Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  C 


V 1.11.1 Worship of golden calf.


G 303.6.1.2 Devil comes when called upon
R 187 Horn of Roncevalles. Hero calls aid of waiting soldiers on horn


K 2110.1 Calumniated wife
K 2112 Woman slandered as adulteress (prostitute) [concubine]
K 2117 Calumniated wife: substituted letter (falsified message)
N 741.3.1 Calumniated wife is forced to flee


F 531.2.7 Giant so large he cannot be carried by a horse


F 873.2 Enormous army (camp)[train]
K 871.2 Slaughter of drunken enemies in banquet hall [army-camp]
K 2357 Disguise to enter enemy’s camp (castle)
P 550 Military affairs
P 551 Army
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, headless body of enemy dragged through camp


H 927 Tasks set by deity [God, heavenly voice, Mother Mary]
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 551 Army


D 1162.2 Magic candle
D 1601.7 Lamp (fire) lights itself.
D 1652.11 Ever-burning candle [light]
F 969.3 Marvelous light
V 133 Holy candles


F 561 People of unusual diet
F 709.9 (Bm) Land of cannibals who eat their own elders
G 11.2 Cannibal giant
G 11.16 Army of cannibal monsters
G 11.18 Cannibal tribe
G 312 Cannibal ogre


D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments – miscellaneous
R 23 Abduction with aid of magical mask [cap] which renders invisible


F 821.4 Extraordinarily beautiful mantle


N 170 The capriciousness of luck


D 859.8 Magic object as ransom of captive.
D 1395.5 Magic ring enables captive to escape.
F 375 Mortals as captives in fairyland
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
H 1219.5 Quest assigned [to] prisoner.
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.
P 173.3 Captives from battle (sold as slaves)
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 557.2.1 Prisoners of war exchanged
Q 121.1 Slaves [captives] freed as reward
R 5 Capture on field of battle
R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous
R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 40 Places of captivity.
R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 41.2 Captivity in tower
R 50 Conditions of captivity
R 51 Mistreatment of prisoners
R 51.1 Prisoners starved
R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
R 51.3 Prisoners mutilated
R 51.4 Prisoner[s] [hostages, messengers] massacred [killed]
R 51.6 (Bm) Captive as hostage
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
R 53 Captivity as refuge for the captive
R 70 Behavior of captives
R 99 (Bm) Ransom
R 110 Rescue of captive
R 111 Rescue of captive maiden.
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity
R 121 Means of rescue from prison
R 350 Recapture of fugitive


D 2177 Imprisoning by magic
F 165.6.1 Otherworld (fairyland) as place of sorrowful captivity.
H 1561.2.0.1 (Bm) Loser of single combat will become winner’s servant [subject]
J 227.1 Death preferred to captivity
J 229.17.1 (G) Choice: humiliating punishment, captivity or single combat
J 1172.3 Ungrateful animal returned to captivity
K 789 (Bm) Chess game to lure man into captivity.
R 5 Capture on field of battle
R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous
R 9.10 (Bm) Release from captivity
R 40 Places of captivity.
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle
R 41.2 Captivity in tower
R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon
R 43 Captivity on island
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)
R 45.3 Captivity in cave
R 49 Other places of captivity
R 49.4 (G) Captivity in grave, tomb
R 50 Conditions of captivity
R 52 (Bm) Benevolent captivity
R 53 Captivity as refuge for the captive
R 110 Rescue of captive
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 111.2 Princess rescued from place of captivity
R 121 Means of rescue from prison


B 13.1 (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin.
B 81.13.11 Mermaid captured
F 776.2 Perilous falling gate
G 420 Capture by ogre
K 700 Capture by deception
K 735 Capture in pitfall
K 737.1 Dupe lured into hole and entrance closed.
K 750 Capture by decoy
K 751 Capture by feigning death
K 754 Capture by hiding in artificial animal
K 755.2 (Bm) Capture of city by using city’s own banner to enter it
K 757 Capture by feigning illness
K 770 Other deceptive captures
K 775.1 Capture by taking aboard ship to inspect wares
K 776 Capture by intoxication (or narcotic)
K 778 Capture through the wiles of a woman
K 782 Capture by lying in wait in enemy’s haunt
K 784 (Bm) Capture by ambush
K 1330 Girl tricked into man’s room (or power)
M 208 Price set on one’s head
P 26 Captured queen commits [attempts] suicide
R 4 Surprise capture
R 5 Capture on field of battle
R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 121 Means of rescue from prison
R 162 Rescue by captor’s daughter (wife, mother)[niece]
T 32.1 Lovers’ meeting: hero in heroine’s father’s [husband’s] prison from which she helps him to escape


B 13 Unicorn
D 1645.1 Incandescent jewel
F 826 Extraordinary jewels


A 185 Deity cares for favorite individuals
J 657 Care in selecting the creature to carry one
P 236.2 Supposed chest of gold induces children to care for their aged father.
R 52.2 (Bm) Captive knight in care of captor’s mistress [wife]
T 600 Care (education) of children
T 680 Care [and education] of children – miscellaneous motifs
V 430 Charity – miscellaneous motifs


M 311.0.1 Heroic career prophesied for (new-born) child


J 2136.5 Careless thief caught


F 671 Skillful ship-builder
F 675 Ingenious carpenter
P 456 Carpenter


F 783 Extraordinary carpet


F 861.1 Golden wagon (chariot)
P 13 Customs connected with kings


B Bird as letter carrier
D 2121.5 Magic journey: man carried by spirit or devil
J 657 Care in selecting the creature to carry one
K 521.1.1 Men sewed in animal’s hide carried off by birds
K 1861.1 Hero sewed up in animal hide so as to be carried to height by bird


F 861 Extraordinary wagon (cart, carriage, etc.)
Q 473 Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets


F 774 Extraordinary pillars
H 35.4 Recognition by unique manner of carving chips.
H 135.0.1 (Bm) Love messages on slips of wood sent downstream.


D 2176.3.2 Devil cast out of man possessed
N 126 Lots cast to determine luck or fate
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, warrior queen’s corpse cast into lake [river]


B 256.3 Deer makes its horns available as a bookholder to a saint [as a candelabrum to the owner of the castle]
B 557.11.4 (Bm) Soldiers fight from “castles” on elephant’s backs
B 576.1 Animal as guard of person or house.
B 847 Lion placed in city to prevent entrance
D 6 Enchanted castle (building)
D 705.1 Castle disenchanted.
D 1131 Magic castle
D 1131.1 Castle produced by magic.
D 1645.3 Magic castle shines from afar.
D 2178.1 City (castle) built by magic
F 80.1.1 Castle in lower world
F 112.2 City [castle] of women
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
F (Luminous) precious stones in otherworld (dwelling)
F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 163.1.1 Revolving castle in otherworld.
F 163.1.2 Golden castle in otherworld
F 163.1.4 Castles of gold and silver in otherworld
F 165.3.2 Jewelled walls in otherworld dwelling.
F 222 Fairy castle
F 271.2 Fairies as builders
F 451.4.3.6 Dwarfs’ castle of gold [marble]
F 531.6.3.1 Giants live in castles (raths, duns) (ruins of which may still be seen)
F 531.6.6 Giants as builders of great structures
F 759.1 Mountain with marvelous objects at top
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.1 Castle of unusual material
F 771.1.1 Golden castle (palace, house)
F 771.1.1.1 Castle paved with gold and gems
F 771.1.5 Palace of jewels
F 771.1.6 Crystal castle.
F 771.1.6.1 Castle with glass wall.
F 771.1.11 Castle of fire
F 771.2.6 Revolving castle.
F 771.3 Extraordinary location of castle
F 771.3.1 Castle at world’s end
F 771.3.5.1 House [castle] inside mountain
F 771.4 Inhabitants of extraordinary castle
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
F 771.4.8 (Li) Castle of deep sorrow
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
F 771.5.1 Castle guarded by beasts.
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
F 771.6 Phantom house: disappears at dawn
F 771.8 Castle of extraordinary size
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle

H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.
H 1410 Fear test: staying in frightful place
K 1344 Tunnel entrance to guarded maiden’s chamber
K 2357 Disguise to enter enemy’s camp (castle)
K 2357.2 Disguise as pilgrim to enter enemy’s camp (castle)
K 2357.10 Disguise as merchant to enter enemy’s castle
N 573 Sleeping old king (in mountain) as guardian of treasure
Q 111.10 (Bm) Castles as reward
Q 113.1.1 (Bm) Earldom (and castle) as reward
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 41.1 Captivity in castle
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity
Z 316 Only one way to besiege certain city [castle]
Z 703 (Bm) Eponymous account of city’s founding


K 1558 The husband prepares to castrate the crucifix. The artist’s wife’s paramour poses as crucifix when caught. When he sees the husbands preparations, he flees naked
K 1558.1 Husband castrates paramour
K 1561 The husband meets the paramour in the wife’s place. Beats him or cuts off privates
Q 451.10 Punishment: genitalia cut off
Q 451.10.1 Punishment: castration.
S 176.1 Mutilation: emasculation [castration]
S 400 Cruel persecutions


J 132 Mouse teaches her child to fear quiet cats but not noisy cocks
J 671.1 Belling the cat
J 1662 The cat’s only trick
K 2061.7 Cat offers to act as doctor for cock and hen [Lion offers to act as doctor for horse]


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.


F 964.3.2 Extraordinary blood catches fire
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast
K 1552 Ruse to catch adulteress – husband pretends to leave; others remain close by.


D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1500.4 Magic object causes disease
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description


J 580 Wisdom of caution


D 1552.12 Magic key opens treasure mountain
F 451.4.1.1 Dwarfs live in caves
F 531.6.2.1 Giants live in mountains or caves
F 562.6 (Bm) People who live in caves
F 757 Extraordinary cave
F 757.1.1 Cave of gold, silver and crystal
G 450 Falling into ogre’s power – miscellaneous
R 45 Captivity in mound (cave, hollow hill)
R 45.3 Captivity in cave
R 315 Cave as refuge
R 315.1 Cave as eloping lovers’ refuge.
W 181.4 Jealous fox betrays wolf to peasant and then appropriates wolf’s cave and food


F 812.7 Boards of wood from certain forest endure forever


C 100 Sex tabu.
F 566 Celibate peoples
H 413 Special powers of chaste woman.
M 135 Vow never to remarry
Q 520.3 Life-long penance for brother-sister marriage
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
T 310 Celibacy and continence
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
Z 300 Unique exceptions


D 1656 Incombustible objects
F 899 Other extraordinary objects


F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 778.1 (G) Extraordinary grave


B 21 Centaur: man-horse
F 638 Mighty archer


F 512.1.1 Person with one eye in center of forehead


F 171.0.1 Enigmatic happenings in otherworld.
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
G 303.16.2.3 Devil’s power avoided by blessing [blessed or sacred writing].
M 302 Means of prophesying
P 13.3 Royal purple (golden diadem) [crown] as sign of royalty
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 561 Tournaments
T 61.4 Betrothal ceremony
T 134 Conduct of bridal couple before ceremony
T 135 Wedding ceremony
T 135.9 Wedding ceremony in church
T 165.2 One year to elapse between ceremony and consummation of marriage
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 80 Religious services – miscellaneous
V 140 Sacred relics


D 1184.2 Magic string
F 848 Extraordinary ladder (stairs)
Q 434 Punishment: fettering
R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains


D 1151 Magic seat
D 1520.16 Magic transportation by chair
F 786 Extraordinary chair


C 811 Tabu: heeding persuasive voices.
C 835 Tabus concerning fighting
F 150.3 Challenge at entrance of otherworld.
H 217 Decision made by contest
M 500 (Bm) Threats
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 556.3 (Bm) Feast interrupted by man offering challenge.
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat


D 1148 Magic tomb
F 721.4 Underground treasure chambers
F 781 Extraordinary rooms
K 1343 Man drawn up into female apartment on rope
R 49 Other places of captivity


K 1810.1 Disguise by putting on clothes (carrying accoutrements) of certain person
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
P 110 Royal ministers


A 145 Champions of the gods
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 152.0.1 Bridge to otherworld guarded by animals [champion].
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.6.16 Attendants of the giants
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
H 331.2.1 Suitor contest: success in battle [single combat]
H 1381.1 (Bm) Quest for champion
H 1381.8 (Bm) Quest for champion [helper]
H 1568 Test of the champion.
P 14.15 King has champion to enforce respect
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
Q 11 (Bm) Victory in single combat rewarded


N 760 Other accidental encounters
N 760.1 (Bm) Chance meeting of seeker and sought


K 2030 Double dealers
W 175 Changeableness


D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous.
D 478 Water changed to other substance (or vice versa)
D 631.1.1 Person changes appearance at will.
D 1330 Magic object works physical change
D 1360 Magic object effects temporary change in person
D 1889.6 Rejuvenation by changing skin
F 1041.11.2 Man turns pale, red, blue, etc. from emotion or strain
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
J 512 Animal should not try to change his nature
K 1810.1 Disguise by putting on clothes (carrying accoutrements) of certain person
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor
M 125 Vow not to change clothes till a certain time
N 130 Changing of luck or fate
N 131 Acts performed for changing luck
N 131.4 Luck changing after change of name
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love


F 163.2 Church (chapel) in otherworld.
F 773 Remarkable church (chapel, temple)
H 1412 Fear test: spending night in church
V 57.3 Prayer on special occasions.
V 65 Commemoration of death
V 111 Churches
V 111.5 (Bm) Church [cloister] built in hero’s [fallen warriors’] honor
V 113.0.1 Miracles at shrine [heroes’ grave]
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]


K 1826.1 Disguise as monk
P 426.1 Parson (priest)


A 1660 Characteristics of various peoples – in personal appearance.
F 531.1.6 Other bodily characteristics of giant
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test.
H 1550 Tests of character
H 1569 Tests of character – miscellaneous
J 903 Humility one of the qualifications of a prophet
K 304 Nations of thieves
K 2299.2 Treacherous peoples (tribes)
P 12 Character of kings
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
T 250 Characteristics of wives and husbands
W 20 Other favorable traits of character
W 110 Unfavorable traits of character – personal
W 121 Cowardice
W 175 Changeableness
W 200 Traits of character – miscellaneous


A 1660 Characteristics of various peoples – in personal appearance.
A 1670 Characteristics of various peoples – in industry and warfare
A 2239 Animal characteristics from miscellaneous punishments
W 200 Traits of character – misc.


A 156.5 Chariot of the gods
F 861 Extraordinary wagon (cart, carriage, etc.)
F 861.1 Golden wagon (chariot)
P 552 Battle formations
P 552.4 War-machines


Q 42 Generosity rewarded
Q 51 Kindness to animals rewarded
Q 171.1 Forgiveness of sin for acts of charity.
Q 520 Penances
V 73 Fasts
V 400 Charity
V 410 Charity rewarded
V 430 Charity – miscellaneous motifs
W 11 Generosity


D 522 Transformation through magic word (charm)
D 1266.1 Magic writings (gramerye, runes)
D 1273 Magic formula (charm)
D 1331.2 Magic object blinds.
D 1332.1 Magic object deafens.
D 1336.8 Magic spell gives weakness
D 1355.3 Love charm
D 1364.22 Sleep-charm
D 1383.2 Charms protect from poison
D 1410.5 Serpent [animal] charmed into helplessness by magic formula
D 1411 Magic object binds person (animal)
D 1449 Magic object gives miscellaneous powers over animals
D 1515.2 Charms as antidote for poison


B 13 Unicorn
B 13.1 (Li) Unicorn captured by virgin.
C 100 Sex tabu.
C 111 Tabu: loss of chastity
D 1387 Magic object preserves chastity.
D 1714 Magic power of person without sin
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
H 411 Magic object points out unchaste woman
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test.
H 411.7 Mantle as chastity test.
H 411.11 Magic spring as chastity test
H 411.11.2 Fountains as chastity test
H 411.12 Magic harp as chastity test. Plays out of tune [string breaks] at approach of unchaste girl
H 411.15 Magic mirror as chastity index
H 412 Chastity tested by ordeal
H 412.4.1 Chastity ordeal: holding hot iron
H 413 Special powers of chaste woman.
H 435 Weapon as chastity index
H 439.1.1 Painting on wife’s stomach as chastity index
H 1556.4.1 Lover’s fidelity tested by going to bed with mistress and only kissing
K 1512.1 Cut-off finger proves wife’s chastity: A chaste wife substitutes a maidservant for seducer. A finger and ring are cut off as proof of wife’s unfaithfulness (chastity wager with husband). Refuted by husband who knows they are not his wife’s
M 131 Vow of chastity [fidelity]
N 15 Chastity wager: A man makes a wager on his wife’s chastity. In spite of unsuccessful attempts to seduce her and of false proofs presented he wins the wager
T 160 Consummation of marriage
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
T 310 Celibacy and continence
T 350 Chaste sleeping together
T 351 Sword of chastity
T 360 Chastity and celibacy – miscellaneous
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity


J 1510 The cheater cheated
K 300 Thefts and cheats – general
K 359 Means of hoodwinking guardian or owner – miscellaneous
K 475 Cheating through equivocation
K 499 Additional cheats
K 1513 The wife’s equivocal oath.
K 1839.11 Disguise as older brother to obtain blessing
K 2030 Double dealers
K 2319 Deception by equivocation – miscellaneous
M 105 Equivocal oaths
Q 281.1 Ungrateful children punished.


K 334.1 The raven with cheese in his mouth


A 1468.1 Invention of chess game
D 1209.7 Magic gameboard, chessboard
D 1601.29 Self-playing gameboard
F 679.8 Skill at chess-playing
F 899.2 Extraordinary game-board
H 31.10 Recognition by unique ability to play chess
H 509.3 Chess game as test
K 789 (Bm) Chess game to lure man into captivity.
P 14.3 King playing chess when important news arrives


F 511.0.1.1 Headless person with eyes (eye) and mouth on breast
P 236.2 Supposed chest of gold induces children to care for their aged father.


K 2061.7 Cat offers to act as doctor for cock and hen [Lion offers to act as doctor for horse]


B 535 Animal nurse- Animal nourishes abandoned child
C 867.1 Tabu- abusing [killing] women or children
D 1502.4.2.1 Blood of children (innocent maidens) as cure for leprosy
D 1812.5.1.1 Prodigy as evil omen
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 312 Fairy presides at child’s birth
F 312.1.1 Fairies make good wishes for newborn child
F 317 Fairy predicts future greatness of newborn child
F 324.3 Youth [child] abducted by fairy.
F 531.6.8.6 Giants have children
F 565.1.2 All male children killed by Amazons [or given to father]
F 565.1.2.2 (Bm) Male children sent to live with fathers, girls with mothers
F 575.3 Remarkably beautiful child
F 611.2.1 Strong hero suckled by animal
H 71 Marks of royalty
H 1381.2.2 Child seeks unknown parent
H 1385.16 (Bm) Quest for abducted [lost] foster son.
J 120 Wisdom learned from children
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]
J 1149.1 Feigned madness unmasked by threatening man’s child
J 1492 Trickster artist hoodwinks king: Cuckold’s [illegitimate child’s] eyes cannot see picture, King pretends to see the picture- Courtiers reveal that there is no picture
J 1766.2 (Bm) Child thinks knights are gods.
J 2066.5 Wolf waits in vain for the nurse to throw away the child
J 2321 Man made to believe that he is pregnant
K 231.1.1 Mutual agreement to sacrifice family members in famine. Trickster refuses to carry out his part of the bargain
K 1920 Substituted children
L 111.5.1 (Bm) Hero begot illegitimately
M 301.12 (Three) Fates prophesy at child’s birth
M 301.20 Child as prophet
M 311 Prophecy: future greatness of unborn child
M 311.0.1 Heroic career prophesied for (new-born) child
M 311.0.3.1 Prophecy: child to be born to childless couple
M 311.4 Prophecy: unborn child to become king
M 356.3 Prophecy: unborn (new-born) child (girl) to bring evil upon land
M 369.7 Prophecy of birth of children
M 371.0.1 Abandonment in forest to avoid fulfillment of prophecy
N 827 Child as helper
P 30 Princes
P 230 Parents and children
P 236.1 Folly of father’s giving all property to children before his death
P 236.2 Supposed chest of gold induces children to care for their aged father.
P 242 Children punished for fathers’ sins
P 270.2 Peasant and his wife as foster parents of exposed king’s son
Q 281.1 Ungrateful children punished.
Q 411.3 Death of father (son, etc.) as punishment
R 10.3 Children abducted
R 10.3.1 (Bm) Noble child abducted
R 13.0.1 Children carried off by animals
R 131 Exposed or abandoned child rescued
R 131.3 Herdsman rescues abandoned child
R 131.3.1 Shepherd rescues abandoned child
R 131.4 Fisher rescues abandoned child
R 153.2 Father rescues children
S 141 Exposure in boat
S 143 Abandonment in forest
S 210.1 Child sold into slavery
S 221 Child sold (promised) for money [Child given as present]
S 301 Children abandoned (exposed)
S 302 Children murdered
S 312 Illegitimate child exposed
S 312.1 Child of incest exposed
S 324 Pregnant woman ordered by husband to kill child to be born
S 331 Exposure of child in boat (floating chest)
S 334 Tokens of royalty (nobility) left with exposed child
S 335 Child exposed at palace gate
S 350 Fate of abandoned child
S 350.2 Child driven out (exposed) brought up in secret
S 351.2 Abandoned child reared by herdsman
S 352 Animal aids abandoned child(ren)
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves
T 500 Conception and birth.
T 548.1 Child born in answer to prayer
T 551.5 Child born half man, half fish [animal]
T 563.3 Child born with figure of serpent [lion] on his body
T 570 Pregnancy
T 576 Prenatal influences
T 580 Childbirth
T 581 Place and conditions of childbirth
T 581.1 Birth of child in forest
T 584.2 Child removed from body of dead mother.
T 585 Precocious infant
T 589 Childbirth – miscellaneous motifs
T 596 Naming of children
T 596.1 Angel names child
T 600 Care (education) of children
T 611 Suckling of children
T 615 Supernatural growth
T 615.3 Precocious wisdom [virtue]
T 617 Boy reared in ignorance of the world
T 640 Illegitimate children
T 642 Test of legitimacy of children: exposure to asps [lions]
T 645.2 “Keep it if it is a girl- send it to me if it is a boy”
T 680 Care [and education] of children – miscellaneous motifs
T 682 Hero a posthumous son
U 121 Like parent, like child
V 81.4 Baptism of infants
V 515.1.6 (G) The child in the tree
Z 251 Boy hero
Z 255 Hero born [conceived] out of wedlock


T 23 (Bm) Childhood sweethearts
T 61.5.2 Children ten [five] and twelve [five] years old betroth themselves


M 311.0.3.1 Prophecy: child to be born to childless couple


B 11.1 Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]


K 1521.1 Paramour hidden in chimney


H 35.4 Recognition by unique manner of carving chips.


M 303 Prophecy by reading palm


H 1221 Quest for adventure
P 16.1 King (prince) retires from world (becomes hermit [monk, pilgrim], swineherd [beggar])
P 19.0.1 (Li) King Arthur as leader of outstanding chivalric society (Round Table)
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
Z 201.9.1 (Bm) Hero’s famous possessions – Arthur’s Round Table


B 151.1.1 Horses determine road to be taken
F 343.0.1 Fairy offers mortal choice of magic objects.
H 362 Bride chosen from girls assembled at feast
H 1561.9 Prince chooses (shorter but more) dangerous road
J 200 Choices
J 210 Choice between evils
J 211 Choice: free poverty or enslaved wealth
J 227.2 Death preferred to dishonor
J 229 Choice between evils – miscellaneous
J 229.17.1 (G) Choice: humiliating punishment, captivity or single combat
J 230 Choice: real and apparent values
J 260 Choice between worth and appearance
J 350 Choices: Small inconveniences, large gain
J 400 Choice of associates
J 480 Other choices
J 494 Choice: death and revenge preferred to life
L 210 Modest choice best
L 212 Choice among several gifts
P 11 Choice of kings
P 11.0.2 Choice of king of trees
P 11.1 Choice of kings by divine will
P 11.2.2 King chosen by contest.
T 131.0.1 Princess has unrestricted choice of husband
T Father promises that girl may wed only man of her choice
T Girl must marry father’s choice
T Son (daughter) refuses to marry father’s choice


D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
F 952.6 Miraculous cures- blindness cured by drop of water from side of crucified Savior
M 363.1 Coming of Christ (Christianity) prophesied
V 131.3 (Tu) The gray suit of Christ
V 211 Christ
V 211.10 Letter (message) of Christ
V 331.1.1 Conversion to Christianity by miracle of seeing blood flow from Jesus’ image
Z 71.3.2 Five wounds of Christ


V 87 Christening


A 694 Christian paradise
F 1 Journey to otherworld as dream or vision
F 451.5.9 Dwarfs and Christianity
F 531.5.8 Giants and Christians
H 1573.3 Power of Christianity tested
M 363.1 Coming of Christ (Christianity) prophesied
R 331 [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court
V 211 Christ
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 331.1 Conversion to Christianity through miracle
V 331.1.1 Conversion to Christianity by miracle of seeing blood flow from Jesus’ image
V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love
V 331.10 Conversion to Christianity because of admiration for Christian virtue
V 332 Baptism of heathen
V 335.2 (Bm) Refusal to become Christian brings death
V 339.1.1 (Bm) Christian leads Saracen army [Heathen fights in Christian army]
V 350 Conflicts between religions
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols


E 492 Mass, church service of the dead. (Held at midnight)
F 163.2 Church (chapel) in otherworld.
F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F 166.5 Altar in otherworld
F 773 Remarkable church (chapel, temple)
H 1412 Fear test: spending night in church
P 120 Church dignitaries
Q 222 Punishment for desecration of holy places (images etc.)
V 111 Churches
V 111.3 Place where a [temple] church must be built miraculously indicated
V 111.5 (Bm) Church [cloister] built in hero’s [fallen warriors’] honor
V 112 Temples
V 113.0.1 Miracles at shrine [heroes’ grave]


D 1272 Magic circle
P 552.1 Battle-pen. Warriors fight in circle around leader
Z 150 Other symbols


D 1791 Magic power by circumambulation


B 847 Lion placed in city to prevent entrance
D 1380.0.1 Magic object protects a city [land]
D 1380.0.1.1 Palladium- city impregnable while statue remains
F 760 Extraordinary cities
F 760.0.1 (Bm) Extraordinarily beautiful town
F 761 City of precious metals and stones
F 761.1 City of gold
F 761.1.1 City with hundred palaces and gardens
F 761.5 City paved with precious seeds
F 762 City of extraordinary color
F 766 Deserted city
F 767 Inaccessible city
F 769 Other extraordinary cities
F 769.4 (Bm) City three days’ journey wide and long
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction
M 475 Curse on a city
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
Q 53.3 Maiden queen offers her hand as reward for rescuing her town
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
S 110.10 (Bm) City and inhabitants willfully destroyed
S 112.0.1 City burned with all inhabitants
W 11.5.5 Conqueror spares city
Z 316 Only one way to besiege certain city [castle]
Z 703 (Bm) Eponymous account of city’s founding


K 442 False claim of reward
K 1932 Impostors claim reward (prize) earned by hero
N 2.0.2 Stakes not claimed by winner
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
W 187 Insolence [Self-conceit]


D 1163 Magic mirror
D 1323 Magic object gives clairvoyance
D 1323.1 Magic clairvoyant mirror
D 1323.5 Magic salve gives clairvoyance.
D 1331.1 Object gives magic sight
D 1821.3.7.3 Crystal-gazing. Clairvoyance by looking into crystal.
D 1821.4 Magic sight by putting ointment into eye.
D 1825.2 Magic power to see distant objects.
D 1825.3 Magic power to see invisible creatures
F 169.1 Pillars of silver and glass [crystal pillar] in otherworld.
F 774.1.1 Crystal column [pillar]


F 556 Remarkable voice
F 688.3 Voice heard over whole land
G 303.17.2.3 Devil goes out with great noise
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning


B 42 Griffin
F 515.2.2 Person with very long [and sharp] fingernails
F 517.1.4 Person with claws on the feet.
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws
F 552.1.3 Extraordinary fingernails


G 303.6.2.9 Devil appears to saint (cleric)
J 1264 Repartee concerning clerical incontinence
K 3.4 Wise man [ clerical trickster] disguised as monk beats learned heretic [clerics] in debate
N 846 Cleric as helper
P 425 Scribe
P 426 Clergy
P 427 Druid (poet, learned man)
P 429 Miscellaneous learned professions
V 465 Clerical vices.
V 470 Clerical vows


J 612 Wise man considers whom he is attacking
J 689 Forethought in alliances – miscellaneous
J 829 Dealing with the great – miscellaneous
J 1110 Clever persons
J 1111 Clever girl
J 1111.6 Clever maidservant.
J 1112 Clever wife
J 1113 Clever boy [youth, knight]
J 1114 Clever servant
J 1115.6 Clever peasant
J 1115.10.2 Clever minister [counsellor]
J 1118 Clever bird [general: clever animals]
J 1118.1 Clever parrot
J 1150 Cleverness connected with the giving of evidence
J 1151 Testimony of witness cleverly discredited
J 1160 Clever pleading
J 1169 Clever pleading – miscellaneous
J 1174 Clever decisions concerning kissing and rape
J 1180 Clever means of avoiding legal punishment.
J 1190 Cleverness in the law court – miscellaneous
J 1251 Baffling malice with ready answers
J 1661 Clever deductions
J 1675 Clever arguing with a king
J 1675.2 Clever ways of breaking bad news to a king [queen] (who will kill bearer of bad tidings)
K 778 Capture through the wiles of a woman
L 141 Stupid person surpasses clever
P 20.1 Clever queen


F 684.1 Marvelous climber


D 1053 Magic mantle (cloak)
D 1361.12 Magic cloak of invisibility
D 1361.15 Magic cap renders invisible: tarnkappe
D 1381.4 Magic coat protects against attack
D 1520.6 Magic transportation by cloak (cape)
D 1692 Cloak (and shirt) fit person of any size
D 1980 Magic invisibility
F 451.3.3.8 Dwarfs made invisible by magic caps [cloaks]
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 821.4 Extraordinarily beautiful mantle
F 821.9 Garments grow with man wearing them [garment adapts to size of wearer]


J 671.1 Belling the cat
J 953.1 Dog proud of his clog [bell]


U 115 The skeleton in the closet. An apparently happy man lets another see the actual misery of his existence.


D 1318.8 Magic cloth reveals guilt
D 1652.8 Inexhaustible cloth
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
K 1837 Disguise of woman in man’s clothes


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
F 236 Dress of fairies
F 420.1 Form and appearance [dress] of water-spirits
F 420. Water-spirits are clad in red
F 511.2.5 (Bm) People with large ears used as clothing
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 821.1.1 Golden clothes
F 821.1.3 Dress of raw fur
F 821.11 Clothes remain ever new
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
H 111 Identification by garment
J 2312 Naked person made to believe he is clothed
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl
K 1810.1 Disguise by putting on clothes (carrying accoutrements) of certain person
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
K 1837 Disguise of woman in man’s clothes
M 125 Vow not to change clothes till a certain time
P 678.1 Tearing garments as sign of grief
T 455.3 Woman sells favors for beautiful clothes
U 110 Appearances deceive
V 530 Pilgrimages


D 901 Magic cloud.
F 795 Extraordinary cloud


D 1094 Magic cudgel (club)
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club as weapon
F 531. (Bm) Giant ‘s [wild man‘s] club.
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon
F 835 Extraordinary club [pole]
F 835.2 Remarkably large club [pole]
F 835.2.1 Iron club [pole] so heavy that five [several] men can hardly lift it
G 316 Giant robber with club


L 101 Unpromising [clumsy] hero


H 1500 Tests of endurance


D 1053 Magic mantle (cloak)
D 1381.4 Magic coat protects against attack
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms


H 30 Recognition through personal peculiarities
H 126 Identification by coat of arms
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
P 429.2 (Li) Herald
P 561 Tournaments
Z 150 Other symbols


E 452 Ghost laid at cockcrow (dawn)
J 1061.1 The cock and the pearl: prefers a single corn to a peck of pearls
K 721 Cock persuaded to crow with closed eyes
K 2061.7 Cat offers to act as doctor for cock and hen [Lion offers to act as doctor for horse]


B 773.3 Lion (wolf) protects the saint’s body
D 1148 Magic tomb
D 1417 Magic object imprisons person
D 2072.0.5 Person paralyzed
D 2167 Corpse magically saved from corruption
E 182 Dead body incorruptible
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 809.7 Transparent stone
F 852 Extraordinary coffin [sarkophag]
F 852.1 Glass coffin
F 852.2 Golden coffin
T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
V 40 Mass
V 64 Money tied on corpse thrown overboard from ship in order to secure burial


A 671.3.3 Alternate heat and cold in hell
D 1382 Magic object protects against cold or burning
D 1382.6 Magic shirt protects from cold and burning
E 755.2.5 Icy hell
F 169.7 Coldness of otherworld
F 685 Marvelous withstander of cold
F 704 Land of cold and mist
F 709.4 (Bm) Land of two summers and no winters [without extreme weather elements]
F 716.3 Fountain hot or cold as desired
F 771.7.1 (Tu) Palace surrounded by rivers of warm and cold water
F 809.11 (Bm) Marvelous stone – extraordinarily cold
F 962.11 Extraordinary snow.
G 303.4 The devil’s physical characteristics
G 303.6 Circumstances of the devil’s appearance
H 1541 Contest [test] in enduring cold
Q 567 Punishment by cold in hell
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 71.2.1 Woman scorned in love complains of man’s coldness


D 1812.5.0.13 Magic manifestation as omen
D 1812.5.1 Bad omens
F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake
F 1010 Other extraordinary events
N 331 Things accidentally fall and kill person


P 720 Population


B 11.2.2 Color of dragon
B (Bm) Dragon of diverse colors.
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
B 731.0.1 Animals of strange and varied coloring
B 731.7 Fancifully colored deer.
D 1293.4 Black as magic color
F 512 Person unusual as to his eyes
F 527 Person of unusual color
F 527.2 Green knight
F 541.6 Eyes remarkable as to color
F 762 City of extraordinary color
F 807 Rock of extraordinary color.
F 1041.11.2 Man turns pale, red, blue, etc. from emotion or strain
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
Z 65 Color formulas
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow
Z 140.1 Color of flag (sails) on ship as message of good or bad news
Z 141 Symbolic color: red
Z 142 Symbolic color: white
Z 143 Symbolic color: black
Z 143.1 Black as symbol of grief
Z 145 Symbolic color: green.


B 264 Single combat between animals
B 268 Animal soldiers [trained for combat or battle]
B 571.3 Animals fight together with their master.
C 835 Tabus concerning fighting
D 862 Magic object taken away by force [recovered by fighting]
D 887 (Li) Magic object recovered by fighting
D 2163 Magic defense in battle.
F 176 Hero fights in otherworld and overcomes [is overcome by] king (queen) or fairy.
F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man
F 1084 Furious battle [fight]
G 303.9.6.1 Devil fights with man
H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
H 151.10.2 (Bm) Combat of unknown brothers brings about recognition
H 217 Decision made by contest
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
H 218 Trial by combat
H 218.0.1 Vindication by champion. Usually noble lady or king accused
H 218.1 Judicial combat interrupted by friends of loser
H 218.1.1 (G) Single combat, joust interrupted by friends of combatants
H 218.1.2 (G) Single combat postponed
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
H 331.2.1 Suitor contest: success in battle [single combat]
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
H 1166 Task: duel.
H 1361.2 Single combat to prove valor
H 1561.1 Tests of valor: tournament
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor
H 1561.2.0.1 (Bm) Loser of single combat will become winner’s servant [subject]
H 1561.2.1 Holmgang: single combat on an island.
H 1561.2.3 Combats at fords
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
J 229.17.1 (G) Choice: humiliating punishment, captivity or single combat
K 1 Contest won by magic
K 3 Substitute in contest
K 528 Substitute in ordeal
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
M 162 Vow not to be killed by [not to fight] a single opponent.
M 356.1.1 Prophecy: loss of battle (combat)
N 330 Accidental killing or death
N 731 Unexpected meeting of father and son
N 731.2 Father-son combat
N 731.2.2 Undesired combat [between sworn (blood) brothers (foster brothers)
N 733.1 Brothers unwittingly fight each other
N 767.1 (Bm) Unwitting combat between friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 52 Knight jousts with all comers
P 233 Father and son
P 234.5 (Bm) Single combat to avenge daughter’s dishonor
P 253.5.1 (Bm) Single combat to avenge sister’s dishonor
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 550 Military affairs
P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 550.2 (Li) Single combat
P 554 4. Customs concerning single combat
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.8 (Bm) Avenging defeat in battle
P 556 Challenge to battle
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557.0.3 (Li) Military aid (alliance)
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 557.4.4 Men’s truth. (fir fer)
P 557.4.7 (Li) Rules for single combat
Q 11 (Bm) Victory in single combat rewarded
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
V 351 Duel (debate) to prove which religion is better
W 32 Bravery
W 212 Eagerness for combat


H 218.1.1 (G) Single combat, joust interrupted by friends of combatants
P 311.1 Combatants become sworn brethren


B 24 Satyr, Combination of man and goat
B 29 Other combinations of beast and man


J 2516.3.3 Command to use only one phrase
T 122 Marriage by royal order


F 855 Extraordinary image
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
V 65 Commemoration of death
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 85 Religious pilgrimages
V 111.5 (Bm) Church [cloister] built in hero’s [fallen warriors’] honor
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]


T 41 Communication of lovers
T 41.1 Communication of lovers through hole in wall


V 39 Sacrament – miscellaneous motifs


B 301.8 Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
H 1385.13 (Bm) Quest for lost friend
K 579.3.1 Escape from pursuers by pretending to be one of them.
T 484 Maidservant given to lover’s companion as bed-partner
Z 235 Hero with extraordinary animal companion


K 512 Compassionate executioner
K 512.2 Compassionate executioner: substituted heart [liver].
W 45 Honor
W 46 (Li) Modesty


H 474 Complacent wife agrees with all of husband’s absurd statements (actions)


J 1545.10 (Tu) Small cause for complaint – One-eyed groom rebukes his bride for loss of virginity
T 71.2.1 Woman scorned in love complains of man’s coldness


B 11.1 Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]
B 11.2.1 Dragon as compound animal
B 14 Other hybrid animals
B 20.1 Army of half-animals, half-men
B 29.2.3 Snake body – woman’s head
B 71 Sea-horse
B 80 Fish-men
B 80.2 Monster half-man, half-fish.
F 526 Person with compound body


C 650 The one compulsory thing.
C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”]
C 651 The one compulsory question.
C 680 Other compulsions
C 980 Miscellaneous punishments for breaking tabu [for failing unique compulsion].
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
T 360 Chastity and celibacy – misc.
V 123.1 God under compulsion: Suppliant threatens to mutilate (crush) holy image if his wish is not fulfilled


T 500 Conception and birth.
T 511.2.0.1 Conception from eating root
T 513.1.1 Impregnation by magician’s power
T 538 Unusual conception in old age
T 539.3 Conception from intercourse with demon [dwarf]
Z 255 Hero born [conceived] out of wedlock
Z 255.1 (Li) Unknown origin of hero, prophet


T 450 Prostitution and concubinage


E 754.1.5 Condemned soul released by God
P 21 Queen intervenes for condemned courtiers


D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
D 791.2 Disenchantment by only one person.
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
R 50 Conditions of captivity
T 581 Place and conditions of childbirth


U 11 Small trespasses punished, large crimes condoned


J 152.3 Philosopher instructs youth regarding conduct
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 570 (Bm) Safe conduct
T 134 Conduct of bridal couple before ceremony
T 137.2 Bride and bridegroom conducted to bridal bed


K 640 Escape by help of confederate


G 303.16.9 Devil is made impotent by confession
H 151.3 Recognition when parents come to son (priest, pope) to be confessed
J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt
K 1584 Innocent confessor duped into being go-between for adulteress and lover
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
N 275 Criminal confesses because he thinks himself accused [because he gets afraid]
N 450 Secrets overheard
P 510 Law courts
Q 36.1 Reward for confession of sins
S 180.1 (Bm) Confession obtained by torture
V 20 Confession of sins
V 21 Confession brings forgiveness of sin
V 24 Miraculous manifestation at confession
V 29 Confession – miscellaneous motifs


M 372 Confinement in tower [room] to avoid fulfillment of prophecy
Q 433.1 Imprisonment for adultery
Q 478.2 Adulterer [ravisher, rapist] compelled to eat with dog[s].
R 41 Captivity in tower (castle, prison)
R 41.2 Captivity in tower
R 51.2 Prisoners confined in chains
T 257 Jealous husband or wife.
T 257.12 (Bm) Jealous husband confines wife to tower
T 381.0.2 Wife imprisoned in tower (house) to preserve chastity


Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment


F 171.3 People and things that strike one another in otherworld [mysterious fighting in otherworld].
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 350 Conflicts between religions


F 711.2.6 (Tu) Congealed Sea


M 151.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until conquest is achieved [revenge is taken]
M 166 Other vows about fighting
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction
M 369.5 Prophecies concerning invasion and conquest
P 16 End of king’s reign
P 500 Government
P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners
P 550 Military affairs
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 557.0.4 (Li) Siege
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
R 74.1 Defeated enemy turns conqueror’s best friend
R 74.2 Defeated enemy’s son turns conqueror’s man
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal
S 110.10 (Bm) City and inhabitants willfully destroyed
W 11.5.5 Conqueror spares city


W 37 Conscientiousness


H 1224 Quest to distant king for military aid
P 550 Military affairs
P 552.6 (Tu) Conscription of troops: summoning allies as preparation for war


D 1031.1.1 Consecrated bread as magic object.
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 121 (Bm) Pope
P 122 (Bm) Archbishop and bishop
V 294 The Pope


T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]
T 131.1 Relative’s consent to marriage necessary
T 131.1.2 Father’s consent to son’s (daughter’s) marriage necessary
T 131.1.3 Marriage against will of parents


J 21.1 “Consider the end”
J 611 Wise man, before entering a quarrel, considers how it will end
J 612 Wise man considers whom he is attacking


J 870 Consolation by pretending that one does not want the thing he cannot have
J 883 Poor man consoles self by thinking of misfortunes of rich


J 815 Unpleasant truths must be withheld from the great
K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
N 440 Valuable secrets learned
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
P 318 Man refuses to follow his friend in wicked conduct
R 9 Captivity – miscellaneous


P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]


H 338 Suitor test: faithfulness
H 411 Magic object points out unchaste woman
V 301.1 (Li) The high-minded, noble heathen


T 160 Consummation of marriage
T 165.2 One year to elapse between ceremony and consummation of marriage
T 165.9 (Li) Widow and maid
T 183 (G) Illusory consummation of marriage
T 271 The neglected wife
T 350 Chaste sleeping together


K 2130 Trouble-makers
W 188 Contentiousness.


A 163 Contests among the gods
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
A 2250 Animal characteristics: result of contest
D 785.1 Disenchantment produced by hero winning contests with demons
E 756.1 Angels and devils contest for man’s soul.
F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man
H 217 Decision made by contest
H 331 Suitor contests: bride offered as prize
H 331.2 Suitor contest: tournament
H 331.2.1 Suitor contest: success in battle [single combat]
H 331.7 Suitor contest: aiming with missile [knife]
H 332.1 Suitor in contest with bride
H 548 Riddle contest
H 1552.2 Contest in generosity
H 1591 Shooting contest.
H 1592 Hunting contest
H 1596 Beauty contest
H 1596.1 Golden apple as prize in beauty contest. Judgment of Paris.
H 1596.3 Women to appear naked in beauty contest
J 242.5 Peacock and crane (in beauty contest)
K 1 Contest won by magic
K 70 Contest in strength won by deception
L 351 Contest of wind and sun
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
N 1.3 Betting contest between two kings [nobles]
P 11.2.2 King chosen by contest.


M 100 Vows and oaths
T 165.2 One year to elapse between ceremony and consummation of marriage
T 286 Sight of mistress’s ring causes husband to withhold himself from his wife
T 315 Continence (in marriage)
T 315.1 Marital continence by mutual agreement
T 315.2 The continent husband
T 315.2.1 The audacious water and the continent husband


M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
M 219 Other devil contract motifs
M 219.2 Devil fetches man contracted to him.
P 525 Contracts


A 197 Deity controls elements
D 1379.1.1 Magic object controls person’s will.
D 1410 Magic object renders person helpless
D 2145 Magic control of seasons
D 2146 Magic control of day and night
D 2151.1 Magic control of seas
D 2151.2 Magic control of rivers.
D 2156 Magic control over animals
D 2158 Magic control of fires
D 2162 Magic control of disease.
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])


V 118.4 (Bm) Abbey and convent founded (given) in penitence


K 1534 Queen deceives king by unfriendly conversation with lover.
N 455 Overheard (human) conversation
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
T 42 Conversation of lovers


H 927.2 Task assigned by angel on God's order
M 364.3 Prophecy: saint [holy man] will succeed in conversion
V 229.12 Sinful beauty is converted and spends the end of her life doing penance
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
V 330 Conversion from one religion to the other
V 331 Conversion to Christianity
V 331.1 Conversion to Christianity through miracle
V 331.1.1 Conversion to Christianity by miracle of seeing blood flow from Jesus’ image
V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 331.4 Conversion to Christianity through repentance
V 331.5 Conversion to Christianity through love
V 331.10 Conversion to Christianity because of admiration for Christian virtue
V 332 Baptism of heathen
V 335 (Bm) Refusal to change religion
V 335.2 (Bm) Refusal to become Christian brings death
V 350 Conflicts between religions


K 1549.8 Woman cooks food for paramour
W 125.2 Gluttonous wife eats all the meal while cooking it


J 1061.1 The cock and the pearl: prefers a single corn to a peck of pearls


C 541.1 Tabu: dead body not to be on ship
D 765.1.1.1 Disenchantment by removing ring from under dead girl’s tongue [from dead woman’s hair]
D 1318.5.2 Corpse bleeds when murderer touches it
D 1654.9.1 Corpse cannot be moved
D 1817.0.3 Magic detection of murder
D 2167 Corpse magically saved from corruption
E 341.1 Dead grateful for having corpse ransomed. Corpse is being held unburied because of non-payment of debt. Hero pays debt and secures burial of corpse.
E 419.6 Lovers buried apart found in one grave each morning [Friends buried apart found united the following day]
E 422 Living corpse.
E 545.10 Corpse exclaims over miracle
E 800 The Corpse
F 402.1.4 Demons assume human form in order to deceive
F 964.3.3 Extraordinary corpse burns of its own accord.
F 1084.1.1 (Tu) Heaps of corpses after furious battle
K 1864.2.1 (Bm) Corpse falsely said to be hero’s by treacherous rival [knight]
P 555.2 Corpses of dead foes dismembered
P 683 (Bm) Embalming
Q 491 Indignity to corpse as punishment
Q 491.6 Corpse of murderer mutilated
Q 503 Wandering after death as punishment.
S 139.2 Slain person dismembered
S 139.2.2 Other indignities to corpse
S Part of corpses used in sport
S Head used as ball
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, headless body of enemy dragged through camp
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse: body of enemy thrown to dogs in street
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse: body of dead hero left in field for wild beasts to eat.
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, warrior queen’s corpse cast into lake [river]
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 211.4 Spouse’s corpse kept after death
T 211.4.2 Husband’s [lover’s] corpse kept after death.
V 60 Funeral rites
V 68 Preparations for burial
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
Z 292.1 (Bm) Hero’s corpse embalmed


C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”]


A 167.1 Council of the gods
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
P 500 Government
P 557.0.1 (Li) Council of war
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)


A 182.3.5 God advises mortal
D 1814.1 Advice from magician (fortune-teller, etc.) [prophet]
E 366.4 (Bm) Revenant in dream advises king
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf]
J 191 Wise men
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 233 Father and son
Q 43 Reward for giving counsel
V 246 Angel counsels mortal


J 1115.10.2 Clever minister [counsellor]
K 2298 Treacherous counselor
N 810 Supernatural helpers
N 825.2 Old man helper
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 20.1 Clever queen
P 110 Royal ministers
P 427 Druid (poet, learned man)
T 64 King seeks bride only because counsellors insist


P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
T 50.2.1 King unwilling to marry his daughter to a man not her equal
T 91.6 Noble and lowly in love
T 91.6.5 (Bm) Lowly squire [count] loves king’s daughter


F 133.1 Marine counterpart to land


D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
D 1380.0.1 Magic object protects a city [land]
D 1408 Magic object devastates country
D 1825.2.2 Magic power to see whole country at once.
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 145 Mountains at borders of otherworld
F 700 Extraordinary places (lands)
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom
F 708 Countries with one conspicuous lack
F 708.2 Country without grain
F 708.3 Country without wine
F 708.4 (Li) Country without snakes
F 709 Other extraordinary countries
F 709.1 Country of the naked
F 709.4 (Bm) Land of two summers and no winters [without extreme weather elements]
F 709.6 (Bm) Land of raw flesh [horse-meat] eaters
M 474 Curse on land
P 500 Government
P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war
Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward


T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
T 92.1 The triangle plot and its solutions
T 134 Conduct of bridal couple before ceremony
T 298 Reconciliation [reunion] of (separated) couple


D 1358 Magic object makes person courageous
H 1561 Tests of valor
H 1561.2 Single combat to prove valor


N 118.1 Ship’s course left to the winds that it might be carried where fate wills it


J 1169 Clever pleading – miscellaneous
J 1190 Cleverness in the law court – miscellaneous
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty
K 2248 Treacherous minister
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
M 151.2.2 (Bm) Vow not to return to court [not to sleep two nights in the same place] until missing knight is found
M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table.
N 731.1 Unknown son returns to father’s court
N 770.0.1 Feast as occasion for the beginning of adventures or the arrival of questers
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 14.15.1 (Old, wise) Counsellors of court [King’s council]
P 14.15.2 Court messenger
P 19.4 Kingly powers (rights) [obligations]
P 30 Princes
P 40 Princesses
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 50.2 Marshall [Court officials: marshall, steward, etc.]
P 53 (Bm) Obtaining knighthood
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 60 Noble (gentle) ladies
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
P 110 Royal ministers
P 293.4 Young prince sent to his father’s (mother’s) brother
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
P 510 Law courts
P 523 Bringing suit in law courts
P 634 Feasts
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
R 331 [Christian] Hero takes refuge at [heathen] king’s court
S 354 Exposed infant (child) reared at strange king’s court [at shepherd’s place]
T 5 (Bm) Court of love.


C 740 Tabu: doing deed of mercy or courtesy.
F 531. (Bm) Courteous giant
J 1089 (Bm) Courteous knight obtains food rude knight was denied
J 1089.1 (G) Courteous knight obtains what rude knight was denied
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
Q 41 Politeness rewarded


H 911 Tasks assigned at suggestion of jealous rivals
J 1492 Trickster artist hoodwinks king: Cuckold’s [illegitimate child’s] eyes cannot see picture, King pretends to see the picture- Courtiers reveal that there is no picture
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]
L 161 Lowly hero marries princess
P 17 Succession to the throne
P 21 Queen intervenes for condemned courtiers
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
T 121.3 Princess marries courtier
W 34 Loyalty


H 151.10 Combat of unknown brothers [relatives, unrecognized friends] brings about recognition
N 746 Accidental meeting of cousins
N 762 Person accidentally met unexpectedly knows the other’s name
P 295 Cousins


C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”]


M 201.0.2 Covenant between heathen and Israelites
M 201.5 Covenant confirmed by marriage
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
M 246 Covenant of friendship
M 246.1 Covenant of friendship between animals
P 311.5 Covenant of friendship
P 559 (Li) Peace: making and conditions of peace (ransom, reparations, submission)


F 420.1.4.2 Water-spirits have body covered with fish scales
F 521 Person with unusual covering
F 521.1 Man covered with hair like animal
F 555 Remarkable hair
F 558 Man covered with horn
F 811.2.3 Tree with gigantic leaves
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield


F 521 Person with unusual covering
F 558 Man covered with horn


H 81 Clandestine lover recognized by token.
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token
Q 256 Punishment for clandestine lover of princess [for princess and her clandestine lover]
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous
T 475 Unknown (clandestine) paramour


Q 277 Covetousness punished.


D 1336 Magic object gives weakness.
D 1837 Magic weakness
H 1561 Tests of valor
J 217.0.2 (G) Life preferred to death
J 2600 Cowardly fool
K 1953 Sham brave man
Q 328 (Bm) Cowardice punished
W 121 Cowardice
W 121.2 Coward boasts when there is no danger


B 15.7.10 Animal unusual as to skin
B Devastating (man-eating) sea-monster (serpent)
B 268.14 Giant crabs attack army
B 745.1 (Bm) Crabs, invulnerable to swords, routed by fire
B 876.2.1 Giant crab
G 308 Sea-monster


K 1345 Tale of the cradle. Two youths pass the night with a family where all sleep in a common room, with a cradle at the foot of one of the beds. The moving of the cradle in the night confuses those walking about so that the strangers sleep with the wife and the daughter


B 55 Man with bird’s head
F 511.0.9 Person with animal’s head
F 535.5.1 War of pygmies and cranes
J 242.5 Peacock and crane (in beauty contest)
J 1565.1 Fox and crane [stork] invite each other
W 154.3 Crane [crow] pulls bone from wolf’s throat: wolf refuses payment


A 601.2 Universe created in six days
A 610 Creation of the universe by creator- The creator is existing before all things
A 1210 Creation of man by creator
D 2160 (Bm) Dream created by magic


K 242 Creditor falsely reported insane when he demands money


F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms


J 711.1 Ant and lazy cricket (grasshopper)


D 1817 Magic detection of crime
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
K 661 Escape from suspicion of crime
N 270 Crime inevitably comes to light
N 275 Criminal confesses because he thinks himself accused [because he gets afraid]
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
P 510 Law courts
Q 563 Punishments in hell fitted to crime
Q 580 Punishment fitted to crime.
Q 589 Punishment fitted to crime – miscellaneous


K 2130 Trouble-makers
M 402 Satire [satirist]
W 188 Contentiousness.


B 16.5.2 Devastating crocodile
G 354.2 Crocodile as ogre
K 2324.1 Ferocious animal frightened by ass braying [by unusual sound]


D 788 Disenchantment by sign of cross
D 1322.3 (Bm) Red cross on shoulders as sign of doomed knights
D 1766.6 Magic results from sign of cross
F 546.3 Star (cross) on breast
F 789.4 (G) Remarkable cross
G 273.1 Witch [sorceress] powerless when one makes sign of cross
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
G 303.16.2.3 Devil’s power avoided by blessing [blessed or sacred writing].
G 303.16.3 Devil’s power avoided by the cross
G 303.16.3.4 Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross

P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
V 86 Sign of the Cross
V 140 Sacred relics
V 211 Christ
V 232.7.1 Angel brings cross as gift to saint [pious man]
V 301 (Li) Heathens and Christians
Z 150 Other symbols


P 552.4 War-machines


F 696 Marvelous swimmer
D 1524 Magic object enables person to cross water
G 638 Ogre powerless to cross stream.
H 1573.6.1 Ability to cross bridge as test of righteousness


F 840 Other extraordinary objects and places
N 770 Experiences leading to adventures
N 772 Parting at crossroads to go on adventure.


B 147.2 Birds furnish omens
B 451.4 Helpful crow
D 151.4 Transformation man [woman] to crow
D 1812.5.1 Bad omens
J 101 Crow drops pebbles into water jug so as to be able to drink
J 951.2 Jay [crow] in peacock’s skin [feathers] unmasked
W 154.3 Crane [crow] pulls bone from wolf’s throat: wolf refuses payment


A 156.2 God’s crown
F 451.2.7.7 Dwarf king wears costly crown
F 828 Extraordinary crown
K 1810.1.3 Taking king’s place by changing dresses
P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 13.3 Royal purple (golden diadem) [crown] as sign of royalty
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings
P 19 Other motifs connected with kings
P 20 Queens
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
P 91 (Li) Heraldic figures and symbols – coat-of-arms
V 67.1 Ornaments (arms, chariots) buried with hero
V 140 Sacred relics
Z 150 Other symbols


P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 13.5 Crowning [and making] of kings


D 1622.1 Crucifix bows [speaks] as sign of favor
D 1624.2 Wounds of crucifix bleed
K 1558 The husband prepares to castrate the crucifix. The artist’s wife’s paramour poses as crucifix when caught. When he sees the husbands preparations, he flees naked
V 331.1.1 Conversion to Christianity by miracle of seeing blood flow from Jesus’ image
Z 150 Other symbols


P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
Q 285 Cruelty punished
Q 285.1 Cruelty to animals punished
Q 450 Cruel punishments.
Q 469 Other cruel punishments
S 11 Cruel father
S 21 Cruel son
S 31 Cruel stepmother
S 51.1 Cruel mother-in-law plans death of daughter-in-law
S 56 Cruel son-in-law
S 60 Cruel spouse
S 62 Cruel husband
S 70 Other cruel relatives
S 71 Cruel uncle
S 73 Cruel brother (sister)
S 110 Murders
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders
S 200 Cruel sacrifices.
S 400 Cruel persecutions
S 460 Other cruel persecutions
S 481 Cruelty to animals
W 185 Violence of temper


C 544 Tabu: crushing eggs
S 116.4 Murder by crushing head
V 123.1 God under compulsion: Suppliant threatens to mutilate (crush) holy image if his wish is not fulfilled


F 556 Remarkable voice
F 688.3 Voice heard over whole land


D 1172 Magic dish.
D 1323 Magic object gives clairvoyance
D 1331.1 Object gives magic sight
D 1821.3.7.3 Crystal-gazing. Clairvoyance by looking into crystal.
F 169.1 Pillars of silver and glass [crystal pillar] in otherworld.
F 731.2 Crystalline island
F 731.5 Island of amber (glass)
F 757.1.1 Cave of gold, silver and crystal
F 771.1.6 Crystal castle.
F 771.1.6.1 Castle with glass wall.
F 774.1.1 Crystal column [pillar]
F 842.1.1 Crystal (glass) bridge
F 852.1 Glass coffin


B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 751.4 The lion blows first life into its cubs three days after their birth


K 1501 Cuckold
K 1566.1 Cuckold unwittingly lies with wife on chest containing her hidden paramour


D 1094 Magic cudgel (club)
D 1541.1 Magic object raises storm


D 801.1 Magic objects possessed by witch, sorcerer or evil dwarf
D 1101.2 Magic cuirass.
D 1381.10.1 Magic impenetrable breast-plate
D 1381.10.2 Magic unpierceable cuirass [shield]
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 824.7 (Bm) Impenetrable hauberk.


H 941 Cumulative tasks: second assigned so that first can be done
H 1241 Series of quests. One quest can be accomplished when a second is finished, etc.
Z 20 Cumulative tales


D 1171 Magic vessel
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1171.6.1 Magic tankard
D 1172 Magic dish.
D 1346.14 Magic cup gives immortality
D 1380.17 Magic cup protects
D 1385 Magic object protects from evil spirits
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
D 1478 Magic object provides light
D 1503.8 Magic goblet (Grail) heals wounds
D 1645.2 Incandescent cup
D 1649.2 Magic object comes at owner’s call.
D 1652.5 Inexhaustible vessel
F 166.1.1 “Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 343.14 Golden cup (bowl, urn) as gifts from otherworld inhabitants.
F 866 Extraordinary cup
F 866.4 Cup made of skulls
H 94.4 Identification by ring dropped into a glass (cup) of wine
H 411.4 Magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test.
Q 491.5 Skull used as drinking cup
V 140 Sacred relics


A 165.3 Cupbearer of the gods
K 2242 Treacherous steward


A 475 God of love
A 475.0.1 Cupid with arrows of lead and gold


D 967 Magic roots
D 1003 Magic blood – human
D 1244 Magic salve (ointment)
D 1342 Magic object gives health
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1500.1.3 Magic tree heals (cures)
D 1500.1.4 Magic healing plant.
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
D 1500.1.17 Magic weapon cures disease
D 1500.1.19 Magic healing salve.
D 1502.4.2.1 Blood of children (innocent maidens) as cure for leprosy
D 1503.4 Magic balm heals wounds.
D 1503.8 Magic goblet (Grail) heals wounds
D 1503.10 Magic plant heals wounds.
D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
D 1508.5 (Bm) Magic ointment cures madness.
D 1515.1 Remedies for poison
D 2161 Magic healing power
D 2161.1.1 Magic cure of leprosy
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.
D 2161.3.1 Blindness magically cured
D 2161.3 Magic cure of physical defect
D 2161.3.1 Blindness magically cured
D 2161.3.7 Lameness magically cured
D 2161. Only one person possesses power to heal certain wound
D 2161.4.12 Magic cure during sleep
D 2161.5.5 Cure by angel
F 872.3 Bath of blood
F 950 Marvelous cures
F 950.10 (Bm) Love cures illness
F 952 Blindness miraculously cured
F 952.6 Miraculous cures- blindness cured by drop of water from side of crucified Savior
F 955 Miraculous cure for leprosy
F 955.1 Blood (-bath) as cure for leprosy
F 959 Marvelous cures – miscellaneous
F 959.1 Madness miraculously cured
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound
F 959.6 Marvelous cure for poison
H 1319.1 Quest for only person who can cure certain sickness
J 1434 Strenuous cure for madness
K 961.2 Flesh (vital organs) of certain person alleged to be only cure for disease
K 1526 Friar’s trousers on adulteress’ bed: relic to cure sickness. The husband is duped to believe that the friar has come to visit the sick
K 1871.2 Sham cure by pretended extracting of object from patient’s body
K 1955.1 Sham physician cures people by threatening them with death
P 253.11 (Bm) Woman unwittingly nurses brother’s [uncle’s] slayer.
Q 94 Reward for cure
V 34.1 Host cures disease
V 144.3 (Bm) (Sweet odor of) relics cure(s) sick


J 1546 Overcurious wife [mother] learns of the senate’s deliberations
T 258 The curious wife
W 137 Curiosity


M 361 Fated hero
M 400 Curses
M 410 Pronouncement of curses.
M 411 Deliverer of curse
M 411.4.1 Curse by a god
M 411.12 Curse by witch (sorceress)
M 431 Curse: bodily injury
M 431.5 Curse: wound not to heal
M 460 Curses on families
M 470 Curses on objects or animals [plants, trees]
M 474 Curse on land
M 475 Curse on a city
Q 556 Curse as punishment.
Q 556.7 Curse for inhospitality
Z 254 Destined hero


C 650.1 Customs connected with unique compulsion [”costume”]
H 1574 Tests of social position
P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 54 (Bm) Knighting custom
P 548 Miscellaneous legal customs [problems]
P 554 4. Customs concerning single combat
P 557 Military customs
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat
P 557.4.7 (Li) Rules for single combat
P 600 Customs
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
P 634.0.1 Customs connected with eating and food
P 677 Customs connected with dueling
P 681 Mourning customs
P 682 Greeting customs
P 715 Particular nations (races, religions)
T 130 Marriage customs
T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
T 137 Customs following wedding
T 580 Childbirth
V 60 Funeral rites
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 470 Clerical vows
Z 150 Other symbols


D 1081 Magic sword
D 2161.3.6.1 Magic restoration of cut-out tongue
E 783.1 Head cut off and successfully replaced.
F 565.1.1 Amazons cut off left breast of daughters so that they can handle bow [Amazons have only one breast]
F 833.5.1 Sword cuts cloth etc, as well as steel and stone
F 954 Dumb person brought to speak [cut-out tongue miraculously restored]
F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief
K 1821.10 Disguise by cutting off hair.
Q 451 Mutilation as punishment
Q 451.0.1 Hands and feet cut off as punishment
Q 451.1.1 Hand cut off as punishment for theft
Q 451.5 Nose cut off as punishment
Q 488 Cutting [tousling] hair as punishment
S 118 Murder by cutting
S 139 Miscellaneous cruel murders
S 160.1 Self-mutilation
S 166.5 Mutilation: chin and lips cut off.
S 172 Mutilation: nose cut off or crushed
T 26.1 Finger cut because of absorption in the charms of beloved


F 531.1.1.1 Giant with one eye in middle of forehead [Cyclops]