Motif Index of German Secular Narratives                 
Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
 Introduction   Matière de Bretagne   Chansons de Geste   Miscellaneous Romances   Oriental Romances   Heroic Epic   Maere and Novellas   Romances of Antiquity   Index 


Index of Keywords
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Index of Keywords  G 


J 369 Small inconvenience, large gain – miscellaneous


D 1010 Magic bodily members – animal
D 1015.2 Magic gall-bladder of animal


K 2378.1 Person allowed to win first game so that he will play for higher stakes
N 8 Gambler’s attention distracted by women [trickster]


A 452.1 Goddess of hunting
A 1468.1 Invention of chess game
F 899.2 Extraordinary game-board
H 509.3 Chess game as test
K 789 (Bm) Chess game to lure man into captivity.
K 1569.4 (Rot) Adultery attempted under guise of game. Husband comes out of hiding just in time
K 2378.1 Person allowed to win first game so that he will play for higher stakes
P 634 Feasts
T 136 Accompaniments of wedding
V 65.5 Funeral games


D 1209.7 Magic gameboard, chessboard
D 1601.29 Self-playing gameboard
F 899.2 Extraordinary game-board


F 757 Extraordinary cave
H 1236 Perilous path traversed on quest.
K 737.1 Dupe lured into hole and entrance closed.
R 45.3 Captivity in cave


P 672.5 (G) Humiliation: throwing rubbish at the hero


C 519 Tabu: touching tree (plant) [garden] – miscellaneous
D 961 Magic garden
D 1664 Summer and winter garden
F 149 Bounds of the otherworlds – miscellaneous
F 161.1 Perpetual summer in otherworld.
F 162.1 Garden in otherworld
F 162.1.1 Everblooming garden in otherworld
F 162.1.3 Trees bloom, others bear concurrently in otherworld garden.
F 165.6 Only joy felt in otherworld dwelling.
F 219.2 Garden in fairyland
F 756.2 Plain that is earthly paradise [locus amoenus]
F 761.1.1 City with hundred palaces and gardens
F 818 Extraordinary garden
F 818.2 Five demons [twelve knights] keepers of marvelous garden and palace
T 35.2 Pavilion as lover’s rendezvous
T 36 Girl sleeps in garden to meet lover. Discovered next morning and married


C 515 Tabu- touching (plucking) flowers
D 1652.7 Unfading garlands.
H 81.3 Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token
H 355.4 Suitor test: obtaining flowers [twig]
T 59 (Bm) Love tokens


D 1052 Magic garment (robe, tunic)
D 1344.9 Magic garment renders invulnerable.
D 1381.3 Magic garment protects against attack
D 1381.3.2 Magic unpierceable (horn) skin protects against attack
D 1381.3.3 A protective garment which spears could not penetrate
D 1840.3 Magic invulnerability of ogres.
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes
F 820 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments
F 821 Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.)
F 821.1 Dress of extraordinary material
F 821.1.1 Golden clothes
F 821.9 Garments grow with man wearing them [garment adapts to size of wearer]
F 829 Extraordinary clothing and ornaments – miscellaneous
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
H 111 Identification by garment
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
P 678.1 Tearing garments as sign of grief
Q 523.10.1 (Bm) Penance: wearing sackcloth.


D 1146 Magic door (gate)
F 91.1 Slamming door on exit from mountain otherworld
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
F 156 Door to otherworld
F 451.4.3.1 Dwarf cave [hollow mountain] closed by iron doors
F 776 Extraordinary gate
F 776.2 Perilous falling gate
F 782 Extraordinary doors and windows
K 736 Snapping door
K 2244 Treacherous (hostile) porter


F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]


T 34 Lovers meet at social gathering


P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]


B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance


D 830 Magic object acquired by trickery.
D 838 Magic object acquired by stealing
D 838.1 Stolen objects powerful in magic
D 860 Loss of magic object
D 861 Magic object stolen.
D 880 Recovery of magic object
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1335.5 Magic ring gives strength
D 1342 Magic object gives health
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1387 Magic object preserves chastity.
D 1409 Magic object overcomes person – miscellaneous
D 1472.1.2 Stone provides food.
D 1503.6 Magic jewel heals wounds
D 1531.11 Gem gives power of flying
F 771.1.1.1 Castle paved with gold and gems
F 826 Extraordinary jewels
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
N 352.3 Serpent steals jewels


H 1552 Tests of generosity.
J 900 Humility
K 2365.3 Enemy persuaded by show of great wealth and generosity of king to desert to his side. [Vassals deserting to enemy king]
P 12 Character of kings
P 13 Customs connected with kings
P 14 Particular practices of kings
P 50 Noblemen (knights) [rules of chivalry]
P 50.0.1 King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king [Feudality: mutual relationship between king and vassals]
P 431 Merchant
Q 42 Generosity rewarded
Q 66 Humility rewarded
Q 542 Penance: giving all earnings to the poor
V 400 Charity
W 11 Generosity
W 11.2 Munificent monarch
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
W 11.5.9 Warrior gives steed to his enemy
W 11.5.14 King [knight] will not arm, since opponent is unarmed [young, inexperienced]
W 11.15 Generous person refuses no man anything
W 187 Insolence [Self-conceit]


D 1421.1.3 Magic book summons genie


K 1558.2 (Tu) The awful present: Husband cuts off paramour’s genitals and making ornamented bag of them, giving paramour as present
Q 451.10 Punishment: genitalia cut off
E 334 Non-malevolent ghost haunts scene of former misfortune, crime or tragedy.
E 421.3 Luminous [fiery] ghosts
E 423 Revenant in animal form.
E 451.2 Ghost laid when penance is done.
E 452 Ghost laid at cockcrow (dawn)
E 587 Ghosts walk at certain times
F 574 Luminous [fiery] person
J 1786 Man thought to be a devil or ghost


A 1074.4 Fettered monster [giant] preyed upon by vulture [birds]
B 15.3.3 Deer with giant antler
B Giant devastating boar
B 16.5.1 Giant devastating serpent
B 16.6.1 Giant man-eating ants
B 31.4 Giant bats
B 268.14 Giant crabs attack army
B 871.1.2 Giant boar
B 871.2.5 Giant lion
B 873 Giant insects
B 873.4 Giant ant
B 874 Giant fish
B 874.2 Giant eel
B 875.1 Giant serpent
B 876.2 Giant crustacean
B 876.2.1 Giant crab
B 877.1 Giant sea-monster
B 878.1 Giant flock of birds
D 55.1 Person becomes magically larger.
D 950.0.1.1 Magic tree guarded by giant ogre
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 531 Giant
F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 531.0.4 Giant woman
F 531.1.0.1 Beauty of giant
F 531.1.0.2 Hideous giant
F 531.1.1 Eyes of giant
F 531.1.1.1 Giant with one eye in middle of forehead [Cyclops]
F 531.1.1.2 Giant with large gleaming eyes
F 531.1.2.1 Headless giant
F 531.1.3 Feet (legs) [and arms] of giant
F 531.1.6 Other bodily characteristics of giant
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws
F 531.1.6.2 Giant with [remarkable] teeth [like those of saw]
F 531. (Bm) Giant has 2 tusks
F 531.1.6.3 Giants with shaggy hair on their bodies
F 531. Giant (giantess) with particularly long hair
F 531.1.6.4 Giant with long beard
F 531.1.6.11 Giant (giantess)[wild woman] with hump
F 531.1.7.1 Green giant
F 531.1.7.2 Black giant
F 531.2 Size of giant
F 531.2.1 Extremely tall giant
F 531.2.7 Giant so large he cannot be carried by a horse
F 531.3 Gargantuan feats
F 531.3.2.4 Giant hurls mountain.
F 531.3.4 Giant eats (drinks) prodigious amount
F 531.3.5 Giant steps [walks] prodigious distance
F 531.3.5.1 Giant bestrides mountain.
F 531.3.8 Giants’ shouts are storms or great noise
F 531.3.8.5 Earthquake as giant falls down
F 531.3.12 Giant’s hunting (fishing)
F 531.4 Gigantic possessions of giant
F 531.4.1 Giant with millwheel as shield [enormous shield]
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club as weapon
F 531.4.5 Giant’s enormous weapons
F 531. (Bm) Giant ‘s [wild man ‘s] club.
F 531.4.5.1 Giant with iron club [pole] as weapon
F 531.4.5.2 Giant with iron bar as weapon
F 531.4.5.4 Giant has stone shield.
F 531.4.7 Giant’s clothes
F 531.4.7.1 Giants dressed in skin
F 531.4.11 Giant’s enormous animals
F 531.5 Giants and men
F 531.5.1 Giant friendly to man
F 531. (Bm) Courteous giant
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings
F 531. Giant woos mortal woman
F 531. Giant demands girl but is killed in duel about her
F 531. (Bm) Giant ravishes women
F 531.5.8 Giants and Christians
F 531.5.8.3 Giants christianized
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man
F 531.5.11 Giant in contest [combat] with man
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
F 531.6 Other giant motifs
F 531.6.1.2 Giant is transformed man.
F 531.6.2 Haunts of giants
F 531.6.2.1 Giants live in mountains or caves
F 531.6.2.7 Giants in wild forests
F 531.6.3 Homes of giants
F 531.6.3.1 Giants live in castles (raths, duns) (ruins of which may still be seen)
F 531.6.3.3 (Bm) Giant as guard of fairy’s [dwarfs] mountain
F 531.6.6 Giants as builders of great structures
F 531.6.7.1 Giant possesses treasure
F 531.6.8 Mutual relations of giants
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess
F 531.6.8.3 Enmity (competition) between giants
F 531.6.8.5 Giant’s social relations
F 531. Giants have king, queen
F 531.6.8.6 Giants have children
F 531.6.9 Giants as warriors (in army)
F 531.6.10 Other occupation of giants
F 531.6.10.2 (Bm) Giant as porter
F 531.6.12.6 Giant slain by man
F 531.6.12.7 Giants driven away by men
F 531.6.12.10 (Bm) Giant slain by falling portcullis
F 531.6.13 Graves of giants
F 531.6.15.3 Giants and dwarfs friendly
F 531.6.16 Attendants of the giants
F 531.6.16.1 Giant watchman
F 531.6.16.3 Man [dwarf] as servant of giant.
F 531.6.17.8 (Bm) Giant almost invulnerable above navel
F 531.6.17.9 (Tu) Giant has elephant instead of horse
F 621.2 Trees pulled up by giant
F 628.2.3 Strong man kills giant
F 632 Mighty eater
F 633 Mighty drinker
F 639.4 Strong man overcomes giant
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
F 835.2 Remarkably large club [pole]
G 11.2 Cannibal giant
G 100 Giant ogre Polyphemus
G 111 Giant ogre(s) possess(es) castle
G 150 Giant ogres – miscellaneous
G 157 Giant ogre’s prodigious speed
G 316 Giant robber with club
G 410 Person betrayed into ogre’s [giant] power
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
H 1166.1 Task: wrestling etc. with giant warrior
H 1561.6 Test of valor: fight with giant [warrior, dwarf-hero, dragon etc.]
K 1111.1 Ogre’s (dwarf’s) [giant’s, hero’s] beard caught fast
N 538.2 Treasure from defeated giant
N 812 Giant or ogre as helper
P 555.4 (Bm) Defeated knights [giant, rescued persons etc.] sent under oath to king [lady, queen] (as proof of victory)
Q 10.1 (Bm) Reward for saving land from giant.
R 11.3 Abduction by giant [wild woman]
R 111.1.4 Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
R 211.8 Rescue from prison by beheading giant keeper
T 104.3 (Bm) Giant tortures [kills] man’s sons to win his daughter.
Z 261 Giant heroes
L 311 Weak (small) [young] hero overcomes large fighter


F 531.0.3.1 (Bm) Group or tribe or army of giant men
F 531.0.4 Giant woman
F 531. Beautiful giantess
F 531.1.5 Breasts of giantess [wild woman]
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws
F 531.1.6.2 Giant with [remarkable] teeth [like those of saw]
F 531. Giants (giantesses) [wild-woman] with long teeth.
F 531.1.6.3 Giants with shaggy hair on their bodies
F 531.1.6.11 Giant (giantess)[wild woman] with hump
F 531.1.6.14 Giantess with tail (many tails)
F 531.2.1.6 Giantess is twice as tall as tall man
F 531.3.16 (Bm) Giant [giantess] demolished castle wall (turret)
F 531.5.7 Giants marry human beings
F 531. Mortal son of man and giantess
F 531.5.19 (Bm) Giant’s prisoners
F 531.6.8.1 Giant in love with giantess
F 576 Extraordinary ugliness
G 125 Fire-[venom-] spewing giantess


D 810 Magic object a gift
D 812 Magic object received from supernatural being.
D 812.12 Magic object received from dwarf
D 812.13 Magic objects gifts of magician.
D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 813.1 Magic object received from river nymph [mermaid]
D 813.2 Magic object received from grateful fairy
D 815.1 Magic object received from mother.
D 815.8 Magic object received from wife.
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
F 305.1 Fairy relative makes gifts (to half-mortal child)
F 340 Gifts from fairies
F 343.9.1 Horses as fairy gifts
F 343.14 Golden cup (bowl, urn) as gifts from otherworld inhabitants.
F 420.6.1.2 Water-spirit offers gift to mortal to win love
F 451.5.1.6 Other gifts from dwarfs
K 1581.4 Lover’s gift regained: accidental discovery of identity. The lover ignorant of the identity of the husband tells him of his experience with the wife. The husband persuades the lover to lead him to the scene where the wife is compelled to restore all but a small part of the money
L 212 Choice among several gifts
N 200 The good gifts of fortune
P 236.1 Folly of father’s giving all property to children before his death
P 324 Host greets guest with gifts [Welcome and parting gifts]
P 614 (Bm) Bribes
Q 66 Humility rewarded
Q 114 Gifts as reward
Q 114.0.1 Gifts made to advisor [umpire]
Q 114.2 Gifts as reward for gifts
T 136.4 Gifts at wedding
T 136.4.2 Parting gifts after wedding
V 232.7 Gifts from angels
W 11 Generosity
W 11.5 Generosity toward enemy
W 27 Gratitude
Z 174 Message or orders given symbolic action


F 531.4 Gigantic possessions of giant
F 811.2.3 Tree with gigantic leaves
F 813.2.2 Gigantic grapes
F 813.3.2 Gigantic nut


D 813 Magic object received from fairy
D 1057 Magic belt
D 1335.4 Magic belt gives strength
D 1561.1 Magic object brings luck.
H 116 Identification by girdle


D Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid)
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
F 112 Journey to land of women
F 565.1.2.2 (Bm) Male children sent to live with fathers, girls with mothers
F 575.1 Remarkably beautiful woman
G 440 Ogre [giant] abducts person
H 335.0.2 Girl assigns tasks to her suitors
H 362 Bride chosen from girls assembled at feast
H 411.12 Magic harp as chastity test. Plays out of tune [string breaks] at approach of unchaste girl
H 933 Princess sets hero tasks
H 1381. Quest for girl hero has seen in dream
J 445.2 Foolish marriage of old man and young girl
J 1111 Clever girl
K 514 Disguise as girl to avoid execution [danger]
K 675 Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl.(Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.)
K 1330 Girl tricked into man’s room (or power)
K 1335 Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl
K 1340 Entering into girl’s [man’s] room by trick
K 1349.1.2 Disguise as madman to enter girl’s room
K 1362 Innocent girl sells her “love” and later receives it back
K 1380 Seductions – miscellaneous
K 1836 Disguise of man in woman’s dress
K 2246.0.1 Treacherous princess (queen)
N 711.1 King, prince finds maiden in the woods and marries her
N 831 Girl [woman] as helper
R 10.1 Princess (maiden) abducted
R 11.1 Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre) [monstrous race]
R 11.1.1 Abduction of girl by half bestial man
R 12.4 Girl enticed into boat and abducted [by lover]
R 61 Person sold into slavery
R 111 Rescue of captive maiden.
R 111.1 Princess (maiden) rescued from captor
R 111.1.4 Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (monster)
R 111.1.9 Princess rescued from undesired suitor
R 224 Girl flees to escape incestuous brother [father]
S 182.2 Girl [man] pulled about by her [his] hair
T 24.5 Boy [girl] turns red and white from love
T 36 Girl sleeps in garden to meet lover. Discovered next morning and married
T 50.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father
T 55 Girl as wooer. Forthputting woman
T 68 Princess offered as prize
T 68.1 Princess offered as prize to rescuer
T 68.7 (Bm) Princess [maiden] as prize in tournament [single combat]
T 71 Woman scorned in love
T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 91.7 Unequals in love – miscellaneous
T 92.7 Rival lovers do battle for girl
T 108.1 (Bm) Girl (to be) married against her will [without her consent]
T 121.1 Knight weds peasant girl
T 127 (Bm) Woman weds husband’s [father’s, uncle’s] slayer
T Girl must marry father’s choice
T 151.4 (Bm) Girl saved from forced marriage at last minute
T 165 Girl may remain virgin for three days after marriage
T 311 Woman averse to marriage
T 455 Woman sells favors for particular purpose


D 1086 Magic lance
F 832 Extraordinary lance


B 12.2 Basilisk’s fatal glance
D 581 Petrification [death] by glance
D 2061.2.1 Death-giving glance.


D 478 Water changed to other substance (or vice versa)
D 1171.6.2 Magic goblet (glass)
D 1258 Magic bridge.
F 731.5 Island of amber (glass)
F 751 Glass mountain.
F 771.1.6.1 Castle with glass wall.
F 777 (Bm) Extraordinary wall
F 842.1.1 Crystal (glass) bridge
F 852.1 Glass coffin
F 1022.1 Descent into ocean in glass box
P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]


F 1022.1 Descent into ocean in glass box
P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]


F 151.1.2 Perilous glen on way to otherworld.


F 172.1 No gloom, no envy, etc. in otherworld


W 151.11 (Bm) Greed for glory (king demands credit for others’ deeds)


D 1066 Magic glove.
F 552 Remarkable hands
H 114 Identification by glove
H 411 Magic object points out unchaste woman
P 556.0.1 (Bm) Challenge to single combat [feud]
P 557.4 Customs concerning single combat


Q 323 Unthriftiness punished
W 125 Gluttony
W 125.2 Gluttonous wife eats all the meal while cooking it


B 11.1 Chimera. [Combination of Lion, dragon and goat]
B 24 Satyr, Combination of man and goat
B 557 Unusual animal as riding horse
J 144 Well-trained kid does not open to wolf
J 974 Kid perched on house jeers at wolf [horse-fly molests busy mule]
J 1758.1 Tiger [lion] mistaken for goat
K 1514.14 Paramour unties mare (goat, other animal) Husband chases mare while the wife entertains the paramour
K 2061.4 Wolf [lion, fox] tries to entice goat [pigeon] down from high place [out of stable]
X 436 The parson sings like a goat [like an ass]


K 1584 Innocent confessor duped into being go-between for adulteress and lover
T 53 Matchmakers


A 101 Supreme god
A 102.17 Anger of God
A 102.17.1 Miracle as sign of God’s anger
A 106.2 Revolt of evil angels against God
A 102.17 Anger of god
A 110 The origin of the gods
A 120.1 God as shape-shifter
A 123.3.1 God with many eyes
A 123.3.2 God with flashing eyes
A 123.12 (Bm) God with horns of silver and gold
A 124 Luminous god
A 132 God in animal form
A 132.14 Ram-god
A 142 Smith of the gods
A 145 Champions of the gods
A 151 Home of the gods
A 151.1.2 Home of gods in cave
A 151.7 Deity [God] lives in the forest
A 152 God’s throne
A 155 Animals of the gods
A 156.2 God’s crown
A 156.5 Chariot of the gods
A 163 Contests among the gods
A 164.1 Brother-sister marriage of the gods
A 164.2 Adultery among the gods
A 165.2 Messenger of the gods
A 165.2.3 Angels as God’s messengers
A 165.3 Cupbearer of the gods
A 167.1 Council of the gods
A 168 Family of gods
A 170 Deeds of the gods
A 171 Gods ride through air
A 172 Gods intervene in battle [war]
A 178 God as prophet
A 180 Gods in relation to mortals
A 181 God serves as menial on earth
A 182.1 God reveals secrets (mysteries) to mortals
A 182.2 God gives name to child
A 182.3 God (angel) speaks to mortal
A 182.3.2 God rebukes mortal
A 182.3.4 God makes promises to mortal
A 182.3.5 God advises mortal
A 185.2 Deity protects mortal
A 185.3 Deity teaches mortal
A 187.2 Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods
A 188 Gods and goddesses in love with men
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
A 197 Deity controls elements
A 197.1 (Bm) Storm as sign of Goddess’s wrath
A 220 Sun-God
A 240 Moon-God
A 250 Star-God
A 300 Gods of underworld
A 310 God of the world of the dead
A 421 Sea-god
A 433.3 God of the vine
A 451 Artisan-god
A 454 God of healing
A 475 God of love
A 475.0.2 Marriage-god
A 485 God of war
A 489 Gods of abstractions – miscellaneous
A 610 Creation of the universe by creator – The creator is existing before all things
A 1210 Creation of man by creator
C 53.2 Tabu: arrogance toward deity.
D 42 God in guise of mortal
D 1726 Magic power from deity [god].
D 1731.2.3 (Bm) Dream of visit by god
D 1810.0.1 Omniscience of a god
D 1810.9 Magic knowledge from God
D 1811.2 Magic wisdom received from supernatural being
D 1812.1.2 Power of prophecy from God
D 1814.3 Advice from God (or the gods)
D 1846.5 Invulnerability bestowed by saint [God]
D 2198 Magic control of spirits (angels, [gods])
E 121.2 Resuscitation by Christ [God]
E 751 Souls at Judgment Day
E 754.1.5 Condemned soul released by God
F 966 Voices from heaven (or from the air)
G 303.16.10 Angels (God) save person from the devil
H 192 Recognition by supernatural manifestation
H 927 Tasks set by deity [God, heavenly voice, Mother Mary]
H 975.0.1 Task performed by deity [saint] in answer to prayer
J 1766.2 (Bm) Child thinks knights are gods.
K 1315.1 Seduction by posing as a god
K 1811.2 Deity disguised as old man (woman) visits mortals
K 1971 Men behind statue (tree) speaks and pretends to be God (spirit)
L 421 Attempt to fly to heaven punished
M 119.2 Swearing by (clan) gods
M 301.16 Gods prophesy both good and evil about hero’s fate
M 332 (Bm) Prophecy: God will visit mortal
M 348 Murderer warned by God’s voice [by victim] that murder will be avenged [will come out]
M 411.4.1 Curse by a god
N 817 Deity [saint] as helper
N 817.0.1 God as helper
P 11.1 Choice of kings by divine will
Q 221.1 Discourtesy to god punished
Q 221.5 Disobedience to God punished
Q 223 Punishment for neglect of services to gods (God)
Q 553 Divine favor withdrawn as punishment
S 263 Sacrifice to appease spirits (gods)
U 61 Dividing after God’s fashion: little to poor, much to rich
V 1.6.2 Worship of water
V 1.11.1 Worship of golden calf.
V 5 Negligence in religious exercise.
V 11.9 Sacrifice to deity
V 17.0.1 Sacrifice to deity in order to obtain favors
V 17.3 Sacrifice to get help in danger
V 17.5 Sacrifice to get knowledge
V 50 Prayer
V 59 Prayers answered – miscellaneous
V 112 Temples
V 114 Sacred groves
V 120 Images
V 127 Image of deity in wood (stone) [metal]
V 201 God
V 211.10 Letter (message) of Christ
V 215 (Hi) Heathen gods
V 248 Angels and God
V 331.1.3 Conversion to Christianity because the heathen gods prove to be less powerful
V 380 Religious beliefs – miscellaneous
V 510 Religious visions
V 510.1 God speaks in Vision to devotee
V 550 (Bm) Voice from heaven


A 125.4 Beautiful goddess
A 155 Animals of the gods
A 156.2 God’s crown
A 163 Contests among the gods
A 178 God as prophet
A 182 God reveals himself to mortals
A 182.3.5 God advises mortal
A 185 Deity cares for favorite individuals
A 185.2 Deity protects mortal
A 187.2 Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods
A 188 Gods and goddesses in love with men
A 189 Gods in relation to mortals – miscellaneous
A 197 Deity controls elements
A 197.1 (Bm) Storm as sign of Goddess’s wrath
A 421.1 Sea-goddess
A 427.1 Goddess of springs and wells
A 431.1 Goddess of fertility
A 434 Goddess (god) of flowers
A 435 God [Goddess] of trees and forests
A 440.1 Goddess of animals
A 452.1 Goddess of hunting
A 461.1 Goddess of wisdom
A 473 God [Goddess] of wealth
A 475.1 Goddess of love
A 485.1 Goddess of war [dispute]
A 495 Mountain-god [-goddess]
A 499.4.1 Goddess of sorcery
A 511.1.5 Culture hero son of mortal (half-mortal) father [and goddess mother]
A 2091.1 Arachne transformed to spider: vies with goddess in spinning
D 181 Transformation: man [goddess] to spider
D 1810.10 Magic knowledge from goddess
D 1814.3 Advice from God (or the gods)
F 305 Offspring of fairy [dwarf] and mortal
F 960.4 Extraordinary nature phenomena at anger of saint [goddess]
K 1828.2 Disguise as goddess
M 242 Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings
N 817.0.2 Goddess as helper
Q 222.5.7 (Bm) Goddess drowns men at sea who violated her temple [abducted her priestess]
T 5 (Bm) Court of love.
V 1.1 Worship of particular Gods and goddesses
V 10 Religious sacrifice
V 11.9 Sacrifice to deity
V 17.0.1 Sacrifice to deity in order to obtain favors
V 114 Sacred groves
V 550 (Bm) Voice from heaven
Z 137 (Li) Love personified: “Frau Minne”


P 296 Godparents
P 296.1 Godfather
P 296.2 Godmother


A 475.0.1 Cupid with arrows of lead and gold
A 1432.2 Acquisition of gold
B 42.0.1 (Hi) Griffin’s gold
B 756 Gold-digging ants
D 475.1 Transformation: objects to gold
D 1252.3 Magic gold
D 1682 Magic jewel which outweighs many heavy objects in the scale
F 162.2.10 Jewels in streams of otherworld
F 163.3.1 House of gold and crystal in otherworld
F 343.14 Golden cup (bowl, urn) as gifts from otherworld inhabitants.
F 451.4.3.6 Dwarfs’ castle of gold [marble]
F 752.1 Mountain of gold
F 757.1.1 Cave of gold, silver and crystal
F 761 City of precious metals and stones
F 761.1 City of gold
F 771.1.1 Golden castle (palace, house)
F 771.1.1.1 Castle paved with gold and gems
F 781 Extraordinary rooms
F 782 Extraordinary doors and windows
F 789 Extraordinary buildings and furnishings – miscellaneous
F 809 Other extraordinary stones
F 811 Extraordinary tree
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 828 Extraordinary crown
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 855.3 Gold (silver) statue of animal
F 855.3.1 Peacocks [eagles] of gold
F 877.1 Gold (silver, copper) thread
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
P 236.2 Supposed chest of gold induces children to care for their aged father.
Q 111 Riches as reward
Q 111.4 Gold ring as reward
V 127 Image of deity in wood (stone) [metal]


B 101.3 Ram with golden fleece
B 101.4.1 Stag with golden antlers, silver feet
B 103.2.1 Treasure-laying bird
D 1344.13 Magic (golden) helmet renders invulnerable
F 163.1.2 Golden castle in otherworld
F 771.1.1 Golden castle (palace, house)
F 785 Extraordinary throne
F 786.1 Chairs of gold and silver
F 787.2 Golden bed
F 811.1.1 Golden tree
F 813.1.1 Golden apple
F 821.1.1 Golden clothes
F 824 Extraordinary [part of] armor
F 834 Extraordinary spear
F 852.2 Golden coffin
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 861.1 Golden wagon (chariot)
F 862.1 Golden horseshoe
F 899 Other extraordinary objects
H 1332.1 Quest for golden fleece
H 1596.1 Golden apple as prize in beauty contest. Judgment of Paris.
N 570 Guardian of treasure
V 1.11.1 Worship of golden calf.


D 1812.5.2 Favorable omens
J 1161.1 The three joint depositors [two joint merchants] may have their money [goods] back when all demand it
J 2324 Wife persuades her husband to have a good tooth pulled
K 343.1 Owner sent on errand and goods stolen
M 200 Bargains and promises
P 12 Character of kings
P 310.1 Friends want to divide good and evil
Q 60 Other good qualities rewarded
W 187 Insolence [Self-conceit]


V 75 Easter [Good Friday].


B 103.2.1 Treasure-laying bird
B 251.2 Animals honor saint (cleric).
E 32 Resuscitated eaten animal.
E 121.4 Resuscitation by saint


F 151.1.4 Perilous ford on way to otherworld.
F 757 Extraordinary cave
H 1236 Perilous path traversed on quest.
K 737.1 Dupe lured into hole and entrance closed.
R 45.3 Captivity in cave


J 1075.1 Woman tests enduring power of gossip by having a servant ride through streets on a flayed ass [by sending a flayed ass to town]


P 10 Kings [King’s famous court]
P 500 Government


K 2249 Other treacherous officers and tradesmen [noblemen]
P 17.0.2 Son succeeds father as king
P 110.0.1 (Bm) Faithful steward [knight] as regent
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
P 500 Government
T 322.2 Princess [queen] threatens to kill amorous king [governor]


C 436 Tabu: disclosing own identity.
C 650 The one compulsory thing.
C 651 The one compulsory question.
C 833 Tabus for journeys
D 700 Person disenchanted
D 705 Place [land] disenchanted
D 705.1 Castle disenchanted.
D 789.6.1 Disenchantment by speaking proper words.
D 816 Magic object inherited.
D 859.2.1 Magic object received from other world.
D 860 Loss of magic object
D 863 Magic object mysteriously disappears
D 1003 Magic blood – human
D 1041 Blood as magic drink
D 1071 Magic jewel (jewels)
D 1131 Magic castle
D 1171.6 Magic cup.
D 1172 Magic dish.
D 1310 Magic object gives supernatural information.
D 1335 Object gives magic strength
D 1338 Magic object rejuvenates
D 1346.14 Magic cup gives immortality
D 1349.2 Magic object produces immunity from old age.
D 1380 Magic object protects.
D 1380.11 Magic jewel protects
D 1380.17 Magic cup protects
D 1384 Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey
D 1385 Magic object protects from evil spirits
D 1472 Food and drink from magic object [Grail]
D 1472.1.2 Stone provides food.
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [Grail]
D 1472.1.14.1 Magic food-providing cup [grail]
D 1478 Magic object provides light
D 1500.1.10 Sacred objects cure disease
D 1503.8 Magic goblet (Grail) heals wounds
D 1645.2 Incandescent cup
D 1652 Inexhaustible object.
D 1652.5 Inexhaustible vessel
D 1687 Object magically becomes heavy.
D 1714.1 Magic power of chaste women
D 1726 Magic power from deity [god].
D 1980 Magic invisibility
D 2095 Magic disappearance
D 2135.0.2 Object magically raised in air
D 2161.2 Magic cure of wound.
D 2161.5.5 Cure by angel
D 2188 Magic disappearance
F 110 Journey to terrestrial otherworlds
F 130 Location of otherworld
F 152.2 Slamming drawbridge to otherworld.
F 163.1 Castle in otherworld
F 163.2.1 Temple in otherworld
F 166.1.1 “Silver bowl”: Grail in otherworld.
F 171 Extraordinary sights in otherworld
F 171.0.1 Enigmatic happenings in otherworld.
F 173 Otherworld land of happiness.
F 183.1 Automatic service in otherworld: any sort of food desired furnished
F 184 Otherworld king
F 184.1 Wounded otherworld king (in Ireland).
F 751.1.5 Palace of jewels
F 771 Extraordinary castle (house, palace)
F 771.4.3 Abandoned castle
F 771.4.8 (Li) Castle of deep sorrow
F 771.6 Phantom house: disappears at dawn
F 781 Extraordinary rooms
F 866 Extraordinary cup
F 883 Extraordinary writings (book, letter)
F 950 Marvelous cures
F 959.3 Miraculous cure of wound
H 411.1 Magic stone as chastity test.
H 1320.1 Quest for magic object: [grail].
H 1382 Quest for unknown objects or places
H 1388 Quest: answer to question
H 1550 Tests of character
M 151.7.1 (Bm) Vow not to be happy until conquest is achieved [revenge is taken]
M 183.3 Vow to find Holy Grail before returning to Round Table.
M 195 (Bm) Vow to see particular marvel.
M 361 Fated hero
M 361.1 Prophecy: certain hero to achieve holy grail.
N 770 Experiences leading to adventures
Q 85 Reward for asking proper questions.
T 111 Marriage of mortal and supernatural being
T 300 Chastity and celibacy
V 80 Religious services – miscellaneous
V 111.3 Place where a [temple] church must be built miraculously indicated
V 112 Temples
V 140 Sacred relics
V 150 Sacred objects – miscellaneous
V 450 Religious orders
Z 72.0.1 (Bm) Year time limit on quest
Z 182 Symbolic wounding of king.
Z 254 Destined hero
Z 300 Unique exceptions


H 607 Discussion by symbols
J 1625 Armies like seeds and peppercorns
Z 174 Message or orders given symbolic action


P 291 Grandfather [and grandson]
P 292 Grandmother


D 1761.0.2 Limited number of wishes granted
M 200 Bargains and promises
M 207 Land grants (bargains).
M 211.9 Person sells soul to devil in return for granting of wishes
M 223 Blind promise (rash boon)
P 324 Host greets guest with gifts [Welcome and parting gifts]


F 813.2 Extraordinary grapes
F 813.2.1 Clusters of diamond and emerald grapes
F 813.2.2 Gigantic grapes


D 934.1 Magic sod
D 1524.7 Magic sod serves as boat.


J 711.1 Ant and lazy cricket (grasshopper)


B 301.8 Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
B 339 Death of helpful animal – miscellaneous
B 360 Animals grateful for rescue from peril of death
B 362 Animal grateful for rescue from drowning
B 371.1 Lion spared mouse: mouse grateful
B 380 Animal grateful for relief of pain
D 813.2 Magic object received from grateful fairy
D 817 Magic object received from grateful person
D 825 Magic object received from maiden.
E 341 The grateful dead
E 341.1 Dead grateful for having corpse ransomed. Corpse is being held unburied because of non-payment of debt. Hero pays debt and secures burial of corpse.
F 330 Grateful fairies
T 66.1 Grateful dead man helps hero win princess
W 27 Gratitude


B 301.1 Faithful animal at master’s grave dies of hunger.
B 773.3 Lion (wolf) protects the saint’s body
D 1148 Magic tomb
D 1299.2 Magic sepulchre (grave) [sarkophag]
E 410 The unquiet grave
E 413 Murdered person cannot rest in grave.
E 631.0.1 Twining branches grow from graves of lovers
E 821 Sweet smell from corpse
F 531.6.13 Graves of giants
F 773 Remarkable church (chapel, temple)
F 778 (Bm) Extraordinary tomb
F 778.1 (G) Extraordinary grave
G 303.15 Places haunted by the devil
G 650 Unclassified ogre motifs
M 361 Fated hero
N 511.1.1 Treasure buried in graves
P 681 Mourning customs
R 49.4 (G) Captivity in grave, tomb
T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 86 Lovers buried in same grave [coffin]
V 65 Commemoration of death
V 69 Funeral rites – miscellaneous
V 111.5 (Bm) Church [cloister] built in hero’s [fallen warriors’] honor
V 112 Temples
V 113.0.1 Miracles at shrine [heroes’ grave]
V 118 Monasteries [cloisters, abbeys, nunneries]
V 153 (Hi) Heroes’ grave


F 420.1.1.3 Water-spirit as small gray man
V 131.3 (Tu) The gray suit of Christ


F 317 Fairy predicts future greatness of newborn child
J 810 Policy in dealing with the great
J 829 Dealing with the great – miscellaneous
M 310.1 Prophecy: future greatness and fame
M 311 Prophecy: future greatness of unborn child
M 311.0.1 Heroic career prophesied for (new-born) child
M 312 Prophecy of future greatness for youth.
M 312.2.1 Prophecy: son to be more powerful than father


J 344 What one has is neglected in search for other things
J 514 One should not be too greedy
J 1791.3.1 Wolf [fox] tries to drink well [brook] dry to get cheese
J 1791.4 Dog drops his meat for the reflection
W 151 Greed
W 151.11 (Bm) Greed for glory (king demands credit for others’ deeds)
W 152 Stinginess
W 151 Greed


D 1271 Magic fire
D 1620.1 Automatic statue of man
D 1672 Unquenchable fire
F 839 Other extraordinary weapons
F 855 Extraordinary image
F 882 Extraordinary fire
F 964.4 Blazing stick continues to burn even in water
K 2369 Military strategy – miscellaneous
P 552.4 War-machines


B 11.2.2 Color of dragon
B 731 Fanciful color of animal
F 236.1.6 Fairy in green clothes.
F 527.2 Green knight
F 531.1.7.1 Green giant
F 1041.16 Extraordinary physical reaction to anger
R 222 Unknown knight (Three days’ tournament)
Z 145 Symbolic color: green.
Z 150 Other symbols


E 545.19.2 Proper means of addressing ghosts [the dead]
P 632 Customs concerning recognition of rank
P 682 Greeting customs
P 682 Greeting customs


B 301.1 Faithful animal at master’s grave dies of hunger.
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey


B 172.2.2 Magic bird’s song dispels grief.
B 773 Animals with human emotions
D 1359.3 Magic object causes joy
D 1359.3.1.3 Grief dispelled by sound of bell attached to magic fairy dog.
D 1514.1 Magic music relieves pain
F 1041 Extraordinary physical reactions of persons
F 1041.1.1 Death from broken heart
F 1041.1.1.3 Heart breaks from sorrow
F 1041.1.2 Death from grief for death of lover or relative
F 1041.1.2.2 Woman dies on hearing of her husband’s [lover’s, fiancé’s] death
F 1041. Woman swoons and is near death at hearing of husband’s or lover’s death
F 1041.1.3 Death from sorrow or chagrin
F 1041.8.2 Madness from grief
F 1041.11.2 Man turns pale, red, blue, etc. from emotion or strain
F 1041.21 Reactions to excessive grief
F 1041.21.1 Illness from excessive grief
F 1041.21.1.1 Tears of blood from excessive grief
F 1041.21.3 Refusal to eat [drink, sleep] from excessive grief
F 1041.21.6 Tearing hair and clothes from excessive grief
F 1041.21.6.1 Wounding self because of excessive grief
F 1041.21.7 Swooning from grief
F 1041.21.8 (Bm) Suicide from grief
F 1084.21.7 Swooning from grief
P 27 Grief at queen’s death
P 55.1 (Bm) Broken-hearted knight neglects self
P 214.1 Wife commits suicide (dies) on death of husband
P 678 Pulling out hair as sign of grief [wringing hands as sign of grief]
P 678.1 Tearing garments as sign of grief
T 24 The symptoms of love
T 81.3 Girl [wife] falls dead on lover’s [husband’s] body
T 85.4 Lover’s body [lover’s bones] kept (embalmed) for years by grieving mistress
T 211.9 Excessive grief at husband’s or wife’s death
T 211.9.1 Wife dies of grief for death of husband
T 211.10 Wife dies shortly after husband
Z 143 Symbolic color: black
Z 143.1 Black as symbol of grief


B 17.2.2 Hostile griffin
B 42 Griffin
B 42.0.1 (Hi) Griffin’s gold
B 542.2.1 Transportation to fairyland on griffin’s back
B 583 Animal gives treasure to man
B 710 Fanciful origin of animals
F 60 Transportation to or from upper world
F 517.1.4 Person with claws on the feet.
F 531.1.6.1 Giant [wild woman] with nails like claws
K 521.1.1 Men sewed in animal’s hide carried off by birds
K 1861.1 Hero sewed up in animal hide so as to be carried to height by bird
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
P 15.6 King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes [ascends to the sky by griffins]
R 15.1 (Bm) Griffin abducts child


F 942.1 Ground opens and swallows up person
F 969.4 Extraordinary earthquake
N 511 Treasure in ground


V 114 Sacred groves


D 621 Daily transformation
D 950 Magic tree
D 975 Magic flower
D 2157.4 Miraculous speedy growth of a tree
E 631.0.1 Twining branches grow from graves of lovers
F 811.12 Trees grow and “ungrow” each day
F 811.13 Tree blooms and grows ripe fruit nightly [daily]
F 814 Extraordinary flower
F 821.9 Garments grow with man wearing them [garment adapts to size of wearer]
T 615 Supernatural growth


B 576.1 Animal as guard of person or house.
D 950.0.1.1 Magic tree guarded by giant ogre
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 531.5.10 Giant as servant to man
F 531.6.3.3 (Bm) Giant as guard of fairy’s [dwarfs] mountain
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
F 771.5.1 Castle guarded by beasts.
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
K 449 (Bm) Bribe
K 625 Escape by giving narcotic to guards
K 629 Escape by deceiving the guard – miscellaneous
N 570 Guardian of treasure
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]
T 50.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors
T 50.1.1 Girl carefully guarded from suitors by mother
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father


F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
K 330 Means of hoodwinking the guardian or owner
K 359 Means of hoodwinking guardian or owner – miscellaneous
N 570 Guardian of treasure
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
P 193 (Bm) Guardian [regent]
V 238 Guardian angel
V 249 Angels – miscellaneous motifs


B 11.7.2 Dragon guards lake [fountain].
B 576 Animal as guard.
B 576.1 Animal as guard of person or house.
B 847 Lion placed in city to prevent entrance
D 926.3 (Bm) Knight guards magic well [body of water]
D 927.2 Magic spring [fountain] guarded by demons (monsters) [dragon].
F 150.2 Entrance to other world guarded by monsters (or animals)
F 150.2.1 Entrance to otherworld guarded by giant
F 150.2.4 (Li) Extraordinary porter at entrance to otherworld castle
F 152.0.1 Bridge to otherworld guarded by animals [champion].
F 531.6.10.2 (Bm) Giant as porter
F 531.6.16.1 Giant watchman
F 771.5 Extraordinary guard for castle (land)
F 771.5.1 Castle guarded by beasts.
F 771.5.2 Castle guarded by giants (ogres)
H 1236.2 Quest over path guarded by dangerous animals.
K 620 Escape by deceiving the guard.
K 629 Escape by deceiving the guard – miscellaneous
N 570 Guardian of treasure
N 575 Griffin as guardian of treasure.
N 853 (Bm) Helpful jailor [gatekeeper, guard, watchman]
T 50.1.2 Girl carefully guarded by father
W 181 Jealousy


F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld.
J 1399 Retorts concerning thefts – miscellaneous
J 1560 Practical retorts: hosts and guests
J 1563.5 Guests frightened away by housewife.
K 385 Host robs guest [Guest robs host]
K 2137 The priest’s [husband’s] guest and the eaten chickens [rabbits]. The servant [wife] who has eaten the chickens tells the guest to flee, because the priest [husband] is going to cut off his ears [genitals], and he [she] tells the priest [husband] that the guest has stolen the two chickens. [rabbits] The priest runs after him.
K 2294 Treacherous host
P 320 Hospitality
P 322 Guest given refuge
P 322.2 Guest in disguise or under false name
P 324 Host greets guest with gifts [Welcome and parting gifts]
P 324.1 Host treats guest with food and everything possible
P 324.2 Guests fed before being questioned
P 324.3 Guests’ life inviolable
P 332 Selfish guest expels host
P 336 Poor person makes great effort to entertain guest
W 12.2 Man looks for strangers so as to bestow hospitality on them.
W 158 Inhospitality


B 151.1.1 Horses determine road to be taken
B 563 Animals direct man on journey.
B 579.1 Animal accompanies man on journey
D 1313.16 Magic pillar of fire indicates direction.
F 151.0.1 Hospitable host entertains (guides, advises) adventurer on way to otherworld.
F 159.4 Demon guide to otherworld journey
H 1233.4 Supernatural creature as helper on quest.
V 232.5 Angel as guide


P 190 Other social orders – miscellaneous


D 1318.5 Blood indicates guilt or innocence
D 1318.8 Magic cloth reveals guilt
H 210 Test of guilt or innocence
H 218 Trial by combat
J 1141.1 Guilty person deceived into gesture (act) which admits guilt
K 2150 Innocent made to appear guilty
Q 581 Villain Nemesis.


J 2300 Gullible fools
J 2301 Gullible husbands
J 2303 Gullible mother [father]
J 2342 Husband refuses to believe in wife’s infidelity
J 2349 Nature of gullibility – miscellaneous
K 1533 Gullible husband behind the tree. (Tristan and Isolt.) Husband goes to wife‘s love tryst and hides behind a tree. The wife, having learned of his presence, tells lover that he should not allow their innocent relations to lead to gossip. Husband is appeased