the most beautiful fish and grabs the biggest with his hands. However, all of a sudden, a fog settles and he lets the fish go. When the sun comes out again, he goes near the hole to have a close look at the corpses. A knight with the name of Avenol appears in expensive armor and garments. Paris tells him that he is on quest for adventure, came upon the dead warriors, and is eager to take revenge on the murderer.
Motif References:

H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-9920:   Avenol challenges Paris thus punishing him for crossing his country. They challenge each other to single combat. A page brings twelve spears and hands them out to the opponents. Spear after spear the page hands out and soon they are broken. They dismount the horses, engage in a furious sword fight, and wound each other deeply. The page retreats. Paris batters his opponent’s shield and it breaks. After an exhausting fight a blow on the neck kills Avenol. Paris rides out into the forest and reaches Achonys undisturbed. When he rides near the castle he sees the joyful Thedalus coming, who invites him in. Paris is received well by the hostess. The night he spends at Arlaz. In the morning, he enters the host’s chamber and bids farewell. Although they beg him to stay, he has to refuse. The hostess blesses him.
Motif References:

H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor

GoTK-10165:   In his bright armor, he hurries along. The emperor with his retinue camps in the forest near a well. They all have learned that Paris has come to India to support the noble queen. Incidentally Paris’ path leads to the well where the nobles camp. Helena is the first to see him. The beauty reclines there bare footed, but jumps to her feet to meet him. The others follow her example and receive him politely. Paris dismounts and Helena greets and kisses him clandestinely. She tells him that she is married to Menolaus and Paris tells her by winking with his eyes that she should remain silent. The queen leads him to her parents’ tent. Joyfully the emperor welcomes the hero. Paris relates his encounter at the well, the fog, the corpses in the cave, the fight with the proprietor Avenol.
Motif References:

T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)

GoTK-10333:   Agamemnon rides with his retinue to Achanis. In the hall, all knights surround Paris. Suddenly they notice a knight riding towards the castle. The knight wears costly garments, a silk shirt, and no helmet. The noble Pictagines carries shield and spear. He sends his page Galoyss to the castle who announces him as King of Kathan sent by his wife Hercolas to challenge to knightly single combat. His opponent to be has to fight him in a silk shirt being as well a knight in service of a lady. When all knights remain silent, Paris reminds them of their duty as knights in service of a lady. So the first to answer the challenge would be Menolaus, but it is rejected. So Paris asks Helena for a silk shirt, she produces a beautiful garment ornate with pearls. He winds a silk scarf around his head and approaches Pictogines. Then they engage in a furious single combat. Paris pierces his opponent with his spear thus killing him.
Motif References:

P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-10522:   Paris returns to the fortress, Helena hurries to him demanding the shirt she gladly wants to wear. Paris first refuses but then gives in, undresses, and puts on his manly garments while handing Helena her shirt. Agamemnon announces a tournament to test his knights’ valor. As messenger, he chooses Pidrol who was able to run thirty miles per day. He comes to Duke Ajax inviting him to the tournament. Paris and Ajax are in one party, Menolaus leads the other. 600 knights participate. Chairs for the ladies are set on the heath The first to battle is Agamemnon, the second Paris then Ajax, who fell many of their opponents. In the heat of tournament Paris and Menolaus meet each other on the battlefield. However, Menolaus is defeated and has to be carried off. Paris beats him twelve deep wounds. Helena dresses his wounds. Fifty heroes are killed. The emperor demands to treat the injuries. The knights bid farewell.
Motif References:

P 561 Tournaments
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament

GoTK-10762:   Paris remains at the court for half a year. Then he pleads for permission to return to Troy to visit his brother. He promises to return within one year. He departs rewarded with rich clothes. He comes to a wonderful plain and notices a man with an extremely long beard, his skin is shaggy. Without a word, he indicates with his hands to the well nearby to give him to drink. After the drink, he transforms to a well-built handsome knight. Paris asks him for how long the man has been waiting near the well and learns that the man remained for hundred years. His wife had transformed him by treacherous magic and robbed him of his speech. However, he could not die. She had put a spell on him that he had to remain in this very place not able to speak one word. In his gratefulness, he offers his service to Paris. (However, the book does not reveal his further fate, remarks the author).
Motif References:

D 2020 Magic dumbness.
D 2025.0.1 Magic (loss and) recovery of speech

GoTK-10880:   Paris proceeds and suddenly notices the glint of a helmet with his own coat of arms. The knight approaches him, they break their spears fighting with each other. When Paris asks the knight about his coat of arms he is rejected with harsh words and they continue fighting. They fight until the older knight’s sword breaks. The younger, Paris, throws his away, revealing his royal blood. The other knight tells him that his name is Hector. Paris tells him that he is his once abandoned brother. A herdsman had raised him.
Motif References:

H 126 Identification by coat of arms
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other

GoTK-11000:   Hector is overjoyed and welcomes his long lost brother with a kiss. Both brothers praise each other’s strength and bravery. Then they decide to return to Troy together. However, Paris muses if somebody would challenge them, only he is armed; therefore, he offers his sword and shield to Hector. Moreover, all of a sudden three knights charge them and they fight bravely. Hector disarms one of the opponents and they gain victory over their attackers. Then they ride towards Troy. Paris fears the reunion with his mother, who had abandoned him, but Hector promises to support him in any way possible. When they arrive, the first to see them is the old queen. At her side is Cassandra. They are received cordially. People all of a sudden are aware of the close resemblance of the two heroes. Hector reminds his mother of her misdeed against her younger son. The queen starts to cry ruefully begging for forgiveness, but Paris keeps still. She addresses him a second time but he keeps his mouth shut. Then a third time even kneeling before him, he is taciturn. Hecuba retreats in her desperation.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
N 730 Accidental reunion of families

GoTK-11290:   King Pyramus approaches the young hero greeting him in friendly manner but he does not speak. Hector leads his brother to the guest quarters. The next morning, the brothers ride towards mountains in Greece. On the way, they pass a beautiful castle. The lord of the castle Melopar, has two giants who defend the castle. The property owner is inhospitable; he lets out the two giants whenever a guest comes near. Be it knight or lady the giants attack all passers by. The giants with name Maroltt and Barfart charge the Trojan brothers. Marolt and Hector engage in a furious single combat. Hector pursues Marolt splitting his helmet thus killing him. The strong Barfart and Paris attack each other, Malopar watches from afar. He kills the giant by striking him a deep wound near the heart.
Motif References:

F 531.6.16.1 Giant watchman
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

GoTK-11420:   The heroes ride to the castle, where a knight named Carpius stands near the gate, who greets them gratefully, revealing that he has been prisoner for eighteen years guarded by the giants. They had burned his castle, and taken his wife and daughter. Hector promises to take revenge for the wife and daughter. They proceed to the castle, where the lord Molapar sits together with his retinue having his meal. The armed heroes greet the host but he does not answer. Paris demands that the people remain seated, while Hector steps to the host and cuts off his head. When the retinue tries to resist, Paris cuts them with his sword. Sixty-five heads are cut off. Carpius is revenged. Hector inquires about Orpfala and Carmelie Carpius’ wife and daughter, who were denied clothes. Then he goes to a chamber nearby takes fitting garments. When the chamberlain notices him, he pursues him as thief and is informed about his lord’s death. When he learns the giant’s death he screams and Hector hits him and cuts off his head.
Motif References:

R 110 Rescue of captive
R 121 Means of rescue from prison
R 169.15 Rescue by stranger [heathen]
Q 421 Punishment: beheading

GoTK-11583:   Hector takes the head by the hair and carries it to the hall. Then the ladies together with Orphalia and her daughter who are beautifully dressed enter the hall. She thanks the heroes and tells them her story. She had lost two sons. Hector tells her that the fortress Trunanz is for them as reparation. After bidding farewell to the overjoyed reunited family. They come upon a dragon that had pushed three strong men to rock. Paris and Hector hear strange voices and decide to find out if it is bestial or human. After a short time, they find the dragon near a cave guarding the entrance. Inside the enclosed men are screaming. Hector who had found a spear in the forest charges the dragon. He pierces the beast with his spear; it goes through the dragon’s body and breaks on the rock. The effort makes him fall off the horse and the dragon although injured pushed him down. He defends himself by cutting the beast between the ears a cut more that three fathoms long, in its pain the dragon unclasps. The captives are freed. Paris asks the three knights how the dragon Gamol had forced them into the cave. One of the knights tells him that his father King Orpheus the lord of the forest, pitted himself against the dragons and sometimes slew three on a day. He died of exhaustion in his wife’s lap.
Motif References:

B 11.11 Fight with dragon
B 11 Dragon
S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal

GoTK-11795:   The three knights were on quest for adventure, when they encountered the dragon that pushed them into the cave. Out of gratitude one of knights rewards Hector with his magical sword, announcing that he is unfit for chivalry. Hector receives it joyfully and notices the female dragon drawing near. He charges it and cuts off its head. Only with the aid of this weapon was it possible to injure and kill the dragon. Then they ride to the dragon’s lair. Paris dismounts his horse and enters the cave killing all the dragons inside. The two brothers come upon the Greek border, cross it and proceed to Achanys. They are received cordially. The page Pidroll announces their arrival. Agamemnon and the court are overjoyed. They all dress up as it is the custom and hurry to the plain to greet the heroes. Headmost comes the emperor and his wife. Their daughter Helena surpasses all in beauty. Agamemnon rewards his messenger who never has to run again his whole life.
Motif References:

B 11.11 Fight with dragon
B 11 Dragon
Q 53 Reward for rescue
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
D 1081 Magic sword

GoTK-12034:   Meanwhile a giant with the name of Cricogelan roams the country. He demands the emperor’s wife and daughter. When Hector is informed about the threat, he promises to free them of the giant. The giant soon storms through the forest wearing beautiful shining armor. With a loud voice he announces his coming and Hector prepares for the battle, Paris follows him to aid him if necessary. Both come to the circle where the single combat is to take place. Hector invites the ladies to watch the fight. He asks the giant which of the women he wanted to have for a wife. The giant refuses the answer and threatens to take the lady by force. With these words, he pushes towards Paris and the ladies. Nevertheless, Hector strikes a blow on the giant’s helmet injuring him. The giant grows furious, grabs his club and hits Hector, who in return cuts off the giant’s head.
Motif References:

F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

GoTK-12160:   All the bystanders offer their service to Hector. A court feast is set in the hall with music. Agamemnon praises Jovis, Saturnus, and Mars. Meanwhile Helena watches from the battlements a knight a coming and alerts the Trojan brothers. Mistaking them for pages, he tells them his message. King Nerox and Moabigal Kings of Samaria and Saba had sent him to claim the emperor’s country that had been their legacy since time immemorial and declares war. Hector immediately promises to ride to the hostile kings and declare war, he is eager for combat wants to win or die. Soon he puts on armor and departs.
Motif References:

V 215 (Hi) Heathen gods
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War

GoTK-12360:   On a mountain he crosses a deep forest and comes upon two dwarves beating the most beautiful lady with scourges. They had abducted her. Hector takes a birch branch and beats one dwarf to the ground the other makes for flight but on a mountain, he crosses a deep forest and comes upon two dwarves beating the most beautiful lady with scourges. They had abducted her. Hector takes a birch branch and beats one dwarf to the ground; the other makes for flight but Hector punches him down. The dwarves cry aloud for help calling Lord Waradach and immediately a foxy red man appears. The nude lady hurries to Hector and red Waradach challenges Hector because he is furious about Hector protecting the lady. He threatens to hang them both on a willow. Hector responds that they are innocent and he will care for the lady The red man grabs his club, Hector takes his shield and sword and defends himself. He cuts the red man from his head to his arm. The red man is defeated and killed. Hector now turns to the dwarves, Nachus and Arpfenan, and cuts off their heads. The lady tells him that she was traveling to Greece with her dear friend the knight Tervian, who learned about a tournament. On the way to the tournament, they have to stay for the night in the forest. While asleep the red man drew near and killed the knight and three pages with his club. The lady’s name is Picorye and the red man wanted her as a lover but she refused and was battered and abused and humiliated by taking away her clothes. The dwarves had to beat her with scourges. Although she is grateful about her rescue, she mourns her dead beloved.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
F 451.5.2.8 Dwarfs threaten mortals
F 527.1 Red man.
D 1076 Magic ring

GoTK-12550:   As reward she wants to give Hector her dead lover’s beautiful horse and mail but he refuses promising her to lead her and the horse safely to her country. On the way he offers her his service, and gives her his mother’s magical healing ring and her wounds vanish. After sixteen rests they see fortress and decide to spend the night there at her brother Amerillus. Hector fears that her brother will accuse him of having treated her disrespectfully but she calms him. When they approach the fortress, Amerillus sits outside with two hawks. He muses about the fate of the knight Tervan, thinking that she had chosen a new lover who killed the old. But Hector reassures him by revealing that he is the knight in service and the lady tells her story. Then they are invited in to the marble hall that is covered with carpets. The host treats his guests well and Hector has to sit near the young duchess Sydaras. After the meal Hector and his beloved are lead to the bedchamber, twelve pages wait on them.
Motif References:

P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-12903:   Hector and the lady spend the night with love games. The next morning Amerillus speaks to his wife Varnande to have a look at his sister and her beloved. They see them in embrace. After one-day rest, they bid farewell. Hector and the lady ride through the forest. They come upon a plain where hundred spears stand in parallel around a well. The armed giant sitting above greets Hector and challenges him to test his prowess. He has to jab fifty spears on him or die a terrible death. Hector charges him, breaks ninety spears on Prandidones, and defeats him. All of a sudden, a beautiful lady appears mourning Parmelie the defeated hero and bidding farewell. Hector and Pictorie continue their journey and see a burning castle. Hector rides there and sees a camp in front of the castle. When the knights see Hector they charge him, but Hector defends him bravely. He kills many. At the same time, Paris comes to the forest and hears the battle noise. Curious he rides near, sees his brother in distress and hurries to his help. The rich king Mydoras and his knights take to flight; two thousand heroes are killed.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-13200:   Paris is desperate because his beloved has been promised to someone else. Hector comforts him promising his aid. They will travel to Greece together with many brave Trojan knights. The three arrive in Troy. Incidentally the king and his retinue watch the plain from the battlements and sees them a coming. Immediately they come down to meet the brothers and the lady. Hecuba asks Hector about the lady and he answers that she is his beloved. The queen and her daughters take the lady into their care. A rich meal is prepared. During the meal, Hector tells the knights of his brother Paris’ bad luck, that his lady love had been betrothed to someone else. The knights promise to support the brothers. One thousand and three hundred knights promise support swearing an oath of allegiance. They depart.
Motif References:

T 61 Betrothal

GoTK-13415:   The army lead by Hector reaches Achanis. Paris tells them that he has a dear friend in the country with name of Thedalius in Arlas. He visits his friend, who promises his help and advises that the army may camp undisturbed and discovered in his forest. He leaves them and rides to Achanis where Agamemnon wants to give his daughter in marriage. Paris is desperate but waits for the best opportunity. In the evening, Helena goes for a walk in the garden with twelve maids. Paris watches them taking his horse clandestinely on the leash. When he finds an opening, he enters the garden taking Helena. Her maids believe that he wants to take her to Mennolaus but he hurries with her towards the forest. The maids return to the castle tell the emperor that Paris lead Helena away. Agamemnon appeals for pursuit and many warriors ride after him but he reaches his brother and the army in the forest. Greeks and Trojans charge each other and 700 Greek warriors are killed. The brothers together with Helena and the brave warriors return to Troy.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted

GoTK-13676:   When they arrive at Troy Queen Hecuba sees her prophetic dream fulfilled, but she suppresses her desperation puts on regal garments and receives the guests well. The king summons the Trojan nobles for a grand court feast. 13 300 lords arrive, a tournament is held for the joyous cause. Paris is the champion. Meanwhile Agamemnon and Mennolaus are desperate because of their loss. Ulixes the crafty approaches the emperor to counsel him. He tells him that many countries serve him and to summon a big army to take revenge on the Trojans and for abduction of Helena. The emperor appreciates the idea and sends out in all countries to summon the warriors. For twelve years, Ulixes and seventy companions travel to all the countries bringing the message. 700 kings promise their aid in battle. 80 000 heroes fight for Greece. 1 200 000 Greek warriors swear in. The emperor swears an oath to his gods that he will burn Troy.
Motif References:

M 370.1 Prophecy of death fulfilled

GoTK-13966:   Ulixes arrives in Constantinople with 5000 ships, the emperor is overjoyed, and the Greek navy departs with an enormous fleet. For more than twelve miles, one ship follows the other. They have warriors, shooters armor. On the nineteenth day, they arrive at Troy. To her dismay, Hecuba catches sight of the Greek fleet alerting Hector. The sea becomes invisible because the ships occlude the water. For one month, they build up their army camp. One day Hector rides out with five hundred men together with Paris and attack the Greeks. Two hundred Greek knights are killed. Ulixes approaches the emperor and advises to pitch the tents on a better place, they approve. One day a heavily armed man arrives on foot at the emperor’s court. He is too heavy for a battle horse. The knight Meligas offers the emperor offers his service announces that he is eager to challenge Hector and Paris to battle. Agamemnon joyfully treats his guest with everything possible. The next day the knight steps to the city wall demanding an opponent who fights for a lady. Paris accepts the challenge. Paris rides out and soon they attack each other. Meligas has an extraordinarily heavy sword but Paris fights with his Cyclopes and cuts his opponents horn shield to pieces. Then he strikes a heavy blow and wounds the knight lethally.
Motif References:

F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)
F 873.1.2 (Tu) Enormous fleet

GoTK-14270:   Paris cuts off his enemy’s head, takes it by the hair and throws it at the emperor’s feet. Back in Troy people cheer and praise him. Meanwhile a ship with twelve small knights arrives. Passirius is their captain. They approach the emperor and greet him. King Acharon of India has sent them to offer their service, but Agamemnon rejects their aid sending them back. He mocks them thinking that one strong man is able to defeat all twelve. Angry the captain challenges the Greeks to battle. They attack the Greek warriors bravely blood covers the plain. Hector watches from the battlements, five thousand warriors are slain. Young Passirius rides to the city gate and Hector politely invites him in. Gladly the small knights accept, offering their service in exchange. They are cordially received in the court hall. Meanwhile Agamemnon regrets having rejected the small knights. Then he demands of Ulixes to bring all the fortunetellers and soothsayers, diviners. All the crafty diviners gather and watch the stars and planets foretelling a grand future. However, the Trojans ride out and attack the Greeks furiously.
Motif References:

F 1084.1 Deep streams of blood flow during battle

GoTK-14565:   In the evening only fourteen of the Trojans return to the town, all others are slain. King Priamus loses twelve of his sons. Pairs, Hector, and the small knights have returned unharmed. 1200 Greeks are killed. 900 Trojans are killed. Ulixes tells the emperor that Ajax is badly wounded. He knows a healer with the name of Medea. Therefore, Ulixes and twelve companions sail who swear him an oath of allegiance first arrive at the isle of Batmos and meet three naked men, asking what befell them. One of the men speaks up telling them that Hercules cast their unhappiness, he could not injure them, but he battered them. Ulixes gives them clothes and later takes them to Troy. They continue their journey and sail to Pontus. Medea drives a small sheep with golden fur. When she notices the strangers approaching her, she fears that they want to harm her and the sheep. Therefore, she hurries with her magic lamb to reach her father’s fortress. Ulixes has a personal skill: every one who looks into his eyes must be his friend; otherwise, he surely would have been killed in Troy a long time before. His wife Penelope gave him the charm.
Motif References:

M 100.0.1 (Li) Oath of allegiance

GoTK-14749:   In dismay, Medea runs to Hercules and tells him of the strangers. Hercules threatens to punish them for having Medea withdraw from the meadow. However, when he looks Ulixes into his eyes he is not able to treat the strangers unkindly. Ulixes bowing his head tells him of the wounded knight and asks him to beg Medea to heal the knight. When he learns that, he immediately calls for Medea Ajax. When she learns that their brother is severely wounded, she eagerly agrees to travel to Troy. Soon they depart. Ulixes rewards the three knights with garments. As soon as the beautiful maiden with her lamb arrives in Troy, all the Greeks hurry to see them. Ajax is overjoyed to see his relatives. Medea takes out a golden box and anoints the injured hero. The lamb’s hair when taken into the mouth heals even the lethally wounded. Many injured are healed. Medea has many skills; she knows the planets and is able to divine by means of the stars.
Motif References:

H 1319.1 Quest for only person who can cure certain sickness

GoTK-14919:   One day Medea sits on Agamemnon’s side watching the stars. Suddenly she smiles. The emperor asks her for the reason and she tells him that a beautiful woman draws a noble’s body through the sea. She has learned that he is to die in Troy. His name is Achilles she is called Queen Thetis. Whenever the hero comes to the country all of Troy’s honor and pride will be destroyed. He has strong body, his teacher is Schirow the centaur, who knows many fine leaps and taught Achilles. She advises looking for the hero. Ulixes, Ajax and Hercules are sent on quest for Achilles with them three hundred good squires. Ulixes advises taking precious garments, mail, and armor with them to arouse Achilles’ desire.
Motif References:

B 21 Centaur: man-horse
M 341.2.18 Prophecy: death in battle
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time
M 356.1.4 Prophecy: destruction of fortress
A 421.1 Sea-goddess
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]

GoTK-15059:   Medea observes the stars and tells them that Achilles lives with twelve maidens; among them, he deflowered eleven. Ulixes departs with provisions like a merchant. Silk, purple, embroidered caps, spears, helmets, mail they ship in sufficient amounts. They embark the ships and sail to Syrande. Ulixes and the heroes together with some squires ride to town. Seven hundred of the Sarjan giants appear with clubs, denying them passage. They even demand the ship and the cargo. The Greeks disapprove and start to fight with the Sarjans. Ajax, Hercules and Amivall rage among the enemies. Many a giant loses his head. Ajax kills three hundred; the others kill the rest no one survives. Then they encounter the women, who are equally strong and also desire the shipload, attacking the heroes. Ulixes watches from afar. The giantesses fight with steel rods. Many a strong giantess is killed. Three thousand die. Then they wait for Ulixes who had been hiding with his ship. Finally, he comes forward and they set off.
Motif References:

F 531.6.10.2 (Bm) Giant as porter
D 1311.6.4 Divination by stars
K 1617.4 Disguise as merchant

GoTK-15287:   The knights want to travel to a country, where evil red people live, to collect the delicious fruit growing there. Ulixes opposes this because of the danger. The others accuse him of cowardice and finally they persuade him by promising that Ajax watches over him. They come to the shore where they meet seven thousand red-skinned men. The red people start to attack Hercules who stands out front. He kills whoever encounters him. He slays eight hundred. Ulixes is amazed that Hercules is able to slay so many men all by himself. Ajax comes to his brother’s aid and thousand of the red men are killed. Then the squires jump down to shore and the surviving red villains take to flight. Then they collect the desired fruit, load it, and sail on. Within a short time, they come upon an abyss near the sea. There a female voice is to be heard crying in despair. A giant had abducted the virgin to lie with her. Ajax demands that they go ashore. Then he hurries down the valley seeing the giant Abiron, who tries to force the virgin. When the giant sees Ajax he starts to laugh but is rebuked by a hard blow. He takes his club and they attack each other. Hercules comes to Ajax aid, but when he comes to the fig tree Ajax has already defeated and killed the giant. He takes Antonne, the maiden with him, leading her to the ship.
Motif References:

R 11.3 Abduction by giant
F 527 Person of unusual color
F 527.1 Red man.
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
F 628.2.1 Strong man kills many men at once
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
H 1333.3 Quest for extraordinary fruit

GoTK-15490:   The virgin tells them the story of her abduction. Her father, a noble and rich man, lives in the nearby fortress. The other day in the morning the giant came finding her near a well while her father was entertaining guests in the fortress. The giant abducted her and took her to a fortress, where she stayed overnight. The heroes take the rescued maiden home to her father who receives them well. The overjoyed Antinus treats them well, his wife arrives with her retinue of fifty maidens, is eager to see the hero, who set her daughter free. She embraces and kisses him and the guests are invited to the grand hall to be honored and entertained. The king inquires after the destination of their voyage. Ulixes tells him that Medea by means of the stars had seen a knight wearing female garment and they are in quest for the hero.
Motif References:

Q 53 Reward for rescue
G 550 Rescue from ogre

GoTK-15657:   Antinus begins to smile telling them that his cousin Thetis is hiding him. His name is Achilles, and he promises to show them the hero. He lives at a king’s court in girl’s disguise. King Nicomedes mistakes Achilles for a girl. Antinus proposes to travel with them to the king’s court. The next morning at sunrise Ulixes goes to the ship and brings a golden crown and silk for every maiden in the fortress and for the queen crown and brooch. After the nobles hurry to the ships and are blessed by the court they depart. On the sea, they encounter a ship with moors who try to board the ship, they have bow and arrows, but the Greeks defeat them. Many black men are killed in the skirmish. Antinus advises sailing to the nearby fortress but wear armor because they have to sail to a strait where they would be easy targets. The people on the fortress’ battlements notice the ship and blow their horns. They shoot with bows but don’t harm the armed men, who disembark and go to the shore. The landlord is furious, but the guests rage among the troops. The proprietor Amorant is killed. Ulixes has been hiding during the fight. The Greeks kill all but the women. After the battle, they look for Ulixes and find him asleep.
Motif References:

P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress

GoTK-15930:   The ship passes a mountain where wild people live. They do not wear any clothes and have to suffer much harm from the dragons roaming the country. The dragons are poisonous their breath bitter they have long necks bigger eyes bigger than oxen their bristly fur has interwoven with their skin. Their feet are like eagle claws they stand on goose legs. Their mouths are beaks. One day they come upon the shore of this country and no one is able to overcome, says Wolfram. One morning their ships sail to the shore. They disembark and the dragons approach them. Their beaks are fathoms broad. The dragons leap at them, they are extraordinarily quick, although they have very broad feet. The Greek warriors survive by huddling together in full armor. For seven days, they are under shelling. Hercules and Ajax cut off many heads. The praiseworthy knights Aminal and Antinus rage among the ogres. The sea turns red. The heroes grow tired and exhausted but Ulixes aids them with healing roots.
Motif References:

B 11.11 Fight with dragon
B 11 Dragon
B 11.2.1 Dragon as compound animal
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
F 568 Naked tribe

GoTK-16050:   They continue their voyage and come upon a forest which is three miles wide. Wild people live there. They are shaggy tall like giants, covered with fur, so that their nose mouth and eyes are almost invisible. They have antlers and have voices like lions. When the wild people notice the heroes they encounter them. Ulixes in dismay fears for his life but Ajax promises to watch over him trusting in God. Then they land and begin to fight the wild people and kill them. They hurry back to their ship and sail on. Soon they come upon the country Plotzen where the Red Jews live. They are hostile, tall like giants, and ugly. Again, Ulixes the coward fears for his very life, but is comforted. Hercules notices that the ogres run to the ships. Ulixes hides for twelve days. A furious battle begins with the hellhounds who wear horn plates and under it steel mail. They wear helmets and carry a shield. They lust for the Greek gold and start to attack them. The author begs Venus to help the heroes and she answers to Wolfram to aid the knights who fight for love.
Motif References:

F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal
F 527.1 Red man.
F 567 Wild man
P 715.1 Jews

GoTK-16251:   Ajax, Aminal and all the heroes attack and kill many of the red Jews. 20 000 Jews are slain, the rest flee to the mountain. Later King Alexander defeats them. The heroes embark in their ship and sail on. They come upon a rich kingdom and a fortress. The fortress has seven marble towers. Antinus tells them that they have finally come to the fortress where Achilles is hidden. The lord of the castle is called Nicomedes;, he has eleven maidens in his palace who lead a celibate life. They are allowed to stroll in the beautiful orchard, but they must not go beyond. The maidens receive Ulixes cordially and invite him to show his wares. Joyfully they go to the ship. Achilles in embrace with the beautiful Dedamia joins them. The maidens select jewels and other shining materials. The swords and spears fascinate Achilles. He walks to end of the ship where he has caught sight of a big heavy spear lifting it easily. Then he gets hold of a sword, swings it and it breaks. When Ulixes, Ajax and Hercules are aware, they throw out the wares, all maidens hurry ashore, but Achilles. They clandestinely set sails.
Motif References:

K 775.1 Capture by taking aboard ship to inspect wares

GoTK-16430:   The princess starts to scream when she sees the ship departing. Achilles tries to throw Ulixes into the sea but two knights ward him off. They inform him that they are bound to Troy. Achilles puts on mail discarding the female clothes. After half a day, they arrive at a fortress. The lord of the castle the centaur Schyro is very strong and a wonderful harpist. He invites them in asking them where they are bound. When he learns, that they are bound to fight in Troy, he tells them that he wants to go there too. Schyro, the centaur joins the heroes. They sail to the country Thabal where Patroclus rules. His fortress is called Kamor and has twelve towers. When he sees the ship coming, he approaches them inviting them in. His virtuous wife Larie receives them well leading them to a beautiful hall, treating them with food and wine.
Motif References:

B 21 Centaur: man-horse
P 320 Hospitality

GoTK-16605:   Host and guests exchange stories until dinner is served on ivory tables on silk spreads and golden crockery ornate with jewels, Patroclus serves them with his own hands. Schyro takes his harp and entertains the companions and the court. Achilles approaches the host and asks his advice if he should go to Troy. The host approves and even agrees to depart with them together with 5000 warriors. 112 ships are on target for Troy. One morning they arrive at Kamor to have a rest. On the banner, a golden panther is emblazoned. When Patroclus blows his horn all the knights and ladies come out to greet him. Many knights swear to follow them and Patroclus has to bid farewell to his wife. Then they set sails and travel seven days to Troy. The emperor is informed about their arrival.
Motif References:

F 679.9 Skillful musician (plays nine mouth harps at once)

GoTK-16825:   Agemenon receives them with 5000 warriors. Schyro entertains the heroes. One day he walks to the moat asking a warrior to pit his strength against him. Paris answers from the battlement that he is unfit for an adversary walking on four legs like a horse and a head like a devil. Schyro replies that God had made him thus. Paris tells the other heroes what Schyro has revealed to him. Hector is eager to meet the centaur in combat. Others join and finally twelve armed warriors come out. Passyrus and Schyro engage in single combat. Passyrus beats Schyro’s shield out of his hands and Schyro attacks his opponent with his hind legs. They fight until the third day when Schyro is lethally wounded and finally has to die. The twelve warriors retreat to the fortress. The Trojans receive them joyfully. Acharon sends a maiden on a horse clad in precious silk carrying a hawk to the Greek emperor. Achanys tells the emperor that he should send back the twelve dwarfish warriors. The emperor tells the lady that they are in Troy and she rides in bringing the message. The twelve heroes depart.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-17100:   A giant-like hero with the name of Onopel clad in precious mail appears offering aid to Agamemnon. The Greeks are overjoyed. The next morning the pages bring his horse. He mounts it takes his spear rides to Troy and blows his horn. Paris hears it and notices the hero from the battlements. He promises to do his bidding and tells his brother Hector, who is eager for combat, but finally grants the combat to his younger brother. Paris wears the royal coat of arms where lions are emblazoned. He rides to the battlefield, his retinue with him to watch. They engage in a furious combat. Hector fearing his brother’s defeat swears that in case his brother is defeated he will never glance at a lady again until his brother is avenged. When Paris hears his brother’s oath, he beats his opponent such a blow that he cuts off his head. Helena and the ladies watch the combat from the battlements and praise him.
Motif References:

F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-17301:   Ulixes approaches the emperor advising him to send Achilles to combat. Hercules is eager to fight and challenges Hector. A messenger brings Hector the challenge, who puts on his armor mounts his horse and rides out to meet his opponent. After a furious combat, Hector cuts off Hercules’ head. In Troy he is received well by his parents, lady Pictorie embraces him healing him with her love. The Greeks mourn Hercules’ death. His brother Ajax swears to take revenge. The next morning he approaches the emperor and demands warriors to take revenge. A hundred men accompany him riding to Troy’s town gate demanding Hector, who rides out to meet them. Ajax challenges him to combat and a furious fight begins. They fight all day until evening and finally Hector kills Ajax by a heavy blow. Hector is unharmed. The Trojans joyfully bring sacrifices to the temple. The emperor is in despair and Atridos swears to take revenge or die. Many heroes ride out to see the combat, among them Achilles and Patroclus. The noble emperor rides to Troy’s town wall.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-17725:   The Trojan Nisus sees the troops coming and reports to King Priamos and the court. Hector summons the nobles to meet the Greek emperor together with him; 5000 follow him. Paris puts on his armor and mounts his horse and the parties meet outside. Hector carries the banner. The troops meet in a furious battle. Parris cuts the emperor’s shield off his hand injuring him. Paris kills Atrides and knocks Agamemnon to the ground. They carry him off the battlefield mistaking him for dead. The emperor lies there for three days unconscious shocked by his youngest brother’s death. Meanwhile Thetis appears together with her retinue of hundred maidens rebuking Achilles demanding that he leave with her. However, the hero refuses. Therefore, Thetis presents to his care his nine-year-old son Pirrus. Later Pirrus kills Polixena on his father’s grave.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

GoTK-17919:   Ulixes comforts the emperor telling him that finally they will gain victory. The emperor summons his warriors and chooses 40 000 brave men. He addresses his troops, telling them of his despair and that he will fight the Trojans with his own hand. Achilles tells him that they cannot afford to loose him in battle therefore he proposes to lead the troops. The emperor, when asked, allows Patroclus to join the troops himself. They ride to the city wall and blow their battle horns. King Priamos prepares himself for battle. The queen Polixena and Cassandra are dismayed fearing the King’s death. The ladies watch the battle from the battlements. In a furious battle, Patroclus hits the Trojan prince Pyrmedes killing him. Paris and Hector grow furious taking revenge for their brother’s death. Meanwhile Achilles kills Priamos. Paris kills Animal, Hector Antinus. 3000 Greeks are killed, but Hector and Paris return to Troy unharmed. The queen mourns the king tears her royal cloth wearing sack clothes from that moment on.
Motif References:

P 251.3.1 Brothers strive to avenge each other
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief

GoTK-18171:   On a clear morning, they see a hero approaching in a small vessel on the sea. The strong handsome Ascalaphus has blond curly hair and bright eyes and carries a red coat of arms. The hero comes to meet the emperor offering military aid. He only asks for a good battle horse and the emperor has 50 Catalan horses brought before him but he does not find a horse, which meets his need. The story spreads in the Greek camp and Menolosses swears to bring the appropriate horse. Among hundred horses, he chooses a tall strong brave battle horse and mounts it. Then he sends a messenger to challenge Paris to single combat. Paris accepts mounts his horse and meets him asking him why he challenges him though he never has done him any harm. The opponent answers that because of the love of women he fights against him. They prove equals. Ascalaphus strikes a hard blow knocking Paris down, who repays him by striking hard and finally knocking him down injuring him deeply.
Motif References:

P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
H 1331.4 Quest for marvelous horse

GoTK-18330:   Hector leads his brother away; the emperor has his fighter brought to Medea who takes care of his wounds healing him. The emperor has a feast arranged, a truce with the Trojans negotiated to bury the dead and attend the funeral rites of King Priamos. They throw the killed horses into the sea. One morning the King of Scots Pantimulus approaches the emperor asking for a boon, which is granted. The Scottish king wants to challenge Hector. Agamemnon is in dismay fearing for his nephew’s life, but he promised his permission. The Scot has 6000 warriors clad in precious silk as his retinue. When the troop draws near the town gate incidentally Hector is the first to notice the troop. He is able to mobilize 1500 men dressed in expensive mail garments. The parties meet outside and the leaders engage in single combat. But the young king is no match for the strong Hector who wounds him lethally. Not even Medea would have been able to make him recover. Hector cuts off his head.
Motif References:

H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
P 558 (Bm) Truce

GoTK-18490:   Ascalaphus, just recovered, offers to take revenge on Hector. The emperor equips him with the best armor and the brave hero rides out encountering Hector. Both heroes are eager for combat and a furious battle begins. Again, Hector gains the upper hand killing the brave hero. The Greek emperor laments the sustained casualties. One Greek warrior comes forward explaining that he had been fighting giants, dwarves, ogres and wants to try his luck on Hector. The brave knight named Antipalar carries a dragon as coat of arms. He rides to the Trojan city gate meeting Eneas asking him to bring Hector his challenge. Eneas brings the message and Paris pushing himself forward wants to fight but Hector since the warrior had asked for him rides out to meet his adversary. Both heroes fight bravely but prove equals so they quit for the night. The next morning they continue their fight. At noon, Antipalar is defeated and killed. The Greek emperor grows even more desperate. Patroclus starts out to challenge Hector although Achilles warns him reminding him of his wife. Patroclus rejects persuasion, so Achilles rides with him to the battlefield.
Motif References:

W 212 Eagerness for combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-18765:   Seven kings and 900 knights accompany Patroclus and Achilles. Eneas notices the troops from the battlement alerting Hector together with 5000 men. They ride out to meet the Greek party. Patroclus tells his opponent that he wants to take revenge for the Greek casualties. After a terrible fight, Patroclus is defeated and finally killed. Achilles grows mad with grief tearing his hair. Then he approaches the emperor swearing revenge for his friend’s death or die. His mother Thetis gave him a charm making him invulnerable but for his feet. Achilles summons his warriors who want to join him. The Greek nobles are dismayed trying to dissuade Achilles of the fight fearing his death. However, in vain and he rides with seventy kings and his warriors. The troops find Nestor and send him in to bring the message. Hector returns with his 5000 warriors. The combatants fight in a circle and waste thirty-two spears. They inflict many hard blows on each other, knock each other down, but jump up again. At nightfall, they quit to continue the next morning. They fight on their horses and Hector manages to knock Achilles off his horse.
Motif References:

M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]
Z 311 Achilles heel
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief
D 1723 Magic power from fairy [goddess]
D 1840 Magic invulnerability

GoTK-19110:   Achilles retreats. On the next morning the emperor arms him with his own hands. A furious combat begins and Achilles strikes a hard blow wounding Hector through the helmet. Hector starts to bleed and soon is unable to see where to aim with his sword. Achilles cuts him again wounding him fatally. The dreadful hero humiliates his enemy’s corpse by tying him to a horse and dragging him behind. Three times, he drags him around the fortress. Ecuba dies at the sight Cassandra swoons and Pictoria dies on the third day. The beautiful Polixana grows desperate with grief. Paris tears his skin beating his body, Helena grows pale lamenting Hector’s death. Hector’s dead body still lays outside the fortress and the Greek emperor grants a two-week truce. During this time, three men betray the Trojan kingdom: Ylion, Nestor and Eneas. Hector is buried together with Ecuba and Pectoria his wife. Polixana spurs on Paris to take revenge for his brother’s death.
Motif References:

T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief

GoTK-19300:   Paris swears to take revenge or die. Outside Troy, a temple dedicated to Venus. Paris walks outside the fortress with five hundred armed men. He demands the town gates be opened, pushes outside charges Achilles, who laughs at him. They engage in a terrible single combat. Achilles is so strong that Paris soon has to retreat and Achilles pushes him further on to a lovely meadow. Then Paris manages to knock Achilles down cutting his legs thus wounding him. Then he cuts off Achilles head taking it by the hair throwing it over the wall and three moats. Paris kills three hundred Greek warriors the Trojans have only twelve casualties to lament. Polixena takes Achilles head on a stake and fastens it to the highest battlement. The Greek warriors are furious swearing revenge on Polixena. Ylion, Nestor and Eneas the traitors sneak outside and approach the Greek emperor. Eneas advises that the next morning four thousand warriors should be prepared and wait at a certain gate with a sculptured horse’s head on top of it. Eneas will let them in.
Motif References:

S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]
Z 311 Achilles heel
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
K 2246.1 Treacherous king
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous

GoTK-19527:   The next morning Agamemnon summons his best men and four thousand warriors are prepared. At nightfall, they march to the assigned gate. Eneas opens the gate for them. Meanwhile Ulixes claims Achilles shield and spear, but Ajax contradicts him by explaining that Achilles’ mother has promised him the magic armor. Ulixes still claims that the armor is his, Ajax rebukes him by reminding him that it is not the armor, but prowess that gains victory. He demands that Ulixes is to specify one feat of prowess he has performed in the past. Ulixes advances his slyness on par with prowess. Ajax is very brave, but Achilles who had carried the shield was much braver and it had been he, Ulixes, who had brought Achilles to Troy. So they reward Ulixes with Achilles’ armor. When Ajax is denied the armor, he grows so desperate that he wants to die. He unsheathes his sword, fastens it with the pommel to the ground and plunges himself into it.
Motif References:

Q 114.5 (Bm) Clothing, horse and treasure [armor] as reward
Q 190 Rewards – miscellaneous
M 451.1 Death by suicide
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
J 1169 Clever pleading – miscellaneous
J 1661 Clever deductions

GoTK-19769:   Many of the nobles disapprove, expressing despise for Ulixes in harsh words. The emperor grows mad with rage and despair. Angrily he bans Ulixes, who hurries away together with his army of twelve thousand men. Ajax is buried in the temple of Venus near Achilles. At that time, the brave knight Eleander comes to Troy in a small vessel. Agamemnon goes to meet him finding him asleep in the ship under his head a beautiful woman called Amalita. The woman wakes the knight who accuses Agamemnon of misjudgment giving away Achilles’ armor to Ulixes. He accuses him of having caused Ajax’s death. The Greek emperor sends his troops against the knight. His ladylove in dismay warns him but he comforts her. The brave knight charges the Greek troops raging among them killing 1500 men. Then he returns to his vessel unharmed and sails back to his country Galaach.
Motif References:

Q 431 Punishment: banishment (exile)
Q 431.2 Banishment for treachery
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief

GoTK-19910:   Then Eleander mobilizes his troops for Corthis to win back Achilles’ shield from Ulixes. Seventy-four ships with seven thousand men on board of every vessel sail to Corthis. Eleander who is Achilles’ cousin comes to Ulixes’ country plundering and burning the country. Ulixes summons his warriors; on the plain of Canestris tents are pitched. One day in May, the furious battle takes place. Ulixes in front of his troops wears Achilles mail. Eleander rages among troops killing many. It would have been better if Ulixes lost the shield in Troy, because Eleander knocks him down. They tear off his mail, he has to remain naked and humiliated in his own country. Penelope seeing Ulixes defeated and humiliated dies of broken heart. Ulixes and many of his men are slain. Eleander gains shield and mail and makes people and country pay tribute. Finally, when Eleander sees his dead opponent lying there naked he orders a fine piece of velvet to bury Ulixes and his wife in a Juno temple. He has set a fine funeral and their names engraved on a tomb in golden letters. The knights and nobles are buried there. Eleander leaves and has to suffer the loss of five thousand men.
Motif References:

T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
Q 499 Other humiliating punishments
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
F 1041.1.1 Death from broken heart
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

GoTK-20095:   Eleander eventually returns to his home country. In the meantime, the lord of Cancasas has plundered and devastated the country. Eleander in dismay screams in despair having lost more than he has been winning. King Hannor abducts Amalita, Eleander’s ladylove, when going to the temple. The beautiful Vernande informs Eleander, who first accuses her of lying. Then knowing it is the truth, he laments his bad luck. Vernande rushes him to free his ladylove and he puts on his armor takes the shield and departs. He comes upon a country where wild people live wearing lion hides. His ladylove is there. Eleander puts on his mail, takes his shield and charges his enemies. Eleander firsts strikes their leader Abolan. He kills fifty wild men, mounts his horse, and rides towards the enemy’s fortress. On the way he meets the most beautiful of all women in a tent. She receives him well. The tent stands on twelve shiny silver pillars. It has two gates so wide that a knight with a spear could easily ride in. The beauty named Galante wears a rich silk coat and an expensive shirt. Reclining on a green pillow, she reproaches him prophesying danger from a knight who is eager to fight him.
Motif References:

R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted

GoTK-20311:   While he answers her, the hostile knight appears. He wears a circle with a griffin as helmet crest. He has a expensive armor. When he notices Eleander he angrily dismounts and approaches the lady threatening to kill her because she betrayed him with a lesser man. She defends herself telling him that she never betrayed him. However, Magonagrin still rages on, and Eleander accepts his challenge. Both mount the horses and engage in a furious combat. Eleander strikes hard blows battering the helmet crest to the ground and cuts him in two. His ladylove dies of a broken heart when she sees him die. Eleander ruefully mourns the lady cursing the fate that has sent him there. He carries the two dead bodies to a Venus temple and buries them.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
F 1041.1.1 Death from broken heart

GoTK-20460:   Eleander has to suffer much pain from a knight called the red Livian who jousts with all comers. Livian laughs at Eleander charging him. Eleander hits him until he falls down behind his horse. Finally, Eleander kills his opponent by cutting off his head. Then he passes a wonderful forest near the Caucasian mountains, where his beloved Amolita is kept. He comes upon a castle with 12 towers surrounded by rocks. The fortress is called Royprandya and nearby is the most beautiful meadow; trees are in bloom. When the guards notice Eleander they inform the castle lord. The king recognizes him knowing that he is looking for his wife. Amolita hurries to the battlement. Eleander swears that he will set his wife free and will take her with him. Then he proceeds to the forest to a well waiting for the message.. The King’s hunting master addresses him, the king comes in person together with a retinue of fifty squires. Eleander mounts his horse prays to God for help and charges his opponents.
Motif References:

R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

GoTK-20720:   Eleander attacks them furiously; the lord of the country is killed. The brave hero rages among his enemies thus avenging his wife’s abduction. Then he puts on the Castle lord’s mail riding to the fortress on his dead enemy’s horse. The gatekeeper admits him. He proceeds to the court hall, his wife recognizes him when he lifts his helmet gesturing that she keeps silent. Then they enjoy their reunion mutually asking their adventures. The nieces of the slain mourn his death. One of the noble ladies summons a brave knight to take revenge for the king. He challenges Eleander to single combat. They pull their swords and attack each other. The knight Rubel is severely wounded and finally defeated and killed. Amolita presses for departure; she provides a horse for herself.
Motif References:

Q 213 Abduction punished
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-21080:   But for the horse Amolita needs saddle and stirrup; therefore, she hurries back taking the necessary equipment and the couple departs. Meanwhile two giants, who guard the castle, learn of the castle lord’s death. When they are informed who killed their lord they scream and pursue Elander and Amolita. In a forest, Gabal and Melyos encounter the refugees. Eleander and Gabal engage in a furious fight. The hero wounds the giant severely and eventually slays him. Eleander takes his wife on his horse and they ride until they come upon a mountain. On top of the mountain is a fortress where they are received well. The fortress is called Gabel and the castle lord Passirus asks Eleander about his rank and is told that he is a King whose wife has been abducted when he had been in a war. When Passirus is informed about the Caucasian lord’s defeat, he is overjoyed because it was his enemy as well.
Motif References:

F 531.6.10.2 (Bm) Giant as porter
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

GoTK-21390:   While the couple is admitted to the fortress Melyos the other giant comes to the fortress eager to take revenge for his companion’s death. He screams so powerfully, that Eleander hears his voice inside the fortress and knows that he is challenged. However, Passirus tells him that whoever challenges his guests offends him. Therefore, he at once puts on his fine mail with the help of which he had been killing many an enemy in his time. He defeats the giant and, returns to his castle, all praise him. Grateful Eleander and his wife bid farewell. The couple returns to their home country.
Motif References:

F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant

GoTK-21523:   The high king Minos of Tamian rules over twelve kings who are subject to him. His wife is a shrew and a sorceress. Whenever the king is outside her reach, he plans to abandon her but one glance of her subdues him. She is skilled in the art of necromancy. The evil wife is pregnant with a creature of the sea (merwunder) the Minotaur. Minos traveling through his countries administering justice learns of his wife’s unspeakable infamous birth. The monstrous creature grows very fast eating two oxen every day. Minos has a house built for the monster the Labyrinths. The monster eats four people every day. The hero Jason learns about the monster that is meanwhile twelve years old. He disembarks at Tania.
Motif References:

B 16.0.3 Man-eating monster (in cave)
B 23.1 Minotaur
T 554 Woman gives birth to animal
F 781.1 Labyrinth
D 1810 Magic knowledge

GoTK-21675:   Two maidens on the shore notice Jason and his golden mail. The two noble ladies ask him about Troy and when they learn that Hector has been killed they mourn the hero. The ladies invite Jason in and receive him cordially in Minos’ palace. At the time, a hero named Ammoreon scorches and devastates the country, thus taking revenge for his father’s death, which Minos had killed. Jason offers his help if a horse able to carry him is provided. Jason charges Minos’ enemy, defeats and kills him. The slain warrior’s troops turn against Jason but the hero bravely defends himself making them retreat.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-21880:   Meiera and Fedra are overjoyed about the victory. Minos has the enemy king buried. When the king has to ride to his countries, he commends the ladies to Jason. Only Meiera has the duty to take care that the Minotaur is fed, she knows the entrance to his abode. One day she prays to Venus in the temple and Jason meeting her there begs her to let him see the Minotaur. However, she refuses fearing for Jason’s life. The monster is twice as tall as a bear and incredibly strong, but it can be defeated by cunning. She informs him about the labyrinth. She advises taking a silk thread and tying it to the ring hanging on the entrance to the house of the Minotaur. Then Jason is to form a ball from raisin, sulfur, and pitch and throw it to the monster’s mouth. Then he has to attack the monster. Jason acts according the advice. The monster attacks Jason with its club; however, eventually it is severely wounded and dies. Jason follows his thread and leaves the labyrinth.
Motif References:

R 121.5 Ariadne thread
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper

GoTK-22075:   When lady Meiera sees Jason coming out of the labyrinth she asks him about the monster and is overjoyed learning that it is dead. But she is aware that her mother will decide to kill her, because she knows that the information of how to kill the monster had come from her only. Therefore, she begs the hero to help her. The sisters both plead that he takes them to Troy to escape their murderous mother. Jason rapes the maiden Meiera. It happens when they go ashore and Jason persuades them to take a rest, then he takes the younger maiden Fedra to the ship. When Meiera wakes up, she notices to her despair that the ship has vanished. Wringing her hands in grief, she hurries to the sea and throws her jewels and gold in. The poor woman beats herself until blood comes from her mouth and nose. A dwarf hears her laments and hurries to offer its help. He offers to take her to his wife and informs her that a king lives nearby who is a fitting match for her.
Motif References:

S 433 Cast-off wife (girl) abandoned on island
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs
T 471 Rape
F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief

GoTK-22290:   Meiera and the dwarf approach the fortress Haimor, where the noble Zacheria and his wife live. They are received well. The maiden is led by her hostess to a wonderful hall, where hundred maidens hurry to entertain her. With music and singing, they are eager to entertain their guest. When the hostess learns after having asked politely what happened to the maiden she becomes very sad. The host questions her and decides that Jason’s mistreatment has to be punished. The virtuous maiden stays for a half year at the duke’s court. Aminus has heard the maiden’s story and falls in love. He rides to the fortress accompanied by five thousand heroes. They celebrate a grand wedding. Kings, dukes and nobles attend.
Motif References:

T 11 Falling in love with person never seen
T 136.1 Wedding feast

GoTK-22405:   When Minos returns and learns that the Minotaur is slain and his children abducted, he inquires about Jason. Furious the king approaches the queen asking her about the children. When she refuses to answer, he drags her by her hair and cuts off her head. One day a hero named Gargas arrives at Minos’ court. He tells him that the god of Love, Amor, has sent him to Minos’ country with letters to invite him to a wedding. When Minos reads the invitation he realizes that it is the invitation to Meiera’s wedding. Overjoyed he travels to meet his daughter. Eminos receives him cordially.
Motif References:

Q 421 Punishment: beheading
N 730 Accidental reunion of families

GoTK-22510:   Fedra travels to Troy with Jason where she has to suffer much harm. At last, Jason leaves her there. One day a very tall hero arrives at Troy. He wears a green mail made of horn. He is named Gamille, King of Zaloan. The strong and brave hero reports Jason’s shameful mistreatment of Meiera and Fedra, who has died. The furious hero discloses that the girls are his nieces and challenges Jason to single combat. The next morning they engage in a furious combat. The author remarks that somebody who committed evil will loose his bravery, as happened to Jason. The righteous Gamille defeats and kills Jason. Only few mourn him. He who does not honor virtuous women will earn calamities. Gamille reports Jason’s defeat to Minos who rewards him with the island of Batmos.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat

GoTK-22690:   The author informs us that Troy’s decline happened 1200 years before Christ. Treason of Eneas caused the death of many righteous Trojans. One day Eneas approaches the Greek emperor. Agamemnon accuses Paris, who still lives, finally Eneas yields and betrays Troy by revealing that King Priamos and his retinue visit a temple every fortnight. At this time Eneas promises to let the Greek army sneak in through the gate he watches, He promises to give them a signal with a lantern, his bother Nestor will blow a horn to warn them. The Greeks have to prepare an army of hundred thousand, he will wait with 15 000. The troops have to pretend to retreat but hide in a nearby wood to deceive the Trojans. Eneas returns to Troy informing his companions. When Priamos watches the retreating army, he is overjoyed. On the third day king, queen and their retinue proceed to the temple. Eneas climbs up to the watchtower takes the lantern and gives his signal thus leading Troy to its final doom.
Motif References:

K 784 (Bm) Capture by ambush
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous

GoTK-22915:   From this time on the Trojans had to suffer a bitter hardship. The Greeks take revenge on the Trojans by plundering and pillage. When Paris becomes aware that Troy is under fire, he wrings his white hands summoning his remaining troops for fire fighting. Many die and the whole town grows desperate. Priamos and Paris lead the remaining 70 000 men to battle. They attack the Greek troops cornering them at the city gate. Menelaus with his enormous army comes to the aid of the retreating Greeks thus killing many Trojans. All Trojan battlements are set on fire. Priamus is slain, Menelaus killed. Paris looses his life by a falling rock. Agamemnon takes 3000 women prisoner. He asks for Helena who is brought before him imploring for mercy for the surviving Trojan women. Pirrus demands his revenge for his father Achilles. Eneas hides Polixena whom Pirrus wants to kill, but has to turn her over on the third day. Pirros takes her by the hair and strangles her with her own braids on Achilles grave. Ecuba is killed and Cassandra commits suicide by breaking her own head with a rock. The emperor has everything destroyed.
Motif References:

P 26 Captured queen commits [attempts] suicide
R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
S 113 Murder by strangling
P 173.3 Captives from battle (sold as slaves)
M 451.1 Death by suicide
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

GoTK-23160:   Agamemnon grants his daughter’s plea and 3000 women are brought to Greece. Helena implores her father to have Pirrus sentenced to death to avenge Polixena’s death. Therefore, Agamemnon breaks Pirrus’ neck with his own hands. The Trojans have to deliver booty in gold, silver and jewels. Since that time, Eneas came to Roman countries and founded the coliseum. Helena gains her honor and King Bevar woes her and threatens to devastate Greece. He sends twelve nobles as emissaries bringing precious gifts. Agamemnon tells the messengers that he invites their king to a tournament. The messengers tell their king that the emperor does not much fear his threats. Angry he chooses the strong knight Deploys to bring the emperor his demand for Helena. Agamemnon answers that he wants to punish Helena for having caused the Trojan War by remaining without husband.
Motif References:

T 51 Wooing by emissary
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder

GoTK-23380:   The messenger returns to the kingdom of Schotten and reports the refusal to the king. The angry king decides to send the knight to Greece together with twelve well-clad maidens and tell the emperor that he will conquer Greece. The maidens are sent to show the emperor that he has ladies enough in his power but still wants Helena for his wife. The emperor and Helena see the knight Ericius together with his retinue of twelve ladies approaching. They receive them well. Helena leads the ladies to her chambers kindly asking them about their country. Meanwhile Agamemnon receives the messenger. When the emissary demands Helena, Agamemnon refuses because of the Trojan War. Finally, he gives the answer that he will never consent to Helena’s marriage unless the royal suitor defeats him and his army. Ericius answers that his king will challenge him to battle in Estrelo in following May. Then the knight and his retinue return to their home country.
Motif References:

T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
H 217.2 Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl

GoTK-23625:   During their journey, the knight Ericius and the ladies have to cross a dark forest. Seven armed men challenge him with their spears demanding the ladies. However, the brave hero kills them all. Then they return to Schotten (Scotland). When the king learns, that he is denied Helena he grows unhappy. Then King Sarapist summons a big army of 500,000 men. In May they meet in Estrelo that is the chosen battlefield. At his very place, Constantinople is build by King Constantin. The emperor and the king meet at the battlefield and a furious battle begins. The overpowering force of the king defeats the emperor. The king plans to destroy the emperor’s army but the Duke of India holds him back. Then the king’s messenger approaches the emperor demanding his surrender and Helena. Agamemnon refuses replying that he rather would choose death then give his daughter in marriage. When the king hears the message, he has all the horns blown to summon the army. King and emperor meet at the battlefield. The king wears a crown with precious ruby. King and emperor engage in a single combat, whereupon the king is killed. Many warriors are killed 300 000 from the kingdom, 5000 Greek warriors.
Motif References:

P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]

GoTK-24035:   One day a nobleman rides to the fortress. He wears costly garments, his helmet crest is golden hawk with ruby eyes. He carries four spears: one made from aloe wood, the second made of ivory, the third of silver, the forth of gold. A Greek hero named Avenor approaches the emperor imploring that he be allowed to fight the strange hero. The emperor grants it and Helena puts on his mail with her own hands. The strange knight demands Helena for his wife challenging Avenor. Eventually, they engage in a furious single combat. The strange knight with name of Segremans knocks the Greek hero down, who jumps up again. The stranger charges the Greek hero, eventually cutting off his head. Segremans takes the head by the hair throwing it over the fortress walls. The emperor wringing his hands in despair but the Amiral Sagaoz volunteers to fight the stranger. However, the stranger kills him. King Turpin volunteers to leave the fortress to joust with Segremans. After a short time, the brave Turpin dies fatally wounded by the stranger under the city gate.
Motif References:

S Head of murdered man taken along as trophy
H 217.2 Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]

GoTK-24420:   The victorious hero demands Helena to come with him to Saba. He kills whoever opposes him, even the emperor scarcely escapes death. Then the king of Sheba and Persia approaches Helena. He demands that she take weapons and avenge her fellow citizens. However, she refuses telling him that god will avenge them. Then she agrees to a marriage with the king. The Greeks have to suffer Helena’s loss. Agamemnon summons his army. Allies, relatives, all assemble a big army. The king’s vassal Thuribund informs him of the invasion in Greece. Helena’s husband asks her for advice whether he should spare her father, but she allows him the victory. The king promises if Agamemnon agrees to have the emperor and his army retreat to Greece without a battle. Furthermore, he promises the treasure of Cancasasz as reward.
Motif References:

Q 111.6 Treasure as reward
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War

GoTK-24629:   Thuribund hurries to the Fortress Abatha to meet the emperor and bring the king’s message. Agamemnon angrily replies that he will take his daughter back and accept the treasure. However, Thoribund assures him that the king will never part with Helena. Now Agamemnon sends his answer that he insists on war. The king sends messengers to India, Persia, Sheba, and Tunis to summon his allies. Thus 15 000 warriors are eager to fight for the king. Segremans approaches the emperor offering him his service and threefold reparation. Agamemnon adamantly insists on his daughter’s return to Greece. Thereupon they challenge each other to battle. King, emperor, and their armies encounter each other on the battlefield of Belphegos. Because the Greek warriors wear identical mail garments, Agamemnon gets killed, because he is not recognized.
Motif References:

N 330 Accidental killing or death
P 550 Military affairs

GoTK-24821:   Whatever prosperity and fame the Greeks had harvested in Troy are lost and all hopes are dashed. The Greeks are defeated and take to flight. 9000 escape and turn to the sea. For Agamemnon a funeral is held according to his rank. He is buried in Persia in a marble coffin. The king has the fallen Greek warriors are buried with regal eminence.
Motif References:

V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous

GoTK-24929:   In a country nearby in Asia lives a hero named Carmelus with his son Rymulus. When Carmelus dies his son inherits the throne. The poor warrior Remus serves him faithfully. Remulus sends Remus as messenger to Crete with 1200 warriors to Eneas to call him to Remulus. Agamemnon’s heir is Menon ruling over Greece. But Remulus opposes. Together with Eneas’ army, Remulus mobilizes 9000 men. They camp at Estrolo. Menon’s army has 80000 men. A furious battle begins. Eneas looses his men, Romulus loses 9000, and they take to flight to the sea. Romulus, Remus, and Eneas leave Greece and travel to Cecilia. Together with 1000 faithful men, they come to Tuschgan. They appreciate the lovely country and decide to build Rome. Romulus lays the first brick. Afterwards, a rich emperor named Nero builds Latoran. Eneas builds the Coliseus and the temple Etrinetatis. They build it with the treasure they captured in Troy.
Motif References:

F 1084 Furious battle [fight]

GoTK-25095:   Troy’s treasures built all the Roman sites. After Remulus follows the evil ruler Decius. After him, Dioclecinus rules seventy years. Emperor Nero follows, a powerful man. Then after 130 years, Christianity arises. The author remarks, that he reported all he knew about Troy’s decline. Finally the author closes with his name, Wolfram.
Motif References: