Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  D 


W 152.2 Man had rather be burned alive than to share food with a guest [Man had rather damage himself than share with another]


F 475.1 Dame Berchta supposed to travel over the country at night with a troop


E 493 Dead men dance
E 752 Lost souls
Q 560 Punishments in hell


F 645 Marvelously wise man [woman].
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
K 2246.0.1 Treacherous princess (queen)
N 2.6.3 Damsel as wager
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper


D 2174 Magic dancing. Enchanted persons dance till released
E 493 Dead men dance
P 320 Hospitality
T 136.4 Gifts at wedding
T 137 Customs following wedding


B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 733 Animals are spirit-sighted. Scent danger
D 1317 Magic object warns of danger
D 1812.4 Future revealed by presentiment: “knowledge within”
F 151.1.1 Perilous valley.
F 151.1.2 Perilous glen on way to otherworld.
F 151.1.3 Perilous forest.
F 162.2.11 Perilous river in otherworld.
F 812.3 Forest of dangers (wonders)
F 846.1 Perilous bed
H 1236 Perilous path traversed on quest.
H 1236.2 Quest over path guarded by dangerous animals.
J 217.0.1 Unsatisfactory life preferred to death [danger of death]
J 651 Inattention to danger
J 2130 Foolish disregard of personal danger
K 500 Escape from death or danger by deception
M 340.5 Prediction of danger
Q 525 Dangerous penances.
T 35.5 Lover goes to see his beloved in her husband’s (or her father’s) house, defiant of the danger
T 172 Dangers to husband in bridal chamber
W 121.2 Coward boasts when there is no danger


D 908 Magic darkness.
F 80.1.2 Darkness of lower world
F 706 Land of darkness
F 962.10 Extraordinary mist (darkness)
F 965 Premature darkness.
F 965.2 Sun darkened at death of holy [pious] person
F 965.3 Impenetrable darkness
K 2260.1 Treacherous dark man
Q 552.20.1 Miraculous darkness as punishment


F 831.3.1 (Bm) Poisoned dart


F 565.1.1 Amazons cut off left breast of daughters so that they can handle bow [Amazons have only one breast]
N 732 Accidental meeting of father and daughter
P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain]
P 18 Marriage of kings
P 200 The family
P 230.1 Mother prefers son, father daughter
P 232 Mother and daughter
P 234 Father and daughter
P 234.5 (Bm) Single combat to avenge daughter’s dishonor
P 272 Foster mother
S 11.4.1 (Jealous) father vows to kill [kills] daughter’s suitors
S 30 Cruel step- and foster relatives
S 322.1 Father casts daughter forth
S 322.4.2 Evil stepmother [foster mother] orders stepdaughter [foster daughter] to be killed
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father
T 50.2 King likes his daughter so much that he does not wish to marry her to anyone
T 50.2.1 King unwilling to marry his daughter to a man not her equal
T 52.4 Dowry given at marriage of daughter
T 68.4 Vanquished king gives hero his daughter and control over his kingdom
T 97 Father opposed to daughter’s marriage [sweetheart]
T 104.2 Victor demands defeated King’s daughter (widow) in marriage
T 104.3 (Bm) Giant tortures [kills] man’s sons to win his daughter.
T Father promises that girl may wed only man of her choice
T 131.1.2 Father’s consent to son’s (daughter’s) marriage necessary
T Son (daughter) refuses to marry father’s choice
T 331.2 Knight unsuccessfully tempted by host’s wife [daughter].
T 411 Father-daughter-incest


E 452 Ghost laid at cockcrow (dawn)
F 771.6 Phantom house: disappears at dawn


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
D 621 Daily transformation
D 621.0.1 One shape by day, another by night.
D 621.1 Animal by day; man [woman] by night
D 2146 Magic control of day and night
E 178 Resurrection at Judgment Day
E 751 Souls at Judgment Day
F 564.3.2 Person sleeps for three days and nights
F 691 Man can breathe nine days under water [People survive under water for one day]
F 811.12 Trees grow and “ungrow” each day
F 811.13 Tree blooms and grows ripe fruit nightly [daily]
F 932.6.3 In dead of night waters of stream cease flowing [freeze] and stand perfectly still
H 706.1 How many days have passed since the time of Adam? The seven days of the week
M 151.2.3 (G) Vow not to sleep two nights in the same place until quest’s end
N 127.4 Friday as auspicious [fateful] day
P 634.1 Feast (hospitality) endures for three days and three nights
P 634.4 (Bm) 40 day feast
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
Z 71.1.1 Formula: three days and three nights
Z 71.12 Formulistic number: forty [Forty days’ limit]
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest


D 1332.1 Magic object deafens.
D 1419.2 Magic object paralyses.
F 556 Remarkable voice
F 688.3 Voice heard over whole land


J 810 Policy in dealing with the great
J 829 Dealing with the great – miscellaneous


A 310 God of the world of the dead
B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance
B 301.1 Faithful animal at master’s grave dies of hunger.
B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 526 Animal saves man from death by burning
B 752 Fanciful behavior of animal at death
C 541.1 Tabu: dead body not to be on ship
C 920 Death for breaking tabu
C 921 Immediate death for breaking tabu
C 929 Death for breaking tabu – miscellaneous
D 581 Petrification [death] by glance
D 860.0.1 Death to follow loss of magic object
D 1812.0.1 Foreknowledge of hour of death
D 1812.0.1.2 Foreknowledge of means of death
D 1812.2.4 Dying man’s power of prophecy
D 1812. (Bm) Dream of future reveals husband’s death
D 1812.3.3.11 Death of another revealed in dream
D 1812. Wave of blood as sign of death
D 1856.1 Hero (saint) taken to Paradise (Heaven) alive
D 1960.4 Deathlike sleep
D 2060 Death or bodily injury by magic.
D 2061.1.4 Persons magically made to decay and die
D 2061.2.1 Death-giving glance.
E 1 Person comes to life
E 175 Death thought sleep
E 300 Friendly return from the dead
E 323.4 Advice from dead mother [father]
E 327 Dead father’s friendly return
E 341 The grateful dead
E 341.1 Dead grateful for having corpse ransomed. Corpse is being held unburied because of non-payment of debt. Hero pays debt and secures burial of corpse.
E 367 Return from dead to preach repentance
E 412.3 Dead without proper funeral rites cannot rest
E 422 Living corpse.
E 470 Intimate relations of dead and living
E 481.1 Land of dead in lower world
E 481.2.2 Boat to land of dead
E 481.9 King of world of the dead
E 491 Procession of the dead
E 492 Mass, church service of the dead. (Held at midnight)
E 542 Dead man touches living
E 545 The dead speak
E 545.19.2 Proper means of addressing ghosts [the dead]
E 547 The dead wail.
E 721.2 Body in trance while soul is absent
E 752.1 Soul in jeopardy after leaving body
E 756.1 Angels and devils contest for man’s soul.
E 800 The Corpse
F 81 Descent to lower world of dead [hell]
F 81.1.2 Journey to land of dead to visit deceased
F 172 No time, no birth, no death in otherworld
F 615.0.1 Death of strong man
F 960.2 Extraordinary nature phenomena at death of holy [pious] person (hero)
F 960.2.5 Earthquake at death of important person
F 965.2 Sun darkened at death of holy [pious] person
F 981 Extraordinary death of animal
F 1041.1 Extraordinary death
F 1041.1.1 Death from broken heart
F 1041.1.1.3 Heart breaks from sorrow
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
F 1041.1.2.1 Lover dies beside dying [dead] sweetheart
F 1041.1.2.2 Woman dies on hearing of her husband’s [lover’s, fiancé’s] death
F 1041. Woman swoons and is near death at hearing of husband’s or lover’s death
F 1041. Death from hearing of son’s (sons’, [daughter’s]) death
F 1041.1.3 Death from sorrow or chagrin
F 1041.1.5.4 Death from joy of kiss [love making]
F 1041.1.11 Death from fear
F 1041.21.4 Man cries at hearing of friend’s death
F 1041.21.8 (Bm) Suicide from grief
H 335.1 Suitor task: avenging bride’s father’s death before marriage.
H 466 Feigned death to test wife’s faithfulness
H 541.1 Riddle propounded on pain of death
H 939.5 (G) Task assigned by dying man
H 1556.1 Test of fidelity by feigning death
J 215 Present evil preferred to change for worse
J 216.5 Early death with fame preferred
J 217.0.2 (G) Life preferred to death
J 227 Death preferred to other evils
J 227.1 Death preferred to captivity
J 227.2 Death preferred to dishonor
J 494 Choice: death and revenge preferred to life
J 2137 Death through lack of foresight
J 2311.0.1 Wife makes her husband believe that he is dead
J 2311.4 The dead man speaks up. [A numskull who has lain down thinks he is dead. The wife and the servant are committing adultery before his eyes. He speaks up: “I would have been taken revenge for this, when I was alive”.]
K 500 Escape from death or danger by deception
K 522 Escape by shamming death
K 522.0.1 Death feigned to escape unwelcome marriage
K 551.1 Respite from death granted until prayer is finished
K 551.22 Definite respite from death granted
K 812 Victim burned in his own house or hiding place
K 1087.1 Message falsified [brings] (to bring) about death of lovers
K 1851.2 (Bm) “False” letters with false news of king’s death
K 1860 Deception by feigned death (sleep)
K 1864.1 False tidings of another’s death in order to secure his bride [wife, and usurp kingdom]
K 1864.2 (Bm) False report of death to discourage romance
K 1864.2.1 (Bm) Corpse falsely said to be hero’s by treacherous rival [knight]
K 1884 Illusion of death
K 1955.1 Sham physician cures people by threatening them with death
M 101.3 Death as punishment for broken oath
M 161.2 Vow to revenge (king, friends, father, [husband, queen]) (or die)
M 161.4 Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace
M 255 Deathbed promise concerning the second wife
M 301.14 (Summoned) Dead prophesies
M 341 Death prophesied
M 341.1 Prophecy: death at (before, within) certain time
M 341.1.2 Prophecy: early death
M 341.1.7 Prophecy: death at birth of child
M 341.2.3 Prophecy: death by drowning
M 341.2.4 Prophecy: three-fold death
M 341.2.8 Prophecy: Death by poison
M 341.2.18 Prophecy: death in battle
M 341.2.19 Prophecy: death at hands of certain person
M 341.2.23 Prophecy: death by hanging
M 341.3 Prophecy: death in particular place
M 341.6 Prophecy: person foretells own death
M 358.1.1 Prophecy: death on journey
M 365.1 Prophecy. hero may win fame but die early
M 370.1 Prophecy of death fulfilled
M 451.1 Death by suicide
M 510 (Bm) Threats to one’s own life
N 320 Person unwittingly killed
N 330 Accidental killing or death
N 331 Things accidentally fall and kill person
N 337 Accidental death through misdirected weapon
N 339 Accidental death – miscellaneous
N 340.0.1 (Bm) Erroneous news of death
N 343 Lover kills self believing his mistress dead. She has been frightened away by a lion (Pyramus and Thisbe)
N 343.4 Lover commits suicide on finding beloved dead
N 384 Death from fright
P 12.9.1 (Bm) King mourns dead enemy
P 16 End of king’s reign
P 16.0.1 (Bm) Regicide
P 17.3 Dying king names successor
P 27 Grief at queen’s death
P 29 Queens – miscellaneous
P 214.1 Wife commits suicide (dies) on death of husband
P 214.2 (Tu) Husband and wife die at same time
P (Bm) Man asked to avenge dying brother before latter dies
P 525.3 He nearest to blood of slain man must avenge his death [Blood-revenge]
Q 411 Death as punishment
Q 411.3 Death of father (son, etc.) as punishment
Q 411.4 Death as punishment for treachery
Q 411.6 Death as punishment for murder
Q 411.7 Death as punishment for ravisher.
Q 411.10 Death as punishment for impudence
Q 414 Punishment: burning alive
Q 414.0.4.2 Burning as punishment for abductor
Q 416.2 Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses]
Q 499.2.1 Humiliating death as punishment for adultery.
Q 503 Wandering after death as punishment.
Q 552.1 Death by thunderbolt [thunderstorm] as punishment
Q 552.13.1 Death by fire from heaven as punishment
Q 558 Mysterious death as punishment
R 51.1 Prisoners starved
R 75.2 Warriors surrender after chief’s [queen’s] death
S 11.4 Father plans child’s (son’s) death [injury]
S 12.1.1 Treacherous mother and paramour plan son’s death
S 112 Burning to death
S 117 Death by dragging behind horse
S 119 (Bm) Death by stoning
S (Bm) Body of dead enemy hero left in street for all to see
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse: body of dead hero left in field for wild beasts to eat.
T 66.1 Grateful dead man helps hero win princess
T 81 Death from love
T 81.2 Death from unrequited love
T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 81.6 Girl kills herself after lover’s death suicide by drowning
T 81.7 Woman dies on hearing of lover’s or husband’s death
T 85 Woman mourns [supposedly] dead lover
T 94 (Bm) Heroine [hero] attempts suicide on (false) reports of hero’s [heroine’s] death
T 211 Faithfulness to marriage in death
T 211.2 Wife’s suicide at husband’s death.
T 211.4 Spouse’s corpse kept after death
T 211.4.2 Husband’s [lover’s] corpse kept after death.
T 211.5 Man becomes a hermit after his wife’s death [Becoming hermit after partner’s death]
T 211.5.1 Wife becomes hermit (nun) after husband’s death
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
T 211.10 Wife dies shortly after husband
T 214 (Bm) Husband and wife die at the same time.
V 52.8 Prayer brings death to enemy
V 60 Funeral rites
V 61 Various ways of disposing of dead
V 61.1 Dead placed on boat
V 65 Commemoration of death
V 68 Preparations for burial
V 68.4.1 Dead not to be buried naked
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 69.1 All dead are buried after battle
V 331.2 Conversion to Christianity on pain of death [by force]
V 335.2 (Bm) Refusal to become Christian brings death
W 121.2.1 Ass insults dying lion [Animals insult dying lion, wolf]
Z 292 Death of hero [heroine]
Z 312 Unique deadly weapon


D 1364.31 Plant produces [deathlike] sleep
D 1960.4 Deathlike sleep


V 351 Duel (debate) to prove which religion is better


K 231 Debtor refuses to pay his debt
K 249 Deceptions in payment of debt – miscellaneous
K 2127 False accusation of theft [debt]


K 231 Debtor refuses to pay his debt
Q 271.1 Debtor deprived of burial


E 783.1 Head cut off and successfully replaced.
G 512.1.2 Ogre decapitated
M 221 Beheading bargain.
Q 421 Punishment: beheading
Q 421.0.4 Beheading as punishment for murder
S 133 Murder by beheading
S 139.2 Slain person dismembered


D 2061.1.4 Persons magically made to decay and die
E 800 The Corpse
F 821.11 Clothes remain ever new
Q 550.1 Supernatural manifestations at death of wicked person


D 658.3.2 Transformation of animal to woman to seduce man [deceive husband]
D 1819.2 Deception revealed in dream.
F 402.1.4 Demons assume human form in order to deceive
J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt
K 90 Other contests won by deception
K 100 Deceptive bargain
K 185.1 Deceptive land purchase- ox-hide measure
K 199 Other deceptive bargains
K 249 Deceptions in payment of debt – miscellaneous
K 250 Other deceptive bargains
K 500 Escape from death or danger by deception
K 620 Escape by deceiving the guard.
K 629 Escape by deceiving the guard – miscellaneous
K 700 Capture by deception
K 717 Deception into bottle (vessel)
K 800 Killing or maiming by deception
K 818.4 Deception by hiding weapons
K 839 Fatal deception into trickster’s power – miscellaneous
K 873 Fatal deception by giving narcotic
K 929.7 Men deceived into killing each other [Liar destroys friendship to kill former friends]
K 940 Deception into killing own family
K 1020 Deception into disastrous attempt to procure food
K 1227 Lover put off by deceptive respite
K 1240 Deception into humiliating position – miscellaneous
K 1349.5 Access for seduction gained by removing locks [wax-imprints of keys]
K 1500 Deceptions connected with adultery
K 1510 Adulteress outwits husband
K 1534 Queen deceives king by unfriendly conversation with lover.
K 1534.1 Queen deceives king by telling him her lover is her enemy.
K 1545 Wives wager as to who can best fool her husband
K 1580 Other deceits connected with adultery
K 1601 Deceiver falls into his own trap (literally)
K 1610 Deceiver falls into his own trap – miscellaneous
K 1700 Deception through bluffing
K 1800 Deception by disguise or illusion.
K 1810 Deception by disguise
K 1839.11 Disguise as older brother to obtain blessing
K 1840 Deception by substitution
K 1843 Wife deceives husband with substituted bedmate
K 1860 Deception by feigned death (sleep)
K 1889 Other illusions
K 1892 Deception by hiding
K 2010 Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks
K 2010.3 Wolves sign false truce with sheep
K 2310 Deception by equivocation
K 2320 Deception by frightening
K 2351.6.2 (Bm) Branches tied to horses’ tails stir up dust which makes army seem larger and blinds opponents
K 2368 Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: (retreat)
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
Q 236 Punishment for deceiving (divine) emperor
Q 260 Deceptions punished
U 110 Appearances deceive
U 119 Other ways in which appearances deceive
W 212 Eagerness for combat


H 217 Decision made by contest
H 217.1 Decision of victory by single combat between army leaders
H 217.2 Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl
J 1174 Clever decisions concerning kissing and rape
J 1176 Decisions based on experimental tests
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs
N 121 Fate decided before birth


P 550.1 (Li) Battle. War
P 550.1.3 (Tu) Declaration of war
T 57 Declaration of love


K 750 Capture by decoy


M 50 Other judgments and decrees
M 90 Judgments and decrees – miscellaneous motifs


M 205.0.1 Promise kept [oath fulfilled] in deed, not in spirit
P 319 Deeds of friendship – miscellaneous
Q 10 Deeds rewarded
Q 200 Deeds punished


B Three-horned deer
B 15.3.3 Deer with giant antler
B 16.2.7 Destructive deer
B 256.3 Deer makes its horns available as a bookholder to a saint [as a candelabrum to the owner of the castle]
B 443.1 Helpful deer
B 731.7 Fancifully colored deer.
B 731.7.3 (Bm) Milk-white deer
B 771.1 Animal [deer] tamed by maiden’s beauty
D 114.1.1 Transformation: man to deer
D Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid)
H 1331 Quest for remarkable animal
H 1592 Hunting contest
L 461 Stag scorns his legs but is proud of his horns
N 361 Sacred animal unwittingly killed
Q 228 Punishment for (trying to) harm(ing) sacred animal
V 12.4 Animals as sacrifice


D 1400.1.14 Magic stone (jewel) gives victory.
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
G 303. Devil is overcome by man in fight
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
H 335.4 Suitor task: to defeat enemies
H 507.1 Princess offered to man who can defeat her in repartee
H 507.1.0.1 Princess defeated in repartee by means of objects accidentally picked up, Hero- What red lips you have, Princess- There is fire inside – Hero- then boil this egg (producing egg)
K 2364.1 Enemies defeated by setting forest afire
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter
L 400 Pride brought low
L 410.1 Proud king humbled
L 410.4 Defeated king must be peddler or beggar [juggler]
M 234 Life spared in return for life-long service [material compensation, peace treaty]
M 356.1 Prophecies concerning outcome of war
M 359 Unfavorable prophecies – miscellaneous
M 369.5 Prophecies concerning invasion and conquest
N 380 Other unlucky accidents
N 538.2 Treasure from defeated giant
P 310.5 Defeated enemy turns true friend
P 475.2 Robbers defeated and killed
P 531.1.1 Tribute required of conquered foreigners
P 550 Military affairs
P 555 Defeat in battle [single combat]
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
P 555.8 (Bm) Avenging defeat in battle
R 5 Capture on field of battle
R 74 Defeated warriors [adversaries] go into [are forced to join] the conqueror’s service
R 74.1 Defeated enemy turns conqueror’s best friend
R 74.2 Defeated enemy’s son turns conqueror’s man
R 74.4 (Tu) Defeated king [nobleman, knight] becomes conqueror’s vassal
R 75.1 Defeated surrender their city
S 139.2.1 Head of murdered (defeated) man displayed before his own house
T 68.4 Vanquished king gives hero his daughter and control over his kingdom
T 99.4 (Bm) Defeated warring suitor at lady’s mercy is forgiven
T 104.2 Victor demands defeated King’s daughter (widow) in marriage
V 229.7 Invaders miraculously defeated by saints [Saints as helpers in battle]


D 2161.3 Magic cure of physical defect


D 2163 Magic defense in battle.
D 2163.4 Magic mist as defense in battle
J 670 Forethought in defences against others
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
P 59.5 (Bm) Knight fights naked (without armor) but for sword [spear]
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war


D 52.1 Transformation: man becomes hideous.
D 1337.2.2 Magic herbs render hideous.
D 1872 Man made hideous.
F 510 Monstrous persons
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
K 2270 Deformed villain.
Q 551.8 Deformity as punishment.


A 101 Supreme god
A 102.17 Anger of God
A 142 Smith of the gods
A 151.7 Deity [God] lives in the forest
A 155 Animals of the gods
A 156.2 God’s crown
A 165.2 Messenger of the gods
A 182.1 God reveals secrets (mysteries) to mortals
A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
A 182.3.4 God makes promises to mortal
A 182.3.5 God advises mortal
A 185 Deity cares for favorite individuals
A 185.2 Deity protects mortal
A 185.3 Deity teaches mortal
A 185.6 Deity particular friend to one mortal
A 185.16 God pities mortal
A 188 Gods and goddesses in love with men
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
A 197 Deity controls elements
A 197.1 (Bm) Storm as sign of Goddess’s wrath
A 421 Sea-god
A 421.1 Sea-goddess
A 427.1 Goddess of springs and wells
A 431.1 Goddess of fertility
A 433.3 God of the vine
A 434 Goddess (god) of flowers
A 435 God [Goddess] of trees and forests
A 440.1 Goddess of animals
A 451 Artisan-god
A 452.1 Goddess of hunting
A 454 God of healing
A 461.1 Goddess of wisdom
A 473 God [Goddess] of wealth
A 475 God of love
A 475.0.2 Marriage-god
A 475.1 Goddess of love
A 485 God of war
A 485.1 Goddess of war [dispute]
A 489 Gods of abstractions – miscellaneous
A 495 Mountain-god [-goddess]
A 499.4.1 Goddess of sorcery
C 53.2 Tabu: arrogance toward deity.
M 242 Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings
N 817 Deity [saint] as helper
N 817.0.2 Goddess as helper
V 1.11.1 Worship of golden calf.
V 11.9 Sacrifice to deity
V 17.0.1 Sacrifice to deity in order to obtain favors
V 127 Image of deity in wood (stone) [metal]
V 215 (Hi) Heathen gods


A 1021 Deluge: escape in boat (ark)


D 1368.4 Tree of delusion
D 2031 Magic illusion


F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her
J 625 Prevention of hostilities by agreeing to demands while in danger.
K 242 Creditor falsely reported insane when he demands money
P 52.0.3 (Bm) Knight demands tribute of all who pass through his domain
P 532 Payment of tax (tribute) [toll]
T 104 Foreign king wages war to enforce demand for princess in marriage
T 615.5 Precocious young child demands weapons


F 531.3.16 (Bm) Giant [giantess] demolished castle wall (turret)


D 785.1 Disenchantment produced by hero winning contests with demons
D 1721.1.2 Magic power from demon
D 2065.1 Madness from demonic possession
D 2176.3.2 Devil cast out of man possessed
D 2177.1 Demon enclosed in bottle
E 728 Evil spirit possesses person
E 752.2 Soul carried off by demon (Devil)
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey
F 402.1.4 Demons assume human form in order to deceive
F 402.1.9 Spirit delivers false message
F 411.1 Demon travels in whirlwind
G 302.5 Haunts of demons
G 303.3.1.12 Devil in form of woman
G 303.6.3.2 Devil comes in whirlwind
G 303.16.3.4 Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross
G 303.16.10 Angels (God) save person from the devil
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning
G 303.18 Devil enters body of another
K 2385 Demon enters person and refuses to leave until wishes are fulfilled [Demonic possession]
L 325.4 (Bm) Victory over superior force: victory over devils
T 539.3 Conception from intercourse with demon [dwarf]
V 132.2 Holy water disperses demons


T 24 The symptoms of love


K 2130 Trouble-makers
M 402 Satire [satirist]
W 188 Contentiousness.


A 1653.1 Origin of kings (from Gods)
C 32.2.2 Tabu: asking where supernatural husband comes from
F 81 Descent to lower world of dead [hell]
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 305.2 Offspring of fairy and mortal extraordinarily beautiful.
F 1022.1 Descent into ocean in glass box
F 1099.8 Man meets (sees) his future descendants
H 11.1.4 Recognition by tracing ancestry
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 1381.2 Quest for unknown father
J 1730.1 Hero does not learn his name until after first [particular] adventure.
M 301.1.1 Prophecy of preeminence of man’s descendants
M 302.3 Descent into hell [lower world] to learn future
P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]
P 90 Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous
T 617.2 Hero learns his name at time of first [particular] adventure.
Z 202 (Bm) Fanciful ancestry of hero
Z 252 Hero at first nameless [unaware of birth]


T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description


Q 222 Punishment for desecration of holy places (images etc.)
Q 222.5.2 Magic storm as punishment for desecrating of temple
Q 222.6 Punishment for desecrating holy temple utensils
S 139.2.2 Other indignities to corpse


F 766 Deserted city
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous
K 2365.3 Enemy persuaded by show of great wealth and generosity of king to desert to his side. [Vassals deserting to enemy king]
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals]
Q 247 Punishment for desertion of fairy mistress
Q 261 Treachery punished


D 1665.1 Drink has taste of any liquor desired.
D 1665.3 Fruit has any taste desired.
K 2111.0.1 Telling a story to allay woman’s amorous desires
Q 211.8 Punishment for desire to murder
Q 241.1 Desire to commit adultery punished
T 11.1 Love from mere mention or description


D 791.2 Disenchantment by only one person.
H 41.9 King [noble] recognized by unique ability to occupy certain seat
H 1568 Test of the champion.
M 151.7 Heroine will not laugh till arrival of destined hero.
M 310 Favorable prophecies
M 361 Fated hero
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
R 169.8 Predestined rescuer
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero
Z 254 Destined hero


B 16.2.7 Destructive deer
D 763 Disenchantment by destroying enchanter.
D 763.3 Disenchantment by destroying enchanter
D 866 Magic object destroyed.
F 360 Malevolent or destructive fairies
F 451.4.4 Home of dwarfs endangered or destroyed
J 621 Destruction of enemy’s weapons
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
M 356.1.4 Prophecy: destruction of fortress
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction
Q 595 Loss or destruction of property as punishment
S 110.10 (Bm) City and inhabitants willfully destroyed
V 356 Christian hero (saint) overthrows heathen idols


D 1317.0.2 (G) Magic ring detects enchantments
D 1318.5.2 Corpse bleeds when murderer touches it
D 1817 Magic detection of crime
D 1817.0.3 Magic detection of murder
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token
H 1578 Test of sex: to discover person masking as of other sex
J 1146 Detection by strewing ashes (sand) [flour]: lover leaves footprint.
J 1149.1 Feigned madness unmasked by threatening man’s child
J 2301 Gullible husbands
K 1550 Husband outwits adulteress and paramour
K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery
K 1550.3 Adulteress detected by food she prepares for paramour
K 1565 Blades (broken glass) to wound and detect wife’s lover
K 2061 Treacherous plan of hypocritical animal detected and prevented
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
T 475.3 (Bm) Bloodstain as proof of illicit romance.
T 481 Adultery


B 151.1.1 Horses determine road to be taken
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
H 921.1 Tasks set by king to sons to determine heir to kingdom
N 120 Determination of luck or fate
N 126 Lots cast to determine luck or fate
V 380 Religious beliefs – miscellaneous


B 11.9 Dragon as power of evil
B 16 Devastating animals
B 16.1.2 Devastating dog (hound)
B 16.1.3 Devastating horse
B Giant devastating boar
B 16.2 Devastating wild animals
B 16.2.5 Devastating bear killed
B 16.2.6 Devastating elephant
B 16.3 Devastating birds
B 16.5.1 Giant devastating serpent
B 16.5.2 Devastating crocodile
B 16.6 Devastating insects
D 1408 Magic object devastates country
F 510.1 Monstrous races
F 531.5 Giants and men
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus
G 346 Devastating monster.
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
P 550.1.1 (Li) Aggression: rebellion; usurpation; invasion; assault
Q 270 Misdeeds concerning property punished
Q 415 Punishment: being eaten by animals
Q 416.1 Punishment: trampling (kicking) to death by horses


A 63.6 Devil in serpent’s form tempts first woman
A 737.1 Eclipse caused by monster devouring sun or moon [devil swallowing sun]
D 785.1 Disenchantment produced by hero winning contests with demons
D 1385 Magic object protects from evil spirits
D 1721.1 Magic power from devil
D 1810.2 Magic knowledge from devil
D 2065.1 Madness from demonic possession
D 2121.5 Magic journey: man carried by spirit or devil
D 2176.3.2 Devil cast out of man possessed
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])
E 728 Evil spirit possesses person
E 755.2.7 Devils torment sinners in hell
E 755.2.8 Series of hells
E 756.1 Angels and devils contest for man’s soul.
F 401.5.1 Spirit in form of horrible head
F 401.7 Fire-breathing spirit
F 402.1.4 Demons assume human form in order to deceive
F 402.1.5.1 Demons seek to carry off king’s soul
F 402.1.8 Spirits put corpse (man) into river
F 402.1.9 Spirit delivers false message
F 411.1 Demon travels in whirlwind
F 771.6 Phantom house: disappears at dawn
G 302.3.1 Devil in human form
G 302. Devil in form of lion [leopard]
G 303.3.1.12 Devil in form of woman
G 303.3.0.1 Devil in hideous form
G 303.3.1 The devil in human form
G 303.3.1.1 Devil as large, strong man
G 303.3.1.4 Devil appears in the form of a man repugnantly ugly
G 303.3.1.6 The devil as a black man
G 303. Devil as hermit
G 303.3.1.12 Devil in form of woman
G 303.3.3 The devil in animal form
G 303. Devil as horse
G 303.4 The devil’s physical characteristics
G 303.4.8.1 Devil has sulphurous odor stench
G 303. Devil holds fire in his hands
G 303.4.8.13 Devil invisible
G 303.6 Circumstances of the devil’s appearance
G 303.6.1.2 Devil comes when called upon
G 303.6.2.9 Devil appears to saint (cleric)
G 303.6.2.15 Devil appears when person steals [appears to thief]
G 303.6.3 Natural phenomena accompanying the devil’s appearance
G 303.6.3.1 Devil is followed by a thunderstorm
G 303.6.3.2 Devil comes in whirlwind
G 303.8 Devil’s expulsion from heaven and his present haunts
G 303.8.3 Devil in hell
G 303.8.14 Devils dwell in heathen idols, as well as portraits and images
G 303.9.4 The devil as a tempter
G 303.9.5 The devil as an abductor
G 303.9.5.6 Man temporarily abducted by devil
G 303.9.6.1 Devil fights with man
G 303. Devil is overcome by man in fight
G 303.9.7 The devil advises human beings
G 303.10 Allies and possessions of the devil
G 303.11.2 The devil’s son
G 303.12.6 Devil in form of woman woos man
G 303.12.7 Devil’s sexual relations with mortal
G 303.14.1 The devil destroys by night what is built by day
G 303.15 Places haunted by the devil
G 303.16 How the devil’s power may be escaped or avoided
G 303.16.2 Devil’s power over one avoided by prayer [and sign of the cross]
G 303.16.2.3 Devil’s power avoided by blessing [blessed or sacred writing].
G 303.16.3 Devil’s power avoided by the cross
G 303.16.3.4 Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross
G 303.16.7 Devil is chased by holy water
G 303.16.9 Devil is made impotent by confession
G 303.16.10 Angels (God) save person from the devil
G 303.16.14 The devil exorcised
G 303.17.2.3 Devil goes out with great noise
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning
G 303.17.2.8 Devil disappears amid terrible stench
G 303.18 Devil enters body of another
G 303.25 Miscellaneous devil motifs
G 303.25.16 Possessions of the devil
G 303.17.3.5 Satan punished in hellfire
J 1786 Man thought to be a devil or ghost
K 1363.1 Putting the devil in hell
L 325.4 (Bm) Victory over superior force: victory over devils
M 211 Man [woman] sells soul to devil
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
M 212 Devil agrees to help man with robberies
M 212.2 Devil at gallows repudiates his bargain with robber
M 219.2 Devil fetches man contracted to him.
Q 147 Supernatural manifestations at death of pious person
Q 501.4 Punishment of Prometheus
Q 569.3 Sinners in hell fall into mouth of devil
R 11.2 Abduction by devil
T 539.3 Conception from intercourse with demon [dwarf]
V 132.2 Holy water disperses demons
V 236 Fallen angels
V 316 Efficacy of prayer


A 737.1 Eclipse caused by monster devouring sun or moon [devil swallowing sun]
F 910 Extraordinary swallowings


D 1812.5.0.13 Magic manifestation as omen
D 2161.4.14.3 Cure by washing in dew
F 969 Extraordinary nature phenomena – miscellaneous


D 1323 Magic object gives clairvoyance
D 1414 Magic object renders weapon [armor] useless
D 1821.3.7.3 Crystal-gazing. Clairvoyance by looking into crystal.
F 774.1 Pillars of precious stones
F 813.2.1 Clusters of diamond and emerald grapes
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
F 828 Extraordinary crown
F 839.2 Extraordinary shield


H 840 Other riddles


F 561 People of unusual diet
F 561.13 (Bm) People who do not hunt, plough or fish – eat only what grows naturally
P 634 Feasts


B 151.1.6 Dog indicates road to be taken
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
D 1313.5.2 Reed [bough] as direction-finder
D 1313.16 Magic pillar of fire indicates direction.
D 2151.2.1 Direction of river’s flow magically reversed
H 1232.1 Directions on quest given by herdsmen (peasants) [knight, warrior]
H 1232.2 Directions on quest given by queen (lady)
H 1232.6 (G) Directions on quest given by knight
H 1232.7 (G) Directions on quest given by dwarf
H 1232.8 (G) Directions on quest given by hunter
H 1233.3.1 Ascetic (hermit) gives directions to hero on quest


D 863 Magic object mysteriously disappears
D 2033 Thirst magically caused to disappear
D 2095 Magic disappearance
D 2188 Magic disappearance
D 2188.2 Person vanishes
D 2188.3 Village vanishes
F 771.6 Phantom house: disappears at dawn
F 940 Extraordinary underground (underwater) disappearance
G 303.16.3.4 Devil made to disappear by making sign of the cross
G 303.17.2.3 Devil goes out with great noise
G 303.17.2.5 Devil retreats into hell amid thunder and lightning
G 303.17.2.8 Devil disappears amid terrible stench


T 93 Fate of disappointed lover
T 93.1 Disappointed lover becomes wild man in the woods.
T 93.3 Disappointed lover kills [attempts to kill] self


C 61 Disbelief in religious teachings
M 301.0.1 Prophet destined never to be believed


R 167 Master rescues disciple


C 436 Tabu: disclosing own identity.


D 1384 Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey
D 1384.1 Magic ring prevents discomfiture [discomfort]
J 1162 Plea by admitting accusation and discomfiting accuser


A 485.1 Goddess of war [dispute]


J 1089.1 (G) Courteous knight obtains what rude knight was denied
Q 221.1 Discourtesy to god punished
Q 281 Ingratitude punished
Q 327 Discourtesy punished


K 1550.1 Husband discovers wife’s adultery
K 1571 Trickster discovers adultery: food goes to husband instead of paramour
K 1581.4 Lover’s gift regained: accidental discovery of identity. The lover ignorant of the identity of the husband tells him of his experience with the wife. The husband persuades the lover to lead him to the scene where the wife is compelled to restore all but a small part of the money
N 465 Secret physical peculiarity discovered by barber
N 534 Treasure discovered by accident
N 610 Accidental discovery of crime
T 36 Girl sleeps in garden to meet lover. Discovered next morning and married


J 1151 Testimony of witness cleverly discredited
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions


K 2369.7 Shammed discussing of peace while getting reinforcements.
P 500 Government
V 350 Conflicts between religions


A 787 Relation of the planets to human life.
D 1500.1.7.3 Magic healing blood
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
D 1500.1.17 Magic weapon cures disease
D 1500.2 Magic object wards off disease
D 1500.4 Magic object causes disease
D 1505.8.1 Blood from Christ’s wounds restores sight
D 2064 Magic sickness
D 2162 Magic control of disease.
F 952.6 Miraculous cures – blindness cured by drop of water from side of crucified Savior
H 1319.1 Quest for only person who can cure certain sickness
K 961.2 Flesh (vital organs) of certain person alleged to be only cure for disease
V 34.1 Host cures disease


C 968 Disenchantment for breaking tabu
D 700 Person disenchanted
D 701 Gradual disenchantment
D 703 Disenchantment made permanent
D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
D 705.1 Castle disenchanted.
D 721 Disenchantment by removing skin
D 735 Disenchantment by kiss.
D 735.4 Disenchantment by enduring animal’s embrace
D 753 Disenchantment by accomplishment of tasks.
D 763 Disenchantment by destroying enchanter.
D 763.3 Disenchantment by destroying enchanter
D 765.1 Disenchantment by removing cause of enchantment
D 766.1 Disenchantment by bathing (immersing).
D 766.4 Disenchantment by bathing in milk
D 771.10 Disenchantment by ring
D 772 Disenchantment by naming.
D 782.2 Disenchantment by touching earth
D 785.1 Disenchantment produced by hero winning contests with demons
D 788 Disenchantment by sign of cross
D 789 Other means of disenchantment
D 789.6.1 Disenchantment by speaking proper words.
D 791 Disenchantment possible under unique conditions
D 791.2 Disenchantment by only one person.
D 791.3 Disenchantment fails because conditions are not fulfilled
D 793 Disenchantment made permanent.
D 1794 Magic results from kissing
H 1199.5 Task: disenchantment
H 1385.0.1 Unspelling quest: journey to disenchant (free) captives.
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.


L 400 Pride brought low
Q 330 Overweening punished
Q 473 Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets
Q 491.1 Disgraceful burial as punishment
W 34.2 Loyal friends refuse to fight against disgraced comrade


D 42 God in guise of mortal
H 41 Recognition of royalty [nobility] by personal characteristics or traits
H 79 Recognition by physical attributes – miscellaneous
H 151.6.2 Recognition because of imperfection of disguise
H 151.16 Recognition because of imperfection of disguise
H 1578 Test of sex: to discover person masking as of other sex
J 951.2 Jay [crow] in peacock’s skin [feathers] unmasked
K 514 Disguise as girl to avoid execution [danger]
K 521.4.1.1 Girl [woman] escapes in male disguise
K 1310 Seduction by disguise or substitution
K 1321 Seduction by man disguising as woman
K 1321.1 Man disguised as woman admitted to woman’s quarters
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick
K 1349.1.2 Disguise as madman to enter girl’s room
K 1569.4 (Rot) Adultery attempted under guise of game. Husband comes out of hiding just in time
K 1617.4 Disguise as merchant
K 1800 Deception by disguise or illusion.
K 1810 Deception by disguise
K 1810.1 Disguise by putting on clothes (carrying accoutrements) of certain person
K 1810.1.3 Taking king’s place by changing dresses
K 1811 Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals
K 1811.2 Deity disguised as old man (woman) visits mortals
K 1812 King in disguise
K 1812.14.1 King [prince] in disguise of merchant
K 1812.15 King disguised as own messenger
K 1813 Disguised husband visits his wife
K 1815 Humble disguise
K 1815.1 Return home in humble disguise
K 1815.2 Ugly disguise
K 1816 Disguise as menial
K 1816.11 Disguise as carpenter
K 1817.1 Disguise as beggar
K 1817.2 Disguise as palmer (pilgrim)
K 1817.3 Disguise as harper (minstrel)
K 1817.4 Disguise as merchant
K 1818 Disguise as sick man
K 1818.1 Disguise as leper
K 1818.3.2 Lover approaches mistress disguised as fool
K 1821 Disguise by changing bodily appearance
K 1821.3 Disguise by veiling face
K 1821.10 Disguise by cutting off hair.
K 1825.1 Disguise as doctor
K 1825.1.6 Disguise as physician to poison enemies
K 1825.8 Disguise as astrologer [soothsayer]
K 1826 Disguise as churchman (hermit)
K 1826.1 Disguise as monk
K 1828.2 Disguise as goddess
K 1831.0.1 Disguise by changing name
K 1831.0.2 (Bm) Disguise by refusal to reveal name
K 1832 Disguise by changing voice
K 1834 Multiple disguise: one person disguising successively seems to be many
K 1835 Disguise for spying
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
K 1837 Disguise of woman in man’s clothes
K 1837.6 Disguise of Woman as a soldier [knight]
K 1839 Other deceptions by disguise
K 1839.17 (Bm) Disguise by changing armor
K 1840 Deception by substitution
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty
K 2357 Disguise to enter enemy’s camp (castle)
K 2357.0.1 Disguise to spy on enemy
K 2357.2 Disguise as pilgrim to enter enemy’s camp (castle)
K 2357.7.1 (Bm) Disguise as enemy to approach (and slay) enemy king
K 2357.10 Disguise as merchant to enter enemy’s castle
K 2370 Miscellaneous deceptions
K 2380 (Hi) Detection of treachery or deceit
P 314 Combat of disguised [unrecognized] friends. [Unwitting attack on friend]
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
R 24.2 Princely suitor in minstrel disguise carries princess away
R 169.1 Hero in disguise (of foolish knight, then of black knight) rescues lady
T 28 (Princess) Falling in love with man disguised as woman
T 35 Lovers’ rendezvous


W 157 Dishonesty


J 227.2 Death preferred to dishonor
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 234.5 (Bm) Single combat to avenge daughter’s dishonor
P 253.5.1 (Bm) Single combat to avenge sister’s dishonor


K 2200 Villains and traitors.
K 2247 Treacherous lord [vassal]
K 2299 Other villains and traitors – miscellaneous
M 108 Violators of oaths
P 12.13 King quick to anger
P 50.0.2 (Bm) Knight who acknowledges no overlord [Allegiance: loyalty and disloyalty of vassals]
P 550.1.2 (Li) Defense of legitimate rights by war


P 555.2 Corpses of dead foes dismembered
Q 491 Indignity to corpse as punishment
S 139.2 Slain person dismembered
V 63 Bones of dismembered person assembled and buried


C 910 Permanent sign of disobedience for breaking tabu
Q 221.5 Disobedience to God punished
Q 325 Disobedience punished
T 254 The disobedient wife
W 126 Disobedience


V 132.2 Holy water disperses demons


H 82 Identifying tokens sent with messenger
H 84 Tokens of exploits
P 555.2.1.1 “Publication of slaying”. Heads of slain enemies displayed
S 139.2.1 Head of murdered (defeated) man displayed before his own house
Z 230 Extraordinary exploits of hero


U 90 (Bm) Dispossessed heir


A 485.1 Goddess of war [dispute]
P 527 (Li) Problems of inheritance (legacy)


J 646 Disregard advice of your enemy
J 652 Inattention to warnings
J 1930 Absurd disregard of natural laws
J 1960 Other absurd disregard of facts
J 2130 Foolish disregard of personal danger


Q 395 Disrespect punished


J 346 Better be content with what you have than try to get more and lose everything
W 128 Dissatisfaction


J 628 Dissuasion from suicide


D 1331.1 Object gives magic sight
D 1813 Magic knowledge of events in distant place
D 1825.2 Magic power to see distant objects.
F 531.3.5 Giant steps [walks] prodigious distance


K 341 Owner’s interest distracted while goods are stolen
N 8 Gambler’s attention distracted by women [trickster]
T 24 The symptoms of love
T 26 Attention distracted by sight of (remembering) beloved [because of love]


D 1551.3 Magic root causes water to divide and close
H 100 Identification by matching parts of divided token
M 241 Bargain to divide all winnings
M 241.1 Dividing the winnings: half of the bride demanded. When the hero shows that he is willing to carry out the bargain his helper relents
P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil


D 1311.6.0.1 Divination by looking upon astrolabe [astrological instrument]
D 1311.6.4 Divination by stars
D 1311.19 Divination by water
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1812.3 Means of learning future
D 1817 Magic detection of crime
J 192.2 Wisdom from Egypt


P 11.1 Choice of kings by divine will
Q 553 Divine favor withdrawn as punishment
V 227 Saints have divine visitors


D 1711 Magician
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1712.0.1 Astrologer-magician
M 201 Making of bargains and promises
M 301 Prophets
P 481 Astrologer


F 1022.1 Descent into ocean in glass box


K 171 Deceptive division of profits
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous


J 1062.1 Frog as [beauty] doctor unable to cure his own ugliness [to cure himself]
K 1825.1 Disguise as doctor
K 2061.7 Cat offers to act as doctor for cock and hen [Lion offers to act as doctor for horse]
P 424.5 Female physician [healer]


B 16.1.2 Devastating dog (hound)
B 134.2 Dog betrays murder
B 151.1.6 Dog indicates road to be taken
B 182.1 Magic dog
B 268.2.1 War-Dogs
B 291.2.2 Dog as messenger
B 300 Helpful animal
B 301 Faithful animal
B 301.1 Faithful animal at master’s grave dies of hunger.
B 301.5 Faithful animal resuscitates master
B 362 Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
B 421 Helpful dog
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 575.1 Wild animals kept as dogs
B 579.1 Animal accompanies man on journey
B 731.0.1 Animals of strange and varied coloring
B 731.6.0.1 Polychromatic dogs
D 141 Transformation: man (boy) to dog
D 341 Transformation: dog to person
D 1359.3.1.3 Grief dispelled by sound of bell attached to magic fairy dog.
F 241.6 Fairy dogs
H 1387 (G) Quest for lost animal (horse, dog)
J 953.1 Dog proud of his clog [bell]
J 1145.1 Murderer detected by actions of murdered man’s dog. Attacks murderer whenever possible
J 1791.4 Dog drops his meat for the reflection
J 2413.1 Ass tries to caress his master like the dog
K 2031.1 Dog at his master’s table is friendly to guest. On the street he barks at him [Dog friendly but attacks from behind]
K 2062 Thief tries to feed watchdog and stop his mouth
Q 196.1 (Bm) Marvelous dog as reward.
Q 478.2 Adulterer [ravisher, rapist] compelled to eat with dog[s].
Q 523.3 Penance: eating food offered to dogs
W 154.4 Hunter beats dog which has grown old in his service
Z 201.3 (Bm) Hero’s famous dog- Tristan ‘s Peticrome


B 25.1 Man with dog’s head
B 25.1.2 Dog-headed people
F 526.8 (Bm) Dog-like people
F 510 Monstrous persons
F 510.1 Monstrous races


B 71 Sea-horse
B 551.1 Fish carries man across water


P 17.11 Slayer of king [sovereign] marries widow [daughter] and inherits kingdom [domain]
P 52.0.3 (Bm) Knight demands tribute of all who pass through his domain
S 110.4 Prince resolves to drive relatives from his domain


B 574 Animals as domestic servants


D 2197 Magic dominance over animals
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])
F 253 Extraordinary powers of fairies


V 110 Religious buildings [and institutions]
V 111 Churches
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
V 430 Charity – miscellaneous motifs
W 11.2 Munificent monarch


H 1024.4 Task: teaching an ass to read
K 491.2 Horse [donkey] to be taught to speak
K 491.3 (Tu) Trickster performs task: teaching a donkey to read, He puts food for the ass between the leaves of the book and says that the donkey is yet able to turn the leaves
Q 473.5 Punishment: sending out of town on donkeys [donkey-ride]


D 1812.0.1.3 (Bm) Magician flees when he foresees his own doom
M 370 Vain attempts to escape fulfillment of prophecy


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
A 1030 World-fire
A 1031.6 Miscellaneous reasons for world-fire
A 1053 Behavior of moon at end of world
A 1075 End of world heralded by coming of Antichrist
A 1082.5 God conquers Satan at end of world.
A 1093 End of world announced by trumpet
E 178 Resurrection at Judgment Day
E 751 Souls at Judgment Day
F 962.2 Fire from heaven
F 964.3.2 Extraordinary blood catches fire
Q 172 Reward: admission to heaven
Q 260 Deceptions punished
V 313 Last judgment


A 661.0.1 Gate of heaven
D 1146 Magic door (gate)
D 1552.1 Mountain opens at blow of divine rod
D 1557 Magic charm causes door to open
D 1557.2 Magic herb causes door to open
D 1601.37 Self-opening door
F 91 Door (gate) entrance to lower world
F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from [after entrance in] mountain otherworld
F 156 Door to otherworld
F 451.4.3.1 Dwarf cave [hollow mountain] closed by iron doors
F 782 Extraordinary doors and windows
F 782.2 Door of precious stones
K 736 Snapping door


A 671.1 Doorkeeper of hell
D 1639.1 Automata as door-keepers


F 577 Persons identical in appearance.
K 2030 Double dealers


K 2030 Double dealers


B 291.1.12 Pigeon as messenger.
B 811 Sacred animals [dove, falcon]
D 154.1 Transformation: man [woman] to dove


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
A 1053 Behavior of moon at end of world
D 1812.5.0.13 Magic manifestation as omen
F 1010 Other extraordinary events
M 342 Prophecy of downfall of kingdom
M 342.1 Prophecy of downfall of king
M 356.1.5 (Bm) Prophecy of city’s destruction


H 135.0.1 (Bm) Love messages on slips of wood sent downstream.
T 41.3 Lover’s signal


T 52.4 Dowry given at marriage of daughter


K 2351.6.2 (Bm) Branches tied to horses’ tails stir up dust which makes army seem larger and blinds opponents
P 555.2 Corpses of dead foes dismembered
Q 416.2 Punishment: dragging to death by a horse [by horses]
Q 473.2 Punishment: tying to horse(’s tail)
S 117 Death by dragging behind horse
S (Bm) Humiliation of corpse, headless body of enemy dragged through camp


A 671.2.5 Dragons [monsters] in hell
B 11 Dragon
B 11.1 Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]
B 11.1.1 Dragon from cock’s [hen’s] egg
B Transformed princess as dragon
B She-dragon
B 11.2.1 Dragon as compound animal
B Dragon as modified fish
B 11.2.2 Color of dragon
B (Bm) Dragon of diverse colors.
B Feet of dragon – number [ten]
B 11.2.6 Wings of dragon
B 11.2.8 Tail of dragon
B 11.2.10 Scales of dragon.
B 11.2.11 Fire-breathing dragon
B Breath of Dragon kills man [venomous fiery and fetid breath of dragon]
B 11.2.12 Dragon of enormous size
B 11.2.13 Blood of dragon
B Blood of dragon venomous.
B 11.3 Habitat of dragon
B 11.3.2 Dragon’s home at top of mountain
B 11.4.1 Flying dragon
B 11.4.5 Talking dragon.
B 11.5.4 Dragon’s miraculous speed.
B 11.6 Deeds of dragons
B 11.6.2 Dragon guards treasure
B 11.6.8 Dragon flies to its nest with human being
B Dragon flies away with lion
B 11.7.2 Dragon guards lake [fountain].
B 11.9 Dragon as power of evil
B 11.10.2 Dragon eats people [and animals] for his rent
B 11.11 Fight with dragon
B 11.11.5 Dragon fight in order to free man.
B 11.11.6 Dragon fight in order to free lion
B 11.11.11 (Bm) Dragon fights lion [panther]
B 11.12.1 Dragon cannot be killed with weapons
B 11.12.4 Dragon is fond of milk
B 15.4.2 Beasts with fiery eyes
B 16.5.1 Giant devastating serpent
B 91.3 Horned snake
B 742 Animal breathes fire
D 199.2 Transformation: man to dragon
D 927.2 Magic spring [fountain] guarded by demons (monsters) [dragon].
D 1015.2 Magic gall-bladder of animal
D 1449 Magic object gives miscellaneous powers over animals
D 1620.2 Automatic statue of animal
D 1840.2 Magic invulnerability of animals.
D 1889.6 Rejuvenation by changing skin
D 1975 Dragon fighter’s magic sleep: while waiting for the fight with dragon hero falls into magic sleep
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
F 628.1.3 Strong man kills great serpent [dragon]
F 911.3 Animal swallows man (not fatally)
G 510.4 Hero overcomes devastating animal
H 105.1 Dragon-tongue proof. Dragon slayer cuts out the tongues and uses them later to prove his identity as slayer
H 335.3 Suitor task: killing ferocious animal
H 1024.5 Task: sowing dragon’s teeth
H 1161 Task: killing ferocious beast.
H 1161.7 (Bm) Task: slay fire-breathing dragon
H 1174.2 Task: overcoming dragon
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
H 1561.13 (G) Test of valor: fight with ferocious animals
N 570 Guardian of treasure
P 556.3.2 (Bm) Feast interrupted by dragon
R 13 Abduction by animal [dragon].
R 211.7 Escape from pit of snakes (dragons) by means of a rope


F 152.2 Slamming drawbridge to otherworld.


D 1584.1 Charm induces dream
D 1712 Soothsayer (diviner, oracle, etc.)
D 1712.3 Interpreter of dreams
D 1731.2.3 (Bm) Dream of visit by god
D 1810.8 Magic knowledge from dream
D 1810.8.2 Information received through dream.
D 1810.8.3 Warning in dreams
D 1812.3.3 Future revealed in dream
D 1812. Dream interpreter corrects dream
D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party
D 1812.3.3.5 Prophetic dream allegorical
D 1812.3.3.9 Future husband (wife) revealed in dream
D 1812.3.3.11 Death of another revealed in dream
D 1812.5.1.2 Bad dream as evil omen
D 1813.1 (Allegorical) Dream shows events in distant places
D 1814.2 Advice from dream
D 1819.2 Deception revealed in dream.
D 1819.7 Man is able to tell king dream which king himself does not remember
D 2160 (Bm) Dream created by magic
E 366.4 (Bm) Revenant in dream advises king
F 1 Journey to otherworld as dream or vision
F 1068 Realistic dream
F 1068.1 Tokens from a dream
H 24 Recognition from dream.
H 617 Symbolic interpretations of dreams
H 1042 Task: recalling a dream someone else has had
H 1212.1 Quest assigned because of feigned dream
H 1217 Quest assigned because of dream
H 1217.1 Quest for explanation of dream
H 1381. Quest for girl hero has seen in dream
J 157 Wisdom (knowledge) from dream
J 1527 Dream answered by dream
K 444 Dream bread: the most wonderful dream
K 1956.7 Sham wise man [woman] pretends knowledge from dream (:really overheard conversation)
M 302.7 Prophecy through dreams
T 11.3 Love through dream
T 11.3.1 Lovers meet in their dreams
V 510.1 God speaks in Vision to devotee


D 1712.3 Interpreter of dreams
D 1812. Dream interpreter corrects dream
D 1812. (Bm) Interpretation of dream by second party
D 1819.7 Man is able to tell king dream which king himself does not remember
J 192.2 Wisdom from Egypt


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1402.0.5 Nessus-shirt. Magic shirt burns wearer up
F 271.8 Fees [fairies] engage in needlework
F 420.1 Form and appearance [dress] of water-spirits
F 420. Water-spirits are clad in red
F 531.4.7.1 Giants dressed in skin
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 821.2.1 Coat [dress] so light that it can be concealed in closed palms of hand
F 821.3 Dress with (gold, silver, and diamond) bells
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
P 681 Mourning customs


C 260 Tabu: drinking at certain place
C 262 Tabu – drinking in otherworld
C 542.1 Tabu – contact with things on journey to hell
D 1040 Magic drink.
D 1040.1 Drink supplied by magic
D 1041 Blood as magic drink
D 1335.2.2 Water as magic strengthening drink
D 1338.1 Magic drink rejuvenates
D 1338.1.1 Fountain of youth
D 1365.2 Drink causes magic forgetfulness.
D 1472 Food and drink from magic object [Grail]
D 1472.1.24.1 Magic drinking horn supplies drink
D 1652 Inexhaustible object.
D 1665.1 Drink has taste of any liquor desired.
D 1793 Magic results from eating or drinking
D 2004.3.1 Forgetfulness by drinking
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
F 531.3.4 Giant eats (drinks) prodigious amount
F 633 Mighty drinker
H 411.4.0.1 (G) Magic drinking horn: unchaste woman’s husband cannot drink from horn
K 1044.1 Dupe induced to drink urine
Q 478.1.2 Adulteress made to drink from paramour’s skull
T 21 Mutual love through accidental drinking of love philtre
T 24.6 Lover refuses food and drink


B 742.2 Birds spit [drop] fire
H 94.4 Identification by ring dropped into a glass (cup) of wine
K 343.1.1 Bread dropped in mud, messenger returns for more. A youth poses as a rich man’s servant and gets as sack of bread from a baker. The baker boy is top go along and collect. The rascal drops two loaves in the mud and send the boy back for fresh ones. Meantime he runs off with the rest of the bread.
Z 65.1 Red as blood, white as snow


A 1002 Doomsday. Catastrophes precede the Day of Judgment.
A 1002.2 Signs before the Day of Judgment.
F 715 Extraordinary river
F 932 Extraordinary occurrences connected with rivers


B 362 Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
D 1388 Magic object protects from drowning
D 1388.0.1 Magic ring protects from drowning
F 402.1.8 Spirits put corpse (man) into river
K 958 Murder by drowning
K 958.1 (Bm) Treacherous attempt to murder by drowning.
M 341.2.3 Prophecy: death by drowning
N 339 Accidental death – miscellaneous
Q 222.5.7 (Bm) Goddess drowns men at sea who violated her temple [abducted her priestess]
Q 428 Punishment: drowning
Q 552.19 Miraculous drowning as punishment
S 131 Murder by drowning
T 81.6 Girl kills herself after lover’s death suicide by drowning


D 1364.3 Flowers cause magic sleep.
D 1960 Magic sleep
D 1978 Waking from sleep


J 1320 Repartee concerning drunkenness
J 1321 The unrepentant drunkard
J 1820 Inappropriate action from misunderstanding
J 2131 Numskull [Fool] injured
K 332 Theft by making owner drunk
K 625.2 Escape by making the watchman drunk
K 871.2 Slaughter of drunken enemies in banquet hall [army-camp]
K 1536 Woman has husband made monk while he is drunk to get rid of him
Q 320 Evil personal habits punished
X 800 Humor based on drunkenness


Q 112.0.1 Kingdom as reward
Q 113.6 (Bm) Lands and duchy as reward


F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her
H 332.3 Suitor test: duel with father-in-law
H 924.1 Tasks assigned as ransom.
H 1166 Task: duel.
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
K 1791 Sham duel in order to bring about recognition
P 557.4.4 Men’s truth. (fir fer)
P 677 Customs connected with dueling


P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]


D 2020 Magic dumbness.
F 954 Dumb person brought to speak [cut-out tongue miraculously restored]
Q 535.1 Penance: not to speak


R 41.3 Captivity in dungeon


K 401.1.1 Trail of stolen goods [shining of stolen helmet] made to lead to dupe
K 737.1 Dupe lured into hole and entrance closed.


K 1080 Persons duped [into injury] into injuring each other
K 1584 Innocent confessor duped into being go-between for adulteress and lover


K 2351.6.2 (Bm) Branches tied to horses’ tails stir up dust which makes army seem larger and blinds opponents


K 1315.7.1 Seduction by pretending to instruct (or to need instruction) in marital duties
K 1971.6.1 Wife behind tree advises the husband about his marital duties.
P 12.11 Uxorious king neglects duties
P 19.4 Kingly powers (rights) [obligations]
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 52.2 (Li) Knight in service of a lady
Q 223 Punishment for neglect of services to gods (God)


C 905.1 Dwarf punishes for the breach of a tabu
D 801.1 Magic objects possessed by witch, sorcerer or evil dwarf
D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 1421.3 Magic object summons dwarfs
D 1980 Magic invisibility
F 235.1 Fairies [dwarfs] invisible
F 235.3 Fairies [dwarfs] visible to one person alone
F 235.6 Fairies [dwarfs] visible through magic ring
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 347 Fairy advisor [advice from dwarf]
F 451 Dwarf
F 451.2.0.1 Dwarfs are ugly
F 451.2.1.1 Dwarfs are small
F 451.2.1.4 Hunchback dwarf
F 451.2.3 The beards of dwarfs
F 451.2.3.1 Long-bearded dwarf
F 451.2.7 Dress of dwarf
F 451.2.7.7 Dwarf king wears costly crown
F 451.3.1 Power of dwarf in his belt
F 451.3.2 Dwarf rendered powerless
F 451.3.3 Dwarf as magician
F 451.3.3.8 Dwarfs made invisible by magic caps [cloaks]
F 451.3.4 Dwarfs as workmen
F 451.3.4.1 Dwarfs as artificers
F 451.3.4.2 Dwarfs as smiths
F 451.3.8 Dwarfs are strong
F 451.3.12 Dwarfs are intelligent.
F 451.4.1 Dwarfs live under the ground
F 451.4.1.1 Dwarfs live in caves
F 451.4.1.11 Dwarfs live in hills and mountains
F 451.4.2.2 Dwarfs live in ravines
F 451.4.3 Description of dwarf home
F 451.4.3.1 Dwarf cave [hollow mountain] closed by iron doors
F 451.4.3.6 Dwarfs’ castle of gold [marble]
F 451.4.4 Home of dwarfs endangered or destroyed
F 451.4.5.1 Dwarfs are ruled by a king
F 451.5 Dwarfs and human beings
F 451.5.1 Helpful dwarfs
F 451.5.1.6 Other gifts from dwarfs
F 451.5.1.7 Dwarfs serve mortals
F 451.5.2 Malevolent dwarf
F 451. Dwarfs attack soldier [mortal]
F 451.5.2.4 Dwarfs kidnap mortals
F 451.5.2.8 Dwarfs threaten mortals
F 451.5.2.11 Dwarfs attack soldier (hero)
F 451.5.4 Mortal goes to land of dwarfs
F 451.5.8 Dwarfs associate with mortals
F 451.5.9 Dwarfs and Christianity
F 451.5.18 Dwarf loves mortal girl
F 451.5.20 Dwarfs give orders to mortals
F 451.5.23 Dwarfs seek human help in their fights and troubles
F 451.6 Other actions of dwarfs
F 451.6.2 Dwarf rides
F 451.6.3 Dwarfs have festivities
F 451.6.3.1 Dwarfs feast mortals in their home
F 451.6.3.3 Dwarfs have music
F 451. Dwarf musician (poet)
F 451.6.11 Dwarfs betray
F 451.7 Possessions of dwarfs
F 451.7.5 Dwarfs have little horses
F 451.8 Names for dwarfs
F 451.8.2 Proper names for dwarfs
F 451.10 Dwarfs and other supernatural beings
F 531.6.3.3 (Bm) Giant as guard of fairy’s [dwarfs] mountain
F 531.6.15.3 Giants and dwarfs friendly
F 531.6.16.3 Man [dwarf] as servant of giant.
F 535 Remarkably small man (Pygmie)
F 610.2 Dwarf hero of superhuman strength
F 611.1.2 Strong man son of woman and dwarf
F 707 Extraordinary kingdom
F 759.2 Hollow mountain
F 873 Extraordinary army
H 973.3 Task performed by [with help of] dwarfs
H 1232.7 (G) Directions on quest given by dwarf
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast
K 2112.2 Leper (beggar) [dwarf] laid in queen’s bed. She is thus incriminated
K 2277 Treacherous dwarf.
M 242 Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings
N 810 Supernatural helpers
N 821 Help from little man
T 539.3 Conception from intercourse with demon [dwarf]
V 245 Angel punishes mortal [dwarf]